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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册词汇短语高级英语(张汉熙)第二册词汇短语 高级英语第二册词汇 高级英语第二册词汇短语 Lesson One Face to Face with Hurricane Camile 词汇: , hurricane (n.): a violent tropical cyclone with winds moving at 73 or more miles per hour,often accompanied by torrential rains,and originating usually in the West...

高级 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 (张汉熙)第二册词汇短语 高级英语第二册词汇 高级英语第二册词汇短语 Lesson One Face to Face with Hurricane Camile 词汇: , hurricane (n.): a violent tropical cyclone with winds moving at 73 or more miles per hour,often accompanied by torrential rains,and originating usually in the West Indian region飓风 , lash (v.): move quickly or violently猛烈冲击;拍打 , pummel (n.): beat or hit with repeated blows,esp(with the fist(尤指用拳头)连续地打 , course (n.): a way of behaving;mode 0f conduct行为;品行;做法 , demolish (v.): pull down(tear down,or smash to pieces (a building,etc(),destroy:ruin拉倒;打碎;拆毁;破坏;毁灭 , motel (n.):a hotel intended primarily for those traveling by car, usually with direct access from each room to an area for cars汽车游客旅馆 , gruff (adj.): rough or surly in manner or speech;harsh and throaty;hoarse粗暴的,粗鲁的;粗哑的。嘶哑的 , batten (n.): fasten with battens用压条钉住(或固定) , methodically (adv.): orderly,systematically有秩序地;有条理地 , main (n.): a principal pipe, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc(自来水,煤气,电等的)总管 , bathtub (n.): a tub,now usually a bathroom fixture,in which to take a bath浴盆,浴缸 , generator (n.): a machine for changing mechanical energy into electrical energy;dynamo发电机,发动机 , scud (v.): run or move swiftly;glide or skim along easily疾行,飞驰;掠过 , mattress (n.): a casing of strong cloth or other fabric filled with cotton,hair,foam rubber,etc(床垫;褥子 , pane (n.):a single division of a window,etc.,consisting of a sheet of glass in a frame;such a sheet of glass窗格;窗玻璃 , disintegrate (v.): separate into parts or fragments; break up;disunite分裂,分解,裂成碎块 , blast (n.): a strong rush of(air or wind)一股(气流);一阵(风) , douse (n.): plunge or thrust suddenly into liquid;drench; pour liquid over把„浸入液体里;使浸透; , brigade (n.): a group of people organized to function. unit in some work(组织起来执行某种任务的)队 , scramble (v.): climb,crawl,or clamber hurriedly爬行;攀(登) , litter (n.): the young borne at one time by a dog,cat or other animal which normally bears several young at a delivery(狗、猫等多产动物)一胎生下的小动物 , shudder (n.): shake or tremble suddenly and violently,as in horror or extreme disgust震颤,战栗 , ferocity (n.): wild force or cruelty;ferociousness凶猛;凶恶,残忍;暴行 , swipe (n.):a hard,sweeping blow[口]猛击,重击 , maroon (av.): leave abandoned,isolated,or helpless使处于孤立无援的处境 , devastate (nv.): destroy;lay waste;make desolate毁坏,摧毁;使荒芜 , swath (n.): the space or width covered with one cut of a scythe or other mowing device刈幅(挥动镰刀所及面积) , huddle (v.): crowd,push,or nestle close together。as cows do in a storm(如风暴中的牛群)挤成一团;拥挤;互相紧 , slashing (a.): severe;merciless;violent严厉的;猛烈的 , implore (v.): ask or beg earnestly; beseech恳求,哀求,乞 , bar (v.): a vertical line across a staff,dividing it into measures;a measure小节线(五线谱上纵线把五线谱分成小节); , trail (v.):grow gradually weaker,dimmer,less direct,etc(渐弱;渐小;渐暗 , debri (复:debris )(n.): a rough,broken bit and piece of a stone,wood,glass,etc.,as after destruction:rubble碎片,瓦砾 , sanctuary (n.): a place of refuge or protection:asylum 避难所,庇护所 , cedar (n.): any of a genus of widespreading coniferous trees of the pine family,having clusters of needlelike leaves,cones, and durable wood with a characteristic fragrance雪松(属) , extinguish (v.): put out(a fire,etc();quench;smother熄灭(火等),灭(火);扑灭 , waver v. swing or sway to and fro;flutter摇摆;摇晃;摇曳 , topple (v.): fall top forward;lean forward as if on the point of falling向前倒;摇摇欲坠 1 高级英语第二册词汇 , lean—to (n.): a roof with a single slope,its upper edge abutting a wall or building;a shed with a one—slope roof单坡 屋顶;单坡屋顶的棚 , prop (v.): hold up,support or hold in place with or as with a prop支撑;维持;支持 , tilt (v.): aslope;incline;slant;tip倾斜;倾侧;翘起 , cower (v.): crouch or huddle up,as from fear or cold(因害怕或寒冷而)蜷缩;退缩 , slant (v.):incline or turn from a direct line or course, esp, one that is perpendicular or level;slope(使)倾斜;(使)变歪 , hinge (v.): equip with or attach by a hinge靠铰链转动(或附着) , diminish (v.): reduce in size. degree,importance, etc.;lessen使变小;减少,缩减 , thrust (n.): a sudden,forceful push or shove猛推 , strew (v.): spread about here and there by or as by sprinkling:scatter(be scattered or dispersed over(a surface)撒(布); 散播;被撒满(表面) , festoon (v.): adorn or hang with flowers, leave, paper, etc(饰以(或悬挂)花彩,结彩于 , coil (v.): wind around and around成卷状;盘绕?卷 , spaghetti (n.):paste in the form of long,thin strings, cooked by boiling or steaming and served with a sauce细实心面 , salvation (n.): a saving 0r being saved from danger, evil,difficulty,destruction。etc(;rescue救助?拯救;援救 , canteen (n.):a place where cooked food is dispensed to people in distress,as in a disaster area(在灾区给灾民分配熟 食的)赈灾处 , staffer (n.): a member of a staff职员 , rake (v.): scrape or sweep;move forward swiftly掠过;急速穿过;迅速向前移动 , rampage (v.): rush violently or wildly about横冲直撞 , pitch (v.): [colloq] set to work energetically[口]拼命干起来,开始大干特干 , wreckage (n.): the remains of something that has been wrecked残骸;漂浮物 , salvage (v.): save or rescue from shipwreck, fire,flood, etc(雷救?抢救;打捞 , wrath (n.): intense anger;rage;fury愤怒;暴怒;勃然大怒 , the blues: [colloq]a depressed(unhappy feeling[口]沮丧;忧郁 , afflict (v.):cause pain or suffering to;distress very much 使痛苦,使苦恼(折磨 , weld (v.): unite(pieces of metal,etc()by heating until molten and fused or until soft enough to hammer or press together焊接;熔接 , reflect (v.): think seriously;contemplate认真思考;沉思 短语: reason out: to find out an explanation or solution to a problem,by thinking of all the possibilities寻找解决途径 例:Let’s reason this out instead of quarrelling(让我们不要争吵,商量出事情的解决方案 a good: at least,full至少,最少 例:They waited a good eight hours他们等了至少8个小时。 sit out: stay until the end of坐到结束 例:We forced ourselves to sit the play out(我们强迫自己坐到演出结束。 come by: to make a short visit to a place on one’s way顺便拜访 例:I’ll come by the house and get my stufflater,OK?我会顺便过来取材料,好吗? by the minute: every minute,minute by minute一分钟一分钟地 例:I’m feeling better by the minute(我每分钟都感觉好多了。 on the verge of: on the edge of,on the brink of接近于,濒临于 例:Scientists are on the verge of a major breakthrou曲(科学家们即将取得一项重大突破。 break apart: break up into piecesdisintegrate裂开,分裂解散 例:The grounds broke apart in earthquake(地面在地震时裂开了。 break up: to break or make sth break into many small pieces分裂 2 高级英语第二册词汇 例:The ice will break up when the warm weather comes. 天气转暖,冰层就会破裂。 come through: to continue to live,exist,be strong,or succeed after a difficuh or dangerous time经历过„„仍活着,经历 例:John was so iu but he was lucky to come through(约翰病得很厉害,依然活着算是很幸运的了。 pitch in: to set to work energetically拼命于起来,开始大干特干 例:If we pitch in,we will have it finished in no time(我们如果拼命干活,就会马上做完 Lesson Two Marrakech 词汇: thread (v.) : pass through by twisting,turning,or weaving in and out穿过,通过 pomegranate (n.) : a round fruit with a red,leathery rind and many seeds covered with red,juicy,edible flesh;the bush or small tree that bears it石榴;石榴树 chant (n.) : a simple liturgical song in which a string of syllables or words is sung to each tune(仪式唱的)单调的歌 bier (n.) : a platform or portable framework on which a coffin or corpse is placed棺材架;尸体架 hack (v.) : break up(1and)with a hoe,mattock,etc((用锄等)翻地,挖(土) oblong (adj.) : longer than broad;elongated长方形的 lumpy (adj.) : full of lumps;covered with lumps多块状物的;凹凸不平的 hummocky (a.) : full of or looking like low,rounded hills布满小丘的;似小圆丘的 derelict (adj.) : deserted by the owner;abandoned;forsaken无主的;被遗弃的 lot (n.) : a plot of ground一块地 undifferentiated (adj.) : without clear qualities or distinctive characteristics无区别的;无显著特点的 mound (n.) : a heap or bank of earth,sand,etc(built over a grave,in a fortification,etc(土堆;堤;坟堆 prickly (adj.) : full of prickles多刺的 prickly pear : any of a genus of cactus plants having cylindrical or large,flat,oval stem joints and edible fruits仙人掌 bumpy (adj.) : full of bumps;rough;jolting崎岖不平的;颠簸的;震摇的 gazelle (n.) : any of various small,swift,graceful antelopes瞪羚 hindquarter (n.) : either of the two hind legs and the adjoining loin of a carcass of veal,beef,lamb,etc(;[p1.]the hind part of a four—legged animal(牛、羊、猪等 的)后腿肉;[复](四肢动物的)后躯 nibble (v.) : take small,cautious,or gentle bites小口地咬;谨慎地咬(啃) butt (v.) : strike or push with the head or horns:ram with the head(用头或角)撞击;顶撞 mid—air (n.) : any point in space,not in contact with the ground or other surface空中;上空 navvy (n.) : n unskilled laborer,as on canals,roads,etc(劳工;无特殊技术的工人 sidle (v.) : move sideways,esp(in a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧身行走 stow (v.) : pack or store away;fill by packing in an orderly way装载;装进;收藏 municipality n(a city,town. etc(having its own incorporated government for local affairs自治市(或镇) ghetto (n.) : (in certain European cities)a section to which Jews were formerly restricted(某些欧洲城市中从前的)犹太人居住区 sore (adj.) : giving or feeling physical pain;painful疼痛的;感到疼痛的 skull—cap (n.) : a light,closefitting,brimless cap,usually worn indoors(室内戴的)无沿便帽 infest (v.) : overrun or inhabit in large numbers,usually so as to be harmful or bothersome;swarm in or over(虫害等)侵扰;骚扰;蔓延 booth (n.) : a stall for the sale of goods,as at markets or fairs(市场或集市上的)货摊;摊店,摊棚 prehistoric (adj.) : pertaining to ancient times,very old-fashioned老式的;古旧的 warp (v.) : become bent or twisted out of shape变弯曲;变歪 frenzied (adj.) : full of uncontrolled excitement疯狂的,狂乱的 clamour (v.) : make a loud confused noise or shout;cry out喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹 grope (v.) : feel or search about blindly,hesitantly,or uncertainly摸索;探索 3 高级英语第二册词汇 self-contained (adj.) : having within oneself or itself all that is necessary;self-sufficient,as a community自给自足的 witchcraft (n.) : the power or practices of witches: black magic;sorcery巫术;魔法 square (adj.