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2014年上海英语高考分析1 语法&翻译


2014年上海英语高考分析1 语法&翻译2014年上海英语高考分析1 语法&翻译 高三暑期辅导讲义 I 语法&翻译 I. Grammar: 给词:adj./adv. v. 不给词:atl. Prep. Conj. Pron. m.v. (A) My Stay in New York After graduation from university, I had been unable to secure a permanent job in my small town. So I decided to leave home fo...

2014年上海英语高考分析1 语法&翻译
2014年上海英语高考分析1 语法& 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 高三暑期辅导讲义 I 语法&翻译 I. Grammar: 给词:adj./adv. v. 不给词:atl. Prep. Conj. Pron. m.v. (A) My Stay in New York After graduation from university, I had been unable to secure a permanent job in my small town. So I decided to leave home for New York, (25)______I might have a better chance to find a good job. (26) ______ (earn) some money to pay the daily expenses, I started work in a local café as a waiter. I believe that (27) ______ ______ ______ I was offered a good position, I would resign at once. Over time, the high cost of living became a little burden on my already (28) ______ (exhaust) shoulder. On the other hand, my search for a respectable job had not met with much success. As I had studied literature at university, I found it quite difficult to secure a suitable job in big companies. Mother had just said that (29) ______ I want to have a better career advancement, I had to find work in the city. Perhaps (30) ______my mother had told me was deeply rooted in my mind. I just did as she had expected. Soon I had lived in the city for over six months but I still did not like it. Apparently, I had difficulty (31) ______ (adapt) myself to life in the city, let alone finding a job to my delight. After nine months of frustration, I eventually decided to go back to my small town. Not until I returned (32) ______I realize that a quiet town life was the best for me. (B) The giant vending machine (自动售货机) is a new village shop Villagers have long been used to facing a drive when they run out of basic supplies. However, help is now nearer at hand in form of the country’s first automatic push-button shop. Now residents in the Derbyshire Village of Clifton can buy groceries around the clock after the huge vending was installed outside a pub in the village this week. Peter Fox, who is (33)______electrical engineer, spent two and a half years working on the project. The machine (34)______ (equip) with securing cameras and alarms and looks like a mini shop with a brick front, a grey roof and a display window. Mr. Fox said he hoped his invention, (35)______ is set to be installed in other villages in the area over the coming months, will mark a return to convenience shopping for rural communities. He said:“ I had this idea a few years ago but I couldn’t find a manufacture who could deliver what I wanted, so I did it by (36)______. The result is what amounts to huge outdoor vending machine. Yet I think the term “automatic shop” is far (37)______ (appropriate) In recent years, the commercial pressure from supermarket chains (38)______ force village shops across the country to close. In 2010, it was estimated that about 400 village shops closed, (39)______ (urge) the local government to give financial support to struggling shops or set-up new communities stores. Hundreds of communities have since stepped in and opened up their won volunteer-run shops, but Mr. Fox hopes his new invention will offer a solution (40)______these villages without a local shop. 25. where 26. To earn 27. as soon as / as long as 28. exhausted 29. if 30. what 31. adapting 32. did 33. an 34. is equipped 35. which36. myself 37. more appropriate 38. has forced 39. urging 40. to (A) A boy plays away from home and fights with others. He’s defeated, gets hurt and suffers shame. If he is strong-willed, he would clench (咬紧) his teeth, making a firm fist from (25) ______ (weep) in front of others. But as soon as he returns home he would burst out crying at the first sight of his close relatives. He would be all tears pouring out his sufferings. The same is true for a strong-willed grown-up. No matter what harm he suffers he would do his best (26) ______ (conceal) his feelings, trying not to let others know how he feels. He would swallow his bitter tears and show a smiling face at others (27) ______ ______ he didn’t care a bit. But however strong-willed he is, most probably he would cry as soon as