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剑桥商务英语高级阅读词汇(解释和例句)剑桥商务英语高级阅读词汇(解释和例句) FOR BEC HIGHER READING ONLY Test 1 Part One tip n. A helpful hint 指点,有帮助的提示,a column of tips on gardening 一个提供 园艺方面建议的专栏 winning Successful; victorious 成功的,胜利的,the winning entry; the winning team 成 功进入,获胜队 periodical n. A publication ...

剑桥商务 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 高级阅读词汇(解释和例句) FOR BEC HIGHER READING ONLY Test 1 Part One tip n. A helpful hint 指点,有帮助的提示,a column of tips on gardening 一个提供 园艺方面建议的专栏 winning Successful; victorious 成功的,胜利的,the winning entry; the winning team 成 功进入,获胜队 periodical n. A publication issued at regular intervals of more than one day 期刊,以 多于一天的周期定期出版的出版物 publicity n. The act, process, or occupation of disseminating information to gain public interest 宣传,传播信息以引起公众兴趣的行动、过程或职业 edge n. a margin of superiority; an advantage 优势的程度,强势 a slight edge over the opposition 比对手稍具优势 customize v. To make or alter to individual or personal specifications 定做,按照个人 的规格制作或改制 slant v. To present so as to conform to a particular bias or appeal to a certain audience: 歪曲,为了与一个特殊的倾向性一致或满足某些听众而说或写 miss out to fail to use or enjoy an opportunity 遗漏;;错过:We missed out on a chance to get a cheaper mortgage. refute v. To prove to be false or erroneous; overthrow by argument or proof 驳倒,证 明是假的或错误的,通过论据或证据推翻 take issue To take an opposing point of view; disagree 对…持异议,不同意 label v. To identify or designate with a label; describe or classify 把…归类,描述, 用标签分别或命名,描绘或归类,labeled them Yuppies把他们称为雅皮士 verifiable adj. Possible to verify 可证实的,可核实的,a verifiable account of the incident; verifiable sales data 事故的可证实的叙述,可核实的销售数据 static adj. Fixed; stationary 固定的,不动的 Part Two cork n. The lightweight, elastic outer bark of the cork oak, used especially for bottle closures, insulation, floats, and crafts 软木,栓皮栎树的重量轻、有弹性的外皮, 尤指用于瓶塞、绝缘、鱼漂和船艇的材料 stack v. To arrange in a stack; pile 堆成堆,垛 warehouse n. A place in which goods or merchandise are stored; a storehouse 仓库, 商品或货物贮存之处,货栈 vat n. A large vessel, such as a tub, cistern, or barrel, used to hold or store liquids 大桶,大盆,缸,一种大容器,如大盆、水箱或大桶,用来装或贮 存液体 grind v. To crush, pulverize, or reduce to powder by friction, especially by rubbing between two hard surfaces碾碎,压碎,挤碎或通过摩擦使其变成粉末, 尤指在两个坚硬表面磨碎,grind wheat into flour 把小麦磨成面粉 crumb n. A very small piece broken from a baked item, such as a cookie, cake, or bread 碎屑,一种从烘烤食物,如饼干、蛋糕或面包上破裂下来的小片 escudo n. a basic unit of currency in Cape Verde and Portugal 埃斯库多,维德海 角和葡萄牙的基本货币单位 economy of scale the decrease in unit manufacturing cost that is due to mass production; the saving in cost of production that is due to mass production因经营 规模扩大而得到的经济节约,指随着厂商扩大生产规模,产品的平均单 位成本随着产生增加而下降的现象 synthetic adj. Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived 人造的,非天然的或非真 的,人造的或不自然的 the real thing [口]上等货, 道 地货, 原装货 buy up To purchase all that is available of 全部买进,买下提供的所有东西 Part Three intervene v. To interfere, usually through force or threat of force, in the affairs of another nation 干涉,干涉他国事务,通常以武力或威胁手段 liaison n. An instance or a means of communication between different groups or units of an organization, especially in the armed forces 联络,一个组织 中的不同小组或单位之间相互联系的手段或方法,尤指在武装部队中 temperament n. The distinguishing mental and physical characteristics of a human being according to medieval physiology, resulting from dominance of one of the four humors 气质,在中世纪生理学中由四种体液之一的主宰而形 成的一个人的与众不同的精神和肉体的特征 trait n. A distinguishing feature, as of a person's character 特征,显著的特点, 如一个人的性格方面的 simultaneous adj. Happening, existing, or done at the same time 同时的,同时发生的、 存在的或做的 Part Four take it for granted 视为当然 scarcity n. Insufficiency of amount or supply; shortage 数量或供应不足,短缺 inadequacy n. The quality or condition of being inadequate 不足,不完备,不足、 不充分的性质或条件 viable adj. Capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable 可行的,可 望成功的或有持续效果的,切实可行的,a viable plan; a viable national economy可行的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,可望成功的国家经济 feasible adj. Capable of being accomplished or brought about; possible 可行的,能够 完成的或能够实施的,可能的,a feasible plan可行的计划 grasp v. To take hold of intellectually; comprehend 理解,领会,理智地掌握, 理解 grip v. To secure and maintain a tight hold on; seize firmly 握紧,抓牢, 对…保持紧握,抓牢 grab v. To take or grasp suddenly 夺取或抓住,突然拿走或抓住 grapple v. To seize firmly, as with the hands 紧紧地抓住,如用手 come about To take place; happen出现,发生 come up To manifest itself; arise 显现,出现 come to To recover consciousness 恢复知觉 come forward 自告奋勇,自愿 Part Five budget n. The total sum of money allocated for a particular purpose or period of time 专款:为某一特定用途或某段时间拨发的钱财总数 a project with an annual budget of five million dollars 一个年拨款为五百美元的项目 given Granted as a supposition; acknowledged or assumed 假设的:假定的;承认的或 假设的:Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts. 倘若 这发动机能发动的话,可真是不可思议。 turnover n. The amount of business transacted during a given period of time 营业额, 成交量:在给定的时期间成交的总额 rigorous a. Characterized by or acting with rigor 严厉的,严格的:以严格为特点的, 或严格行动的 a rigorous program to restore physical fitness 恢复身体健 康的严格计划 representation n. An account or a statement, as of facts, allegations, or arguments (事实、断言或评论)的说明,陈述:如对事实、断言或评论等的描述 或陈述 Part Six debate n. A discussion involving opposing points; an argument 辩论:关于相反观点 的讨论;争辩 miss out on sth. To lose a chance for错过机会:missed out on the promotion 错过提升 的机会 highly adv. (esp. before adjectives made from verbs) to a high degree or extent; very: highly pleased,/highly skilled/highly interesting/highly enjoyable 高地, 非 常 in itself 在本质上,完全地 Test 2 Part One credit n. Approval for an act, ability, or quality; praise 赞同,赞扬:对某一行为、能力或 质量的赞同;赞扬 Why should he get all the credit? 为什么他受到了所有人的赞 扬? diminish v. To detract from the authority, reputation, or prestige of 减损(权势、声誉):使 权势、声誉或地位降低 dividend n. An unexpected gain, benefit, or advantage 意外之财,利益:意外的收获、 利益或好处 go a long way be successful 大有帮助:I have found that strict business methods go a long way in securing the interest of rich people. if you say that someone will go a long way, you mean that they will be successful. “You'll go a long way with ideas like that, my girl!”大有帮助; 采取主动 plus n. A favorable condition or factor 有利的情况或因素:The clear weather was a plus for the golf tournament. 晴朗的天气给高尔夫球锦标赛提供了良好的环 境。 