[colloq.]) : satisfying;solid;substantial[口]令人满意的;充实的 conspicuous (adj.) : attracting attention by being unexpected,unusual,outstanding惹人注目的,显眼的 grove (n.) : orchard果园 legionnaire (n.) : a member of a legion军团的成员 back—breaking (adj.) : requiring great physical exertion;very tiring费劲的;辛苦的,累人的 desolate (adj.) : uninhabited;deserted荒无人烟的,荒凉的 lucerne (n.):a type of plant whose leaves grow in groups of three and which is used for feeding farm animals紫苜蓿 fodder (n.) : gorse food for cattle,horses,sheep,etc. as cornstalks,hay and straw(牛、马、羊的)粗饲料;饲草 yoke (v.) : put a yoke on;join together;link用轭连起;连合;连结 harrow (n.) : a heavy frame with spikes or sharp—edged disks,drawn by a horse 0r tractor and used for breaking up and leveling plowed ground,covering seeds,rooting up weeds,etc(耙 furrow (n.) : a narrow groove made in the ground by a plow沟,畦;犁沟 trickle (n.) : the act of trickling;a slow,small flow滴,淌;细流 ; subsoil (n.) : the layer of soil beneath the surface soil底土,下层土, mummify (v.) : shrivel or dry up干瘪;枯干;成木乃伊状 hobble (v.) : go unsteadily,haltingly,etc(蹒跚 leathery (adj.) : 1ike leather in appearance or texture. tough and flexible(外观或质地)似皮革的;坚韧的,粗硬的 infuriate (v.) : cause to become very angry;enrage(使)发怒,激怒 damnably (adv.) : execrably该诅咒地;极坏地 packsaddle (n.) : a saddle with fastenings to secure and balance the load carried by a pack animal驮鞍 bridle (n.) : a head harness for guiding a horse马勒 halter (n.) : a rope,cord,strap,etc(,usually with a headstall,for tying or leading an animal;a bitless headstall,with or without a lead rope缰绳;(马)笼头 gut (n.[usu(in p1.]) : the bowels;entrails[常用复]内脏 plight (n.) : condition or state of affairs;esp,now, an awkward(sad,or dangerous situation情况;状态,苦境;险境 gall (v.) : injure or make sore by rubbing;chafe擦伤,擦痛;磨 stork (n.) : any of a family of large,long—legged,mostly old—world wading birds(having a long neck and bill,and related to the herons鹳 reach-me—down (adj([colloq.]) : second—hand or ready—made(衣服)用旧的;别人用过的;现成的 khaki (adj.) : made of khaki(cloth)卡其(布)制的 squash (v.) : force one’s way;squeeze挤进,挤入 slump (v.) : have a drooping posture or gait低头弯腰(而行);消沉 inquisitive (adj.) : inclined to ask many questions or seek information;eager to learn好询问的;好奇的 syphilis (n.) : an infectious venereal disease,caused by a spirochete and usually transmitted by sexual intercourse or acquired congenitally梅毒 garrison (n.) : troops stationed in a fort or fortified place驻军;卫戍部队 charger (n.) : a horse ridden in battle or on parade战马, 军马 短语: square meal: a complete and satisfying meal美餐丰盛的、令人满足 in a cloud: a large number of small things moving through the air as amass一团 例: a cloud of locusts一群蝗虫 get at: to approach or reach到达,得到 例: You have to use a little ladder to get at the jars on the top shelves.你得使用小梯才可以拿到架子上面的坛子。 next door to: almost the same as几乎 4 高级英语第二册词汇 例: Leaving a man to die is next door to murder(让一个人等死无异于谋杀。 in this connection: while speaking of such things关于这一点,就此而论 it doesn’t matter twopence: it doesn’t matter a bit无关紧要 例: It doesn’t matter twopence if he doesn’t accept the invita-tion(他接不接受邀请都不要紧。 Lesson 3 Pub Talk and the King' s English 词汇(Vocabulary) , intricate (adj) : hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships错综复杂的;难以 理解的,难懂的 , indulge (v.) : give way to one’s own desire尽情享受;从事于 , meander (v.) : wander aimlessly or idly;ramble漫步;闲逛 , conversationalist (n.) : a person who converses;esp(,one who enjoys and is skilled at conversation交谈者;健谈者 , anecdote (n.) : a short,entertaining account of some happening,usually personal or biographical轶事,逸事 , intimate (n.) : a close friend or companion密友,知己 , on the rocks [colloq(] : in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe (婚姻)破坏的;失败的 , musketeer (n.) : (formerly)a soldier armed with a musket火枪手 , delve (v.) : investigate for information;search发掘;调查(研究) , recess (n.) : a secluded,withdrawn,or inner place幽深处 , desultorily (adv.) : aimlessly;at random随意地;无目的地 , alchemy (n.) : an early form of chemistry,whose chief aims were to change baser metals into gold:a method or power of transmutation; esp. the seemingly miraculous change of a thing into something better炼金术;变化物质的方法 或魔力 , tart (adj.) : sharp in taste;sour;acid辛辣的;尖酸的;刻薄的 , convict (n.) : a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court罪犯 , churl (n.) : a farm laborer;peasant农民;庄稼人,乡下人 , rift (n.) : an open break in a previously friendly relationship分裂;失和 , scamper (v.) : run or go hurriedly or quickly急驰,快跑 , rendering (n.) : a translation翻译 , bilingual (adj.) : of,in or using two languages(用)两种语言的 , intercept (v.) : seize or stop on the way,before arrival at the intended place拦截;截断;截击。 , abuse (v.) : use wrongly;use insulting,coarse or bad language;scold harshly滥用;辱骂,口出恶言 , coin (v.) : make up;devise;invent(a new word,phrase,etc.)编造;杜撰(新词、新短语等) , tussle (v.) : fight,struggle,contend,etc(vigorously or vehemently斗争,搏斗;竞争 , dandelion (n.) : any of several plants of the composite family,common lawn weeds with jagged leaves,often used as greens,and yellow flowers蒲公英(属) , pejorative (adj.) : disparaging or derogatory轻蔑的;贬低的 , facetious (adj.):joking or trying to be jocular,esp(at an imappropriate time滑稽的; (尤指在不适当的时候)开玩笑的 , underling (n.) : a person in a subordinate position;inferior disparaging(通常作蔑词)下属; , edict (n.) : an official public proclamation or order issued by authority;decree法令;命令;布告 , immune (adj.) : exempt from or protected against something disagreeable or harmful不受影响的;可避免的 , ultimatum (n.):a final offer or demand,esp(by one of the parties engaged in negotiations,the rejection of which usually leads to a break in relations and unilateral action,the use of force etc(by the party issuing the ultimatum最 后通牒 , chimpanzee (n.) anthropoid ape of Africa,with black hair and large,outstanding ears(非洲)黑猩猩 短语 (Expressions) 5 高级英语第二册词汇 make a point: explain fully what one is proposing充分解释 例: All fight,you’ve made your point;now keep quiet and let the others say what they think(好啦,你已经把话说清楚了;那就别说了,让别人谈谈看法。 in a flash: suddenly,very quickly转瞬间,立刻 例: Just wait here.I’u be back in a flash(就在这儿等我,我马上就回来。 on the rocks : (colloq()in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe(婚姻)破坏的,失败的 例: Tim’s marriage is on the rocks(提姆的婚姻亮起了红灯。 get out the bed on the wrong side: to be cross or grouchy早晨起来便心情不好 lay down : to assert or declare声明,颁布 例: The regulations lay down a rigid procedure for checking safety equipment.法令规定了一套严格的安检程序。 on wings : in flight;continually moving about像飞一样地,飘飘然 例: The birds are on wings in the sky(鸟儿在空中展翅高飞。 turn up one’s nose at : to sneer at,scorn嘲笑,轻蔑 例: The children turned up their noses at my home cooking(孩子们嘲笑我的厨艺。 in the shoes of : in another’s position站在别人的立场上,设身处地 例: I’m glad I’m not in his shoes with all those debts to pay off(我庆幸不用像他那样去偿还所有的债务。 come into one’s own : to receive what properly belongs to one,esp(acclaim or recognition得到自己该得的东西,如荣誉或世人的口碑 sit up : (colloq()to。become suddenly alert;be surprised or startled吃惊,警觉 例: I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up(我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来。 Lesson Four Inaugural Address 词汇: , inaugural (adj.) : of an inauguration就职(典礼)的 , signify (v.) : be a sign or indication of;mean表明;意味 , almighty (adj.) : having unlimited power;all—powerful有无限权力的;全能的 , forebear (n.) : an ancester 祖先,祖宗 , prescribe (v.) : set down as a rule or direction;order;ordain;direct命令;指示;规定,订立 , generosity (n.) : the quality of being generous慷慨;宽宏大量 , heir (n.) : person who appears to get some trait from a predecessor or seems to carry on in his tradition继承者;后嗣 , foe (n.) : enemy;opponent敌人 , undoing (n.) : the act of bringing to ruin,disgrace,or destruction毁灭;破坏 , at odds : in disagreement;quarreling意见不一致;有争执 , asunder (adv.) : into parts or pieces分成碎片;分散 , prey (n.) : a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something牺牲品;掠夺品 , subversion (n.) : a subverting or being subverted(ruin 颠覆(活动);破坏 , sovereign (adj.) : independent of all others独立自主的 , outpace (v.) : surpass;exceed在速度上超过;胜过 , invective (n.) : a violent verbal attack(strong criticism,insults, curses, etc.; vituperation 抨击;辱骂,谩骂 , shield (n.) : any person or thing that guards,protects,or defends; protection保护人;防护物;保护 , writ (n.) : a formal legal document ordering or prohibiting some action命令;律令;文书;传票 , adversary (n.) : a person who opposes or fights against another; opponent;enemy对手,反对者;敌手,敌方 , anew (adv.) : again重新,再 , unleash (v.) : release from or as from a leash(解开皮带以)释放 , engulf (v.) : swallow up;overwhelm 吞没,淹没,压倒 , civility (n.) : politeness(esp. in a merely formal way 礼貌,客气 6 高级英语第二册词汇 , belabor (v.) : talk about at unnecessary length唠唠叨叨地反复讲 , formulate (v.) : put together and express (a theory(plan ,etc.)a systematic way系统地阐述(或提出)(理论、 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 等) , tap (v.) : draw upon;make use of开发、发掘 , heed (v.) : pay close attention to;take careful notice of注意, 留神,留心 , beachhead (n.) : a position established by invading troops on an enemy shore;a position gained as a secare starting point for any action;foothold滩头堡,登陆场;立足点 , endeavor (n.) : an earnest attempt or effort努力,尽力 , testimony (n.) : any form of evidence,indication. etc.;proof证明,证据 , embattle (v.) : [常用于被动语态]prepare,array,or set in line for battle使准备战斗,使严阵以待 , tribulation (n.) : great misery or distress, as from oppression;deep sorrow苦难;困苦;忧伤 , forge (v.) : move forward steadily,as if against difficulties; form;produce(似乎迎着困难)稳步前进;形成;结成 , alliance (n.) : a close association for a common objective as of nations,political parties,etc(联盟,联合,同盟 短语: at issue : in dispute;to be decided;at variance;in disagreement意见不一致 例: What is at issue is the extent to which exam results reflect a student’s ability.意见的分歧之处在于考试对于学生能力的影响程度。 at odds : in disagreement;quarrelling;antagonistic意见不一致,有争执 例: IHe was at odds with his colleagues(他与同事意见不合。 east off : to discard;abandon;disown丢弃,摆脱 例:A haven of tranquility where you can cast off the strains and stress of life(一个可以摆脱生活重负的宁静港湾 beyond doubt : certainly毫无疑问 例:She was beyond doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school(毫无疑问,她在学校里游泳游得最棒。 Lesson Five Love is a Fallacy 词汇(Vocabulary) , fallacy (n.) : a false or mistaken idea,opinion,etc.;error谬论,谬见;错误 , enterprising (adj.):full of energy and initiative;willing to undertake new projects有进取心;有胆量(首创精神)的 , unfetter (v.) : free from fetters;free from restraint of any kind;liberate除掉„的脚镣;解放;使获得自由 , limp (adj.) :1acking or having lost stiffness;flaccid;drooping,wilted柔软的 , flaccid (adj.) : hanging in loose folds or wrinkles:soft and limp;flabby不结实的;松驰的;松软的 , spongy (adj.) :of or like a sponge;soft and porous海绵(状)的;柔软有弹性的 , pedantic (adj.) : of or like a pedant迂腐的,书呆子气的 , trauma (n.) :a painful emotional experience,or shock(often producing a lasting psychic effect and sometimes a neurosis(精神)心灵创伤 , calculating (adj.) : shrewd or cunning. esp. in a selfish way;scheming精明的;(尤指)专为自己打算的;有算计的 , perspicacious (adj.) :having keen judgement or understanding;acutely perceptive聪颖的;敏锐的 , astute (adj.) : having or showing a clever or shrewd mind:cunning;crafty;wily 聪明的;精明的;狡猾的 , dynamo (n.) :generator发动机 , scale (n.) : either of the shallow dishes or pans of a balance秤盘;天平盘 , penetrating (adj.) :sharp;piercing锐利的 , scalpel (n.) : a small,light,straight knife with a very sharp blade,used by surgeons and m anatomical dissections解 剖刀,手术刀 , faddist (n.) :a person who follows fads赶时髦的人 , fad (n.) : a custom,style,etc(that many people are interested in for a short time;passing fashion;craze一度时髦的 风尚,风行一时的东西;一时的狂热 7 高级英语第二册词汇 , craze (n.) :something that is currently the fashion;fad一时的风尚;风行一时的东西;时髦 , acme (n.) : the highest point;point of culmination顶点,极点 , appendicitis (n.) :inflammation of the vermiform appendix阑尾炎 , laxative (n.) : any laxative medicine;mild cathartic轻泻药;通便剂 , raccoon (n.) :a small,tree—climbing, chiefly flesh—eating mammal浣熊 , mumble (v.) : speak or say indistinctly and in a low voice;mutter喃喃地说;含糊地说 , temple (n.) :either of the flat surfaces alongside the forehead,in front of each ear太阳穴,鬓角 , incredulous (adj.) : unwilling or unable to believe; doubting;skeptical不相信的;怀疑的 , unsanitary (adj.) :not clean;harmful to health不卫生的;对健康有害的 , shed (v.) : shed a natural growth or covering,as hair(毛发等)脱落 , unsightly (adj.) :not sightly;not pleasant to look at;ugly不美观的;难看的;丑陋的 , swim (n.) : current fashion潮流,时髦,砌the swim conforming to the current fashion赶时髦 , gear (n.) :a specific adjustment 0f a toothed wheel(汽车等的)排挡 , narrowly (adv.) : closely;carefully;thoroughly仔细地;严密地 , attic (n.) :the room or space just below the roof of a house; garret顶楼,阁楼 , covet (v.) : want ardently;long for with envy垂涎;觊觎 , cerebral (adj.) :appealing to the intellect rather than the emotions;intellectural理智的;凭理智行事的 , pin—up (adj.