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回春医疗保健操 60节文字


回春医疗保健操 60节文字回春医疗保健操 60节文字 回春医疗保健操 60节文字 2011年04月14日 回春医疗保健操 1. 游臂 动作:两脚分开与肩等宽,右手掌拍打脐下气海,关元穴。左手背拍打后腰命门,阳关穴,两手前后交替拍打64次。 作用:活血化淤,改善血液循环。 防治:腰背痛和泌尿,消化,生殖系统疾病。 2. 晃腰 动作:两手叉腰,膝稍弯,晃腰转胯,先由右向左转32次,再从左向右转32次。 作用:活动腰胯关节,疏通任,督二脉,促进全身血液循环,强肾。 防治:腰背痛,便泌,腰肌劳损,闪腰岔气。 3. 甩臂 动作...

回春医疗保健操 60节文字
回春医疗保健操 60节文字 回春医疗保健操 60节文字 2011年04月14日 回春医疗保健操 1. 游臂 动作:两脚分开与肩等宽,右手掌拍打脐下气海,关元穴。左手背拍打后腰命门,阳关穴,两手前后交替拍打64次。 作用:活血化淤,改善血液循环。 防治:腰背痛和泌尿,消化,生殖系统疾病。 2. 晃腰 动作:两手叉腰,膝稍弯,晃腰转胯,先由右向左转32次,再从左向右转32次。 作用:活动腰胯关节,疏通任,督二脉,促进全身血液循环,强肾。 防治:腰背痛,便泌,腰肌劳损,闪腰岔气。 3. 甩臂 动作:两臂上举过头,手心向前,自然下甩过体侧。两膝配合甩臂,微屈伸32次。 作用:活动肩,肘,腕关节,内脏。 防治:肩周炎,臂痛,臂麻木不举。 4. 双摇臂 动作:两手掌心向面,以肩关节为轴,直臂由下向后绕环32次。再向前绕32次。 作用:活动肩关节,疏通经络,调理脏腑。 防治:肩周炎及周围软组织疾病。 5. 推拳 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 动作:两手握拳,拳心向上置体侧,先用力出右拳,拳心向下,收右拳,拳心向上置体侧,同时出左拳。左右交替各32次。 6. 拍胸 动作:右手拍左胸(乳上锁下)紫宫,华盖,俞府,彧中,神藏,气户,库房,屋翳穴。再左手拍右胸,穴位相同。左右交替各32次。 作用:通经活络化淤。 防治:胸痛,胸闷,肺结核,气管炎,咳喘,肋间神经痛等。 7. 叉跳 动作:两臂下垂,两脚原地跳,同时两臂体前交叉摆动,两手前后交替64次。 作用:活动全身,疏通经络,促进血液循环,对内脏有按摩作用。 8. 打背 动作:右手打左背肩井,肩中俞,肩外俞,曲垣穴,再左手打右背穴位相同,左右交替拍打各32次。 作用:活动上肢关节,通经活络,活血化淤。 防治: 肩背痛,颈项强直,上臂痛麻,臂不举。 9. 扩胸 动作:两手握拳曲肘,左拳在右肘上,右拳在左肘下,拳稍过肘,两臂用力向左右两侧扩32次。 作用:活动肩关节。 防治:背,肩,臂痛,胸痛,胸肋痛,胸膜炎,肺气肿,臂不举。 10.单摇臂 动作:左手叉腰,右手握拳以肘为轴,向前绕16圈,向后绕16圈,最后一圈伸手向前甩出。同法再绕左臂。 作用:活动上肢关节,调理心肺功能。 防治:心痛,手臂痛麻,半身不遂,咳,喘。 11.甩拳 动作:两手握拳,臂与肩平右手握拳直臂后甩,眼看右拳。同时左臂握拳曲肘于胸前,交替进行各16次。