首页 汉口江滩管理经验总结



汉口江滩管理经验总结汉口江滩管理经验总结 创新管理 构建和谐 努力打造武汉最亮丽的城市名片 武汉市汉口江滩管理办公室 自2002年10月汉口江滩一期建成开园~江滩运行管理已经走过了八年多的历程。八年来~在市水务局党组的正确领导下~江滩管理坚持以人为本、人水和谐~走全面协调可持续发展之路~江滩范围不断扩展~管理方式不断创新~管理层次不断提高~社会效益不断扩大~在打造江滩品牌、构建和谐社会上取得了可喜的成绩。在2011年即将到来之际~我们回顾并总结江滩管理八年来所做的工作和取得的成绩~认真分析当前存在的不足和面临的形势~在总结经验...

汉口江滩管理经验 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 创新管理 构建和谐 努力打造武汉最亮丽的城市名片 武汉市汉口江滩管理办公室 自2002年10月汉口江滩一期建成开园~江滩运行管理已经走过了八年多的历程。八年来~在市水务局党组的正确领导下~江滩管理坚持以人为本、人水和谐~走全面协调可持续发展之路~江滩范围不断扩展~管理方式不断创新~管理层次不断提高~社会效益不断扩大~在打造江滩品牌、构建和谐社会上取得了可喜的成绩。在2011年即将到来之际~我们回顾并总结江滩管理八年来所做的工作和取得的成绩~认真分析当前存在的不足和面临的形势~在总结经验基础上~发现问题~鼓足干劲~共同谱写江滩科学发展的新篇章。 一、基本情况 武汉江滩包括汉口江滩、武昌江滩、汉阳江滩及汉江江滩~已建成面积295万平方米~全长26公里~融防洪、景观、旅游、休闲、健身等功能于一体~为全天候免费开放式群众游园。武汉市汉口江滩管理办公室为差额拨款事业单位~实行自主管理方式~主要担负江滩设施维护保养、园林绿化养护、秩序维护与园区环境保洁及参观接待等职责~现有职工351人~其中在编人员11人~聘用制人员340人。 自2002年10月汉口江滩一期建成开园以来~江滩以打in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 造武汉的城市窗口和江城的靓丽名片为目标~坚持高标准、精细化管理~注重加强设施设备、园林绿化的维修保养和提升~平均每年免费接待中外游客逾2000万人次~接待国家、省市领导及社会团体460余批次~年均承办市政府部门及社会团体各类大型活动60余次~成为武汉的“城市客厅”和市民的最爱。 二、主要做法 ,一,依法管理~刚柔并济~推进江滩管理规范化 江滩办自成立以来~始终坚持“以人为本”管理理念~以构建平安、和谐的游园秩序为切入点~坚持依法管理、刚柔并济~不断创新工作思路~转变管理理念~由过去的“管理型”江滩向“服务型”江滩转变~树立了江滩管理队伍的良好形象。 1、完善制度~健全依法管理长效机制。江滩办把建立完善依法管理机制、推进长效管理作为重点工作来抓~制订了《武汉江滩管理规定》等 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~对江滩职工进行专题培训~重点学习了《治安管理处罚法》、《武汉市城市公园管理条例》等法律法规~形成了学法、知法、守法的浓厚氛围。在管理“三车一宠”入园工作中~坚持宣传与引导相结合~在各主要闸口张贴通告~利用广播、电子屏提醒市民游客注意游园安全~安装设立导流槽~对“三车”入园的游客进行劝导~对老弱病残等有实际困难的群体积极提供帮助~并联in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 系洞庭社区在闸口外设立5处停车点~方便市民就近停放,在严防“三车”入园的同时~依照《武汉市宠物管理条例》~联系市公安局打狗队对携带大型犬只入园的现象进行清理~对园区内唱歌跳舞~健身操、遛冰等群体活动进行了规范管理~与负责人签订了承诺书~做到定时、定位、定规模~定音量~形成良性无噪音有序活动~营造了平安、和谐的游园环境。 2、柔性管理~营造文明和谐游园环境。江滩是城市文明的窗口~我办结合文明创建工作~积极转变管理思路~试水柔性管理。