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厉庄高级中学2006高三英语周考(3)试题 【精编】


厉庄高级中学2006高三英语周考(3)试题 【精编】厉庄高级中学2006高三英语周考(3)试题 【精编】 厉庄高级中学2006高三英语周考(3)试题 3. What is the way David thought of his debts? A. paying off B. being paid off C. to pay off D. being paid for 7. — Do you think he has to do with the accident? — I?m afraid he has to do with it. The police ...

厉庄高级中学2006高三英语周考(3)试题 【精编】
厉庄高级中学2006高三英语周考(3)试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 【精编】 厉庄高级中学2006高三英语周考(3) 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 3. What is the way David thought of his debts? A. paying off B. being paid off C. to pay off D. being paid for 7. — Do you think he has to do with the accident? — I?m afraid he has to do with it. The police are asking him about it. A. something, anything B. anything, somethingC. nothing, anything D. anything, nothing 8. We have no doubt he will pass the coming entrance examination. A. whether B. that C. what D. which 16. He will never forget the efforts he devoted to a new way to cure the disease. A. look for B. looking for C. looked for D. looking 19. Whom would you rather with you? A. have to go B. have gone C. have go D. have going 6. Mr. Wang is the library while the lab is his wife. A. in charge of ;in charge of B. in the charge of ; in charge of C. in charge of ; in the charge of D. in the charge of ; in the charge of 7. He suggested the man to prison. A. referred to be sent B. referring to should be sent C. referred to was sent D. referring to was sent 15. I still don?t think very nice of her to talk about me in front of everybody. A. that is B. the fact that is C. which D. it 18. The old man insisted that the weather not good enough and so he insisted that we out later. A. be, set B. was, set C. should be, had set D. be, will set 3. ——There are 800 students in that school. ——In our school, there are . A. twice as many B. twice as muchC. twice as many as D. twice so many as in that school. 5. I?d like to live in the countryside cities. A. rather in the B. instead C. rather than D. not 9. The teacher all the children and took them to the zoo for a visit. A. rounded up B. rounded around C. called out D. sent out 11. That was the second time he had been caught by the police drug to others. A. sell B. selling C. to sell D. sold 13. It was not she took off her dark glasses I realized she was a famous film star. A. when ; that B. until ; that C. until ; when D. when ; then 35. As is known to us, each person?s DNA is ____________ unless he has a twin. A unusual B common C various D unique The purpose of a letter of application is to help you to“sell”yourself. It should state 36 the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have 37 . It should be simple, human, personal and brief without 38 out any necessary fact. In writing a letter of application, keep in 39 that the things a possible employer is most 40 to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. 41 the first few sentences fail to 42 the reader?s attention, the rest of the letter may not be 43 at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not 44 your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning with “I saw your 45 in today's paper.”you might say“I have made a careful 46 of your advertising during the past six months”or“I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives 47 your product and why they like it.” Try to 48 generalities. Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now 49 . College graduates looking for their first positions often ask“ What can I 50 in a letter? Employers want experience, which, naturally, no 51 has.”The answer is that everything you have ever done is 52 . It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter. 53 a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent 54 is to enclose(内附)a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it 55 for a possible employer to get in touch with you. 36(A. clearly B. carefully C. obviously D. easily 37(A. found B. done C. known D. heard 38(A. sending B. taking C. leaving D. picking 39(A. brain B. sight C. order D. mind 40(A. probable B. possible C. likely D. able 41(A. While B. Although C. As D. If 42(A. pay B. win C. show D. fix 43(A. kept B. continued C. written D. read 1 44(A. to B. for C. into D. from 45(A. advertisement B. report C. article D. introduction 46(A. watch B. search C. study D. discussion 47(A. change B. make C. sell D. use( 48(A. avoid B. remember C. protect D. gain 49(A. losing B. applying C. preparing D. fitting 50(A. offer B. supply C. mean D. provide 51(A. worker B. beginner C. owner D. manager 52(A. success B. development C. practice D. experience 53(A. Make B. Ask C. State D. Get 54(A. result B. decision C. promise D. idea 55(A. happier B. easier C. cheaper D. safer A Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants become annoyed and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the country?s economy. It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country, keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance the wealth and happiness of local inhabitants. Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the country?s economy can suffer. On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Businesses can also lose money. It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first- class roads, and other support facilities(配套设 施)needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money. Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle waste, and water. All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used because there are not enough tourists , jobs and money are lost. 56(Which of the following do you think has been discussed in the part before this selection, A. It is extremely important to develop tourism. B. Building roads and hotels is essential. C. Support facilities are highly necessary. D. Planning is of great importance to tourism. The underlined word“ inhabitants”probably means________. 57( A. tourists B. passengers C. population D. citizens 58(Too much tourism can cause all these problems EXCEPT ________ . A. a bad effect on other industries B. a change of tourists? customs C. over-crowdedness of places of interest D. pressure on traffic 59(It can be inferred from the text that ________ . A. the author doesn?t like tourism developing so fast B. local people will benefit from tourist attraction C. other parts of a country?s economy won?t benefit from tourism much D. we can't build too many support facilities 60(The author thinks it is good for local people to know that tourism will ________ . A. waste a lot of money B. weaken their economy C. help establish their customs D. help improve their life B Language learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners. Most children will“obey”spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word“obey”is hardly exact as a description of the eager and delighted co-operation(合作)usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gestures and by making questioning noises. Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It?s agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves out as particular expression like delight, pain, friendliness and so on. But since these can?t be said to show the baby?s intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new words to their store. This self-imitation(自我模仿)leads out to deliberate(有意的)imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech. It is a problem we need to get our teeth into. The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation and it is clear that what a child means by a word will. change as he gains more experience of the world. Thus the use, at seven months, of“mama”as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a 2 meaningless sound simply because he also uses it at another time for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself. I doubt, however , whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of his ability in an attempt to teach new words. Children who start speaking late ________ . 61( A. may have problems with their listening B. probably do not hear enough language spoken around them C. usually pay close attention to what they hear D. often take a long time in learning to listen properly 62(A baby?s first noises are ________ . A. an expression of his moods and feelings B. an early form of language C. an imitation of the speech of adults D. a sign that he means to tell you something 63(The problem of deciding at what point a baby?s imitation can be considered as speech ____ . A. is important because words have different meanings for different people B. is not especially important because the change takes place gradually C. is one that should be ignored(忽略)because children?s use of words is often meaningless D. is one that can never be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with age 64(The speaker implies that ________ . A. even after they have learnt to speak, children still enjoy imitation B. children who are good at imitating learn new words more quickly C. children no longer imitate people after they begin to speak D. patents can never hope to teach their children new sounds CMost people would agree that it would be wonderful if humans could regenerate(再生) limbs. Those who have lost their arms or legs would be complete again. The day is still far off when this might happen. But in the last 10 years , doctors have reported regeneration in smaller parts of the body , most often fingers . Regeneration is not a newly-discovered process. For centuries, scientists have seen it work in some kinds of animals. Scientists now are looking for a way to turn on this exciting ability in more highly-developed animals, including humans. Their experiments show that nerves(神经), cell chemistry and the natural electric currents in the body all seem to have a part in this process. The body of every animal contains general purpose cells that change into whatever kind of cells the body needs. These cells collect around the wound. They form a mass called a blastema(芽基). The cells