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新东方英语900句(可编辑)新东方英语900句(可编辑) 新东方英语900句 新东方英语900句介绍 前 言 如何有效地学好英语口语始终是个令人头疼的问题本人也曾在口语学习过程中彷徨苦恼过如今再回头看看觉得很有必要和广大学子一同分享学习口语的心得和要领他山之石可以攻玉这套《新东方英语900句》就是为数万人的口语教学培训实践所证明了的高效实用的口语学习素材它是一本真正的现代英语口语小百科全书 本套丛书分为三册开口篇1-450句提高篇451-900句两本书的语言难度从低到高每册讲授450个口语句型每个句型都体现了现代英语口语特点《新东方...

新东方英语900句(可编辑) 新东方英语900句 新东方英语900句介绍 前 言 如何有效地学好英语口语始终是个令人头疼的问题本人也曾在口语学习过程中彷徨苦恼过如今再回头看看觉得很有必要和广大学子一同分享学习口语的心得和要领他山之石可以攻玉这套《新东方英语900句》就是为数万人的口语教学培训实践所证明了的高效实用的口语学习素材它是一本真正的现代英语口语小百科全书 本套丛书分为三册开口篇1-450句提高篇451-900句两本书的语言难度从低到高每册讲授450个口语句型每个句型都体现了现代英语口语特点《新东方英语900句》涵盖了日常口语交流的绝大部分场景situation和功能function熟练掌握本书后就能够实现日常口语交流无障碍在任何一个生活场景下你都可以用英语毫无顾忌地畅所欲言 这本书的结构怎样 全书以功能Function和场景 Situation 为纲每课都按照循序渐进原则在传授新句型的同时帮助读者不断复习巩固所学内容加深对句型的理解和记忆每课内容安排如下 1( 经典句型本场景功能下英美人最常用的15个口语句型 2( 每日谚语与本场景功能紧密相关的一条经典英语谚语 3( 精品语汇精讲本课经典句型中出现的5个常用口语词的用法 4( 句型练习通过句型举一反三的练习模式帮助读者巩固本课句型 5( 对话练习在掌握单句的基础上给出相应场景对话使读者实现单个句型和语汇的融会贯通真正达到运用自如 6( 补充内容分为背景介绍小幽默和电影赏析三种类型 背景介绍与本课相关的英美社会文化背景知识是本书区别于其同类书的一大亮点 小幽默西方式的幽默无穷的语言魅力 电影赏析相关句型在电影中的精彩妙用原来生活就是这样 全书的导学思路是什么 贯穿全书的思路是INPUT与OUTPUT相结合即先输入再输出逐步实现语言的自由表达在本书中我们先训练你用这些经典句型和常用词汇的简单对话的能力然后逐步发展用这些句型进行持续发展对话的能力和构造场景对话的能力若达到这样的要求就完全能够应付日常交际的需求 怎么学这本书 开口篇提高篇是我们日常生活工作的常用口语句型的总汇所以建议大家把这套丛书从头至尾作为一个整体来学习而不是只学习其中的某一部分 推荐的学习步骤 一( 跟录音朗读背诵经典句型校正语音和语调 二( 逐一理解背诵经典句型达到脱口而出 三( 学习掌握精品语汇体会同一 单词 英语单词 下载七年级上册英语单词表下载英语单词表下载深圳小学英语单词表 下载高中英语单词 下载 的不同用法 四( 口头完成句型练习和对话练习然后参照答案找出不足之处 五( 阅读补充内容了解背景知识扩大知识面加深对语言的理解阅读英语小幽默体会西方式思维赏析经典电影对白身临其境体验口语妙用 新东方英语900句Lesson1 Lesson One Greetings Core Sentences 1 Good morning Mrs Brown How are your doing 2 I am doing well thank you And you 3 How is your husband 4 Alan was sick last week But now he feels better 5 Please give my regards to him 6 Jenny I havnt seen you an ages You look great today 7 Thanks John Its really been a long time 8 How is everything going 9 Not bad Thanks 10 Whats going on with you study 11 Im working on my English now 12 Whats up body 13 Not much how about you 14 Im going to an browd next week Dialog Exercises Number One A Hello Bill long time no seeHow are you B Im fine Thank you and you A Im fine too Thank youHow is your wife B She was sick last week but she is much better now Thank you A Please give my regards to her Number Two A Hi Jerry is that you Long time no see B Yes its been long How is your study A Im working on my final paper And you B Im working on Englsih I work real hard Number Three A Hi Sandro long time now see B Oh morning LindaIts nice to see youYou look great today A How has thing been these days B Cant be better I got better pay job last week A Thats wonderful how is your husband B Jerry had a headace yesterday but now he feels much better A I hope he will recomver soon Please give my regards to him B I sure will Thanks 新东方英语900句Lesson2Whatisyourname Core Sentences 1 What is your name 2 My name is Alexander Smith Just call me Alex 3 Is Lee your first name 4 It is my family nameIn China we put our surname first 5 Jiang is one of the most common surname in China 6 Her name is Susan n Armstrong N is an abrreviation of her middle name 7 May I have your name Miss 8 Im Gary Rice Id like to be called Gary And yours 9 My name is Linda Wilson I was named after my grandmother How do you spell your first name 10 My first name is spelled G A R Y How do your pronounce your last name 11 It is pronounced Gary 12 Sorry What did you say your name was 13 You must be Mr John Kennedy You name proceeds your Dialog Exercises Number one Meeting a new classmate A Good morning how are you B Fine thank you And you A Im fine Are you a new comer to the class B Yes I am I am Hans A What is your surname B My surname is Wilhelm Im Hans Wilhelm A Will you spell your surname B Wilhem W I L H E L M A Nice to meet you Hans B Nice to meet you Hanry Number two At the hotel receptionist A Good morning Im Oric Lehner I made a reservation B Sorry what did you say whats your name A Im Oric Lehner B Is Lehner your surname A Yes my surname is Lenard and my givven name is Oric B Will you spell your surname A Lehner L E H N E R B Wait a moment please Im browsing the computer record Yes MrLehner you have a reservation This is the key and the room card ro room 404 Number Three What is your name A Excuse me is this seat taken B No you can sit here A Thank you B So are you new here I seem not match you before A I just came from Japan last week Im an exchange student B Nice to meet you My name is Jodge Moris Call me Jodge A Hello Jodge My name is Ternaca Honami B Shall I call you Miss Ternaca or Miss Honami A Miss Ternaca Or Ternaca San in Japanese B So Honami is your givven name A Right and Ternaca is a very popular Japanese surname In Japan we put our surname first B How is Honami spelled A H O N A M I But I preffered to be called Alice my English name B Thats easier to remember One day Ill learn Japanese from you 新东方英语900句Lesson3Introduction