sort…out to deal successfully with a problem or a situation; put in order: We know that our boys have gotten into trouble with the law, but our family is working on sorting it out. Detectives are still sorting out who was involved in the crime. pay off To effect profit 带来利益:a bet that paid off poorly 没有多大利息的赌注 trivial adj. Of little significance or value 琐碎的,不重要的:不重要的或没有什么价 值的 in private Not in public; secretly or confidentially 秘密地:非公开地;秘密地或在私下 地 tenacity n. The state or quality of being tenacious 固执:固执的状态或特性 tenacious adj. Holding or tending to hold persistently to something, such as a point of view 顽强的:坚持或倾向于持久地坚持某事物的,如一个观点 resilient adj. Marked by the ability to recover readily, as from misfortune 有复原力的:表 示有随时恢复的能力特征的,如从灾难中恢复Capable of returning to an original shape or position, as after having been compressed resilience n. The ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune; buoyancy 适应力:迅速从疾病、变化或灾难中恢复过来的能力; 顺应力, 轻快, 达 观, 愉快的心情 analytic a. Logic Following necessarily; 【逻辑学】 必然遵守的;重言式的 an analytic truth 逻辑上必然的真理 mingle v. To join or take part with others 交往,往来:与他人一起加入或参加 indispensable a. Not to be dispensed with; essential 不可缺少的;绝对必要的 credibility n. The quality, capability, or power to elicit belief可信性:使人信任的本质、能力 或力量 Part Two whiz kid n. A young person who is exceptionally intelligent, innovatively clever , or precociously successful 神童:格外聪明的、有创新力的或成功很早的年轻 人 broker v. To arrange or manage as a broker 作为中间人来安排、设法broker an agreement among opposing factions 促成反对派达成一项协议 broker n. one that acts as an agent for others, as in negotiating contracts, purchases, or sales in return for a fee or commission 经纪人:他人的代理,如在谈判 签约、购买或为收佣金而出售时的代理人 fad n. A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze 时尚:短暂的带有过分狂热的一种追求;狂热 luxurious adj. Of a sumptuous, costly, or rich variety 特等的:豪华的、昂贵的或多种 多样的 lucrative adj. producing wealth; profitable 获利的,产生财富的,有利润的,a lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy 一笔利润收入,一套赢利的市 场策略 Part Three speculation n. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition 推测:根据不确定的证据的推理;推测或假定 Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit 投机:从事冒险性商业交易以期获得快速或大量的 利润 Part Four unattended adj. Not being attended to, looked after, or watched 未被注意的:未被注 意或照料的,被忽视的:an unattended fire 没有注意的火灾 shift 班次工作时间 The working period of such a group : 这样一班工人的工作时间: worked the night/late shift 值夜班 truly adv. Indeed 实在:truly ugly 实在丑陋 conscientious adj. Thorough and assiduous负责的:周全的和勤勉的: Part Five board game A game of strategy, such as chess or backgammon, played by moving pieces on a board and sometimes involving dice 棋盘游戏:需用棋盘进行 的游戏,如国际象棋,西洋跳棋等,在棋盘上移动棋子,有时是掷骰子 Part Six popularity n. The quality or state of being popular, especially the state of being widely admired, accepted, or sought after 普及,流行,通俗性:处于流行或普 及状态,尤指广为喜爱、接受或追随的情况 Test 3 Part One Bedouin An Arab of any of the nomadic tribes of the Arabian, Syrian, Nubian, or Sahara deserts 贝都因人:阿拉伯、叙利亚、努比亚或撒哈拉沙漠的游牧部落中的阿拉伯人 regiment n. A military unit of ground troops consisting of at least two battalions, usually commanded by a colonel 团:由至少两个营组成的地面部队的军队单位,通常 由一位中校指挥 Arctic A region between the North Pole and the northern timberlines of North America and Eurasia北极地区:在北极与北美洲和欧亚大陆北部林木线之间区域 guru n. a trusted counselor and adviser; a mentor 指导者:受信任的顾问参谋;指导者 discipline n. A branch of knowledge or teaching 学科;科目:知识或教学的分支 apparent adj. Appearing as such but not necessarily so; seeming 貌似的:看上去是如此但 未必真实的;看似的:an apparent advantage 表面上的优势 founding father founding father A man who founds or establishes something founding father 创 始人:创建或建立某事的发起人;鼻祖 contemporary adj. Current; modern 当前的;现代(派)的:contemporary trends in design 现 代(派) 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 倾向 recognizable adj. Knowable or perceivable 可认知的:可知的或可觉察的 argue for To put forth reasons for or against something 争辩:提出理由以表示(赞 成)或反对某事:argued for dismissal of the case; argued against an immediate counterattack 主张驳回诉讼;据理力争反对立即反攻 enrich v. To add to the beauty or character of; adorn 给„增添美貌或个性;装饰: Glittering tears enriched her eyes. 闪烁的泪光使她的双眼更加美丽。 stimulate v. To rouse to activity or heightened action, as by spurring or goading; excite 激发:激发活动或更兴奋的活动,如通过刺激或激励;使兴奋 spectacular adj. Of the nature of a spectacle; impressive or sensational 壮观的:场面自然 的;给人留下深刻印象的或轰动的 Part Two boom v. n. To grow or develop rapidly; flourish 快速发展:迅速成长或发展:暴涨:Business is booming 生意兴旺;A time of economic prosperity 繁荣:一段时间的 经济繁荣 spin-off n. Something, such as a product, that is derived from something larger and more or less unrelated; a byproduct 副产品 recession n. an extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product 衰退:经济活动普遍而持续 地衰败,尤指三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降 cut back To reduce or decrease削减,缩减:cut back production 缩减生产 flop v. To rest idly; lounge 懒惰地闲憩;懒洋洋地躺卧 workout n. A session of exercise or practice to improve fitness, as for athletic competition 锻 炼,训练:为提高健康状态而做的一段连续的练习或锻炼,如体育比赛 combat v. To oppose in battle; fight against 跟„战斗:在战斗中敌对;和„作战 clientele n. A body of customers or patrons 顾客,主顾:一位顾客或主顾:a restaurant's clientele 餐厅的常客 absenteeism n. The rate of occurrence of habitual absence from work or duty 旷工频率:习惯 性缺勤或缺席的出现率 industrial dispute 产业纠纷 jet lag A temporary disruption of bodily rhythms caused by high-speed travel across several time zones typically in a jet aircraft 时差症:由于在喷气飞机上快速跨越几 个时区而造成的短暂的身体节律的紊乱 guild n. An association of persons of the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards 协会,同业工会:从事同种行业或有着 共同利益和目的的人,为保护共同的利益和维持各种准则而组成的协会 Part Three cv (curriculum vitae) a summary of one's education, professional history, and job qualifications, as for a prospective employer 简历,履历:关于某人所受教育、专业经 历以及工作资格的简要说明,如即将被雇用的雇员的履历 bland adj. Dull and insipid 乏味的和平淡无奇的:a bland little drama 一个乏味的小剧 pointer n. A piece of indicative information 一则指示性的信息 sideway n. 迂回;旁门左道 aspiration n. A strong desire for high achievement 建立丰功伟绩的强烈愿望;An object of such desire; an ambition 渴望达到的目标;雄心 dear adv. At a high cost 高价地:sold their wares dear 高价出售他们的加工品 turnover n. The number of workers hired by an establishment to replace those who have left in a given period of time 人员更替数,补缺人员数:企业或公司在给定时 期内新雇用的代替已离去的工人的总数;The ratio of this number to the number of employed workers 新雇人员比率:补缺人员数与雇佣人员总 数的比值 ailing adj. in trouble 境况不佳的 haulage n. The act or process of hauling 拖拽的行为或过程;road haulage undertaking 公路 运输业 Part Four exercise n. A task, problem, or other effort performed to develop or maintain fitness or increase skill: 练习,操练:为提高或保持身体健康或增强技巧而完成的任务、 难题或其他努力:a piano exercise; a memory exercise 钢琴练习;记忆练习 practice n. Repeated performance of an activity in order to learn or perfect a skill 苦 练:为掌握或完善某种技能某活动的反复进行:Practice will make you a good musician 反复练习能使你成为优秀的音乐家 prolong v. To lengthen in duration; protract 延长:增加持续时间;持久;通常表示时间 的“延长” extend v. 可以表示时间和空间的“延长”,但是extend可以用于比喻意义上的“延长”, 或范围的“扩展”。 all-important adj. Of the greatest importance; crucial 至关重要的;关键的 adjustable adj. 可调整的 convertible adj. That can be converted 可以被转变的:a convertible sofa bed 可变换 的沙发床 variable adj. Likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable 易变的:可 能变化或改变的;服从变化的;可变的 glossary n. A list of difficult or specialized words with their definitions, often placed at the back of a book 词汇表:难懂或专门性的词汇表,具有解释,常置 于书后面部分 supplement n. A separate section devoted to a special subject inserted into a periodical, such as a newspaper 增刊:插入一期刊,如一报纸中专用于刊登某一 专题的独立部分 Part Five end n. A result; an outcome 结果;后果 circulate v. To cause to move about or be distributed: 使分送,使散布:Please circulate these fliers. 请分送这些传单。 