首页 风景园林专业英语(第一二课翻译)



风景园林专业英语(第一二课翻译)The practice and theory of Landscape Architecture 景观规划设计理论 【1】Landscape Architecture involves the five major components:They are natural process, human factors,methodology,technology,and values,whatever the scale or emphasis of operation,these five componen...

The practice and theory of Landscape Architecture 景观规划 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 理论 【1】Landscape Architecture involves the five major components:They are natural process, human factors,methodology,technology,and values,whatever the scale or emphasis of operation,these five components are consistently relevant.Social and nature factors clearly permeate every facet of a profession that is concerned with people and land. Problem solving, planning,and design methods apply at all scales.Good judgment is consistently required. 风景园林设计包含五个主要方面:自然进程、社会进程、方法论、技术、价值观,无论规模尺度或运作的重点各不相同,这五个要素一贯是相关的。社会因素和自然因素的因子充斥着这个关系到人与土地的领域的方方面面。解决问题,规划、设计方法都会用到所有的尺度。正确的判断判断是一贯必须的。 【2】Consider how natural factors data are relevant to both planning and design.At the regional scale,the impact of development or change in use on a landscape must be known and evaluated before a policy to allow such action is set.An inventory of the natural factors,including geology, soils,hydrology,topography,climate,vegetation and wildlife,and the ecological relationships between them is fundamental to and understanding of the ecosystem to which change is contemplated.Equally important is an analysis of visual quality .Land use policy can thus be made on the basis of the known vulnerability of resistance of the landscape.In other circumstances the natural processes which add up to a given landscape at a give moment in its evolution may, as at Grand Canyon and other unique places,be considered a resource to be preserved, protected,and managed as a public trust.On a smaller scale,soil and geological conditions may be critical in the determination of the cost and the form of building foundations: where it is most suitable to build and where it is not.Sun,wind,and rain are important factors of design where the development of comfort zones for human activity or the growth of plants is a primary objective.Thus,in many ways natural factors influence land use,site planning,and detailer design. 自然因素的考虑与规划和设计都有关系。在区域尺度上,关于利用方面的开发变化的影响,在政策制定之前,必须了解和评估景观的脆弱性和敏感性。详细的自然因素,包括地质的、土壤的、水文的、地形地貌的、气候的、植被的和野生动物的、以及它们之间的生态关系是理解它将要改变的生态系统的基础。同样重要的是视觉质量的分析。土地利用政策的基础是由于了解到景观的脆弱性和抗损性的基础上建立的。在某些发展进化的过程中,一些在特定的时刻作用到特定的景观的自然进程会产生一些公共资源,比如科罗拉多大峡谷,让我们后人去保护它和管理它。在小尺度上,土壤和地质条件是决定建筑的成本和建筑基础形态的关键要素——哪里适宜建立以及哪里不适宜。设计是为人类发展活动找到适宜的空间或者以植物的生长为主要目标,因此,阳光,风和雨是设计最重要的要素。因此,场地和区域的自然要素在景观规划和设计的许多过程当中相互作用。 【3】The social factors apply equally at various scales.In site planning and landscape design, cultural variation in the use and appreciation of open space and parks and the physical and social needs of the young and old are some of the many variables to be considered in a design process that aims to be responsive to social values and human needs.In decisions relates to appropriation of landscape for recreation and aesthetic value people’s perception of t he environment and the behavioral patterns understand the impact of environment on behavior and also appreciate the basic human need to manipulate and control the environment. 社会因素也同样应用在不同尺度上。在场地规划设计中,对开放空间和公园使用和喜好上的文化差异和年轻人与老年人的生理和社会需求,是以创造社会价值和满足人们需求为目的的设计过程中需要考虑的众多因素当中的一部分。为了游憩或者景观价值而投资的决策价值和人的行为模式是息息相关的,设计师必须了解环境对人类行为的影响,同时还要意识到人类对于操纵和控制环境的最基本的人类需求,这两点是非常重要的。 【4】Technology is the means by which a design is implemented or on which a policy depends.Some of it changes year by year as new materials,machinery,and techniques are developed.Specific areas of technology include plants,planting and ecological succession,soil science,hydrology and sewage treatment,microclimate control,surface drainage,erosion control,hard surfaces,and maintenance. 工业技术是技术得以实施或政策得以指定的基础,随着每年材料、机器、技术的提高,它们在三种景观规划设计当中的作用是清楚的。具体的技术领域,包括植物栽培和生态进程、土壤科学、水文、污水处理、小气候控制、地表排水、侵蚀控制、道路铺装和维护保养。 【5】设计方法的使用是一个过程,在这个过程中,所有相关的要素和变量都得到了评价,并且对解决问题的过程产生影响。在这个过程中,制图技术、分析技术和标识系统发挥了重要作用。有一个由霍普林提出来的针对创新过程的评价方法值得推荐,他指出像在音乐和舞蹈比赛中使用的打分法一样,使得设计过程更加公开化、可视化。这种方法能允许更多的人参与到设计和政策制定的过程中,并且使大尺度的复杂环境的设计形成更多新的方法,使设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 更加人性化。 【6】把上述五大要素结合起来的目的是为了搭建一个基础,使得在这个基础上编制的规划方案和详细设计方案,能够满足人们的行为方式,并适应环境的条件特征。因为这两者(行为方式和环境特征)是会随着文化区域和邻里关系而产生差异的,所以不可能有一劳永逸的设计方案。在复杂问题的判断中,对于自然和社会的分析是关键的。从而编制出一个合适的设计形态和平面关系。 【7】设计的过程可以比作创造了设计上最伟大景观的原始造型过程,(设计的目的是为了让形态的发展及它们之间的相互关系更符合人们的需求,)山脊与山谷,充满水的盆地,山峰都反映了地质结构和外力侵蚀的相互作用,我们现在看见的地表形态是无机物在强加于它之上的外界风化作用的结果。