Lesson Three Introduction Core Sentences 1 Good evening Ladies and Gentalman Welcome to Dennis birthday party nice having you here Hope you have a good time 2 Mrs Endson Please allow me to introduce Mr Smith our manager 3 How do you do it is pleasure to meet you 4 The pleasure is mine Mr Smith 5 Tony I want you to meet a old friend of mine Here is Davide WhiteDavide Tony Park 6 Let me introduce myself Im Susan Macdonald 7 Excuse me but have we met somewhere before 8 Sorry I dont think we have 9 Hi is you again Is this a or a what 10 You are Susan what a pleasent surprice 11 I never thought I will see you here 12 Im afraid I have to leave now 13 Nice talking with you Dialog Exercises Number one In a Bar A Hey Annie whats up B Nothing and you A Not much just coming to relax a bit after school Annie Id like you to meet my old friend Paul Paulthis is Annie B Paul nice to meet you here C An Im Paul Wilcox Actually I I danced to you Bens Birday Party B Is that you I didnt think I can meet you here Small world C You too Oh its already nine I have to go now So nice meeting you tonight C Bye Annie B Bye see you Nuber Two At the airport A Hi are you B Yes and you are A Hello Pill welcome come to Los Angeles Im Joanna B Hello Mrs Betis It is nice to meet you A Just call me Joanna May I help with you suitcase B No thank you It is ok They walk to the car A this is my husband Robert Robert this is C Nice to meet you Phill B Hello Mr Beits C Please call me Robert Let me get your baggage into the car Pill B Thank you Robert 新东方英语900句Lesson4IdentifyObjects Lesson Four Identify Objects Core Sentences 1 What is this 2 Its a cocktakl 3 Pardon 4 Its a mixed alcoholic drink 5 Whose notebook is that 6 It is not mine It may belongs to Jessie 7 Up to now nobody has cleaned the suitcase 8 Where is your umbrella 9 Its behind the door 10 I looked for my wallet everywhere But I couldnt find it 11 You must have left it in your office 12 Please look for it in the hotel lost and found office 13 Can you describe your blouse 14 It is a green one with a high neck 15 Do you remember where you misplaced it Dialog Exercises Number one Your rooms are mess A Tide its time to get up You are going to be late for school B Mum where is my white shirt A Its in the wash machine B Dammit I can only have have the blue shirt on Where my new tier and belt A On the chair B Where is cap A Behide the door B I looked for but cannot find it A Isnt this black cap yours B This is not mine Mine is blue This might be Michaels A You must have left it in your classroom B Ill go have a look Mum where is my overcoat A Tide it is on your bed Look your room is mess Number two At the lost and found office of a hotel A Good morning Sir B Good morning Miss Im worry because I have lost my suitcase this morning A Where did you lose it B I still had it when I got off the taxi And I just couldnt remember where I misplaced it A Can you describe it B Sure it is brown medium size suitcase on wheels A M Im afraid weve got nothing like that sorry B Oh I made a mistake I carried the black one today It must be very like because there is nothing but a Cousu in it A A cousu B Where a cousu is a sort of toy music instrument like flute I will play at night at the Halloween parade A Let me seeYeh we do have a black suitcase Do you have the key The customer hands over the key and the clerk opens the suitcase A You are right Sir This is your cousu The clerk takes out a notebook A Please sign your name here Sir B Ok thank you for you help A Welcome enjoy yourself tonight 新东方英语900句Lesson5DescribingObjects Lesson Five Describing Objects Core Sentences 1 What color is your phonebook 2 The book has a red cover 3 What kind of computer do you have 4 It is a desktop computer 5 How much does your laptop weigh 6 It weighs only two kilos And its easy to carry 7 What size auto mobile do you want 8 I like a small one but my husband prefers a big one 9 What table shape do you take 10 I like a round table that can sit ten 11 What is the weights of the bookcase 12 The cabinet is four meters long 13 Will you measure the store 14 How big is this department 15 Its about one hundred twenty square meters Dialog Exercises Number one Buying a TV set A Honey what brand TV do you prefer B What about Conca It is a named brand A How much is it B What size TV do you have A I want a big one B But it cost more Besides the smaller one is a new model A What color do you prefer B I like a blue one It looks real A But it doesnt go with the furniture in our house I want a pink one B Why can we never see eye to eye to each other Number two A I got from the loanly hard call that you are looking for a parter B Yeh are you interested Your voice sounds sweet A Thank you you said in the ad you have a carWhat brand is it B Its BW seven series A What color is it