首页 2013驾考新规科目二考试



2013驾考新规科目二考试2013驾考新规科目二考试 2013科目二考试秘籍 2013年1月1日起,新的《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》正式实施。根据新规,科目二考试将由过去的训练9项考3项,改为现在的训练5项考5项。 5项可以考5次,每次考试有2次机会,算下来就是10次考试机会,但要注意的是5项需要都通过才算合格。还是有难度的,以下是我考完科目二后根据教练教过的技巧以及考试情况总结的秘籍,希望给还在煎熬中的朋友们一点支持~ 一、易忽略事项 1)打灯请记住:下“左”上“右” 左转向灯:车起步前、向左转弯、掉头; 右转向灯:靠边停...

2013驾考新规科目二考试 2013科目二考试秘籍 2013年1月1日起,新的《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》正式实施。根据新规,科目二考试将由过去的训练9项考3项,改为现在的训练5项考5项。 5项可以考5次,每次考试有2次机会,算下来就是10次考试机会,但要注意的是5项需要都通过才算合格。还是有难度的,以下是我考完科目二后根据教练教过的技巧以及考试情况总结的秘籍,希望给还在煎熬中的朋友们一点支持~ 一、易忽略事项 1)打灯请记住:下“左”上“右” 左转向灯:车起步前、向左转弯、掉头; 右转向灯:靠边停车、向右转弯、驶出环岛; 起步、转向、变更车道、超车、停车前未使用转向灯或使用少于3秒,扣10分 2)考试诀窍: 进项目打右灯,出项目打左灯。 3)打灯数目: 起步1个,打左灯; 上半坡定点停车1个,打右灯 半坡起步,1个,打左灯; 进入曲线行驶1个,打右灯; 进直角转弯1个,打转向灯; 侧方停车:2个灯,倒车开始打右灯,停好开出来的时候打左灯; 倒车入库:不需要打灯。除了“倒车入库”外的所有项目,一旦起步必须打左转向灯。“侧方停车”中倒车入库时必须打右转向,不打灯扣10分,以前的规则对此并无要求。 二、重点注意事项: 上车一定关好车门、调座椅、系安全带,否则扣100分。 离合:一定要压好,车要慢才容易通过;每次踩离合后不要抬太快,太快就熄火,熄火一次扣10分。 方向盘:要打的快,快打快回。 考试中一定不要压边线,压边直接挂。 三、 考试大致流程: 因各地各不同驾校五项考试流程有略微不同,本考试顺序是我所在驾校(北京某驾校)的考试顺序,仅做参考,让大家把握下宏观的流程,具体每项目技巧后面会详细介绍。 1)首先,上车(上车,马上会听到机器声音提示“开始考试”,不要慌),先系好安全带,调整座椅,调好左右后视镜,试一下方向盘,主要是打死看看是几圈。 2) 倒车入库:右倒库—左出库—左入库—右出库,完毕。 3) 定点停车:开始起步,打左灯,看左镜子。踩离合,挂一档,松手刹,慢慢向定点的小 坡驶过去,然后会听到“定点停车、开始考试”的提示音,此时打右转向灯,向右转方 向盘慢慢开始爬坡, 听到语间播报“上坡定点停车”后,计时开始,左脚完全放开离合 上坡。(上坡中,在停车前,中途一定不能压离合,一压马上后溜,不少人挂在这上面 了。考试车动力比较足,全放开离合,不用加油门就可以上坡。)不放心车轮是否压在 白线上的,可以马上看右后视镜微调一下后,头立即偏向左边,看左后视镜下沿。左后 视镜下沿看到第一条宽黄线过一些时,踩离合和刹车,拉手刹,这时候如果正确完成动 作不会有提示的(如果有提示音就是失败了,直接让教练把车开走即可); 4)半坡起步:准备起步,开始打左转向灯,踩离合、挂一档,松脚刹,慢抬离合,慢加油,右手放在手刹上做好准备,注意看车头抬起的幅度,当车身有抖动时或发出齿轮磨合声音时,一定要稳住离合,再放手刹。继续稳住离合等车走平稳。(放手刹时,离合一定要稳住,脚一放立马就熄火。如果离合抬得不够,放了手刹后,车会不动或向后溜,考场有人处理是马上轻点油门,车就上坡了)。 注意:起步时间超30秒,扣100分,是从拉手刹开始计时,只要操作正确,无熄火,时间够。 下坡时用半联动控制车速,也可完全放开离合,用脚刹连续轻点控制车速。 5)侧方停车:进入侧方停车考试区,会听到提示音“进入侧方停车考试区区,开始考试”,开始打右转向灯,沿着边线行驶,到位置后,换倒档倒车。倒车过程要慢,但是中途一定不能停车,停2秒就挂了。 倒进去后,停车,开左转向灯,驶出侧方停车区。 6)直角转弯:下坡后往前开,看到直角,注意压好离合,要慢一定要慢,快到直角时会有提示音“进入直角转弯区,开始考试”,靠边慢慢往前,进入真正的直角转弯区,看车转哪个方向就打开哪个转向灯,开始转弯,顺利通过后,回正方向,继续前行。 7)曲线行驶:驶出直角区,继续行驶200米左右,这段距离可以慢,只要不停慢慢开没事。 前面是一个隧道中的曲线行驶,打开右转向灯。 驶过去后进入考试区,听到“进入曲线行驶区,开始考试”提示音以后,开始转弯, 曲线中无论车子怎么拐弯,注意让车的前左右拐角蹭上边线走就OK。 8)靠边停车:往前开看到一个模拟刷卡机,把车开到它旁边,按下按钮前面的横杆就会升起来。如果你离卡机太远,可以摘挡拉手刹,把整个头探出车窗去按,但不要下车。之后靠边停车,考试结束,顺利通过。 四、 考试技巧: (一)定点停车与坡道起步 1、考试标准 扣100分: 没有定点停车;或车辆停止后,汽车前保险杠未到控制线; 停车后后溜大于30厘米; 车辆行驶中压道路边缘实线; 起步时间超30秒。扣10分: 停车后后溜小于30厘米; 起步未开左转向灯; 车辆停止后,前保险杠未到停车线; 停车时右前轮距边缘线30厘米以上; 2、场地要求:陡坡的坡度必须大于等于10度,考C1驾照的陡坡长度要大于等于20米。在考试过程中,学员在陡坡停车后,必须在30秒内起步,否则就算失败。 as the main raw material for this medium are: beef extract, Wort, peptone, yeast extract, corn flour, Bran, bread flour, potatoes, milk, serum, etc. Made of these materials with medium is not know for its chemical composition, but in General, is relatively rich in nutrients, microbial growth and extensive sources made easy, which is more commonly used, is particularly suitable for preparing laboratory media. The stability of this medium often ... 