of the blastema begin to change. Some became bone cells, some muscle cells, some skin cells. Slowly, a new part re-grows from the body outward. When completed, the new part is just like the old one. More than 200 years ago, Italian scientist Luigi Spallanzani showed that younger animals have a greater ability to regenerate lost parts than older animals. So do animals lower on the ladder of evolutionary(进化的) development. The major differences seem to be that less-developed animals have more nerves in their tails and legs than humans do in their arms and legs. Another helpful piece of information was discovered in the late 1800s. Scientists found that when a creature is injured, an electrical current flows around the wound. The strength of the current depends on how severe the wound is and on how much nerve tissue(组织) is present. 65(According to the passage, limb regeneration ________. A(will become a reality in the near future B(has been reported successful in some patients C(has a long way to go before it works in humans D(is a branch of study set up by a group of modern doctors 66(What animals are lower on the ladder of evolutionary development? A(More-developed animals. B(Less-developed animals. C(Highly-developed animals. D(Fully-developed animals. 67(According to Luigi Spallanzani?s discovery , ________. A(humans have less nerves in the limbs than animals B(some animals may not have so much nerve tissue as others C(an injured animal regenerates masses of cells round the wound D(electrical current can be found around the wound in younger animals 68(The passage is mainly about ________. A(a newly-discovered process B(research on animal evolution C(a new medical discovery D(research on regeneration D From the very beginning, Martin felt that he was bound up with(与„„紧紧地在一起)his lovely little patient. One day, following some tests , Betty gave the doctor a big hug(拥抱). A few months later the doctor removed not only the tumour(肿瘤), but also the entire lower left side of Betty?s gum(牙龈)and jawbone. Because Betty was so young, Martin was hopeful that her jawbone might regenerate. Within three months, Betty?s tumour grew as large as an orange, changing the natural appearance of the left side of her small, delicate(= thin; not strong)face. Soon she couldn?t even close her mouth, and as her eating problems 3 worsened, Betty „s weight dropped from 20 kilos to 15. Martin knew from experience that it might invade the brain. The only other possibility was thorough radiation therapy(放射疗法). Night after night, Betty's father gave her injection, but the tumour remained as big as ever. Then one evening. Morgan noticed that the tumour had begun to change. It was actually becoming smaller! For two months her tumour appeared to be going away for ever. In the coming months, Betty?s tumour continued to appear. She was able to eat solid food once again. Her jawbone was regenerating. The tumour was gone. What do you think the underlined word regenerate means? It means“________”. 67( A. lose one?s life B. give a new life to C. be made by hand D. pass on from one generation to another 68(If Betty?s jawbone didn?t regenerate, the doctors ________ . A. would rebuild her jaw B. would continue the treatment C. would use new medicine D. could do nothing else 69(If the brain should be invaded, the result would ________. A. prevent her growth B. reduce her weight C. cause her brain damaged D. affect her eyesight E A sixth of undergraduates in Beijing this year have registered at driving school. The students, mostly from majors such as business management or international trade, will finish their driving courses within 20 days or so. Training costs have dropped to 2, 600 yuan for students, according to the Haidian Driving School in Beijing. The price is not really low, but students will accept it, seeing it as an investment (投资)in their future. Familiarity with the operation of computers and fluent English are the basic skills graduating students need to find a job. But a driver?s permit has become another factor (因素). “In the job market, owning a driver?s permit sometimes strengthens a graduating student?s competitiveness for a good position,”says Zhou Yang, an undergraduate at the China University of Political Science and Law. Cars will become a necessary part of many people?s lives in the coming years, and it is difficult to get a permit of campus because of the pressures on working people?s time.