[colloq(]) : designating a girl whose sexual attractiveness makes her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on walls[口](女子)其照片可供倾慕者钉在墙上的 , proportions (n.) :1ines;shape of the body线条;身材 , making (n([often in p1(]) : the material or qualities needed for the making or development of something[常用复] 素质;内在因素 , carriage (n.) :conduct;behaviour;posture行为;举止;姿态 , bearing (n.) : way of carrying and conducting oneself:carriage;manner举止,风度,姿态 , breeding (n.) :good upbringing or training良好的教养(或培养) , exquisite (adj.) : very beautiful or lovely,esp(in a delicate or carefully wrought way优美的,高雅的,精致的 , specialty (n.) :an article characterized by special features,superior quality,novelty, etc(特产;特制品 , gravy (adj.) : the juice given off by meat in cooking肉汁,调味汁 , dipper (n.) :a long—handled cup or similar container for dipping长柄杯或类似容器 , sauerkraut (n.) :chopped cabbage fermented in a brine of its own juice with salt泡菜 , veer (v.) :change direction:shift;turn or swing around改变方向;转向;变向 , gamy (adj.) :having a strong,tangy flavor like that of cooked game;strong in smell有猎物气味的;气味强烈的 , Holy Toledo adj.[colloq.]) :excellent[口]好极了 , reverent (adj.) :feeling。showing,or characterized by reverence恭敬的;虔诚的 , greasy (adj.) :smeared with or containing grease涂(或含)有油脂的;油污的 , pelt (n.) :the skin of a fur—bearing animal,esp. after it has been stripped from the carcass毛皮;生皮 , canny (adj.) :careful and shrewd in one’s actions and dealings;clever and cautious谨慎的;机警的;精明的 , waif (n.) :a person without home or friends,esp(a homeless child流浪汉;无家可归者;(尤指)流浪儿 , swivel (v.) :turn on旋转 , wax (v.) :grow gradually larger;increase in strength,lntensity,volume(ere(渐渐变大;增加 , wane (v.) :become(1ess intense,strong,bright,etc(变弱;减少 , kick (n.[colloq.]) :pleasure高兴,兴奋 , loom (v.) :appear,or come in sight indistinctly隐约出现 , dimension (n.) :extent,size,or degree}scope体积,容积,面积;范围,规模;方面 , tryst (n.) :an appointment to meet at a specified time and place,esp。one made secretly by lovers约会;幽会 , wince (v.) :shrink or draw back slightly,usually with a grimace(as in pain,embarassment, etc((因疼痛、窘迫等) 8 高级英语第二册词汇 畏缩;退缩 , tug (v.) :pull hard;drag;haul用力拉,拖,拖曳 , desist (v.) :cease;stop;abstain停止 , contrite (adj.) :feeling deep sorrow or remorse for having sinned or done wrong;penitent懊悔的;忏悔的 , premise (n.) :a previous statement or assertion that serves as the basis for an argument(尤指逻辑)前提 , chirp (v.) :speak in a lively,shrill way嘁嘁喳喳地说 , deposit (v.) :put,lay or set down放下,搁下 , glum (adj.) :feeling or looking gloomy,sullen忧郁的,闷闷不乐的 , ember (n.[usu(in p1.]) :the smoldering remains of a fire[常用复]余烬,余火 , smolder (v.) :burn and smoke without flame;be consumed by slow combustion闷烧;熏烧 , fraught (adj.) :filled,charged,or loaded充满„的;蕴含„的 , blubber (v.) :weep loudly, like a child(小孩般)大声哭 , analogy (n.) :an explaining of something by comparing it point by point with something similar类比 , brief (n.) :a concise statement of the main points of a law case,usually filed by counsel for the information of the court诉讼摘要;辩护状 , blueprint (n.) :a photographic reproduction in white on a blue background,as of architectural or engineering plans(建筑或工程设计用的)蓝图 , hypothesis (n.) :an unproved theory,proposition,supposition,etc(tentatively accepted to explain certain facts or to provide a basis for further investigation,argument,etc(假设;前提 , yummy (adj.) :[echoic of a sound made in expressing pleasure at a taste][colloq(]very tasty;delectable;delicious[表示享受美味的象声词][口]美味的,可口的 , chunk (n.) :a short,thick piece,as of meat,wood,etc(一厚块(肉、木头等) , pitchblende (n.) :a brown to black lustrous mineral,the massive variety of uraninite沥青铀矿 , fracture (v.[Am(slang]) :cause to react with enthusiasm[美俚]使着迷 , gurgle (v.) :make a bubbling sound in the throat,as a contented baby does(婴儿高兴时)发咯咯声 , notorious (adj.) :widely but unfavorably known or talked about声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的 , indignation (n.) :anger or scorn resulting from injustice, ingratitude, or meanness; righteous anger愤慨,义愤 , exultant (v.) :exulting;triumphant;jubilant狂欢的;欣喜的;兴高采烈的 , hamstring (v.) :disable by cutting a hamstring;lessen or destroy the power or effectiveness of割断„的腿腱以使 残废;削弱(或破坏)„的力量(或功能) , cretin (n.) :a person suffering from cretinism;a stupid person愚侏病者;白痴,傻瓜 , let—up (v.) :a slackening or lessening。as of effort;a stop or pause放松(努力);中止,休止 , chink (n.) :a narrow opening;crack;fissure;slit缝隙;裂口 , grueling (adj.) :extremely tiring;exhausting折磨人的;使人筋疲力竭的 , well—heeled (adj.) :[slang]rich;prosperous[俚]有钱的,富有的 , fashion (v.) :shape;mold塑造;做成 , constellation (n.) :the part of the heavens occupied by a number of fixed stars星座;星宿 , languish (v.) :lose vigor and vitality;become weak变得萎靡不振;倦怠 , hollow—eyed (adj.) :having deep—set eyes or dark areas under the eyes,as from sickness or fatigue(由于生病或 疲倦)眼窝凹陷的,有黑眼圈的 , hulk (n.) :an abandoned wreck or shell废船 , surge (v.) :have a heavy,violent swelling motion;move in or as in a surge汹涌澎湃 , perspiration (n.) :sweat汗 , wag (v.) :cause something to move rapidly and repeatedly back and forth,from side to side,or up and down摇摆 , bellow (v.) :cry out loudly, as in anger or pare。(由于愤怒或疼痛)大声叫 , reel (v.) :give way or fall back;sway,waver, or stagger as from being struck倒退,退缩;站立不稳 9 高级英语第二册词汇 , infamy (n.) : very bad reputation; notoriety; disgrace; dishonor臭名昭著;丢脸,耻辱;不名誉 , turf (n.) :a surface layer of earth containing grass plants with their matted roots;sod草皮;草地 , modulate (v.) :vary the pitch, intensity, etc.(of the voice), to a lower degree 使(声音)转调,是声音变低 , knot-head (n.[slang]) :a foolish,stupid person笨蛋,痂汉 , jitterbug (n.) :a dance for couples;esp. in the early 1940’s,involving fast,acrobatic movements to swing music’[fig]an emotionally unstable person(尤指20世纪40年代的)吉特巴舞;[喻]变化无常的人 短语 (Expressions) nothing upstairs : (Am(slang)empty-headed;a nitwit没头脑的,愚笨的 in the swinl : conforming to the current fashion赶时髦 例: She is always involved in the swim(她总是追求时髦。 get one’s hands on : to obtain sth(得到,获得 例: They all want to get their hands on my money(他们都觊觎我的钱。 go steady: to date someone of the opposite sex regularly and exclu-sively(be sweethearts约会,关系确定的情侣 例: When did you go steady with her?你和她是什么时候确定恋爱关系的? out of the picture : not considered as involved in a situation不相干的,不合适的 例: “Is Pam still with Eric?”“No,he’s out of the picture.”“帕姆还在跟埃里克在一起吗?”“没有,他们已经互不相干了。” get at : seem to be saying sth(that other people d0 not completely un-derstand暗示 例: What exactly are you getting at?你到底在暗示什么? have„at one’s finger tips : to be completely familiar with;精通 例: We have all the facts and figures at our fingers(我们已经掌握了所有的事实和数字。 go far : to accomplish much:achieve much success 成功,大有前途 例: Ginny’s a smart girl(and I’m sure she’u go far(吉尼是个聪明的姑娘,我相信她会成功的。 knock out : to elicit enthusiasm or an emotional response,esp(deep sympathy or laughter使高兴,情绪激动 例: The music was just brilliant it really knocked me out(这音乐太美妙了——它真让我激动。 fire away : begin;start;esp.to talk or ask questions 开始谈话或提问 例: “I have some question.”“Fire away.”“我有问题。”“请问。” hammer away(at) : to keep emphasizing or talking about一再强调 例: He kept hammering away at his demand for a public inquiry(他一再强调需要进行公众调查。 month of Sundays : (colloq()long time很久,很长的时间 Lesson Six DISAPPEARING THR0UGH THE SKYLIGHT 词汇(Vocabulary) , skylight (n.) : a window in a roof or ceiling天窗 , thermodynamics (n.) : the branch of physics dealing with the reversible transformation of heat into other forms or energy,esp. mechanical energy(and with the laws governing such conversions of energy热力学 , genetics (n.):the branch of biology that deals with heredity and variation in similar or related animals and plants遗传 , mutation (n.) : a change,as in form,nature,qualities,etc.(在形式、本质等上)变化 , discredit (v.) : reject as untrue;disbelieve不相信;怀疑 , corollary (n.) : an inference or deduction推理,推论 , homogeneous (adj.) : of the same race or kind同类的,同族的 , clarity (n.) : the quality or condition of being clear;clearness明晰;清辙 , streamline (v.) : design or construct with a contour that offers the least resistance in moving through air,water,etc. 把„制成流线型 , asset (n.) : anything owned that has exchange value;a valuable or desirable thing to have财产;有交换价值的占有物; 有价值的东西 , cylinder (n.) : the chamber in which the piston moves in a reciprocating engine 汽缸 10 高级英语第二册词汇 , carburetor (n.) : an apparatus for carbureting air or gas;eap(a device in which air is mixed with gasoline spray to make an explosive mixture in an internal—combustion engine化油器,汽化器;碳化器 , transmission (n.) : the part of an automobile,truck,etc(that transmits motive force from the engine to the wheels,usually by means of gears or hydraulic cylinders传动;变速器 , mall (n.) : a completely enclosed,airconditioned shopping center密闭式空调商场 , cosmopolitan (adj.) : common to or representative of all or many parts of the world;not national or local世界主义的, 属于世界的;不限于国家或地区范围的 , imperative (n.) : a binding or compelling rule,duty, requirement,etc(规则;义务;要求;必须履行的责任 , catastrophe (n.) : a disastrous end,bringing overthrow or ruin;any great and sudden calamity,disaster or misfortune 悲 惨的结局;毁灭;骤然而来的大灾难 , reminisce (v.) : think,talk,or write about remembered events or experiences追忆往事;怀旧 , blasphemy (n.) :profane or contemptuous speech,writing。