首页 植物学题库名词解释部分



植物学题库名词解释部分植物学题库名词解释部分 形态解剖部分: 单性结实 子房不经受精就发育成果实称为单性结实。单性结实的果实里不含种子,这类果实为无子果实。 完全叶 具叶片、叶柄和托叶三部分的叶,称完全叶。例如月季、豌豆等植物的叶。 凯氏带 内皮层细胞的横向和径向壁上,有栓质化和木质化的带状增厚结构,成为凯氏带。 环髓带 有些植物(如椴树属)的髓,它的外方有小型壁厚的细胞,围绕着内部大型的细胞,二者界限分明,这外围区,称环髓带,有称髓鞘。 外始式 某结构从外方向内方逐渐发育成熟,这种方式成为外始式。如根的初生木质部...

植物学题库名词解释部分 形态解剖部分: 单性结实 子房不经受精就发育成果实称为单性结实。单性结实的果实里不含种子,这类果实为无子果实。 完全叶 具叶片、叶柄和托叶三部分的叶,称完全叶。例如月季、豌豆等植物的叶。 凯氏带 内皮层细胞的横向和径向壁上,有栓质化和木质化的带状增厚结构,成为凯氏带。 环髓带 有些植物(如椴树属)的髓,它的外方有小型壁厚的细胞,围绕着内部大型的细胞,二者界限分明,这外围区,称环髓带,有称髓鞘。 外始式 某结构从外方向内方逐渐发育成熟,这种方式成为外始式。如根的初生木质部和根、茎的初生韧皮部的发育顺序是外始式。 花图式 花图式是指用图解表示一朵花的横切面简图,借以说明花的各部分的组成,排列和相互关系,也可以比较植物花的形态异同。花图式也就是花的各部在垂直于花轴的平面上的投影。 花粉败育 由于种种内在和外界因素的影响,有的植物散出的花粉或花粉不能正常地发育,起不到生殖的作用,这一现象称为花粉败育。 同功器官 器官形态相似、机能相同,但其构造与来源不同,称为同功器官。如山楂的刺为茎刺,是茎的变态,刺槐的刺为叶刺,是托叶的变态,二者为同功器官。 淀粉鞘 有些植物如旱金莲、南瓜等茎的皮层最内层,即相当于内皮层处的细胞,富含淀粉,因此称为淀粉鞘。淀粉鞘包着维管柱的外围,可作为皮层与维管柱的“分界线”。 单性结实 子房不经受精就发育成果实称为单性结实。单性结实的果实里不含种子,这类果实为无子果实。 项端优势 植物枝条上的顶芽有抑制腋芽生长的作用,因此许多植物只有茎顶芽发育得好,主干长得快,而腋芽却受到抑制,发育较慢或处于休眠状态。这种现象叫做顶端优势。 束中形成层 在茎的维管束中,初生韧皮部与初生木质部之间,有一层具潜在分生能力的组织,称为束中形成层。束中形成层与位于维管束之间的束间形成层一起连成环形的形成层。 along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 无融合生殖 在被子植物中,胚囊里的卵经受精发育成胚,着是一种正常现象。但也有胚囊里的卵不经受精,或者助细胞、反足细胞、甚至珠心细胞或珠被细胞直接发育成胚,这种现象叫做无融合生殖。无融合生殖可分为孤雌生殖、无配子生殖和无孢子生殖三种类型。 多胚现象 一粒种子中具有一个以上的胚,称为多胚现象。多胚现象在裸子植物中普遍存在。在被子植物中也会因无融合生殖或受精卵发育成胚的过程中分裂成几个胚以及其他原因而出现多胚现象。 细胞和细胞学说 有机体除病毒外,都是由单个或多个细胞构成的。细胞是生命活动的基本结构与功能单位。植物细胞由原生质体和细胞壁两部分组成。细胞学说是德国植物学家Schledem.M.J和动物学家Schwann.T二人于1938-1939提出的。