首页 丹丹超市管理信息系统分析设计



丹丹超市管理信息系统分析设计丹丹超市管理信息系统分析设计 前 言 跨入21 世纪,人类社会正在步入信息和知识经济时代,以计算机管理事务为主的管理模式也将逐渐取代手工管理,并且,以计算机管理事务能给企业带来高效率的工作方式和出现新的经济增长点。因此,信息管理系统的设计将隐藏着巨大的潜力和商机。中国的零售业正处于一个特殊的转型时期,国外优秀的零售企业占据着中国的半壁河山,在技术、资金、管理、营销以及服务绵绵占据优势。虽然我国零售业在持续发展,就总体而言,仍然处在发展中国家的零售业水平。我国零售业在对GDP贡献、增强就业,促进产品结构调整、规模...

丹丹超市管理信息系统分析设计 前 言 跨入21 世纪,人类社会正在步入信息和知识经济时代,以计算机管理事务为主的管理模式也将逐渐取代手工管理,并且,以计算机管理事务能给企业带来高效率的工作方式和出现新的经济增长点。因此,信息管理系统的设计将隐藏着巨大的潜力和商机。中国的零售业正处于一个特殊的转型时期,国外优秀的零售企业占据着中国的半壁河山,在技术、资金、管理、营销以及服务绵绵占据优势。虽然我国零售业在持续发展,就总体而言,仍然处在发展中国家的零售业水平。我国零售业在对GDP贡献、增强就业,促进产品结构调整、规模与组织化程度、连锁化经营程度、物流配送水平、人才、经营管理能力、现代信息技术应用水平、业态创新能力以及国际竞争能力等方面,与世界经济发达国家相比,还有很大差距。除了这些需要在发展中逐步解决的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 外,目前,商业地产发展过热、以外资为代表的大型零售商场发展过快、中小零售业发展艰难,是当前影响我国零售业健康发展的突出问题。 本次我们小组就是为中国零售企业设计的管理系统,以此为推动中国零售业的发展与进步。由于本次设计时间较紧迫,以及小组成员的能力有限,构思和设计上难免有疏漏和错误之处,还请老师多多指教,在此,先谢为敬。 目 录 第一章 中国零售业市场需求分析…………………………………2 第一节 项目背景分析…………………………………………………………2 第二节 超市营业信息管理的基本需求 ……………………………………………3 第三节 超市营业管理信息系统的可行性分析………………………………3 第四节 超市营业管理信息系统的项目进程…………………………………5 第二章 超市事务管理信息系统的总体规划……………………………………… 5 第一节超市营业管理信息系统的准备阶段…………………………………5 第二节 超市营业管理信息系统的调查研究阶段……………………………5 第三节 超市营业管理信息系统的数据整理分析阶段………………………6 第四节 超市营业管理信息系统的形成规划 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 阶段………………………6 第五节 超市营业管理信息系统的总结与评审准备…………………………6 第六节 超市组织结构…………………………………………………………8 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 第三章 超市营业管理信息系统的系统分析……………………………………10 第一节 超市营业管理信息系统的业务流程分析……………………………10 第二节 超市营业管理信息系统的数据流程分析……………………………10 第三节 超市营业管理信息系统的数据库建模………………………………18 第四章 超市营业管理信息系统的系统设计……………………………………23 第一节 超市营业管理信息系统用户界面设计………………………………23 第二节 系统设计……………………………………………………………….23 第五章 课程设计总结 ……………………………………………………………26 正文 中国零售业市场需求分析 第一节 项目背景分析 随着信息化的来临和计算机在日常管理中的广泛应用,零售业是一个规模效应比较突出的行业,要形成强有力的核心竞争力,必须提高企业控制成本,价格,购买群体和收益水平的能力。零售行业作为国民经济的重要领域,同时也是与广大人民群众日常生活信息相关的一个重要组成部分。其信息化建设程度和信息利用水平的高低,在整个国民经济信息化建设中具有举足轻重的地位。我国的零售业信息化建设应该从现有的信息发展水平,文化特点和现实需求出发,决不能照搬所谓的“国外先进技术”。理论联系实际。以计算机管理事务能给企业带来高效率的工作方式和出现新的经济增长点。因此,信息管理系统的设计将隐藏着巨大的潜力和商机。, 第二节 超市营业信息管理的基本需求 1 必要的硬件及设备 2 系统软件和相应软件包 3 培训操作人员和使用人员 4 数据的存储准备 5 信息的组织和管理功能的划定 第三节 超市营业管理信息系统的可行性分析 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 一、系统开发的必要性 一般存在考虑的问题的有商品进货表和销售表中主键的设置、商品分类体系,系统地安全性维护等等。