春季~为市民播放健康小常识~提醒市民爱护公共卫生,夏季~为游客发放了文化衫~劝阻市民“赤膊游园”,沿江设立水位警示标、提醒游客江水湍急、劝诫市民珍爱生命,秋季~为苗木戴上“身份证”~提请市民爱护花草树木,冬季~在台阶铺设防滑草垫~提醒游客出行注意安全,常年聘请护滩志愿者~倡导文明游园。江滩文明窗口形象得到较大提升~《长江日报》以“汉口江滩试水柔性管理”为题报导~给予高度评价。2008年~江滩办被评为“武汉市文明单位”称号。 3、强化领导~打造一流干部职工队伍。从加强领导班子建设入手~发挥班子成员特长~做到小事讲风格、大事讲原则~班子成员保持思想一致、目标一致、行动一致~做到重大事情集中研究~工作起来就是一个整体~形成了良好的in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 工作氛围。加强管理团队建设~通过竞聘上岗~选拔了一批想干事、能干事、干成事的管理人员走上中层管理岗位~由过去一、二个人管事转变为由一个团队分头管事~各负其责。加强员工队伍建设~强化窗口意识~强调“江滩是名片~人人是形象”,强化责任意识~明确“江滩无小事”~强调“细节决定成败~关键在于落实”~坚持一抓到底、穷根究底、刨根问底~做到小事不放过~问题不过夜~形成了浓厚的抓落实的工作氛围。 ,二,优化机制~提高效能~推进江滩管理科学化 近年来~江滩办在借鉴国内外先进管理经验的基础上~结合江滩实际~大力推行网格化管理~江滩管理实现了由简单化管理向科学化转型~形成了统一协调的高效运行机制~构建了“管理目标量化、管理标准细化、管理手段具体化、职责分工明晰化”的现代景区管理模式。 1、科学划分单元网格~由分散式管理转型为集约式管理。根据汉口江滩岸线长、滩地宽的特点~将150万平方米的园区科学地划分为4个区片~每个区片形成一个独立网格单元~将专业职能部门人员分解充实到现场各个网格单元~每个网格配备物业、绿化、场管、巡查等工作组~各组管理员根据职责对所负责的网格单元实施全时段监控~主动查找发现自己“责任田”内的问题~动态快捷处臵园区出现的各类故障。网格化管理中~各区片独立自主负责区域范围内的in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 日常维护工作~职能部门按照专业分工协助指导、监管督促各区片实施重大维修改造等带全局性的工作任务~建立起部门管理与区片管理相对接的矩阵式管理网络。同时~实行属地管理与区片负责制~明确了管理责任主体~在纵向上实现对管理空间的分层、分级、全区域管理~使网格化管理落实到现场每一个岗位、每一个环节。 2、明确管理对象~由定性管理转型为定位定量管理。在认真分析现场管理的基础上~将现场问题分类为“江滩部件”和“江滩事件”~其中~“江滩部件”包括公共设施、园林绿化、环境保洁等四大类50种~“江滩事件”包括游园秩序、经营秩序、公共安全、突发事件、综合管理等五大类30种。同时~根据紧急程度~将部件和事件分为五级~明确了各类问题的整改时限~最短整改时限为30分钟~最长不超过1个月~确保各类问题得到及时、有效的解决。为做到处理问题“精确定位”~江滩建立了部件管理数据库~对园区内路灯、音箱等部件~进行拉网式勘测普查、定位标图~将江滩部件数字化~使所有部件的归属、种类、数量、位臵等信息准确清晰~每一个部件被一一“定位”到单元网格中。一旦现场部件出现故障~立刻通过系统定位~维修任务在第一时间就能落实到责任主体~问题短时间内得到有效解决。 3、优化管理机制~由被动管理转变为主动管理。优化现场管理工作流程~形成“两轴分立、七环相扣”的管理格in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 局。一是建立“两轴”管理机制~依托中央控制室建设管理指挥中心~负责现场部件和事件的收集整理、派遣任务、核实结案等任务~形成“指挥轴”,整合纪律督察员、值班员等力量组成监督管理中心~负责监督和评价片区完成任务的质量和效率~形成“监督轴”~将管理职能和监督职能分立~各司其职~相互制约、相互促进~形成“双轴心”并驱。