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劣质化工原料兑白开水 小作坊“造”出名牌洗发水


劣质化工原料兑白开水 小作坊“造”出名牌洗发水劣质化工原料兑白开水 小作坊“造”出名牌洗发水 劣质化工原料兑白开水小作坊“造”出 名牌洗发水 2009年12月底的一天,一个匿名的群众举报电话打进了我市公安部门。举报人称,在扬州郊区一居民房内有人制造假冒伪劣的日化用品。扬州警方接到报案后,迅速展开侦查。 在现场,办案人员发现了一大批制造日化用品的机械设备。满屋子还堆满大桶、小桶的还没来得及“出be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) th...

劣质化工原料兑白开水 小作坊“造”出名牌洗发水
劣质化工原料兑白开水 小作坊“造”出名牌洗发水 劣质化工原料兑白开水小作坊“造”出 名牌洗发水 2009年12月底的一天,一个匿名的群众举报电话打进了我市公安部门。举报人称,在扬州郊区一居民房内有人制造假冒伪劣的日化用品。扬州警方接到报案后,迅速展开侦查。 在现场,办案人员发现了一大批制造日化用品的机械设备。满屋子还堆满大桶、小桶的还没来得及“出be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 厂”的假冒日化用品。“生产间”也非常简陋,不少原料就堆放在律某的床铺周围。警方在现场查处的主要是洗发露、沐浴露和护发素,均是傍名牌“柏莱雅”。当要求查看有关经营手续时,老板却拿不出任何合法手续。 案情经过 “名牌”洗发水竟是 廉价劣质化工原料兑上白开水 律某中专文化。曾有过在黑作坊打工的经历。看be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 到黑心厂主赚昧心钱,他不但没有及时到有关部门进行举报,反而将这类人 当成“榜样”,2008年2月份,他在一所民房内也办起了“造假工厂”。起步阶段,律某印制了不少广告和名片,到处散发,不久后在“圈内”就小有名气了,不少人还开始主动联系他。随着“工厂”规模增大,律某还聘请了两个务农的亲戚帮他打理。不过律某对自己的“造假技术”还有所保留。 据律某供述,造假其实并不需要太高的技术含量,be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 最主要的是能搞到“造假配方”,把一些廉价、劣质的化工原料混合在一起,只要加上一些白开水,一瓶瓶“名牌”日化用品就“出厂”了。为了降低生产成本,化工原料的购进并不只从一家购买,而是在3家化工企业间“捡便宜”。装日化用品的瓶子是常州一家塑料加工厂生产的,而外包装和标签则是在市内一些不法窝点购买的。 不少中小型美发店购进假冒货 据律某交代,一瓶5000毫升的“名牌”洗发露成be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 本价不过几块钱,“出厂价”也仅仅只有12元,4000毫升装的沐浴露“出厂价”只有10块钱,更令人吃惊的是每瓶750毫升装的“名牌”护发素“出厂价”才1块2毛钱。 律某供述,22个月来,他的销售额大约60万元,扬州和泰州是主要销售地,还通过物流公司销往南京、苏州、无锡等地。“根本不愁卖不动,一些知名的美容美发店也向我进货”。 知名美容美发店也会购进假冒伪劣产品,记者调be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 查发现,在不少中小型的理发店,给顾客洗发用的都是大桶装的“名牌”洗发露。有业内人士透露,“并不是真正的名牌日化用品。这在行业内已经不再是秘密。特别是中小型店生存空间小,如果用真货的话,很难维持生存。”除了用劣质廉价的冒牌产品,还用“洋牌子”蒙人。记者发现不少中小型美发店的日化用品外包装上全是外文,以英文和法文以及日文居多,而中文却很少出现。“其实这并不是进口产品,都是国产的,有的还是来源于黑作坊。”业内人士称。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 专家提醒使用劣质日化用品严重可致癌 记者了解到,根据《化妆品标识管理规定》,化妆品标识内容应清晰、醒目、持久,使消费者易于辨认、识读。此外,化妆品标识中除了要有注册商标标识之外,其内容必须使用 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的中文。所以,消费者在购买化妆品前要看清包装物(即容器)上标明的生产厂名称、地址、生产日期以及保质期,谨慎购买散装且身份不明的化妆品。 医学专家 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示,经常使用劣质洗发水、护发素不be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 仅使头发干枯易断、失去光泽,还可能造成脱发等问题,如果劣质洗发水中某些成分超标或者含有禁用成分,还会使头皮及周围皮肤过敏,长期接触劣质洗发水,会导致手部皮肤出现湿疹,使用劣质沐浴露轻则皮肤过敏,重则可能导致皮肤癌。 新闻延伸4招识别劣质日化用品 劣质、假冒日化用品危害大,消费者如何辨别真伪、优劣呢,消协工作人员提出4招帮助识别劣质日化用品。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 首先“看包装”:合格的日化用品做工精致,字迹清晰、手感光滑,而劣质日化用品外包装做工粗糙;其次“闻气味”:好的日化用品质地比较黏稠,倒置后流动不快,且气味清新自然,而劣质日化用品较稀,倒置时流动快,且气味刺鼻,闻了使人产生眩晕感;第三是“揉搓”:好的日化用品只需一点点就可以搓出丰富、细腻的泡沫,且很容易冲洗干净,而劣质日化用品即使倒了很多也很难搓出泡沫,冲洗时感觉黏腻;第四是“测酸碱度”:好的日化用品是呈弱酸性be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 或中性的,性质温和,而劣质日化用品多呈碱性,容易破坏头皮的酸碱平衡,使头发更干、头皮更易出油。 