2) synthetic medium synthetic medium is a kind of chemical ingredients and quantities fully aware of media, it is formed by the known chemical composition chemical pharmaceutical preparations. This precise chemical composition of culture medium, strong repetition, but it is expensive, slow and microbial growth, so it applies only to do some scientific research, such as nutrition and metabolism research. 3) in semi-synthetic medium in synthetic medium, add one or several natural ingredients or the natural medium, add one or more known chemicals into the composition of semisynthetic medium. For example potato sucrose medium. The medium most used in practice and the laboratory. 2, according to the physical state of the medium to differentiate, can be classified as solid, liquid and semi-solid agar culture medium. 1) liquid culture medium is a liquid preparation of which components are soluble in water, no visible solids, uniform distribution of liquid nutrients, easy to control the growth and metabolism of microorganisms. 2) solid medium in the liquid medium and add the coagulation agent into the solid medium. Often used as a coagulant substances agar, gelatin, silica gel, agar is most commonly used. Solid mediainjection water and steam bubble acetylene, carbon dioxide foam seal water acetone, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride p sand, carbon dioxide, foam, water bubble game nitro compounds Lu Luo water-ethylene foam, carbon fiber water, potassium, sodium Calcium, magnesite water pine perfume, foam oil foam, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride styrene foam, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride paint foam heavy oil injection water, bubbles wax ibid paraffin lubricating oil pump and water, vegetable oil ibid carbon disulfide in carbon dioxide foam, carbon dioxide water oil above alcohols ethers water (high boiling point above 175 c) (high boiling point above 175 c) alcohol foam Carbon dioxide is ether foam, carbon dioxide (low boiling point below 175 c) (low boiling point below 175 c) three, laboratory aid in experimental ... Second chapter chemical analysis method first section laboratory common glass instrument a, and common glass instrument of main uses, and using note matters list name main uses using note matters beaker preparation solution, and dissolved samples, heating Shi should placed asbestos online, makes its heated uniform, General not burn dry tapered bottle heating processing sample and capacity analysis titration except has and Shang same of requirements outside, mill mouth tapered bottle heating Shi to open plug, non-standard mill mouth to keep original plug iodine bottle iodine volume method or other generated volatile sex material of quantitative analysis ibid round ( Flat) end of flask heating and the distillation liquid General avoid straight fire heating, across asbestos network or various heating bath heating round end of distillation flask distillation; also can for few gas occurred reactor with shangkai's flask digestion organic 3、定点停车操作技巧: 1)目测并控制右轮边线距离上坡: 听到“上坡定点停车”指令后,(立刻打右转向灯),方向向场地右侧靠;(起步时如果有坡度时,为防止溜坡,要用“半坡起步法起步”——上坡时离合器抬到半联动,慢加点油,感觉车子有点振动要向前跑的样子,你就松开手刹(油门要一直慢慢的加着也不用太大能上能慢慢的上坡就好,车慢慢就走了)。 