首页 学校教育教学工作汇报材料



学校教育教学工作汇报材料学校教育教学工作汇报材料 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construc...

学校教育教学工作 汇报 关于vocs治理的情况汇报每日工作汇报下载教师国培汇报文档下载思想汇报Word下载qcc成果汇报ppt免费下载 材料 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 2011-2012学年第一学期 教育教学工作汇报材料 各位领导、各位专家: 首先~我谨代表校全体师生对莅临我校检查视导工作的各位领导和专家的到来表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢~真诚的希望各位领导专家为我们留下宝贵的意见和建议。 一、学校基本情况 我校校园占地总面积159.43亩~校舍总面积9574.76平方米~拥有一栋4521?的四层教学楼~2787?的三层综合楼一栋~一间能容纳350人的会议室。有汉、哈、维、回、锡伯等各族学生1587名~汉语教学班33个~哈语教学班2个~维语教学班6个~在职教职工145名,其中专任教师 名,~退休教师65名~专任教师任职合格率100%。 近年来~学校全面贯彻落实《义务教育法》~积极推进素质教育~以“用爱和责任挖掘每个学生的最大潜能~让每个孩子得到全面发展”为办学理念~在各级领导、社会各界的亲切关怀和全体师生的共同努力下~加大校园建设力度~学校面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化~教学质量稳步提高~学校管理日趋科学~无论是学校管理~还是学校硬件设施的完善~都迈上了一个新台阶。 二、教学管理 ,1,强化教学常规管理~切实提高教学质量 学校全面贯彻党的教育方针~以学生发展为核心~努力使学生得到和谐、主动、全面地发展~扎实推进素质教育~开全开齐课程~严格执行课程方案。按照国家课程计划的规定安排教育教学活动~开齐开足课程~坚持按标准课时开课~坚持按课程设置开课~坚持按课程标准要求教学~坚持按教学计划把握进度。充分发挥教务处、教研室、教研组的作用~以提高教学水平为目标~以加强教学管理为手段~以优化课堂结构为途径~不断提高教师专业水平~努力提升教学质量。 chnical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of ssize for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the te graded aggregate concrete, gravel-r is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with twoate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diamete84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggreg-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-tone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203our. Sto the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in fruction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according const transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonryconcrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 -to-piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand struction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials aresites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry con2rials mustmatemade of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar uld betar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification shoiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortockp 合理安排师生在校集中教学活动时间。我校每周上课5天~每天上课7节~每节课上课时间为40分钟。分冬季和夏季严格执行规定的作息时间~从不占用课余和节假日等时间安排学生集体补课或以补差、提优等形式变相组织集体上课。完善两操~保证学生每天在校体育活动时间不少于一小时~科学布置适量作业~适当检测教学质量~尽力以课堂训练方式为主~以适度促进教学质量为目的~严格教辅用书的征订和使用。我校学生所使用的均为上级规定的中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 教学用书目录中的教学用书~合理用好教辅用书。 深入贯彻实施《义务教育法》~学校未以各种名义设重点班、快慢班,教师在教育教学过程中未发生体罚或变相体罚学生的行为~未发现教师有偿家教行为。 ,2,更新思想观念~提高业务水平 学校的生命在质量~质量的根本在教师。学校领导重视教师的理论学习~要求每位教师认真钻研业务~加强专业素养的提高~树立现代化教育观念。教务处以推进课程改革为重点~从实际出发~努力提高教学工作的实效性~实行了公开课 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、优质课评选制度和推门听课制度~以督促教师相互交流不断提高课堂教学水平。 ,3,教科研: 学校有针对性地开展教科研工作。我校教师2009年参与自治区级小课题《增强服务意识构建和谐校园》《民族音乐教学的推广研究》~撰写 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 、实验报告~上观摩课~教研课题充分发挥了教师成长的载体作用。 我校继续以深化教学改革为突破口~以公开课示范课为抓手~提高课堂教学效益为核心~扎扎实实进行教学研究~全面提高教学质量~着力推进素质教育。加强教学研究~深化课程改革。发挥教研组、备课组在学科建设中的作用~加强教研活动的时效性~建立以自我反思、 84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, finene-hall conform to SD1202002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality s-d be consistent with the surface GBJ50203surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements shoulwork o sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of thel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used tsport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravemouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck tran-to-the construction, handory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the fact3nnot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials mustter cangth of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this waing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive streOn mixent, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cemd marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement an-masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two ss modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for 同伴互助、专业引领为核心要素~以理论学习、 教学反思 平行与垂直的教学反思班会课教学反思分数的初步认识教学反思科学我从哪里来教学反思平行与垂直教学反思 、案例分析、结对帮扶等为基本形式的校本教研制度。 