Part Six invaluable a. Of inestimable value; priceless 非常宝贵的:具有无法估计的价值的;无价的: invaluable paintings; invaluable 千金难买的绘画作品;巨大的帮助 around the clock 昼夜不停, 连续一整天 Test 4 Part One sector n. A part or division, as of a city or a national economy 部门:一个部分或分支, 如城市的或国民经济的:the manufacturing sector; the private sector 生产部 门;私人部分 outsource v. To farm out (work, for example) to an outside provider or manufacturer in order to cut costs 外界供应:为缩减开支而把(如工作)包给外界的供应 者或生产者 per annum By the year; annually 每年地;一年地:A subscription costs 12 dollars per annum 每年订12美元的杂志 track record A record of actual performance or accomplishment 成绩记录:真正成就或 业绩的记录:a job applicant with an excellent track record 一位有优秀成 绩记录的求职者 seniority n. Precedence of position, especially precedence over others of the same rank by reason of a longer span of service 资深:地位优先,尤其指由于 服务时间较长而优先于其它同一等级的人 relocate v. To move or be moved to a new place 移:移到或被移到一个新的置: relocated the business; plan to relocate in the suburbs 重新安置商业活 动;计划迁移到郊区 confidential a. Containing secret information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a threat to national security 机密的:包含机密信息的,未经授权 泄露可能会危及到国家的安全的 profile n. Degree of exposure to public notice; visibility 态度,姿态:对公众关心的事的 暴露的程度;能见度:kept a low profile until the controversy had abated 保持低姿态直到争议减少 Part Two franchise n. authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a certain area 特许经营权:特许给个人在特定 的领土内销售商品或提供服务的权利 fragment v. To break or separate (something) into fragments 打碎或分割(某物)成 碎块 circulate v. To move in or flow through a circle or circuit 循环:进入或沿环路流动 capitalize v. To supply with capital or investment funds 投资于,提供资金:为„提供特定 数量的资本capitalize a new business 为一个新的企业注入资金 Part Three manipulate v. To operate or control by skilled use of the hands; handle 操作,处理:通过用 手的技巧来操纵或控制;处理 Part Four perpetual a. Continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time长期的,长久的:继续或 保持无限长的时间的 combine v. To possess or exhibit in combination 兼有:兼有或兼备 take to 开始, 喜欢, 沉溺于 take off 拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞, take out To obtain as an equivalent in a different form 获得平衡:作为一种不同形 式的对等物取得; credit limit A credit limit is the maximum amount of credit that a bank or other lender will extend to a debtor, or the maximum that a credit card company will allow a card holder to borrow on a single card. 信贷限额 amenities n. 令人愉快之事物 program n. An ordered list of events to take place or procedures to be followed; a schedule 程序表:即将发生或按程序紧接其后发生的事情的一个有序表; 计划表 scheme n. plan, blueprint, design, project, scheme, strategy 这些名词的中 心意义为“与将要做或完成的某事相符的方法或规划”,这里表示 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 device n. A plan or scheme, especially a malign one 诡计:一个计划或方案,尤指恶 意的(计划或方案) design n. 有条理的设计 descend v. To move from a higher to a lower place; come or go down.下来:从较高的 地方移到较低的地方;降下 plunge v. To cast suddenly, violently, or deeply into a given state or situation 使突 然陷入:突然地、猛烈地或深深地投进一种特定的状态或情形: Part Five Part Six mislay v. To put in a place that is afterward forgotten 放错地方:把„放在后来记不起 的地方:I have mislaid my hat. 我忘记把我的帽子放在什么地方了 Test 5 Part One hard-hitting adj. Effective; forceful 有效的;强有力的 socialise v. To take part in social activities 参加社会活动 Part Two overhead n. The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials 管理费用,经常费用: 企业的管理费用,包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的花销,但不包括工 资和购买原料的费用 start-up A business or an undertaking that has recently begun operation 创业:从事的事 业或任务:grew from a tiny start-up to a multimillion-dollar corporation 从一个 小企业成发展成为有数百万美元资产的大公司 specialise v. To concentrate on a particular activity or product 限定范围:从事专门活动或销 售专业产品:The shop specializes in mountain-climbing gear. 专门销售登山用 具的商店。 cut n. A portion of profits or earnings; a share 份额,股份:收益或利润的一部分;股 份 exotic a. From another part of the world; foreign 外来的:从世界的另一部分来的;外 国的:exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse 温室里引进的热带植物 parachute v. To descend by means of a parachute 跳伞,伞降:用降落伞下降 cater v. To attend to the wants or needs of 迎合:照顾„的需求或需要 improve on To make beneficial additions or changes 改进,改善:作有利的增加或者改变 improve on the translation 改进这篇译文 Part Three demanding a. Requiring much effort or attention 费力的,费神的:需要很多努力或注意 exhausted by a demanding job 被一件劳神的工作弄得精疲力尽 invaluable a. Of inestimable value; priceless 非常宝贵的:具有无法估计的价值的;无价 的:invaluable paintings; invaluable help 千金难买的绘画作品;巨大的帮助 newsletter n. A printed report giving news or information of interest to a special group 业务 通讯:给特殊团体提供新闻或有利信息的书面报导 initiative n. an opening move 公开的行动 postage n. The charge for mailing an item 邮资:邮寄的物品所需的费用 Part Four marketability n. 可销售性 lend oneself to To accommodate or offer (itself) to; be suitable for 适于:为„提供方便或把 (自己)贡献给;适合于:The Bible lends itself to various interpretations.《圣 经》有不同的阐释。 selected a. To take as a choice from among several; pick out 选择,选出:从几个中选择 出一个;挑选 picked a. Chosen by careful selection 仔细挑选的,精选的 a racing yacht sailed by a picked crew 经过精选的队员所驾驶的赛艇 project v. To calculate, estimate, or predict (something in the future), based on present data or trends 预计:基于当前的资料或趋势(对未来的某事)的计算、估计或预 测:projecting next year's expenses and income 预计明年的费用和收入 allowance n. A consideration for possibilities or modifying circumstances 考虑,估计:对某 些可能性或可改变的情况的考虑:an allowance for breakage; made allowances for rush-hour traffic in estimating travel time 考虑到破损情况;估计旅行所需 时间时考虑到尖峰时间交通堵塞的情况 novelty n. Something new and unusual; an innovation 新的和不平常的事物 Part Five brainchild n. An original idea or plan attributed to a person or group脑力劳动的产物:某 人或某集团最初的想法或计划 staggering a. Causing great astonishment, amazement, or dismay; overwhelming 令人 大为吃惊、惊讶或沮丧的;使束手无策的:a staggering achievement; a staggering defeat 惊人的成就;全军覆没 leave nothing to chance 把事情做得四平八稳, 不留漏洞 day one The very beginning; the first day 最先;第一天:worked hard on the project from day one 从第一天开始就努力工作于该工程 Part Six impart v. To make known; disclose 告知;透露:persuaded to impart the secret 劝 说透露秘密 get through To succeed in making contact; reach 到达:成功地和„联络;到达 Test 6 Part One copywriter n. One who writes copy, especially for advertising 广告文字撰稿人:撰写 文字说明的人,尤指为广告 telemarketing n. Use of the telephone in marketing goods or services 电话销售:使用 电话销售货物或销售服务 spearhead v. To be the leader of (a movement, for example) 率先:做„的先锋(如 运动 project v. To form a plan or an intention for 计划:为„形成一个计划或一种意 向 project a new business enterprise 筹划新企业 lingual adj. Of languages; linguistic 语言的;语言学的 resourceful adj. Able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations 机敏的:能有效或有创造力地行动,尤指在困难情况下 hectic adj. Characterized by intense activity, confusion, or haste 忙乱的:以紧张 的活动、忙乱或慌忙为特征的 tactful adj. Possessing or exhibiting tact; considerate and discreet 机敏的,谨慎 的:具有或表现出机敏的;为他人着想的和谨慎的:a tactful person; a tactful remark 机敏的人;谨慎的话语 DTP Detailed Test Plan 详细的试验计划 Mac Measurement and Control 测量与控制 PC Personal Computer [计]个人计算机 Part Two agro-industry n. (化肥制造、仓库建筑等)农用工业 welfare n. Welfare work 福利工作 fact-finding adj. Of, relating to, or used in the discovery or determination of facts 进行 实地调查的:发现或决定事实的,与此有关的或用于此的:a fact-finding committee; a fact-finding tour 一个实地调查委员会;一次实地考查旅 行 junior n. A person lesser in rank or time of participation or service; subordinate 晚辈:级别较低者,服务期较短者;下属 be up to 胜任, 从事于 Part Three downside n. A disadvantageous aspect 不利方面:an option with a downside as well as benefits 既有利又有弊的选择 advance n. The funds or goods so furnished; a loan 贷款额:预先提供的资金或货 物;贷款 shortfall n. A failure to attain a specified amount or level; a shortage缺少:没有达 到一个特定的数量或水平;不足 outlay n. The spending or disbursement of money 花费:金钱的花费或支出: the weekly outlay on groceries 在日用百货上一周的开销 fit out 装备, 配备 outstanding adj. Still in existence; not settled or resolved 未完成的:仍然存在的;未 决定或未解决的:outstanding debts; a long outstanding problem 