从南坡到北坡,从草地到高原,从山谷到乱石堆的植被覆盖的差异是由于景观分异造成的不同环境条件的反映,生物的分布也是受到植被的类型和它的分布的影响,任何结果都是有原因的。所有都不可逆转的落入到一个持续的发展的生态系统当中。它反映在某个时期特定的时段,自然力和自然过程的意志。这种潜在的、改变地形的强大力量和绝心,正是景观规划和设计师追求的目标。 ON GARDEN 说园 【1】The best gardens are much more than an assortment of beautiful plants.Successful gardens generally represent a careful Integration of diverse elements,ranging from the purely ornamental to the strictly functional. Paths,pools,planters,trellises,arbors,fountains,and fences can contribute enormously to the creation of an exciting and harmonious garden.The same attention one bring to decorating a home and making it ―livable‖ can be used to make a garden a pleasant place to find Privacy,to meditate,and to escape the pressures of a fast-moving, machine-oriented world. 最好的园林不仅是一个各式各样美丽植物的集合。成功的园林通常代表一个不同元素的精心整合,从纯观赏性的到有实际功能的。小径、水池、花槽、棚架、凉亭,喷泉以及栅栏可以为创造一个令人愉悦兴奋、心旷神怡的花园起到重要作用。同样引起重视的是,装修一个家并使之―适宜居住‖可以创造一个花园,它是一个找到个人生活并令人愉快的地方,冥想,逃避移动迅速和面向机器的世界带来的的压力。 【2】It’s a fact that man-made garden accents establish the ―style‖ of a garden more definitively than plants alone .Period gardens Victorian,French,Elizabethan,American Colonial—all demand the proper placement of structural and design elements to make them recognizable.Indeed,the simple addition of a particular style of gazebo,bench,or arbor can instantly ―identify‖ a garden.Similarly,with ethnic gardens—such as an English cottage garden,Chinese meditation garden ,or an Italian water garden the selection of appropriate fences,bridges,and ornaments brings style and a sense of permanence to the environment. 事实上,人造花园的独特风格不仅仅是园中的植物本身来决定的。维多利亚时期园林,法式园林,伊丽莎白园林,美国殖民地风格——都需要合理的结构安排和设计要素以便使他们声名远振。事实上,简单添加一个风格独特的露台,长凳,或凉亭能立即―识别‖一个花园。同样的,关于―民族的‖花园,例如英国的乡村园、中国的冥思园、意大利水园都具有特别的篱笆、桥和有式样的装饰物以及一种永久的场所感觉。 【3】The world over,there are structures that ―make‖ a garden’s reputation.At Magnolia Gardens,near Charleston,South Carolina,for example,a sleek trellised footbridge called The Long Bridge Is a ―trademark‖ of the garden.Its distinctive design,traversing the corner of a cypress lake,is immediately identifiable.Somewhat French in style,painted white to contrast with the dark water and the tall cypress trees draped with the Spanish moss.The bridge helps create a romantic atmosphere,which probably makes it the subject of more photographs and paintings than any other garden structure in the world. 在全世界,构筑物使花园成名。在靠近南加利福尼亚查理斯顿的木兰园。例如,一座被称为―长‖的整洁的步行廊桥是柏树湖的标志,这是很显而易见的。有时,在法式风格里,白色的油漆和深色水面形成的对比与长满苔藓的高大柏树以及这座桥共同营造了浪漫的氛围,这种更像主题照片和油画的场景可能使它胜过于全世界其它花园的构筑物。 【4】Though some structures look good unadorned,as part of a garden composition,others are enhanced by some kind of plant decoration.The British are especially fond of training climbing roses,wisteria,honeysuckle,and Ivy up walls,fences gazebos,and summer house, sometimes so successfully that the structure becomes completely covered in vines,flowers,or foliage. 虽然一些建筑没有其他装饰,看起来也很不错,其他的建筑物则被植物点缀装饰而增强效果。英国人尤其喜欢在凉亭、围墙和篱笆跳台上培育攀爬玫瑰、紫藤、金银花、和常春藤等植物,这种效果是如此成功以至于构筑物被完全掩映在植物中了。 【5】Then there are accents that rely on plants alone for dramatic impact.At the Ladew Topiary Gardens,near Baltimore,Maryland,a fox--hunting scene of clipped Japanese yew provides such a whimsical highlight that it has made the garden famous. The realistic,life-size composition of a topiary fox being chased by five topiary hounds and a topiary horse and rider across a section of lawn at the entrance to the garden sets the scene for even more surprising and amusing topiary work in other sections of garden. 也有一些完全靠植物本身来形成自己独特风格的,在马里兰州的巴尔的摩的修剪型园林,用修剪的日本紫杉呈现给人们的一个古怪离奇猎狐场面使得这个园林声名远扬。构图里,修剪如实物大小的狐狸正在被五个修剪的猎犬和一个修剪的马和骑士追逐着穿越一片草坪,把场景引向园林中其他更加精彩离奇的作品。 【6】The roles of plants-man and architect in the creation of a beautiful garden are important,but their efforts may fall short without a third important influence –the contribution of artist.The best gardens today seem to combine the talents of plants-man,architect,and artist.Sometimes these three skills are embodied in a single person but more frequently they are achieved by a pooling of talents.For example,the beautiful American estate garden of Filoli,near San Francisco,is a result of the collaboration of Isabella Worn,a plants person,and Bruce Porter,a landscape painter.Porter did the overall arrangement of spaces and accents; Worn developed the planting schemes and selected the plants. 虽然园艺师和建筑师在园林发展当中起的作用是非常重要的,但是如果没有艺术家作为第三方面参与的作品和贡献,他们的作品也会有所暇疵。当前最好的园林就是集中了园艺师、建筑师、和艺术家的智慧。有时候这三种智慧集于一身,但更多的时候,是众人智慧的结晶。例如,在美国旧金山附近美丽的地产园林Filoli,是做植物设计的园艺师伊丽莎白·沃恩,做空间布局的规划师波特和画家布鲁斯波特合作的结果。 