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 作用:活动上肢和颈,肩,腰。使脏腑气血充足,血脉畅通。 防治:上肢疾病,气管炎,咳,喘。 12.搂拳 动作:右臂向前平伸,掌心向外划弧握拳,掌心向上用力收拳与腰部,左右交替进行各32次。 作用:活动上肢关节,通经活络,促进血液循环。 防治:上肢和心肺疾病。 13.侧弯腰 动作:两手叉腰,上身渐渐向右弯,一伸一松16次,同法左弯16次。 作用:伸筋拔骨,锻炼脊柱侧韧带和腰肌。 14.原地跑 动作:曲肘握拳原地跑,两臂前后交替摆64次。 作用:活动全身,疏通经络,促进心脏功能,加快血液循环,对内脏器官有按摩作用。 15. 漫游臂 动作:右臂前上摆,手与肩平,左臂同时从体侧后摆,两膝配合摆臂微曲伸,交替进行64次。 作用:缓解疲劳,增加臂手血流量,调整内脏功能。 16. 按手 动作:曲肘,两手平伸与腰齐,由右向左用力按4次,再由左向右按4次,用力在掌,交替进行32次。 作用:疏通经络,降低血压,防止手颤。 17. 上摇球 动作:两手如抱球,在头前上方,由右向左摇16圈,再从左向右摇16圈,眼随手转。 作用:活动上肢,增强脑垂体平衡,锻炼视力。 18. 中摇球 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 动作:两手如抱球在胸前,由右向左摇16圈,再由左向右摇16圈,不过头顶,不弯腰。 作用:活动上肢。 19. 下摇球 动作:两手如抱球,弯腰45度,由左,下,右上摇(手高过头顶),再反方向摇各16圈。 作用:活动肩,肘,腰。疏通经络,条理脏腑。 20. 抓空 动作:右臂上举过头,手心向前,手用力如抓物,下甩体侧,两手交替进行各32次。 作用:活动肩,肘,指关节,疏通经络,调理脏腑。 ,,、摇放辘轳 动作:右腿跨前一步,两臂前个,两手握空拳,手心向下,如摇辘轳,由上往下摇,右腿微屈,左腿 伸直,呼气;由下向上摇,左腿随着微屈,右腿个直,摇到胸前要挺胸后仰,呼气。摇,,圈(图,,,,)。换左腿跨前一步,两手放辘轳,方法同上,方向相反。摇,,圈(图,,, ,)。 作用:活动肩、肘、腰经络,调理脾胃。 ,,(摸鱼 动作:左脚向前方跨一步,伸直,右膝稍弯,肘平屈,两手伸平并齐,从右向左划大圈。划到左前方,左腿微屈,右腿伸直,上身挺直向前倾,呼气;沿左胸向右划,左腿伸直,右膝微屈,上身挺直向后倾,吸气,划,,圈。换右腿向前方跨一步,用同样方法,再划,,圈(图,,)。 作用:活动腰、腿、肩、肘各关节经络。 ,,(大转腰 动作:两脚分开,一肩半宽,两臂伸直举过头,沿上、左、下、右方向转,圈,下转时头稍低,两手到膝部,呼气;上转时,稍抬头,上身略后仰,吸气。转圈要缓慢,防止摔倒。用同样方法,方向相反,再转,圈(图,,)。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 作用:活腰健肾,使气血通畅,增强腰力,防治腰肌劳损。对腰、胯酸麻有治疗作用。 ,,(挖泥 动作:两臂举在头顶两侧,吸气,手心向外。右手从右侧,左手从左侧下移,同时两腿慢慢下蹲,呼气;待两手移动到脚部前方时,手心转向上随身上托,两腿跟随慢慢直立。反复,次(图,,)。作用:活动腰、膝、髋关节,对五脏六腑起调理作用,并防治肥胖症。 25.