B Silver I like it very much It goes to my skin A My favored color too And you have a house How big is it B One hundred and twenty squere meters My parents left me the house and the farm when passed away two years ago A Oh thats wonderful Sorry I mean I really sorry to hear that B How about you What color is your skin A Wait why B Nothing I want to imagine how you look like How tall are you A One seventy actually I dont think you are been polite to B Its ok But I do prefer taller woman What is your weigh A Pardon are you looking for a girlfriend or a model B Are you looking for a boy friend or a house and a car 新东方英语900句Lesson6Identify燩eople rLesson Six Identify People Core Sentences 1 Who are you 2 I am Sally a new secretary with your firm 3 You are the English teacher arnt you 4 Are you Mr Green the office manager 5 Who is that madam over there 6 Do you know he might be the spoker man of todays press conference 7 Who cares 8 Where do you come from 9 Im from Shanghai How about you 10 Toronto is Michelles hometown 11 What do you do for living 12 I work for the goverment 13 Who is the girl in his school uniform 14 Its Betty and she is from New Zealand 15 These guys are all Allens classmates Dialog Exercise Number one In a party A Who is that lady over there B Its Henrys mother She is a actor A And the tall man beside her is Henrys father B No he is an engineer from Germany A He works for the goverment B So the shortm man beside her is Henrys father A No He is a famous producer B Then the man in uniform must be his father A No he is the camera man B Where is his father then Especially when his mother is sorounded by so many man A Come on Who cares Number Two Woman Boss A See Ivon my boss is on todays newspaper B Who You mean the man in the A No thats her husband He is a parter of B Wo its she Angela dont you mind have a woman boss A Why should be She is a smart woman and good at her job She is man but is more senstive B Ok ok Who is the girl beside her her daughter A I think so I hear she is top student of her class She is just back from her university in New York B I can see thats a lovely family Your boss is a victor of life 新东方英语900句Lesson7Appearance Lesson Seven Appearance Core Sentences 1 What does Sandy look like 2 She has big blue eyes and brown hair 3 What is Phillipes 4 He is a big guy 5 Voll is tall and quite lank From her appearane I would she is Asian 6 She takes after her mother 7 Voll looks exactly like his father He has his fathers blue eyes and his mothers round face 8 Tracy is a typical with her high cheek bones 9 Ray is popular with parents because he is very polite 10 Tom is quiet man but his wife is extremy talk to him 11 My brother has good personality 12 Trim always wears a brown overcoat these days 13 The short and gentelman over there is a new director Dialog Exerciese Number one My idea husband A I dreamed my idea husband again last night Its so exciting B What does your idea husband look like Jane A He is a typical Asian with black hair yellow skin and dark eyes B What sort of does he A He is lanky B And how is his personality A Right he is quite polite So much shine glasses and a suit B Dont you think you are describing our boss Jane No wonder you are so late these days Number Two Talking about a girl A See the girl in the blue over there I keep catch her at school She is really sharp B Which one They are all in the blue uniforms A The one wearing a polling tail From her appearance I would guss she is from China B Right she has yellow skin and black hair A And she is always smiling so I guess she has a good personality B Come on Daniel are you falling in love with her A Get out here I just think she looks a lot like my grandma you know when she was young 新东方英语900句Lesson8Age Lesson Eight Age Core Sentences 1 Can I ask how old you are 2 Guess how old I am 3 I say you are about twenty 4 I just turn twenty three 5 I was thirty on my last birthday 6 You look younger than your age 7 Id rather not tell your my age 8 She is going to be eighteen but she still acts like a kid 9 I am two years old--older than she is 10 My mother retired at the age of fifty five 11 --singer looks maturer for his age 12 Grandfather is geting in years 13 Joanna is in her sixtiesBut she is aging well 14 The baby 可能是pumas are all grown ups now 15 Im too old to learn computer Dialog Exercises Number one Do you beleive in-an age gaps A Hans what are you up to B Im reading a letter from home This is a picture of my family A Is the one with gray hair your grandma B Yes she is in her seventies A Really she is aging well She looks like in a--her sixties But she is always forget --forgetful And we dont see eye to eye with B each other on many things She doesnt like the pop music She hates me to surf Internet all the evening and she is always repeating stories of her