he meets his close relative who loves him and to (28) ______ he can pour out his heart unreservedly. Not only would he weep but he’d cry his eyes out (29) ______ grief. If somebody weeps in your face — the person never of the type doing this in front of others, you’d better sit by and let him cry to (30) ______ heart’s content, for it shows you are regarded as his dearest or (31) ______ (reliable) one. It’s much better to have someone crying in your face than be met exclusively by (32) ______ smiling face. Anyone can smile at you, but very few will weep in your face, because the latter is much harder for one to do than the former. (B) Some of young soldiers who had recently joined the army were being trained in modern ways of fighting. One of the lessons they should take was (33) ______ an unarmed man could trick an armed enemy, take his weapon away and have him (34) ______ (arrest). First one of their two instructors took a knife away from the other, using only his bare hands, and then he took a gun away from him in the same way. After the lesson, and before they went on to train the young soldiers to do these things themselves, the two instructors asked them a number of questions to see how well they had understood what (35) ______ (show). One of the questions was this, “Well, you now know (36) ______ an unarmed man can do against a man with a gun. Imagine that you (37) ______ (guard) a bridge at eight one night, and that you have a gun. Suddenly you see an unarmed enemy soldier (38) ______ (come) towards you, and what will you do?” The young soldier who (39) ______ ______ answer this question thought carefully for a few seconds (40) ______ he answered, and then said, “Well after what I have just seen, I think that the first thing I would do would be to get rid of my gun as quickly as I could so that the unarmed enemy soldier couldn’t take it from me and kill me with it!” 25. weeping 26. to conceal 27. as if 28. whom 29. in 30. his 31. (the) most reliable32. a 33. how 34. arrested 35. had been shown 36. what 37. are guarding 38. coming 39. had to 40. before (A) I have to say that my mom is stricter than most parents, and I’m the kind of kid who has a lot of my own thoughts. I used to think that she’s just a picky person that likes to make things more difficult for me, so we once sat down and talked face to face trying to clarify every misunderstanding we have (25)__________ us. I (26)__________ (convince) and decided to change my attitude towards her. My mom told me that as we grow, she’s also growing, too. Every day, she learns something new about being a mom, and her knowledge of becoming a good mom gradually grows. (27)__________ time passes by, I began to realize that most of her rules, or should I say “point of view”, are really to protect us. We teenagers often think that parents are conservative (保守的), and they know nothing about us, but honestly, we’re actually still too young (28)__________ (know) what’s really best for us. Parents can be wrong sometimes because nobody’s perfect, and they may be just like my mom who is still on her way to (29)__________ (be) a perfect parent! So, to those who often argue with their parents like me: next time, when you really disagree with (30)__________ your parents say, stop and tell yourself that your parents would never try to do (31)__________ to harm you because they love you before you yell at them. Finally, I really want my mom to know how sorry I am for always yelling at her breaking her heart. I really do want to change because I love her just as much as she loves me. (B) When I was in junior high school, darkness began filling my mind. I don’t know the day or the reason why it began. All I know is that I started feeling hopeless and worthless. I hid in my room, (32)__________ (stare) out of the window, thinking about all my failures. I even questioned (33)__________ being alive was worthwhile. My dark mood wasn’t constant. It would fade at times, but it always returned. It was my parents that helped me identify the shadow (34)__________ hung over my life — depression. Depression is (35)__________ mental illness that drains your energy and prevents you from enjoying life. It can keep you from succeeding at school or work or from connecting with others. At its (36)__________ (bad), depression can even lead to