打膝盖 动作:上身微屈,双手交替拍打膝盖。拍打时弯腰松肩垂臂,共做32下。 作用:解除两腿酸疼感,防治膝关节疾病,对腿软有疗效。 26.回头看足跟 动作:肘平屈,两手并齐放在左侧腰旁,头向右后转动,带动上身,两眼看到右足跟时,双手随着转到右后方,双手向下按一下。然后头向左后转,用同样的方法交替进行,共做16次。 作用:防治腰、肩、肘、脊柱关节骨质增生,对颈椎软骨骨质增生有疗效。 27. 大弯腰 动作:两手交叉在一起,手心向上,手臂往上伸直,连举三下,向前弯腰,两手向下慢慢按压三下。初练时按不到脚面,经过锻练逐步达到。两手交叉再举三下后,腰向左转,用同样方法从上向右脚面按三下,重复两次。腰向左转,从上向左脚面按三下,重复两次。 作用:防治腰岔气、腰背酸疼、脊柱侧弯。 28. 前后弯腰 动作:在后腰处两手抱肘,上身向前尽可能弯腰,再尽可能向后仰,共做16次。 作用:增强腰椎功能,沟通任督二脉,防治驼背,对体虚、肾亏、腰酸、背痛和腰椎骨质增生有疗效。 29. 转腰 动作:与第2节转腰相同,转32圈。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 作用:消除以上各节弯腰活动可能引起的腰肌疲劳,防治外伤和闪腰岔气。 30(转膝 动作:上身稍微前俯,两腿下蹲,两膝并拢,两手分别按紧左右膝盖,膝关节从右、前、左、后方向旋转6圈。方向相反再转16圈。 作用:活动膝盖和关节,增强腰、腿、足、膝功能,抵抗衰老,对防治足膝痿软、酸痛、乏力和鹤膝风等症有疗效。 31(压腿 动作:两腿分开一肩宽,伸直,上身前俯,两掌心分别压住左右膝盖,用力压膝盖16次。 作用:舒展膝关节经络,防治腿病。消除30节转膝后的膝关节疲劳。 32(前踢腿 动作:双手叉腰,拇指在后点肾俞穴。右大腿抬平,脚尖向下,脚面绷平,右脚跟还原。换左腿,用同样方法前踢。交替进行,共踢32下。 作用:活动腿、膝、踝关节,防治下肢无力、风湿麻木、酸痛、大小腿痉挛症。 33(原地小跳 动作:两臂向前平伸,手心相对,先右臂后左臂交替上下摆动,同时两腿交替抬高,一上一下原地跳动,脚平落地,做32次。 作用:活动全身关节、肌肉和五脏六腑,促使全身气血畅通。 34(七敲 动作:一敲大陵穴;两手握空拳,拳心相对,两手腕关节横纹的正中两筋之间的大陵穴,对敲32次。 二敲腕骨:两手握空拳,右拳在上,拳心向上,左拳在下,拳心向下,腕骨对腕骨,用力敲打16次,换左拳在上,用同样的方法再敲16次。 三敲合谷穴:双手握空拳,拳心向下,手臂向前平伸,用右拇指关节的高处,敲左手合谷穴16次;换左手用同样的方法敲右手合谷穴16次。 四敲后溪穴:肘屈,两手握空拳,拳心向里(第五掌骨小头后方的掌横纹头为后溪穴),两手对敲32次。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 五叉虎口:两手拇、食指分开,掌心向下,对叉虎口(相当于合谷穴),叉32次。 六叉八邪穴:两手十指张开,手心向里,十指对叉五指歧骨间的八邪穴,做32次。 七打内劳宫:用右手掌骨高处敲打左手掌心的内劳宫穴,敲16次。换左手敲打右学习掌心内劳宫穴16次。 作用:防治腕掌、手指肿麻无力,增强脏腑功能,灵活手指,防治手指麻木疼痛。 35(八打 动作:右腿向前跨一步,左腿微屈,上身向前弯。 