【7】Impressionist painter Claude Monet was an artist who embodied skills as a plants-man and architect in designing his garden at Giverny,in France. Monet created very simple but stunning flower beds for the entrance of his home.To complement his pink stucco house with distinctive green shutters he planted solid blocks of pink geraniums studded with pink and white rose standards.He bordered these raised flowerbeds with gray foliages dianthus.Bold blocks of color,carefully selected to blend with the nearby structure,is the key to success of this particular garden space. 印象派画家克劳德·莫奈在设计法国他自家的花园时,体现了园艺师和建筑师智慧。莫奈在自己家入口处设计了一个非常简单,但令人惊奇的花坛。为了补充他有着独特的绿色百叶窗的粉色房子,他定植了一些粉红色的天竺葵中间点缀粉色和白色玫瑰的花砖。在花墙的边缘, 他用灰叶的石竹来镶边。他给这些都增加了以灰色dianthus南市城区花床一事著实感到抓狂。精心挑选以配合附近建筑的大块强烈颜色,正是这个独特的园林空间成功的关键所在。 【8】Gardens can also be repositories for works of art. These artworks need not be realistic to be an effective embellishment. Garden art began as symbolism in rocks and dead wood,the ancient Chinese bringing into their gardens boulders representing images of mammals. They gave these rock formations names such as ―turtle rock‖,―owl rock‖ and ―dragon rock‖ for the objects they resembled.From symbolism in rocks and dead wood,garden makers became obsessed with realism.The more anatomically correct a sculpture,the more highly valued it became,reaching its height in Ancient Greece and Italy with statuses of gods and heroes placed on pedestals in garden settings. 花园也可以用来艺术品保护。这些艺术品不见得是现实的,引人注目的装饰品。园林艺术开始于用在岩石和朽木的象征手法,古代的中国人把石块纳入他们的花园用来表达一些神兽。他们根据石块和某些对象的相似度给这些石块起了名字,如―龟石‖,―鹰石‖和―龙石‖。造园师开始追求现实主义。从解剖学上来说越正确,雕塑的价值就越高。在古希腊和意大利一些园林的基座上会发现一些神和英雄的雕像,这个时段达到了现实主义的一个顶峰。 【9】Today the art world has turned full circle,with an emphasis once again on symbolism and impressionism.Indeed,artist Esteban Vicente put it well when asked to explain an apparent paradox between the modernistic style of his art and his love of gardening as a hobby ―You cannot make art if you are no t involved with nature‖ he said,―Anything to do with nature has to do with art.‖ 当今的艺术世界又进行了一个轮回,再一次走向象征主义和印象派。实际上,艺术家埃斯特班·文森特当被问及他做现代艺术风格作品又喜好传统园林的自相矛盾时,他解决的非常好―艺术源于自然‖他说,―与自然有关的都与艺术有关‖ 【10】The best gardens seem to combine the talents of plants-man,architect,and artist.In a way,all three contributors are artists,for there are many examples of plantings and architecture that can be described as artistic. 最好的花园是园艺师、建筑师、和艺术家三类人智慧的结晶。从某种意义上,三类人都应视为是艺术家,因为有许多种植和建筑上出色的实例,都可以被称作艺术品。 Harmony with the Living Earth——《景观设计(风景园林)专业英语》翻译 It is believed that the lifetime goal and work of the landscape architect is to help bring people, the things they build, their communities, their cities——and thus their lives——into harmony with the living earth. By John Ormsbee Simonds 人们普遍认为,风景园林师的终身目标和工作是引领人类以及他们的作品、社区和城市——也就是他们的生活——与地球的和谐共处。 ——约翰·O·西蒙兹 Harmony with the Living Earth 与地球和谐共处 We are the victims of our own building. We are trapped, body and soul, in the mechanistic surroundings we have constructed about ourselves. Somewhere in the complex process of evolving our living spaces, cities, and roadways, we have become so absorbed in the power of machines, so absorbed in the pursuit of new techniques of building, so absorbed with new materials the we have neglected our human needs. Our own deepest instincts are violated. Our basic human desires remain unsatisfied. Divorced from our natural habitat, we have almost forgotten the glow and exuberance of being healthy animals and feeling fully alive. 我们是自身建设的受害者。我们的身与灵都被困在了自己建造的机械环境中。在生活空间、城市和道路逐步发展的复杂进程中,我们太过于依赖机械的力量,太过于追求新的建造技术和新的材料,以至于反而忽视了人的需求。这种最深处的本能被违反了。最基本的人类欲望也得不到满足。远离了自然生境的我们几乎忘却了作为一种健康的动物感受生命意义时的那种活力与激情。 Many contemporary ailments——our hypertensions and neuroses ——are no more than the physical evidence of rebellion against our physical surroundings and frustration at the widening gap between the environment we yearn for and the stifling, artificial one we planners have so far contrived. 这一时代的许多疾病,譬如高血压和神经衰弱,正是我们的身体反抗外界环境的表现,而我们所渴望的的环境与我们作为规划师规划的那种沉闷的人工环境之间不断增大的裂痕也令人沮丧。 Life itself is dictated by our moment-by-moment adjustment to our environment. Just as the bacterial culture in the petri dish must have its scientifically compounded medium for optimum development and the potted geranium cutting its proper and controlled conditions of growth to produce a thriving plant, so we——as complicated, hypersensitive human organisms——must have for our optimum development a highly specialized milieu. It is baffling that the nature of this ecological framework has been so little explored. V olumes have been written on the conditions under which rare types of orchids may best be grown; numerous manuals can be found on the proper raising and care of guinea pigs, white rats, goldfish, and parakeets, but little has been written about the nature of the physical environment best suited to human culture. Here is a challenging field of research. 