or action concerning God or anything held as divine:any remark or action held to be irreverent or disrespectful渎神,亵渎(上帝或圣物);辱骂,谩骂 , rehabilitation (n.) : the restoration to reputation,rank,etc(恢复(名誉、地位等);雪耻 , plasticity (n.) : state or quality of being easily shaped or moulded可塑性;适应性 , insubstantial (adj.) : not substantial;not real;imaginary;not solid or firm非物质的;无实体的;想象的;不结实的 , undermine (v.) : wear away at the base or foundation; injure;weaken削弱„的基础;伤害;削弱 , molecule (n.) : smallest unit into which a substance can be divided without a change in its chemical nature分子 , galaxy (n.): any of innumerable large groupings of stars, typically containing millions to hundreds of billions of stars 星系 , artifact (n.) : any object made by human work人工制品 , skepticism (n.) : doubting attitude怀疑态度 , particle (n.) : a piece of matter so small as to be considered without magnitude though having inertia and the force of attraction粒子;质点 , juxtaposition (n.) : the act of placing,or the state of being placed,side by side or close together并列,并置 , collage (n.) : an art form in which bits of objects,as newspapers,cloth,pressed flowers,etc(,are pasted together on a surface in incongruous relationship for their symbolic or suggestive effect美术拼贴(在画面上拼贴报纸、布、压 平的花等互不相干的碎片的艺术形式) , ad hoc ([Latin]) : for this specific parpose;for a special case only,without general application为此目的;特别,特定 , static (adj.) : not moving or progressing;at rest;inactive;stationary静止的;不活动的;固定的 , virtuosity (n.) : great technical skill in some fine art,esp( in the performance or music,interest in or taste for the fine arts;esp(,a sensitive but amateur interest(音乐演奏的)精湛技艺;对艺术的爱好(或浅薄涉猎) , lacy (adj.) : of lace;like lace有花边的;花边状的 , etch (v.) : engrave(a metal plate,glass,etc()by the action of an acid,esp(by coating the surface with wax and letting acid eat into the lines or areas laid bare with a special needle蚀镂,蚀刻(图案、图画等) , assertive (adj.) : marked by or expressing forceful statements or claims肯定的,断定的,武断的 , bulldozer (n.) : a large,shovellike blade on the front of a tractor for pushing or moving earth,debris,etc(,a tractor with such a blade推土铲;推土机 , truss (n.) : an architectural bracket or modillion;a bundle or pack构架,托座;束,捆,扎 , bleary (adj.) : dim or blurred as the eyes are from lack of rest or when one first awakens睡眼惺忪的;(视力)朦胧的 , malice (n.) : active川will;desire to harm another or to do mischief敌意;怨恨 , granite (n.) : a very hard,crystalline,plutonic rock,gray to pink in color,consisting of feldspar,quartz,and smaller amounts of dark ferromagnesian minerals花岗岩 , vault (n.) : a secure room,often with individual safe—deposit boxes。for the safe keeping of valuables or money(as in a bank(银行等的)保险库;贵重物品储藏处 , slot—machine : a machine,as a vending machine,worked by inserting a coin in a slot投入一枚硬币即自行开动的机 11 高级英语第二册词汇 器(如自动售货机) , trailer (n.) : a cart,wagon,or large van,designed to be pulled by an automobile,truck,or tractor,for hauling freight 拖 车,挂车 , transaction (n.) : something transacted事务(尤指交易、 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ) , haze (n.) : a thin vapor of fog,smoke,dust,etc(,in the air that reduces visibility阴霾,薄雾 短语 (Expressions) in the fullness of time: at the appropriate or right time;eventually 在适当的时候,时机成熟时,终于 例: I’m sure he’ll tell us what’s bothering him in the fullness of time.我肯定他会在适当的时候告诉我们他的困扰的。 in the middle distance : the normal distance for the eye to observe objects通常肉眼看到物体的距离 例: The building is in the middle distance,so we can see it clearIy.楼房跟我们距离适中,我们能很清晰地看到。 Lesson Seven The Libido for the Ugly 词汇(Vocabulary) , libido (n.) : psychic energy generally;specifically,a basic form of psychic energy,comprising the positive。loving instincts manifested variously at different stages of personality development欲望 , lucrative (adj.) : producing wealth or profit;profitable;remunerative有利可图的;赚钱的 , hideous (adj.) : horrible to see,hear,etc.;very ugly or revolting;dreadful骇人听闻的;非常丑陋的;可怕的 , forlorn (adj.) : in pitiful condition;wretched;miserable可怜的;悲惨的;不幸的 , macabre (adj.) : gruesome;grim and horrible;ghastly可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的;恐怖的 , computation (n.) : the act of computing;calculation 计算 , abominable (adj.) : nasty and disgusting;vile;loathsome讨厌的,可恶的 , alley (n.) : a narrow street or walk;specifically,a lane behind a row of buildings or between two rows of buildings that face on adjacent streets胡同;小巷;小街 , filth (n.) : disgustingly offensive dirt,garbage,etc(污秽,污物;垃圾 , allude (v.) : refer in a casual or indirect way(随便或间接)提到,涉及;暗指 , monstrousness (n.) : strange shape奇形怪状 , lacerate (v.) : tear jaggedly;mangle(something soft,as flesh);wound or hurt(one’s feelings,etc()deeply;distress撕裂; 割碎(肉等软组织);伤害(感情等);使„伤心 , pretentious (adj.) : making claims,explicit or implicit,to some distinction,importance,dignity,or excellence自负的;自 命不凡的;自大的 , linger (v.) : continue to stay,esp(through reluctance to leave逗留(尤指不愿离开) , downright (adv.) : thoroughly;utterly;really彻底地,完全地;真正地 , dormer (n.) : a window set upright in a sloping roof屋顶窗 , leprous (adj.) : of or like leprosy;having leprosy麻风的;似麻风的;患麻风病的 , rat—trap (n.) : a trap for catching rats捕鼠夹(子) , misshapen (adj.) : badly shaped;deformed奇形怪状的;畸形的 , uncomely (adj.) : having unpleasant appearance不美观的,不好看的 , grime (n.) : dirt,esp(sooty dirt,rubbed into or covering a surface,as of the skin(尤指经摩擦而深入或覆盖皮肤等表 面的)积垢;污秽 , gully (n.) : a channel or hollow worn by running water; small,narrow ravine沟壑,狭沟,冲沟 , chalet (n.) : a type of Swiss house,built of wood with balconies and overhanging eaves(瑞士的木造)农舍,山上小舍 , highpitched (adj.) : steep in slope said of roofs)(屋顶)坡度陡的 , dingy (adj.) : dirty-colored;not bright or clean;grimy不干净的;不明亮的;弄脏的 , clapboard (n.) : a thin,narrow board with one edge thicker than the other,used as siding护墙板,隔板 , preposterous (adj.) : so contrary to nature,reason, or common sense as to be laughable;absurd;ridiculous反常的;乖戾 12 高级英语第二册词汇 的;十分荒谬的;愚蠢的 , pier (n.) : a heavy column,usually square. used to support weight,as at the end of an arch角柱;支柱 , cemetery (n.) : a place for the burial of the dead;graveyard公墓,墓地;坟场 , swinish (adj.) : of or like a swine;beastly;piggish;coarse,etc(猪(似)的;鄙贱的;粗俗的 , perpendicular (adj.) : exactly upright;vertical. straight up or down垂直的;矗立的 , precarious (adj.) : uncertain;insecure;risky不稳定的;不安全的;危险的 , eczematous (adj.) : of itching skin disease湿疹的 , patina (n.) : a fine crust or film on bronze or copper(usually green or greenish—blue,formed by natural oxidation and often valued as being ornamental(青铜器上的)绿锈 , uremia (n.) : a toxic condition caused by the presence in the blood of waste produts normally eliminated in the urine and resulting from a failure of the kidneys to secrete urine尿毒症 , loathsome (adj.) : causing loathing;disgusting;abhorrent;detestable讨厌的;厌恶的;令人作呕的 , laborious (adj.) : involving much hard work;difficult. industrious;hard—working费力的;困难的;勤劳的;辛苦的 , incessant (adj.) : never ceasing;continuing or being repeated without stopping or in a way that seems endless:constant 不停的,连续的;不间断的 , decompose (v.) : break up or separate into basic components or parts;rot分解;(使)腐烂,(使)腐败 , forsake (v.) : give up;renounce(a habit,idea,etc();leave;abandon抛弃,放弃(思想、习惯等);遗弃;背弃 , malarious (adj.) : of fever conveyed by mosquitoes疟疾的;空气污浊的 , hamlet (n.) : a very small village小村庄 , incomparable (adj.) : no beyond comparison;unequalled;matchless无与伦比的,举世无双的;无敌的,无比的 , titanic (adj.) : of great size,strength,or power巨大的;力大无比的;有极大权力的 , aberrant (adj.) : turning away from what is right,true,etc(:deviating from what is normal or typical与正确或真实情 况相背的;偏离常规的;反常的 , uncompromising (adj.) : not compromising or yielding;firm;inflexiable;determined不妥协的;坚定的; , inimical (adj.) : 1ike an enemy;hostile;unfriendly;adverse;unfavorable敌对的;不友好的;相反的;不利的 , ingenuity (n.) : cleverness,originality,skill,etc(机智;创造力,独创性;熟练 , grotesquery (n.) : the quality or state of being grotesque奇形怪状;怪诞 , retrospect (n.) : a looking back on or thinking about things past;contemplation or survey of the past回顾,回想;追溯 , diabolical (adj.) : of the devil or devils;fiendish恶魔的;残忍的,凶暴的 , concoct (v.) : devise,invent,or plan计划,策划;虚构,编造 , insensate (adj.) : not feeling,or not capable of feeling,sensation无感觉的,无知觉的 , brute (n.) : an animal;a person who is brutal or very stupid,gross,sensual,etc(畜生;笨蛋,粗野的人 , abomination (adj.) : great hatred,and disgust;anything hateful and disgusting憎恨,厌恶;令人讨厌的东西 , putrid (adj.) : decomposing;rotten and foul—smelling腐烂的,腐败的 , deface (v.) : spoil the appearance of;disfigure;mar损坏„的外表;丑化 , inadvertence (n.) : the quality of being inadvertent;oversight;mistake掉以轻心,粗心大意;疏漏;错误 , obscene (adj.) : offensive to one’s feelings,or to prevailing notions,of modesty of decency;lewd;disgusting猥亵的;诲 淫的;可憎的 , unfathomable (adj.) : which cannot be understood;which cannot be reached不可理解的;深不可测的 , enigmatical (adj.) : of or like an enigma;perplexing;baffling谜一般的,谜似的;不可思议的,费解的 , dogmatic (adj.) : of or like dogma;doctrinal教条(主义)的;教义的 , edifice (n.) : a building,esp(a large,imposing one建筑物;尤指大型建筑物,大厦 , depravity (n.) : a depraved condition;corruption;wickedness堕落,腐化,腐败 , penthouse (n.) : a small structure,esp(one with a sloping roof,attached to a larger building小棚屋,(尤指靠在大楼边 上搭的)披屋 , lust (n.) : a desire to gratify the senses;bodily appetite欲望;贪欲 13 高级英语第二册词汇 , etiology (n.) : the assignment of a cause,or the cause assignment本源,原因(的说明) , pathological (adj.) : of pathology;of or concerned with diseases病理学的;病理上的 短语 (Expressions) border upon : to be like;almost be相近,类似 例: His emotion is bordering upon hysteria(他的情绪接近歇斯底里。 put down„to : tbe attribute to归因于 例: I put Jane’s moodiness down to the stress she was under(我认为简由于所承受的压力而闷闷不乐。 Lesson Eight The Worker as Creator or Machine 词汇(Vocabulary) , cathedral (n.) : any large,imposing church主教座堂,主教大堂;大教堂 , peak (n.) : the highest or utmost point of anything;height; maximum最高点,顶点;最高值 , lucid (adj.) : clear to the mind;readily understood易懂的;明白的 , ulterior (adj.) : beyond what is exprssed,implied,or evident;undisclosed隐蔽的;秘而不宣的 , prosecution (n.) : act of prosecuting彻底进行;执行;实行 , infuse (v.) : put(quality,idea,etc()into,as if by pouring;instill;impart逐渐灌输(思想品德等);把„传授给 , protestant (adj.) : of any of the Christian churches as a result of the Reformation新教(徒)的;基督教(徒)的 , obsess (v.) : haunt or trouble in mind,esp. to an abnormal degree;preoccupy deeply使分心;使心神困扰(尤指精神 反常,着迷) , subdue (v.) : bring into subjection;conquer;vanquish使屈服,征服 , asceticism (n.) : the practice or way of life of an ascetic苦行(主义);禁欲(主义) , succinct (adj.) : clearly and briefly stated;terse简明的;简短的 , stultify (v.)( : make seem foolish,stupid,inconsistent,etc(;make absurd or ridiculous使显得愚蠢(可笑) , devoid (adj.) : completely not having;empty or destitute完全没有的;无(或缺乏的) , premium (n.) : a reward or prize,esp. one offered free or at a special。