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英语四级考试作文2。《代沟》[整理版]英语四级考试作文2。《代沟》[整理版] Saving the Earth The population of the earth is increasing very fast. Humans must make the earth support the increasing population. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly. Such a rapid development produ...

英语四级考试作文2。《代沟》[整理版] Saving the Earth The population of the earth is increasing very fast. Humans must make the earth support the increasing population. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly. Such a rapid development produces more and more waste, which goes into the water, the soil and the air. Some of it is made harmless. However, where there is too much of it, the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around the people. When farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better, or use poison to kill pests, poison is sent into the air, the water and the soil. When birds, fish and people eat the grain, drink the water or breath the air, harm will be done to their health. The air in big cities is often made very dirty by cars and factories. Millions of tons of waste and poisonous gases are sent into the air with the smoke. In some places, little is done to make the smoke clean before it goes into the air. Fortunately, people are beginning to realize just how serious the whole situation is. In many countries, laws have been made to stop factories from sending out poisonous gases. [点评] 人类人口过快的增长,社会过快的发展使地球不堪重负。所 幸,人们已意识到这一点,开始行动起来拯救地球,也就是拯救 自己。此文证据虽然充分,结尾却有些分量不足。 [参考译文] 拯救地球 地球的人口增长很快。人类要使地球能够养活众多的人口,就得迅速发展工农业。由于工农业的迅速发展,即能产生出越来越多的废弃物,这些废弃物流进水里,渗入到土壤中,散发进空气中。其中的有些是无害的。然而,在废弃物太多的地方,有毒的东西会对周围的物和人有害。 农民为了让庄稼地茂盛,给地里施肥,为了杀死害虫,往地里喷药,这个时候,有毒的气体就会散发到空气中,水里和上壤里。当鸟、鱼以及人们吃这些粮食,饮用这些水,呼吸空气时,就对他们的健康造成危害。 大城市的空气经常被汽车和工厂弄得很糟。成千上万吨的废物和有毒气体随烟散发到空气中,有些地方,根本就不做净化处理,直接让它排到空气中。 可庆幸的是,人们已渐渐对此严重的形势有所认识。有些国家还颁布了法令来阻止工厂向外排放毒气。 Natural Resources-自然资源 Nature has provided us with many kinds of resources. Al most everything we use in our everyday life comes from Nature. The food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the concrete and bricks to build our houses, the materi als to make bikes we ride, etc, all come originally from Nature. People have been making use of these natural supplies for thousands of years. With the development of technology and the increase of the population, the amount and range of mate rials taken has increased. It is estimated that this tread will continue in the years to come. However, natural resouces are not in exhaustible. Some resources are already nearly used up. For example, the end of the world's fuel is already within sight. Such an essential daily item as water is in short supply in many parts of the world. We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by. Nature. We must learn to conserve what remains. [点评] 大自然为我们提供了一切,但是大自然的资源在逐渐减少, 所以我们必须行动起来保护资源。每个人都清楚这一点,但要用 英语将此情况描述出来并不一定轻而易举。此文是一篇好范例。 [参考译文] 自然资源 大自然给我们提供了各种资源。我们日常生活中几乎所有的 东西都来自大自然。我们吃的粮,喝的水,穿的衣,建房用的水 泥、砖,生产自行车用的材料等,都来源于大自然。 人们对大自然的利用有几千年的历史。随着技术的进步,人 口的增加,自然资源的用量和范围都急剧增加。据估计这种趋势 将与日俱增。 然而,自然资源并非取之不尽,用之不竭。有些资源几乎已 接近枯竭。例如,燃料资源匮乏已近在眼前。许多地方日常生活 所必需的水已经供不应求。我们已不能再不加思索地使用大自然 所赐予我们的资源了。我们必须学会保存那些剩余的资源。 The Value of Time-时间的价值 Nobody knows what time is like, for we cannot see it, nor can we touch it. Time is abstract, which we can only imagine in our mind. But we do know that time passes very quickly. Some students, however, do not know the value of time, nor do they know how to make the best use of it, for they waste it in going to films, playing games and doing other useless things. Why do we go to school early in the morning? Why do trains run so fast? Why do most people prefer taking buses instead of walking? The answer is very simple: we wish to save time because time is precious. Today we are living in the twentieth century. We know that time is life. When a person dies, his time has ended. Since life is short, we must devote our time and energy to our studies so that we may be able to serve our country and the people. But since time is invisible, we often neglect it. Lazinss. is the thief of time, for lasiness not only brings us a lot of harm, it also brings us failure. If it is necessary for us to do some work today, let us do it today and not leave it until tomorrow. Remember that time is more valuable than money. [点评] 作者强调了时间的珍贵性,并劝告每个人应尽可能多地利用 时间多做些事情,不要养成懒惰的习惯。论点虽然有些道理,但 不够全面,将看电影等娱乐放松活动当做无用的浪费时间之事, 似乎有些偏激。 [参考译文] 时间的价值 谁也不知道时间是什么样子,因为我们既看不见它,也摸不 着它。时间是抽象的东西,我们只能凭脑子去想像它。 但是我们的确知道时间流逝得很快。然而,有些学生却不知道时间的价值,也不知道如何充分利用时间,他们把时间浪费在看电影、玩游戏和其他一些无聊的事情上。我们为什么一大早要去上学呢?火车为什么跑得那么快?为什么大多数人愿乘汽车而不愿步行办事呢?