首页 潍坊中学教师招聘试题



潍坊中学教师招聘试题潍坊中学教师招聘试题 www.zhaojiao.net 来源:招教网 更新:2012-6-21 招教考试真题 招教论坛 本文已经被阅读: 2009年潍坊中学教师招聘试题 一、单项选择(每小题2分 共10分) 1、新课程的核心理念是( )。 A促进教师专业化成长; B 转变旧的学习方式; C倡导建构的学习; D为了每一个学生的发展。 2、贯彻“以人为本”的教育理念应做到( )。 A尊重学生人格,关注个体差异; B让学生自主选择课程; C培养学生正确的学习态度; D充分地给学生传授科学知识。 ...

潍坊中学教师招聘试题 www.zhaojiao.net 来源:招教网 更新:2012-6-21 招教考试真题 招教论坛 本文已经被阅读: 2009年潍坊中学教师招聘试题 一、单项选择(每小题2分 共10分) 1、新课程的核心理念是( )。 A促进教师专业化成长; B 转变旧的学习方式; C倡导建构的学习; D为了每一个学生的发展。 2、贯彻“以人为本”的教育理念应做到( )。 A尊重学生人格,关注个体差异; B让学生自主选择课程; C培养学生正确的学习态度; D充分地给学生传授科学知识。 3、我国基础教育新的课程 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 是实行( )。 A国家统一管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ; B国家和地方二级管理制度; should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees C 国家、地方、学校三级管理制度 D学校校本管理制度。 4、“关注个体差异”就是根据学生实际存在的兴趣爱好和能力差异( )。 A由学生自己决定如何学习; B将学生按优中差分班教学; C满足不同学生的需要; D培养单科独进的尖子。 5、新课程改革倡导( )的课程评价。 A强调学生学会学习; B强调新的学习方式; C突出甄别和选拔功能; D立足过程,促进发展。 二、填空(每空1分 共10分) 1、新课程改革的心理学依据是(多元智力 )理论和(建构主义 )理论。 2、教师在教学过程中应与学生( 积极互动),(共同发展 )。 3、新课程改革贯彻( 先立后破,先实验后推广)的工作方针,坚持( 民主参与 ,科学决策)的原则。 4、新课程的三维目标是( )、( )、( )。 5、初中阶段设置( 分析与综合)相结合的课程。 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 三、判断并改错(每小题2分共10分) (正确的划“?”错误的划“×”,并将错误的改正) 1、开发校本课程就意味着要编写教材。 ( ) 改为:意味着展示学校的办学特色 2、教学实施中教师应该用教材教而不是教教材。 ( ) 改为: 3、叙写教学目标时,行为的主体应该是教师。 ( ) 改为:应是学生 4、新课程把中小学教材由“审定制”改为“国定制”。 ( ) 改为:国定制改为身定制 5、研究性学习关注的是研究的结果和学生的收获。 ( ) 改为:关注的是研究过程和学生的体验 四、简答(本大题含3小题,共10分) 1、 叙写教学目标时,行为目标陈述的四个要素是什么,(2分) 答 行为主体 行为动词 行为条件 表现程度 2、 新课程改革中教师角色将发生哪些变化,(4分) 知识的传授者--学生学习的促进者 教书匠--教育教学的研究者 课程的执行者--课程的建设者和开发者 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 3封闭性 --开放型的社区型教师 3、 新颁布的课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 有哪些重要特点,(4分) 1努力将素质教育体现在课程标准的各部分之中 2突破学科中心,建构以学生发展为中心的课程体系 3改善学生的学习方式 4体现评价促进学生发展的功能 五、 案例分析 安全事故典型案例分析生活中谈判案例分析管理沟通的案例分析股改案例分析刑法学案例分析 (每小题10分 共20分) 1、 某中学初二(3)班是全校有名的乱班,上课纪律混乱,打架成风。班上有一名“在野学生领袖”,喜好《水浒》人物打抱不平,常常“为朋友两肋插刀”。 打架时,只要他一挥手,其他人就蜂拥而上。班上正气不能抬头,班干部显得软弱无力,全班同学的学习成绩逐步下降。请分析说明: (1) 如何将乱班教育转化为优良的班集体, (1) 确定共同的奋斗目标 建立班集体核心骨干力量 形成良好班风集体舆论 组织丰富多彩的班级教育活动 (2) 如何正确对待和教育转化“在野学生领袖”, 严格要求,动之以情,晓之以理,约之以规利用其特长为班集体做好事,争荣誉将在野学生领袖转为正式学生领袖 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 2、 有一次上课时,初二(3)班的刘强不好好听课,而把旁边的同学推来搡去,扰乱了课堂纪律。青年教师小李发现后先是高声喝斥,说刘强是“害群之马”,“朽木不可雕也”;又将刘强推出教室,罚站在楼道走廊。请分析说明: (1) 小李老师的做法违背了教师职业道德的哪些要求, 依法执教、爱岗敬业、热爱学生 (2) 小李老师侵犯了学生的哪些合法权益, 人身权、名誉权、受教育权 (3) 你认为在这种情况下应该怎样做才对, 六、作文(40分) 请阅读下面一段 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 : 孟二冬,男,1957年出生,中共党员,文学博士,北京大学中文系教授,博士生导师。多年来,他严谨施教,精心育人,成为学生的良师益友;他淡泊名利,潜心治学,出版了多部重要著作。2004年3月到新疆石河子大学对口支教,每周讲授10学时必修课,同时还为中文系教师开设《唐代科考》选修课。一段时间后,他患上了严重的嗓子喑哑症状,尽管每天打针吃药,他仍然坚持上课。校领导和老师们多次劝他休息,但他都微笑着说:“没关系,我还能坚持。”2004年4月26日,他在剧烈的咳嗽中,坚持讲完《唐代文学》最后一节课,倒在讲台上。近一年来,孟二冬在北京接受了三次大手术,但仍以顽强的毅力坦然面对病痛折磨,坚持课题研究和指导研究生的工作。鉴于孟二冬同志的先进事迹,国家人事部和教育部决定授予孟二冬同志“全国模范教师”的荣誉称号,并号召全国教育系统广大教师和教育工作者向孟二冬同志学习。 请以“向孟二冬同志学习”为话题,写一篇文章,立意自定,标题自拟,体裁不限,字数 2011-7-9 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees
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