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世界今生砂壳纤毛虫名录世界今生砂壳纤毛虫名录 生物多样性 2011, 19 (6): 655–660 Doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.06136 http: //www.biodiversity-science.net Biodiversity Science 世界今生砂壳纤毛虫名录 1, 21, 21, 3311* 张武昌丰美萍于莹张翠霞孙军肖天 1 (中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室, 青岛 266071) 2 (中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049) 3 (天津科技大学海洋科学...

世界今生砂壳纤毛虫名录 生物多样性 2011, 19 (6): 655–660 Doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.06136 http: //www.biodiversity-science.net Biodiversity Science 世界今生砂壳纤毛虫名录 1, 21, 21, 3311* 张武昌丰美萍于莹张翠霞孙军肖天 1 (中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室, 青岛 266071) 2 (中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049) 3 (天津科技大学海洋科学与工程学院, 天津 300457) 摘要: 砂壳纤毛虫隶属于纤毛门、旋毛纲、环毛亚纲、砂壳目。本文总结了自Kofoid和Campbell(1929)以来的分类 学资料, 参照Lynn(2008)的分类系统, 整理成世界砂壳纤毛虫新名录。厘清砂壳纤毛虫共有15科69属954种, 其中 海洋种为15科69属925种, 淡水种为3科5属29种。在所有属中, 以拟铃虫属(Tintinnopsis)包含物种最多, 为137种, 其中海洋种为118种。我国水体共记录有13科36属164种, 海洋种13科36属144种, 淡水种2科3属20种。除杯形铃壳 虫(Codonella cratera)、湖泊领细壳虫(Stenosemella lacustris)、蜉蝣筒壳虫(Tintinnidium ephemeridum)、蝌蚪筒壳虫 (Tintinnidium ranunculi)、半缘筒壳虫(Tintinnidium semiciliatum)、纺锤拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis fusiformis)、伊利诺拟铃 虫(Tintinnopsis illinoisensis)、卵圆拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis ovalis)、圆柱拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis cylindrata)、这9个种外, 其 他淡水种在我国都有记录。该名录中, 除了已有中文名的159种外, 其余的种我们给出了中文译名, 并将部分译为 似铃虫属(Tintinnopsis)的中文名统一为拟铃虫属, 部分译为麻铃虫属(Leprotintinnus)的中文名统一为薄铃虫属, 将 截短角口虫(Salpingella decurtata)改为截短号角虫, 将冰生拟铃壳虫(Codonellopsis glacialis)改为冰生类铃虫。 关键词: 纤毛虫, 种名录, 砂壳目 Species checklist of contemporary tintinnids (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea, Choreotrichia, Tintinnida) in the world 1*1, 21, 21, 331Wuchang Zhang, Meiping Feng, Ying Yu, Cuixia Zhang, Jun Sun, Tian Xiao 1 Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Qingdao 266071 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 3 College of Marine Science & Engineering, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 300457 Abstract: A species checklist of contemporary living tintinnid (Ciliophora, Spirotrich ea, Tintinnida) ciliates around the world was compiled according to references since Kofoid and Campbell (1929). A total of 954 species belonging to 69 genera and 15 families were listed in marine and fresh waters all over the world. Among them, 925 species live in marine habitats and 29 species live in fresh water biotopes. Tintinnopsis is the most abundant genus. It has 137 species, of which 118 live in marine habitats. In China, 164 species in- cluding 20 species in fresh waters, belonging to 36 genera and 13 families, have been recorded. Of them, 144 species live in the seas. There were 9 species, namely Codonella cratera, Stenosemella lacustris, Tintin- nidium ephemeridum,Tintinnidium ranunculi, Tintinnidium semiciliatum, Tintinnopsis