即将到达路边时,方向向右转小半圈,使车右侧与路边保持平行,并距离在30CM内。(保持右雨刷中部连接部件(黑色方块)与右边线几乎重合差不多车距离路边30CM); 注意:也可以在平地上距离远的时候,先把和右侧的距离对的差不多,再起步上坡。 起步后,可完全放开离合(或用离合控制,车速快一点,不易熄火)进行上坡(上坡过程中,如果车出现明显抖动,可踩一点离合,可保持不熄火)。驾校的车一般是把怠速调了的,不用给油都走,要是教练跟你讲能保证你不需要踩油门就能上坡,你就按他的方法法,否则的话需要踩点油门才能上去。 2)何时停车 步骤: 快到达停车点时,踩离合,降慢车速,当看到停车标记时,踩死离合器+刹车;拉死手刹,关转向灯。停10秒、等报完成绩,进行半坡起步准备。 停车方法:眼睛看左侧后视镜边框下方(三角空隙处),见后视镜越过地面停车线(黄线中的第一条)约2-3cm停车即可。 停车方法二:你的眼睛通过(右)侧雨刷中心连接处(铆钉)对准停车杆时停车即可。 注意防止后溜和熄火: 如果你是在考驾照的话,最好不要停车后挂空挡,停稳时,只要踩住离合器和刹车,拉起手刹,之后容易启动;待起步时将离合器抬至联动点时松开脚刹,车子就不会倒遛了。 假如挂空挡也不是不可以,只是在启动的时候控制不好的话就容易熄火,熄火的话就会扣10分,减小了通过率。 注意:拉手刹,尽量紧才可以防止后溜(但不要太夸张,使足了牛劲,有可能把刹车线拉断) 3)半坡起步 步骤: 打左转向灯(按一下喇叭、看左镜子)+ 踩离合、挂1档、松脚刹加油 慢抬离合,左脚慢抬离合至联动点时完全松开脚刹,右脚开始加油,油和离同一个节拍,等车子开始抖动上扬时放下手刹,匀速放掉离合,车即向前行进。 要点: 放手刹的时间: 一定要等车子开始轰动时再放手刹 不熄火的方法: 当车抖动时放开刹车,如车不走怠速快速下降时,及时踩下离合和脚刹,可保持不熄火,不溜坡,然后重新起步)(注意:起步时间超30秒,扣100分,新增扣分项目,学员落马最多的考试项目。) 注意:上坡熄火最主要的原因就是发动机的扭矩力不够带动车子启动,那说把油门轰大,是可以解决这问题,但既对油耗增大也不利车子。最好的方法就是要控制好离合器,试一两次就理解了。 4)低速下坡: 等到车上到顶点要下坡时,松开油门,需要时轻点刹车。 坡道,不管长坡短坡,挂低速档,不给油,不踩离合,需要时轻点刹车 下坡时用半联动控制车速(但不能踩离合,越踩越快),也可完全放开离合,用脚刹控制车速。 (下坡不可以熄火或空档滑行,踩离合就相当于空档滑行) (二) 侧方位停车 1、考试标准 车辆入库停止后,车身出线,扣100分 行驶中车轮触压车道边线,扣10分 未停车于库内,扣100分 起步未开左转向灯,扣10分 倒车未开右转向灯,扣10分(增加扣分项目,此前只要求停车起步需开左转向灯,也是最容易忽视导致扣分的项目。) 注意新规:中途停车,扣100分; 2.场地要求: 侧方停车在平时开车时经常遇到。新规实施后,侧方停车不再有竹竿,全部采用地上画线的形式做车库边界。学C1驾照的学员,侧方停车的车位长度是车辆长度的1.5倍加1米,只要是在这个范围内侧方倒车入库没过线的,都算通过。 3、侧方操作技巧:车速一定要控制在5公里左右 1)后视镜调节到最低,车身占后视镜约1/5; 2)车身在库的左侧,右轮延着库左边线行驶,车轮距左边线50cm,行驶到库上边线以前50cm处停车。 3)倒库:打右灯,挂倒档半联动倒车,当右侧后视镜看不到库左前角时数1、2、3、4,快速向右打轮打满(车不要停,慢慢动),当左侧后视镜看到车库右后角时,向左回轮2圈,继续倒车,当左后视镜看到左后车轮压在线上时快速向左打死方向盘,继续倒车直到车正(两侧后视镜观察到车身与库边线平行),停车,拉手刹,关转向灯。 4)出库:打左灯,方向盘不用回(也就是还是左打打满时),挂1档起步,待车右前角与库左边线重合的时候(当看到机盖最右侧越过左库边线时)方向回正; 继续前进到右侧雨刷最右一节库压住库左线时(车子出去大概出去一半的时候),向右打1圈,向右打满,等到和车库平行,回正,关转向灯,考试结束。 注意: 侧方停车不限时,不能停车打轮。 (三) 直角转弯 1、考试标准 任一车轮压道路边缘线,扣100分(原规定车轮挤压边线扣20分,过线扣100分。新标准挤压边线也提高到扣100分。) 中途停车,扣100分 2、场地要求 直角转弯的场地,看上去像一个平放在地上的L。新规实施后,直角转弯的场地,路长大于等于1.5倍车长,路宽为小型车辆的轴距加1米。 3、操作技巧 as the main raw material for this medium are: beef extract, Wort, peptone, yeast extract, corn flour, Bran, bread flour, potatoes, milk, serum, etc. Made of these materials with medium is not know for its chemical composition, but in General, is relatively rich in nutrients, microbial growth and extensive sources made easy, which is more commonly used, is particularly suitable for preparing laboratory media. The stability of this medium often ... 2) synthetic medium synthetic medium is a kind of chemical ingredients and quantities fully aware of media, it is formed by the known chemical composition chemical pharmaceutical preparations. This precise chemical composition of culture medium, strong repetition, but it is expensive, slow and microbial growth, so it applies only to do some scientific research, such as nutrition and metabolism research. 