low price as an additional amount paid or charged奖品,奖赏,尤指奖金 , slovenly (adj.) : of characteristic of a sloven马虎(或懒散)成性的 , slowdown (n.) : slowing down,as of production(生产等的)减退;怠工 , manipulation (n.) : skillful handling or operation:artful management or control,etc(操作;操纵;处理;熟练的;操作; 巧妙的管理(或控制) , psyche (n.) : the human soul;the mind灵魂;心灵;精神 , psychiatrist (n.) : expert in psychiatry精神病专家 , routinize (v.) : make routine;reduce to a routine使成常规;使习惯于常规 , spontaneity (n.) : the state or quality of being spontaneous自发性;自发的情况 , deep—seated (adj.) : deep—rooted;firmly established根深蒂固的 , gadget (n.) : any small,esp. mechanical contrivance or device(尤指机械装置的)小发明 , cereal (n.) : any grain used for food,as wheat,oats,rice,etc(谷类 , toaster (n.) : any of various utensils or appliances for toasting bread烤箱;烤炉 , drudgery (n.) : work that is hard,menial,or tiresome单调乏味的工作;苦干 , bliss (n.) : great joy or happiness极大的欢乐(或幸福) , knob (n.) : a handle,usually round,of a door,drawer,etc((门、抽屉等的)球形把手 , craving (n.) : an intense and prolonged desire;yearning or appetite,as for food,drink,etc.渴望,热望;(对饮食)急欲 , fraudulency (n.) : deceit;trickery;cheating欺诈;欺骗 , intoxication (n.) : intoxicating or becoming intoxicated;a feeling of wild excitement;rapture;frenzy醉,喝醉;陶醉, 极度兴奋,欣喜若狂 , fleeting (adj.) : passing swiftly;not lasting疾驰的,疾逝的;短暂的 14 高级英语第二册词汇 短语 (Expressions) be obsessed by,with : If one is obsessed by,wisth(or sb.,he thinks about them all the time and cannot think of anything else.被„占据心思 例: He has always been obsessed by,with fear of unemployment. 他总是被失业的恐惧所困扰。 devoid of : completely lacking in;empty of没有,无 例: Mr(Wilson is a man totally devoid of aU humor(威尔逊先生是一个完全没有幽默感的人。 put,place a premium on: make it advantageous for sb((to behave in a certain way,to do sth.)诱发;鼓励(某行为,行动) 例: Work paid according to the amount done puts,places a premi-am on speed and not on quality(按件付酬导致看重速度而不看重质量。 be indicative of : be a clear sign that a particular situation exists or that sth(is likely to be true表示 例: He believes that the report is indicative of a new economic growth(他相信报告预示了一轮新的经济增长。 in the naIne of : with the authority of;in the cause of以„的名义,凭„的权威,为„的缘故 例: They carried out such cruel experiments on animals in tlle name of science(他们以科学的名义在动物身上进行如此残忍的实验 pay off : yield full recompense or retum,for either good or evil全部还清 例: They must pay off their creditors(他们必须偿还他们债权人的债务( rest upon,on : depend on orbe based on sth(依赖,基于 例: His conclusion rested upon the information that he collected(他的结论是基于他所收集的信息得出的。 set,put sth.in motion : cause sth(to start moving or work使某物开始转动或工作 例: Pull this handle upward to set the machine in motion(把这个手柄向上拉,启动机器。 Lesson Nine The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas 词汇(Vocabulary) , rigging(n):tackle,esp the chains,ropes,etc.,used for supporting and working in the masts,sails,yards,of a vessel索具 , decorous (adj.) : characterized by or showing decorum, propriety,good taste,etc.有礼貌的,正派的;有教养的,高雅的 , mauve (n.) : any of several shades or delicate purple淡紫色 , tambourine (n.) : a shallow,single—headed hand drum having jingling metal disks in the rim(鼓框周围装有金属片 的)铃鼓;小手鼓 , dodge (v.) : move or twist quickly aside;shift suddenly,as to avoid a blow闪开,躲闪,躲避 , lithe (adj.) : bending easily;flexible;supple;limber;lissome柔软的;易弯曲的 , gear (n.) : a harness马具,挽具 , halter (n.) : a rope,cord,strap,etc(,usually with a headstall(for tying or leading an animal;a bitless headstall,with or without a lead rope缰绳;(马)笼头 , mane (n.) : the long hair growing from the top or sides of the neck of certain animals,as the horse,lion,etc. (马、狮等 的)鬃毛 , braid (v.) : interweave three or more strands of(hair,straw,etc()编织(毛发、草等) , nostril(n.) : either of the external openings of the nose鼻孔 , prance (v.) :(said of a horse)rise up on the hind legs in a lively way,esp.while moving along(马)后足立地腾跃 , archaic (adj.) : antiquated;old-fashioned;ancient陈旧的,过时的,老式的;古代的 , stallion (n.) : an uncastrated male horse,esp. one used as a stud未经阉割的雄马(尤指种马) , barbarian (n.) : member of a people or group with a civilization regarded as primitive,savage,etc(原始人,野蛮人,未 开化的人 , dulcet (adj.) : sweet—sounding;pleasant;calming悦耳的;好看的;使人感到舒服的 , utopian (n.) : a person who believes m a utopia,esp. of a social or political nature;visionary空想家;空想社会主义者 , treason (n.) : betrayal of trust or faith;betrayal of one’s country背信弃义;判国行为;通敌 15 高级英语第二册词汇 , banal (adj.) :dull or stale as because of overuse;trite; hackneyed;commonplace陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的banality n. , exuberance (n.) : the state or quality of being exuberant;great abundance;luxuriance繁茂;茂盛;丰富,充裕 , puritanical (adj.) : of the Puritans;extremely or excessively strict In matters of morals and religion清教徒的;宗教(或 道德上)极端拘谨的 , languor (n.) : a lack of vigor or vitality;weakness:indifference;lethargy倦怠;衰弱无力;漠不关心 , arcane (adj.) : hidden or secret深奥的;秘密的;神秘的 , magnanimous (adj.) : noble in mind;high-souled:generous in overlooking injury or insult;rising above pettiness or meanness宽宏大量的;品德高尚的 , provisioner (n.) : the person who supplies with provisions,esp. with a stock of food粮食供应者 , amiable (adj.) : having a pleasant and friendly disposition;good-natured悦人的,友善的;温柔的 , sticky (adj. [colloq.]) : overly sentimental;maudlin:adhesive[口]感情脆弱的;爱哭的;粘的 , benign (adj.) : good—natured;kindly性善的;仁慈的;宽厚的 , pastry (n.) : flour dough or paste made with shortening and used for the crust of pies,tarts,etc(:foods made with this 制作糕点用的生面团;面制糕点 , rapt (adj.) : completely absorbed or engrossed(in meditation,study,etc()(思考、学习等)全神贯注的 , imperious (adj.) : overbearing;arrogant;urgent;imperative傲慢的;专横的;紧急的;迫切的 , neigh (v.) : utter the loud,characteristic cry of a horse:whinny(马)嘶;发马嘶般的声音 , seep (v.) : 1eak,drip,or flow out slowly through small openings or pores;ooze渗出;渗漏 , cobweb (v.) : cover with or as with the web spun by a spider使布满蛛网(或蛛网状物) , defective (adj.) : having a defect or defects;imperfect;faulty有缺陷的,有缺点的 , imbecile (n.) : showing feeble intellect;foolish or stupid极愚蠢的;愚笨的;低能的 , malnutrition (n.) : faulty or inadequate nutrition;poor nourishment resulting from insufficient food.improper diet,etc(营养不良;营养失调 , fumble (v.) : make(one’s way)clumsily or by groping;handle(a thing)clumsily or unskillfully摸索行进;笨拙地做事 , genitals (n.) : the reproductive organs生殖器 , hunch (v.) : sit or stand with the back arched弓背弯腰地坐(或站立) , rattle (v.) : make a series of sharp,short sounds m quick succession发出嘎嘎声 , whine (v.) : utter a peevish,high—pitched. somewhat nasal sound,as in complaint,distress,fear,etc.;cmplain or beg in a childishly undignified way,as with a whine哭诉,哀诉;呜咽;发牢骚,抱怨 , buttocks (n.) : the rump屁股,臀部 , fester (v.) : form pus;ulcerate;decay生疮,化脓;溃烂,腐烂 , excrement (n.) : waste,matter from the bowels:feces排泄物;粪(便) , impotence (n.) : the quality or condition of being impotent,weak无力,虚弱,衰弱 , paradox (n.) :a statement that is self—contradictory in fact and,hence,false;a person,situation,act,etc(that seems to have contradictory or inconsistent qualities自相矛盾的话(或事);充满矛盾的人(或事) , uncouth (adj.) : uncultured;crude;boorish;awkward不文明的;粗鲁的;笨拙的 , vapid (adj.) :tasteless;flavorless;flat;dull;boring乏味的;枯燥的;无趣味的 , poignant (adj.) :emotionally touching or moving深深打动人心的,poignancy n , snivel (v.) :cry and sniffle;have mucus running from the nose啜泣,抽噎;流鼻涕 短语 (Expressions) far off : far a way在远处 例: Far off to the edge of cliff stood aIl eagle(远处,在悬崖在边缘站着一只老鹰。 rise to the occasion : show that one is equal to what needs to be done 显出具有应付特殊事故的能力,应付自如 例: this system is designed in such a way that it can rise to the occasion.这个系统被设计成这个样子,就是为了使它能随机应变。 in communion with : have a special relationship with sth(in which one feels that he undemtands it very well与„„有 16 高级英语第二册词汇 交流,与„„有联络,有共同利害关系 brood on,over(sth.) : think about(troubles,etc()for a long time 沉思,忧思 例: He lay in t王1e shade of the tree broodjng over whether life was wonll living.他躺在树荫下沉思人生是否值得活下去。 Lesson Ten The Sad Young Men 词汇(Vocabulary) nostalgic (adj.) : looking for something far away or long ago or for former happy circumstance怀旧的 illicit (adj.) : not allowed by law,custom,rule,etc(:unlawful;prohibited违法的,违禁的,非法的 thrill (n.) : tremor of excitement(一阵)激动 speakeasy (n.) : [slang]a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally,esp. such a place in the U(S(during Prohibition[俚](美国禁酒期的)非法的酒店 denunciation (n.) : the act of denouncing控告;指责,斥责 amour (n.) : a love affair,esp. of an illicit or secret nature 恋情;(尤指)不正当的男女关系 sedan (n.) : an enclosed automobile with two or four doors(and two wide seats(front and rear(两扇或四扇门、双排座的)轿车 naughty (adj.) : improper,obscene不得体的;猥亵的 jazzy (adj.) : (a party)playing jazz music(舞会)放爵士音乐的 flask—toting (adj.) :always carrying a small flask filled with whisky or other strong liquor身带烈性酒的 sheik (n.) : (Americanism)a masterful man to whom women are supposed to be irresistably attracted[美国语](能使女子倾心的)美男子 vagary (n.) : an odd,eccentric,or unexpected action or bit of conduct古怪行径;难以预测的行为 flapper (n.) : [colloq(](in the 1920’s)a young woman considered bold and unconventional in actions and dress [口](在20世纪20年代被认为)举止与衣着不受传统拘束的年轻女子,轻佻女郎 perspective (n.) : a specific point of view in understanding or judging things or events,esp. one that shows them in their true relations to one another正确理解或判断事物相互关系的能力 jazzmad (adj.) : blindly and foolishly fond of jazz music爵士乐狂 aftermath (n.) : a result or consequence,esp. an unpleasant one结果,后果(尤指令人不愉快的后果) provincial (adj.) : narrow,limited like that of rural provinces狭窄的;偏狭的;地方性的 gentility (n.) : he quality of being genteel;now,specifically,excessive or affected refinement and elegance有教养,斯文,温文尔雅;(现尤指)假装文雅,假装斯文 aggressiveness (n.) : bold and energetic pursuit of one’s end,enterprise有进取心,进取精神 bustle (v.) : hurry busily or with much fuss and bother繁忙,奔忙 medium (n.) : environment环境 catalytic (adj.) : acting as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result起催化作用的;起刺激作用的 precipitate (v.) : throw headlong;cause to happen before expected,needed;bring on猛抛,猛投;突然发生;促使 obsolescent (adj.) : in the process of becoming obsolete即将过时的;逐渐被废弃的 mores (n.) : customs,esp. the fixed or traditional customs of a society,often acquiring the force of law习俗 sophistication (n.) : the state of being artificial,worldly—wise,urbane,etc(老于世故 faddishness (n.) : the following of fads赶时髦,赶时尚 hectic (adj.) : characterized by excitement,rush,confusion,etc(兴奋的;忙乱的;混乱的 gaiety (n.) : cheerfulness;the state of being gay高兴,快乐 perversion (n.) : a perverting or being perverted;corruption走入邪路;堕落;败坏 Prohibition (n.) : the forbidding by law of the manufacture,transportation,and sale of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes;specifically in the U(S(,the period(1920—1933)of prohibition by Federal law(特指美国20~30年代的)禁酒法令 17 高级英语第二册词汇 orgy (n.) : any wild riotous licentious merry—making;debauchery纵酒饮乐;狂欢 spree (n.) : a lively,noisy frolic狂欢,纵乐 reveler (n.) : a person who makes merry or is noisily festive狂欢者,狂宴者 sober (v.) : make or become serious,solemn变清醒;变严肃 prolong (v.) : lengthen or extend in time or space延长;拖长;使持久 stalemate (n.) : any unresolved situation in which further action is impossible or useless;deadlock僵持;困境 insolence (n.) : being boldly disrespectful in speech—or behavior;impudence(言行)无礼,鲁莽;傲慢 belligerent (adj.) : at war;of war处于交战状态的;战争的 adventurousness (n.) : being fond of adventure;willingness to take chances喜欢冒险;大胆 strenuous (adj.) : vigorous,arduous, zealous,etc(奋发的;使劲的 jingoism (n.) : chauvinism characterized by an aggressive。