答案非常简单:我们想节约时间,因为时间非常宝贵。 如今我们生活在20世纪,我们知道时间就是生命。当一个人去世的时候,他所有的时间便用完了。既然生命短暂,我们必须把时间和精力用于学习,以便为祖国和人民服务;但由于时间是看不见的,我们经常忽视它。懒惰是时间的盗贼,它不但给我们带来许多危害,也会使我们失败。如果今天我们有什么要做的工作,让我们就把它做完,不要拖到明天。记住时间比金钱更宝贵。 The Importance of Confidence1-信心的重要 The Importance of Confidence 1. 凡事均应有信心。 2. 没有信心的原因。 3. 建立信心是可能的。 Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships. This troth seems to be self-evident. However, in re ality we do see a lot of people who complain that they lack the ability to do ,something or that their difficulties are too great to be overcome,For someone, this might be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart. Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing some thing? There are, among others, two main reasons. First, these people do not have a correct estimate of themselves. Second, they overestimate the difficulties. It is passible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards one's own abilities. We should never underesrimate our abilities but should believe in the proverb: "Where there is a will, there is a way." Confidence is the promise for fulfilling a task successfully. 信心的重要 不管人们做什么事情,均应有信心。如果一个人毫无信心,要 想取得任何成功几乎是不可能的,尤其当他遇到挫折和困难时。 这个真理似乎是不言而喻的。然而,在现实生活中,我们确实碰 到许多人抱怨说他们缺乏做事情的能力,或者抱怨说他们遇到的 困难太艰巨以致难以克服。对一些人来说,这或许是事实,但对 大多数人来说,这只能说明他们失去了信心。 为什么有些人虽然能够做某件事却常常感到灰心丧气呢,这里 有两个主要原因。首先,这些人对自己没有正确的估计。其次, 他们高估了困难。 通过正确地认识自己的能力树立信心是可能的。我们决不能低 估自己的能力,我们应当相信“有志者事竟成。”这句谚语。信心 是成功地完成一项任务的前提。 Wealth and Health 财富与健康 (1)some think that wealth means everything. (2)Actually, health is more important than wealth. (3)Keep healthy first if you want to become wealthy. ,参考译文, So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like. On the other hand, some other people don’t agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth. In a word, keeping health first if you want become wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth. The Generation Gap-说说代沟 The Generation Gap Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed. Old people are always saying that the young are not What they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more of themselves and do not blindly accept the idea of their elders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. Just look at the teenage girls who scream hysterically over the pop stars and the teenage boys who copy the stars and grow their hair long and are no longer ashamed of wearing "pretty" clothes, are simply breaking through the Chinese traditional reserve and fear of showing their feelings. What is more, nowadays most boys and girls are good companions and some of them even fall in "puppy love." A lot of older people sigh and say, "We did not use to do like this." Do you think the older people's criticism stems from jealousy just because they could not or did not behave in the same way when they were young? Failure and Success-失败和成功 Failure and Success 1(失败是常事。 2(失败和成功的关系。 3(结论。 Failure is a common thing in one's life. Almost everyone experiences failure in his life. When one fails in his attempt in doing something, he often feels upset. Some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. But others will stick to and achieve the final success. Success is what everyone expects. It may lead to fame and glory. When one suc ceeds in doing something, he gets so excited that he often neglects all the unsuccessful at tempts he has done. As the old saying goes, "Failure teaches success." It is true that failure is an impor tam factor toward success. The way to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles. Many important inventions or discoveries were achieved after hundreds of failure. And only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy. 失败和成功 在人的一生中失败是常事。几乎每个人在一生中都失败过。 当一个人打算做某事失败时,他常常感到沮丧。有些人会屈服于 失败而畏缩不前。而另外一个人却坚持不懈并取得最后成功。 成功是人人都期待的,成功可以使人成名、荣耀。当一个人 在做某事时成功了,他是那么高兴以致常常忽略了他曾经做过的 那些没有成功的事情。 正如俗话所说,“失败是成功之母。”失败是走向成功的重要 因素,这是毫无疑问的。成功的道路上充满各种困难和障碍。许 多重要的发明和发现是经过数百次失败才成功的。只有经过许多 次失败后取得的成功才是真正有价值和值得称赞的。 