首页 衡山又名南岳



衡山又名南岳衡山又名南岳 衡山又名南岳,是我国五岳之一,位于湖南省衡阳市南岳区,海拔1300.2米。由于气候条件 较其他四岳为好,处处是茂林修竹,终年翠绿;奇花异草,四时飘香,自然景色十分秀丽, 因而又有―南岳独秀‖的美称。清人魏源《衡岳吟》中说:―恒山如行,岱山如坐,华山如立, 嵩山如卧,惟有南岳独如飞。‖这是对衡山的赞美。 Hengshan Mountain, also known as the South Sacred Mountain of China, is located in the NanYue Dist...

衡山又名南岳 衡山又名南岳,是我国五岳之一,位于湖南省衡阳市南岳区,海拔1300.2米。由于气候条件 较其他四岳为好,处处是茂林修竹,终年翠绿;奇花异草,四时飘香,自然景色十分秀丽, 因而又有―南岳独秀‖的美称。清人魏源《衡岳吟》中说:―恒山如行,岱山如坐,华山如立, 嵩山如卧,惟有南岳独如飞。‖这是对衡山的赞美。 Hengshan Mountain, also known as the South Sacred Mountain of China, is located in the NanYue District of HengYang City in HuNan Province, its elevation is 1300.2 meters. Climate conditions here are better than other four sacred mountains, its deep forests are green all over the year; its exotic flowers and herbs perfume in all seasons, its natural scenery is beautiful, all these earned it the reputation ―the most beautiful mountain‖. In his About HengShan Mountain, Wei Yuan of Qing Dynasty wrote ―HengShan Mountain looks like Walking, PengLai Mountain looks like Sitting, HuaShan Mountain looks like Standing, SongShan Mountain looks like Lying, however, the HengShan Mountain like Flying‖. It’s praise to HengShan Mountain. 南岳衡山为我国五岳名山之一,主峰座落在湖南省衡阳市境内,七十二群峰,层峦迭嶂,气 势磅礴。素以「五岳独秀」、「宗教圣地」、「文明奥区」、「中华寿岳」著称于世。现为国家级 重点风景名胜区、全国文明风景旅游区示范点和国家AAAAA级旅游区。 Hengshan Mountain is one of the five famous sacred Buddhist Mountains in China; its main peak is located in HengYang City of HuNan Province, and its other 72 mountains peaks over peaks with marvelous mountain splendor. It’s famous for ―the most beautiful one among five sacred mountains‖ ―the holy Buddhist site‖ ―Old civilized area‖ and ―the sacred site of longevity‖ in the world. Now, it’s a State-level Scenic Spot, a reference site of China Civilized Scenic Spot Area, and is a National AAAAA Tourist Attraction 为南中国的宗教文化中心,中国南禅、天台宗、曹洞宗和禅宗南岳、青原两系之发源地。南 方最著名的道教圣地,有道教三十六洞天之第三洞天——朱陵洞天,道教七十二福地之青玉 坛福地、光天坛福地、洞灵源福地。 Hengshan Mountain is the religious and cultural centre of Southern China, is the birthplace of South Buddhist, Buddhist Tiantai sect, Caodong sect, the south sacred Buddhist sect and QingYuan sect. It is the most famous Taoists Holly Shrine; it has the Third Cave of the Taoist Thirty-six Caves – Zhuling Cave, and three Treasured Lands of Taoist Seventy-two Treasured Lands – Qingyutan Treasured Land, Guangtiantan Treasured Land and Donglingyuan Treasured Land. 1982年,衡山作为我国著名的自然景观和人文景观,以衡山风景名胜区的名义,被国务院批 准列入第一批国家级重点风景名胜区名单;2000年成为全国首批4A级旅游区;2001年获得 全国顶级、湖南唯一的―全国文明风景旅游区示范点‖殊荣;2006年02月入选首批国家自然与 文化双遗产名录;2006年被评为中国最值得外国人去的50个地方之一;2007年3月成为全 国首批5A级风景名胜区;2007年8月1日,南岳衡山经国务院批准列为国家级自然保护区; 2008年被评为最受群众喜爱的中国十大风景名胜区。 As the most famous natural scenery and man-made landscape of China, Hengshan Mountain was approved by the State Council included in the first batch of State-level Scenic Area list in the name of HengShan Scenic Spot in 1982; in 2000, it was chosen as one of the first batch of National AAAA Tourist Attractions; In 2001, it was awarded the honor as ―a reference site of China Civilized Scenic Spot Area‖, which is the top one of China and the only one of Hunan Province. On February, 