fusiformis, Tintinnop- sis illinoisensis, Tintinnopsis ovalis, and Tintinnopsis cylindrata, living in fresh waters in the list were not recorded in China. In the list, Chinese species name were given, of which159 were adopted from the present literature. We also revised Chinese name of Salpingella decurtata, Codonellopsis glacialisand several species of genera Tintinnopsis and Leprotintinnus. Key words: ciliates, species checklist, Tintinnida —————————————————— 收稿日期: 2011-08-05; 接受日期: 2011-11-16 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(40876085、国家重点基础研究发展 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 )(2011CB409804、国家) 863 计划(2006AA09Z179)和公益项目(201005015-1) * 通讯作者 Author for correspondence. E-mail: wuchangzhang@163.com 砂壳纤毛虫是单细胞原生动物, 属于纤毛门旋 Kim (1988, 1990); Zeitzschel (1969); 刘瑞玉(2008); 毛纲环毛亚纲砂壳目(Lynn, 2008), 是一类具壳的 宋微波(1993); 宋微波等(2009); 宋微波和徐奎栋 纤毛虫, 大多营浮游生活。Müller(1776)发现了第一 (1999); 徐大鹏(2007); 徐大鹏和宋微波(2005); 徐 种砂壳纤毛虫客居筒壳虫(Tintinnus inquilinus) 。 奎栋等 (2001)。包括部分淡水种: Foissner & O'don- oghue(1990); Foissner & Wilbert (1979); Hilliard Kofoid和Campbell(1929)总结了当时已发现的砂壳 纤毛虫, 共12科51属1,000余种, 随后又于1939年将 (1968); Nie (1933); Wailes (1938); 蒋燮治(1956)。 砂壳纤毛虫重新整理并确认为 13 科 62 属 726 种 2 结果 (Kofoid & Campbell, 1939)。Corliss(1979)估计砂壳 分类系统参照Lynn(2008)。本文共收录世界今 纤毛虫有1,200种左右, 此后许多研究者(Agatha & 生砂壳纤毛虫15科69属954种(表1), 其中有纤毛图 Riedel-Lorjé, 2006; Lynn, 2008; Agatha, 2010a)的估 式砂壳纤毛虫 44 种。各属中以拟铃虫属 计大都在1,200种左右。砂壳纤毛虫是纤毛虫中种类 (Tintinnopsis)包含物种最多, 为137种。其中, 世界 最多的目(Lynn, 2008), 但迄今无一份详细的名录。 海洋种有15科69属925种, 拟铃虫属种类最多, 为 本文搜集了现今的有关文献, 整理了世界和我国的 118种, 淡水种共计3科5属29种。 我国水体共记录砂壳纤毛虫名录, 并给出了中文译名。 砂壳纤毛虫13 科36 属164种, 1 文献收集 刘瑞玉(2008) 收录了以前我国记录的海洋种类128 种, 本文参考此后的文献(赵楠等, 2007; 张翠霞等,在Kofoid和Campbell(1929, 1939)的种名录基础 2009, 2010; 丰美萍等, 2010; 刘华雪等, 2011), 整 理上, 本文收录所参依的主要文献有: Agatha & 得出我国海洋种共计13 科36 属144 种。淡水种 Riedel-Lorjé(2006); Agatha & Strüder-Kypke (2007); (Nie, 1933; 蒋燮治, 1956)共计2科3属20种。除杯形 Agatha & Tsai (2008); Agatha (2008, 2010a, b); Alder 铃壳虫 (Codonella cratera) 、湖泊领细壳虫 (1999); Bakker & Phaff (1976); Balech (1948, 1959, (Stenosemella lacustris) 、蜉蝣筒壳虫(Tintinnidium 1962, 1968, 1975); Burns (1983); Campbell (1942); Cai等(2006); Choi等(1992); Cardinal等(1977); Cor- ephemeridum)、蝌蚪筒壳虫(Tintinnidium ranunculi)、 deiro & Sassi (1997); Corliss (1979); Cosper (1972); 半缘筒壳虫(Tintinnidium semiciliatum)、纺锤拟铃虫 Culverhouse等(1994); Davis (1978); De Pauw (1975); (Tintinnopsis fusiformis)、伊利诺拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis ' XUiQ (1957, 1965); Fernandes(1999, 2004a, b); illinoisensis)、卵圆拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis ovalis)、圆柱 Foissner & Wilbert(1979); Gold & Morales (1975a, b, 拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis cylindrata)这9种外, 其他淡水 c, 1976, 1977); Hada(1937, 1961, 1970); Hedin 种在我国都有记录(蒋燮治, 1956)。 (1976); Hofker (1931); Jörgensen (1924); Kim等 在世界砂壳纤毛虫名录中, 已有中文名的种有(2010); Krishnamurthy & Santhanam(1978); Kršinic 159种(蒋燮治, 1956; 宋微波和徐奎栋, 1999; 徐奎 & Precali (1997); Kufferath (1950); Lackey & Balech 栋等, 2001; 黄宗国, 2008; 刘瑞玉, 2008; 宋微波 (1966); Laval-Peuto (1981, 1994); Laval-Peuto & 等, 2009), 本文中我们对已有的中文名进行了订正, Brownlee (1986); Ling (1965); Loeblich & Tappan 其他种的中文名为我们自己翻译(表1)。