有待 偿还的债务;长期悬而未决的问题 sub-let v. To rent (property one holds by lease) to another 转租,分租:将(租 来的房屋、土地等)转租或分租给别人 Part Four diverge v. To differ, as in opinion or manner 分歧,相异,如在观点或行为上 range v. To vary within specified limits 在„范围内变动:在某一特定的范围内 变化ages that ranged from two to five 两岁至五岁年龄段 alter v. To change or become different 改变,变样 vary v. To be different; deviate 不同,偏离 pilot adj. Serving as a tentative model for future experiment or development试 验性的:为将来的试验或发展做尝试性范例的:a pilot project 试点项 目 comics Comic strips 连环画,漫画书 Part Five Part Six briefing n. The act or procedure of giving or receiving concise preparatory instructions, information, or advice简介:给予或接受简洁的预备性的指 令、信息或忠告的行为或步骤 Test 7 Part One track record A record of actual performance or accomplishment 成绩记录:真正成就或 业绩的记录:a job applicant with an excellent track record 一位有优秀成绩 记录的求职者 merit n. Demonstrated ability or achievement 显示出的能力或功绩:promotions based on merit alone 完全根据功绩进行提升 assume v. To take upon oneself 自己承担:assume responsibility; assume another's debts credit manager 信用部经理 Part Two white-collar adj. Of or relating to workers whose work usually does not involve manual labor and who are often expected to dress with a degree of formality白 领阶层的:属于或与关于那些工作常不涉及体力劳动且常被要求按一定 正式程度穿着的人们 chronic adj. Of long duration; continuing 长期的;持续的:chronic money problems 长期的金钱困扰 be up against 面临;面对 compound v. To add to; increase 使增加;增加:High winds compounded the difficulties of the firefighters. 大风使消防队员的灭火工作更加困难。 Part Three number crunching n.〈计〉捣弄数字,数字捣弄 numerate adj. Able to think and express oneself effectively in quantitative terms 识 数的,有计算能力:能够用数量术语有效地思考和表达自己的 walk the talk 说话算数 tick off <英口>责备 bust a gut 努力做 litigious adj. 好争论的;Tending to engage in lawsuits 好诉讼的 conceivable adj. 可能的, 想得到的, 可想像的 intimidate v. To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats威胁:通过威胁或近乎威胁强 制或禁止 Part Four equate v. To consider, treat, or depict as equal or equivalent 等同:把„看作、 认为或描绘成相同或相等的:equates inexperience with youth 把年轻 和缺乏经验相等同起来 approach n. The method used in dealing with or accomplishing 步骤:用于处理或 完成的方法:a logical approach to the problem 对问题的逻辑解决步 骤 subtract v. To take away; deduct 拿走;扣除 substitute v. To take the place of another 用„替代(一个人或一物):“Only art can substitute for nature.” (Leonard Bernstein) “只有艺术才能取代自然。” (伦纳德?伯恩斯坦) Part Five bypass v. To avoid (an obstacle) by using an alternative channel, passage, or route.迂回 lay out To display 展览:lay out merchandise; lay the merchandise out 展 出商品;展示商品 ware n. An article of commerce 商品:交易中的物品 robotics n. The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots 机器人学:与机器人的设 计、制造、原理和应用相联系的科学或技术研究 Part Six convergence n. The act, condition, quality, or fact of converging :汇聚的行为、情形、 性质或事实 aspiration n. An object of such desire; an ambition 达到的目标;雄心 Test 8 Part One draft v.tr. to select from a group for some usually compulsory service 选拔:为某种,通 常是义务性的服务而从一群人中选拔 revamp v.tr. to patch up or restore; renovate 修补,修复:修理或修复;更新 n. the act or an instance of revamping; a complete reorganization or revision. 改组,改建:修改的行为或实例;彻底重组或修订 identity n. the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity; individuality 个性,特性:个人具有的长期以实体形式存在的独特性格; 个性 image: a personification of something specified 象征,化身:特 定事物的拟人化 flagging adj. declining; weakening 下降的;变弱的 part with to give up or let go of; relinquish 放弃:放弃或使离开;弃权跟……分手, 放弃, 丧失, 卖掉, 辞退 accord n. Spontaneous or voluntary desire to take a certain action 自愿,主动:自愿 或主动采取一行动的愿望: The children returned on their own accord. 孩子们主动回来了。 of one’s own accord 自愿地 hint v.tr. to indicate or make known in an indirect manner 暗示:以间接的方式表 明 be poised to be ready to acquire buy, purchase - obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; 购并 = takeover The conglomerate(联合企业) acquired a new company. departure (新业务等的)起点 Selling records will be a departure for this bookstore. reshuffle n. to shuffle again 重新洗(牌);to arrange or organize anew 改组:重新安 排或重新组织 Part Two lingerie n. women’s underclothes 女式贴身内衣裤 compelling adj. drivingly forceful 非常有说服力的 state of the art n. The highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field, achieved at a particular time 技术发展水平;尖端科技:特定时期 内取得的如机械、技术或科学领域内的最高发展水平 (形容词) state-of-the-art merchandise n. goods bought and sold in business; commercial wares 商品,做生意中买卖 的货物;商业物品;是商品的总称, 一般只泛指“商品”或 “物”,goods for sale, goods for trade 如 general merchandise 杂货(散货) commodity something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage ( especially something sold for profit) (常用复数)指日用品;商品:能转成商业或其他利 益的有用的东西;用于出售的有用物品, goods 为交换而生产的物品;产品,指某具体厂家所生产的商品;泛指商品或可移动的物 品、货物、所有物(不包括不动产) article 泛指市场上买卖的物品 item 已成交的品种 line merchandise or services of a similar or related nature 系列商品,相关的服务:形式相 似或相关的商品或服务;某一类商品,如鞋帽、五金、水果类等 points-of-sale = points of sale 收款机;收银机 refurbish v. to make clean, bright, or fresh again; renovate 刷新:使重新干净、明亮或 新鲜;创新 refurbishment 重新整修 prudent adj. wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense 精明的:精于处理实际事务的;运用良好的判断力或常识的 Part Three conglomerate n. a corporation made up of a number of different companies that operate in diversified fields 联合企业:由许多不同行业的公司组成的有不同经营范 围的大企业 decentralize v. to distribute the administrative functions or powers of (a central authority) among several local authorities 权力分散:在地方政权中分散(中央政权) 的管理职能或权力 give of to devote or contribute 奉献,贡献 They give of themselves to improve the quality of education. 为了提高教育质量,他们奉献了自己。 morale n. the state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks 道德,品 行,士气:一个人或集体具有的精神状态,通过信心、愉快、纪律和乐于 执行所分配的任务来展现 moral n. morals Rules or habits of conduct with reference to standards of right and wrong 道德伦理:举止行为的规则和习惯,,根据正确和错误的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 来 衡量 Part Four relationship marketing: 作为一种营销手段,关系营销强调的是公司与顾客之间构建一种长 期持续的关系,强调顾客服务和服务质量的重要性,并由此而采取 一系列的行动。 return v. to bring back; retrieve; regain revert (to) v.intr.(不及物动词)to return to a former condition, practice, subject, or belief 指 回到一个较早的、通常不太理想的状态、习俗、主题或信仰 replace v. put something back where it belongs: replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it resort (to) v.intr.(不及物动词)to have recourse 诉诸,依靠:进行求助 retain v. to keep or hold in a particular place, condition, or position 保持,保留:保 持或维持在一个特殊的场所、条件或位置 account v. to consider as being 认为;看作 relate v. to narrate or tell 通常表示详细而且有条理地陈述出某情况,这种情况可 以是自己亲自看到的,也可以是经历到的或了解到的 express v. to manifest or communicate 沟通,表示;to make known the feelings or opinions of (oneself), as by statement or art 表白,表达:表露(自己的) 情感或观点,如通过陈述或技技巧 build up v. to develop or increase in stages or by degrees 扩大,集结,支持:逐步或 分阶段的发展或增加 to order according to the buyer’s specifications 按照买方提出的标准 They had the shoes made to order. would-be adj. desiring, attempting, or professing to be 想要成为的, 自称自许的, 自充 的 lose one’s way 迷路 destroy v. to tear down or break up;demolish 摧毁:推翻,解体(与build相对) mess v. to make disorderly 弄脏,使混乱 separate v. to space apart; scatter 分散:把…分隔开;使分散 crash v. to smash 重击,撞碎;撞毁 guru n. a trusted counselor and adviser; a mentor 指导者:受信任的顾问参谋;指 导者 give/set (an) examples of 树立(一个)榜样 make an example of 警告;惩罚:made an example of the offender 警告犯人 Part Five downturn n. a tendency downward, especially in business or economic activity 衰退:下 降趋势,尤指商业或经济活动的下降趋势;低迷时期 booklet n. a small bound book or pamphlet, usually having a paper cover 小册子:小本 的书或小册子,通常有纸质封面 highlight v. to make prominent; emphasize 使„显得重要;强调的 anticipate v. to feel or realize beforehand; foresee 预感,预料:提前感到或意识到;预 见 expect, anticipate, hope, await 这些动词在不同的方面涉及到前瞻将来之事物的意 思。 