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科学发展明辨未来辩论赛科学发展明辨未来辩论赛 “科学发展 明辨未来”辩论赛 策 划 及 流 程 贾思勰农学院 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and...

科学发展明辨未来辩论赛 “科学发展 明辨未来”辩论赛 策 划 及 流 程 贾思勰农学院 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 目 录 活动主题----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 活动目的----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 活动时间----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 活动地点----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 主办方 承办方--------------------------------------------------------------------3 比赛要求---------------------------------------------------------------------------3 活动流程---------------------------------------------------------------------------4 比赛规则---------------------------------------------------------------------------4 奖项设定---------------------------------------------------------------------------8 活动安全预案-----------------------------------------------------------------------8 附录一(预选辩题)-------------------------------------------------------------10 附录二(报名登记表)-----------------------------------------------------------11 附录三(评委打分表)------------------------------------------------------------12 附录四(赛事表)------------------------------------------------------------------13 附录五(比赛须知)----------------------------------------------------------------14 ning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellthe same time to provideof mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious sus and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terialouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket mand disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen h2 大学生辩论赛流程 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 策划书 一、 活动主题 : 科学发展 明辨未来 二、 活动目的: 青春的舞台,我最闪亮~ 在这里我们放飞梦想, 在这里我们施展才华, 在 这里我们畅谈未来。这场辩论赛将让你看到一个个充满活力、思维敏捷、能辞善 辩、富有现代气息的大学生~他们的智慧,他们的思想,他们的激情,给我们展 示了什么是青春~他们辩场上的风采,奏响了嘹亮的青春之歌~希望这次“科学 发展 明辨未来”辩论赛能够为大学生提供一个张扬个性,展示个人才能的舞台。 三、 活动时间: 2013年11月16日至11月30日 四、活动地点: 预赛:大学生活动中心 决赛:国际会议中心 五、主办:团委、学生会 承办:贾思勰农学院 六、比赛要求: 参赛队伍:学院各系代表队 辩手要求:每支队伍由4人组成。要求辩手口齿清晰,思维敏捷,赛前做好 充分准备。 viderld owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to proase pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the wof disetter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding od technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, lind feet. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed aout of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effeco and , cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Intks on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptyingt linn and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transporsame as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operatio t varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is thefree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-ens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chick3 主席要求:外型仪表端正,口齿清晰,开朗大方。 七、活动流程:(具体事项如有改动将另行通知) 1、活动报名 各院系于2013年11月11日到大学生活动中心316办公室报名并抽取初赛辩题。 2、辩论赛资格: 在初赛中获胜的各系辩论队于隔天抽取复赛辩题。 3、复赛: 在复赛中获胜的辩论队于隔天抽取半决赛赛辩题。 4、半决赛: 在半决赛中获胜的辩论队于隔天抽取决赛辩题。 5、决赛: 于2013年11月30日在国际会议中心举行。 注:每场比赛有一位点评嘉宾作现场点评,点评嘉宾由评委中产生。 八、比赛规则: (一)比赛程序、用时及相关要求 1、开篇立论陈词: s and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terialouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket mand disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen hning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellthe same time to provideof mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious su4 用时共6分钟,正、反方一辩发言各3分钟,由正方一辩先开始。 2、攻辩阶段: (1)正方二辩选择反方二辩或三辩,进行一对一攻辩。双方累计时间1分30秒。 (2)反方二辩选择正方二辩或三辩,进行一对一攻辩。双方累计时间1分30秒。 (3)正方三辩选择反方二辩或三辩,进行一对一攻辩。双方累计时间1分30秒。 (4)反方三辩选择正方二辩或三辩,进行一对一攻辩。双方累计时间1分30秒。 (5)正方一辩做攻辩小结,用时1分钟。 (6)反方一辩做攻辩小结,用时1分钟。 3、自由攻辩 共10分钟,正反双方各5分钟 。正反方均可在计时开始后自由发言。 4、总结陈词 (1)反方四辩做总结陈词,共用4分钟。 (2)正方四辩做总结陈词,共用4分钟。 注意: 1、在攻辩阶段,回答方不得以任何形式向对方提问。攻辩双方必须正面回答 对方问题,提问和回答都要简洁明确。重复提问和回避问题均要被扣分。 2、正反双方的攻辩小结要针对攻辩阶段的态势及涉及内容,脱离比赛实际状 况的背稿要被扣分。 viderld owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to proase pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the wof disetter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding od technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, lind feet. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed aout of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effeco and , cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Intks on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptyingt linn and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transporsame as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operatio t varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is thefree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-ens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chick5 3、自由辩论阶段共用时10分钟,每方用时5分钟。(双方轮流发言,一方发言完毕落座后另一方方可起立发言,不得中途打扰对方发言。同一方辩手的发言次序不限。如果一方时间已经用完,另一方可以继续发言,也可向主席示意放弃发言。自由辩论提倡积极交锋,对重要问题回避交锋两次以上的一方扣分,对于对方已经明确回答的问题仍然纠缠不放的,适当扣分。) 4、总结陈词阶段共用时8分钟,双方四辩作总结陈词,每方用时4分钟。反方先开始。(辩论双方应针对辩论会整体态势进行总结陈词;脱离实际,背诵事先准备的稿件,适当扣分) 5、公布结果,评委点评。 (二)评判 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 团体部分,以全国大学辩论赛的通行办法为准,共300分。 (1)按辩论阶段评分,计200分 开篇立论陈词:30分 攻辩阶段:40分 攻辩小结:20分 自由辩论阶段:80分 总结陈词阶段:30分 (2)综合印象分,计100分 rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious sus and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terialouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket mand disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen hning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellthe same time to provideof mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at 6 语言风度:50分 团体配合,临场反应:50分 每场评出最佳辩手一名,优胜队伍一支。 (三)评分原则 1、团体部分: (1)审题准确把握辩题内涵和外延,对所持立场能多层次、多角度理解,论点鲜明,对本方难点能有效处理和化解。 (2)展开对辩题的理解和论述能在广度上展开,在深度上推进,整个辩论过程条理清晰,能给人以层层递推的美感。 (3)辩驳提问抓住对方要害,问题简单明了;回答直面问题,有理有据。注重针对辩题正面交锋。 (4)配合具有团体精神,队员间相互支持配合,论辩衔接流畅、方向统一,攻守兼备,自由辩论时发言错落有致,体现“流动的整体意识”。 (5)语言普通话标准,语速抑扬顿挫,语言流畅,富于感染力,体现国语的优美。 (6)辩风比赛中尊重对手,尊重主席、评委和观众。举止得体,显示出良好的道德修养。敢于创新,勇于表现,具有本队特有的风格,并贯穿全局。 (7)形象着装整齐,仪表大方,体现出良好的风度和气质。 2、个人部分:由评委根据每位辩手在整场比赛中的表现,给出印象分,可参考: (1)陈词流畅,说理透彻,用语得体; (2)提问合适,回答中肯,反驳有力,反应机敏,幽默风趣中寓见解。 ase pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the wof disetter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding od technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, lind feet. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed aout of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effeco and , cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Intks on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptyingt linn and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transporsame as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operatio t varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is thefree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-ens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickviderld owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to pro7 (3)台风精彩与辩风优雅。 (四)胜负判定 1、每场比赛的胜负判断由评委的综合评定决定,分数高者获胜(评委的打分中去掉一个最高分,一个最低分,将其余分数相加取平均值,为该队得分) 2、如果两队得分相同,则由评判团另行投票,决定胜负 3、单场最佳辩手只作为个人奖项的评审依据,与判断每场胜负无关。单场最佳辩手由评委集体商议评出,不设置分数标准。 (五)点评每场比赛有一位点评嘉宾作现场点评。 九、奖项设定 (一)团体奖 1、辩论赛冠军奖(一个) 奖品:待定 2、辩论赛亚军奖(一个) 奖品:待定 3、辩论赛季军奖(一个) 奖品:待定 (二)个人奖 大赛最佳辩手奖:(一个) 从参加决赛的辩手中产生,累积得分最高者获得该奖。 大赛优秀辩手奖(二个) 从参加比赛的选手中产生,累积得分前三名获得该奖。 备注:本次辩论赛将给冠军队、亚军队及季军队颁发相应的奖状,将会给本次大赛的最佳辩手颁发相应的证书及物质奖励。 十、活动安全预案: 1、为防止参加人数较少,我们会通过大型海报、各系广播站等方式进行宣 s and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terialouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket mand disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen hning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellthe same time to provideof mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious su8 传;同时通过与各学院联系的形式,对活动进行宣传,以增加参赛人数。 2、为防止秩序出现混乱及竞赛的公平性问题,我们请相关老师作为公证人;并组织安全小组进行现场秩序维持。 3、若出现重大安全意外,实行贾思勰农学院教学楼安全紧急预案。 附: 贾思勰农学院安全保卫小组 组长: 宋浩青 吴昊 副组长:张松 徐斌 周玉萍 张晶 崔庆瑞 辛烁 成员: 杨博程 赵鹏皓 古晓强 韩冬阳 赵勇俊 张春城 张明 韩晓飞 徐浩浩 官鲁燕 张君树 张绍青 李景灿 周鹤 王平 张娜 伊晓晴 viderld owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to proase pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the wof disetter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding od technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, lind feet. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed aout of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effeco and , cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Intks on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptyingt linn and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transporsame as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operatio t varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is thefree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-ens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chick9 附录一 辩题 一、 初赛辩题 发掘人才需要考试 发掘人才不需要考试 网络的实用性比娱乐性强 网络的娱乐性比实用性强 学海无涯苦做舟 学海无涯巧做舟 大学没有恋爱依然精彩 大学没有恋爱不再精彩 二、 复赛辩题 大学生做兼职利大于弊 1 大学生做兼职弊大于利 2 现代社会中,情商比智商更重要 现代社会中,智商比情商更重要 去向哪里比与谁同行更重要 与谁同行比去向哪里更重要 学历比能力更重要 能力比学历更重要 三、 半决赛辩题 道义比利益对人际关系影响更大 利益比道义对人际关系影响更大 四、 决赛辩题 大学生发展以博为主 大学生发展以专为主 of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious sus and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terialouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket mand disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen hning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellthe same time to provide10 附录二 报名登记表 系部 辩题 联系人 联系方式 辩题 系部 领队老师 联系方式 一辩 二辩 三辩 四辩 viderld owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to proase pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the wof disetter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding od technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, lind feet. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed aout of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effeco and , cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Intks on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptyingt linn and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transporsame as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operatio t varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is thefree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-ens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chick11 附录三 评委打分表 评委打分表 评委 陈词阶攻辩阶段 攻辩自由辩论总结陈语言风度 团体配 段 (40分) 小结 阶段 词阶段(50分) 合、临场 (30分) (20(80分) (30反应(50 分) 分) 分) rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious sus and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terialouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket mand disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen hning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellthe same time to provideof mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at 12 附录四 “科学发展 明辨未来”辩论赛赛程表 场次 时间 地点 主席 对战双方 初赛第一场 11月16日 上午 8点 212 梁国婷 A1 A2 初赛第二场 11月16日 上午 8点 310 李春燕 A3 A4 初赛第三场 11月16日 上午 10点 212 梁国婷 B1 B2 初赛第四场 11月16日 上午 10点 310 李春燕 B3 B3 初赛第五场 11月16日 下午 2点 212 梁国婷 C1 C2 初赛第六场 11月16日 下午 2点 310 李春燕 C3 C4 初赛第七场 11月16日 下午 4点 212 梁国婷 D1 D2 初赛第八场 11月17日 上午 8点 310 李春燕 A2 A3 初赛第九场 11月17日 上午 8点 212 梁国婷 B2 B3 初赛第十场 11月17日 上午 10点 310 李春燕 C2 C3 复赛第一场 11月19日 下午 4点 212 梁国婷 A1 A2 复赛第二场 11月19日 下午 4点 310 李春燕 A3 B1 复赛第三场 11月20日 下午 4点 212 梁国婷 B2 B3 复赛第四场 11月20日 下午 4点 310 李春燕 C1 C2 复赛第五场 11月21日 下午 4点 212 梁国婷 C3 D1 复赛第六场 11月23日 上午 8点 212 梁国婷 A1 A2 复赛第七场 11月23日 上午 8点 310 李春燕 B1 C1 复赛第八场 11月23日 上午 10点 212 梁国婷 A2 B2 复赛第九场 11月23日 上午 10点 310 李春燕 B1 C2 viderld owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to proase pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the wof disetter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding od technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, lind feet. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed aout of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effeco and , cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Intks on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptyingt linn and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transporsame as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operatio t varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is thefree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-ens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chick13 半决赛第一场 11月26日 下午 4点 310 梁国婷 A1 A2 半决赛第二场 11月26日 下午 4点 212 李春燕 B1 C2 半决赛第三场 11月27日 下午 4点 310 梁国婷 A2 B1 决赛 11月30日 下午 7点 国际肖万里 A1 C2 会议 中心 the same time to provideof mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious sus and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terialouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket mand disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen hning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell14 附录五 比 赛 须 知 一、 请各系学生会、学习部长、参赛队员仔细阅读比赛须知,熟悉赛会的日程安排。 二、 请各参赛队员及组织人员务必于每场比赛开始前30分钟到达比赛现场。同时,各赛场的黑板装饰由对战双方协调商定,在比赛开始前三十分钟装饰好,以利于赛事的统筹安排及各场比赛准备工作的顺利进行。 三、请各参赛队遵守赛事各项时间安排,如遇特别问题,请及时与组织者以及院学生会学习部人员联系,以便协调安排,保证赛事的顺利进行。 四、遵守赛会的纪律及规则 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 ,请在每场比赛之前做好细致的准备工作,以利于辩手在比赛中发挥出自己的最好水平。 五、比赛期间,各参赛队请不要与评委接触,如想表达对赛事的意见,请与学习部成员联系。 