首页 广东开平市第一中学2016届高三上学期名师指津.高考词汇第九周测试卷 Word版含答案.doc

广东开平市第一中学2016届高三上学期名师指津.高考词汇第九周测试卷 Word版含答案.doc


广东开平市第一中学2016届高三上学期名师指津.高考词汇第九周测试卷 Word版含答案.doc广东开平市第一中学2016届高三上学期名师指津.高考词汇第九周测试卷 Word版含答案.doc 名师指津?高考词汇第九周测试卷 (全卷共四大题100小题,请在40分钟内完成) 班级____________学号____________姓名____________得分____________ 一、单词拼写 请根据句意以及首字母或汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。 1. He is a very honest man who never tells a _________(谎话) to anyone....

广东开平市第一中学2016届高三上学期名师指津.高考词汇第九周测试卷 Word版含答案.doc
广东开平市第一中学2016届高三上学期名师指津.高考词汇第九周测试卷 Word版含答案.doc 名师指津?高考词汇第九周测试卷 (全卷共四大题100小题,请在40分钟内完成) 班级____________学号____________姓名____________得分____________ 一、单词拼写 请根据句意以及首字母或汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。 1. He is a very honest man who never tells a _________(谎话) to anyone. 2. We should make full use of the _________ (有限的) time to improve our study. 3. Learning a foreign language is not easy and it takes years to _________(掌握) it. 4. Having read the story, she was _________(感动的) to tears by the hero’s selfless deed. 5. Currently China has about 350 million smokers, among whom 75% are _________(男性). 6. Don’t _________(误解) us. We are here to help you rather than trouble you. 7. Compared with ancient women, _________ (现代的) women are more independent. 8. He is a _________(成员) of the Students’ Union in our school. 9. China is my homeland and wherever I go, I can feel the warmth from my _______ (祖国). 10. To keep our campus clean, we students shouldn’t _________(乱丢) on the ground at will. 11. Healthy eating habits are closely __________ (联系) to good health. 12. You can find these books in any _________ (当地的) bookstore. 13. With great efforts, eventually he _________(设法做到) to speak English fluently. 14. According to the survey, lack of sleep will do serious harm to teenagers’ _______ (记忆). 15. When it comes to having dinner, we should pay attention to our table _________ (礼 貌) . 16. He got a good _________(分数) in the English exam, which delighted his parents a lot. 17. It is said that the old woman is very _________ (仁慈的) and kind to others. 18. Your bedroom is out of order. In other words, it’s m . Please tidy it up. 19. To save her life, all possible m have been tried but in vain. 20. You might think her temper is m , but actually she is rather bad-tempered. 21. Lily invited Tom to her party, but he turned down her i . 22. The gentleman has a good sense of h and always makes other people laugh. 23. I always care about her but she often i me and pays no attention to my feelings. 24. Undoubtedly, traveling can i our knowledge and broaden our horizons. 25. My head teacher always encourages and i us to study hard. 二、词义猜测 请根据句意指出下列句子中划线单词的词性与汉语意思。 1. Mo Yan was awarded the Noble Prize in Literature in 2012. (意思: _________) 2. If there were no cleaners, garbage would pile up like a huge mountain. (意思: _________) 3. He is a generous man, who is not mean with his money to the poor. (意思: _________) 4. He quarreled with his girlfriend and wanted to mend their relationship. (意思: _________) 5. I feel guilty and ashamed for not being able to help you out of trouble. (意思: _________) 6. Our teachers not only care about our physical but mental health. (意思: _________) 7. In order not to absorb the poisonous gas, the soldiers wore gas masks. (意思: _________) 8. You look impressive today. Your clothes really match with your hat. (意思: _________) 9. Though Mike has made great achievements, he is still so modest . (意思: _________) 10. Group discussion is one of the most important teaching methods. (意思: _________) 11. After going through many difficulties, the boy is more mature. (意思: _________) 12. There is always a merry smile on the face of the optimistic girl. (意思: _________) 13. Medical workers like doctors and nurses all came to the patient’s help.(意思: _________) 14. It is illegal to drive a car without a driving license. (意思: _________) 15. We always see the lighting before we hear the thunder. (意思: _________) st16. China was liberated on October, 1, 1949, which is a turning-point. (意思: _________) 17. Intelligence is not the most important factor to learn English well. (意思: _________) 18. Doing part-time jobs enables him to develop his independence. (意思: _________) 19. Following my instructions, he finally passed the driving test. (意思: _________) 20. So impressive is the incident that it will always remain in my mind. (意思: _________) 21. She accepted the job offer without hesitation for lack of money. (意思: _________) 22. If one is too greedy, he is likely to get nothing in the end. (意思: _________) 23. A healthy diet and proper exercise are fundamental to good health. (意思: _________) 24. Friendship can multiply joys and reduce sorrows. (意思: _________) 25. Everyone present at the funeral mourned the death of the hero. (意思: _________) 三、单句填空 请在下列句子中填入一个适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. To drive away _________ (lonely), I attempted to make friends with people around me. 2. I never look down _________ anybody who is poorer and weaker than me. 3. He has been abroad for years and his parents look forward to _________ (see) him a lot. 4. The flood caused the farmers to suffer great economic _________ (lose). 5. He was _________ (luck) enough to have escaped being punished by the traffic policeman. 6. According to his strange behavior, he must be _________ (mental) disabled. 