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哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院 毕 业 设 计 毕业题目: 海南东环梁场施工组织设计 学 生: 李阳 指导教师: 孟维军 专 业: 铁道工程技术 班 级: 06铁工11班 2008年12月 To upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. The County Bureau of industry and comme...

哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院 毕 业 设 计 毕业 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目: 海南东环梁场施工组织设计 学 生: 李阳 指导教师: 孟维军 专 业: 铁道工程技术 班 级: 06铁工11班 2008年12月 To upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. The County Bureau of industry and commerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filthy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and shoddy goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening of Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order. Fourth, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthening the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to protect the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation efforts. From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilized tourism" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment . 哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院 毕 业 设 计 开 题 报 告 专 业 铁道工程技术 设计方向 施工组织设计 姓 名 李阳 指导教师审查意见: 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 ,with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment .sm" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply touri . From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilizedt the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation effortsprotecing the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to h, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthenFourt f Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order.goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening ohoddy hy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and sommerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filtThe County Bureau of industry and cTo upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. 哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院 海南东环梁场施工组织设计 一、选题的背景与意义 本人与2008年在海南东环铁路DH—4标三亚梁场实习~实习内容为整孔箱梁的现场技术~主要负责梁场的场地施工~存梁台座及制梁台座基础放线工作~协助梁场的主管工程师使梁场在规定工期内安全的前提下~保质保量的顺利完成。 选题目的及意义: 1.综合运用在校所学的基础、专业基础和专业知识~锻炼和提高分析及解决实际工程问题的能力~树立正确的设计思想~培养良好的职业道德。 2.结合毕业设计题目通过调研、收集资料~了解和掌握所要设计的桥梁基础的施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的重要性和可行性。 3.通过毕业设计~学会运用各种设计规范、标准图集、设计手册、技术参考书和资料等有关技术资料~掌握并学会运用现代化绘图手段和 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 4.通过毕业设计严格的基本训练~学会工程设计方法、程序、编制技术文件~掌握设计要领和技巧~在设计中在教师的指导下通过方案的确定和方案比较的锻炼~基本达到能独立完成设计方案和技术设计图纸的能力~ 5.通过毕业设计~使每个学生学会设计文件的编制及设计方案和设计说明的文字论述~进一步提高工程设计的理论水平和撰写 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 的能力~初步具备独立进行工程设计及科研工作的能力。 6.通过毕业设计及答辩~培养学生综合介绍设计方案、设计思想、,科研的目的、意义,~语言思变及综合表达能力。 二、毕业设计的主要内容 它主要包括以下内容: 1(编制说明 2(工程概况 3. 施工方案及施工准备 4. 临时工程建设 5. 施工方法、工艺说明 6. 施工进度安排 7. 施工劳力、机械及仪器的检测维修说明等 8. 施工质量、安全以及技术保证措施 9. 施组所需副本~包括施工平面布置图、网络图等 To upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. The County Bureau of industry and commerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filthy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and shoddy goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening of Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order. Fourth, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthening the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to protect the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation efforts. From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilized tourism" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment . 10. 施组编制结束语 四、设计时间安排 ,1,确定题目:2008.6至2007.7 ,2,现场调研:2008.7至2008.10 ,3,查阅文献:2008.10至2008.11 ,4,资料整理分析:2008.11至2008.12 ,5,编写设计、总结:2008.12至2008.12 ,6,打印、提交、送审设计~准备答辩:2008.12至2009.1 with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment .sm" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply touri . From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilizedt the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation effortsprotecing the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to h, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthenFourt f Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order.goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening ohoddy hy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and sommerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filtThe County Bureau of industry and cTo upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. , 哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院 哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院 毕 业 设 计 任 务 书 设计题目 海南东环梁场施工组织设计 指导教师 孟维军 专 业 铁道工程技术 学 生 李阳 2008年12月24日 To upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. The County Bureau of industry and commerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filthy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and shoddy goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening of Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order. Fourth, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthening the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to protect the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation efforts. From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilized tourism" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment . 《海南东环梁场施工组织毕业设计》 班 级:铁工06-11班 专 业:铁道工程 姓 名:李阳 指导教师:孟维军 完成日期:08年12月24日 指导教师审查意见: 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 sm" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply touri . From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilizedt the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation effortsprotecing the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to h, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthenFourt f Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order.goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening ohoddy hy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and sommerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filtThe County Bureau of industry and cTo upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. ,with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment . 哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院 海南东环梁场施工组织设计 摘要 本文介绍了海南东环梁场的工程概况、施工准备、施工前的场地布置~投入本工程的施工机械、劳动力~施工进度安排~工期的总体安排~测量对开挖以及衬砌的控制~开挖方法及其要求~二次衬砌方法、技术要求~监控量测测点布置、测量数据要求~施工期间安全保证措施及其技术保证措施。 关键字:仰拱超前、二次衬砌、防排水、超前支护、监控量测、安全 To upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. The County Bureau of industry and commerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filthy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and shoddy goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening of Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order. Fourth, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthening the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to protect the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation efforts. From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilized tourism" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment . 目录 第1章 编制说明 ............................................................................................................ 1 ?1.1 编制依据......................................................................................................................... 1 ?1.2 编制标准......................................................................................................................... 1 ?1.3 设计标准......................................................................................................................... 1 ?1.4 编织原则......................................................................................................................... 1 ?1.5 编制范围......................................................................................................................... 1 第2章 工程概况............................................................................................................ 3 ?2.1 工程概述......................................................................................................................... 3 ?2.2 自然条件......................................................................................................................... 3 ?2.3 工程施工条件................................................................................................................. 