threatening,warlike foreign policy侵略主义,沙文主义 fracas (n.) : a noisy fight 0r loud quarrel;brawl大声吵架;打闹 infantry (n.) : foot soldiers collectively;esp. that branch of an army consisting of soldiers trained and equipped to fight chiefly on foot步兵;(尤指)步兵部队 harass (v.) : trouble,worry(or torment,as with cares, debts,repeated questions,etc(使烦恼(或困忧),折磨 sergeant (n.) : noncommissioned officer of the fifth grade(ranking above a corporal and below a staff sergeant in the U(S(Army and Marine Corps;generally. any of the noncommissioned officers in the U(S(armed forces with sergeant as part of the title of their rank中士;军士 draft (n.) : the choosing or taking of an individual or individuals from a group for some special purpose,esp. for compulsory military service征兵:挑选 carnival (n.) : a reveling or time of revelry;festivity; merrymaking狂欢,尽情作乐 contingent (n.) : a share, proportion,or quota,as of troops(ships。laborers,delegates,etc(小分队,分遣部队 bombast (n.) : talk or writing that sounds grand or important but has little meaning;pompous language词藻华丽而空洞无物的淡话(或文章);夸大的语言 recession (n.) : a temporary falling off()f business activity during a period when such activity has been generally increasing商业暂时衰退现象;萧条 whip up : rouse,excite激起 outmoded (adj.) : no longer in fashion or accepted;obsoletc 旧式的;过时的;废弃了的 sodden (adj.) : dull or stupefied,as from overindulgence in liquor(因沉迷于酒而变得)迟钝的,麻木的 dubious (adj.) : rousing suspicion;feeling doubt;skeptical引起怀疑的;感到怀疑的;怀疑的 flout (n.) : be scornful;show contempt;jeer;scoff轻蔑,藐视;嘲弄;侮辱 conflagration (n.) : a big, destructive fire(毁灭性的)大火(大火灾 fast (adj.) : living in a reckless, wild, dissipated way放汤的,放纵的 pulpit (n.) : preachers collectively教士们 vulgar (adj.) : common to the great mass of people in general:common;popular普通的,一般的;流行的 avid (adj.) : having an intense desire or craving;greedy渴望的,热望的;贪婪的 susceptible (adj.) : easily affected emotionally;having a sensitive nature of feelings易被感动的;易受影响的;敏感的 diatribe (n.) : a bitter,abusive criticism or denunciation 谩骂;讽刺;诽谤 grandiose (adj.) :having grandeur or magnificence imposing;impressive雄伟的;壮观的;庄严的;给人深刻印象的 ally (v.) :come bark to normal strength;revive恢复;复元 burden (n.) : central idea;theme主题;重点,要点 adjunct (n.) :a thing added to something else; a person connected with another as a helper or subordinate associate附属物,附加物;帮手,助手 incompetent (n.) :a person who is completely incapable无能力者,不能胜任者 expatriate (v.) : withdraw (oneself) from one’s nativeland or from allegiance to it(使自己)移居国外,放弃原国籍 denominator (n.) :a shared characteristic共同特性,共性 18 高级英语第二册词汇 iconoclastic: opposing to the religious use of images or advocating the destruction of such images反对崇拜偶像的 sterile (adj.) : barren;unfruitful贫瘠的,不长庄稼的;无成效的 flay (v.) :criticize or scold mercilessly严厉斥责;怒骂 短语 (Expressions) drugstore cowboy : a young man who hangs around drugstores and other public places trying to impress women在杂货店和其他公共场所徘徊试图打动女人的年轻男人 例: You don’t see the old drugstore cowboys around this part of town anymore(在这个镇的这片地方你再也看不到以往那些杂货店牛仔了。 see sth.in perspective : view or judge things in a way that show their true relations to one another以联系的观点正确地看待或判断事物 例: We should see these events in perspective(我们应该注意这些事件间的本质联系以正确评价它们。 precipitate sb.,sth:into sth.: thrust violently into(a condition)使突然陷入某种状态 例: precipitate the country into war使国家突然陷人战争 sober up : to free from drunkenness;become not drunk变清醒 例: Put him t0 bed until he sobers up(送他上床等他清醒过来。 whip up : rouse;excite煽动,激起 例: whip up the mob煽动暴民,whip up enthusiasm激起热情 keep up with the Joneses : compete with one’s neighbors.etc.(in the purchase 0f articles,e.g.clothes,a car,indicating social status)和琼斯一家人比(在购买物品如衣物、汽车等方面与邻人等相比以示社会地位),与他人攀比 common denominator : a commonly shared theme or trait共同点,共同特色 例: All these accidents have a comnlon denominator that they are related with drunk driving(所有这些事故的共同点是它们都与酒后驾车有关。 write off : drop from consideration看不起,认为无价值 例: We’Ve written the project ofr as a nonstarter(我们认为这个项目毫无成功的希望,已经对它不予以考虑了。 Lesson Eleven The Future of The English 词汇(Vocabulary) , cosmopolitan (adj.) : common to or representative of all or many parts of the world;not national or local世界性的;不 限于国家或地区范围的 , rally (n.) : a gathering of people for a common purpose;mass meeting(群众性)集会 , scuffle (n.) : a rough,confused fight;close,haphazard struggle扭打;混战 , fanatical (adj.) : unreasonably enthusiastic;overly zealous狂热的,过分热衷的 , snarl (v.) : speak harshly and sharply,as in anger,impatience,etc(怒吼,咆哮 , shop steward : a person chosen by his fellow trade unionists in an industrial establishment to speak for them to the management and to watch over their interest(资本主义国家中工人选的)工人代表 , accelerate (v.) : cause to develop or progress more quickly加快,促进 , alien (adj.) : opposed or repugnant相反的;不相容的;格格不入的 , cosy (adj.) : smallish but comfortable and relaxing舒适的,安逸的 , razor—keen (adj.) : as sharp as a razor;[fig(]very smart and shrewd犀如剃刀的;[喻]伶俐能干的 , impoverish (v.) : make poor;reduce to poverty使贫困,使处于贫困 , subsidy (n.) : a grant of money from the government or society,etc(补助金;津贴 , poster (n.) : a relatively large printed card or sheet of paper,often illustrated,posted to advertise or publicize something海报;张贴的大幅广告 , advocate (n.) : a person who speaks or writes in support of something提倡者;拥护者 , overdraft (n.) : a withdrawal of money from a bank in excess of the amount credited to the drawer透支 , caper (n.) : a wild,foolish action or prank嬉戏,玩笑,把戏 19 高级英语第二册词汇 , advert (n.) : advertisement的缩略 , bicker (n.) : have a petty quarrel;squabble(为琐事)争吵,口角 , recoil (v.) : draw back,stagger back;retreat撤退,后退,退回 , anomalous (adj.) : deviating from the regular arrangement,general rule,or usual method;abnormal反常的,异常的;破 格的,破例的 , syndicalism (n.) : theory and movement of trade unionism in which all means of production and distribution would be brought under the control of federations of labor unions by the use of direct action,such as general strikes工团主 义;工联主义 , hippopotamus (n.) : one of several large,plant—eating mammals,with a heavy,thick—skinned,almost hairless body and short legs,which lives chiefly in or near rivers in Africa河马 , fraud (n.) : deceit;trickery;cheating;a person who deceives欺骗,欺诈;骗子 , crusty (adj.) : rudely abrupt or surly in speech and manner;bad—tempered(言行)粗鲁的,粗暴的;脾气坏的 , articulate (adj.) : expressing oneself easily and clearly表达力强的 , counterculture (n.) : the culture of many young people of the 1 960’s and 1 970’s manifested by a life style that is opposed to the prevailing culture反主流文化 , swagger (v.) : boast,brag,or show off in a loud,superior manner自夸,吹牛 , integrity (n.) : uprightness,honesty,and sincerity正直,诚实,真诚 , sloppy (adj.) : careless;slovenly or messy粗心的;不整洁的 , inept (adj.) : incompetent;unfit;out 0f place不称职的;不相宜的;不恰当的 , shiftless (adj.) : incapable,inefficient,lazy无能的;无效率的;懒惰的 , slovenly (adj.) : careless in appearance, habits,work,etc(不整洁的;疏忽的;马虎的 , messy (adj.) : untidy,disorderly,dirty,etc(凌乱的; 混乱的;脏的 , slop around : loaf around闲荡,闲逛 , skimp (v.) : do poorly or carelessly马虎从事;草率从事 , scrounge (n.) : take without permission;pilfer;beg擅取;偷窃;乞讨 , booze (v.) : drink too much alcoholic liquor狂饮,痛饮 , vandalism (n.) : the actions or attitudes of the Vandals or of a vandal;malicious or ignorant destruction of public or private property,esp. of that which is beautiful or artistic 汪达尔人的行为或作风;破坏文化艺术品的行为 , pilfer (v.) : steal(esp. small sums or petty objects);filch偷窃;尤指小偷小摸 , damnation (n.) : a damning or being damned诅咒;谴责 , apathy (n.) : 1ack of emotion;indifference无情,感情淡漠;冷漠,漠不关心 , squabble (v.) : quarrel noisily over a small matter:wrangle(为琐事)争吵。口角 , repertory : a theatre in which a permanent acting company prepares several productions for a season and keeps alternating them in limited runs由固定剧团定期换演剧目的剧场;拥有大量常备剧目的戏院 , farce (n.) : an exaggerated comedy based on broadly humorous,highly unlikely situations笑剧,闹剧,滑稽戏 , demagogue (n.) : a person who tries to stir up the people by appeals to emotion,prejudice,etc(,in order to win them over quickly and so gain power煽动者,鼓动者 , frivolous (adj.) : not properly serious or sensible:silly and light—minded;giddy轻薄的;轻浮的;肤浅的 , myopic (adj.) : short—sighted近视的;缺乏远见的 , sulks (n.) : a sulky mood or state愠怒的样子(或状态) , bowler (n.) : a man’s round hard hat,usually black圆顶硬呢帽(常为黑色) 短语 (Expressions) draw on : take or USe as a source利用,凭,靠 例: If newspapermen cannot get facts for their stories,they some-times draws on t11eir imaginations(如果记者们采访不到事实真相来写报道,他们有时就凭想像力去编造。 20 高级英语第二册词汇 shop steward : a union member elected to represent coworkers in dealings with management工会管事,工人代表 safe to say : 英)If it is safe to say something,it may be said with-out exaggeration or falsehood(可以肯定(保险)地说 例: Whether he call get a high score in the exam,it is safe to say that he will pass it(不管他在考试中能不能拿到高分,但是可以肯定地说他能通过这项考试。 out of scale : out of proportion不成比例,不相称 例: The dog’s head is out of scale in this painting(在这幅画中这只狗的头与它身体的其他部分不成比例。 keep clear of sth.: avoid or refrain from stll(避开,离着 例: Keep clear of that area!不要去那个地方! state of mind : a particular mental or emotional condition such as be(ing in a state of bliss,in a state of depression,in a state of despair,etc.心境,思想(精神)状态 例: This is just a state of mind,not a reality(这只是一种心情而不是现实。 shrug off : (英)dismiss something as not deserving one’s attention耸肩对„„表示不理,不屑一顾,一笑置之 例: Don’t take it for granted that you can shrug off this responsi-bility!不要想当然地以为你可以置这个责任于不顾! sweat one’s guts out : work very hard拼命干 例: He sweated his guts out and bought himself a Car near the end of the summer(他拼命地工作,在夏天决结束时给自己买了一辆车。 pay packet: an envelope containing your wages:the amount of money someone earns(附工资及工资单的)工资袋,薪水 fall between two stools : be neither one type of thing nor another(or be unable to choose between two ways of doing something两头落空,两边都不讨好,由于犹豫而误事 例: The movie fails between two stools--it’s neither a thriller nor a comedy.这部影片两头都落了空——既不是惊险片也不是喜剧片。 chop logic : argue in a hairsplitting(吹毛求疵的)way强词夺理 例: Don’t chop logic!You are wrong anyway.不要强词夺理了!不管怎么说,是你错了。 