7. She is such a kind woman that she is even merciful _________ complete strangers. 8. The twins look so alike that I often mistake one _________ the other. 9. Crazy about music, the boy dreams about becoming a _________ (music) in the future. 10. Having a poor sense of direction, she tends to lose _________way in a new city. 11. You should spend more time on work and _________ (little) time on meaningless things. 12. I am so busy these years that I extremely long _________ a long holiday. 13. Whenever I think of my parents, my heart is filled with warmth and _________ (happy). 14. The survey shows that there is a close link between smoking ______ lung cancer. 15. They got married last year, but it was not long before their _________ (marry) broke up. 16. I majored _________ history and philosophy when I attended college. 17. Hearing her touching story, we were _________ (great) moved and couldn’t help crying. 18. Having stayed at school for so long, I was homesick and longed _________ (go) home. 19. We all enjoy Mr. Yang’s classes because they are ________ (live) and interesting. 20. His father made a _________ (live) by fishing at an early age. 21. He is the _________ (manage) of the company, who is in charge of this department. 22. The telephone is one of the greatest _________ (invent) in the world. 23. As for man, what matters is the depth of life rather than the _________ (long) of life. 24. His laziness and carelessness led _________ his failure eventually. 25. The key _________ success depends on how hard you work. 四、词组句型 请根据汉语补全下列英文句子。 1. 明天可能会下雨。 _________________________ it will rain tomorrow. 2. 只要努力,我们一定会实现我们的梦想。 __________________we try our best, we are bound to ____________________. 3. 当有困难的时候,大多数学生会选择向自己的朋友求助。 When in trouble, ________________ the students will turn to their friends for help. 4. 他一旦下定决心,没有人可以改变他的想法。 Once he _________________, nobody can ____________________. 5. 毫无疑问,吸烟有害健康。 Undoubtedly, smoking ________________ health. 6. 曾有段时间他过着艰苦的生活。 There was a time when he _________________________. 7. 面对如此多的问题,我深感茫然。 Faced with so many problems, I ______________________. 8. 你必须尽最大努力去弥补你的错误。 You have to spare no effort to __________________ your mistake. 9. 不用说,平凡工作者对我们的社会有巨大的影响。 It goes without saying that ordinary workers ____________________ our society. 10. 文章提到的那个妇女的无私奉献给我留下了深刻的印象。 The selfless devotion of the woman mentioned in the article _____________________ me. 11. 他有音乐天赋,渴望将来能够成为一名音乐家。 He ____________________music and he _____________________ a musician in the future. 12. 用金钱鼓励孩子读书是没有用的。 _______________________ encouraging children to study hard by means of money. 13. 绝不允许她再犯相同的错误。 ___________________ was she allowed to ____________________. 14. 他已经失业五个月了。 He _____________________ for five months. 15. 在老师的帮助下,我坚信我能够最终实现我的目标。 With the help of my teacher, I am greatly convinced that I can _______________ in the end. 16. 我非常感激老师的无私帮助。 I ____________________ my teacher ____________ his selfless help. 17. 为了保持健康,你必须摆脱吸烟的习惯。 To keep healthy, you have to _________________________. 18. 我真心希望每个人都能和他人和谐相处。 I sincerely hope that everyone can live ________________ with others. 19. 普遍来说,孩子们都对有趣的故事感兴趣。 It is common that kids ______________________ interesting stories. 20. 大部分人认为说谎是错误的。 Most of the people hold the view that it is wrong __________________. 21. 你能帮我捎个信吗, Can you _________________________ for me? 22. 取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。 It is impolite to _______________________ the disabled. 23. 正如格言说,知识就是力量。 As the proverb goes, _____________________. 24. 李敏镐因为他帅气的外貌而出名。 Li Minho _____________________ his handsome appearance. 25. 即使困难重重,他也会坚持到底。 _________________ there are many hardships, he will hold on to the end. 名师指津?高考词汇第九周测试卷 一、单词拼写 1. lie 2. limited 3. master 4. moved 5. males 6. misunderstand 7. modern 8. member 9. motherland 10. litter 11. linked / related / connected 12. local 13. managed 14. memory 15. manners 16. mark(同义:grades/scores/points) 17. merciful 18. messy 19. means/methods 20. mild 21. invitation 22. humor 23. ignores 24. increase 25. inspires 二、词义猜测 1. 文学 2. 垃圾 3. 吝啬的 4. 修补 5. 内疚的 6. 心理上的;精神上的 7. 面具 8. 相配 9. 谦虚的 10. 方法 11. 成熟的 12. 开心的;愉快的 13. 医学的 14. 执照 15 闪电 16. 解放;释放 17. 聪明;智慧 18. 独立 19. 教导 20. 事件 21. 犹豫 22. 贪婪的 23. 基本的 24. 增加;加倍 25. 哀悼 三、单句填空 1. loneliness 2. upon/on 3. seeing 4. losses 5. Lucky 6. mentally 7. to 8. for 9. musician 10. her 11. less 12. for 13. happiness 14. and 15. marriage 16. in 17. greatly 18. to grow 19. lively 20. living 21. manager 22. inventions 23. length 24. to 25. to 四、词组句型 1. It is likely that 2. As long as / So long as; achieve our dreams 3. a majority of / most of 4. makes up his mind; change his mind 5. is harmful to/does harm to / is bad for 6. lived a hard life 7. am at a loss 8. make up for 9. have a great influence on / make a difference to 10. left / made me a deep impression 11. has a gift for; longs to become 12. It’s no use 13. By no means; make the same mistakes 14. has been out of job 15. achieve my goal 16. am very grateful to; for 17. get rid of the habit of smoking 18. in harmony with 19. are interested in 20. to tell lies 21. take a message 22. play a joke on / make fun of 23. knowledge is power 24. is famous for 25. Even if / Even though
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