suicide. When your mood is dark, how do you know whether you are depressed or just sad? Think about how long the feelings (37)__________ (last). If they have persisted for weeks or months, get help. No one (38)__________ face depression alone. If you’re depressed, find someone — a friend, parent, teacher or pastor — and tell them your feelings. Consider seeing a doctor or psychologist, if they are getting worse. When I was depressed, I was (39)__________ (embarrass) to tell anyone. I didn’t want to seem weak or needy. But when I told my friends, they supported and encouraged me. In fact, (40)__________ depression affects many people worldwide, treatments are available and can bring hope and joy back into their life. 25. between 26. was convinced 27. As 28. to know 29. being 30. what 31. anything 32. staring 33. whether 34. that/which 35. a 36. worst 37. have lasted 38. should/can 39. embarrassed 40. although/though II. Translations: 2000: 众所周知 as we all know 一事无成 can achieve nothing Compared with…., … 2001: 古城遗址 the site of an acient city 市民素质 the qualiteis of the citizens 不尽如人意still not satisfactory 吸取教训 learn a lesson from 玩火者必自焚 anyone who plays with fire will surely get burnt. Never … 2002: 别无选择have no choice but to 加强配合strengthen their cooperation 将课堂上所学的知识运用到实践中apply what they have learned in class to practice战胜对手beat the opponents It never occurred to me that… 2003: 坐失良机 miss the good/golden chance 横贯平原runs across the plain 偏远山城the remote mountain (ous ) city 引人入胜 is so attractive 爱不释手can’t stand parting with it / putting it down (back , aside )/ leaving it aside . so…that 2004: 艺术节开幕式the opening ceremony of the art festival 手术间the room of operation 孤身一人is single 无亲无故has no friends or relatives 伸出了援助之手offer her a helping hand 三言两语 in a few words 固执己见 stick to their own opinions …it…, not…until… 2005:电影节the Film Festival 样式新颖、携带方面fashionable in style and convenient to carry 刮目相看look at him differently/ with new eyes or 2006: 惬意pleasant 我向她请教,她总是有求必应 Every time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help 畅销sells well 菜烧得很好The dishes are well cooked 务必注意 Be sure to pay attention to 心烦意乱be upset So … 2007: 平添了活跃的气氛add to a lively atmosphere 坚守岗位 keep to their posts 挨家挨户上门巡访door-to-door visits no matter … 2008: 设法 manage 特长strong point 无所知 be ignorant of 落伍be left behind 灰心lose heart Although... 2009: 使我整晚睡不着 keep me awake all night 山高林密the high mountains and thick forests 出事地点the scene of the accident 实施援救carry out the rescue despite 2010: 有些睡意 a little sleepy 乍一看 At first sight 让公众知晓 make it known to the public once 2011: 植树造林 planting trees No longer…… 2012: 抵御网络游戏的诱惑 resist the temptation of 翘首以盼look forward to It 1. 我习惯睡前听点轻音乐。(accustomed) 2. 将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 3. 没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than) 4. 家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear) 5. 虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn) 1. I'm accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep. 2. It's up to you what kind of life you will lead in the future. 3. There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel program. 4. Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5. While modern society, rich in material resources, has given consumers more choices, it also turns many of them into crazy shoppers. 1. 不管你相信不相信,善于倾听并采纳别人的意见是明智的。(advisable) 2. 能否坚持自己所做的事情是一个人取得成功的重要因素之一。(persevere) 3. 在线预订出租车虽然很时尚,但许多相关问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 尚待解决。(as) 4. 只有设定明确的人生目标并为之不遗余力地奋斗,才能实现你成为有用之才的梦想。 (Only) 5. 有些青少年热衷于网络游戏,有时候竟然连饭都可以不吃,而且他们和家长的关系往往也比较糟糕。(keen) 1. Believe it or not, it is advisable to listen to others and take their advice. 2. Whether one can persevere in what he is doing is one of the important factors of his success. 3. Fashionable as booking a taxi online is, many related problems remain to be settled/ solved. 4. Only by setting clear goals/ aims in life and sparing no effort/ making every effort to work on it/ and working on it with all efforts can you realize your dream of being a useful person/ make your dream of being a useful person come true. 5. Some teenagers are so keen on online games that they sometimes prefer not to have meals, and what’s more, they usually have a bad relationship with their parents.
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