repertory company: a company that presents and performs a number of different plays or other works during a season,usually in ahemation.定期换演剧目的剧团 Lesson Twelve The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American 词汇(Vocabulary) , controversial (adj.) : stirring up controversy;debatable引起争论的 , motley (adj.): of many colors or patches of color;having or composed of many different or clashing elements:heterogeneous杂色的;斑杂的;混杂的,杂乱的 , identity (n.) : the condition or fact of being a specific person or thing;individuality个性;个人的特征 , prop (n.) : a rigid support,as a beam,stake,or pole,placed under or against a structure or part支柱;支持物;撑材 , alabaster (n.) : a translucent,whitish,fine—grained variety of gypsum,used for statues,vases,etc(雪花石膏 , cadence (n.) : inflection or modulation in tone;any rhythmic flow of sound声音的抑扬顿挫;声调;节奏 , pickaninny (n.) : (a negro child黑人小孩 , cripple (v.) : frustrate,hinder;make unable or unfit to act,function effectively,etc(使损伤;使丧失活动能力;使失去战 斗力;削弱 , breakthrough (n.) : a strikingly important advance or discovery in any field of knowledge or activity突破;重大发现; , skirmish (n.) : a brief fight or encounter between small groups,usually an incident of a battle:any slight。unimportant conflict;brush小规模战斗;小冲突 , rung (n.) : any of the crosspieces constituting the steps of a ladder梯级 , lukewarm (n.) : (of liquids,etc()barely or moderately warm(液体等)微温的 , paradox (n.) : a statement that seems contradictory, unbelievable(or absurd but that may actually be true in fact反论 , paranoia (n.) : a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions,as of grandeur,or,esp. ,persecution,often, except in a schizophrenic state,with an otherwise relatively intact personality妄想狂;偏执狂 21 高级英语第二册词汇 , accessible (adj.) : easy to approach or enter易接近的;易进去的 , pocket (n.) : a small area or group of a specified type小块地区;凹地;小圈子 , pimp (n.) : one who is an agent for a prostitute or prostitutes and lives off their earnings;procurer拉皮条的人;为妓女 拉客的人;妓院老板 , perpetual (adj.) : continuing indefinitely without interruption:unceasing;constant不断的;重复不停的 , preconception (n.) : bias or prejudice偏见 , terrace (n.) : an unroofed paved area,immediately adjacent to a house,etc(露天平台;阳台 , corny (adj. [cloolq.]) : unsophisticated,old—fashioned,trite,banal,sentimental,etc(过时的;陈腐的 , sojourn (n.) : a brief 0r temporary stay;visit旅居;短期访问 , incorrigible (adj.) : not corrigible;that cannot be corrected。improved,or reformed,esp. because firmly established, as a habit不可救药的;难以纠正的;根深蒂固的 , efface (v.) : rub out,as from a surface;erase;wipe out;obliterate(从表面)擦掉,擦去,抹去;消除(痕迹) , fathom (v.) : measure the depth of;get to the bottom of; understand thoroughly测深;追根究底;弄清„的真相 , unprecedented (adj.) : having no precedent or parallel;unheard—of;novel前所未有的;无前例的;新奇的 , compulsive (adj.) : of,having to do with,or resulting from compulsion强迫的;有强迫力的 , taboo (n.) : any social prohibition or restriction that results from convention or tradition(社会习俗或传统习惯方面 的)禁忌;避讳 , sustenance (n.) : that which sustains life;nourishment;food食物;营养物 , inexorable (adj.) : that cannot be moved or influenced by persuasion or entreaty;unrelenting不退让的,不屈不挠的; , sorely (adv.) : urgently;greatly;extremely迫切地;极其;非常 , wed (v.) : unite or join closely密切结合 , arm (n.) : any combatant branch of the military forces兵种;军种 , intangible (adj.) : that cannot be easily defined,formulated,or grasped;vague难以确定(或捉摸)的;模糊的;不明确的 短语 (Expressions) at bottom : fundamentally,actually根本上,实际上 例: At bottom I don’t trust him(实际上我并不信任他。 in nigllt(from) : escaping from逃避,逃开 例: She has to face what she is always in flight from now(她现在必须面对自己一直在逃避的事情了。 in reHef : in sharp contrast浮雕一般,鲜明地,显著地 例: The peaks stood out in bold relief against the azure sky(在蓝天的映衬下,山峰的轮廓极为明显。 be borne in on,upon sb.: if a fact is borne in 0n someone,they re-alize that it is tree(事实等)为人所认识的 例: It was borne in on us how close we had been to disaster(我们已认识到灾难迫在眉睫。 Lesson Thirteen In Favor of Capital Punishment 词汇(Vocabulary) , capital (adj.) : involving or punishable by death(originally by decapitation)(罪恶等可处)死刑的(原指可斩首的) , sheaf (n.) : a collection of things gathered together;bundle,as of papers(书等的)一捆 , reproachful (adj.) : full of or expressing reproach,or blame,censure,etc(责备的;应受斥责的;可耻的 , rapist (n.) : a person who has committed rape强奸犯 , psychiatry (n.) : the branch of medicine concerned with the study, treatment,and prevention of disorders of the mind,including psychoses and neuroses,emotional and social maladjustments,etc(精神病学 , assemblage (n.) : bringing or coming together;assembly集合,会合 , conviction (n.) : firm or assured belief深信,确信;信服 , airtight (adj.) : giving no opening for attack;invulnerable无懈可击的;天衣无缝的 , frivolity (n.) : the quality or condition of being frivolous轻率;轻浮;无聊 , sanguinary (adj.) : eager for bloodshed;bloodthirsty嗜血成性的;好杀戮的 22 高级英语第二册词汇 , concede (v.) : admit as true or valid;acknowledge承认;认以为真 , outset (n.) : setting out;beginning;start开端;开始,起初 , harrowing (adj.) : which causes mental distress to;agonizingly painful to the feelings精神痛苦的;烦恼的 , barbarity (n.) : cruel or brutal behavior;inhumanity残暴,野蛮 , homicide (n.) : any killing of one human being by another杀人 , threshold (n.) : the entrance or beginning point of something入门;开始,开端 , deter (v.) : keep or discourage(a person)from doing something by instilling fear,anxiety,doubt,etc(阻拦;制止;吓住 , sanctity (n.) : saintliness or holiness;the fact or being sacred or inviolable神圣,圣洁;不可侵犯性 , proposition (n.) : the act of proposing;something proposed;proposal提议,建议;提案;计划 , vindictive (adj.):revengeful in sprat;inclined to seek vengeance;characterized by vengeance有报复心的;志在复仇的; , presumptive (adj.) : giving reasonable ground for;belief;based on probability可据以推定的;假定的 , obsessive (adj.) : of causing an obsession or obsessions分神的;被„缠住的 , egotist (n.) : a person characterized by egotism自我中心主义者;利己主义者 , infallible (adj.) : incapable of error;dependable;reliable;sure不会犯错误的;可信赖的;确实可靠的 , qualm (n.) : a sudden feeling of uneasiness 0r doubt;misgiving疑虑;不安 , invoke (v.) : ask solemnly for;beg for;implore;entreat恳求,乞求,请求 , notwithstanding (prep.) : in spite of尽管 , cutthroat (n.) : a person who cuts throat;murderer凶手;谋杀者 , poker (n.) : a bar(usually of iron,for stirring a fire拨火棒;火钳 , marksman (n.) : a person who shoots,esp. one who shoots well射手(尤指神枪手) , euthanasia (n.) : an easy and painless death安乐死 , forfeit (v.) : lose,give up,or be deprived of as a forfeit for some crime,fault,etc((因犯罪、过失、失职等而)丧失;被 迫放弃,被剥夺 , delinquency (n.) : failure or neglect to do what duty or law requires;a fault;misdeed失职,玩忽职守;过失;犯罪 , prelude (n.) : anything serving as the introduction to a principal event,action,performance,etc(;preliminary part;preface;opening序言;序幕 , rear (v.) : bring to maturity by educating,nourishing,etc. 抚养;培养 , criminology (n.) : the scientific study and investigation of crime and criminals犯罪学;刑事学 , virility (n.) : masculine strength and vigor男子气概 , villainy (n.) : the fact or state of being villainous;a wicked,criminal deed邪恶;邪恶行径;罪行 , specter (n.) : a ghost;apparition鬼怪,幽灵 , disclose (v.) : reveal;make known透露,泄露;披露;使知道 , conjecture (n.):an inferring,theorizing,or predicting from incomplete or uncertain evidence;guesswork猜测,推测, , sterile (adj.) : incapable of producing others of its kind;barren;unfruitful不生育的;贫瘠的;无成效的 , ken (n.) : range of vision or sight;mental perception or recognition;range of knowledge视野;认识;理解;.知识范围 , strangle (v.) : kill by squeezing the throat as with the hands,a noose,etc(,so as to cut off circulation of the blood扼死; 勒死;绞死 , maniac (n.) : a wildly or violently insane person;madman;lunatic疯子;躁狂者;狂人 , boatload (n.) : all the freight or passengers that a boat can carry or contain一船货;一船旅客 , skipper (n.) : the captain of a ship,esp. of a small ship or boat(小船的)船长 , apparatus (n.) : the means or system by which something is kept in action or a desired result is obtained:organization 组织;团体;机构;机关 , detention (n.) : a detaining or being detained;specifically a keeping in custody,confinement拘留;扣留;监禁 , animus (n.) : a feeling of strong i11 will or hatred;animosity仇恨,憎恶;敌意;恶意 , discharge (v.) : release(a prisoner)from jail,(a defendant)from suspicion,(a patient)as cured,etc(释放(囚犯);解除(对 被告的)怀疑;允许(病人)出院 23 高级英语第二册词汇 , inmate (n.) : a person living with others in the same building,now esp. one confined with others in a prison or institution同住者(现尤指同狱犯人,同院病人等) , automation (n.) : the act or practice of using machines that need little or no human control,esp. in place of workers自 动,自动化 , passionnel (adj.) : (French)of passion[法语]激怒的 , condone (v.) : forgive,pardon。or overlook(an offence)原谅,饶恕;宽恕;赦免 , blackmailer (n.) : a person who gets or tries to get blackmail from敲诈者,勒索者 , retribution (n.) : deserved punishment for evil done,or,sometimes,reward for good done;merited requital惩罚;报答 , provocation (n.) : an act or instance provoking挑衅;激怒;刺激 , nag (v.):annoy by continual scolding,faultfinding,complaining,urging,etc.(不断责骂、挑剔、催促而)使人烦恼 , excoriate (v.) : denounce harshly严厉谴责,痛斥,痛骂 , score (n.) : a grievance or wrong one seeks to settle or get even for宿怨,旧仇 , seclusion (n.) : a secluding or being secluded;retirement;isolation;privacy隔离,隔绝;孤立;隐退 , penitentiary n : a prison监狱;拘留所 , mania (n.) : an excessive,persistent enthusiasm,liking,craving,or interest;obsession;craze狂热;热衷 , presuppose (v.) : require or imply as a preceding condition以„为先决条件;作为前提 , garble (v.) : select,suppress,improperly emphasize,or distort parts of(a story,etc()in telling,so as to mislead or misrepresent(对小说等)断章取义;歪曲;篡改 , tenacious (adj.) : stubborn;persistent固执的;坚持的,持久的 , advocacy (n.) : the act of advocating,or speaking or writing in support拥护;提倡;辩护 , revulsion (n.) : extreme disgust,shock,or repugnance;feeling of great loathing厌恶,反感 , hypnotize (v.) : affect or influence as if by hypnotism;spellblind使着迷,迷住 , prophylactic (adj.) : preventive or protective,esp.,preventing against disease预防性的(尤指预防疾病) , dwarf (v.) : make small or insignificant使矮小;使无足轻重 , deem (v.) : think,consider,believe想;认为;相信 , deliberative adj. : of or for deliberating审议的;评论的;讨论的 , diet (n.) : a national or local legislative assembly in some countries(某些国家的)国会,议会;地方议会 , inkwell (n.):a container for holding ink,usually set in the top of a desk,inkstand,etc.