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ERP营销总监工作总结ERP营销总监工作总结 为期两天的ERP沙盘模拟实训就在忙碌和紧张中结束了,让我们深知创业的不易。通过两天的实训,我们真实了解了企业的运营过程,身临其境的操作,最大程度还原运营实况,真正感受企业经营者面对市场竞争的残酷和精彩,我们也乐在其中, 在这次的模拟实践中,老师给了我们很大的帮助和指导,总能在我们身临绝境时给予我们豁然开朗的建议。 在ERP沙盘模拟实中,我们每个人都有幸扮演公司高层领导的角色,每个人都有自己的职责范围。我是营销总监,市场营销就是企业利用价值不断来满足客户需求的过程,销售总监要把握市场、分...

ERP营销总监 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 为期两天的ERP沙盘模拟实训就在忙碌和紧张中结束了,让我们深知创业的不易。通过两天的实训,我们真实了解了企业的运营过程,身临其境的操作,最大程度还原运营实况,真正感受企业经营者面对市场竞争的残酷和精彩,我们也乐在其中, 在这次的模拟实践中,老师给了我们很大的帮助和指导,总能在我们身临绝境时给予我们豁然开朗的建议。 在ERP沙盘模拟实中,我们每个人都有幸扮演公司高层领导的角色,每个人都有自己的职责范围。我是营销总监,市场营销就是企业利用价值不断来满足客户需求的过程,销售总监要把握市场、分析市场、关注竞争对手、把握消费者需求、制定营销战略、定位目标市场,制定并有效实施销售计划,达成企业战略目标。 企业的利润是由销售收入带来的,销售实现是企业生存和发展的关键,是企业的唯一出路,所以,营销重中之重, 1、市场分析,市场定位、市场开拓情况、市场进入时机, 由于我们学习的专业是市场营销,因此我们知道提前对市场科学有效客观的分析是企业走向成功的必要条件。刚接手企业的时候我们六个小组都处于同一起跑线上,只在本地市场出售P1产品,有很广阔的发展空间,但是要想取得成Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 功就必须选择一条正确的道路。在第一年我们采取了保守的战术,加之没有敏锐洞悉市场需求,因此没有拿到本地市场的标王,导致订单量少,因此我们选择蓄势而发,在第一季度的时候投资了一条半自动生产线,为下一年提高产能做准备。 经过对市场的分析,我们发现P3有很大的发展空间,而且P3在本地、国内、和亚洲的需求量都很大,P3的利润空间也比较大,因此我们投资开发了国内市场。在第二年增大广告的投放量,投资了一条全自动生产线,并着手研发了P3产品,随之还进行了IOS140000认证和着手开发亚洲市场。第三年通过对市场的分析和对财务方面的结合,使得我们在广告投放方面趋于理智,并投资了一条半自动生产线。第四年持续第三年的战略方针,理智的广告投放,由于资金链的紧张,在订单方面我们选择兑现周期短。由于我们的产能能够满足订单的需求,因此也没有再扩大生产线,在接下来的第五年和第六年,加大P3产品在本地、国内、亚洲市场上的广告投放,增加订单量,在第六年的时候争夺了亚洲市场的标王,给老厂长留下了一个欣欣向荣的发展前景, 2、市场变化分析、市场预测分析 刚接手老厂长的工厂的时候,我们制定的发展战略是稳中求胜,一直坚守P1产品市场,争取将这一产品打向其他市场领域。在第一年的时候由于没有市场经验,保守的进行Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 了广告投放,使得丢失了勇夺本地市场标王的机会,从而也将我们带入了由盈转亏的局面,资金链也出现了紧张的局势。接下来不得不改变战略,经过严谨的市场分析后,发现P3产品在未来几年内的国内和亚洲市场的需求量很大,而且利润也很高,因此,我们贷款积极开发国内和亚洲市场,蓄势而发, 3、市场占有率分析 第一年由于采取临时的“石头剪刀布”选单方式,除了F组,,使得在广告投入量一定的时候B组有了优先选单的机会,同时也导致了B组无形中占领了比较大的市场占有率。也为他以后几年的发展打好了基础。