expect 期待某事或某人可能的发生或出现;预计„„可能发生,预料 We expect a price decline (to happen) later in the month. 我们预计下半月会跌价。 We are expecting your counter-offer for the silk garments. 我们期待着你方对丝绸 服装的还盘。 anticipate 有时被用作expect 的同义词, 但通常它不仅仅是期望和预计的意思,有时它 指提前采取行动,来阻止预料中某事的发生或在一项要求或愿望说出之前使它 得到满足 Our service comes from the heart and anticipates every need. 我们衷心为您服务, 并且会预先考虑到您的各种要求而作出相应的安排。 hope 热切期望并对获得所期待之物的可能性方面有一定的信心 await 满怀期望的等待;暗含肯定性 look forward to to think of (a future event) with pleasurable, eager anticipation 期望:以满 意、急切的希望想着(将来的一件事) keen adj. eagerly desirous 热切渴望的 Our clients are very keen on your offer for cotton shirts. 我方客户对你方棉织衬 衫的报盘很有兴趣。 Although we are keen to meet your requirements, we could not comply with your request for a reduction in price. 我们虽然很想满足贵方的需求,但是不能答应你 方减价的要求。 recession n. an extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product 衰退:经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指 三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降 slowdown n. the act or process of slowing down; a slackening of pace 减速,减慢:慢下来 的行动或过程;速度的减慢 crucial adj. extremely significant or important 极其重要的,极其显要的;Vital to the resolution of a crisis; decisive 决定性的:对某一危机的解决有重要作用的; 决定性的 be on the lookout for 关心;留神;注意 lay down to specify规定 Part Six redundancy n. a superfluity; an excess 多余;剩余 strong adj. having a specified number of units or members 人数多达„的:有特定数目 的单位或成员的: a sales force 100 strong 一支100人的销售队伍 accept v. to regard as proper, usual, or right 相信,接受:被认为是正当的、一般的或 正确的 nowhere near far from opt v. to make a choice or decision 选择或决定 opted for early retirement; opted not to go 选择提早退休;选择不去 Test 9 Part One operating profit Profits from a company's ordinary revenue-producing activities, calculated before taxes and interest costs 营业利润 underlying adj. Basic; fundamental 基础的;基本的 gauge n. v. A means of estimating or evaluating; a test 评估:估计或评价的一种方 式;评估 illustration n. Material used to clarify or explain 例证:被用来说明或解释的材料 lottery n. An activity or event regarded as having an outcome depending on fate 不能预测之事:一种行为或事件,被认为是由命运决定发生的 volatile adj. Tending to vary often or widely, as in price 易波动的,不稳定的:易于 经常或大幅度变化的,如价格 the ups and downs of volatile stocks 易波动的股票沉浮 exemplify v. To serve as an example of 作为„例子 prime adj. First in excellence, quality, or value 最佳的,最优的:在优点、质量 或价值方面属头等的 buoyant adj. prices etc. tend to rise 可能上涨的 shake-up n. 动摇, 骚动, 革新, 权宜之计, 剧变, 振作 post v. To display (an announcement) in a place of public view 贴布告:在公 共场所贴(布告);(张榜)宣布,公布:The company posted a net loss of 8 million dollars last year. between prep. In the combined ownership of 共享:共同拥有:They had only a few dollars between them. 他们总共只有几块美元。 Part Two accommodate v. To make suitable; adapt 使适应;使符合 contingency n. The condition of being dependent on chance; uncertainty 偶然性: 取决于机会的情形;不确定性 provision n. A preparatory action or measure 准备:预防性行动或措施 Part Three call in To summon for assistance or consultation 邀请:召来做助手或顾问:call in a specialist 邀请一个专家 drain v. To draw off (a liquid) by a gradual process 排出:渐渐地放掉液体 drained water from the sink 将水从污水槽中排掉 detached adj. 不含感情因素的,不含个人偏见的 more often than not usually; as a rule; by and large; generally; mostly 时常;For the most part; generally 大体上:总地说来;一般说来: dress down To wear informal clothes, befitting an occasion or location 穿平常的衣 服:穿非正式服装以适应场合或地点:I dressed down for such a casual occasion. 在这样非正式的场合,我穿着随便。 dress up To wear formal or fancy clothes 盛装:穿正式的或精选的服装:They dressed up and went to the prom. 他们盛装去参加舞会。 relate to To react in response, especially favorably 发生共鸣:产生反应,往往是 有利的:I just can't relate to these new fashions. 我不能对这些新时装 产生共鸣。 pitch v. To adapt so as to be applicable; direct 修正以适用;指向:pitched his speech to the teenagers in the audience 他的发言是给观众中的青少 年听的 overly adj. To an excessive degree 过度地 dexterity n. Mental skill or adroitness; cleverness 聪明,伶俐:智力上熟练或灵巧; 聪明 see…through To provide unstinting support, cooperation, or management in good times and bad 帮助„度过(困难):在顺利或艰难时期给予慷慨的支持、 合作与安排 put paid to to put an end to; to defeat Part Four distinction The condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct; difference 差别,不 同:不相似或不同的条件或事实;相异 at one’s disposal The liberty or power to dispose of 处置„的自由;有处理„的权利 funds at our disposal 我们有权处置的基金 secure v. To make certain; ensure 确信:使肯定;确保:Despite making several good jokes, he could not secure the goodwill of the audience. 尽管他 说了几个有趣的笑话,但是仍无法确定观众是否接受他。 psychometric adj. 心理测量的,心理测量学的 Part Five indulgence n. Something indulged in 嗜好:沉迷爱好的事物:Sports cars are an expensive indulgence. 跑车是一个花费昂贵的嗜好。 impeccable adj. Having no flaws; perfect 无瑕疵的;完美 eau-de-toilette (EDT) 淡香水 eau-de-perfume (EDP) 香水 ruby n. A deep red, translucent variety of the mineral corundum, highly valued as a precious stone 红宝石:深红色、半透明刚玉矿产,因是珍稀宝 石价值很高 sensation n. A state of intense public interest and excitement 轰动,骚动:公众浓 厚的兴趣和兴奋的状态 Part Six receptive adj. Ready or willing to receive favorably 接受的:容易或愿意赞成地接受 的receptive to their proposals 愿接受他们的建议 perceive v. To achieve understanding of 理解:获得对„的理解;理解 Test 10 Part One sell short To underestimate the true value or worth of 低估,轻视,低估,某人或物的, 真正价值,轻视,Don't sell your colleague short; she's a smart lawyer. 别低 估你的同事,她可是个精明的律师。 going adj. Current; prevailing 现行的,流行的,The going rates are high. 现行利率 很高 prerequisite n. Something that is prerequisite 先决条件,前提 scope n. breadth or opportunity to function 机会,余地,发挥能力的余地或机会 trade-off n. an exchange that occurs as a compromise: 交换, 协定, 交易, 平衡 assertive adj. Inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively self-assured 过分 自信的,倾向于唐突或自信的断言,过分自信的 forever n. A seemingly very long time 长时间,表面上很长的时间, It has taken forever to resolve these problems. 花了很多时间解决这些问题。 incentive n. Something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward, that induces action or motivates effort 刺激; 诱因; 动机,引起行动或激 发努力的某事,比如对惩罚的恐惧或对奖励的期望 Part Two refresher n. Instruction that serves to reacquaint one with material previously studied or to bring one's knowledge or skills up to date 进修,使人熟悉以前学过 的知识或使人的知识跟上时代节奏的教学 benchmark v. To measure (a rival's product) according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one's own product 标准检查,按照指定标 准检测,竞争对手的产品,,以比较和改进自己的产品 Part Three rigor n. Strictness or severity, as in temperament, action, or judgment 严厉,苛刻, 严格,严格或严肃,如在性情、行为或判断方面 pander (to) vi. To cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit their weaknesses 迎合,迎合别人的低级趣味或欲望或利用他们的弱点, peer n. A person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age 同辈,同等的人,与他人在如爵位、阶级或年龄上相当的人,children who are easily influenced by their peers. iota n. A very small amount; a bit 稍微,极少量,一点,not an iota of truth to that tale 那个故事毫无真实可言 scrutiny n. Close observation; surveillance 仔细的观察,监督 champion v. To fight for, defend, or support as a champion 作为积极的拥护者而斗 争、捍卫或支持,championed the cause of civil rights 为民权事业而斗争 ether n. The regions of space beyond the earth's atmosphere; the heavens 太空,超 出地球大气层的空间区域,太空 idiosyncrasy n. A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or a group 特质,个性,个人或某个团体所特有的结构或行为上的特点 linear adj. In, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line 直线的,直线 本身的、直线的、描述直线的或用直线描述的或与直线有关的 backlash n. An antagonistic reaction to an earlier action 激烈反应,激烈反对,对一 个较早行动的对抗性反应 Part Four arrive at To reach through effort or a process 努力达到,经过努力或一进程达到,arrive at a decision after much thought 经过反复考虑后做出决定 come at To obtain; get 获得,得到,come at an education through study 经由研究得 到教育 drain n. Something that causes a gradual loss 消耗的东西,造成逐渐流失的东西 in place In the appropriate or usual position or order 就绪,在适合的或通常的位置或 序列上,With everything in place, she started the slide show. 