首页 2016考研英语:作文主题词汇精选



2016考研英语:作文主题词汇精选2016考研英语:作文主题词汇精选 2016考研英语:作文主题词汇精选 ? 环保:environmental protection low carbon economy 低碳经济 UN climate change conference in Copenhagen哥本哈根联合国气候变化会议 Greenhouse effect温室效应 Confront the threat of global warming(面临全球变暖的威胁) To reduce the petrol engine exhaust e...

2016考研英语:作文主题词汇精选 2016考研英语:作文主题词汇精选 ? 环保:environmental protection low carbon economy 低碳经济 UN climate change conference in Copenhagen哥本哈根联合国气候变化会议 Greenhouse effect温室效应 Confront the threat of global warming(面临全球变暖的威胁) To reduce the petrol engine exhaust emissions 减少(汽车)的尾气排放 environment- friendly society (生态型社会) contaminate the environment 污染环境? natural resources(自然资源) energy conservation and environmental protection (节能环保) biological balance (生物学平衡) bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection (实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一) curb environmental pollution (治理环境污染) 替代资源) develop renewable/substitute resources (开发可再生/ ?经济类:economy boom 蓬勃发展 low carbon economy 低碳经济 economic globalization(经济全球化) sustainable development(可持续发展) unfair competition(不正当竞争) promote sales(促销) fake and inferior product(假冒伪劣产品), crack down on fake commodities (打假) purchasing power(购买力) fierce competition(激烈竞争) after-sale service (售后服务) bread –and – butter issue(生计问题) enterprise image(企业形象),brand effect(品牌效应) retail industry (零售行业) wholesale industry (批发行业) credit crisis(信用危机) credit card (信用卡) stabilize the commodity prices(稳定物价) service trade(服务行业) premature consumption超前消费 ? 立志(成功/成才):succeed, achieve success the pursuit of success / achievement / happiness / individual self-realization upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service spare no efforts/pains to do (不遗余力去做某事)= make great effort to do sth, do with full persistence(坚持不懈地做某事), try every means to stay on top (尽一切努力取得成功) to realize one’s ambition(抱负) 可以代替“to fulfill one’s dreams” cultivate the sense of individual self-realization 培养一种自我实现(成 功)的意识 stand up to/ withstand challenges and difficulties(经得住挑战与困难) ? 大学生活/教育:Education innovative learning(创新学习) higher education(高等教育) drop-out(辍学) fake certificate/diploma(假毕业证/文凭) the craze for graduate school(考研热)diploma craze(文凭热) poverty-stricken students(贫困学生) further one’s study (深造) quality education(素质教育) teacher-centered,(以教师为中心) student-centered, (以学生为中心) foster abilities(培养能力)foster comprehensive abilities( 提高综合能 力) improve the comprehensive quality(提高综合素质) relieve the burden on students(减轻学生负担) be occupied with so much schoolwork(忙于功课) college, university, students union(学生会) extracurricular activity(课外活动) practical capability(实际能力) educational reform(教学改革) academic plagiarism 学术抄袭 the examination-oriented education(应试教育) interdisciplinary talents复合型人才(inter-交融,disciplinary学科的=多 学科背景) enhance the cultural deposits(提高文化底蕴) good scores but low qualities(高分低能) teach students according to their aptitude(资质) (因材施教) possess political integrity and professional ability(德才兼备) be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar(品学兼优) improve the health and psychological quality(提高学生身心素质) adjust to the social changes quickly(适应社会的改变) meet the urgent need of the society(满足社会的急需) a more vigorous, colorful and dynamic life(更加有意义和丰富的生活) ? 就业:Employment job market (就业市场) job hunter/seeker(求职者) upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 凯程考研辅导班,中国最强的考研辅导机构, 考研就找凯程考研,学生满意,家长放心,社会认可~ employment pressure(就业压力) employer(招聘方)employee(应聘者)applicant(申请人)candidate(人选) position available/ vacant position(空缺职位) competent(能胜任的), be qualified for(合格的), be appropriate to (适 合于) college expansion of enrollment(大学扩招) contradiction between supply and demand in the job market就业市场供求矛 盾) not in line with major(与专业不符) job arrangement and benefit(工作待遇和福利) promotion(晋升)? gender-biased(性别歧视的) appearance-biased(相貌歧视的) money worship(拜金主义) develop fully one’s potential and creativity(充分发挥个人的潜力) brain drain(人才外流) ?文化类:culture crash(碰撞) charming(极具魅力的) splendid(壮丽辉煌的) culture and civilization(文化和文明) Chinese tradition culture is great and profound (博大精深的) The diversity of culture (文化的多样性) pluralistic culture (多元文化) Culture blending (文化融合) integration and interaction(融合交汇) English fever(英语热) ?