life Sometimes Im fade up--fed up --called generation gap A This is cal Number two Sugar Dady--daddy A You know what Maria got married last week B So she finally married her sugar daddy A Right he never tells his age But I know that his youngest daughter just turn thirty She works with my sister B My I guss he is in his sixties And Maria A Maria is only two years older than his daughter B Fortunately he is aging well He looks much younger than his age A Nothing to blame love is blind B But Maria is by no means to- blind to money 新东方英语900句Lesson9DailyActivities Lesson nine Daily Activities Core Sentences 1 What is a typical day for you 2 I usually wake up at six thirtyMy husband gets up later than I do It takes time to get the kids dressed We have milk and toast for breakfast 3 Susan drives the children to school in the morning and picks them up after school 4 It is time to go to school hurry up 5 Davide leaves for work at eight oclock every morning And go shopping in a supermarket after geting off work 6 Grandma prepares a big dinner for us every time visit her house 7 After lunch I usually take a nap and then watch a soap opera 8 Jerry often does his homework to midnight 9 I am used to going to bed at around eleven and I fall fast sleep 10 Lisa enjoys housekeeping and her husband also helps around the house 11 I like reading magzines in my spare time Dialog Exercises Number one Interview with the star sells girl A Good morning Amender You are only twenty three and you are the star sells girl in your store Congratulations B Thank you A Can you tell us the secret of your success B The secret as you call it Its work I get up very early every morning I walk to work I work very hard Im doing real well in sells and get large amounts of comission I save every penny to attend a evening class When I get home after class I think of the days work and I make a plan for the next day Im tired and crash out soon after I go to bed A Do you like your job B Yes I like it Its hard but Im used to it Number Two Interview with the house wife A So Linda what is a typical day for you B I usually get up at around six oclock When breakfast is ready I wake my husband up Then I dressed the kids up After breakfast my husband drives the older kids to school I stay at home with my baby daughter I take care of the baby and do the cleaning for most of the morning In the after noon when the baby is sleep I am free to the garden go shopping or visit some friends Dinner is usually big and takes time to prepare After dinner I play with the kids or watch TV with my husband I go to bed at around eleven oclock A Are you used to this kind of life Linda B I once thought it boring and I found a job You know what happened The house was in a mess My husband and I were too tired to do the house and take care of the kids So we It cost more I quite my job and I realize the house work is also important to work 新东方英语900句Lesson10Pastactivities Lesson ten Past activities Core Sentences 1What did you do last Saturday 2Pills went to the cham to work out yesteday 3Dans stayed up watching the world cup last night and over slept this morning 4I running to an old friend of mine on the street this morning She didnt recognize me 5There were before he got this job 6Where is John John was here a minute ago 7Jodie invited some friends to visit her new hourse 8Yesterday we had a good time at Davids birthday party 9Professor Smith retired two years ago 10Mary used to be a diplomat but now she works in a company 11Mr Couper started a company at the age of twenty-eight 12I majored in finance when I was in college 13John returned to his hometown five years later 14I told you so Dialog Excercise Number one Memories of the past Jerry and his wife Lin came to the bar when they matched thirty years ago JerryI used to come here a lot It was so fun at the time LinI met you twice hereAnd you invited me to dance JerryBut you did not recognized me until I bought you a drink Lin Speaking of drinks the beers just like water They are not as fun as before JerrySure this bar was a good palce when we were young Number two Yesterday Once More AMary I was superised to read your BWhy because I lost myself I feel so bad Actually notYou are doing the best in the companyYou have a stable customer group You get higher and higher salary and you have just become the manager You are promising I hope you can think it over AShall I put it this way Two years ago When I just came here I really enjoy the job I enjoyed trading with my customers unerstanding their needs and offerring the best services and I dreamed for the position I have nowThe challendge the salary the travelling all the time I really wanted to be what I am But I used to live in a happy family Every weekend I had time to share with my wife and my kids I was crasy about soccer