细胞学说认为,植物和动物的组织都是由细胞构成的;所有的细胞是 根蘖植物 洋槐、白杨等木本植物的根上常生出许多不定芽,这些不定芽可以长成幼枝条,进行繁殖。这类植物称根蘖植物。 泡状细胞 禾本科植物和其它单子叶植物叶上的上表皮上具有一些特殊的大型含水细胞,有较大的液泡,无叶绿素或有少量的叶绿素,径向细胞壁薄,外壁较厚,称为泡状细胞。泡状细胞通常位于两个维管束之间的部位,在叶上排成若干纵行,在横切面上,泡状细胞排成扇形。 心皮 心皮是构成雌蕊的单位,是具生殖作用的变态叶。一个雌蕊由一个心皮构成,称单雌蕊,一个雌蕊由几个心皮联合而成,称复雌蕊(合生雌蕊)。 营养繁殖 营养繁殖是植物体的营养器官------根、茎、叶的某一部分和母体分离(有时不立即分离),而直接形成新个体的繁殖方式。如马铃薯的块茎发育成新的植物体即为营养繁殖。营养繁殖可分为自然营养繁殖和人工营养繁殖。 根瘤与菌根 根瘤和菌根是种子植物与微生物见的共生关系现象。根瘤是豆科(或豆目)植物以及其他一些植物(如凯木、木麻黄属等)根部的瘤状突起。它是由于土壤中根瘤细菌侵入根的皮层中,引起细胞分裂和生长而形成的。根瘤细菌具有固氮作用,与具根瘤植物有着共生关系。菌根是某些土壤中 质体 质体是一类与碳水化合物的合成与储藏密切相关的细胞器,它是植物(除细菌、真菌和蓝藻以外)细胞特有的结构。尚未分化成熟的质体称为前质体。分化成熟的质体根据其颜色和功能的不同,分为叶绿体、有色体和白色体三种类型。 子房 子房是被子植物花中的雌蕊的主要组成部分,子房由子房壁和胚珠组成。当传粉受精后,子房发育成果实。 along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 定根和不定根 凡是有一定生长部位的根,称为定根,包括定根和侧根两种。在主根和主根所产生的侧根以外的部分,如茎叶老根或胚轴上生出才根,因此着生位置不固定,故称不定根。 颖果 颖果的果皮薄,革质,不开裂,含一粒种子,果皮和种皮紧密愈合不易分离。颖果小,一般易误认为种子,是水稻、玉米和小麦等禾本科植物特有的果实类型。 四强雄蕊 一朵花中具六枚离生雄蕊,两轮着生。外轮两枚花丝较短,内轮四枚花丝较长。这种四长二短的雄蕊称为四强雄蕊。如十字花科植物的雄蕊。 器官 器官是生物体由多种组织构成的、能行使一定功能的结构单位。植物体内,一营养生长为主要功能的器官称为营养器官,如根、茎和叶;与生殖有密切关系的器官称为生殖器官,如花、果实和种子。 幼苗 种子萌发后有胚长成的独立生活的幼小植株,即为幼苗。不同植物种类的种子萌发时,由于胚体各部分,特别是胚轴部分的生长速度不同,长成幼苗在形态上也不一样,可分为两类:子叶出土的幼苗和子叶留土的幼苗。 繁殖 植物体发育到一定阶段,就必然通过一定的方式,以它本身产生新的个体来延续后代,这种现象叫做繁殖。繁殖分为三大类型,即营养繁殖、无性繁殖(又称无性繁殖)和有性生殖。 外胚乳 有些植物的珠心组织随种子的发育而增大,形成一种类似胚乳的贮藏组织,称外胚乳。例如藜科、石竹科植物。 雄性不育 植物由于内在生理、遗传的原因,在正常的确自然条件下,也会产生花药或花粉不能正常地发育、成为畸形或完全退化的情况,这一现象称为雄性不育。雄性不育可有三联单种表现形式:一是花药退化;二是花药内无花粉;三是花粉败育。 花程式 用符号和数字表示花各部分的组成、排列位置和相互关系,称为花和式(又称花公式)。 假果 有些植物的果实,除子房外,还有花的其他部分(如花托、花被等)参与发育,和子房一起形成果实,这种果实称为假果,如梨。 