流行文化:Pop culture surf the Internet(网上冲浪) science and technology(科学技术) web-addiction(沉迷网络) computer crime(电脑犯罪) e-commerce(电子商务) virtual life (虚拟生活) information era(信息时代) cyber romance(网恋) ? 社会现象:social phenomenon A thought-provoking phenomenon(令人深思的现象) cause alarm and attention(引起了警惕和重视) corrupt people’s mind (腐化心灵) immoral behaviors(不道德的行为) at the cost of (以„为代价) set good example for(为„树立榜样) 凯程考研,考研机构,upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at h10年高质量辅导,值得信赖~ome and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature produ 以学员的前途为已任,为学员提cts as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 供高效、专业的服务,团队合作,为学员服务,为学员引路。 take action (采取行动) impose punishment on them(施加处罚) aggravate the seriousness of„(使之恶化) Project Hope 希望工程 information revolution 信息革命 jerry-built projects 豆腐渣工程 population explosion 人口爆炸 epidemic disease 传染病 dropout students 失学儿童 laid-off worker 下岗工人 reemployment project 再就业工程 clone technology 克隆技术 migrate laborer 民工 crack down on counterfeit goods / fake products 打假 devalue 贬值 expand domestic demand 扩大内需 state-owned enterprise 国有企业 deflation 通货紧缩 inflation通货膨胀 rechargeable card 冲值卡 Smooth Traffic Project 畅通工程 anti-fake label 防伪标志 poverty alleviation 扶贫 infrastructure construction 基础设施 vicious circle 恶性循环 gender discrimination 性别歧视 psychological quality心理素质 pattern of consumption 消费结构 consumers’ association消费者协会 green food绿色食品 money worship 拜金主意 ? 人物特征、情感描写:Characteristics strong-minded(坚强的) industrious(勤奋的) harmonious(和谐的) cooperative (合作的) self-centered(以自我为中心的) promising(有前途的) dynamic(有生气的) responsible(有责任心的) influential(有影响力的) profound(渊博精深的) devoted(忠实的,投入的) upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 凯程考研辅导班,中国最强的考研辅导机构, 考研就找凯程考研,学生满意,家长放心,社会认可~ generous(慷慨的) critical(吹毛求疵) warm-hearted(热心的) hospitality(n. 热情好客) enthusiastic(热情的) ?科技类technology Science and technology(科学技术) Web-addiction 沉迷网络 Computer crime 网络犯罪 e-commerce 电子商务 virtual life 虚拟生活 information era 信息时代 cyber romace 网恋 surf the internet 网上冲浪 凯程教育: 凯程考研成立于2005年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直从事高端全日制辅导,由李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索玉柱教授、方浩教授等一批高级考研教研队伍组成,为学员全程高质量授课、答疑、测试、督导、报考指导、方法指导、联系导师、复试等全方位的考研服务。 凯程考研的宗旨:让学习成为一种习惯; 凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿; 使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上; 敬业:以专业的态度做非凡的事业; 服务:以学员的前途为已任,为学员提供高效、专业的服务,团队合作,为学员服务,为学员引路。 如何选择考研辅导班: 在考研准备的过程中,会遇到不少困难,尤其对于跨专业考生的专业课来说,通过报辅导班来弥补自己复习的不足,可以大大提高复习效率,节省复习时间,大家可以通过以下几个方面来考察辅导班,或许能帮你找到适合你的辅导班。 师资力量:师资力量是考察辅导班的首要因素,考生可以针对辅导名师的辅导年限、辅导经验、历年辅导效果、学员评价等因素进行综合评价,询问往届学长然后选择。判断师资力量关键在于综合实力,因为任何一门课程,都不是由一、两个教师包到底的,是一批教师配合的结果。还要深入了解教师的学术背景、资料著述成就、辅导成就等。凯程考研名师云集,李海洋、张鑫教授、方浩教授、卢营教授、孙浩教授等一大批名师在凯程授课。而有的机构只是很普通的老师授课,对 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 把握和命题方向,欠缺火候。 对该专业有辅导历史:必须对该专业深刻理解,才能深入辅导学员考取该校。在考研辅导班凯程考研,考研机构,upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at h10年高质量辅导,值得信赖~ome and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature produ 以学员的前途为已任,为学员提cts as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 供高效、专业的服务,团队合作,为学员服务,为学员引路。 中,从来见过如此辉煌的成绩:凯程教育拿下2015五道口金融学院状元,考取五道口15人,清华经管金融硕士10人,人大金融硕士15个,中财和贸大金融硕士合计20人,北师大教育学7人,会计硕士保录班考取30人,翻译硕士接近20人,中传状元王园璐、郑家威都是来自凯程,法学方面,凯程在人大、北大、贸大、政法、武汉大学、公安大学等院校斩获多个法学和法硕状元,更多专业成绩请查看凯程网站。在凯程官方网站的光荣榜,成功学员经验谈视频特别多,都是凯程战绩的最好 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 。对于如此高的成绩,凯程集训营班主任邢老师说,凯程如此优异的成绩,是与我们凯程严格的管理,全方位的辅导是分不开的,很多学生本科都不是名校,某些学生来自二本三本甚至不知名的院校,还有很多是工作了多年才回来考的,大多数是跨专业考研,他们的难度大,竞争激烈,没有严格的训练和同学们的刻苦学习,是很难达到优异的成绩。最好的办法是直接和凯程老师详细沟通一下就清楚了。 建校历史:机构成立的历史也是一个参考因素,历史越久,积累的人脉资源更多。例如,凯程教育已经成立10年(2005年),一直以来专注于考研,成功率一直遥遥领先,同学们有兴趣可以联系一下他们在线老师或者电话。 有没有实体学校校区:有些机构比较小,就是一个在写字楼里上课,自习,这种环境是不太好的,一个优秀的机构必须是在教学环境,大学校园这样环境。凯程有自己的学习校区,有吃住学一体化教学环境,独立卫浴、空调、暖气齐全,这也是一个考研机构实力的体现。此外,最好还要看一下他们的营业执照。 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service
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