首页 数字式电容测量仪的设计(李文涛)



数字式电容测量仪的设计(李文涛)数字式电容测量仪的设计(李文涛) 摘要 随着电子技术的发展,当前数字系统的设计正朝着速度快、容量大、体积重量轻的方向发展。在其推动下,现代电子产品几乎渗透了社会的各个领域,有力地推动了社会生产力的发展和社会信息化程度的提高,同时也使现代电子产品性能进一步提高,产品更新换代的节奏也越来越快。在日常的电路工程或者是电路试验中,电容是一个最常见的元器件,实际应用中,对电容的电容值的准确度要求也是很高的。在实际操作中,对电容的测量存在许多麻烦,数值的表现也不够直观。数字电容测试仪,只要接入被测电容,打开开关以后,就能直...

数字式电容测量仪的设计(李文涛) 摘要 随着电子技术的发展,当前数字系统的设计正朝着速度快、容量大、体积重量轻的方向发展。在其推动下,现代电子产品几乎渗透了社会的各个领域,有力地推动了社会生产力的发展和社会信息化程度的提高,同时也使现代电子产品性能进一步提高,产品更新换代的节奏也越来越快。在日常的电路工程或者是电路试验中,电容是一个最常见的元器件,实际应用中,对电容的电容值的准确度 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 也是很高的。在实际操作中,对电容的测量存在许多麻烦,数值的表现也不够直观。数字电容测试仪,只要接入被测电容,打开开关以后,就能直接在屏幕上显示出电容的大小,方便在以后的实验中对电容的使用。 本设计是基于555定时器,连接构成多谐振荡器以及单稳态触发器而测量电容的。单稳态触发器中所涉及的电容,即是被测量的电容。其脉冲输入信号Cx 是555定时器构成的多谐振荡器所产生。信号的频率可以根据所选的电阻,电容的参数而调节。这样便可以定量的确定被测电容的容值范围。因为单稳态触发器的输出脉宽是根据电容值的不同而不同的,所以脉宽即是对应的电容值,其Cx 精确度可以达到0.1%。然后在电路中加入一个电容和一个电阻构成的阻容平滑滤波器,将单稳态触发器输出的信号滤波,使最终输出电压v与被测量的电容值o 呈线性关系。最后是输出电压的数字化,将v输入到译码器中翻译成BCD码,o 输入到LED数码管中显示出来。 关键字:555定时器,脉冲,LED数码管,电容 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 目录 工贸企业有限空间作业目录特种设备作业人员作业种类与目录特种设备作业人员目录1类医疗器械目录高值医用耗材参考目录 摘要................................................................................................................................. 1 目录................................................................................................................................. 2 第一章 引言................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 设计背景及意义 .......................................................................................... 3 1.2 电容测试仪的发展历史及研究现状 ......................................................... 3 1.3 本设计的要求 .............................................................................................. 3 第二章 系统 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 设计 .................................................................................................. 5 第三章 电路功能单元设计与原理 .............................................................................. 6 3.1 直流稳压电源设计........................................................................................ 6 3.2 基准脉冲发生电路设计................................................................................ 7 3.3 待测电容容量时间转换电路设计................................................................ 8 3.4 闸门控制电路设计........................................................................................ 9 3.5 译码和显示电路设计.................................................................................... 9 3.6 量程档位设计.............................................................................................. 10 第四章 系统参数设定 ................................................................................................ 11 4.1 基准脉冲参数设定...................................................................................... 