2006, it was catalogued in the first set of Chinese Natural and Cultural Heritage List; in 2006, it was voted as one of ―Top 50 places in China worthwhile to be visited by foreigners‖; On March 2007, it was selected as one of the first batch of National AAAAA Tourist Attractions; On August 1, 2007: the South Sacred Hengshan Mountain was approved by the State Council as a State-level Natural Reserve; In 2008, it was voted as one of ―Top ten Chinese’s favorite Scenic Spot and Historic Sites‖. 南岳衡山南起―雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦‖的衡阳回雁峰(南岳衡山首峰),北止―停车坐爱枫 林晚,霜叶红于二月花‖的长沙岳麓山(南岳衡山尾峰),由巍然耸立着的72座山峰组成,亦 被称作―青天七十二芙蓉‖。南岳衡山横跨湖南省八个市县,逶迤八百里,共72峰,其中南岳 区境内有43峰,群峰巍峨,气势磅礴。南岳衡山首峰回雁峰位于衡阳市中心,东临湘江,南 接衡州大道,西邻蒸阳南路,北对中山南路。从―天下南岳第一峰‖向北出发,沿蒸湘北路乘 汽车行驶一个小时,从眼前闪过几十座像芙蓉般婀娜多姿的山峰,就进入了南岳衡山核心风 景名胜区。 Hengshan Mountain is south to Huiyan Peak (the first peak of Hengshan Mountain) (the poem lines describe it as ―The wild geese flying south will stop at the shores of Huiyan Peak and fly back to north in spring‖), and north to Yuelu Mountain of Changsha City in the north (the last peak of Hengshan Mountain) (other lines describe it as ―The maple trees attract me to stop and stay here, their leaves in autumn even more beautiful than the February flowers‖); it was made up of 72 peaks, which is also called as ―The 72 peaks in the blue sky‖. Hengshan Mountain spans 8 counties and cities of Hunan Province, winding to a total length of 800 kilometers, and has totally 72 peaks; among these, 43 lofty and magnificent peaks are located in the area of Nanyue District. The first peak of Hengshan Mountain is located in the centre of Hengyang City, east to XiangJiang River, south to Hengyang Street, west to South Zhengyang Road, and north to South Zhongshan Road. From ―the first peak of Hengshan Mountain‖, drive north along North Zhengxiang road about an hour, passing by dozens of slender and graceful peaks, you will reach the main scenic spots of Hengyang. 祝融峰之高、藏经殿之秀、水帘洞之奇、方广寺之深堪称―南岳衡山四绝‖;春观花、夏看云、 秋望日、冬赏雪为―南岳衡山四时佳景‖。 Hengshan Mountain is celebrated for having four wonderful mountain scenes: the height of Zhurong Peak, the grace of Tripitaka Hall, the fantasy of Water-curtain Cave (Zhuling Cave), and the deepness of Guangfang Temple. In addition, it’s also famous for its beautiful scene in every season: admiring flowers in spring, looking clouds in summer, watching the sun in autumn and enjoy snow in winter. 南岳衡山还有许多名胜古迹和神话传说,吸引了历代各种人物,形成丰富多彩的文化沉积, 宛如一座辽阔的人文与山水文化和谐统一、水乳交融的巨型公园。 Its mass historical sites and legends attracted many people in all dynasties, and finally formed a wealth of colorful cultural heritages, just like a giant park, in which humanistic culture is in perfect harmony with natural landscapes. 山巅祝融峰,海拔1300.2米,登衡山必登祝融。唐代文学家韩愈诗云:―祝融万丈拔地起, 欲见不见轻烟里。‖这两句诗既写了祝融峰的高峻、雄伟,又写了衡山烟云的美妙。登临其上, 可见北面洞庭湖烟波渺渺,若隐若现,南面群峰罗列,如障如屏,东面湘江逶迤,宛如玉带, 西面雪峰山顶,银涛翻腾,万千景象,尽收眼底。 