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卸车增压器采购及安装调试协议卸车增压器采购及安装调试协议 合同编号:GH-ZWNY-20120605 城东、城西加注站卸车增压器 订购合同书 订购单位:宁夏中卫广汇能源发展有限公司 供货单位:张家港中集圣达因低温装备有限公司 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution an...

卸车增压器采购及安装调试协议 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 编号:GH-ZWNY-20120605 城东、城西加注站卸车增压器 订购合同书 订购单位:宁夏中卫广汇能源发展有限公司 供货单位:张家港中集圣达因低温装备有限公司 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 撬装式L-CNG加气撬设备订购合同 合同编号:GH-ZWNY-20120605 订购方:宁夏中卫广汇能源发展有限公司 (以下简称甲方) 供货方:张家港中集圣达因低温装备有限公司 (以下简称乙方) 经甲乙双方充分协商,就甲方购置乙方《卸车增压器》及相关服务(以下称货物)签订如下合同。 第一条 货物名称、型号、技术规格、数量、计量单位、金额及产地 序号 产品名称 规格型号 数量(套) 单价(元) 总价(元) 备注 ZQB300/16 2 57800 含3根卸车金属软管 1 卸车增压器 28900 合同总金额(含税) (人民币大写):伍万柒仟捌佰元整 (小写:,:57800元) 本合同价格为不变价,包括设备的设计、制造、检验、包装、运输及保险、售后服务、设备的安装调试,直到符合正常生产要求的一切费用(不含产品现场卸车费),并提供增值税专用发票。每次订单的数量和交货时间以甲方订货通知函为准,但如遇下列情况,合同单价可做相应调整——a.技术参数变更b.功能变更。合同单价的调整,以双方书面签字盖章的书面文件为准。 第二条 货物技术标准和质量要求 1、货物技术标准按本合同附件中的技术要求执行,并满足国家相关标准。 2、乙方须按技术附件所列的货物规格、数量等要求供货,所供货物应保证是全新的、完整的,国外产品应为正规渠道进口。 3、乙方必须保证所供货物符合国家法律和国家有关规定的要求,不得违反《中华人民共和国产品质量法》。 4、乙方在提供设备的同时,必须提供设备质量合格证、相关的证明文件和技术资料。 5、质量保证期:质保期自设备到达现场双方验收合格后之日算起 1 年(安全附件18个月),质保期内乙方负责对甲方所购设备出现的质量问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (应在48小时内)进行免费更换或维修,质保期后按实际成本维修,乙方在合同签订后的十个工作日内提供材料价格和维修费用标准,并提供终身维护和技术支持。质保期限内设备因质量问题更换或维修,应reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 从完成更换或维修日起重新计算质保期限。质保期内乙方不履行质保期约定义务或怠于履行质保义务的,甲方委托第三方进行维修或采取其它补救措施所发生的费用,乙方同意甲方从质保金中直接支取,不足部分乙方应另行向甲方支付。 第三条 包装及要求 1、包装标准和费用负担:货物的包装按国家或有关主管部门的技术规定执行。包装费用包括在合同总金额内。 2、包装要求:乙方必须对所供货物采取防水、防潮、防震、防锈、防挤压和防野蛮装卸等措施,以保证货物安全运达目的地。 3、每台卸车增压器所有附件要独立整体包装,随卸车增压器同行,统一编号。 4、附装箱货物详细清单(另:主要设备名称、规格、数量、价格等明细)。 第四条 货物的交货单位、运输方式、交付地点、交货方式及联系人 1、交货单位: 2、运输方式:铁路运输或公路运输。 3、交付地点:甲方指定地点。 4、交货方式:货物由双方验货签字确认。 5、接货单位联系人姓名:以甲方通知函为准。 乙方联系人: 职务: 联系电话(办公、手机): 传真: 通讯地址: 邮编: 邮箱地址: 6、货物到达指定地点由双方验货签字确认之前,标的物风险由乙方承担,交付后由甲方承担。完成交货前,货物及配件丢失、损坏、短少的,乙方有义务在甲方指定的时间内免费补足。 第五条 货物的交货期限 1、甲方发出订货通知后 \ 日内,乙方向甲方发出发货通知,发货通知达到甲方后,设备及全部配套产品 \ 日内一次性到达甲方指定地点。 2、具体到货时间:乙方必须在2012年7月10日前一次性将货物送达甲方指定地点。 第六条 货物的监造、检验与验收 1、乙方向甲方提供本合同设备的制造和检验资料,并随货物同期到达。 2、甲方有权在合同设备制造过程中派驻厂代表,进行监造和出厂前的质量跟踪。了解设备组装、检验、试验和设备包装质量情况。 