髓射线 髓射线是茎中维管束见的薄壁组织,也称初生射线,由基本分生组织产生。在次生生长中,起长度加长,形成本分次生结构。脊射线位于皮层和髓之间,有横向运输的作用,也是茎内储藏营养物质的组织。 along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 分蘖和蘖位 禾本科植物地面上或近地面上的分蘖节(根状茎节)上产生腋芽,以后腋芽形成就不定根的分枝,这种方式的分枝称分蘖。分蘖上又可以继续形成分蘖,依次形成一级分蘖、二级分蘖,一此类推,分蘖有高蘖位和低蘖位之分。所谓蘖位,就是分蘖生在第几节上,这个节位即蘖位。蘖位越低 真果 仅由子房发育而成的果实称为真果,如桃、杏的果实。 细胞周期 有丝分裂从一次分裂结束到另一次分裂结束之间的期限,叫做细胞周期。一个细胞周期包括G1期,S期,G2期,M期。 不活动中心 根的顶端分生组织的最前端的一细胞分裂活动较弱的区域,称为活动中心。不活动中心的细胞中,合成核酸、蛋白质的速率低,细胞核、核仁、内质网和高尔基体均较小,线粒体也少。 双受精作用 花粉管到达胚囊后,其末端破裂,释放出的两个精子,一个与卵细胞融合,成为二倍体的受精卵(合子),另一个与两个极核融合,形成三倍体的初生胚乳核。卵细胞,极核同时和二精子分别完成融合的过程叫做双受精。双受精是被子植物有性生殖的特有现象。 侵填体 木本植物多年生老茎中,早期的次生木质部(即心材)导管和管胞失去输导作用。其原因之一,是由于它们附近的薄壁组织细胞从纹孔处侵入导管或管胞腔内,膨大和沉积树脂、丹宁、油类等植物,形成部分地或完全地阻塞导管或管胞腔的突起结构,这种突起即侵填体。 染色质和染色体 当细胞固定染色体后,核质中被碱性染料染成深色的部分,称为染色质。染色质是细胞中遗传物质存在的主要形式,其主要成分是DNA和蛋白质。在电子显微镜下染色质显出一些交织成网状的细丝。细胞有丝分裂和减数分裂时期,染色质高度螺旋化而变粗变短,成为易被碱性染料着色的粗线 传递细胞 传递细胞是一些特化的薄壁细胞,具有胞壁向内生长的特性,行使物质短途运输的生理功能。 内起源 发生于器官内部组织的方式称为内起源。如侧根起源于母根的中柱鞘。 木质部脊 在根的横切面上,初生木质部整个轮廓呈辐射状,原生木质部构成辐射状的棱角,即木质部脊。每种植物的根中,木质部脊是相对稳定的。植物解剖学上依根内木质部脊数的不同,把根分为二原型、三原型等。 同源器官 具有同一来源、而在形态上和功能上有显著区别的器官称为同源器官。例如马铃薯的块茎、毛竹的根状茎、葡萄的卷须等,它们形态和机能均不同,但都是来源于茎的变态。 along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 细胞器 散布在细胞质内具有一定结构和功能的亚细胞结构称细胞器。如各种质体、线粒体 、内质网、核糖体、高尔基体、微管等。 单性结实 子房不经受精就发育成果实称为单性结实。单性结实的果实里不含种子,这类果实为无子果实。 种子 种子是种子植物的繁殖器官,是胚珠经过受精而发育形成的结构。种子一般由胚、胚乳和种皮三部分组成。在种子植物中,有的植物种子中的胚乳在发育过程中被子叶吸收,成熟后的种子没有胚乳,叫做无胚乳种子,如大豆、黄瓜的种子;成熟后种子内有胚乳的叫做有胚乳种子,如小麦、水稻的种子。 藤本植物 有缠绕和攀缘茎的植物统称为藤本植物。依茎的性状,藤本植物分为木质藤本(如葡萄、忍冬)和草质藤本(如菜豆、旱金莲)。 