and I had time to stay up for the games See now Im too busy for alwaysThe kids dont love me as before my wife is unhappy to Now I want to be what I wasnewss BI see you are really stressed I had similar experenceWhen I was just raised to your position How about to take several days off and take a trip with your familySee me after that 新东方英语900句Lesson11FurtureAcitivities Lesson Eleven Furture Acitivities Core Sentences 1 What will you do when you grow up I will open a bar when I have enougth money 2 Alan is going back to the US during the summer vocationHe will be back in four weeks 3 She is about to leave for Paris 4 What you going to do tommorow 5 A Professor will lecture at the school auditor He will forcus on the ladys development of Canada 6 I am going to buy a ticket for the rocking roll concert 7 There will be an international conference in Beijing next monthI will be pride to a volunteer translator 8 Did you know what you going to do before your graduated 9 I never imagined that I will become a teacher 10 It is going to raintake your rain coat with you 11 I am leaving thank you for having us here tonight Dialog Excercises Number One Busy weekends A Its Saturday tomorrow did you have any plans B Busy as usual I will send Ani to her piano class at nigh tomorrow morning And then take my to hospitalBesides I will make a birthday cake for Lin Tomorrow is her fifth year birthday A Why isnt Jhon give your hand B An International meeting is going to be held in Beijing next week He is leaving for Beijin tomorrow And will be back in two weeks A I seegive me a call if you need any help Number two Plans for the weekend A Wendy any plan for the coming weekend B Yes Ive been working so hard the whole weekSo Im going to take a trip to boston A Why are you going there B Where one of my best friends is getting married the SundayIm going to be her bridsmaid Ill go shoping right after work Ill buy some clothes and Will you go with me and give me some advice A Ok but first Ill have to finish the document here 新东方英语900句Lesson12Weather Lesson Twelve Weather Core Sentences 1 Nice day isnt it 2 What a louse day 3 How do you like the weather today 4 It is and hot It looks like a stormy is coming 5 How was it yesterday It was blowing hard 6 What will the weather be like tomorrow 7 The weather forecaster says that it is going to rain tomorrow 8 The weather man said that a thunder storm is hiting us these days 9 It has been cloudy all morning and now it is raining cats and dogs 10 It will probably clear up tomorrow 11 Whats the temperature today 12 The lowest temperature can drop to thirty degrees Celsius below zero Its several degrees lower in the evening that in the daytime Dialog Exerciese Number one Temperature A It is hot inside isnt it B Sure the thermometer is on the wall by your side Whats the temperature A Around thirty B How is the weather outside A Its sunny and warm Its a good day for a pinic B But the weather forecaster says it will rain this afternoon Number two A Snow Day Jaims is knocking at the door of Theresas room A Theresa wake up It is snowing heavily outside B Stop me Jaims I told you I did my homework till midnight A I know but the snow is so thick then we can go make a snow man B Thats no superise The wheather man said last night that a is hitting us these days A See Ive got a carrier two black buttons a and a all is ready B Ok lets go I need to relax for a while anyway A it is nice in cold today B Wait Jaims The temperature has dropped to twelve degrees below zero today Mum told me not let you paly out on such a cold day Lets go back or Ill tell mama 新东方英语900句Lesson13Family Lesson Thirteen Family Core Sentences 1 How many people are there in your family 2 Ive got two sisters and one brother 3 Sam and Tony are twins 4 Robert was up in a single parent household 5 Richard comes from well family 6 I have a close familywe love each other 7 His parents always quarrel with each other 8 My father is a and he is very strict with us 9 There are more and more families in big cities 10 What do your parents do 11 My father is the bread owner 12 Rick is an only child Her great grandpa is still living 13 My parents grew up in the countryside We moved to the city when I was just five Dialog Exercise Number one Talks about family A How many people are there in your family B Four my father my mother my brother and I We are geting on very well A What do you parents do B My father is professor he is strict with us My mother works in a hotel and she loves us a lot A How old is your borther B He is twenty five three years older than I amHe is a soldier A Do you have any grandparents B My grandpa on my father side is still living But he dosent live with us Nuber Two Introduction of the Family A How many are there in your family Eleen B There are three of us in my family