With a height of 1300.02 meter, its peak Zhurong Peak is the must-see place if you visit Hengshan Mountain. The famous writer of Tang Dynasty wrote in a poem that ―The lofty Zhurong Peak rises sheer from the ground, soars and looms in clouds‖. The poem shows the height, the steepness and the majesty of Zhurong Peak, and it also shows the beautiful clouds of Hengshan Mountain. Climbing over Zhurong Peak, you will keep all wonderful sceneries in view: the Dongting Lake in the north, a vast expanse of misty and rolling waters; peaking mountains in the south, like screens blocking your views; the rolling Xiangjing River in the east, like a jade belt; and the snow mountain top in the west with turbulent silver peaks. 传说祝融峰是祝融游息之地。祝融是神话传说中的火神,自燧人氏发明取火以后,即由祝融 保存火种。峰上有祝融殿,是明代所建。祝融峰的西边有望月台,在无云的夜晚,到这里赏 月,别有一番美景。峰上还有观日台,是看日出奇景的好地方。 The legend says that Zhurong Peak is the living place of Zhurong, who is the legendary god of fire; it was Zhurong who kept the tinder since the Mr. Suiren created the fire. There is a Zhurong Hall in the peak, which was built in Ming Dynasty. In the west of Zhurong Peak, it’s the Watching Moon Platform; it would be a distinct experience to watch the moon in a cloudiness night. There is Sun-watching Platform, where is the wonderful place for watching the wonder of sun-rising. 水帘洞 山下水帘洞,飞瀑如泻,帘影高悬,宋朝毕田有咏水帘洞诗一首,专道其妙处:―洞门千尺挂 飞流,玉碎珠联冷喷秋;古今不知谁卷得,绿萝为带月为钩。‖可见其景致之不一般。 Water-Curtain Cave The Water-Curtain Cave is located in the foot of the mountain, the flying waterfalls cascading from the top, and the tall waterfall curtain hanging over it, the poet Bi Tian of Song Dynasty wrote a poem specially for the Water-Curtain Cave, which exclaimed its beauties, ―The tall flying water hangs outside the cave, the water droplets splash like jade beads; who will roll the curtain for many years? Maybe the Scindapsus aureus is the belt and the moon is the hook.‖ How distinctive is its scenery! 五岳溪 位于后山地区,东起后五岳殿、观音岩,西到火坑、降真峰,北至老龙潭,南达祥光峰,面 积6.9平方公里。以山势陡峭、道路险峻、溪流蜿蜒、树木葱茏为主要景观特色,以登山探 险、生态旅游为主要游赏 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 。巧妙开辟游览石径,突出峰、岭、溪、涧、潭、瀑等自然景 观,使游客充分体验自然山水生态乐趣,突出―五岳独秀‖的景观特色,并修复历史景点、游 路,再现南岳衡山的历史面貌。 Wuyue Stream Wuyue Stream starts from Wuyue Hall and Guanyin Cave in the east, to Huokeng and Jiangzhen peak in the west, the Old Dragon Pool in the north and the Xiangguang Peak in the north, covers a total area of 6.9 kilometer squares. Its main distinct sceneries are: steep peaks, precipitous paths, winding streams and brooks, and the dense forest; however, mountaineering adventure and the ecotourism are its main visiting aim. Organizers tactfully blazes the stone trail, emphasizing natural sceneries of peak, range, stream, pool and waterfall, etc; which supply visitors with the wonderful chance of enjoying and experiencing the natural ecological sceneries; in addition, they also highlights its special scenery ―the most beautiful sacred mountain among the five‖, and repairs the historical sites and trails, reappreared the historical physiognomy of the south sacred Hengshan Mountain. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splender in the grass,of glory in the flower,we will Wordsworth grief not,rather find strength in what remains behind.---尽管无法找回那时,草之光鲜,花之芬芳,亦不要悲伤,要从中汲取,留存的力量。---华兹华斯
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