3) in semi-synthetic medium in synthetic medium, add one or several natural ingredients or the natural medium, add one or more known chemicals into the composition of semisynthetic medium. For example potato sucrose medium. The medium most used in practice and the laboratory. 2, according to the physical state of the medium to differentiate, can be classified as solid, liquid and semi-solid agar culture medium. 1) liquid culture medium is a liquid preparation of which components are soluble in water, no visible solids, uniform distribution of liquid nutrients, easy to control the growth and metabolism of microorganisms. 2) solid medium in the liquid medium and add the coagulation agent into the solid medium. Often used as a coagulant substances agar, gelatin, silica gel, agar is most commonly used. Solid mediainjection water and steam bubble acetylene, carbon dioxide foam seal water acetone, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride p sand, carbon dioxide, foam, water bubble game nitro compounds Lu Luo water-ethylene foam, carbon fiber water, potassium, sodium Calcium, magnesite water pine perfume, foam oil foam, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride styrene foam, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride paint foam heavy oil injection water, bubbles wax ibid paraffin lubricating oil pump and water, vegetable oil ibid carbon disulfide in carbon dioxide foam, carbon dioxide water oil above alcohols ethers water (high boiling point above 175 c) (high boiling point above 175 c) alcohol foam Carbon dioxide is ether foam, carbon dioxide (low boiling point below 175 c) (low boiling point below 175 c) three, laboratory aid in experimental ... Second chapter chemical analysis method first section laboratory common glass instrument a, and common glass instrument of main uses, and using note matters list name main uses using note matters beaker preparation solution, and dissolved samples, heating Shi should placed asbestos online, makes its heated uniform, General not burn dry tapered bottle heating processing sample and capacity analysis titration except has and Shang same of requirements outside, mill mouth tapered bottle heating Shi to open plug, non-standard mill mouth to keep original plug iodine bottle iodine volume method or other generated volatile sex material of quantitative analysis ibid round ( Flat) end of flask heating and the distillation liquid General avoid straight fire heating, across asbestos network or various heating bath heating round end of distillation flask distillation; also can for few gas occurred reactor with shangkai's flask digestion organic 在直角转弯前将挡挂成一档怠速(离合器控制车速)前进,让它自己往前走。这时候要注意一点,就是车子尽量走大圈,往相对于直角那个突出点的外侧线靠(车头1/3处压外边线,车头左筋对准标记点)。也就是说,往左直角转弯时候,车身靠右侧直角边线直线向前;往右直角转弯时,车身靠左侧直角的边线直线向前行,千万注意别压线。 打轮方法一:当靠近转弯点一侧的后视镜与转弯点重合时,向转弯点一侧打死方向,通过后车头正时回正方向。 打轮方法二:直线走稳后,视线立即放在车头那条左灯到右灯的直线上,就是俗称的车头(线)。