A So you are the only child in your family B Yes and you A There are fives in my family B Are you the youngest A No Im not My brother Jaims is the oldest and my sister Cleo is the youngest B So you are the second child of your family How old is your brother A He is going to be twenty tomorrow B Please tell him Happy Birthday A Thank you Ill tell him 新东方英语900句Lesson14Date Lesson Fourteen Date Core Sentences 1 What day is today 2 It is Monday 3 What is the date today 4 Today is Oct 31 2002 5 The American day of independence is on July 1 6 Mothers day is the second Sunday in May 7 In what month will the meeting be held 8 It will be held in the later half of June 9 When were you born 10 I was born on Oct 1 1981 11 Hollowing starts on the evening of Oct 31 12 We were together at school at this time last year 13 Where will you be at this time next year 14 I think Ill be spending my holiday in Australia next month 15 I took a trip to Hongkong in 1980 16 The spring festival is the first day of the first month in a lunar year Dialog Exercise Number one How time flies A What day is today B Is Monday Yesterday was the weekend A What is the date today B Yesterday was the independence day The independence day is on July 4 So today is July 5 A It is already July I was not here this time half a year ago B Right you have been here New York for six monthsWhere will you be this time next year Number Two Anniversary A Wow thats a big dinner Anything special honey B Look at the calendar Today is A Today is Tuesday I have another days to hand on B No no no I mean what is the date today A Lets see Today is November 11 Hollowing is Oct 31 Christmas is Dec 25 and your birthday is Dec 15 No I cant figure it out B Well what did you do at this time last year A I was take a vocation to Miami beach B What did you do there A I had a good time with all of hot girls Oh I met you there B We kissed each other this time last year A Oh yeah So today is another anniversay besides the first hand-in-hand and the other anniversarys B You got it darling Today is our first kiss anniversary 新东方英语900句Lesson15Time Lesson Fifteen Time Core Sentences 1 Excuse me what time do you have I want set my watch 2 Its two oclock Britsh summer time 3 My brother is already seven years old but he cant tell time yet 4 You watch is fast and my watch is big slow 5 The clock keeps very good time 6 Its a few minutes after seven 7 You must have reset your watch 8 Excuse me but do you have the correct time please 9 Sure thing it is nearly seven thirty 10 It is very important to be 11 I was late for school because my watch was broken yesterday 12 You need an alarm clock to wake you up tomorrow 13 United fly number 7076 will take off at ten ten AM 14 The Cafe is open from ten AM to eleven PM 15 Come on the train will leave in fifteen minutes Dialog Exercises Number one What time is it A Im hungery it must super time B I could eat a horse What time is it I dont have a watch with me A It is only half past five B Is your watch slow A Oh my watch stopped I must have forgotten to it last night B Check you mobile phone A Ok mine its already six thirty B Is this the correct time A I think so I set it by the radio last night Number two Waiting for the bus A Have you a watch B Yes its six forty A Mine is six forty too B Both watches are correct A Im glad Im early today I dont want to be late again B We wont be late today the bus will come in fifteen minutes A Our bus will be late B Why A His watch is twenty minutes late I set it 新东方英语900句Lesson16Askingforhelp Lesson Sixteen Asking for help Core sentences 1 Can I help you 2 Just what I need 3 Would you please do me a favor 4 Id be glad to what can I do 5 Sorry could you waint a minute Im tied up now 6 Please dont bother me Cant you see Im busy 7 Would you please pick up the 8 Here is the Would that do 9 Wouldnt you copy the conract 10 I want to download this file from the Internet Would you minde if I use your computer this evening 11 It is ok if you take care of it 12 Thanks a lot for your help 13 Thats very kind of you 14 I owe your one Dialog Exercises Number one Make a cake A Maisa would you do me a faveor B Sorry a minute please Im answering a call A Sandy what do you want me to do B See Im trying to make a cake Here is the I need two cups of flour one teaspoon of cinema two egges Will you bring me two eggs from the refrigerator A Sure anything else I can do for you B Yes put the egg in one bowl and another A Why are you makeing a cake B Maisa forget todday is Lorris birthday I want to give him a happy surprise A Ok Ill keep it a secret Number two Office conversation A Marry will you do me a favor B Im busy painting a material Will you wait a moment A While what do you want me to do B Will you call Mr Righ tell him tomorrow afternoons meeting is cancled A Ok Ill see to it