一切就绪,她开 始放幻灯片。 assume v. To take for granted; suppose 想当然,以为,assumed that prices would rise. 认为价格要上涨 Part Five fare n. A transportation charge, as for a bus 车费,交通费用,如乘公共汽车 to an extent 极度的,非常的 Part Six Test 11 Part One entrepreneur n. A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture 企业家:组织、管理企业并承担商业风险的人 out of recognition 完全改了模样, 面目全非 diverge v. To depart from a set course or norm; deviate 偏离;背离:偏离设定的 路线或常规;离题 fall out To quarrel 争吵:The siblings fell out over their inheritance.兄弟姐妹们 为继承权而争吵 allocate v. To set apart for a special purpose; designate 分配,配给,分派:为特定 目的而拨出;指定:allocate a room to be used for storage 指定一间房 用来贮藏 stand off 1. (比赛等的)不分胜负2. 平衡 fight to a stand-off, as in sports在体 育比赛中打成平局。 a rule of thumb 单凭经验的方法 equity n. Common stock and preferred stock 普通股、优先股 up (one's) sleeve Hidden but ready to be used 隐藏起来但准备使用的:I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. 我还有几种手段藏而待用呢。 infrastructure n. An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or a system 基础:基础或根基,尤指一个组织或系统的 underpin v. To give support or substance to 支持,巩固:给予支持 salesmanship n. 推销术,说服力, 销售,推销 Part Two fluffy a. Light or frivolous 无聊的,琐碎的 going n. Progress toward a goal; headway 进展的情况;进展 It was easy going during my senior year. 在我大四期间一切都很顺利。 follow v. To occur or be evident as a consequence of 是…必然的结果:出现或必然结 果Your conclusion does not follow your premise. 你的结论不是你的前提的 必然结果。 pay v. To afford an advantage to; profit 有利于:给…以好处;有益于:It paid us to be generous. 慷慨对我们有好处。 trounce v. To defeat decisively 决定性地打败 quantify v. To determine or express the quantity of 确定„的数量,表示„的数量 tempting a. Having strong appeal; enticing 诱人的:非常具有诱惑力的;诱人的:a tempting repast 一顿诱人的美餐 seduce v. To win over; attract 征服;吸引 sprint n. A burst of speed or activity 速度或活动的突然爆发 empirical a. Relying on or derived from observation or experiment 经验的:依据观察 或实验或由观察或试验得出的:empirical results that supported the hypothesis 证明假设成立的经验性结论 controversial a. Of, producing, or marked by controversy 有争议的:争论的、引起争 论的或有争议的:a controversial movie; a controversial stand on human rights 一场有争议的电影;引起争议的人权立场 Part Three blue chip 蓝筹股(稳而值钱的股票), 稳当可靠的财产 appreciate v. To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize 意识到,察觉:对„的充 分意识或领会;察觉:I appreciate your problems. 我充分意识到了你 的问题。 specialism n. A field of specialization 专业领域 identify v. To establish an identification with another or others 成为一体:与另一 个人或其他人保持一致;认同 second v. To attend (a duelist or a boxer) as an aide or assistant 当„的助手: 作为(决斗士或拳击手)的助手或副手参加 privatize v. To change (an industry or a business, for example) from governmental or public ownership or control to private enterprise 私有化:改变(如 工业或商业机构)性质使其由公营或公有变为私营或私有企业 sideway n. 迂回;旁门左道 kudo n. Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement 名声,威信:对杰出成 就所作的称赞或颂扬 relate to To react in response, especially favorably 发生共鸣:产生反应,往往 是有利的:I just can't relate to these new fashions. 我不能对这些新时 装产生共鸣。 breed n. A kind; a sort 种类,类型:a new breed of politician; a new breed of computer 与众不同的政治家;新型的计算机 follow-on 〈板球〉继续击球 anthropology n. The scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of human beings 人类学:关于人类起源, 行为及其体质,社会和文化发展的科学研究 interface n. A point at which independent systems or diverse groups interact 按合 点:独立的系统间或不同的群体间相互作用的点 tug of war A contest of strength in which two teams tug on opposite ends of a rope, each trying to pull the other across a dividing line 拔河:两队各 拉绳子的一端,并尽力把对方拉过分界线的一种力量竞赛; A struggle for supremacy 激烈的竞争:优势竞争:a political tug of war between those in favor of the new legislation and those against it 新 立法拥护者和反对者之间的政治优势竞争 Part Four highly adv. extensively adv. 此三词都是:to a high degree or extent: highly successful widely adv. largely adv. For the most part; mainly; chiefly; mostly 大部分地;主要地 usual, habitual, customary, accustomed These adjectives apply to what is expected or familiar because it occurs frequently or recurs regularly. 这些形容词是指其事是可预见的或熟悉的,因为它是经常发生的或有规 律地发生的。 usual describes what accords with normal, common, or ordinary practice or procedure 是修饰那些与平常的、普通的或一般习惯或程序相一致的人、事或物 habitual implies repetition and force of habit 指重复和习惯力量 customary and accustomed refer to conformity with the prevailing customs or conventions of a group or with an individual's own established practice: 是指与盛行的习惯或一个团体 的习俗与个人约定俗成的习惯一致的 routine a. In accord with established procedure 例行公事的:a routine check of passports 检查护照的惯例 issue n. A culminating point leading to a decision 结果,结论:需要决定的关键点: bring a case to an issue 把案子提到决议阶段;the important part of sth. insist vt. (that) To assert or demand (something) vehemently and persistently 坚 持:强烈并持续地主张或要求(某物) accentuate vt. To stress or emphasize; intensify 强调;加强 reiterate vt. To say or do again or repeatedly 重申;重复:再次或重复说或者做 assent (to) vi. To agree, as to a proposal; concur 赞成:赞成,如某建议;赞同 irksome a. Causing annoyance, weariness, or vexation; tedious 烦人的:使人生 气,厌烦,或恼火的;枯燥乏味的 uncover v. To manifest or disclose; reveal; make visible 显现,暴露,揭露: uncovered new evidence 揭示新的证据 demonstrate v. To show clearly and deliberately; manifest 表明:清楚细致地显示; 表明 unmask v. To disclose the true character of; expose 揭示:揭示„的真实品格; 揭露 manifest itself to appear or to become easy to see: Food allergies (过敏性反应) manifest themselves in a variety of ways. confirm v. To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify 证实:支持 或确认„的肯定性或有效性;确认 Part Five paragon n. A model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example 典型, 模范:一类中杰出或完美的模式;无可匹敌的范例 showpiece Something exhibited, especially as an outstanding example of its kind. 展品,样品:被展示的某物,尤指某一类中较好的样品 parkland n. Land within or suitable for public parks 公用土地,适于僻建公园的土地: 公园内的或适于修建公园的土地 exile v. To send into exile; banish 流放;把„驱逐出境 commute v. To travel as a commuter 经常往返者:作为长期车票使用者旅行 outpost n. An outlying settlement 边区村落:远离中心定居点 catchment n. The amount of water collected in such structure 蓄水量:在此种容器中 的水的收集量 credential(s) n. Evidence or testimonials concerning one's right to credit, confidence, or authority 证件:关于某人可以相信、信任或具有权力的证件或证明书: The new ambassador presented her credentials to the president. 新大 使向总统递交了国书。 Part Six simulation n. Imitation or representation, as of a potential situation or in experimental testing 模拟:模仿或演习可能发生的情况或在试验性的测试中进行模 仿和演习 Test 12 Part One segment n. Any of the parts into which something can be divide 部分,片:某些可被 分割的任一片:segments of the community; a segment of a television program 社区的组成部分;电视节目的一个片断 reverse v. To turn around to the opposite direction 反转:转向相反方向 breakeven a. 