现在的连锁超市业务越来越好,顾客的购买量很大,日益频繁的业务产生了大量的数据。故数据量的增大,让查找不方便,数据的掌握也不准确,容易造成决策的滞后或是失误。主要表现如下:随着订货、进货信息的增加,与供应商相关的信息、与商品相关的信息越来越多。如果不能将这些有效的信息集中起来,对以后的信息查询会带来不便,从而不能给采购员提供采购过程的决策支持。同时,对于每天产生的大量销售信息,如果不加 以适当的存储和分析,就失去了利用这些销售信息挖掘出客户购买偏好的机会,就不能从看似无用的大量数据背后得出消费者潜在的消费习惯,失去了潜在的商机。 因此,开发这样一套以促进管理体制和管理手段改进,改善决策发放和决策依据的管理信息系统是很有必要的。这对于在信息服务中创造价值,促进资源共享和信息集成,减员增效,提供管理水平都有很大的帮助。 二、 系统开发的可行性 1、 技术上的可行性 随着IT技术的发展,特别是网络技术和数据库技术的发展,在软件开发方面,可以采用现行主流的开发技术;硬件技术方面则可以充分利用日益增强的存储能力、通讯能力和处理速度来保证系统开发技术的准备。 本系统采用的数据库技术有很好的数据处理能力,网络技术则体现在C/S模式中客户和服务器之间的数据通信能力,良好的硬件配备无需高档的设备。由此可见,该系统在技术上具有可行性。 2、经济上的可行性 对于信息系统的初期投资,都是为了以后获得更大的经济效益。通过一定的成本、效益分析,我认为开发这个系统在经济上是可行的。因为虽然系统开发需要初始成本和日后的维护费用,但是,信息系统可以提供比以前更加准确和及时的信息,可以改善领导层的决策方式,促进故那里体制改革和提高工作效率,减少人员费用,这些都是可以在以后的经营过程中体现出来的,并且可以令连锁超市比其他竞争对手更加具有竞争优势,对企业长远的发展有不可忽视的作用。所以,经济上的可行性是肯定的。 3、管理上的可行性 连锁超市的领导对信息技术给企业管理带来的变革是十分人认同的,他们大都认为,在现代企业管理中,信息技术能够帮助企业在日益激烈的竞争用获得难以想象的竞争优势。特别是,能够改进企业管理机制,改善决策方式,减少管理成本,提高工作效率。此项目是否符合国家的产业政策、技术政策、生产力布局要求。 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 领导的支持对于信息系统的开发和实施有很大作用,也能保证系统在开发过程中妥善解决矛盾,在企业上下顺利实施信息系统,实现信息系统最初的目标。 4、投资上的必要性。 主要根据市场调查及预测的结果,以及有关的产业政策等因素,项目投资建设的必要性。在投资必要性的论证上,一是要做好投资环境的分析,对构成投资环境的各种要素进行全面的分析论证,二是要做好市场研究,包括市场供求预测、竞争力分析、价格分析、市场细分、定位及营销策略论证。 5、社会可行性。 主要分析项目对社会的影响,包括政治体制、方针政策、经济结构、法律道德、宗教民族、妇女儿童及社会稳定性等。 三、风险因素及对策 主要对项目的市场风险、技术风险、财务风险、组织风险、法律风险、经济及社会风险等风险因素进行评价,制定规避风险的对策,为项目全过程的风险管理提供依据。上述可行性研究的内容,适应于不同行业各种类型的投资项目。我国目前缺乏对各类投资项目可行性研究的内容及深度进行统一规范的方法,目前各地区、各部门制定的各种可行性研究的规定,基本上都是根据工业项目可行性研究的内容为主线制定的,并且基本上是按照联合国工发组织的《工业项目可行性研究报告编制手册》为蓝本来编写的。我国目前急需一个各行业通用的对可行性研究的内容及深度提出共性要求的统一规定,以规范整个可行性研究工作,避免目前的各种非工业项目可行性研究都要参照工业项目的尴尬局面。 总之,通过以上几方面的可行性分析,开发小组认为建立一套超市营业管理信息系统是可行的。我们通过掌握和调查的相关原始资料,就可以通过小组讨论,对该系统的开发做出相关的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 进度,着手进行系统的分析和设计工作。 第四节 超市营业管理信息系统的项目进程 1 、首先应该对市场信息管理系统进行系统的分析,包括对总体的规划和可行性研究,现行系统的详细的调查需求的分析和逻辑结构模型的构思。 2 、其次总体设计、系统总体结构的设计、数据库的设计、计算机和网络系统的配置方案系统的详细设计,如用户的界面设计等。 第二章 超市营业管理信息系统的总体规划 超市营业管理信息系统的总体规划大概经历了如下几个阶段: 第一节 超市营业管理信息系统的准备阶段 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 在经过初步调查了解的基础上,决定首先进行总体规划工作,为了确保总体规划工作的水平和质量,小组人员和相关用户进行了沟通,并请部分用户参与开发工作。另外,超市营业管理信息系统开发人员经过多次讨论研究,成立了规划组织,并制定了 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 ,划分了各个成员的任务。 