B After that can you come to my office I want to talk about the report you haned in last week A Sure I will B Another favor will you book two tickets for the concert tonight A When B Anytime after work One favor are you free tonight Will you go the concert with my wife 新东方英语900句Lesson17Housework Lesson Seventeen Housework Core Sentences 1 We always do the housekeeping in the weekend 2 I want to hang the map on the wall 3 Will you hold up the map straight while I it up 4 Hand me the hammer and nail please 5 The lock to the door is and the key will turn 6 The window is broken so I need fix it 7 Turn on the please 8 The tap is off but it still dropping water 9 We need a washing machine the old one doesnt work 10 There is a spoll on the celling 11 She forgot to turn off the tap and water flood the kichen 12 Mr John services his car on Saturdays 13 Jenny works as baby-sitter in her free time 14 The Browns hire a housekeeper to manage 15 My younger brother has got a part time job as a newspaper boy Dialog Exercises Number one Hang a picture A Will you do me a favor B Sure what do you want me to do A Will you help me to hang the paiting Hold the paiting while I nail it on the wall B Ok A Hand me the hammer and the nails B Here you are A How do is that look Is it straight B Yes it is straight but its upside down Number Two A Short Leave A My mother is ill and Ill go this afternoon to see herIll stay to she is better B Dont worry dear Ill take care the house A I hope so BerryThere are a few things to be done while Im away B Fine what are they A First the window to back door is broken you need to fix it Second leave your dirty short at the Third we are out of coffee milk and butter go to the supermarket to get some On the way would you stop at the super and get my brown boots Forth the garden Fifth put the garbage in the backyard Six the nurseman will come on Saturday morning be sure to give him moneySeven give the dog something to eat Eighth pait the front door Nineth Ill call you when I think of it B Oh Mary I do hope your mother will be well very soon 新东方英语900句Lesson18ContinuousActivities Lesson Eighteen Continuous Activities Core Sentences 1 What are you doing 2 Judy is playing the piano in her room now 3 I ring in the door bell but nobody answered Jim is too in his computer game to hear 4 My brother is preparing for his final exam 5 Mr copper is brushing his French for the France trip 6 I was sleeping this morning when the telephone rang 7 Your mother was calling to ask if you are at the Sunday School 8 She is always making a 9 Im wondering if you can speak English 10 What were you doing the whole morning 11 AF flight number 123 is checking in at the moment please hurry up 12 I have been learning English for six years and nowaday Im working hard to improve my spoken English 13 You are driving me mad Dialog Exercises Number One Football Fan A What are you doing B Im packing A Why are you packing B Im leaving A Why are you leaving B When the world cup is on you are watching TV everyday and you never talk to me A Dont make a B Im take the train tomorrow morning I will not be back A You are driving me crazy Number Two On the Phone A Hi this is Mark speaking Is that Lewis B Oh is you Have you got a watch to see the time Its midnight A I am sorry Lewis But I have to ask for your help B Whats up A I roommate Jack is going for his singing contest next week His so observed that he watches the vedio tapes everyday till two or three in the morning He gets up and start singing again early in the morning Can you hear He is singing right now He has been singing the same song for the whole evening B I understand so you cant bare A Shall I sleep over to your place tonight Im going bananas B Ok Ok Come over and take care on your way 新东方英语900句Lesson19FinishedActivities Lesson Nineteen Finished Activities Core Sentences 1 Have you ever been to Britain 2 I have been to London twice 3 Tim has discussed his paper with his supervisor 4 He has been watch TV for two hours 5 Have you send postcard to your uncle I told Maggy to send it for me 6 Havnt I told you the address to the letter might be wrong 7 I should have checked 8 You might have her were dismissed 9 You must have got the news that postage is going to be raised 10 Peter had thought a lot about quiting before he did it 11 He had become a Olympic champion by the age of twenty 12 Beijing sucessfuly won the for the 2008 Olympic games 13 It has tried eight years before but failure 14 Have sucessfully concluded their project Melissa is spending her holiday in Singapore Dialog Exercises Number One Dismiss an Employee A I havnt seen Tade for a week Whats wrong with him B Havnt you heard he quited his job A No how is that B He quited his job last week And he had thought a lot about it before has resignation A He has been working