生活取决于我们每时每刻对环境的适应。就像培养皿中培养的细菌,必须具备科学的复合介 质才能促进其繁殖;亦或是盆栽的天竺葵扦插条,也必须在适合的、可控的条件下才能生长茂盛。我们作为复杂且高度敏感的人类有机体,也必须有适合我们发展的高度专业化环境。令人费解的是,这种生态框架的本质却很少被人探寻。有关于稀有兰花在什么环境下生长最好的研究写了一卷又一卷,介绍如何正确的饲养几内亚的猪、白老鼠、金鱼以及长尾小鹦鹉的手册更是数不胜数。然而却几乎没有一本书来介绍什么样的物质环境最适合人类发展。这是一块非常具有挑战性的研究领域。 The naturalist tells us that if a fox or a rabbit is snared in a field and then kept in a cage, the animal’s clear eyes will soon become dull, its coat will lose its luster, and its spirit will flag. So it is with humans too long or too far removed from nature. For we are, first of all, animals. We are creatures of the meadow, the forest ,the sea, and the plain. We are born with a love of fresh air in our lungs, dry paths under our feet, and the penetrating heat of the sun on our skin. We are born with a love for the feel and smell of rich, warm earth, the taste and sparkle of clear water, the refreshing coolness of foliage overhead, and the spacious blue dome of the sky. Deep down inside we have for these things——a longing, a desire sometimes compelling, sometimes quiescent but always it is there. 自然博物学家告诉我们,如果狐狸或兔子被捕以后关在笼子里,他们清澈的眼睛很快会变得灰暗,皮毛会失去光泽,精神也会萎靡不振。人类远离大自然也会如此,因为人类首先是一种动物。我们是草地、森林、海洋还有平原的动物。我们在出生之时,肺里就充满了爱的新鲜空气,脚下踏着干燥的小路,阳光普照于我们的肌肤之上。我们天性有爱,那是一种感受大地的富饶温暖的爱,那是一种品味清澈水源的爱,那是一种对头顶的枝叶带来的丝丝凉爽的爱,那是一种对广阔的蓝色苍穹的爱。我们内心深处的这这些渴望,有时是明显的,有时又是含蓄的,但是它总是一直在那里。 It has been proposed by many sages that, other things being equal, the happiest person is one who lives in closest, fullest harmony with nature. It might then be reasoned: why not restore humans to the woods? Let them have their water and earth and sky, and plenty of it. But is the primeval forest-preserved, untouched, or simulated——our ideal environment? Hardly. For the story of the human race is the story of an unending struggle to ameliorate the forces of nature. Gradually, laboriously, we have improved our shelters, secured a more sustained and varied supply of food, and extended control over the elements to improve our way of living. 许多圣人都谈到:在其他条件都相同的情况下,最开心的人是那些最能与自然和谐共处之人。按照这种说法,为何不使人类回归自然?让他们拥有充沛的水源、土地和天空呢。但是这种原始的、未经开发的森林保护地会是我们理想的生存环境吗?很难这么说。因为人类的历史就是一部通过无休止的斗争来改善自然的历史。在经历了一个逐步的、充满艰辛的过程之后,我们改善了我们的住所,获得了源源不断的、各式各样的食物供给,也通过增强对其他事物的控制力改进了我们生活的方式。 What alternatives, then, are left? Is it possible that we can devise a wholly artificial environment in which to better fulfill our potential and more happily work out our destiny? This prospect seems extremely doubtful. A perceptive analysis of our most successful ventures in planning would reveal that we have effected the greatest improvements not by striving to subjugate nature wholly, not by ignoring the natural conditioning or by the thoughtless replacement of the natural features, contours, and covers with our constructions, but rather by consciously seeking a harmonious integration. This can be achieved by modulating ground and structural forms with those of nature, by bringing hills, ravines, sunlight, water, plants, and air into our areas of planning concentration, and by thoughtfully and sympathetically spacing our structures among the hills, along the rivers and valleys, and out into the landscape. 还有其他的选择吗?我们有可能通过创造一个完全人工的环境来更好的满足我们的潜在需求和掌控我们的命运吗?这种前景令人质疑。通过深入分析那些最成功的规划,可以看出:我们的成功之处在于有意识的寻求一种和谐的整体而不是粗暴的征服自然,不是忽略自然条件,也不是武断的用人工建筑掩盖自然特征和外观。而这种和谐是通过调整土地和结构形式以适应自然,是通过将丘陵,沟壑,阳光,水,植物,空气引入集中规划区域,是通过将构筑物间筑于群山之间,河流和山谷沿线以及风景之中来完成的。 We are perhaps unique among the animal in our yearning for order and beauty. It is doubtful whether any other animal enjoys a ―view‖, contemplates the magnificence of a venerable oak, or delights in tracing the undulations of a shoreline. We instinctively seek harmony; we are repelled by disorder, friction, ugliness, and the illogical. Can we be content while our towns and cities are still oriented to crowded streets rather than to open parks? While highways slice through our communities? While freight trucks rumble past our churches and our homes? Can we be satisfied while our children on their way to school must cross and recross murderous traffic ways? While traffic itself must jam in and out of the city, morning and evening, through clogged and noisy valley floors, although these valley routes should, by all rights, be green free-flowing parkways leading into spacious settlements and the open countryside beyond. 就我们对秩序和美丽的渴望来看,我们可能是动物中独一无二的。