第二节 超市营业管理信息系统的调查研究阶段 主要由超市营业管理信息系统的技术人员对生产商、中间商、零售商(超市)以及消费者等进行访问、调查,了解其职责范围、所涉及的数据与数据处理、与其他部门的数据联系以及业务来联系。 第三节 超市营业管理信息系统的数据整理分析阶段 在上述调查、收集素材的基础上,超市营业管理信息系统开发小组各成员通过共同讨论,整理出了“超市营业管理模型”,提出了“主题数据库”计划,并根据二者的联系,构思出系统的结构框架,同时还对数据分布进行了分析。在这一过程中,穿插地进行了一些补充调查并将整理的材料反馈给管理人员进行确认的工作。 第四节 超市营业管理信息系统的形成规划方案阶段 在上述工作的基础上,进一步进行了计算机系统配置、物流管理系统、组织机构的建设、人员培训、日常行政管理等方面的规划工作,这些同样是超市营业管理信息系统建设所涉及的重要内容,进而还对本次工作方法等方面进行了适当总结,并整理形成了总体规划报告的书面资料初稿。 第五节 超市营业管理信息系统的总结与评审准备 充分考虑用户投资能力以及其他方面的实际情况,进一步修订、落实和完善总体规划的具体内容。 据初步调查,超市管理者(店长或经理)的主要工作总结如下: ?目标规划 ?科学决策 ?制定规范 ?组织协调 ?选才用人 ?权力组织和控制 每个职能域都需要执行各自的一定业务过程。这些业务过程的确定则需到各个业务发生的对象作详细的调查才能够得到。完整的超市营业管理信息系统管理模型如表2.1所示: mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 表2.1 超市营业管理信息系统管理模型 职能区域 业务过程 制定需要采购的商品目录,确定供货商。 商品流通和采购 议定商品供应价格,签订采购合同。 收货及验货存库,并记录存档和管理。 人员绩效评估 人力资源管理 激励制度与管理 人员招聘、培训和解聘 定价决策 确认相关成本 价值分析和价格确定 超市收入和利润 财务管理 超市支出和债务 超市投资决策 行政管理 制度管理、文档管理、 考勤纪律、办公支持和公关接待 办公事务管理 在规划系统开发过程中应该建立哪些主题数据库时,必须从全局的观点出发,仔细讨论哪些主题数据库应该包含哪些 数据。我们所建立的主题数据库是从考察超市营业管理信息系统管理模型出发,建立了一个基本的主题数据库。并在其中 建立了10个二维表。 第六节 超市组织结构 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 如图1-1组织结构图描述:超市的主要决策和管理机构是董事会,董事会分管各连锁店经理和配送中心,配送中心在超市的经营中所扮演的角色是给货品不足的各连锁店补充货品,相对来说,此部门是比较独立的。连锁店由专职经理负责,每家连锁店分为销售部,采购部,财务部,行政人力部,市场部五个主要部门。 系统的组织结构如图1-7所示,在超市连锁分店中添加信息部,主要负责分析商品的销售情况,并且通过调查及时获得新商品的信息,通过分析来确定超市是否需要进货。其他管理都与原系统一样。 董事会 连锁店经理 连锁店经理 配送中心 采购部 销售部 市场部 行政人力部 财务部 图1-7 系统组织结构图 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 采购部主要任务是根据销售部提供的情况和配送中心及时联系,到供应商采购相关需求的商品,使库房货源充足。负责货物的接收,并安排好货物的存放事宜。对每天进出的货物详细记录,使基础数据完备。 销售部主要负责日常销售工作,包括物品摆放,货架整理,收银台等销售区的日常事务。也需要及时准确地将信息反馈给其他部门,以保证商品的及时供应更新。同时处理消费者提出的各种疑问和信息,为公司的整体运作提供有力支持。 财务部门负责一切与财务有关的各项事宜,全面记录公司的资金流动,包括各种收入支出,税务,结算整理。对进出货款项实行控制,定期分析资金走向,为公司的发展计划做好准备。 行政人力部工作重心在店内员工的工作安排,分配,调动。也包括对档案的整理,定期分批对员工进行培训,以增加专业知识。为把公司凝聚成统一、奋进的团队而努力。 市场部的主要任务在于定价策略和市场分析。 超市业务功能图: 超市管理系统 市场管理 财务管理 人事管理 采购管理 销售管理 采购分析 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 采购计划 商品采购 人员聘用 规章制度 绩效考核 定价决策 市场调研 相关成本分析 财务报表 日常财务管理 财务计划 售后服务 销售与运输 营销策划制度 交货付款 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 第三章 超市营业管理信息系统的系统分析 第一节 超市营业管理信息系统的业务流程分析 通过对用户各种具体管理活动的调查了解,得出超市营业管理信息系统有以下主要业务: ?登记超市业务基本情况 ?登记零售市场情况 ?登记超市日常管理情况 ?建立职工绩效考评指标 ?超市的财务收入管理 ?