(镶在桌上或墨水台上的)墨水池 , ludicrous (n.) : causing laughter because absurd or ridiculous;laughably absurd荒唐得滑稽的;荒谬可笑的 , mitigate (v.) : make or become milder,less severe,less rigorous or Less painful;moderate(使)缓和;(使)镇静;减轻 , vicarious (adj.) :shared in or experienced by imagined participation in another’s experience(假想身临其境而)感受的 , shed (v.) : cause to flow in a stream or fall in drops流出;流下 , infamy (n.) : very bad reputation;notoriety;disgrace;dishonor臭名昭著;丢脸;不光彩;不名誉 , stench (n.) : an offensive smell or odor;stink恶臭,臭气 , rack (v.) : trouble,torment,or afflict折磨,使痛苦 , promiscuity (n.) : a state,quality,or instance of being promiscuous,esp. in sexual relations混杂性;男女乱交) , impotent (adj.) : lacking physical strength;weak无力的,虚弱的;衰弱的 , exemplar (n.) : a person or thing regarded as worthy of imitation;model;pattern;archetype模范,典范;典型;榜样 , tardy (adj.) : slow in moving,acting,etc(;late,delayed慢的,行动缓慢的;迟的,迟到的 , miscarriage (n.) : failure t0 carry out what was intended(计划等的)失败;审判错误;未得到预期的结果 , irrevocable (adj.) : that can’t be undone;unalterable不能取消的,不可废止的;不可变更的 , acquittal (n.) : setting free or being set free by judgement of the court释放,开释;宣判无罪,赦免 , implausible (adj.) : not plausible似乎无理的,难以置信的,似乎不可能的 , ostracism (n.) : a rejection or exclusion by general consent,as from a group or from acceptance by society排斥;放逐; , detached (adj.) : not involved by emotion,interests,etc(;aloof;impartial公正的,超然的,不偏袒的 , arbiter (n.) : a person selected to judge a dispute;umpire;arbitrator公断人,仲裁人 24 高级英语第二册词汇 , fallacious (adj.) : containing a fallacy;erroneous谬误的 , callous (adj.) : 1acking pity,mercy,etc(;unfeeling;insensitive无同情心的;无情的;无感觉的 , tribunal (n.) : a court of justice法庭,法院 , languish (v.) : 1iver under distressing conditions;continue in a state of suffering受折磨,受苦 , commute (v.) : change(an obligation,punishment,etc() to one that is less severe减(刑);减轻(责任等) , demagogy (n.) : the methods or practices of a demogogue煽动,鼓动,蛊惑人心的宣传 , mischance (n.) : an unlucky accident;back luck;misadventure不幸事件,不幸;灾难 , vindicator (n.) : a person who clears from criticism,blame,guilt,suspicion,etc(辩护人,辩白人 , parole(n.):the release of a prisoner before his sentence has expired,on condition of future good behavior(刑满前)假释 , stigma (n.) : something that detracts from the character or reputation of a person,group,etc(;mark of disgrace or reproach耻辱,污名 , misstep (n.) : a wrong or awkward step;a mistake in conduct失足;失误,失策 , peter (v([colloq(]) : become gradually smaller,weaker,etc(,and then cease or disappear[口]逐渐枯竭;渐趋消失 , remorse (n.) : a deep,torturing sense of guilt felt over a wrong that one has done;self—reproach懊悔,悔恨;自责 , incarceration (n.) : imprisonment关押,监禁 , meliorist (n.) : a person who believes that the world naturally tends to get better and,esp.,that this tendency can be furthered by human effort社会向善论者(一种认为社会自然地向好的方向发展的理论 短语 (Expressions) give pause to sb.,sth : give pause to sb(使某人踌躇不前 例: Her anger gave pause to his further action(她生气了,这使他不敢马上采取进一步的行动。 do justice to sth.,sb.: treat fairly公平对待,适当处理 例: That subject was so complex that I could not do justice to it in a short speech(这个主题太复杂,我无法在一篇短小的 发言 中层任职表态发言幼儿园年会园长发言稿在政协会议上的发言在区委务虚会上的发言内部审计座谈会发言稿 里就把它阐述清楚。 at the outest : in the beginning在开始时 例: Things went well at the Vbly outset(刚开始时一切进展顺利。 preside over: be the head or director of负责,主持,管理 例: She presided over the business of this store(她管理这个店的业务。 to the teeth : be lacking nothing;compIetely全副地,全部地 例: "alTned t0 the teeth武装到牙齿,be dressed to the teeth全副打扮 on the march : on the march在行进中,在发展中 例: Technology is on the march(科技正在发展中。 beyond one’s ken : not within one’s range of knowledge超出某人的知识范围 例: How can I answer those questions that are well beyond mv ken?我怎么能回答得出那些远远超出我知识范围的问题呢? trot out : produce;bring out给人看,炫耀,搬出 例: trot out the spokesman to face the press搬出发言人来对付新闻界 peter out: diminish slowly and come to an end;dwindle逐渐耗尽,逐渐终止 例: The storm petered out finally(暴风雨最终逐渐平息下来。 coupled with: if one thing is coupled with another.they happen or exist together and produce a particular result加上 例: Drought coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail(干旱外加高温使农作物歉收了。 strike a blow for : do something to help an idea,belief,or organiza-tion拥护,为„而战斗 例: It’s time we struck a blow for social equality(是我们为社会平等而战的时候了。 Lesson Fourteen Loving and Hating New York 词汇(Vocabulary) , bush (adj.) : rustic,countrified,belonging to small towns粗俗的;乡土气的;乡下的 , beget (v.) : bring into being;produce使产生,引起,招致 25 高级英语第二册词汇 , holdout (n.) : [Americanism]a place that holds out [美语]坚固据点 , deficiency (n.) : the quality or state of being deficient; absence of something essential;a shortage缺乏,缺少,欠缺;缺 陷,不足之处 , pacesetter (n.) : a person that leads the way or serves as a model标兵 , sitcom (n.) : [口]situation comedy的缩略 , clone (v.) : derive all the descendants asexually from a single individual无性繁殖 , preempt (v.) : radio and TV]replace(a regularly scheduled program)[广播、电视]先占,先取得 , casino (n.):a public room or building for entertainments(dancing,or,now specifically,gambling俱乐部, (现尤指)赌场 , nightspot (n.) : nightclub夜总会 , bilk (v.) : cheat or swindle;defraud欺骗,蒙骗 , dynamism (n.) : the quality of being energetic,vigorous,etc推动力;活力,精力,劲头 , put—down (n.) : [American slang]a belittling remark or crushing retort[美俚]贬低的话;反驳;无礼的回答 , foothold (n.) : a secure position from which it is difficult to be dislodged立足点,据点 , jostle (v.) : bump or push,as in a crowd;elbow or shove roughly(在人群中)拥挤;用肘推;撞 , proximity (n.) : the state or quality of being near;nearness in space,time,etc(最近;接近;(地方,时间等)最接近 , obscure (v.) : darken;make dim使黑暗;使朦胧 , tint (v.) : give a color or a shading of a color to着上(淡)色 , gaudy (adj.) : bright and showy, but lacking in good taste;cheaply brilliant and ornate华丽而俗气的,炫丽的 , jagged (adj.) : having sharp projecting points锯齿状的;(外形)参差不齐的 , skyline (n.) : an outline,as of a city,seen against the sky (城市等)以天空为背景映出的轮廓 , gamely (adv.) : pluckily;courageously勇敢地,不屈不挠地 , encroach (adj.) : trespass or intrude (on or upon the rights(property,etc(,of another),esp. in a gradual or sneaking way 侵占,占用(别人的时间);侵犯(别人的权力、财产等) , pristine (adj.) : still pure or untouched;uncorrupted; unspoiled质朴的;纯洁的;未受腐蚀的 , vivacity (n.) : the quality or state 0f being vivacious;liveliness to pint;animation快活;活泼;充满生命力;有生气 , carnival(n.) : a reveling or time of revelry;festivity;merrymaking狂欢,欢宴,尽情作乐 , glamour (n.) : seemingly misterious and elusive fascination or allure,as o{some person,0bject,etc(;bewitching charm; the current sense(人的)魅力;(物、景色的)吸引力,迷惑力 , beckon (v.) : call or summon by a silent gesture(以招手、点头等)表不召唤或招呼 , breed (n.) : kind;sort;type种类,类别,类型 , banal (adj.) : dull or stale as because of overuse;trite:hackneyed;commonplace陈腐的;平庸的;平凡的;老一套的 , squalor (n.) : the quality or condition of being squalid;filth and wretchedness肮脏;悲惨,不幸 , inaccessible (adj.) : impossible to reach or enter诀不到的;进不去的 , plush (adj.) : [American slang]luxurious,as in furnishings [美俚]豪华的 , grubby (adj.) : messy;untidy脏的;凌乱的 , precincts (n.) : environs neighborhood范围;界线 , fringe (n.) : an outer edge;border;margin外围,边缘;边界 , subculture (n.) : the distinct cultural patterns of a group(within a society)of persons of the same age,social or economic, status. ethnic background,etc(亚文化群 , boutique (n.) : a small shop,or a small department in a store,where fashionable,usually expensive,clothes and other articles are sold时装精品店(或百货公司中的时装精品部) , estrange (n.) : turn(a person)from an affectionate or friendly attitude to an indifferent,unfriendly,or hostile one. alienate the affections of使疏远;使失和 , ratify (v.) : pprove or confirm,esp.,give official sanction to批准;认可 , deplore (v.) : be regretful or sorry about;lament懊悔;遗憾;痛惜 , catchy (adj.) : easily caught up and remembered醒目的;引人注意的 26 高级英语第二册词汇 , jingle (n.):a verse that jingles;jingling arrangement of words or syllables有简单韵律的诗句;合于简单韵律的排列 , admen (n.) : [Americanism]a person whose work or business is advertising[美]广告员 , ancillary (adj.) : that serves as an aid;helping;auxiliary作为助手的;辅助的 , brittle (adj.) : having a sharp,hard quality(声音)尖利的,刺耳的 , condescending (adj.) : showing condescension,esp.,patronizing表示屈尊的;(尤指)以恩人自居的,屈尊俯就的 , malleable (adj.) : capable of being changed,molded,trained,etc(;adaptable柔顺的;易适应的;可训练的 , turnstile (n.) : a similar apparatus,often coin—operated used at entrances to admit persons one at a time and to count those passing through(使人逐个通过的)旋转(式)栅门 , hype (n.) : cheating,esp. the extravagant promotional advertising欺骗;骗局(尤指大肆宣传,大做广告) , scruple (n.): a feeling of hesitancy,doubt,or uneasiness arising from difficulty in deciding what is right,proper,ethical(etc(:qualm or misgiving about something one thinks is wrong踌躇;顾忌,犹豫 , adjoining (adj.) : touching at some point or along a line;contiguous隔壁的:毗连的;毗邻的 , amenity (n.) : an attractive or desirable feature,as of a place, climate,ere.(地方,气候等的)舒适,宜人;温柔 , succumb (v.) : give way;yield;submit屈服,屈从 , tawdry (adj.) : cheap and showy;gaudy;sleezy俗气的;俗丽的;花哨而庸俗的 , astir (adj.) : in motion; in excited activity动起来的;轰赳采的;有活动力的 , strew (v.) : scatter,partly cover撒,撒布 , brusque (adj.) : rough and abrupt in manlier or speech(curt(态度、语言上)粗暴的,鲁莽的;唐突的 , cabana (n.) : a small shelter used as a bath house on the beach, etc,;a cabin(海滩等地的)简易浴室(或更衣处);小屋; , antiseptic (adj.) : untouched by life,its problems,emotions,etc(冷静的;超然的;客观的 , enclave (n.) :a minority culture group living as an entity within a larger group在大文化团体中的一少数派集团 , hassle (n.) : [Americanism]a state of commotion or confusion;turmoil[美]混乱 , congenial (adj.) : suited to one's needs or disposition;agreeable适合的;惬意的;令人愉快的 , bracing (adj.) : invigorating;stimulating;refreshing令人鼓舞的;令人振奋的;激励的 , rigor (n.) : harshness or severity严厉 , taunt (n.) : a scornful or jeering remark; gibe嘲笑,嘲弄,嘲骂 , mongrel (n.) : [a derogatory term] mixed breed,race(origin or character[贬]杂种;混交种 , metropolis (n.) : any large city or center of population:culture,etc(大城市,大都会 , tumultuous (adj.) : full of or characterized by tumult:wild and noisy;uproarious;riotous喧闹的,喧嚣的;吵闹的 , hybrid (adj.) : (of animal,plant,etc()from parents of different species or varieties混合的;杂种的(动植物等) , turf (n.) : [slang]a neighbour hood area regarded by a street gang as its own territory to be defended against other gangs[俚](街头流氓集团的)地盘;势力范围 , admixture (n.) : a mixture混合(状态) , jar (n.) : clash,disagree,or quarrel sharply抵触;冲突;不调和,不和谐;争吵 , juxtaposition (n.) : putting side by side or close together并列,并置 , fortitude (n.) : the strength to bear misfortune,pain,etc(,calmly and patiently firm courage坚韧不拔,刚毅 , forbearance (n.) : the quality of being forbearing;self control;patient restraint容忍,忍耐 , exhilarate (v.) : fill with high spirits鼓舞;使兴奋 短语 (Expressions) out of phase : out of harmony相异的,不协调的 例: The driver f10und that the windshield wipers were out of phase.司机发现挡风玻璃上的刮水器动作不协调。 measure up : be good enough t0 do a particular job or to reach a par-ticular standard合格,符合 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 例: How will the manager measure up to his new responsibilicy?经理怎样才能达到他新职责的标准呢? play host(to) : provide the place,food etc(for a special meeting or event招待,接待 例: Beijing will play host to the Olympics in 2008.北京将在 2008年主办奥运会。 27
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