11 4.2量程档参数设定 .......................................................................................... 11 第五章 系统调试与测试结果 .................................................................................... 12 5.1 基准脉冲信号的调试.................................................................................. 12 5.2 量程档位的调试.......................................................................................... 12 5.3 电路测试结果与误差分析.......................................................................... 12 第六章 总结................................................................................................................. 13 致 谢............................................................................................................................. 14 参考文献....................................................................................................................... 15 附录表1 元器件清单 ................................................................................................. 16 附录2 电路原理图 ................................................................................................... 17 附录3 电容测试仪量程 ............................................................................................. 18 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 第一章 引言 1.1 设计背景及意义 目前,随着电子工业的发展,电子元器件急剧增加,电子元器件的适用范围也逐渐广泛起来,在应用中我们常常要测定电容的大小。因此,设计可靠,安全,便捷的电容测试仪具有极大的现实必要性。 通常情况下,电路参数的数字化测量是把被测参数传换成直流电压或频率后进行测量。 由于测量电容方法多并具有一定的复杂性,所以本设计是基于555定时器,连接构成多谐振荡器以及单稳态触发器而测量电容的。 1.2 电容测试仪的发展历史及研究现状 当今电子测试领域,电容测量已经在测量技术和产品研发中应用的十分广泛。电容测试发展已经很久,方法众多,常见测量方法如下。 近年来我国测量仪器的可靠性和稳定性问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 得到了很多方面的重视,状况有了很大改观。测试仪器行业目前已经越过低谷阶段,重新回到了快速发展的轨道,尤其最近几年,中国本土仪器取得了长足的进步,特别是通用电子测量设备研发方面,与国外先进产品的差距正在快速缩小,对国外电子仪器巨头的垄断造成了一定的冲击。随着模块化和虚拟技术的发展,为中国的测试测量仪器行业带来了新的契机,加上各级政府日益重视,以及中国自主应用标准研究的快速进展,都在为该产业提供前所未有的动力和机遇。从中国电子信息产业统计年鉴中可以看出,中国的测试测量仪器每年都以超过30%以上的速度在快速增长。在此快速增长的过程中,无疑催生出了许多测试行业新创企业,也催生出了一批批可靠性和稳定性较高的产品。 1.3 本设计的要求 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere3 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 本设计是以555为核心的振荡电路,需要达到如下要求: 1、基本部分 (1) 自制稳压电源。 (2) 被测电容的容量在0.01μF至100μF范围内 (3) 设计两个的测量量程。 (4) 用3为数码管显示测量结果,测量误差小于20%。 2、发挥部分 (1) 至少设计两个以上的测量量程,使被测电容的容量扩大到100PF至100μF范围内。 (2) 测量误差小于10%。 (3) 其它。 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 第二章 系统方案设计 电容是一个最常见的元器件,实际应用中,对电容的电容值的准确度要求也是很高的。在实际操作中,对电容的测量存在许多麻烦,数值的表现也不够直观。数字电容测试仪,只要接入被测电容,打开开关以后,就能直接在屏幕上显示出电容的大小,方便在以后的实验中对电容的使用。本设计中用555定时器连接构成多谐振荡器以及单稳态触发器而测量电容的。单稳态触发器中所涉及的电容,即是被测量的电容。其脉冲输入信号是555定时器构成的多谐振荡器所产生。Cx 信号的频率可以根据所选的电阻,电容的参数而调节。这样便可以定量的确定被测电容的容值范围。因为单稳态触发器的输出脉宽是根据电容值的不同而不Cx同的,所以脉宽即是对应的电容值,其精确度可以达到0.1%。然后在电路中加入一个电容和一个电阻构成的阻容平滑滤波器,将单稳态触发器输出的信号滤波,使最终输出电压与被测量的电容值呈线性关系。最后是输出电压的数字化,vo 将输入到译码器中翻译成BCD码,输入到LED数码管中显示出来。 