超市的财务支出管理 第二节 超市营业管理信息系统的数据流程分析 采用“自顶而下”的方法绘制的业务流程图是对现行系统再认识的过程。从现行业务中抽取能够由计算机系统自动或半自动完成的那一部分业务活动的过程是对业务流程图的分析过程,其分析结果用数据流程图来表示。数据流程图也是采用“自顶而下”扩展的方法绘制的,超市营业管理信息系统的高层数据流程图如图3.6(省)所示。 三、业务流程分析及流程图 如图3.6(省)所示 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 存档 系统分析 B1.2 表格名称 销售部业务流程图 共 5 图 / 第1 张图 产品供给计划 采购部 分析市场需求 市场部 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 销售 计划 审批 连锁店经理 拨款 财务部 发货运输 运输物流部门 销售 销售部 业务名称:采购管理 制图:xxx 审核: 单位名称:运输01-01 第2组 核对:yyy mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 图1-3 现行系统采购管理业务流程图 2、销售管理数据流程分析 原系统分析 1(0 表格名称:市场营销流程顶层结构图第一层 第 1 图 / 共 2 张图 销售清单 订单 竞争信息 送货单 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 1.1 P1.1销售管理 E1.1营销策略 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube E1.2运输中心 D1.1 产品信息 数据名称:销售管理 单位名称:运输01-01 第3组 审核: 制图时间: 制图:xxx 核对:yyy D1.2市场数据 图1-5 现行系统库存数据流程顶层结构图 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 原系统分析 表格名称:销售管理数据流程(第二层) mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube P2.1 补充商品 P2.2 检查 E1 销售部 P2.3 商品处理 P2.4 提供现有 商品信息 第 2 图 / 共 2图 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 单位名称: 制图:xxx 核对:yyy 审核: 制图时间: E2 运输中心 2.0 数据名称:销售管理 D3.1产品信息 D3.4市场数据 F1.3市场信息计划 D3.2批准的发货数据 D3.3商品条码 图1-6 图1-5的展开图 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube F1.4 客户服务 F1.5 销售数据 送货单 F1.1销售清单 订单 F1.2订货细则 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 3、数据字典 (1)数据项类目 数据项编号:F1.1 数据项名称:销售清单 别名:销售部 简述:销售处市场所需产品和服务 类型及宽度:字符型,8位 取值范围: 00000001-99999999 数据项编号:F1.2 数据项名称:订货细则 别名:销售部 简述:确定客户所需 类型及宽度:字符型,8位 取值范围: 00000001-99999999 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 数据流编号:F1.3 数据流名称:市场信息计划 简述:规划市场 来源:市场部 去向:市场调查与分析 组成:市场部+客户 数据库流量: 高峰流量: 数据流编号:F1.4 数据流名称:客户服务 简述:分析客户满意度 来源:市场部信息反馈 去向:市场部 组成:市场部+客户+代理商 数据库流量: 高峰流量: mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 数据流编号:F1.5 数据流名称:销售数据 简述:分析销售计划实行 来源:销售计划评估 去向:销售部 组成:销售部+市场部+调研机构 数据库流量: 高峰流量: (2)数据加工项目 数据流编号:P2.1 数据流名称:商品补充 简述:完善产品供应 来源:市场信息分析 去向:市场部 组成:市场部+销售部+财务部 数据库流量: 高峰流量: mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 数据流编号:P2.2 数据流名称:商品检测 简述:质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和市场标准 来源:质量监控 去向:质量与技术处 组成:质量处+运输中心 数据库流量: 高峰流量: mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 