无亏损(的) front n. A field of activity 领域,活动场所:the economic front 经济领域 undue a. Exceeding what is appropriate or normal; excessive 过度的;过分的:超出 合适或正常的;过分的 Part Two dissuade v. To deter (a person) from a course of action or a purpose by persuasion or exhortation 劝阻:劝(某人)不要做某事,通过劝说或劝诫达到目的: dissuaded my friend from pursuing such a rash scheme 劝我的朋友不要实 行这一轻率莽撞的方案 expose v. To make visible 暴露:使…被看见 go by the board To be discarded or ignored 遗弃,遗忘,忽视:old dress codes that have now gone by the board. 现已过时的旧服饰式样 divulge v. To make known (something private or secret).泄露:泄漏(秘密,隐私等) counsel v. To recommend 推荐,介绍 career counseling 职业介绍 excessive a. Exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit 过量的:超过正 常的、通常的、合理的或正当界限的 hotspot n. 热点;关键 mentor n. A wise and trusted counselor or teacher 贤明和忠实的顾问或良师 salvage v. To save from loss or destruction 抢救:从损失或毁坏中救出 Part Three hammer v. To force upon by constant repetition 通过一直重复进行强调 lumbering a. 笨拙的, 动作迟缓的 leviathan n. Something unusually large of its kind, especially a ship 巨型远洋舰,巨 轮:同类中异常巨大的东西,尤指巨型轮船 sceptical a. 怀疑论的, 怀疑的 bear down To overwhelm; vanquish 击败;征服 synergy n. The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects 协同作用:两种 或多种动力或力量的相互作用,以便其联合效果大于各单独作用之和 dissipate v. To vanish by dispersion 消散,消失,消耗: The dark clouds finally dissipated. 乌云最后消散了。 panel n. A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program 专门小组:聚在 一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节 目中充当一个队的一群人 Part Four put into effect 实行, 实施, 使生效, 实现 work in To insert or introduce 引进:worked in a request for money work out To formulate or develop 作出,制定出:work out a plan 制定计划 work over To do for a second time; rework 翻新:重新加工翻新;重做 method, manner, mode, way These nouns refer to the plans or procedures followed to accomplish a task or attain a goal 这些名词指为完成某一任务或达到某一目标而遵 循的计划或步骤 method implies a detailed, logically ordered plan: 意指一个详细的,逻辑有序的 计划 manner emphasizes a personal or distinctive method of action or procedure: 强 调的是行动或步骤的具个性和独特性的方法:She has a precise, clearly articulated manner of speaking. 她说话用词精确,表达清楚。 mode often denotes a manner influenced by or arising from tradition or custom: 通常指由传统或习俗影响或引起的行事方法:A nomadic mode of life was typical of many peoples of the Great Plains. 游牧是居住在大平原 的很多人典型的生活方式。 way is the least specific of these terms: 是所有这些词中专指性最少的一个词 means (单复数同形)可以指人或物,其含义为“手段”或“工具”;这个词不仅 用于具体的东西,也可以用于抽象的意念。 do well to do 觉得(做...)有益, 做得对 work well to 有效地 Part Five however adv. To whatever degree or extent 任何都:无论程度、广度如何 perk n. A perquisite 额外补贴 Part Six tip vt. To push or knock over; overturn or topple 使„翻倒:推或撞倒;翻转 或倾覆:bumped the table and tipped a vase 撞倒了桌子,把花瓶给打 翻了 paradox n. One exhibiting inexplicable or contradictory aspects 有明显矛盾特征 的人或事物:表现出让人费解或自相矛盾特点的人或事物 动词be表示状态时不用于进行体。例如: He is tall. 不能说He is being tall. The trees are green. 不能说:The trees are being green. 但是,当be 作“显出某种样子”解释时,就能用于进行体,表示暂时性。例如: He is being kind (=acting kindly). He was only being kind for the moment. You fancy you are being very clever (=saying very clever things). be的进行体用法主要跟用作补语的形容词的词汇意义有关。用于这一结构的形容词往往具有动态含义。常见的有:ambitious, awkward, brave, careful, careless, clever, conceited, cruel, enthusiastic, extravagant, foolish等等。 Test 13 Part One foolproof a. Effective; infallible 有效的;绝无谬误的:a foolproof scheme 完美的计划 spell out To make perfectly clear and understandable 使十分清楚明白:asked him to spell out his objectives 让他清楚明白地说明他的目的 traffic n. The commercial exchange of goods; trade 贸易:货物的商业交换;商贸 upmarket a. upscale Of, intended for, or relating to high-income consumers 高消 费的,高级的:高消费阶层的,为高消费阶层服务的 niche market 利基市场,缝隙市场 A very specialized market segment. For example, running shoes for flat-footed women with body weignt under 110 pounds has a very niche market. affluent a. Generously supplied with money, property, or possessions; prosperous or rich 富裕的:拥有大量钱财、财产或财富的;富裕的或富有的 discerning a. Exhibiting keen insight and good judgment; perceptive 有眼力的;有判 断力的:展现敏锐的眼力或辨别力好的判断的;有洞察力的 (discern辨别) foregone a. Having gone before; previous 过去的;以前的 plethora n. A superabundance; an excess 过多;过剩 Part Two wary a. On guard; watchful 警戒的;警惕的:taught to be wary of strangers 被 教知提防陌生人 premium a. Of superior quality or value 质优价高的:质量或价值极高的 transcend v. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass 胜过:比„大,如 在强度或力量上,超过 paramount a. Of chief concern or importance 最主要的,最重要的:tending first to one's paramount needs 首先关注某人最主要的需求 toiletry n. An article, such as toothpaste or a hairbrush, used in personal grooming or dressing 化妆品:用于个人梳洗或打扮的一件物品,如牙膏或梳子 treat n. A source of a special delight or pleasure 乐事:一种特别的欣喜或乐趣来 源:A day in the country is a real treat for a city person 对一个生活在城 市中的人来说,在乡下呆上一天真是一件乐事 hi-fi High fidelity 高保真An electronic system for reproducing high-fidelity sound from radio or recordings 重放高保真度录音的电子设备 Part Three rope n. Specialized procedures or details 决窍:专门的程序或细节:learn the ropes; know the ropes 学会决窍;知道决窍 scenario n. An outline or a model of an expected or a supposed sequence of events 预料或期望的一系列事件的梗概或模式 faction n. A group of persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious minority within a larger group 小集团,宗派:在较大的团体中由一群人形成的紧密结合 在一起的有争议的少数派 protract v. To draw out or lengthen in time; prolong 延长,拖延:在时间上拉长或延 长;拖延:disputants who needlessly protracted the negotiations 那些不 必要地延长谈判时间的争论者 in the air Abroad; prevalent 广泛的;流行的:Excitement was in the air 到处充满 了兴奋之情 helm n. A position of leadership or control 领导或支配地位:at the helm of the government 在政府里处于领导地位 reticent a. Inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself 沉默寡言的:倾向于保留某人的想法、感情及个人事务的 through thick and thin through all obstacles and difficulties, both great and small if you stay with or support someone through thick and thin, you always stay with or support them, even in difficult situations. That's what relationships are about - you stick with someone through thick and thin. She remained loyal to the party through thick and thin. 不畏艰险 Part Four In a row 连续地 cause is an agent or condition that permits the occurrence of an effect or necessarily or ineluctably leads to a result: 是允许一种效果的发生或必然、必 要导致结果发生的动因或条件:”He is not only dull in himself, but the cause of dullness in others” “他不仅仅是自己愚蠢,而且是引起他人愚蠢的原因” reason refers to what explains the occurrence or nature of an effect 是指解释某种效 果的发生或性质的措辞:There was no obvious reason for the accident. 这场事故没有明显的缘由。 fracture n. A break, rupture, or crack, especially in bone or cartilage 骨折:尤指在骨 头或软骨上的破碎、破裂或裂缝 discretion n. Freedom to act or judge on one's own 行动的自由,判断的自由:All the decisions were left to our discretion. 所有的决定都由我们自行 做出。 Part Five plc. Public Limited Company, 股票上市公司 leading-edge n. Someone or something occupying such a position 带头人:占据这 样一个位置的人或物 generalist n. One who has broad general knowledge and skills in several areas 通才:在几种领域内有广泛的普遍的知识和技能的一种人 on offer on sale Part Six leverage v. To supplement (money, for example) with leverage 补充(如金 钱)支持 Test 14 Part One rationale n. Fundamental reasons; the basis 根本原因;最基本的原因;基础 advent n. The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important 出现, 来临:特指极为重要的事物的来临: the advent of the computer 计算机的 出现 momentous adj. Of utmost importance; of outstanding significance or consequence 极 为重要的;有突出意义或影响的:a momentous occasion; a momentous decision 重大时刻;重要决定 turn around reverse 扭转 stagnant adj. Showing little or no sign of activity or advancement; not developing or progressing; inactive 不景气的:不发展和停滞的或没有前进或活动迹 象;不发展或前进的:a stagnant economy 停滞的经济 tender v. A written offer to contract goods or services at a specified cost or rate; a bid 投标:以某一特定价格或比率来吸引货物或服务的书面提议;投标 format n. A plan for the organization and arrangement of a specified production. 