六、各系可专门组织本系同学观看本系队伍参加的比赛,并可组织、准备适当的宣传用具、标语口号等,但不得影响比赛现场的正常秩序,不要喊口号或喝倒彩。所有影响比赛正常进行的行为,组委会都有权阻止并要求其离开比赛现场。 组 队 须 知 ?初赛队伍由每个系部派出代表队,可弃权。 ?每队人数为4人,4名辩论选手,每队必须在第一轮比赛前 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一个属于自己队伍的口号。 tter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding od technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, lind feet. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed aout of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effeco and , cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Intks on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptyingt linn and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transporsame as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operatio t varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is thefree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-ens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickviderld owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to proase pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the wof dise15 ?参赛同学必须先到各系报名,由各系将名单交往辩论赛负责人处,全体参赛成员应留意最新通知,收到组织方通知后务必尽快回复,认真参与辩手 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,保证出席每次活动会议,无故缺席队伍主办单位有权取消该队参赛资格。 ?参赛队伍应遵守比赛规则,严守选手道德,严禁做出不当言行,初次违反者作口头警告,再违反者扣除团体总分5%,第三次违反者主办单位将立即取消该队参赛资格。 ?严禁冒名顶替,一经发现,立即取消该队参赛资格。 ?比赛前参赛队伍需提前10分钟在比赛地点签到,准备开赛事宜,如在开赛时间10分钟后仍未签到的队伍将视为自动弃权。 ?比赛期间,各领队负责与主办单位的工作联系及本队的一切事务性工作。如在比赛前参赛选手出现突发情况的需由领队提前两天知会主办单位。参赛选手如有疑问可以直接找到当场学习部工作人员询问,工作人员应准确、清楚、耐心地为同学解答,如回答有误的将追究当场学习部负责人责任。 ?比赛结果将在比赛日当天公布。参赛队伍若对当天赛果有异的可以由领队在赛后询问当场负责人,主办单位需给出一个真实合理的解释。 ?如因天气、器材等不可遇见因素导致比赛无法正常运作时,当场负责人将在比赛开始后20分钟内决定是否继续或中止,并在1天内予以公告。 具 体 事 宜: ,、 抽签事宜 第一条、初赛:在月日确认辩题时由各领队抽签分组,确定分组情况及在组序号。(具体比赛顺序详见赛程表) 第二条、抽签分组确定后由各领队抽签决定每场比赛的正反方。 ouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket mand disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen hning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellthe same time to provideof mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious sus and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terial16 第三条、各参赛队务必按时到场抽签,迟到或未到者按弃抽签权处理,其赛程由筹办方随机制定。 ,、比赛服务 为评委和辩手提供必要细致的比赛应有的服务,比如相应的评委、比赛记时员、必要的设备、相应的教室,以便保证比赛的完美顺利进行。各部门将通力合作,确保比赛顺利进行~ 具体安排如下: (1) 比赛活动场地为:大学生活动中心212、310多媒体教室。 (2) 每场比赛中,各系部推选一名公平公正的老师出席担任辩论赛的评 委。共计14位评委,分AB两组,各7位评委。(届时将视比赛情 况进行调整) (3) 比赛期间的计时工作由贾思勰农学院系学习部认真、细心、负责的同 学担任。 (4) 比赛期间的分数统计及计算工作由贾思勰农学院系秘书部认真、细 心、负责的同学担任。 (5) 比赛期间电脑等多媒体设备的控制由贾思勰农学院系宣传部认真、细 心、负责的同学担任。 (6) 比赛期间的纪律维护、礼仪导引由贾思勰农学院系纪检部、安全部同 学担任。 (7) 比赛期间的照片采集以及比赛采风工作由贾思勰农学院系社团部同 学担任。 viderld owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to proase pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the wof disetter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding od technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, lind feet. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed aout of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effeco and , cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Intks on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptyingt linn and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transporsame as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operatio t varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is thefree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-ens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chick17 ,、比赛程序(由主持人完成) (1)辩论赛开始 (2)宣布辩题 (3)介绍参赛队及其所持立场 (4)介绍评委及点评嘉宾 (5)比赛开始 (6)评判团递交评分表,离席评定结果 (7)评委入席,点评嘉宾评析发言 (8)宣布比赛结果 (9)比赛结束 nd disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen hning aticles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleabirdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the arnto a mmune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly ihe production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the iin t ding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollutionEDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of fee free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and-borne pathogen-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellthe same time to provideof mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at rvivalis the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious sus and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, terialouse; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket ma18
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