一打阴阳交:左掌心拍打右脚内踝直上四个横指处的三阴交穴,右掌心在右脚外侧对应处 拍打24次。 二打足三里:右掌心拍打右腿外膝眼下三寸,胫骨外侧一横指处的足三里穴,左掌心在右腿内侧对应处同时拍打24次。 三打阳陵泉:右掌心拍打腓骨小头前下方凹陷处的阳陵泉穴,左掌心同时拍打内侧对应处24次。 四打风市、血海穴:直立时两手垂直中指尖触到处是风市穴;膝盖骨内上缘二寸是血海穴。以右掌心拍打内市穴,左掌心同时拍打血海穴24次。 五打箕门穴:以左掌心拍打血海穴上六寸处的箕门穴,右掌心同时拍打右侧对应处24次。然后两掌心从阴阳交沿着腿的两侧向上连续拍打到箕门,再从箕门向下连续拍打到三阴交,右腿还原。换左腿向前跨一步,用同样的方法拍打左腿各穴。拍打完毕,还原直立。 六打居廖(应该是骨字旁)(即胯轴,在十一肋骨前端之下六寸三分处):右掌心拍打右腿居廖穴,左掌心同时拍打 左腿居廖穴24次。 七打承扶穴(坐骨神经):两膝稍屈,臀部下蹲,右掌手指拍打右臀下横纹之中央处的承扶穴,同时左掌手指拍打左臀承扶穴24次。 八打环跳穴(在股骨大转子的后方,并足直立时出现的凹陷处):右掌拍打右腿环跳穴,同时左掌心拍打左腿环跳穴24次。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 两掌心从两腿的居廖穴经承扶穴同时连续拍打到环跳穴,再从环跳穴连续拍打到居廖穴。 作用:对下肢穴位进行拍打,产生刺激作用,疏通经络,舒筋活血,促进血液循环,防治下肢关节酸痛、坐骨神经痛、下肢麻痹、偏瘫和功能性腰腿痛。 36(蹲堆 动作:两臂前伸与肩平,手心向下,两腿慢慢弯屈下蹲,上身挺直,反复做8次。最好深蹲,蹲到底,但不要勉强。 作用:活动腿踝关节,增强腿力,防治腿膝酸软无力、疼痛,辅助治疗髋关节炎。 37(打膝盖 动作:膝关节微屈,右手掌拍打右膝盖一下,左手掌拍打左膝盖一下,交替进行,共打32次。 作用:解除“蹲堆”对腿膝的疲劳,防治膝关节病,对腿软、腿痛有疗效。 38(抱后脑颠足跟 动作:双手叉在一起,抱着后脑颠足跟,脚跟颠起,脚跟落地。颠时要收腹提肛,一起一落为一次,共颠8次。 作用:防治足跟骨刺、足跟病和痔疮。沟通任督二脉,使脊髓大脑充满活力。 39(托腹 动作:身体放松,两手叉在一起,手心向上,身下沉,两手托住小腹不动,两腿膝盖上下颠动200次。 作用:对五脏六腑起到调理作用,防治习惯性便秘、肠胃病、肥胖病,能减轻体重。 40(左右蹬腿 动作:两手叉腰,拇指在后。右腿侧屈收回,随即足跟用力向右蹬出伸直。换左腿用同样方法方法,交替进行。左右共做16次。 作用:活动腿关节,对膝髋关节酸痛无力有疗效。 41(后踢腿 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 动作:两手叉腰,拇指在后点肾俞穴,右腿后屈,足跟踢臀部,腿落地。换左腿用同样方法,交替进行。左右共做16次。 作用:活动下肢关节,防治腿膝酸痛无力。 42(转脖颈(或搓脖颈) 动作:两手叉腰,拇指在后,点肾俞穴,现眼微闭,头由右、下、左、上方向慢慢转6次,向下转时尽量低头,向上转时尽量仰头。方向相反用同样方法,再慢转6次。 作用:防治颈椎病、颈椎骨质增生、晕车、晕船和神经官能症。 注意:高血压者不宜做“转脖颈”,改做“搓脖颈”。