早期中文文 (1968); Lynn (2008); Marshall (1934); Massuti & 献对属名有多种翻译, 我们统一了同一属的中文 Margalef (1950); Müller (1776); Petz等(1995); Pierce 名。如蒋燮治(1956)将Tintinnopsis称为似铃虫属, 我 (1996); Sassi & Melo (1991); Schwarz (1964); Sharaf 们改为多数人所用的拟铃虫, 将Leprotintinnus称为 & Gibreel (1995); Skryabin & Al-Yamani (2006, 麻铃虫属, 我们改为多数人所用的薄铃虫属。另外, 2007); Small & Lynn (1985); Sniezek等(1991); Sny- 宋微波等(1999)将Salpingella decurtata译为截短角 der & Brownlee (1991); Tsai等(2008); Wasik & 口虫, 我们改为截短号角虫 ; 宋微波(1993) 将中 Mikolajczyk (1992, 1994a, b); Wasik等(1996); Wasik Codonellopsis glacialis译为冰生拟铃壳虫, 我们改 (1998); Williams等(1994); Xu & Song (2005); Yoo & 为冰生类铃虫。 第 6 期 张武昌等: 世界今生砂壳纤毛虫名录 657 科: 它们是柏隆科(Berounkellidae)(8 属) 、喀道科 3 讨论 (Cadosinidae) (3 属) 、钙球科(Calcisphaerulidae)(2 Lynn(2008)列出、而本文没有列入名录的属有: 属 ) 、宽帽科 (Causiidae)(1 属 ) 和口球科 (Stomio- 砂壳科 的布施虫 属 (Buschiella) 、原瓮虫属(Pro- sphaeridae) (5 属 ), 还有 5 个未定科的属 (Auberti- amphorella) 和膜虫属(Membranicola), 类杯科的伪 anella, Daturellina, Praecolomiella, Spirocystom- 杯虫属(Pseudometacylis), 囊坎科中未定属潞西虫 ellites, Syringella)。 属(Luxiella)、波膜科中微波膜虫属(Micrundella)、 参考文献 未定属圆形虫属(Rotundocylis)及滑壳科中螺平顶虫 Agatha S (2008) Redescription of the tintinnid ciliate 属 (Spiroxystonella) 、未定属类网纹虫属 (Paraf- Tintinnopsis fimbriata Meunier, 1919 (Spirotricha, avelloides)。这些属有的是被Lynn(2008)自己定为未 Choreotrichida) from coastal waters of northern Germany. 定种属, 有的是被其他分类系统明确否定过, 且找 Denisia, 23, 261–272. Agatha S (2010a) Redescription of Tintinnopsis parvula Jör- 不到除种名外的其他任何资料,故此不再列出。 gensen, 1912 (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea, Tintinnida), includ- 另外, 有些属有明显的特征, 在属的归类上比 ing a novel lorica matrix. Acta Protozoology, 49, 213–234. 较确定, 没有异议, 但有些属的分类系统不确定。 Agatha S (2010b) A light and scanning electron microscopic study of the closing apparatus in tintinnid ciliates (Cilio- 如瓮虫属(Amphorella)和瓮状虫属(Amphorides)这两 phora, Spirotricha, Tintinnida): a forgotten synapomorphy. 个属, 不同的作者有不同的归类, Lynn(2008)和刘 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 57, 297–307. 瑞玉 (2008) 将 瓮虫属 的种都 归到 瓮状虫属中 , Agatha S, Riedel-LorjéJC (2006) Redescription of Tintinnop- sis cylindrica Daday, 1887 (Ciliophora: Spirotricha) and un- WoRMS 网站 () 则保留 ification of tintinnid terminology. Acta Protozoologica, 45, 此两属, 我们根据WoRMS网站仍保留为两个属。丁 137–151. 丁虫属(Tintinnus)与真铃虫属(Eutintinnus)的分类特 Agatha S, Strüder-Kypke MC (2007) Phylogeny of the order Choreotrichida (Ciliophora, Spirotricha, Oligotrichea) as in- 征比较相近, 已有文献中对其中有些种的归属有不 ferred from morphology, ultrastructure, ontogenesis, and 同意见, 本文中将丁丁虫属中与真铃虫属种名相同 SSrRNA gene sequences. European Journal of Protistology, 的并入后者。 43, 37–63. Agatha S, Tsai SF (2008) Redescription of the tintinnid 目前, 砂壳纤毛虫种的定名都是以壳的特征为 Stenosemella pacifica Kofoid and Campbell, 1929 (Cilio- 分类依据, 但有些专家(Laval-Peuto, 1981; Gold & phora, Spirotricha) based on live observation, protargol Morales, 1976; Alder, 1999)指出, 除口径比较稳定 impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 55 (2), 75–85. 