“Having a fulltime job after graduation offers limited time Zhou says. to learn to drive. We senior students have plenty of spare time, plenty of opportunity to learn.” Xu Jian, an official at the driving school, said undergraduates were very able and serious, and could grasp in an hour what ordinary people took four hours to learn. In this driving school, middle-aged people, young women and college students are the main customers. To get a driver?s permit, a beginner is now required to have at least 86 hours? practice before the final road test. 72(________ in Beijing want to learn to drive. A. Most of the undergraduates B. Many undergraduates C. Many students in the driving school D. Most of the students who learn business or international trade 73(The undergraduates are learning to drive because ________. A. they need this skill to find a good job B. they like to drive cars C. they will not have any time to learn to drive after they have found a full-time job D. most of them will be able to buy cars in the future 74(Which of the following is likely to be Xu Jian?s opinion of students learning to drive? A. He thought it was better to learn it at college than at work. B. He decided it was a waste of money and time to learn to drive. C. He agreed that they could learn to drive. D. He thought they would spend three times more time to learn to drive than usual. 75(Which of the following can be the best headline for the passage? A. Students Pay Less to Learn to Drive Now. B. Students Learn to Drive. C. It is Better to Learn to Drive at Colleges. D. Welcome to the Driving School. I like music very much, especial pop songs. Every 76 evening when I am doing homework and at weekends 77 when I at home, I always play some of my favorite songs 78 on tapes. The familiar patterns of notes attracts me into 79 the colorful world of music. Now and then I stop to follow the 80 songs. Much often than not, my mother comes in, urging me to 81 concentrate my attention on my work. She does not like pop music. Like the most grown-ups, she enjoys 82 folk songs, because the peaceful music reminds her of their 83 beautiful life when she was young. It is true which people of 84 different age understand music differently and enjoy 85 different music. 第二节 书面 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达 随着信息技术的不断发展,传统的靠读报获取信息的方式逐渐被电视、网络所取代。对此你们学校开展了题为 “Views on Newspapers” 的社会调查。假如你是李华,请你根据下表中的提示给中学生英语报投稿,客观介 绍调查情况,并简单陈述你的看法。 4 45%的人喜欢读报 55%的人不喜欢读报 1(不受时间限制,方便 1(没有声像,不够生动 2(阅读使人思考,有利于智力的提2(信息传递速度相对较慢 高 3(可以随个人兴趣获取信息 注意:1(短文的开头已给出。2(词数不少于120。3.词汇:智力intelligence Dear editor , Recently students of our school have made a survey of “Views on Newspapers” . The people whom we interviewed have two different opinions . ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 厉庄高级中学2006高三英语周考(3)试题 参 考 答 案 与 解 析(20050901) l—5 CBCAB 6—10 BCABC 11—15 ACCAB 16—20ACABA 21—25 CBBBC 26—30 CADBA 31—35 CABBD 36(A 求职信上应该言语明确,表达清晰。 37(B 信上写明你的能力和工作经历。前面已说明your abilities,此处不选C、D。 38(C leave out表示“遗漏”,不遗漏任何重要内容。 39(D keep sth. in mind为固定搭配,表示“记住”。 40(C A、B不能修饰人,因此,用be likely do表示“可能会„„”。 41(D if引导假设状语从句,阐述如果求职信不能吸引别人的注意会有什么结果。 42(B “开头几句没有能够吸引到读者的注意”。 43(D 如果开头几句吸引不了读者,其余部分对方就不会去看了。 44(A 与上文形成对照与呼应,“针对雇主的 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ”而不是“针对你的要求”。 45(A 下文的your advertising是明确的提示,指对方在报上刊的招聘广告。 46(C 此处用make a study与下文的make a survey均表示“研究,考虑”。 47(D 下文说“她们为什么喜欢”,可见与“使用”是相联系的,喜欢才会去用,用过才觉得喜欢。 48(A generality表示“笼统”,说清楚你的需求,不要过于笼统抽象。 49(B apply for表示“申请”,既然是求职信,当然是为了“申请工作”。 50(D “求职信中应该给对方提供什么信息呢?”provide表示“(为„„)提供”,offer表示“(愿意)给”,不合文意。 51(B 既然是no„has experience,只有刚开始找工作的graduates没有经验,因此选B。 52(D 从上下文看,作者说只要你做过的事都可以称为经验,经历。 53(A make a request for sth.的意思是request,“恳请,要求”,make的此类用法十分常见,如make an answer,reply等。 54(D 在信内附上一张有地址和邮票的信封,这是个好主意,而不是决定保证等。 55(B 这种情况下雇主与你联系就很方便了,因为回信封已准备好了,地址也写了。 56(D 本文一开始便讲如果没有适当的计划,旅游业会带来的各种问题,可见前文叙述适当计划的好处,以正反两方面来阐述。 57(D 文中提到太多游客来该国inhabitants喜欢的地方,可见它指本国本土的居民。 58(B 本文提到旅游业过于兴旺会带来的各种后果中提到了A、C、D,但没有说会改变游客的风俗习惯。 59(B 从文中的讲述可以推知,旅游业会使当地人获益。 60(D 本文讲述了旅游业的很多好处,其中之一是advance their wealth and happiness. 61(D 关键句:later speakers are often long listeners.学说话越迟,孩子听的时间就越长。 62(A 第二段说,刚开始几个月发出的一两个声音表明他们的如高兴,痛苦,友好等expression. 63(B 第三段从婴儿学说“妈妈”为例,说明这种模仿是好玩,没有意义,最后说父母教孩子新读音时,孩子们是否学到什么,对此感到怀疑,可见这并不重要,文中又说what a child means by a word会随年龄而变化,因此选B。 64(A 文中第三段说,即使孩子能自己说话了,这种模仿还存在。 65—68 CBAD 69—71 BCD 72(B 本文开头说六分之一的大学生在驾校注册,其中大部分是学商业管理和国际贸易的。 5 73(A 第三段第一句告诉我们,他们学开车是为了找到好工作,增强自己的竞争力。 74(C Xu Jian说“大学生能力强, 认真, 能用一小时学会普通人四个小时所学的东西”。 75(B 全文报道北京的大学生热衷于学驾驶的情况。 76. especial --- especially 77. and ---or 78. I ? am/ stay 79. attracts --- attract 81. Much ---More 82. the 83. their ---her 84. which --- that 85. age --- ages 80. ? One possible version Dear editor, Recently students of our school have made a survey of “Views on Newspapers”. The people whom we interviewed have two different opinions. 45% of the people enjoy reading newspapers. First of all, as a convenient source of information, reading newspapers is not limited by time. Secondly, reading also makes people think, which helps develop people’s intelligence. Moreover, people can select and read whatever section they are interested in. However, 55% of the people don’t turn to newspapers to get information. They hold the idea that newspapers are not very attractive because they lack the sound and video that make other sources of information more exciting to look at than newspapers. What’s more, readers receive information from newspapers later than from the Internet and TV. In my opinion, people can make use of whatever means to gather information, so long as it’s convenient for them. Yours, Li Hua 6
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