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 3、乙方应为甲方驻厂代表提供工作、生活上的便利条件。 4、甲方的监造不得影响工厂的正常生产进度,应尽量结合乙方工厂实际生产过程进行。若甲方代表不能按乙方通知时间及时到厂,乙方工厂的试验工作可正常进行,试验结果有效,但是甲方代表仍有权事后了解和检查试验报告和结果。 5、甲方代表在监造中如发现设备和材料存在质量问题或不符合本合同规定的标准要求时,甲方代表有权提出意见,乙方须采取相应措施,以保证交货质量及期限。 6、不论甲方人员是否参与监造与出厂检验或者甲方代表参加了监造与检验,并且签署了监造检验报告,均不能免除乙方对设备质量全部的责任。 7、由乙方供应的所有合同设备部件出厂时,应有制造厂签发的产品质量合格证作为交货的质量证明文件。 8、货物到达目的地后,乙方在接到甲方通知后应及时到现场与甲方一起根据合同、运单和装箱单,组织对货物的包装、外观及件数进行检验。如发现有任何不符合之处并由双方代表确认属乙方责任,由乙方处理解决。当货物运到现场后,甲方应尽快开箱检验。甲方提前1天将开箱检验日期通知乙方,乙方派遣检验人员参加现场检验工作,甲方为乙方检验人员提供工作和生活方便,费用自理。如检验时,乙方人员未按时赴现场,甲方有权自行开箱检验,检验结果和 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 对双方同样有效,并作为甲方向乙方提出索赔的有效证据。 9、甲方可通过传真、书面函件、邮件的方式通知乙方,通知到达乙方指定联系人处或乙方在本合同所留的地址处即生效。 10、现场检验时,如发现设备由于乙方原因有任何损坏、缺陷、短少或不符合合同中规定的质量标准和 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 时,应做好记录,并由双方代表签字,各执一份,作为甲方向乙方提出修理、更换或索赔的依据。 11、如果非甲方原因,在开箱检验时,发现损坏或短缺,乙方在接到甲方通知后,应在甲方指定的时间内提供修理或更换相应的部件,费用由乙方承担。 12、乙方对上述索赔如有异议,在接到甲方索赔通知后7日(合同全文“日”代表“日历日”)内提出复议,否则索赔即告成立。如有异议,双方须进行协商,乙方可在接到索赔通知后7日内,派代表赴检验现场同甲方代表共同复验。 13、如双方代表在会同检验中对检验记录不能取得一致意见时,任何一方均可提请双方同意的第三方检验机构进行检验,检验后出具的检验证书是具有法律效力的最终检验结果,对双方都有约束力,检验费由提出方先期支付检验费,检验费用最终由责任方承担,reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 如确定不了责任的,由提出方承担。 14、按本合同第九条、第十一条规定,如乙方未能履约,甲方将通过传真、书面函件、邮件的方式通知乙方,乙方接到甲方提出的索赔通知书后,甲方应按合同约定尽快自费修理,换货或补发短缺等部分,由此产生的制造、修理、运费、保险费、赔偿金及违约金均由乙方负担。 15、因责任不能证实的,乙方应先按甲方要求履行合同,等责任被证实后由责任方承担相关产生的费用,对于关键部件重新供应的时间,由双方协商决定。其交货期或现场修理完工期,即为该设备的实际交货期,作为计算违约金的依据。 16、本章以上条款所述的各项检验是现场的到货表面瑕疵检验,尽管没有发现问题或乙方已按索赔要求予以更换或修理,均不能被视为免除乙方应承担的质量保证责任。 第七条 安装调试 设备在出厂时,必须调试合格,并提供书面调试报告(调试包括计量数据并附现场记录和记录人签字)。设备到达甲方现场安装后,需达到正常运行状态;如不能正常运行, 进行调试,产生的一切费用均由乙方承担。 需再次 安装调试过程由乙方人员负责,费用已包含在本合同当中。在安装调试时因乙方的缘故造成任何设备的损坏、减产、利润降低、人员伤亡等,由乙方承担全部责任。甲方有义务为乙方完成安装调试工作提供便利。 第八条 付款及付款方式 1、合同签订后3日内,甲方向乙方支付合同总价30,的预付款。 2、安装调试合格运转正常后再支付合同总价的65%。 3、剩余5%作为本合同的质保金,在合同设备质量保证期满无质量问题后一次性付清。 4、付款方式:甲方可采用现金、电汇、承兑及支票等付款方式,乙方以收到现金或银行收款确认单据作为收到货款的依据。 5、乙方需按甲方要求及时提供合法有效的增值税专用发票。 第九条 培训及售后服务 1、乙方应在设备出现故障2小时内回应,一般故障24小时内排除,重大事故造成设备无法正常运转的 24 小时内排除。 2、设备在质保期内发生故障,乙方没有按约定的时间排除故障,致使该设备无法正常运营,每延期一日(24小时),乙方承担甲方损失2000元/日,依次类推。 