vo 原理框图如图2-1 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere5 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 第三章 电路功能单元设计与原理 利用单稳态触发器或电容器充放电规律等,可以把被测电容的大小转换成脉冲的宽窄,即控制脉冲宽度 Tx严格 与 Cx成正比(只要把此脉冲与频率固定不变的方波即时钟脉冲相与,便可得到计数脉冲,把计数脉冲送给计数器计数,然后再送给显示器显示 (如果时钟脉冲的频率等参数合适,数字显示器显示的数字 N便是 Cx的大小。之所以选择该方案是考虑到这个方案不仅设计比较容易实现,而且必要时还可以扩展量程,更重要的是该方案设计出来的数字测试仪测量的结果比较精确 电容测试仪电路由电源电路、基准脉冲发生器、待测电容容量时间转换器、量程选择、闸门控制器、译码器和显示器等部分组成。 3.1 直流稳压电源设计 电网供电电压为交流220V(有效值),50Hz,要获得低压直流输出,首先须采用电源变压器将电网电压降低获得所需要的交流电压。降压后的交流电压,通过整流电路变成单向的直流电,但其幅值变化大。脉动大的直流电压须经过滤波电路变成平滑的,脉动小的直流电,即将交流成分滤掉,保留其直流成分。滤波后的直流电压再通过稳压电路,便可得到基本上不受外界影响的稳定的直流电压输出,供给负载。 直流稳压电源的原理框图分析 图3-1直流稳压电源框图 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 采用电源变压器将电网220V,50Hz交流电降压后送整流电路,整流桥选用的二极管需要考虑允许承受的电压和电流值。滤波器常采用无源元件R,L,C构成的不同类型滤波电路。由于本电路为小功率电源,故可用电容输入式滤波电路。稳压电路采用7805芯片,可提高电路的稳定性。 图3-2稳压电路原理图 3.2 基准脉冲发生电路设计 这里选用由555定时器构成的多谐振荡器来实现基准脉冲产生功能。电路原理图如图3-3: 图3-3 基准脉冲发生电路 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere7 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 振荡波形的周期为: TtptpRRC,,,,123420.7() 其中 tpRRC1342,,0.7()tpRC242,0.7, 占空比为: tpRR,134q,, TRR,234 为了调整振荡周期,R3可选用不同的电阻来调节档位,控制量程。 3.3 待测电容容量时间转换电路设计 待测电容容量时间转换器把所测电容的容量转换成与其容量值成正比的单稳时间,实际上就是由555定时器构成単稳电路,通过在単稳电路通过基准脉冲的个数用计数器显示,再乘基准的时间久可以得到待测电容的充放电时间,由于周期与被测电容的容量成正比,所以也就知道了被测电容的容量。待测电容测试电路如图3-4: 图3-4 转换电路 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 3.4 闸门控制电路设计 闸门控制电路顾名思义就是精确计算被测电容充放电时间与基准脉冲时间的倍率,通过数码管显示出来。其电路如图3-5: 图3-5 闸门控制电路 每按一次AN键,被测电容就充放电一次。 3.5 译码和显示电路设计 译码和显示电路由cd4553、cd4543、数码管等组成,组要完成编码、计数、显示的功能。电路图如图3-6: IC4、IC2C、C5、C6、R10 构成了计数器功能,IC4 为CD4553,其12 脚是计数脉冲输入端,10 脚是计数使能端,低电位时CD4553 执行计数,13 脚是计数清零端,上升沿有效。当按动一下AN 后,IC4 的13 脚得到一个上升脉冲,计数器清零同时IC2C 的4 脚输出一个单稳低电平信号加到IC4 的10 脚,于是IC4 对从其12 脚输入的基准计数脉冲进行计数。当单稳时间结束后,IC4 的10 脚变为高电平,IC4 停止计数,最后IC4 通过分时传递方式把计数结果的个位、十位、百位由它的9 脚、7 脚、6 脚和5 脚循环输出对应的BCD 码。IC3 构成译码器驱动器,它把IC4 送来的BCD 码译成十进制数字笔段码,经R11~R17限 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere9 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 流后直接驱动七段数码管。集成电路CD4553 的15 脚、1 脚、2 脚为数字选择输出端,经R18~R20 选择脉冲送到三极管T1~T3 的基极使其轮流导通,这两部分电路配合就完成了三位十进制数字显示。 C7 的作用是当电源开启时在R10 上产生一个上升脉冲,对计数器自动清零。 图3-7 译码显示电路 3.6 量程档位设计 量程档分为五档,分别为1pF~999pF、1nF~9.99nF、10nF~999nF、1μF~99.9μF、100μF~9990μF。细分可以更精确的测量定容的容量,减少误差,得到一个经济实用、准确可靠的数字电容表。 详细的量程请看附录3. engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 第四章 系统参数设定 4.1 基准脉冲参数设定 基准脉冲周期设定为三个时间,分别为11μs、1.1ms 和11ms,不同的量程选用不同的基准脉冲周期,确定电容,根据脉冲周期T=1.1RC可得对应的电阻值,通过调节电阻值的挡位来调节脉冲周期。 4.2量程档参数设定 量程挡位参数设定根据待测电容容量时间转换来计算的,电阻选用10的倍数,这样有利于计算,不同的挡位选用不同倍数的电阻,周期T=1.1RC确定。 需要 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 的是,在使用1pF~999pF 量程时,由于分布电容的影响,测量结果减去分布电容值才是被测电容的准确值。可以这样测出该电容表的量程分布电容值,把量程打在1pF~999pF 档,在不接被测电容的情况下,按动一下AN 按钮,测的计数结果就是该挡的分布电容值,经实验该数值一般为10pF 左右。附表列出了各挡量程的组成关系。 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere11 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 第五章 系统调试与测试结果 5.1 基准脉冲信号的调试 基准脉冲信号的调试关系到测试仪的精确度,关键是要调出11μs、1.1ms 和11ms 的三种标准脉冲信号,调试时需要借助一台示波器,通过调整分别R7、R8 和R9 等三个电阻的阻值,就可方便地得到这三个脉冲信号,电路中的R7、R8、R9 的阻值是实验数据,可能存在偏差。 