现在人们自私和贪欲,你同意不同意这种观点, Nowadays People Are Selfish and Greedy."Do You Agree or Disagree with This Point of View? There is no doubt that some people are selfish and greedy. For example, some merchants sell their fake commodities at the market place for more profit. They are rich and want to be richer. There are also government officials who sell people's trust. Senior officials who take bribes by selling the power in their hands are not a few. Those people believe in the precept "Everyone for himself and the devil take the hind most." However, the majority of people are neither selfish nor greedy. They contribute much and ask for little. Countless examples can be found around us, the PLA soldiers who sacrificed themselves for saving people's lives in fighting the disastrous floods and the warriors in white who risked their lives to save SARS victims being two of the most tyl)ical. Ir, contrast to the selfish and corrupt official they are heroes, who set up glorious images for us. The idea that nowadays people are selfish and greedy is probably attributed to the influence of the mass media which tend to over exaggerate the negative aspects of life.Many newspapers, particularly many local evening papers,and TV films play up nastiness by reporting and showing too much about violence and sex. A lot of books, too, portray selfishness and greed to seek sensational effect and economic profit.I wonder whether they are selfish and greedy, too? 现在父母过于放纵子女,你同意不同意这种说法, "Nowadays Parents Are Too Permissive with Their Children." Do you Agree or Disagree with This Statement? Today, few people would defend the traditional attitude to children. If you recall what happened inold days, you would be astonished at the severe and strict education for children, for instance, old-fashioned spanking was common punishment for children. As a result, while the parents thus established their own authority, the poor children would never recover from the dreadful traumatic experience when they grew up. However, as you know, things often go to extremes.Nowadays, parents' confidence in their own authority has been greatly undermined. Countless articles in magazines and newspapers and TV programmes publicize child care. When so much over-enthusiastic advice flying about, mum and dad just don't know what to do any more. In the end, they do nothing. So from early childhood, the kids are in charge and parents lives are regulated according to the needs of their offspring. When the little dears develop into teenagers, they take complete control. If the young people'are going to have a party, for example, parents are asked to leave the house.Their presence merely spoils the fun. What else canthe poor parents do but obey? In my mind, a child certainly needs love, anda lot of it.But the excessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing more harm than good. The spread ofjuvenile delinquency is largely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that her little, Baobao can after himself, is notat home when he returns from school, so little Baobao roams the street. The dividing-line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed. 生活在21世纪的优缺点。 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the 21st century Living in the 21st century offers certain advantages,such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment. To begin with, most people now have more money for less hard work. They earn higher salaries than before and enjoy better social security, such as social welfare for laid-off workers and disability insurance. Secondly, because of the advance in medical technology which leads to better medical care and treatment, people's life expectancy is longer. Moreover, most people now can afford to buy foods of high nutrition and enjoy their leisure time. Thirdly, modern conveniences such as radio, TV, internet, various vehicles and labour-saving machines in the home, all greatly facilitate human communication, transportation and housework as well. Nevertheless, living in the 21st century also has its disadvantages. The most serious one is the increasingly polluted environment; air is filled with smog and water is contaminated by iehemicals from factories.Another main disadvantage is the personalization of human relattonships which mostly result from people's ever-increasing contact with machines and numbers. Still one more disadvantage is the weakening of spiritual values. An undeniable fact is that a large number of people are solely interested in materialistic culture,while neglecting spiritual civilization. Limited by space, we have to skip the examples. In conclusion, although the 21st century has indeed given us a lot of advantages, it may not have made us wiser, because it has also made our earth dirtier, our people less humane, and our spirituali iife poorer, We shpuld continue to enjoy the benefits of technological advancement,however, we must make a concerted effort to preserve our natural environment for future generations. Moreover, we should take the time now to make our lives more meaningful in anihcreasingly impersonal, computerized world. Important Things in Life生活中重要的事情 Important Things in Life Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but upon reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you never would have realized your potential, strength, willpower,or heart. Illness, injury, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved road to nowhere. It would be safe and com- fortable, but dull and utterly pointless. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart,forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and listen to what they have to say. You can make anything you wish of your life. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets. 生活中重要的事情 有时候一些发生在你身上的事情起初看起来很可怕、很痛 苦、很不公平,但是经过深思熟虑你会发现如果没有克服这些困 难的话,你就永远不会意识到自己的潜力、力量、 毅力和勇气。 疾病、伤害、真正伟大时刻的错失、以及做了一些愚蠢至极 的事情,所有这些事情的出现都是在考验你灵魂的极限。没有这 些小的考验,无论是什么考验,你的生活将会像一条通向碌碌无 为的平坦之路。 它也许是安全而舒适的,但也是枯燥和毫无意 义的。 如果某些人伤害了你,背叛了你或者是刺痛了你的心,请原 谅他们,因为是他们帮助你学会什么叫信任,帮助你懂得谨慎对 待你最交心的人。 珍惜每一天。珍惜每一刻,并且带走每一刻所能得到的东西, 因为你再也不可能重复这个过程了。跟那些你从来没有说过话的 人说话,并且倾听他们的话语。 你可以做到任何你想做的事情。创造自己的生活,然后走出 去,去毫无遗憾地享受生活吧。 父母应该给孩子零花钱吗?-Ought Parents to Give Ought Parents to Give Children Pocket Money ? We live in a commercial society. Everything that we use is merchandise. In the commercial world the media is money.Therefore, money is very important to us. Earning money and spending money are big problems not only to the adults but also to the kids. Kids have a long way to go in their lives. What they will be depend on the influence that they get before the age of 20.We must give them positive influence during their childhood. We should give a kid a little money when he is 9 years old. For instance, we can give a kid 10 yuan every month, and ask him to write us a report on how he uses the money. This can give him a right idea of how he should use the money. We also should give the kids some chances to earn money,by which means we can show them that earning money is not easy, and they should spend the money carefully. The most important point is that we must tell the kids that money is not everything in our lives. There are lots of things that we can not buy with money, such as health and love. Consequently, the best we could do to provide the kids with a correct understanding of money is let them approach money closely. We should give a little money to the kids and tell them what money is at all. [点评] 文章首段讲了在当今的商业社会里,钱对大人都是个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 , 何况孩子呢。第二段告诉我们儿童及青少年时期的生活方式将影 响他的一生,所以在随后的几段里,作者建议我们给孩子一定量 的零花钱,但要教会他们如何花钱以及钱不是万能的道理。文章 构思巧妙,布局合理,思路清楚,论述连贯。 [参考译文] 父母应该给孩子零花钱吗? 我们生活在商业社会。我们用的每样东西都是商品。商品领 域的媒介是金钱。所以钱对我们来说很重要。挣钱和花钱,不论 是对于成年人,还是小孩子,都是两个很重要的问题。 孩子们需要走的生活道路很长。他们最终会是什么样子,依 赖于他们在20岁之前所受到的影响。在童年时代,我们一定要 给他们好的影响。 当孩子到九岁的时候,我们可以给他们一点钱。比如说,每 月给他十块钱并要求他书面汇报这些钱是怎样花的。这可以教会 他怎样正确地花钱。 我们还可以给孩子提供挣钱的机会。这可以告诉他们挣钱是 不容易的,应当节俭。 最重要的是,我们应该告诉孩子们钱不是万能的。还有很多东西,像健康和爱,是金钱不能代替的。 因此,要让孩子们对钱有一个正确的认识,最好的 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 就是 让他们同钱密切接触。我们应该给孩子们一点钱并告诉他们钱到 底是什么。 Differences Between College Life Differences Between College Life and High School Life(大学生活与中学生活的差异) 1(大学生活与中学生活在许多方向不同; 2(我们该怎样适应大学生活。 [写作导航]文章可先用罗列的方法,对比列出大学生活与中学生 活的不同,主要体现在三个方面:在生活方面依靠父母的程度、 在学习方面依靠老师的程度以及在与同学和同寝室的人相处的 能力方面;然后从尽快适应大学生活的必要性入手,指出应自立、 努力养成良好的学习习惯、与高年级学生交流、积极参加各种活 动等。 [范文] Most of us may have felt a great change in life after we entered college. Briefly, college life differs from high school life in three ways. First, in middle school, we did not live on campus, so we did not have to worry about such things as making decisions, balancing our budget, etc. But living at college, far away from homes, we have to do these things on our own. Next, in high school our teachers showed us how to solye every problem by detailed explanations and elaborate examples. At college, however, the teachers only tell us the different approaches to problems and we are left with a lor of free time to study and solye these problems by ourselyes. Finally, since we didn't live on campus in high school, it was usually easy to maintain a friendly relationship with our classmates. Yet, this is no longer always the case at college. As we lire and study together, there is bound to be divergence or disagreement in opinions, life styles, etc. So we have to learn to get on well with each other. Therefore, we should adapt to college lire as quickly as possible in light of the above mentioned. We should learn to be self-dependent and try to form good study habits. We should engage in all kinds of activities so that we have more chances to socialize with our classmates to get along well with them. Only in this way can we lead a meaningful, fruitful college life.
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