数据流编号:P2.3商品处理 数据流名称:商品处理 简述:商品反馈处理 输入:商品号 问题原因 解决措施及时间 处理:略 输出:处理产品法则 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 数据流编号:P2.3 数据流名称:水电用量上交 简述:上交本月水电用量 输入:本月水表电表用量情况 处理:略 输出:教务处本月宿舍水电用量表格 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 数据存储编号:D3.1 数据存储名称:产品信息 简述:产品出产 来源:技术分析 去向:技术处 组成:技术处+制造部门 (3)文件类目 数据流编号:P2.4 数据流名称:提供商品现有信息 简述:描述商品功能质量 输入:产品号 性能 质量要求 处理:略 输出:略 数据存储编号:D3.2 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 数据存储名称:批发的发货数据 简述:产品批发 来源:销售管理 去向:销售部 组成:销售部+采购部 数据存储编号:D3.1 数据存储名称:产品信息 简述:产品出产 来源:技术分析 去向:技术处 组成:技术处+制造部门 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 数据流编号:D3.4 数据流名称:市场数据 简述:市场细分 输入:消费者与客户信息 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 处理:略 输出:市场前景 3、现行系统数据分析: 通过U/C矩阵(图1-4)分析现行系统的汇总数据 数据计实财成商库订职类 划销售际销售务计本 品供存 货 工 量 量 划 应 功能 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 销售C U U 计划 销售 C 管理 财务U C U U 规划 财务 U U U U 会计 成本 U C U 会计 商品 U U C U 需求 库存U U U C U 控制 订货 U C 服务 用人 U C 计划 业绩 U 考评 第三节 超市营业管理信息系统的数据库建模 根据前面的调查结果及用户的数据处理需求产生新系统的逻辑结构,就要进行数据分析。总体规划中所指出的主题数 据库是实现信息共享的首要条件,它规定了各子系统之间的数据共享和交换关系以及这些数据的分布要求,通过数据分析, mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 可以建立如表3.1所示的主题数据库模型。其中包含了如表3.2-3.11所示的10个二维表。 表3.1超市营业管理信息系统数据库 普通职员基本情况表 管理者情况表 超市经营情况表 日程情况表 国际国内市场指标情况表 超市营业管理信息系统数据工资表 库 战略规划表 财政收入与支出情况表 活动计划情况表 表3.2普通职员基本情况表 职工职工职工民族 籍贯 出生所在编号 姓名 性别 日期 部门 表3.3管理者基本情况表 管理管理性别 出生所在管理mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 人员编号 人员姓名 日期 部门 人员评语 表3.4超市经营情况表 表3.5日程情况表 日期上期职工系部其他 编号 结余 交纳 提供 状况 表3.6国际国内市场指标情况表 国际国际国家年度计划 改进行情 零售市场 政策 措施 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 表3.7工资表 员工员工管理工作评定综合编号 绩效考核 人员编号 日 准则 评审成绩 表3.8战略规划表 年度本年未计计计人资总结 规划 来规划指划指划指员目标 金运作 划(2标1 标2 标3 规划 年) 表3.9财政收入与支出情况表 主营业其他业营业外 务收支 务收支 收支 表3.10 职工干部情况表 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 职工职工所在职务 编号 姓名 部门 第四章 超市营业管理信息系统的系统设计 第一节 超市营业管理信息系统用户界面设计 超市营业管理信息系统是从计算机处理信息的角度对超市营业进行管理,管理要涉及班级的许多方面,如:班级活动管理、德育管理、学习管理以及班费管理等等。因此,超市营业管理信息系统用户界面设计主要是已班级活动管理、德育管理、学习管理以及班费管理作为主模块的,具体设计界面如图4.1所示。 第二节 系统设计 一、输入输出设计 输入输出设计主要包括输入设计、用户界面设计、输出方式设计。 输入设计包括输入方式、输入格式、校对方式等。 输出设计包括报表输出、图形输出等。 用户界面设计主要包括操作界面设计、菜单设计、会话管理等。 1、输入方式设计 键盘输入: 由于人事管理系统及密码管理系统小、流动数据少、基本数据变化小,可以应用键盘输入。 条码输入:库存系统需要在短时间内大量更新数据、及时处理数据,选择条码输入是比较好的选择 具体参见图1-19员工信息管理输入。 