二是优化管理流程~将问题处理划分为七个环节~即信息收集?登记备案?任务派遣?整改落实?处理反馈?核实结案?综合评价~形成一个完整闭合的工作环。具体工作流程为:巡查员、督察员、值班员现场巡查~当发现问题后及时发送信息向指挥中心报告情况~指挥中心登记备案~按照职责归属和部件定位将问题派遣给相应责任片区或部门~由各责任部门派遣专业组到现场处理,问题处理完成后~各责任部门向指挥中心反馈处理结果~由监督员、值班员现场检查核实~通过两方面信息核实一致后给予销账处理~并将情况上报综合部登记备案~实时自动生成评价数据~作为定期考核测评的依据。 ,三,提升档次~精益求精~推进江滩管理精细化 江滩围绕建设国家水利风景区标准~着力抓好设施维护、园林绿化和场地保洁等工作~在管理维护上不断提升档次~开展精心养护~打造精品游园~培育精彩品牌。 1、开展精心养护~维护城市窗口形象。绿化部门精耕in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 细作~做好松土、埋肥、剪枝、病虫害防治工作~修剪苗木坚持高标准~使色块、绿篱层次、线条达了整齐划一、美观精致,场管部门引进污迹清除机和保洁车~有效清除园区“牛皮癣”~大大提升保洁工作效率~并及时清洗喷泉、水池、广场、指示牌和庭院灯~美化江滩环境。此外~江滩还将“两型社会”建设成果应用于日常管理工作中~在汉口江滩长海闸口、粤汉码头、运动草坪、张自忠厢式防水墙四处建成太 3 阳能采集点~年发电量约为276×10kWh~不仅保证了汉口江滩的日常用电需求~同时也缓解了市电压力,结合江滩景观和功能需要~积极推广两型技术应用~将节水灌溉新技术、新产品引进江滩~利用风力提水机抽取江水灌溉园区苗木~将木质垃圾桶更新为可循环利用的分类环保垃圾桶~将树枝粉碎后作为绿化用肥~不仅节约了绿化成本~而且还实现了“无公害绿化”~使江滩的日常管理和维护步入了“两型社会”的快车道。 2、打造精品游园~提升滨江特色景观。实施了汉口江滩主楼亮化提升~在屋顶安装七彩变色LED点光源和数码灯管~实现立体、动感、景观化的要求,对汉口江滩风帆广场、中国结雕塑进行了亮化维修~制作玻璃广场大型地下LED点光源显示屏409平方米~完成了一期二级平台1013盏LED地埋灯的柳树亮化照明~贯通一期后戗台875套长城轮廓灯、1750盏点光源的安装~新型LED灯具在白天构成了一道独特in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 的风景~夜晚绽放了奇异的光芒~为滨江亮化增添了亮点,实施外戗台、粤汉码头、中心广场等处绿化提升改造~精心培育了樱花林、“创森”纪念林、爱情林、国宾林等特色林带12处。目前~江滩内栽种银杏、紫薇等160多品种~乔木10万平方米~灌木18万平方米~草坪75万平方米~绿化覆盖率达80%。如今~两江四岸的江滩上绿意盎然~形成了一幅“百里画廊秀两江、千里绿堤拥三镇”的绿景图。 3、培育精彩品牌~扩大城市名片效应。随着江滩知名度和影响力的不断提升~江滩办与时俱进~积极转变经营理念~探索多样化经营模式~引进无环境污染~有一定文化氛围和档次的经营项目。目前~汉口江滩一、二期已经形成了以休闲餐饮、婚纱摄影为主的文化休闲一条街。同时~充分利用江滩地域广阔的优势~引进社会力量举办文化活动~年均承办市政府部门及社会团体各类大型活动60余次~并结合江滩实际和特色~精心培育了“芦花文化节”、“低碳婚礼”、“七夕姻缘会”、“绿色讲堂”等活动品牌~受到了市民的热捧~产生了良好的社会效应。 ,四,以人为本~完善服务~推进江滩管理人本化 党的十六届四中全会明确提出“构建社会主义和谐社会”目标。江滩在运行管理中~坚持“以人为本~服务于民”宗旨~以构建“和谐江滩”为目标~充分发挥窗口作用~着力完善服务设施、优化游园环境、提升服务水平~浓墨重彩in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 地服务民生~树立城市文明窗口形象。 