5.2 量程档位的调试 量程挡位的调试主要是要注意基准脉冲信号与定值电阻一一对应。 5.3 电路测试结果与误差分析 序号 电容值 测量值 误差 1 30pF 27pF 10% 2 10nF 9.2nF 8% 3 100nF 93nF 7% 4 10uF 9.1uF 9% 5 4700uF 4400uF 6.38% 通过对测试结果的分析,造成电容测试仪产生误差的因素主要有: 1,基准脉冲发生器输出的脉冲波存在误差。 2,定值电阻采用的1/8金属膜电阻存在误差。 3,量程选取不当所产生的读取误差。 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 第六章 总结 在设计的最初阶段,由于通过资料的查阅,对各个模块的电路图有了初步的了解,所以在设计的时候能够得心应手,特别在设计计数和显示电路模块的时候,设计过程比较流畅,第一天便完成了任务。 但是在接下来设计控制器电路和时钟脉冲发生器电路时,遇到了一点点的小麻烦,由于设计这两个模块需要对555集成块进行连接,但是当时对555集成块理论知识的掌握不够全面,所以设计出来以后电路有问题,不能正常工作。所以我们决定先暂停设计,翻阅课本和在图书馆借来的资料,把555集成块的结构和功能研究了一遍,最后终于成功了设计出来,这也刚好验证了那句老话“磨刀不误砍柴工”。 此次毕业设计中我投入了最大的热情和精力,从设计电路图,选择元器件,使用EWB仿真电路,其过程中出现了不少的问题,我没有气馁,没有退缩,积极向老师请教,并且一遍又一遍的重复实践,直到我期望的结果实现。事实也证明我们的努力没有白费,认真严谨的实习态度给我们带来了成功的喜悦~ 通过多次的调试,此次设计的数字式电容测量仪圆满完成。该测量仪达到了基本的技术指标,能够较精确的测量0.01uF至100uF范围内的电容 通过这次电子系统设计,我掌握了设计一个数字电路的基本方法和基本步骤,实际解决了设计中出现的问题,增强了寻找问题,解决问题的能力。 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere13 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 致 谢 通过这次毕业设计,我掌握了设计一个整个电路系统的基本方法和基本步骤,实际解决了设计中出现的问题,增强了寻找问题,解决问题的能力。此次设计的成功不仅帮助我更好地掌握书本知识,尤其重要的是增强了我的自信,培养了我独立思考的能力~ 通过这次设计,我感觉有很大的收获:首先,通过学习使自己对课本上的知识可以应用于实际,使的理论与实际相结合,加深自己对课本知识的更好理解,同时实习也段练了我个人的动手能力:能够充分利用书籍和网络资源查阅资料,增加了许多课本以外的知识。能对 protel 99、和 EWB等仿真软件操作,能达到学以致用。对我们学生来说,理论与实际同样重要。 在这过程中,,当我遇到些不能解决的问题时,我及时查阅资料以及向同学请教,使我们少走弯路,顺利完成毕业设计。另外对此次设计帮助过我的老师及同学,我对你们表示感谢,谢谢你们~ engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 参考文献 [1]唐竞新.数字电子电路[M].第1版.北京:清华大学出版社,2003 [2]康华光.电子技术基础[M].数字部分.第4版.北京:高等教育出版社,1998 [3]电子工程手册编委会等.中外集成电路简明速查手册[M]---TTL,CMOS.北京:电子工业出版社,1991 [4]杨长春.论数字技术[J].《电子报》合订本.成都:四川科学技术出版社,2002.12 [5]侯继红 李向东protel 99SE实用技术教程 21世纪高等学校应用型规划教材.2004 [6]电子技术基础课程设计.北京:高等教育出版社.1989 [7]薛学明.稳压电源及其电路实例.北京:中国铁道出版社.1990 [8]林家瑞.电子工程师指南.华中工学院出版社.1993 [9]顾宝良.模拟集成电路原理与实用电路.人民邮电出版社.1989 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere15 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 附录表1 元器件清单 元件清单 序号 名称 规格 数量 标识 备注 1 470 7 R11-R17 2 910 1 R7 3 1K 2 R2,R6 4 2.4K 3 R18-R20 R3~R9 选用1/8W 5 电阻 10K 3 R1,R5,R10 金属膜电阻 6 100K 1 R4 7 150K 1 R8 8 1.5M 1 R9 9 10M 1 R3 10 200P 3 C1,C5,C6 C1不应大于11 电容 4700P 1 C3 0.01uF,C3选用小型金 属化电容 12 0.01u 3 C2,C4,C7 13 PNP型三极管 8550 3 T1,T2,T3 14 3位数码管 共阴 1 IC5 15 双定时器 NE556 1 IC1 16 共阴译码驱动器 CD4543 1 IC3 17 十进制计数器 CD4553 1 IC4 18 四2输入与非门 CD4011 1 IC2 19 单刀5掷 1 K1 20 开关 按钮开关 1 AN 21 双掷 1 KEY engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 附录2 电路原理图 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere17 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 附录3 电容测试仪量程 基准脉冲周期 定时电阻 测量范围 倍率 11μs 10MΩ 1pF~999pF ×1pF 11μs 100KΩ 1nF~9.99nF ×0.1nF 11μs 10KΩ 10nF~999nF ×1nF 1.1ms 10KΩ 1μF~99.9μF ×0.1uF 11ms 1KΩ 100μF~9990μF ×10uF engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the
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