无性繁殖 无性繁殖是通过一类称为孢子的无性繁殖细胞,从母体分离后,直接发育成为新个体的繁殖方式。 直根系和须根系 有明显的主根和侧根区别的根系称为直根系,如松、棉、油菜等植物的根系。无明显的主根和侧根的区分的根系,或根系全部由不定根和它的分枝组成,粗细相近,无主次之分,而呈须状的根系,称须根系,如禾本科植物稻、麦的根系。 胞间连丝 胞间连丝是穿过细胞壁的原生质细丝,它连接相邻细胞间的原生质体。它是细胞原生质体之间物质和信息直接联系的桥梁,是多细胞植物成为一个结构和功能上同意的有机体的重要保证。 无限花序与有限花序 无限花序又称总状花序或向心花序,其开花的的顺序是花轴下部的花先开,渐及上部,或由边缘开向中心,如油菜的总状花序。有限花序又称聚伞花序或离心花序,它的特点与无限花序相反,花序中最顶点或最中心的花先开,渐及下边或周围,如番茄的聚伞花序。 芽鳞痕 鳞芽开展时,外围的芽鳞片脱落后在茎上留下的痕迹,称为芽鳞痕。芽鳞痕的形状和数目因植物而异,是识别植物和进行植物分类的依据之一。 外始式和内始式 某结构成熟的过程是向心顺序,即从外方向逐渐发育成熟,这种方式称为外始式。如跟的初生木质部和根、茎的初生韧皮部的发育顺序是外始式。反之,成熟过程是离心顺序,即由内方向外方逐渐发育成熟,这种方式是内始式,如茎的初生木质部的发育顺序是内始式。 分生组织 种子植物中具分裂能力的细胞限制在植物体的某些部位,这些部位的细胞在植物体一生中持续地保持强烈的分裂能力,这种具有持续分裂能力的细胞群称为分生组织。分生组织根据所处位置不同可along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 分为顶端分生组织、侧生分生组织和居间分生组织。根据来源不同可分为原分生组织、初分生组织、次生分生组织。 细胞分化 多细胞有机体的细胞在结构和功能上的特化,称为细胞分化。细胞分化表现在内部生理变化和形态外貌变化两个方面。细胞分化使多细胞植物中细胞功能趋向专门化,有利于提高各种生理功能和效率。因此,分化是进化的表现。 单性结实 不经过受精作用,子房就发育成果实,这种现象称单性结实。单性结实过程中,子房不经过传粉或任何其他刺激,便可形成无子果实,称为营养单性结实,如香蕉;若子房必须通过诱导作用才能形成无子果实,则称为诱导单性结实,如以马铃薯的花粉刺激番茄的柱头可得到无籽果实。 直根系和须根系 有明显的主根和侧根区别的根系称为直根系,如松、棉、油菜等植物的根系。无明显的主根和侧根的区分的根系,或根系全部由不定根和它的分枝组成,粗细相近,无主次之分,而呈须状的根系,称须根系,如禾本科植物稻、麦的根系。 单体雄蕊 一朵花中雄蕊多数、花药分离,花丝彼此连合成一束或呈管状,这样的雄蕊称为单体雄蕊,如棉花的雄蕊。 树皮 树皮是木本植物茎的形成层以外的部分。在较老的木质茎上,树皮包括木栓及它外方的死组织(统称外树皮)和木栓形成层、栓内层(如果存在)及韧皮部(统称内树皮)。 芽 芽是处于幼态而未伸展的枝、花或花序,也即枝、花或花序尚未发育前的雏体。芽有各种类型。如按着生位置分为定芽(包括顶芽和腋芽)和不定押;按芽鳞的有无分为鳞芽和根芽;按其性质分为枝芽、花芽和混合芽;按其生理状况分为活动芽与休眠芽。 平周分裂和垂周分裂 平周分裂即切向分裂,是细胞分裂产生的新壁与器官表面最近处切线平行,子细胞的新壁为切向壁。平周分裂使器官增粗。广义的垂周分裂还包括横向分裂。横向分裂产生的新壁为横向壁,分裂的结果使器官伸长。 