是否有其他动物能够欣赏风光,对古老橡树带来的壮观景致产生思考,或者喜欢追逐海水的潮起潮落,这是令人怀疑的。我们本能的寻求和谐,并对混乱、丑陋和毫无逻辑避之不及。当我们的乡村与城市被拥挤的街道而非开放性的公园占据,我们会感到满意吗?当高速公路穿越我们的社区,我们会感到满意吗?当我们的孩子在上学时需要来回穿过危险的交通道路,我们会感到满意吗?从早到晚,来往的车辆在这个堵塞且嘈杂的、高楼林立的城市山谷中川流不息,虽然这条山谷的路线本应是绿意怅然、畅行无阻的景观道路,而周边尽是宽敞的社区和开阔的乡间景色的。We of contemporary times must face this disturbing fact: our urban, suburban, and rural diagrams are for the most part ill-conceived. Our community and highway patterns bear little logical relationship to one another and to our topographical, climatological, physiological, and ecological base. We have grown, and often continue to grow, piecemeal, haphazardly, without reason. We are dissatisfied and puzzled. We are frustrated. Somewhere in the planning process we have failed. 我们这一时代的人必须直面这个令人不安的事实,即:我们的城市、城郊甚至于农村地区的规划在很大程度上都是考虑欠周的。我们的社区与高速公路二者之间几乎没有任何逻辑关系,并且这二者的规划与相关的地形学、气象学、生理学、生态学基础亦无联系。我们已经长大,并将继续成长,逐步的、无规则的,无任何理由。我们并不满足,而且迷惑。我们感到沮丧。规划过程中的某些部分,我们确实失败了。 Sound planning, we can learn from observation, is not achieved problem by problem or site by site. Masterful planning examines each project in the light of an inspired and inspiring vision, solves each problem as a part of a total and compelling concept which, upon consideration, should be self-evident. Stated simply, a central objective of all physical planning is to create a more salubrious living environment——a more secure, effective, pleasant, rewarding way of life. Clearly, if we are the products of environment as well as of heredity, the nature of this environment must be a vital concern. Ideally it will be one in which tensions and frictions have been in the main eliminated, where we can achieve our full potential, and where, as the planners of old Peking envisioned, man can live and grow and develop―in harmony with nature, God, and with his fellow man.‖ 一个我们能够通过观察来学习的合理规划,并不是靠着对逐个问题或者场所的解决来完成的。这样巧妙的规划能够根据一种具有启发性的和鼓舞人心的愿景来检验每一个项目,也能够把每一个问题作为一种整体且合理的概念中的一部分来予以解决。简而言之,所有物质规划的中心目标都是创造一个更加有益健康的生活环境——一种更安全、更有效、更愉悦、更有益的生活方式。很显然,如果我们是环境与遗传共同作用下的产物,那么这种环境的性质就必然是关键性的问题。而这种理想化的环境正是:那种能够消除我们的大部分紧张与摩擦的环境,那种能够使我们的潜能全部发挥的环境,那种如古代北京的规划师所构想的,人们可以在―与自然、神以及其他同伴和谐共处‖ 中生存和发展的环境。 Such an environment can never be created whole; once created, it could never be maintained in static form. By its very definition it must be dynamic and expanding, changing as our requirements change. It will never, in all probability, be achieved. But striving toward the creation of this ideal environment must be, in all landscape design, at once the major problem, the science , and the goal. 这样的环境永远也不可能被完全创造出来,即便创造出来了,也不可能以一种稳固的形式永存。根据它的定义,它必须是动态的、扩展的,随我们的要求的变化而变化。它多半永远也不可能完成。但是在所有的园林设计中,创造这样一个理想环境,必定成为一个重要的问题,一门科学以及一个目标。 All planning must, by reason, meet the measure of our physical dimensions. It must meet the rest of our senses: sight, taste, hearing, scent, and touch. It must also consider our habits, responses, and impulses. Yet it is not enough to satisfy the instincts of the physical animal alone. One must satisfy also the broader requirements of the complete being. 根据推理,所有的规划都必须符合我们的身体尺度。它必须满足我们在感觉上,比如视觉、味觉、听觉、嗅觉和触觉上的需求。它还必须仔细考虑我们的习惯、反馈和冲动。然而,只满足这些动物的生理本能也是不够的,它还必须满足我们作为一个完整个体的更多需求。As planners, we deal not only with areas, spaces, and materials, not only with instincts and feeling, but also with ideas, the must fulfill hopes and yearnings. By empathetic planning, one may be brought to one’s knees in an attitude of prayer, or urged to march, or even elevated to a high plane of idealism. It is not enough to accommodate. Good design must delight and inspire. 作为一名规划师,我们不单单要和场所、空间、材料打交道,也不单单要考虑到人的本能和感受,更要具有能够实现人们的希望和渴望的观念。带有感情色彩的规划可以使人如祈祷般的虔诚,或者充满了前进的斗志,或者甚至被提升到了理想主义的境界。因此,仅仅适应(满足需求)是不够的,好的设计应当让人愉悦和激发人们的灵感。 Aristotle, in teaching the art and science of persuasion, held that to appeal to any person an orator must first understand and know that person. He described in detail the characteristics of men and women of various ages, stations, and circumstances and proposed that not only each person but also the characteristics of each person be considered and addressed. A planner must also know and understand. Planning in all ages has been an attempt to improve the human condition. It has not only mirrored but actively shaped our thinking and civilization. 亚里士多德在教授说服力的艺术和科学之时,认为一个演讲者要想吸引某一个人必须首先对这个人进行了解和熟悉。他在仔细的描述了不同年龄、地位、环境的男人和女人的特征之后提出,应该对每一个人的各种特征,而不仅仅是人的个体进行考虑。一个规划者也必须知道和熟悉这一点。各个时期的规划都是一种试图改善人们生存条件的尝试。它不仅能够反映、而且还积极的影响着我们的思想和文明。 