大纲:指定产品组织和安排方面的计划 build on To use as a basis or foundation 依靠,指望:以…为基础:We must build on our recent success. 我们必须依靠现有的成功。 This enhances our ability to meet our customers' requirements in a broad range of building markets and continues to build on our integrated building management solutions. familiarity n. Considerable acquaintance with 熟悉:与某人相当熟知 like-for-like sales The portion of current sales achieved through activities that are comparable to the activities of the previous year. 本期销售额中,由 与前期相同的销售活动实现的销售量的部分。是在排除本期销售活动 变动带来的影响后的同比销售量。 Using like-for-like sales is a method of valuation that attempts to exclude any effects of expansion, acquisition, or other events that artificially enlarge the company's sales. For example, if you are trying to compare the turnover of company ABC from this year to last year, it makes sense to exclude from the equation any sales resulting from acquisitions this year. encroach v. To take another's possessions or rights gradually or stealthily 侵占: 逐步或偷偷地侵占他人财产或侵犯他人权利:encroach on a neighbor's land 侵犯邻土 Part Two marginal adj. Having to do with enterprises that produce goods or are capable of producing goods at a rate that barely covers production costs 边际 效用的:与某种企业的生产有关,这种企业以正好收回生产成本的比 率进行生产或能够以此比率生产 alongside prep. By the side of; side by side with 在„旁边;与„并排 cross-fertilize v. 杂交;异花受胎 state of the art n. The highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field, achieved at a particular time 技术发展水平;尖端 科技:特定时期内取得的如机械、技术或科学领域内的最高发展水平 (形容词) state-of-the-art Part Three jet-set An international social set made up of wealthy people who travel from one fashionable place to another 喷气机旅行界:由常乘飞机 从一个时髦地方到另一地旅行的有钱人组成的一个国际性社会集合 counter v. To move or act in opposition to; oppose 反向移动,对着干;反对 elasticity n. The condition or property of being elastic; flexibility 弹性:有弹性 的状态或性质;弹性 spectrum n. A broad sequence or range of related qualities, ideas, or activities 系列,范围,幅度:相关质量、概念或活动的广大范围:the whole spectrum of 20th-century thought 20世纪所有不同的思潮 promise n. Indication of future excellence or success(有)希望,(有)前途: 暗示未来的出众或成功:a young player of great promise 一个很有 前途的年轻演员 two-way Permitting communication in two directions双路的,双通的,:允许 进行双向交流的:a two-way radio 收发两用无线电设备 snap up To acquire quickly 迅速得到:snapped up the introductory offer 迅速得到初步的供应 odds n. A ratio expressing the amount by which the stake of one bettor differs from that of an opposing bettor 赌注的比率:打赌者下注的 数量及其对手下注数量的比率 Part Four conditions n. Existing circumstances 存在的环境:Conditions in the office made concentration impossible. 办公室的状况根本不可能使人专心。 liking n. A feeling of attraction or love; fondness 吸引或爱的情感;喜爱 preference or taste 爱好或兴趣 detriment n. Something that causes damage, harm, or loss 损害物:引起损害, 伤害或损失的物质:Smoking is now considered a detriment to good health. 现在认为,烟对健康有害。 imitate v. to act like or follow a pattern or style set by another 象或按照其他 人设立的方式或风格去做:The adults drank their tea in a ceremonious manner, and the children imitated them. 大人们客套 地喝着茶,孩子们模仿着他们。 simulate v. to feign or falsely assume the appearance or character of something: 假装某物的表象或特征 manner n. 主要表示个人喜欢采用的方式,与 mode 的这层含义很近,但 mode 是个正式词汇。而且 manner 不用于表示传统或习俗所形成的方式 方法 way n. 最通用最不正式的词,可以用来代替前面的任何一个词 Part Five ageism n. Discrimination based on age, especially prejudice against the elderly 年龄歧视:对处于某种年龄的人们的歧视,尤其指对老年人 的偏见 marginalize v.. To relegate or confine to a lower or outer limit or edge, as of social standing 使处于社会边缘:被降低或限制在一个下限或外限或边 缘,如社会地位 flat adj. Commercially inactive; sluggish 萧条的:商业上不景气的;萧条的 flat sales for the month 这个月的滞销 Unmodulated; monotonous 单调的:无抑扬顿挫的;单调的:a flat voice 单调的声音 Part Six go about To set about to do; undertake 着手做;承担:Go about your chores in a responsible way. 请以负责的态度去做你的工作。 get into To become involved in 卷入:got into trouble by stealing cars 因偷车而麻烦 缠身 To be interested in 对„有兴趣:got into gourmet cooking 对烹饪有了兴趣 Test 15 Part One rule out To remove from consideration; exclude: The option of starting over has been ruled out划去, 排除, 取消 convenience store [美]高质高价的自助食品商店 fixture n. One that is invariably present in and long associated with a place 固定成员, 固定特色:长期出现在某地或与某地有联系的人:a journalist who became a Washington fixture 常出现在华盛顿的记者 publicise v. To give publicity to 使…为公众所注意 non-core adj. 非核心的 imminent adj. About to occur; impending 紧急的:马上要发生的;迫近的:in imminent danger 濒临危险 sound out try to learn someone's opinions and intentions 试探 backfire v. To produce an unexpected, undesired result 发生意外:产生意外的,令 人失望的结果 subsidise v. support through subsidies 消退,下沉,平息 studied adj. Resulting from deliberation and careful thought 慎重的:故意的且精心考 虑而得的:a studied decision 经精心考虑而作出的决定 course of action a mode of action 一连串行动 Part Two forwarding business 运输业务 a forwarding company 运输公司 a forwarding agent 货运代理 forwarding charges 运输费 time window 某段时间 Part Three neutralize v. To counterbalance or counteract the effect of; render ineffective 使无效: 平衡或消除…作用;致使无效 level v. To erect; raise 提升 give rise to To be the cause or origin of; bring about 引起,来源于,带来 dimension n. Aspect; element 各方面,方面,因素 cut across be contrary to ordinary procedure or limitations 违反常规 territory n. An area for which a person is responsible as a representative or an agent 代理区:作为代理商或委托商而负责的一片区域:a salesperson's territory 推销员的推销的区域 cross-national Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations 两国间的:属于、关于或 涉及两个或多个国家的 relate v. To establish or demonstrate a connection between 建立或展示联系:建 立或展示…之间的联系 outset n. The beginning; the start 开端;起始:Problems arose at the very outset. 刚 刚起步,就遇到了困难。 Part Four on the road Traveling, especially as a salesperson 尤指销售员为兜揽生意四处奔走而 旅行;外勤推销 perform a function In your new job you will be expected to perform many different functions. reflect v. To manifest as a result of one's actions 表明:作为某人行动的结果而 显示出:Her work reflects intelligence. 她的工作显示出她的智慧。 represent v. To stand for 代表 Part Five clock-watcher A person who is eager for the time to pass, as at work or school 老是看 钟等下班的人:盼望时间过去的人,如在工作或学习时 fussy adj. Paying great or excessive attention to personal tastes and appearance; fastidious 过分装饰的:对个人品味或外表付以过大或过分注意的;过分 讲究的:He was always fussy about clothes. 他总是过分关注服饰。 buzzword n. A usually important-sounding word or phrase connected with a specialized field or group that is used primarily to impress laypersons:专 门用语,术语:与某一特定领域或组织相联系,主要用于给外行之人加深 印象的听起来重要的单词或短语:”Sensitivity” is the buzzword in the beauty industry this fall. “灵敏度”是今年秋天化妆品工业的专门术语。 Part Six maga-merger 大兼并 proactive adj. Acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty; anticipatory 主动 的,抢先的,先发制人的:提前行动以对付预期的困难的;抢先行动的 culture shock n. A condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person suddenly exposed to an alien culture or milieu 文化震惊:某人突然身处异族文化 或环境中而经受的一种困惑焦虑的状况
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