3 ?2.4 材料供应......................................................................................................................... 4 ?2.5 地材、地料及其它主材情况......................................................................................... 4 ?2.6 水资源............................................................................................................................. 4 ?2.7 电力供应......................................................................................................................... 4 ?2.8 通讯条件......................................................................................................................... 5 2.9 主要技术标准................................................................................................................. 5 ? ?2.10 主要工程数量................................................................................................................. 5 ?2.11 工程特点 ......................................................................................................................... 5 ?2.12 工程施工目标................................................................................................................. 6 ?2.13 安全目标....................................................................................................................... 6 ?2.14 环保和水保目标........................................................................................................... 6 ?2.15 文明施工目标............................................................................................................... 6 第3章 施工方案.............................................................................................................. 7 ?3.1 施工组织管理机构......................................................................................................... 7 ?3.2 施工管理方案................................................................................................................. 8 ?3.3 施工组织措施................................................................................................................. 8 ?3.4 队伍部署及任务划分..................................................................................................... 8 第4章 施工场地及临时设施设置................................................................................ 10 ?4.1 施工场地....................................................................................................................... 10 ?4.2 生产,生活房屋........................................................................................................... 10 ?4.3 混凝土拌合站............................................................................................................... 10 ?4.4 制梁场........................................................................................................................... 10 ?4.5 场地布置....................................................................................................................... 10 第5章 施工进度安排.................................................................................................... 13 ?5.1 工期............................................................................................................................... 13 ?5. 2 工期安排 .................................................................................................................. 13 ?5.3 施工进度计划安排....................................................................................................... 13 8with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment .sm" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply touri . From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilizedt the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation effortsprotecing the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to h, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthenFourt f Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order.goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening ohoddy hy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and sommerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filtThe County Bureau of industry and cTo upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. 哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院 第6章 施工方案、施工方法........................................................................................ 15 ?6.1 施工方案....................................................................................................................... 15 ?6.2 水质复查....................................................................................................................... 15 ?6.3 高性能混凝土质量....................................................................................................... 15 ?6.4 混凝土配合比设计....................................................................................................... 15 ?6.5 混凝土拌和和运输....................................................................................................... 15 ?6.6 混凝土浇筑和养护....................................................................................................... 16 ?6.7 箱梁预制和横向预应力............................................................................................... 16 第7章 质量和工期保证措施........................................................................................ 40 ?7.1 工程保证措施............................................................................................................... 40 ?7.2 全部工期措施............................................................................................................... 40 第8章 职业健康安全保障措施.................................................................................... 40 ?8.1 建立安全保障组织....................................................................................................... 42 ?8.2 完善劳动卫生措施....................................................................................................... 42 ?8.3 建立安全保障 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ....................................................................................................... 42 ?8.4 劳动保护措施............................................................................................................... 42 ?8.5 劳动卫生措施............................................................................................................... 43 ?8.6 职业病防治措施........................................................................................................... 43 第9章 劳动力调配计划................................................................................................ 44 To upgrade the existing markets as soon as possible, supporting a sound market management mechanism, play a regulatory role. The County Bureau of industry and commerce, food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments to strengthen the daily management, efforts to solve the filthy environment bazaars, disorder, operating without a license and other issues, and resolutely curb selling counterfeit and shoddy goods, dominate the market and other behavior. County Cultural market comprehensive law enforcement bureau to Strengthening of Internet cafes, electronic game rooms, cultural and entertainment daily supervision, standardize the cultural market order. Fourth, it is necessary to increase security and order remediation efforts. Focus on remediation social order problems, strengthening the floating population and other key crowd service management to crack down on robbery and theft etc. criminal acts, to protect the safety of people's lives and property. Fifth, we must increase the order of the tourism environment remediation efforts. From infrastructure improvements, remediation scenic environment, providing quality services, to create a strong "civilized tourism" atmosphere of, and actively guide the tourism scenic area, tourism from personnel of course of study and visitors comply with social ethics, and earnestly safeguard the order of the tourism market and cultural environment .
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