而我们E组,只能选择了一个账期长、量少的订单,在各项支出费用支出不变的情况下,利润下降,为我们在以后几年的经营里面埋下了资金Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 短缺的种子。 在第二年的经营中,由于第一年F组夺得了本地市场的标王,使得他在第二年有了极大的优势抢夺了市场占有率。在这一年里,根据第一年的经验,每个组在广告投入上都比较不理智,使得竞争更激烈,广告投入与回报不成正比。B组基于第一年的良好基础,在第二年轻松抢占了市场占有率,而剩余的A、C、D以及我们E组,在劣势的基础上继续下滑,丢失了市场份额。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 在第三年的经营时间里,B、F组仍然占有几乎一半的市场,而D组在之前的两年时间了韬光养晦,在第三年一下子打开了区域和国内两个市场,并重点争取国内市场订单,使得他成为了继B、F组之后市场占有率最大的厂商。我们E组在这一年实现了由P1产品向P3产品的扩展,在市场份额上面比上一年有所突破,但是仍不容乐观, 在第四年里,每个组都成功扩展了除本地市场的其他市Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 场,在产品研发上面,也在不断的精益求精,从而有了更广阔的市场选择。我们各个小组在市场选择方面都有各自的特色和侧重点,使得各个市场上的竞争力都不是很激烈。但由于F组占领着本地市场的标王,B组占领着区域市场的标王,D组占领着国内市场的标王,使得这三个组在市场上占有绝对的优势。而我们E组,P1产品没有在市场上夺得订单,之是靠P3产品在本地、国内、亚洲的订单,使得在市场占有率上有所增长,但是涨幅不是很大。 在本年度里,B组在继第四年的基础上又勇夺了亚洲市场的标王,在市场上占有率涨幅很大。F组在这一年没有拿到太多P1产品订单,只是主攻了P2市场,使得他在本年度的市场占有率降低很多。而我们E组持续我们稳中求胜、持续渐进的发展战略,因此在市场占有率上没有太大的突破。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 在这一年里,B组和D组仍处于领先地位,随后的A组和我们E组也处于追赶的大好形势,由于A组和E组的后起之秀,使得B组在市场占有率上有所下降。经营至第六年,每个组在广告投放和市场战略上都很理性,能客观地分析市场、沟通生产部门,大家都渐渐走向成熟,在市场占有率上也逐渐呈现瓜分的局面, 4、竞争环境分析 在我们所经营的第一年时间里,大家都在本地市场争夺订单,竞争的激烈程度可想而知,因此,广告投放的策略就显得尤为重要,直接决定了后面几年的发展基础,但由于我们还不了解标王以及他会带来的一系列有利的局势,错误的和大部分的组一样只投入了3百万的广告。随后,大家都积极实施各小组所指定的战略,有所侧重的选择了不同的市场进入,我们E组在这一年也积极开拓了国内市场,因为我们Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 认为很多人都会选择接下来的区域市场和P2产品去开发和研发,为了避免激烈的竞争,我们选择了国内市场和P3产品作为我们接下来的宏观战略。在随后的几年,虽然大家的战略不同,竞争也不再特别激烈,但由于前期的战略性错误,导致大家的突出问题变为资金链断裂和资金短缺,严重制约着企业的向前发展。在第二年第三季度,我们组就申请了短期贷款,在第四季度,还申请了长期贷款,缓解我们的资金短缺问题。 我们只研发了P1和P3产品,在本地市场,P1产品的竞争对手只有F组,而P3产品的竞争对手是B、D两组。在国内市场,P1产品的竞争对手是A、D、F,但是到了第五年和第六年的时候,在这一市场上大家都放弃了对该产品市场的争夺,P3产品在本市场的竞争对手是B、D组。在亚洲市场上,仅仅有P3产品市场在争夺,对手是B、D组。 总体来说,随着经营时间的延续,P1产品的竞争趋于平淡,而P3产品的竞争对手主要是B、D两组。对于内部环境来说,资金问题越来越严重,几经贷款、还贷,在第五年,我们还贷了高利贷、卖了厂房,不过,随后我们就实现了盈利,同时把高利贷还贷、买回厂房。宏观和微观环境的竞争形势都趋于适度,但是我们组要想取得更广阔的的市场份额,就必须小心应对。 