此外,消协工作人员还建议:消费者到美容美发店消费,最好自备日化用品,也可事先与店家协商并索要消费凭证,方便引发纠纷之后维权。 2009年12月底的一天,一個匿名的群眾舉報電話打進瞭我市公安部門。舉報人稱,在揚州郊區一居民房內有人制造假冒偽劣的日化用品。揚州警方接到報案後,迅速展開偵查。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 在現場,辦案人員發現瞭一大批制造日化用品的機械設備。滿屋子還堆滿大桶、小桶的還沒來得及“出廠”的假冒日化用品。“生產間”也非常簡陋,不少原料就堆放在律某的床鋪周圍。警方在現場查處的主要是洗發露、沐浴露和護發素,均是傍名牌“柏萊雅”。當要求查看有關經營手續時,老板卻拿不出任何合法手續。 案情經過 “名牌”洗發水竟是 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 廉價劣質化工原料兌上白開水 律某中專文化。曾有過在黑作坊打工的經歷。看到黑心廠主賺昧心錢,他不但沒有及時到有關部門進行舉報,反而將這類人 當成“榜樣”,2008年2月份,他在一所民房內也辦起瞭“造假工廠”。起步階段,律某印制瞭不少廣告和名片,到處散發,不久後在“圈內”就小有名氣瞭,不少人還開始主動聯系他。隨著“工廠”規模增大,律某還聘請瞭兩個務農的親戚幫他打理。不過be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 律某對自己的“造假技術”還有所保留。 據律某供述,造假其實並不需要太高的技術含量,最主要的是能搞到“造假配方”,把一些廉價、劣質的化工原料混合在一起,隻要加上一些白開水,一瓶瓶“名牌”日化用品就“出廠”瞭。為瞭降低生產成本,化工原料的購進並不隻從一傢購買,而是在3傢化工企業間“撿便宜”。裝日化用品的瓶子是常州一傢塑料加工廠生產的,而外包裝和標簽則是在市內一些不法窩點購買的。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 不少中小型美發店購進假冒貨 據律某交代,一瓶5000毫升的“名牌”洗發露成本價不過幾塊錢,“出廠價”也僅僅隻有12元,4000毫升裝的沐浴露“出廠價”隻有10塊錢,更令人吃驚的是每瓶750毫升裝的“名牌”護發素“出廠價”才1塊2毛錢。 律某供述,22個月來,他的銷售額大約60萬元,揚州和泰州是主要銷售地,還通過物流公司銷往南京、蘇州、無錫等地。“根本不愁賣不動,一些知名的美be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 容美發店也向我進貨”。 知名美容美發店也會購進假冒偽劣產品,記者調查發現,在不少中小型的理發店,給顧客洗發用的都是大桶裝的“名牌”洗發露。有業內人士透露,“並不是真正的名牌日化用品。這在行業內已經不再是秘密。特別是中小型店生存空間小,如果用真貨的話,很難維持生存。”除瞭用劣質廉價的冒牌產品,還用“洋牌子”蒙人。記者發現不少中小型美發店的日化用品外包裝上全是外文,以英文和法文以及日文居多,be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 而中文卻很少出現。“其實這並不是進口產品,都是國產的,有的還是來源於黑作坊。”業內人士稱。 專傢提醒使用劣質日化用品嚴重可致癌 記者瞭解到,根據《化妝品標識管理規定》,化妝品標識內容應清晰、醒目、持久,使消費者易於辨認、識讀。此外,化妝品標識中除瞭要有註冊商標標識之外,其內容必須使用規范的中文。所以,消費者在購買化妝品前要看清包裝物(即容器)上標明的生產廠名稱、地址、生產日期以及保質期,謹慎購買散裝且身be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 份不明的化妝品。 醫學專傢表示,經常使用劣質洗發水、護發素不僅使頭發幹枯易斷、失去光澤,還可能造成脫發等問題,如果劣質洗發水中某些成分超標或者含有禁用成分,還會使頭皮及周圍皮膚過敏,長期接觸劣質洗發水,會導致手部皮膚出現濕疹,使用劣質沐浴露輕則皮膚過敏,重則可能導致皮膚癌。 新聞延伸4招識別劣質日化用品 劣質、假冒日化用品危害大,消費者如何辨別真be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 偽、優劣呢,消協工作人員提出4招幫助識別劣質日化用品。 首先“看包裝”:合格的日化用品做工精致,字跡清晰、手感光滑,而劣質日化用品外包裝做工粗糙;其次“聞氣味”:好的日化用品質地比較黏稠,倒置後流動不快,且氣味清新自然,而劣質日化用品較稀,倒置時流動快,且氣味刺鼻,聞瞭使人產生眩暈感;第三是“揉搓”:好的日化用品隻需一點點就可以搓出豐富、細膩的泡沫,且很容易沖洗幹凈,而劣質日be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 化用品即使倒瞭很多也很難搓出泡沫,沖洗時感覺黏膩;第四是“測酸堿度”:好的日化用品是呈弱酸性或中性的,性質溫和,而劣質日化用品多呈堿性,容易破壞頭皮的酸堿平衡,使頭發更幹、頭皮更易出油。 此外,消協工作人員還建議:消費者到美容美發店消費,最好自備日化用品,也可事先與店傢協商並索要消費憑證,方便引發糾紛之後維權。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in
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