方法是:两手掌紧按后脖颈,用力向左右来回搓32次。搓毕,右手掌紧紧抓住后脖颈的中央捏五下。 作用:高血压患者后脖颈有僵硬的痂结,搓擦后逐渐软化,有利于降压。活动交感神经和植物神经,对神经性疾病有疗效,使颈项灵活,精神焕发,并防治颈骨增生、落枕和扭伤。 43(揉搓压膝 动作:右腿向前跨一步,伸直,左腿微屈,双手摞在一起,右掌在下,放在右膝上,从右、下、左、上方各揉16圈,再方向相反揉16圈。揉毕,双手再上下搓膝16次;搓毕,双手再用力在膝盖上向后慢压16次;压毕,右腿收回还原。换左腿,用同样方法做揉膝、搓和压膝动作。 作用:活动膝关节,防治膝关节病。 44(洗眼 动作:两手半握拳,眼微闭,两拇指背分别轻轻地压在左右眼球上,将上眼皮向内眼角晃动32次。 作用:使眼周围组织气血畅通,维护肌肉弹性,防治眼睑下垂,对近视、远视、白内障、老花眼有一定疗效。 45(摩眼皮 动作:用两手中指腹,轻轻地从左右两个内眼角顺着上眼皮往外眼角划圈,再往回沿下眼皮划到内眼角,共划16圈。 作用:摩擦眼球。 46(摩鱼腰 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 动作:两眼微闭,用 的中指和食指由两眉之间的钟表学穴,分别沿 用力横摩到太阳穴。反复做16次。 眉毛 作用:鱼腰穴在眉中心凹陷处,按摩鱼腰,可防治角膜炎。此节同时按摩印堂穴、攒竹穴(眉头内侧凹陷处)、丝竹空穴(眉稍外侧凹陷处)和太阳穴。按摩印堂可防治眼病和头痛;按摩攒竹可使眼睛明亮,治疗流泪、头痛;按摩丝竹空可治疗眼病和偏头痛。 47(晃承泣四白 取穴方法:(1)承泣穴:眼平视,瞳孔直下,在下眼眶边缘上;(2)四白穴:在眼眶下正中一横指。 动作:两眼微闭,两手中指指腹压住承泣、四白穴,同时分别向里晃动,共做16次。 作用:防治近视、远视、老花眼。 48(揉睛明 动作:左手叉腰,右手拇指和食指指腹轻轻地捏揉两眼内眼角的凸起部分。这是泪管头。手不离开,连捏带揉16圈,做16次。 作用:防治见风流泪,近视,远视、老花眼,改善眼球周围血液循环,增强视神经及眼肌功能,消除视力疲劳。 49(洗鼻 动作:两手中指指腹紧按鼻翼两侧,同时从两边向鼻尖挤一下,用力沿鼻梁向上搓到内眼角;再轻轻搓回鼻梁两侧,上下为一次,做16次。 作用:促使鼻黏膜血液循环加快,减少冷空气对肺脏的刺激,增强耐寒力,防治感冒、鼻炎、鼻窦炎、鼻出血,并使嗅觉灵敏。 50(按迎香 动作:双手食指按揉鼻翼两旁的迎香穴,揉16圈。 作用:防治鼻塞、感冒、鼻炎、鼻窦炎,维护嗅觉功能。 51(干洗脸 动作:两手掌心紧按两腮下部,手指向上,两个中指分别按紧鼻两侧,用力向上搓擦,经过双眼到上额时,改变方向,右掌在前,手指向左,左掌在后,手指向右,继续用力搓擦;经过头顶到后颈时,两掌分开,右掌沿右脖颈,左掌沿左脖颈回到两腮下部为一次。共做16次。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 作用:能调整血压,血压高的能降压,血压偏低的可升压。醒脑,防止眩晕,可消除疲劳,促进面部血液循环。久练可使老年人少生皱纹,满面红润。 52(十指梳头 动作:除拇指外,两手手指置于前额头发边缘,手心向后,用指尖和指甲向后梳头,经过头顶梳到后颈,反复16次。再用两手手指分别在前额两角的头发边缘向后梳,经过耳后梳到后脖颈,梳16次。 