5、产品定位,产品组合策略、产品研发时机, Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 经过对市场需求和利润率的分析,我们发现从第三年开始,P3产品在国内市场和亚洲市场的需求量增加,利润相较P1和P2产品也大,于是我们决定在第二年研发P3产品,在第三年就可以上市。而在第一年和第二年,我们仍主攻P1市场,在P3产品上市之后,实现P1和P3产品组合营销。现实也呼应了我们的这一策略,在第二年和第三年的时候,我们积累的P1库存得到了其他组的争相购买。在第三年以后,P1产品的短账期订单也为我们缓解了很关键的资金压力。 6、广告投放策略 企业存在的使命就是赚钱,而广告的投放,直接关乎着订单的选择,因此,广告的投放至关重要。在第一年的时间内,由于我们没有理解夺标王的意义和方式,有五个组,包括我们E组,都在本地市场上针对P1产品投放了三百万的广告,错误的评估市场使得我们丧失了夺标王的优势。吸取教训,在第二年的时候,大家又都不约而同的加大广告投放,反而使得广告产出比下降。在接下来的四年之内,每个企业都趋于理性,都选择在不同的市场针对不同的产品投放广告,虽然投放的广告量不多,但是广告产出比反而上升。理性的广告投放为企业带来了更多的利润。 7、资格认证投入分析,资格认证投入时机, 我们通过分析发现资格认证只能在第五年和第六年使Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 用,而对于ISO14000和ISO9000认证需要不同的时间,我们决定在第二年进行ISO14000认证,在第三年开始ISO9000认证。但由于在第三年出现了严重的资金短缺问题,迫使我们改变策略,另一方面我们认为进行ISO9000认证的企业肯定会多,于是我们的ISO9000认证搁浅,只实现了ISO14000认证。但在第五年的使用里面,订单只要求了ISO9000认证,曾一度以为我们的ISO14000认证浪费。不曾想在第六年里面我们充分利用了这一认证,在订单的选取上有了很大的优势,利润也提高了不少。 8、按时交单率 基于我们的整体战略和生产部门以及采购部门的密切配合,我们的库存总能很及时的满足我们的订单要求。但是在第四年,由于我们错误的估算了产能,导致拿下了数量大的订单,库存和生产已经满足不了订单要求,我们估算了一下发现放弃订单比较划算。 通过这次模拟实训,深入体会到生产制造型企业的运转 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 。营销,生产,采购,财务,环环紧扣,息息相关。任何一步都不能出差错。熟悉了各个模块的过程,生产部分的计划根据市场订单,与生产能力相平衡,主要还是搞有限生产能力平衡。主生产计划排定后进行物料需求计划的计算。接着采购原料。要时刻计算现金的流动。在财务方面,终于不再是从字面上感受短期贷款,应付帐款,帐期,贴现,等等Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 了。特别营销,涉及市场分析预测,接受顾客订单,甚至与其他公司的私下货款交易,是互动性很强的一个职位,逐渐意识到最有挑战性和趣味性的工作就是营销了。另外一个深刻体会就是团队合作的重要,在众说纷纭的情况下,在各执己见的情况下,各个总监应迅速作出分析决策,并且说服其他人,或者提供数据报表,接受他人意见和建议。现实中离不开团队合作,没有合作精神的个人是会被当今社会所抛弃的,没有合作精神的团队也不可能经营出一个好的公司。在这点上我们还是做得很好,特别是随着程序的渐进,大家齐心协力,共同奋进,没有丝毫的放松和泄气。 通过ERP沙盘模拟,使我们能够把书本学到的知识与实际操作相结合,即锻炼了我们的实际动手能力,又能让我们把书本上的知识掌握得更透彻,对ERP有更具体的理解。在这次ERP沙盘模拟实训中我觉得很开心,而且收益匪浅。感谢学校给了我们这次实训的机会,我希望以后能多一点类似的实训机会,让我们在实际操作中成长。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good,
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