With our prodigious store of knowledge, we have it within our power to create on this earth a veritable garden paradise. But we are failing. And we will fail as long as our plans are conceived in heavy-handed violation of nature and nature’s principles. The most significant feature of our current society is not the scale of our developments but rather our utter distain of nature and our seeming contempt for topography, topsoil, air currents, water sheds, and our forests and vegetal mantle. We think with our bulldozers, plan with our 30 yard carryalls. Thousands upon thousands of acres of well-watered, wooded, rolling ground are being blithely plowed under and leveled for roads, homesites, shopping centers, and factories. Small wonder that so many of our cities are (climatologically speaking) barren deserts of asphalt, masonry, glass, and steel. 我们拥有着巨大的知识储备,在能力范围之内我们能够创造一个名符其实的地球的花园天堂。但是我们却失败了。并且只要我们的规划是严重违背了自然以及自然规律的,我们还将继续失败。我们当前社会的最重要特征不是我们的发展规模,而是我们对于自然的极度不屑和对地形、表层土、气流、水流和森林和植物覆盖等条件的不尊重。我们通过我们的推土机来思考,并通过我们30码的铲运机来规划。成千上万的亩水源充沛、森林繁茂、地形起伏的土地被不假思索的夷为平地用以建造道路、住所、购物中心和工厂。难怪我们如此多的城市(从气候学上讲)都成为了充斥着沥青、砖石、玻璃和钢铁的不毛之地。 For the moment, it seems, we have lost touch. Perhaps, before we can progress, we must look back. We must regain the old instincts, relearn the old truths. We must return to the fundamental wisdom of the gopher building a home and village and the beaver engineering a dam. We must apply the planning approach of the farmer working from day to day in the fields, fully aware of nature’s forces, forms, and features, respecting and responding to them, adapting them to a purpose. We must develop a deeper understanding of our physical and spiritual ties to the earth. We must rediscover nature. 这一刻意味着我们已经丧失了触觉。也许我们在前行之前,有必要回望过去。我们必须重新获得那种古时的本能,重新学习过去的真理。我们必须回归到那种囊地鼠建造住所和海狸建造大坝的最基础的智慧中去。我们必须学习那些农民们日复一日在田间工作的规划方式,即充分的认识到大自然力量、形式和特征,尊重和回应它们,并使它们适应人类的目的。我们需要更深的去理解我们的身心与地球之间的联系。我们需要重新认识自然。 Definition of the profession of landscape architect 风景园林师的职业定义 By IFLA Landscape architects conduct research and advise on planning, design and stewardship of the outdoor environment and spaces, both within and beyond the built environment, and its conservation and sustainability of development. For the profession of landscape architect, a degree in landscape architecture is required. Tasks include: 风景园林学是一门研究规划、设计、管理室外环境和空间以及环境保护和可持续发展的学科。它所涉及的领域既包括人工环境也包括自然环境。对于风景园林行业而言,一定的研究程度是必须的。它所包含的任务有: 1) Developing new or improved theories, policy and methods for landscape planning, design and management at local, regional, national and multinational levels; 在地区、区域、全国乃至跨国的层面上为风景园林规划、设计和管理制定出一种新的或更好的理论、政策和方法。 2) Developing policy, plans, and implementing and monitoring proposals as well as developing new or improved theories and methods for national parks and other conservation and recreation areas. 制定政策和规划,执行并予以监控;为国家公园和其他保护区和游憩区制定出一种新的或更好的理论和方法。 3) Developing new or improved theories and methods to promote environmental awareness, and undertak ing planning , design, restoration, management and maintenance of cultural and \or historic landscapes, parks, sites and gardens. 制定出一种新的或更好的理论和方法以促进环保意识;规划、设计、修复、管理和维护文化或历史景观、公园、遗址和花园 4) Planning ,design, management, maintenance and monitoring functional and aesthetic layouts of built environment in urban, suburban, and rural areas including private and public open space, parks, gardens, streetscapes, plazas, housing developments, burial grounds, memorials; tourist, commercial, industrial and educational complexes; sports grounds, zoos, botanic gardens, recreation areas and farms. 在功能和美学这两个层面上对城市、城郊和农村地区的人工环境进行规划、设计、管理、修复和监控。其涉及的领域包括:私人或公共开放空间、公园、花园、街景、广场、房地产发展、墓园、纪念性景观、旅游、商业、工业与教育的综合区域、运动场、动物园、植物园、游憩区和农场庄园。 5) Contributing to the planning , aesthetic and functional design, location, management and maintenance of infrastructure such as roads, dams, energy and major development projects. 为规划、美学与功能兼顾的设计、定位、管理和维护基础设施例如道路、大坝、能源和其他重要的发展项目等贡献力量。 6) Undertaking landscape assessments including environmental and visual impact assessments with view to developing policy or undertaking projects. 为了制定政策或开展项目,应对环境和视觉影响进行评估。 7) Inspecting sites, analyzing factors such as climate, soil, flora, fauna, surface and subsurface water and drainage; and consulting with clients and making recommendations regarding methods of work and sequences of operations for projects related to the landscape and built environment. 调查现场,分析气候、土壤、植物、动物、地表和地下水以及排水等相关条件,咨询委托方的意见,对与项目中景观和人工环境相关部分的工作方式和步骤提出建议。 8) Identifying and developing appropriate solutions regarding the quality and use of the built environment in urban, suburban and rural areas and making designs, plans and working drawings, specifications of work, cost estimates and time schedules. 