当车头(线)一沾前方考场的黄色直角边线时,立即以最快的速度把方向盘打死(向左或者向右),车头一转过对准道路,你觉得绝对转过来能对上路中了,而且不会压左或者右边的线了,就立即把方向回正。 注意问题:车速慢时,离合器抬得太快,车会熄火。 (四)曲线行驶 1、考试标准 任一车轮压道路边缘线,扣100分(原规定车轮挤压边线扣20分,过线扣100分。新标准挤压边线也提高到扣100分。) 中途停车,扣100分熄火,扣20分。 2、场地要求: 曲线行驶的场地,看上去就是一个躺在地上的字母S。根据《小车考试项目尺寸标准》,C1驾照曲线行驶场地的圆弧半径为7.5米。车辆需从S型车道的一端进入后,不压线从另一端开出。 3、曲线注意要点: 1) 是慢行和打灯:控制车速,也就是使用好离合器和刹车;注意:驶入曲线路时,要打右灯;降低车速,全程用1挡驶入S形路;驶出曲线路时,打灯视场地路况而定。 2)车身位置:车辆与路右侧保持0.5m左右的距离,适当修正方向;走大圈,逢左必先右,逢右必先左;车子左转时靠右边行驶,车子进入右转时车子需要靠左边行驶, 3)打轮:左转弯时:早打,少打,追着打;早回,少回,追着回。(车头刚进弯道就开始左打,车头到弯中开始回正。)右转弯时:车过停止线,车不停,轮不停,不是向右就是向左。(先右后左)总之,正常行车中的打轮力度,不要都跟练桩时似的,要从容。 4)目测要诀:目光要往远看,目测左右边线。看对角线,在于要以外路为准,车角跟线走。右转左贴,左转右靠。右转就用左车头对右边S路的边线;左转用 右车头对着左线行驶,不需要管方向几圈几度什么的,车角跟线走。路面是非常窄的,但你只要慢,只要看车前的左右角能蹭上线就行。无论车子怎么拐弯,你只管车的前左右拐角蹭上线走就准过关。 5)详细分析:道路将向左转的时候,依据逢左必先右,向右推点儿轮,观察左车角,让左车角尽量找/对路边(当然还是要有距离的,不然压上了)一直对上开去,方向自己控制,只要左车角一直跟着右边的边慢慢开就行了;转过来后,注意车正再回轮(回正),回轮后保持着往前开一段。 道路开始向右转,依据逢右必先左,先向左推轮,让车身往路的左侧靠,此时观察右车角,是否在路面1/2偏上方的位置,使右车角找/对路边(至少在路面1/2偏上方的位置),然后再随着路线向右打轮、推轮调整一类的,始终保持右车角找/对路边(至少在路面1/2偏上方的位置)。转过弯后,路正车正。 注意:处于弯道时,通过转向盘让汽车内侧车盖头上小后视镜始终处于外侧白线边缘,既不出线,也不能离边缘线太远。 (五) 倒车入库 as the main raw material for this medium are: beef extract, Wort, peptone, yeast extract, corn flour, Bran, bread flour, potatoes, milk, serum, etc. Made of these materials with medium is not know for its chemical composition, but in General, is relatively rich in nutrients, microbial growth and extensive sources made easy, which is more commonly used, is particularly suitable for preparing laboratory media. The stability of this medium often ... 2) synthetic medium synthetic medium is a kind of chemical ingredients and quantities fully aware of media, it is formed by the known chemical composition chemical pharmaceutical preparations. This precise chemical composition of culture medium, strong repetition, but it is expensive, slow and microbial growth, so it applies only to do some scientific research, such as nutrition and metabolism research. 3) in semi-synthetic medium in synthetic medium, add one or several natural ingredients or the natural medium, add one or more known chemicals into the composition of semisynthetic medium. For example potato sucrose medium. The medium most used in practice and the laboratory. 2, according to the physical state of the medium to differentiate, can be classified as solid, liquid and semi-solid agar culture medium. 1) liquid culture medium is a liquid preparation of which components are soluble in water, no visible solids, uniform distribution of liquid nutrients, easy to control the growth and metabolism of microorganisms. 