通道细胞 单子叶植物内皮层细胞大多五面增厚,只有少数位于木质部脊处的内皮层细胞,保持初期发育阶段的结构,即细胞具有凯氏带,但壁不增厚,这些细胞称为通道细胞。通道细胞起着皮层与维管柱间物质交流的作用。 丝状器 被子植物胚囊内的助细胞中,一些伸向细胞中间的不规则的片状或指状突起,称为丝状器。丝状器是通过细胞壁的内向生长而形成,它们的作用使助细胞犹如传递细胞。具丝状器是助细胞结构上最突出的特点。 along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 补充组织 树木的枝干上,皮孔一般产生于原来气孔的位置,气孔内方的木栓形成层不形成木栓细胞,而形成一些排列疏松、具有发达的胞间隙,近似球形的薄壁组织细胞,它们以后栓化或非栓化,称为补充组织。随着补充组织的逐步增多,向外突出,形成裂口,即皮孔 内起源 发生于器官内部组织的方式称为内起源或内生源。如,侧根起源于母根的中柱鞘。 变态 植物体由于功能的改变所引起的器官的一般形态和结构的变化称为变态。如洋槐的托叶变为刺。 花芽分化 花或花序是由花芽发育而来的。当植物生长发育到一定阶段,在适宜的环境下,就转入生殖生长,茎尖的分生组织不再产生叶原基和腋芽原基,而分化形成花或花序,这一过程称为花芽分化。禾本科植物的花芽分化一般称为幼穗分化。 年轮和假年轮 年轮也称生长或生长层。在木材的横切面上,次生木质部呈若干同心环层,每一环层代表一年中形成的次生木质部。在有显著季节性气候的地区中,不少植物的次生木质部在正常情况下,没年性车工内一轮,因此习惯上称为年轮。每一年轮包括早材和晚材两部分。由于外界气候异常或虫害 初生生长初生组织和初生结构 顶端分生组织经过分裂、生长、分化三个阶段产生各种成熟组织。这整个生长过程称为初生生长。初生生长过程中产生的各处成熟组织属于初生组织,由初生组织共同组织成的结构即初生结构,如根的初生结构由表皮、皮层和维管柱三部分组成。 植物分类部分: 1、球果: 由大孢子叶球发育而来的球状结构,球果由多数种鳞和苞鳞及种子组成,是裸子植物松柏纲特有的结构( 2、珠鳞:松柏纲植物大孢子叶常宽厚,称珠鳞(活种鳞); 种鳞:松柏纲植物的珠鳞成熟时叫做种鳞或果鳞。 3、孑遗植物: 又称“活化石”植物。指某一地质时期非常繁盛而现在仅残存个别地区,几乎要灭绝的植物。 4、原叶体: 蕨类植物的配子体称为原叶体。 5、聚合果: 由一朵花的雌蕊所有离生心皮形成的果实群。每一离生心皮所形成的小果实的类型可分:聚合瘦果,聚合 蓇葖果,聚合核果,聚合翅果,聚合坚果,聚合浆果. along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 聚花果: 由整个花序组成果实,故称花序果或复果(multiple fruit), 如桑、无花果及凤梨(菠萝)等果实。 6、柔荑花序: 花序轴长而细软,常下垂(又少数直立),其上着生许多无梗的单性花。花缺少花冠或花被,花后或结果后整个花序脱落。如柳,杨,栎的雄花序。 7、单体雄蕊: 一花中有10个或更多的雄蕊,其花丝连合成一束,组成花丝筒,花药分离。如棉,红麻,锦葵等。 聚药雄蕊: 一花中雄蕊的花丝分离,花药粘合,如向日葵等菊科植物,以及南瓜、大岩桐等花的雄蕊。 8、侧膜胎座: 雄蕊由多心皮构成,各心皮边缘合生,子房1室,胚珠着生在腹缝线上,如油菜,三色堇等植物的胎座式。 中轴胎座: 雄蕊由多心皮构成,各心皮互相连合,在子房中形成中轴和隔膜,子房室数和心皮数相同,胚珠着生在中轴上,如棉、柑橘等的胎座式。 