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 3、乙方免费为甲方相关人员提供安全操作、设备维修等方面的培训。 第十条 甲方的违约责任 1、甲方因自身原因中途退货,向乙方偿付退货部分款项10%的违约金。乙方退还退货部分的已付款项给甲方。 2、如甲方提出变更,但没有提供相应变更的技术资料,交货日期相应顺延。 3、甲方逾期付款的,按照2012年中国人民银行同期存款利率,向乙方偿付逾期付款的违约金。 4、甲方违反合同规定拒绝接货的,承担由此造成的直接损失。 5、甲方如提供错误到货地点或接货人,承担由此造成的直接损失。 第十一条 乙方的违约责任 1、乙方不能按时交货的,每延期一日按逾期交货的部分合同总价的千分之五支付违约金,并承担由此给甲方造成的损失。计算公式如下: 单日延期违约金 = 设备合同价格 × 逾期交货设备数量 × 5‰ 2、乙方所交货物品种、型号、规格和质量不符合本合同规定的,由乙方负责调换、包修或退货,并承担因此而发生的费用和责任。乙方不能及时调换、修理或退货的,按不能按期交货处理。甲方有权选择本合同第十一条第一款约定内容行使权利,并要求乙方赔偿甲方相应的损失。 3、乙方因货物包装不符合合同规定的,甲方有权拒绝接收,因此产生的一切费用及给甲方造成的损失由乙方承担。 4、乙方按订货通知单的要求分批交付货物,其中一批货物不能按时交付或者交付不符合合同约定,甲方拥有就该批货物解除或追究违约方赔偿损失的权利。如乙方不能按时交货或交付货物不符合约定逾期 15 日的按第十一条第一款的规定执行,逾期15 日以上的甲方可单方解除合同并要求乙方赔偿甲方全部损失。 5、乙方逾期交货超过15日的,甲方有权单方解除合同,解除的时间以甲方合同解除书面通知函到达乙方联系人处为准。合同解除后,乙方有义务返还甲方已经支付的一切款项,并支付甲方应交货物总金额的20%作为违约金。 6、乙方拒绝进行安装调试或者安装调试不符合甲方使用要求的,甲方有权书面通知乙方进行整改。乙方收到书面通知后3日仍未整改的,每逾期一日处罚金2000元,逾期10日仍未整改,甲方有权拒绝支付后续款项,并可自行安装调试或委托第三方进行安装,由此产生的一切费用由乙方承担。 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 7、质保期限内,设备出现产品质量问题,甲方应及时通知乙方维修或更换。乙方维修或更换产品仍不合格,或拒绝进行维修更换的,甲方有权扣除全额质保金,并要求乙方赔偿损失。 第十二条 不可抗力 甲乙双方的任何一方由于不可抗力或因政策调整致使本合同所属工程不能进行的原因不能履行合同时,应及时向对方通报不能履行或不能全部履行的理由,在提供合法证据后,允许延期履行、部分履行或者不履行合同,并根据情况可部分或全部免予承担违约责任。 第十三条 解决合同纠纷的方式 执行本合同发生争议,由当事人双方协商解决。协商不成,可提请钦州仲裁委员会进行仲裁(开庭地点:宁夏中卫市)。甲方未按合同支付乙方合同货款,其合同货物所有权归乙方所有。 第十四条 其它 1、乙方须保障用户在中国使用其所供的货物和提供的服务不受到第三方关于侵犯专利权、商标权工业设计权或其他权利瑕疵的指控。任何第三方如果提出指控,由乙方与第三方交涉并承担由此而引起的一切法律责任和费用。 2、乙方在交货的同时须将合同货物的技术资料送交甲方,例如:产品质量证明书、操作手册、使用说明书、维修 指南 验证指南下载验证指南下载验证指南下载星度指南下载审查指南PDF 或服务手册等。 3、甲乙双方按本合同规定应该偿付的违约金、赔偿金、保管费和各种经济损失,应当在明确责任10日内,按银行规定的结算办法付清,否则按逾期付款处理。但任何一方不得自行扣发货物或扣付货款来充抵。 4、本合同执行完毕,设备性能和技术要求满足甲方要求,在同等条件下甲方可优先与乙方签订合同。 5、合同如有未尽事宜,须经甲乙双方共同协商,做出补充规定,补充规定与本合同具有同等效力。本合同正本一式肆份,甲方贰份,乙方贰份。 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings ,此页无正文, 购货单位,甲方,:宁夏中卫广汇能源发展有限公司 ,公章, 法 定 代 表 人:尚继强 委 托 代 理 人: 地 址:宁夏中卫市社会福利院综合楼2楼邮 编:755000 开 户 银 行:中国建设银行中卫支行 帐 号:61 税 务 登 记 号: 电 话: 供货单位,乙方,: ,公章, 法 定 代 表 人: 代 理 人: 委 托 地 址: 邮 编: 开 户 银 行: 帐 号: 税 务 登 记 号: 电 话: 合同签订地点:宁夏中卫市 签订合同时间:2012年 月 日 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings
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