2) solid medium in the liquid medium and add the coagulation agent into the solid medium. Often used as a coagulant substances agar, gelatin, silica gel, agar is most commonly used. Solid mediainjection water and steam bubble acetylene, carbon dioxide foam seal water acetone, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride p sand, carbon dioxide, foam, water bubble game nitro compounds Lu Luo water-ethylene foam, carbon fiber water, potassium, sodium Calcium, magnesite water pine perfume, foam oil foam, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride styrene foam, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride paint foam heavy oil injection water, bubbles wax ibid paraffin lubricating oil pump and water, vegetable oil ibid carbon disulfide in carbon dioxide foam, carbon dioxide water oil above alcohols ethers water (high boiling point above 175 c) (high boiling point above 175 c) alcohol foam Carbon dioxide is ether foam, carbon dioxide (low boiling point below 175 c) (low boiling point below 175 c) three, laboratory aid in experimental ... Second chapter chemical analysis method first section laboratory common glass instrument a, and common glass instrument of main uses, and using note matters list name main uses using note matters beaker preparation solution, and dissolved samples, heating Shi should placed asbestos online, makes its heated uniform, General not burn dry tapered bottle heating processing sample and capacity analysis titration except has and Shang same of requirements outside, mill mouth tapered bottle heating Shi to open plug, non-standard mill mouth to keep original plug iodine bottle iodine volume method or other generated volatile sex material of quantitative analysis ibid round ( Flat) end of flask heating and the distillation liquid General avoid straight fire heating, across asbestos network or various heating bath heating round end of distillation flask distillation; also can for few gas occurred reactor with shangkai's flask digestion organic 1、考试标准 不按规定路线顺序行驶,扣100分 没有完全倒入库内,扣100分 车身出线,扣100分 中途停车,扣100分 2、场地要求: 新场地——原本立在半空中的竹竿大多已取下.采用单库倒车。新规实施后,桩考、场考合并,小型汽车桩考改为倒车入库,两个桩位之间的移库被取消。倒车入库,考试中学员中途不能停车,一旦停车,考试就算没通过。 3、操作技巧: 倒车入库(新的“T”形场地,一个库,库前边开口,保留了前面的一条白色七米线) 1)左右侧后视镜都调节到最低,车身占后视镜约1/5;从计时开始,限时4分钟;考试时不能停车,学会灵活运用离合器来控制车速,做到既慢,又不停车, 时速保持在5公里左右。 2)车停在起始区,右倒库:踩离合、挂倒档,半联动倒车,起车后看车右侧后车窗,当后车窗黑边立柱右下角对准车库的右前角时,方向盘向右打死,注意打轮速度,车要慢打轮要快;再从左后视镜里见到整条左边线刚刚出现后,方向盘快速回2圈; 观察两边后视镜,拉直车身,因为在倒车,注意看车身与左边线的距离,前大后小,向右打轮,打多少记得回多少;直到左门把锁压住库线时停车(与车库底线水平即停)。 3) 左出库:挂1档,半联动前进,看到机盖与边线相切时向左打轮打死,车正回轮,继续 向前行驶20-30cm停车。 4)左倒库:挂倒档,半联动倒车,起车后就开始准备倒车,左倒库早倒比晚倒好进,自然的坐姿即可,当目测车外看到左后视镜底部通过地上的标线后立刻向左打死方向盘,再看左侧后视镜,看车身与地边线即将平行,方向盘快回2圈;直到左侧车门把锁压住库线时停车。 as the main raw material for this medium are: beef extract, Wort, peptone, yeast extract, corn flour, Bran, bread flour, potatoes, milk, serum, etc. Made of these materials with medium is not know for its chemical composition, but in General, is relatively rich in nutrients, microbial growth and extensive sources made easy, which is more commonly used, is particularly suitable for preparing laboratory media. The stability of this medium often ... 