外, 壳的形态和长度变化较大, 因此, 现代分类学 Alder VA (1999) Tintinnoinea. In: South Atlantic Zooplankton 建议用纤毛图式作为鉴定种的决定性依据(Agatha (ed. Boltovskoy D), 321–384. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. & Tsai, 2008; Agatha, 2010a)。但是目前有纤毛图式 Bakker C, Phaff WJ (1976) Tintinnida from coastal waters of southwest Netherlands 1. Genus Tintinnopsis Stein. 的砂壳纤毛虫种数太少(只有44种), 所以壳的特征 Hydrobiologia, 50, 101–111. 在一段时间内依然是砂壳纤毛虫分类的重要依据。 Balech E (1948) Tintinnoinea de Atlantida (RO del Uruguay) 由于上述原因, 在现有已定名的种当中, 很可能有 (Protozoa Ciliata Oligotrichida). Comunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia 一些隐种和同物异名种。 Serie C, Zoologia, Buenos Aires, 7, 1–23. 本研究共列出今生砂壳纤毛虫954种, 而以往 Balech E (1959) Tintinnoinea del Mediterraneo. Trabajos del 的估计是 1,200 种 ; 其中拟铃虫属 (Tintinnopsis) Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, 28, 1–88. Balech E (1962) Tintinnoinea y Dinoflagellata del Pacifico Agatha (2010b)估计有160种, 本文的记录为137种。 segun material de las expediciones Norpac y Downwind del 这种差异可能是由于一些属我们没有查到(见讨论 Instituto Scripps de Oceanografia. Revista del Museo 第一段), 且未统计化石种。根据Lynn(2008)的统计, Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, 7, 1–253. 在今生砂壳纤毛虫中, 有4个科有化石种: 铃壳科 Balech E (1968) Algunas especies nuevas o interesantes de (Codonellidae)(16 属) 、类铃科(Codonellopsidae)(12 Tintinnidos del Golfo de Mexico y Caribe. Revista del 属) 、类杯科(Metacylididae)(3 属) 和滑壳科(Xysto- Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”Hidrobiol, 2, 165–197. nellidae) (1属)。另外还有5个分类地位不确定的化石 第 6 期 张武昌等: 世界今生砂壳纤毛虫名录 659 freshwater tintinnid from Alaska with notes on the algae anographique, 62(1), 69–84. attached to its test. Hydrobiologia, 31, 385–401. Ling HY (1965) The tintinnid Parafavella gigantea (Brandt) Hofker J (1931) Studien uber Tintinnoidea. Archiv fuer Protis- Kofoid and Campbell, 1929 in the North Pacific Ocean. tenkunde, 75, 315–402. Journal of Paleontology, 39, 721–723. Huang ZG (黄宗国) (2006) Species Diversity in Xiamen Bay,Liu HX (刘华雪), Huang LM (黄良民), Tan YH (谭烨辉),China (厦门湾物种多样性). Ocean Press, Beijing. (in Chinese) Song XY (宋星宇), Huang JR (黄建荣) (2011) Seasonal variations in species composition and abundance of tintin- Huang ZG ( 黄宗国 ) (2008) Marine Species and Their nids in Shantou coastal water, China. Marine Science Bulle- Distribution in China (中国海洋生物种类与分布 (增订 tin (海洋通报: 英文版), 13(1), 80–86. 版)). Ocean Press, Beijing. (in Chinese) Liu RY (刘瑞玉) (2008) Checklist of Marine Biota of China SeasJörgensen E (1924) Mediterranean Tintinnidae: Report on the (中国海洋生物名录). Science Press, Beijing. (in Chinese) Danish oceanographical expeditions 1908–1910 to the Loeblich AR, Tappan H (1968) Annotated index to genera Mediterranean and adjacent Seas Vol. II. Biology J3, 1–110. subgenera and suprageneric taxa of ciliate order Tintinnida. Kim SY, Yang EJ, Gong J, Choi JK (2010) Redescription of Journal of Protozoology, 15(1), 185–192. Favella ehrenbergii (Claparède and Lachmann, 1858) Jör- Lynn D (2008) The Ciliated Protozoa: Characterization, Clas- gensen, 1924 (Ciliophora: Choreotrichia), with phylogenetic sification, and Guide to the Literature. 