、蔷薇果: 9 蔷薇科蔷薇属的果实。多数瘦果集于肉质的花筒内,组成1聚合果称“蔷薇果”。 10、柑果: 芸香科柑橘属的果实。是由多心皮具中轴胎座的子房发育而成。外果皮坚韧革质,又很多油囊分布。中果皮疏松髓质,内果皮内侧充满半透明的汁胞。 11、蝶形花冠: 由5个形状不同的花瓣排成蝶形,最大的一瓣称旗瓣,在最外面;其内方两边各有一瓣,形状小,称翼瓣;翼瓣下方为2龙骨瓣,如大豆、蚕豆等的花冠。 假蝶形花冠: 各花瓣多少部相似,花瓣成上升覆瓦状排列,即上方的1花瓣最小,位于最内方。如豆科云实亚科的植物。 12、双悬果: 由2心皮的子房发育而成的果实。伞形科植物的果实多属这一类型。成熟后心皮分离成两瓣,并列悬挂在中央果柄的上端,种子仍包于心皮中,以后脱离。果皮干燥,不开裂,如胡萝卜、小茴香的果实。 13、二强雄蕊与四强雄蕊: (1)二强雄蕊:一花有4枚雄蕊,2枚较长,2枚较短,如泡桐、连钱草、益母草等花的雄蕊。 (2)四强雄蕊:一花有6枚雄蕊,外轮的2枚花丝较短,内轮的4枚花丝较长,如油菜、萝卜等花的雄蕊。此种雄蕊为十字花科植物特有。 14、 头状花序: along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 花序上各花无梗,花序轴常膨大为球形、半球形或盘状,花序基部常有总苞,常称盘状花序,如向日葵;有的花序下面无总苞,如喜树;也有的花轴不膨大,花集生于顶端的,如三叶草、紫云英等的花序。 15(合蕊柱: (1)萝藤科植物花中花丝分离,花药与柱头粘合成合蕊柱(2)兰科植物花中1或2枚雄蕊和花柱(包括柱头)完全愈合成一柱体,称合蕊柱。合蕊柱通常半圆柱形,基部有时延伸为蕊柱脚,顶端常有药床。合蕊柱是兰科植物最特有的特征。 16、 舌状花: 花冠简短,花冠裂片向一侧延伸呈舌状。此种花冠为菊科植物所特有。花冠顶端5裂的位舌状花冠,如蒲公英;花冠顶端3裂的为假舌状花冠,如向日葵花序周围的花。 17、肉穗花序: 花序轴肉质肥厚,其上着生许多无梗单性花,花序外具有总苞,称佛焰苞,因而也称佛焰花序,芋、马蹄莲的花序和玉蜀黍的雌花序属这类。 18、 佛焰苞与佛焰花序 同上 19、小穗: 小穗是穗状花序,含1至多数小花,花生于颖状苞片内。小花花被退化为鳞片状、刚毛状、鳞被状或缺。小穗再排成穗状、指状、总状或圆锥状花序、具有小穗是莎草目(莎草科和禾本科)的重要特征之一。也是分属的主要依据之一。 0、 颖果: 2 颖果的果皮薄、革质,只含一粒种子,果皮与种皮紧密愈合不易分离。果实小。一般易误认为是种子。颖果是水稻、小麦、玉米等禾本科植物的特有果实类型。 21、 唇瓣: (1)兰科植物花近轴面(即上面)的一枚花瓣最大,称为唇瓣。常因子房扭转,唇瓣居于远轴面(即下面)。唇瓣常有鲜艳的色彩。具有各种奇特的形状和复杂的结构,往往有矩和囊,内含蜜腺。唇瓣的色彩形状有利于诱导昆虫传粉;昆虫进入花内采蜜时,唇瓣是其落脚处。(2)姜科植物花中2枚内轮雄蕊联合成为花瓣状的唇瓣。 22、 荚果: 由单心皮雌蕊发育而成,边缘胎座。成熟时背缝线和腹缝线同时开裂,如大豆、豌豆、蚕豆等的果实;也有不开裂的,如落花生等的果实;有的荚果果皮在种子间收缩并分节断裂,如含羞草、山蚂蝗等的果实。荚果为豆目(豆科)植物所特有。 23、 角果: 由2心皮的复雌蕊发育而成,侧膜胎座,子房常因假隔膜分成2室,果实成熟后沿2条腹缝线自下而上的开裂。