为城市、城郊以及农村地区的相关人工环境的品质和使用制定出适合的解决方式;进行设计、规划,绘制 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 图、写设计说明、进行成本估算、制定时间表。 9) Monitoring the realization and supervising the construction of proposals to ensure compliance with plan, specifications of work, cost estimates and time schedules. 监测和监控建设实施过程,确保一切按照规划、设计说明、成本估算和时间表进行。 10) Conducting research, preparing scientific papers and technical reports, developing policy, teaching, and advising on aspects regarding landscape architecture such as the application of geographic information systems, remote sensing, law, landscape communication, interpretation and landscape ecology. 在与风景园林相关的,比如地理信息系统、遥感技术、法律、景观交流、景观阐释和景观生态学的应用等各个方面上,进行实验、准备科学 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 和技术报告、制定政策、参与教学和提出建议。 11) Managing landscape planning and design projects. 管理风景园林规划和设计项目。 12) Performing related tasks. 履行相关项目。 13) Supervising other workers. 监督其他工人。 What is Landscape Architecture 什么是风景园林 By ASLA A Profession in Demand 一个急需的专业 From city council rooms to corporate boardrooms, there is increasing demand today for the professional services of landscape architects. This trend reflects the public’s desire for better housing, recreational and commercial facilities, and its expanded concern for environmental protection. Residential and commercial real estate developers, federal and state agencies, city planning commissions, and individual property owners are among all the thousands of people and organizations in America and Canada that will retain the services of a landscape architect this year. 现今,无论是在市议会室还是在公司会议室,对风景园林师专业服务的需求都在不断增长。这种趋势反映了公众对更好的房屋、更好的娱乐与商业设施的需求,以及对于环境保护的日益关注。在美国与加拿大成千上万的人群和组织中,居住区和商业区的房地产开发商、联邦与州立机构、城市规划委员会以及个人业主仍将在今年继续保持与风景园林师的合作关系。More than any of the other major environmental design professions, landscape architecture is a profession on the move. It is comprehensive by definition-no less than the art and science of analysis, planning design, management, preservation and rehabilitation of the land. In providing well-managed design and development plans, landscape architects offer an essential array of services and expertise that reduces costs and adds long-term value to a project. 与其他任何主要的环境设计专业相比,风景园林一直是一个不断发展的行业。它的定义极其复杂,至少涵盖了艺术与科学的分析、规划设计、管理、土地的保护与修复等方面。为了能够提供一种管理完善的设计和发展规划,风景园林师们提供了服务与专业知识的基本数据来降低成本和增加项目的长期效益。 Clear differences do exists between landscape architecture and the other design professions. Architects primarily design buildings and structures with specific uses, such as homes, offices, schools and factories. Civil engineers apply scientific principles to the design of city infrastructures such as roads, bridges, and public utilities. Urban planners develop a broad overview of development for entire cities and regions. Landscape architects touch on all the above mentioned design professions, integrating elements from each of them. While having a working knowledge of architecture, civil engineering and urban planning. Landscape architects take elements from each of these fields to design aesthetic and practical relationships with the land. 风景园林与其他设计领域存在着显著的不同。建筑师门主要设计具有特殊功能的建筑和建构,譬如住宅、办公室、学校、工厂等。土木工程师则将那些科学原则应用于城市基础设施中,比如道路、大桥以及公用设施的建设。城市规划师意在提出一种对整个城市和地区发展的远见。而风景园林师则涉及到了上述所有的设计领域,并对它们进行整合。(这就需要我们)具备建筑、土木工程和城市规划的专业知识。风景园林师从这些领域习得知识,来协调土地的美学和功能之间的关系。 A Diverse Profession 一个多元化的专业 Landscape architecture is one of the most diversified of the design professions. 风景园林是设计领域中最多元化的专业之一。 Landscape architects design the built environment of neighborhoods, towns and cities while also protecting and managing the natural environment, from its forests and fields to rivers and coasts. Members of the profession have a special commitment to improving the quality of life through the best design of places for people and other living things. 风景园林师不但设计社区、小镇、城市的人工环境,而且也保护和管理自然环境,从森林到田野到河流再到海岸(都是风景园林师的实践范畴)。他们恪守着一种特殊的承诺,即通过最好的地块设计为人类和其他生物改善生活品质。 In fact, the work of landscape architects surrounds us. Members of the profession are involved in the planning of such sites as office plazas, public squares and thoroughfares. The attractiveness of parks, highways, housing developments, urban plazas, zoos and campuses reflects the skill of landscape architects in planning and designing the construction of useful and pleasing projects. 事实上,风景园林师的实践无处不在。他们参与譬如办公广场、公共广场、道路等的规划。公园、高速路、住宅开发、城市广场、动物园和大学校园的吸引力正反映了风景园林师在规划和设计实用与美相结合的项目建设上的(高超)技巧。 