here for thirty years B But the boss has been finding faults with him ever since he lost our biggest customer A I thought the boss hitting just because he was late for five minutes B It might be a blessing he has landed a better job with a big company A Thats a relief Tade is such a nice guy and he has been so nice to us Number Two Take a vocation to the sea shore A Joe long time no see How is going B Terrific I have just been back from the Miami beach A I have notice you look B Thanks the place is just Beautiful things pleasant weather friend people I have heard a lot of about it Ill surely go there someday I bet you wont be sorry for that What about you A Owe just as usual I have been tide up with project for so long B I thought youve finished it A None the board always changes the plan at the last minute B I would be crasy A I am Oh Joe I have got to go now I have a meeting half an hour Give my regards to Sally and the kids B Bye Ill call you later 新东方英语900句Lesson20Marriage Lesson Twenty Marriage Core Sentences 1 My elder sister is married but she doesnt want start a family yet 2 She gets on well with her mother in law 3 They had a baby last year 4 Tomorrow will be our fifth wedding anniversay 5 My aunt is expecting a baby now 6 My younger brother is in 7 Her fiance is Davide a business man 8 John is still at the university he is single 9 Aunt Lucy has been alone since her husband passed away last year 10 Uncle Michale married twice He has two stepsons 11 He got divorced from her last year married her this year 12 Daniel has another woman on the sidebut his wife is totally unaware 13 Some young people in the west fear marriage and would rather cohabitated 14 Do you have any here in the states 15 I still keeping in touch with my cousins in Britain Dialog Exercises Number one Marriage Proposal As the French and SAS Michelle long time were wrote Marriage can be compared to a cage the birds outside despire to get in and those were thing despire to get out See the pair of birds A Lily see we have known each other for three years B Yeah how time flys A Where have you ever thought of ending this kind of relationship B What you mean You have someone on the side A I mean marry me B I love you but I dont want a kid I dont feel like taking care of kids A My mother will B I cannot get on well with your mother I dont want to live with her A Do girl have the bargain of everything Number two Aunt Caroline A Ive got a letter from Aunt Caroline You remember her dont you Davide We stayed in her house in Florida during our honeymoon B Yes I remember She just divorced them She remarried a doctor later didnt she A Thats right She married twice and has children from each marriage B Uncle Phill the doctor was married before too He has four children from his first marriage He and aunt Caroline have three A Then they are all your cousins B I call them all cousins all of aunt Carolines children are my second cousinsBut uncle Phills children from his first marriage are not relatives of mine A What are they to each other B Lets see Aunt Carolines children from her first marriage are uncle Pills stepchildren Aunt Caroline is his childrens stepmother The children are stepbrothers and stepsisters A Ive never understood that I thought they were half brothers and half sisters B No half brothers and half sisters have the same mother or fathor Aunt Caroline and uncle Pills children are half brothers and half sisters to the other children A Its very confusion B Anyway aunt Caroline says in her letter that they will all come to visit us next Saturday A What I never know who is who 新东方英语900句Lesson21Askingfordirections Lesson Twenty-one Asking for directions Core Sentences 1 Excuse me is there a cafe nearby 2 Could you tell me the way to the Tian an men Square 3 Just go straight aheadand turn left at the first crossing You cant miss it 4 Can I go by bus 5 You can take the subway to get there 6 Its on my way Ill walk you there 7 Sorry Im new here too 8 Whats your address 9 Go this way follow the road back for about five hundreds meters 10 The museum is oppsite the great hall of people 11 The park is just on the left side of this street 12 The plaza is located in the downtown area 13 How far is it from Benjing hotel to the Paris museum 14 It takes five minutes to get there by taxi Dialog Exercises Number one Getting directions to a thailand restaurant A Excuse me B Sure May I help you A I want to go the nearest Thailand restaurant Will you tell me how I can get there B Sure Let me see There are several Thai restaurants around here It is only five minutes walk But I do suggest that you go to the best one called Gold Sun A Gold Sun that sounds nice Where is it B Remember the supermarket you are at yesterday Its just oppsite the superm
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