2、校对方式 本系统在修改个人密码时,运用了二次键入校对的方法,对密码修改进行确认;并对商品的出入库请求用户的确认。 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 3、输出方式设计 库存管理系统中,运用屏幕输出和报表输出二种方式。参见图1-20入库信息输出。 界面标题区 信息管理 功能区 员工管理 供应管理 客户管理 分类管理 商品管理 数据显示区 职工号____ 姓名______ 职务______ 电话______ 住址______ 操作区 增加、修改 说明区(文字说明) 图1-19 员工信息输入界面 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 界面标题区:信息管理; 功能区:员工管理、供应管理、客户管理、分类管理、商品管理; 数据显示区:职工号、姓名、职务、电话、住址; 操作区:增加、修改; 说明区:职工号由前两位职工所在连锁店号(01-99),一位为部门号(设五个部门,1为销售部,2为库存管理部,3为市场信息部,4为财务部,5为人事部)及最后3位为职工所在连锁店的编码。 界面标题区 库存信息 功能区 入库 出库 意向 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 拜访 条件显示区 选择检索时间 07-31-2003 11-13-2003 操作区 打印检索、执行检索 表格显示区 I名单 D 称 价 可 4比克 9 薯片 4 5面 1 包 1 图1-20 库存信息输出界面 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 界面标题区:库存信息; 功能区:入库、出库、意向、拜访; 条件显示区:选择检索时间 07-31-2003 11-13-2003 操作区:打印检索、执行检索; 表格显示区: 二、输出方式设计 库存管理系统中,运用屏幕输出和报表输出二种方式。参见图1-20入库信息输出。 界面标题区 信息管理 功能区 员工管理 供应管理 客户管理 分类管理 商品管理 数据显示区 职工号____ 姓名______ 职务______ 电话______ 住址______ mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 操作区 增加、修改 说明区(文字说明) 图1-19 员工信息输入界面 界面标题区:信息管理; 功能区:员工管理、供应管理、客户管理、分类管理、商品管理; 数据显示区:职工号、姓名、职务、电话、住址; 操作区:增加、修改; mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 说明区:职工号由前两位职工所在连锁店号(01-99),一位为部门号(设五个部门,1为销售部,2为库存管理部, 3为市场信息部,4为财务部,5为人事部)及最后3位为职工所在连锁店的编码。 界面标题区 库存信息 功能区 入库 出库 意向 拜访 条件显示区 选择检索时间 07-31-2003 11-13-2003 操作区 打印检索、执行检索 表格显示区 I名单 D 称 价 可 4比克 9 薯片 4 5面 1 包 1 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 图1-20 库存信息输出界面 界面标题区:库存信息; 功能区:入库、出库、意向、拜访; 条件显示区:选择检索时间 07-31-2003 11-13-2003 操作区:打印检索、执行检索; 表格显示区: mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube ID 名称 单价 可比克 49 薯片 4 51 面包 1 第五章 课程设计总结 综合上述,丹丹超市系统的功能在原设计上将得到进一步完善。从而更好的为百姓服务。由于时间仓促及我们能力的有限,该系统存在一些不足,希望在后阶段的系实施和维护中能够得到改善。通过这次系统设计,我们对许多课程有了更深刻的了解,当然有《管理信息系统》,还有《UML系统分析师设计》。我们明白了系统规划和系统分析在开发管理系统中占据的重要位置。只有认真细致的对开发过程进行了规划和分析,明确了系统的基本功能,设计好系统各个主要部分,将使得系统的开发工作事半功倍!这次系统设计,使我们全组人员进一步明确了开发管理信息系统的设计思想和方法,加深了对管理信息系统的认识,使我们学到的知识得到了融会贯通。这是是我们全组人员同心协力的结晶。 第三组成员: 组长:陈贤,学号:2007213026 组员:李娟,学号:2007213005 何丹,学号:2007213009 李志金,学号:2007213038 赵涵,学号:2007213017 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube
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