Tracing the Profession’s Roots 追溯专业的根源 The origin of today’s profession of landscape architecture can be traced to the early treatments of outdoor space by successive ancient cultures, from Persia and Egypt through Greece and Rome. During the Renaissance , this interest in outdoor space, which had waned during the Middle Ages, was reviewed with splendid results in Italy and gave rise to ornate villas, gardens, and great outdoor piazzas. 今天的风景园林专业的源头可以追溯至从波斯和埃及到希腊和罗马的这些不断继承、延续的古老文化中对户外空间的一些早期处理方式。这种对户外空间的兴趣曾在中世纪一度衰落,而后经过文艺复兴时期,又展现在了意大利的灿烂成就之中,并造就了一批华丽的别墅、花园以及宏大的户外广场。 These precedents, in turn, greatly influences the chateaux and urban gardens of 17th century France, where landscape architecture and design reached new heights of sophistication and formality. The designers became well-known, with Andre le Norte, who designed the gardens at Versailles and Vaux-le-Vicomte, among the most famous of the early forerunners of today’s landscape architects. 这些先例对17世纪法国的城堡和城市花园产生了极大的影响,使法国园林设计达到了一种精巧与模式的新高度。并随着安德烈·勒·诺特尔设计了凡尔赛宫苑花园和沃-勒-维贡特庄园后,在当今风景园林最著名的早期先驱者中,一批风景园林师开始为人所熟知。 In the 18th century, most English ―landscape gardeners‖, such as Lancelot ―Capability‖ Brown, who remodeled the grounds of Blenheim palace, rejected the geometric emphasis of the French in favor of imitating the forms of nature. 在18世纪,大多数―造园师‖,比如改造了布伦海姆宫的―万能的‖布朗,都以对自然形的模仿取代了法国(园林)中对几何形的强调。 One important exception was Sir Humphrey Repton.He reintroduced formal structure into landscape design with the creation of the first great public parks Victoria park in London(1845) and Birkenhead park in Liverpool(1847). In turn, these two parks would greatly influence the development of landscape architecture in the United States and Canada. 汉弗莱·来普顿爵士是其中一个重要的例外。他在园林设计中再次使用了规则式结构,创造了第一个伟大的公共园林——即伦敦的维多利亚公园(1845)和利物浦的伯明翰公园(1847)。这两个公园的诞生深深的影响了风景园林在美国和加拿大的发展。 Frederick Law Olmsted : “Father of American landscape architecture” 弗雷德里克·L·奥姆斯特徳:“美国风景园林之父” The history of the profession in North America begins with Frederick Law Olmsted, who rejected the name ―landscape gardener‖ in favor of the title of ―landscape architect‖, which he felt better reflected the scope of the profession. 在北美,风景园林专业的历史始于奥姆斯特德,他摈弃了―造园家‖的称谓,并以―风景园林师‖取而代之,他认为这个称谓能够更好的反映专业的范畴。 In 1863, official use of the designation ―landscape architect‖ by New York’s park commissioners marked the symbolic genesis of landscape architecture as a modern design profession. Olmsted became a pioneer and visionary for the profession. His projects illustrate his high professional standards, including the design of centr al park in New York with Calvert Vaux in the late 1850’s and the U.S. Capitol Grouds in the 1870’s. Olmsted and the Brookline, Mass., firm he founded advanced the concept of parks as well-designed, functional public green spaces amid the grayness of the urban areas through the well practiced principles of landscape architecture and city planning. 1863年,纽约公园委员会在官方上使用―风景园林师‖的称谓,标志着风景园林开始成为一个现代设计行业。奥姆斯特德成为了该行业的先驱和有卓越远见的人。他的项目,譬如他在19世纪50年代后期与沃克斯合作的中央公园设计,以及在70年代设计的美国国会广场等,都树立了很高的专业 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。他建立的公司通过风景园林的良好实施原则和城市规划,推进了公园作为一个精心设计的、功能性的、间于灰色城市空间中的公共绿色空间的概念。 Early Development: Late 1800’s 早期的发展:19世纪末 In the ensuing years, the profession of landscape architecture broadened. It played a major role in fulfilling the growing national need for well-planned and well-designed urban environments. 在随后的几年,风景园林专业领域拓宽了。在满足人们对于良好城市环境规划和设计、不断增长的需求中,风景园林专业扮演了重要角色。 Urban parks, metropolitan park systems, planned suburban residential enclaves and college campuses were planned and developed in large numbers, climaxing with the city beautiful movement at the turn of the century. 大量的城市公园、城市公园系统、郊区住宅区和大学校园被规划和开发,并随着城市美化运动在本世纪之交(发展的数量)达到了顶峰。 Although the profession itself grew slowly, its early practitioner, including Olmsted, Vaux and Horace Cleveland, were among the first to take part in the town planning movement and to awaken interest in civic design. Olmsted also joined other early landscape architects in working on projects in other urban settings, such as at Yosemite Valley and Niagara Falls. 虽然风景园林专业本身发展缓慢,但那些包括奥姆斯特徳、沃克斯以及贺拉斯·克利夫兰等的早期先驱们,还是成为了首批参与到城市规划运动中的人,并以此唤醒了市民设计的兴趣。奥姆斯特徳还与其他风景园林师一起参与到了有关其他城市环境的项目中,譬如约塞米蒂峡谷和尼亚加拉大瀑布。 In 1899, the American society of landscape architects was founded by 11people in New York, most of them associated with Olmsted. The society continued to represent landscape architects throughout the United States. In 1900, Olmsted’s son, Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. , organized and taught at Harvard university’s first course in landscape architecture. 1899年,美国风景园林师协会在纽约成立,组建的11个成员中大多数都与奥姆斯特徳有联系。这个协会代表了美国的风景园林师。1900年,奥姆斯特徳的儿子——小奥姆斯特徳首次在哈佛大学成立并教授风景园林这门学科。
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