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英语中引用名言英语中引用名言 篇一:英语演讲怎么引用名言 英语演讲结尾术欣赏-名言 *with celebrated dictums #名言结尾术欣赏 chairman mao has written, so many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. ten thousand years are too long, seize the day, seize the hour! this i...

英语中引用名言 篇一:英语演讲怎么引用名言 英语演讲结尾术欣赏-名言 *with celebrated dictums #名言结尾术欣赏 chairman mao has written, so many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. ten thousand years are too long, seize the day, seize the hour! this is the hour, this is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and a better world.in that spirit, i ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to chairman mao, to prime minister zhou, and to the friendship of the chinese and american people which can lead to friendship and peace for all people in the world. 毛主席写过:多少事,从来急,天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久, 只争朝夕。 现在就是只争朝夕的时候了,是我们两国人民攀登那种可以缔 造一个新的、更美好的世界的伟大境界高峰的时候了。 本着这种精神,我请求诸位同我一起举杯,为毛主席,为周总 理,为能够导致全世界所有人民的友谊与和平的中国人民同美国 人民之间的友谊,干杯~ ,,选自一九七二年二月二十一日欢迎宴会上美国总统尼克松的讲话 my friends, allow me to quote a traditional famous chinese poem as my end. i think we can further and better understand that our parents love us warmly and deeply like that of a spring. now i will recite the poem: the thread in mothers hand? a gown for parting son. sewn stitch by stitch, alas! for fear of cold hell stand. such kindness of warm sun cant be repaid by grass. may every one of us respect and love our parents! may our society be full of love! thank you all! 朋友们:最后我提议,让我们一道重温中国一首古老的歌谣,从中再次领悟一番父母对儿女春天般的厚爱: 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 愿我们都拥有一颗孝心~ 愿我们的社会充满爱心~ 谢谢大家~ the last cause of this disobedient spirit in the colonies is hardly less powerful than the rest, as it is not merely moral, but laid deep in the natural constitution of things. three thousand miles of ocean lie between you and them. no contrivance can prevent the effect of this distance in weakening government. seas roll and months pass between the order and the execution; and the want of a speedy explanation of a single point is enough to defeat the whole system. you have, indeed, wingled ministers of vengence, who carry your bolts in their pouches to the remotes verge of the sea. but there a power steps in that limits the arrogance of raging passion and furious elements, and says: so far shalt though go, and no farther.殖民地这种不屈服的精神作为最后一个原因,其影响并不亚于其 他的原因,因为这不仅仅是个道德问题,而且它深深植根于自然 界事物的构造之中。你们和他们之间相距着万里大洋。来自那遥 远统治的影响目前尚无法防止。通过海路传递命令到执行命令往 往要几个月时间;只要有一个需迅速解决的问题即可彻底毁掉整 个体系。你们确实面对着长有翅膀的复仇大臣,他们的袋里篇二: 英语演讲的开场白与结束语 演讲稿开场白 -to tell a story (about yourself); 讲个(自己的)故事; -to acknowledge the occasion of the gathering; 对大家能够聚在 一起表示感谢;- to quote; 引用名人名言; - to use unusual statistics; 使用一些不平常的数据; - to ask the audience a challenging question; 问观众一个挑战性 的问题; - to show a video or a slide. 播放录像带或看幻灯片。 欢迎听众(正式) 欢迎听众(非正式 ) - im glad you could all get here... - im glad to see so many people here. - its great to be back here. 受邀请在会议上致词 - i am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - i am grateful for the opportunity to present... - id like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - its my pleasant duty today to... - ive been asked to... 告知演讲的话题 - the subject of my presentation is... - i shall be speaking today about... - my presentation concerns... - todays topic is... - today we are here to give a presentation on... - today we are here to talk about...before we start, id like you meet my team members... - a brief look at todays agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序) - before we start our presentat ion, lets take a brief look at the agenda...