3rd edn. Springer, analyses based on small subunit rRNA gene sequences. Dordrecht. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 57, 460–467. Marshall SM (1934) The Silicoflagellata and Tintinnoinea. Kofoid CA, Campbell AS (1929) A Conspectus of the Marine British Museum, London. and Fresh-water Ciliata Belonging to the Suborder Massuti M, Margalef R (1950) Introcucción al estudio del Tintinnoinea: with Descriptions of New Species Principally plancton marino. Patronato Juan de la Cierva de Investiga- from the Agassiz Expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific ciones Técnicas, Barcelona. 1904–1905. University of California Press, Berkeley, Müller OF (1776) Zoologiae Danicae prodromus: seu California. Animalium Daniae et Norvegiae indigenarum characteres, Kofoid CA, Campbell AS (1939) Reports on the scientific nomina, et synonyma imprimis popularium. typis Hallageriis. results of the expedition to the Eastern tropical Pacific, in Nie DS (1933) Notes on three new species of fresh-water charge to Alexander Agassiz, by US Fish commision Tintinnoinea. Zoological Series, 9, 165–175. steamer "Albatross", from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Petz W, Song W, Wilbert N (1995) Taxonomy and Ecology of Lieut. Commander LM Garrett, USN commanding. XXXVII. the Ciliate Fauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in the Endopagial The Ciliata: The Tintinnoinea. Bulletin of the Museum of and Pelagial of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Land Ober Comparative Zoology of Harvard College, Harvard. Sterreich, OÖ Landesmuseum. Krishnamurthy K, Santhanam R (1978) Dictyocysta seshaiyai Pierce RW (1996) Morphology and infraciliature of selected sp. nov. (Protozoa, Ciliatea, Tintinnida) from Porto Novo, species of Tintinnida with a phylogenetic analysis of the India. Archiv Fur Protistenkunde, 120(1–2), 138–141. Tintinnida based on infraciliature. Dissertation Thesis, Kršinic F, Precali R (1997) On the occurrence of oceanic University of Rhode Island, Kingston. Tintinnines with particular consideration of the species Am- Sassi R, Melo GN (1991) Tintinnida (Protozoa, Ciliophora, phorides laackmanni (Jörgensen, 1924), (Ciliophora, Oligotrichida) from the second Brazilian expedition to the Oligotrichida, Tintinnida) in the northern Adriatic Sea. Ma- Antarctic. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 53, 311–325. rine Ecology, 18, 67–81. Schwarz S (1964) Die Tintinnoinea. Hydrobiologia, 23(1–2), Kufferath H (1950) Recherches sur le plancton de la mer fla- 211–245. mande (mer du Nord méridionale): 1. Quelques flagellés, Sharaf, Gibreel M (1995) On some tintinnids (Protozoa: protistes et "cætera". 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