作用:刺激头部末稍神经和毛细血管,使脑神经和脑动脉舒展、松弛,促进血液循环加快,改善对脑部的氧气和营养物质的供应,有利于防治脑动脉硬化、中风。促进脑部新陈代谢,延缓头发枯萎、早衰,可使头脑清爽,提高思维能力和记忆力。 53(揉风池 动作:眼平视前方,两手拇指分别紧按在后脑枕骨下、大筋外侧凹陷处的左右两个风池穴上,按顺时针方向揉16圈;然后方向相反再揉16 圈。 作用:风池穴是中医治风的要穴。可祛风散寒,增强抵抗力,防治中风、头痛、感冒、落枕,颈项强直、耳鸣、失眠、健忘、腰背痛和腿软无力。 54(揉太阳 动作:太阳穴在眉梢和外眼角外一横指的凹陷处。用两拇指批腹分别压在左右太阳穴,顺时针方向,用力稍强,揉16圈;然后方向相反,再揉16圈。 作用:太阳穴附近有许多毛细血管,按摩此穴,可加快血液循环,使脑血管畅通,促使脑动脉硬化逆转,可醒脑明目、健脑、预防中风。 55(搓耳 动作:两掌心置于两耳耳尖在上方,两掌心向下搓擦,将耳尖压弯,盖住耳孔;质间有到耳垂下部,再将耳垂推向上,使耳垂弯屈,盖住耳孔,反复搓到耳部发热为止。 作用:防止耳动脉、脑动脉硬化,防治耳鸣,维护听功能。 56(指耳 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 动作:双手握拳,食指伸直,分别捅进左右耳孔,向前转三圈,再向后转三圈,往里一捅拔出来。共做8次。 作用:防治耳鸣、听力减弱、耳聋,增强听觉功能。 57(震耳 动作:两手掌心用力按压左耳孔,其余四脂按压后脑枕骨不动;把掌心骤然离开,可以听到耳膜的震声浪,反复10次。 作用:同“指耳”。 58(按揉内关 动作:内关穴位于手腕横纹正中直上两个拇指处(两筋之间)。右手拇指肚按揉左手内关穴,与内关穴对应,沿顺时针方向,按揉内关穴16圈;然后方向相反,再揉16圈。换左手,用同样方法按揉右手内关穴。 作用:内关是八脉交汇的重要穴位,以指代针,直接增强对心脏的血液供应,对稳定期的缺血性心脏病有显著毅然决然。 59(搓手 动作:右腿跨前半步,伸直,左腿微屈。右手放在右膝上,左手手心按在右手背上,从手背用力搓到手指,再从手指搓回手背,共做32次。右腿还原,左腿跨前半步,用同样方法搓左手32次。 作用:防治投入产品麻痛无力。 60(全身拌动 动作:全身放松,两臂自然下垂,两膝稍屈,一屈一伸带动全身抖动。如手和上肢有病,右两手下垂;高血压和腿病患者,可将手90度平放;腰痛和心脏病患者可将手50度斜放。两手、两膝和全身肌肉、内脏、乳房、男子阴囊、女子阴部等都有抖动感,上下牙齿也抖动,但速度不宜太快,共做200下。 作用:减去全身,使内脏运动,消除疲劳,增强全身血液流通。睡前做此动作,可防治失眠。 回春医疗保健操 北京市回春保健操协会 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 特别声明: 1:资料来源于互联网,版权归属原作者 2:资料内容属于网络意见,与本账号立场无关 3:如有侵权,请告知,立即删除。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To
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