2) synthetic medium synthetic medium is a kind of chemical ingredients and quantities fully aware of media, it is formed by the known chemical composition chemical pharmaceutical preparations. This precise chemical composition of culture medium, strong repetition, but it is expensive, slow and microbial growth, so it applies only to do some scientific research, such as nutrition and metabolism research. 3) in semi-synthetic medium in synthetic medium, add one or several natural ingredients or the natural medium, add one or more known chemicals into the composition of semisynthetic medium. For example potato sucrose medium. The medium most used in practice and the laboratory. 2, according to the physical state of the medium to differentiate, can be classified as solid, liquid and semi-solid agar culture medium. 1) liquid culture medium is a liquid preparation of which components are soluble in water, no visible solids, uniform distribution of liquid nutrients, easy to control the growth and metabolism of microorganisms. 2) solid medium in the liquid medium and add the coagulation agent into the solid medium. Often used as a coagulant substances agar, gelatin, silica gel, agar is most commonly used. Solid mediainjection water and steam bubble acetylene, carbon dioxide foam seal water acetone, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride p sand, carbon dioxide, foam, water bubble game nitro compounds Lu Luo water-ethylene foam, carbon fiber water, potassium, sodium Calcium, magnesite water pine perfume, foam oil foam, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride styrene foam, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride paint foam heavy oil injection water, bubbles wax ibid paraffin lubricating oil pump and water, vegetable oil ibid carbon disulfide in carbon dioxide foam, carbon dioxide water oil above alcohols ethers water (high boiling point above 175 c) (high boiling point above 175 c) alcohol foam Carbon dioxide is ether foam, carbon dioxide (low boiling point below 175 c) (low boiling point below 175 c) three, laboratory aid in experimental ... Second chapter chemical analysis method first section laboratory common glass instrument a, and common glass instrument of main uses, and using note matters list name main uses using note matters beaker preparation solution, and dissolved samples, heating Shi should placed asbestos online, makes its heated uniform, General not burn dry tapered bottle heating processing sample and capacity analysis titration except has and Shang same of requirements outside, mill mouth tapered bottle heating Shi to open plug, non-standard mill mouth to keep original plug iodine bottle iodine volume method or other generated volatile sex material of quantitative analysis ibid round ( Flat) end of flask heating and the distillation liquid General avoid straight fire heating, across asbestos network or various heating bath heating round end of distillation flask distillation; also can for few gas occurred reactor with shangkai's flask digestion organic 5) 右出库:向右将车开出停车位,停到指定地点后,考试完成。
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