角果有的细长,称长角果,如油菜、甘蓝、桂竹香等的果实;有点角果呈三角形或圆球形,称短角果,如荠菜、独行菜等的果实。但长角果也有不开裂的如萝卜的果实。角果为十字花科植物所特有。 24、主模式标本和等模式标本: along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy (1)主模式标本 (全模式标本、正模式标本)是由命名人指定的模式标本,即著作发表新分类群时据以命名、描述和绘图的那一份标本。 (2)等模式标本 (同号模式标本、复模式标本)系与主模式标本同为一采集者在同一地点与同一时间所采集的同号复份标本。 25、 双名法: 是指每一种植物(或动物、微生物)的名称都有2个拉丁词(或拉丁化形式的词)所组成。前面一个词为属名,代表该植物所从属的分类单位,第二个词为种加词。一个完整的学名,双名的后面还应附加上命名人名字或姓名的缩写。 26、种与品种: (1)种:这里指物种,是生物分类学的基本单位。它是具有一定的形态和生理特征以及一定的自然分布生物类群;同种植物的个体,起源于共同的祖先,有级近似的形态特征,个体间能进行自然交配并产生正常可育的后代;不同种的个体杂交,一般不能产生正常可育的后代,存在生殖隔离;一个物种是由1至无数个居群组成,居群由数个到无数个个体组成,种是生物进化与自然选择的产物。 (2)品种 不是植物学的分类学单位,不存在野生植物中。品种是人类在生产实践中,进过选择培育而成的。一般说来品种多基于生物学特性和经济性状的差异,品种也就是栽培植物的变种或变型。 27、菌丝体与子实体: (1)菌丝体 真菌的营养体除少数种类是单细胞外,大多数为分枝的丝状体,其每一条细丝称为菌丝,组成一个菌体的全部菌丝称为菌丝体。 (2)子实体 真菌中产生和容纳有性孢子的组织结构,其质地、大小、形状和颜色等因种而异。 28、花程式: 用符号和数字列成公式表示花的对称性、性别、各部分的数量、组成、连合情况以及位置状态等性状,这种公式叫花程式。 29、单叶与复叶: (1)单叶:一个叶柄上只生一张叶片,如棉、油菜、桃等的叶。 (2)复叶:一个叶柄上着生2片或2片以上分离的叶片,如大豆、蚕豆等的叶。 30、周位花:书本P189最上面; 31、瓠果:书本P193最下面; 32、大孢子叶球:书本P259中间; 33、精子器: 苔藓、蕨类等植物的雄性生殖器官。外壁由一层不孕细胞构成,其内有许多精子。 34、颈卵器: 苔藓植物的雌性生殖器官,外形如瓶状,上部细狭,称颈部,下部膨大,称腹部,颈部的外壁由一层不孕的细胞构成,中间的颈沟内有一串颈沟细胞,腹部的外壁由多层不孕细胞构成,其内有一腹沟细胞和一大形的卵细胞。蕨类植物和绝大部分裸子植物也具有颈卵器的构造。 along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 35、次生菌丝体: 含双核,是担子菌的主要营养体,生活期长,同时担子菌均由次生菌丝体形成。 36、孢子植物: 不产生种子而产生孢子的植物叫孢子植物。 37、颈卵器植物: 生殖器官为颈卵器的苔藓、蕨类和裸子植物统称为颈卵器植物。 38、维管植物: 体内有维管组织分化的植物称为维管植物,包括蕨类和种子植物 along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy
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