以课堂为中心~注重课堂教学的有效性~提高课堂教学质量~改变课堂教学中存在的“满堂灌”~最大限度的提高课堂教学效益。 ,4,加强“双语”教育 为进一步提高少数民族教师的汉语教学水平~学校开展了“双语”教学教研活动~增加了教师间的交流机会~促进了“双语”教学。 近两年来~学校教育教学工作有了长足的发展: 三、工作设想 为扎实推进我校教育教学工作上台阶、上水平~把学校打造成让人民放心~社会认可的学校~今后一个时期的工作设想如下: 1、继续抓好教育教学常规管理~让教育教学工作出成绩、出亮点。我校将以教务处为中心~各教研组为联络点~时时关注教师的备课、上课、作业批改。 2、在课程开发方面~学校践行以“学校教育必须立足于学生全面发展”的办学理念~着眼于新世纪我国基础教育的发展~积极推进基础教育课程改革~致力于学生学习方式的转变~构建富有时代气息和五中特色的研究型学习~计划将爱国主义教育、民族团结教育、中华优秀传统文化教育、社会实践、劳动与技术教育、心理健康教育与法制教育纳入必修课~其中书法钢笔字作为一门必修课~每周必须开设一节课~并纳入到课程总表。 四、存在的问题 1、学校虽然加大建设力度~但体育运动操场为土石地面~图书资料更新缓慢,信息技术教育设施缺乏~优质教育资源共享程度较低~不能满足教学需求。 2、教师队伍结构有待进一步优化。由于学校频繁移交的原因教 ate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diamete84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggreg-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-tone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203our. Sto the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in fruction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according const transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonryconcrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 -to-piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand struction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials aresites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry con4rials mustmatemade of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar uld betar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification shoiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortockpchnical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of ssize for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the te graded aggregate concrete, gravel-r is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two 师年龄出现断层现象~老教师传统的教学方法难以扭转~年轻教师新的教学方法尚不成熟~学校部分教师教学水平亟待提高~教育教学基本功亟待规范~在传统应试教育的长期影响下~教师较为重视学科知识与基本技能~教育模式单一~实施新课程的能力亟待增强~少数民族教师汉语水平及教学业务能力不能适应双语教学。 3、我校校本教研工作的开展缺乏指导~此项工作摸索阶段~效果不佳~上学期我校曾经申请过美术课的小课题~现在未接到有关的回复~所以本学期有关课题的工作未能开展。另外教师参加教科研的能力和热情亟待提高。 4、我校肩负着辖区子女的教育教学任务~由于本辖区地处城乡结合部~学生来源于农区、牧区~学生留守现象极其严重~学校30%的学生属于留守儿童~生活、思想缺乏指导~家长的文化程度不一~家长的参与学校教育积极性不高。调动家长参与学校工作的广度和深度~增强家庭教育的时效性亟待解决~加大了学校教育的难度。 基于以上种种情况~我校全体教职工期待各位领导及专家对我校教育教研工作给予大力的指导~望多提宝贵意见。 最后祝各位领导和专家身体健康、心情愉快、工作顺利: ing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive streOn mixent, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cemd marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement an-masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two ss modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, finene-hall conform to SD1202002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality s-d be consistent with the surface GBJ50203surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements shoulwork o sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of thel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used tsport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravemouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck tran-to-the construction, handory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the fact5nnot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials mustter cangth of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this wa
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