为方便市民游览江滩~我办免费开放了三地江滩的“星级卫生间”~根据天气变化合理延长卫生间的开放时间~深得市民的好评,设臵残疾人卫生间29间、残疾人坡道10处、盲道13000米~给残疾朋友出行带来方便,在中控室设立服务热线~让游客随时了解江滩景点、体育服务设施以及江滩文化活动等相关信息~及时为游客提供及时帮助~力所能及地解决游客遇到的困难,节假日期间~在人流密集处设立的便民服务点~免费提供茶水,设立“112流动救护站”~为老年朋友提供紧急救助。此外~江滩特色“五角”成为市民的最爱:在园艺区开辟了“英语角”~是青年学生互帮互学的课外教室,在疏林草地开辟了“读书角”~是市民遨游知识海洋的理想天地,在水池树阵开辟了“电影角”~是游客休闲纳凉的娱乐场所,在桃花岛开辟了“武术角”~是武术爱好者切磋技艺的“比武堂”,特别是防汛纪念碑下开辟的“手语角”~是聋哑人会话交流的心灵家园~手语角成立四年来~坚持每周二、五举办交流活动~至今已有4万多人次的聋哑人前来参与活动。同时~我办不断完善“手语角”配套服务设施~规划在周边区域增设座椅和遮风挡雨设施~免费为其提供茶水~随时为残疾人群体提供贴心、周到服务。目前~江滩“手语角”已成为我市聋哑人交流的心灵家园。 三、存在的不足 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 几年来~江滩在管理中取得了可喜成绩同时~还存在一些不足~离各级领导的期望和人民群众的要求还有一定的差距~主要体现为以下三个方面: ,一,江滩管理要求的不断提高与队伍建设相对滞后的矛盾。随着江滩知名度、关注度的扩大~各级领导和社会各界对江滩管理的标准提高~期望值加大,随着江滩管理范围的扩大~对管理维护人员的队伍建设也越来越紧迫。江滩维护管理主要是聘用人员为主~人员素质参差不齐~知识层次普遍偏低~大多缺少一技之长~而江滩作这城市名片和江城客厅~管理人员直接面对领导、直接面对市民~人人代表城市形象~现有人员队伍与江滩的地位还不相适应。尽管我们采取措施加强教育、加强培训~但仍显得较为滞后~急需寻找新的途径和有效措施解决这些问题。 ,二,开放式人性化管理与市民群众素质参差不齐的矛盾。实行开放式游园~市民群众素质参差不齐~虽然我们对管理人员加强培训~提高管理技巧~但一些人有意无意破坏设施~突出表现在:部分市民对“三车”管控不理解、不配合~强行入园、随意穿行~汽车在园内车速过快甚至强行冲岗,市民攀折树木花卉踩踏草皮~破坏雕塑等公共设施~携带宠物入园~小摊小贩流动叫卖等等。江滩巡查人员进行管理时~少数市民群众不服从管理~蛮横扯皮、谩骂侮辱很多~甚至蓄意进行人身攻击。由于不具备执法权力~工作人员在in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 管理中只能“制止”~但往往是“制而不止”~既影响管理人员工作积极性~也不利于维护江滩管理秩序。 ,三,打造滨江特色景观区域与具体措施相对不足的矛盾。江滩是武汉市的城市名片~在充分发挥这张名片作用、进一步扩大名片效应方面还有潜力可挖,在涉及江滩长远发展等方面~习惯于按常规、传统办事~观念创新、方法创新、管理创新等方面点子少、办法少,“星光大道”、“长江之珠”等重点项目建设较为滞后~在挖掘江滩人文内涵、营造江滩文化氛围~打造江滩独特文化品牌方面略显不足。 江滩是武汉的新名片、城市的会客厅~是人水和谐的典范。2009年元月~阮成发市长在《政府工作报告》提出~突出城市滨江滨湖特色~加强生态湿地保护和建设~努力将“两江四岸”打造成武汉最亮丽的城市名片。站在新的历史起点上~江滩管理发展与改革面临着新的机遇和挑战~做好江滩管理工作~使命光荣~任务艰巨~责任重大。在今后的工作中~江滩将一如既往地坚持以人为本、人水和谐~坚持与时俱进、改革创新~通过广大江滩干部职工的努力奋斗~为促进“两型社会”建设、构建“和谐武汉”作出新的贡献~共同谱写江滩发展的新篇章。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the
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