- i shall be offering a brief analysis of... - the main area that i intend to cover in this presentation is... - take a moment and think of... - thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about... 告诉听众发言的长度 - during the next ten minutes, i shall... - i shall be speaking for about ten minutes... - my presentation will last for about ten minutes... - i wont take up more than ten minutes of your time... - i dont intend to speak for longer than ten minutes... - i know that time is short, so i intend to keep this brief - i have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so id better make a start... 引起听众的兴趣 - i am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing... - by the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about... 告诉听众内容要点 - there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...athird, ...another, ... the final) - i am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first, ...next, ...after that, ...finally) - ive divided my talk into five parts... - i will deal with these topics in chronological order... - im going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem (...in general, ...more particularly). - i want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more generalconclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context). - there are (a number of) factors that may affect... - we have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations. - we all ought to be aware of the following points. 结束语: -in conclusion, id like to... -id like to finish by... -finally... -by way of conclusion... -i hope i have made myself understood -i hope you have found this useful -i hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... -let me end by saying... -that, then was all i had to say on... -that concludes our presentation... -i hope ive managed to give you a clearer picture of... -if there are any questions, id be delighted to... -thank you for your attention... -lets break for a coffee at this point -i am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-you have been a very attentive audience---thank you 演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体。它可以 用来交流思想、感情,表达自己的主张、看法;也可以用来介绍 自己的学习、工作情况和经验??等等;演讲稿具有宣传、鼓动、 教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传 达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。 一、演讲稿的特点 演讲稿具有以下三个特点: 第一,针对性。演讲是一种社会活动,是用于公众场合的宣传 形式。它为了能够用思想、感情、事例和理论来打动听众,“征服” 群众,必须要有现实的针对性。所谓针对性,首先是作者提出的问题是听众所关心的问题,它的评论和论辩要有雄辩的逻辑力量,要能为听众所接受并心悦诚服,这样,才能起到应有的社会效果。 第二,可讲性。演讲的本质在于“讲”,而不在于“演”,它以“讲”为主、以“演”为辅。由于演讲要靠口头讲出来的,所以写演讲稿的时候必须以容易说能够讲为前提。一篇好的演讲稿对演讲者来说要可以;对听讲者来说应该要好听。因此,演讲稿写成之后,作者最好能通过试讲或默念加以检查,凡是觉得讲不顺口或听不清楚之处,都应该作修改与调整。第三,鼓动性。演讲是一门艺术。好的演讲会有一种激发听众情绪、赢得好感的鼓动性。要做到这一点,首先要依靠演讲稿思想内容的丰富、深刻,见解精辟、独到,语言表达要形象、生动,富有感染力。 二、演讲稿的结构有自己的特殊之处。 演讲稿的结构分开头、主体、结尾三个部分,其结构原则与一般文章的结构原则大致一样。但是,由于演讲是具有时间性和空间性的活动,因而演讲稿的结构还具有其自身的特点,尤其是它的开头和结尾有特殊的要求。 (一)开头要抓住听众,引人入胜 演讲稿的开头,也叫开场白。它在演讲稿的结构中处于显要的地位,具有重要的作用。好的演讲稿,一开头就应该用最简洁的语言、最经济的时间,把听众的注意力和兴奋点吸引过来,这样,才能达到出奇制胜的效果。演讲稿的开头有多种方法,通常用的 主要有:l.开门见山 开门见山,就是直接提示演讲的中心,不讲多余的话,这样的开头,使听众一听就知道演讲的中心是什么,注意力马上就集中在演讲上。 2.介绍情况,说明根由。这种开头可以迅速缩短与听众的距离,使听众急于了解下文。 3.从日常生活或切身体会入题 可以借助某事件、某一比喻、个人的经历或一段笑话,唤起听众的注意,同时使它成为与题目有关的媒介,或与演讲的主要内容衔接起来的因素。 4.用提问激发听众的思考 这种方法是根据听众的特点和演讲的内容,提出一些激发听众思考的问题,以引起听众的注意。 除了以上三种方法,还有唱歌式、悬念式、警策式、幽默式、双关式、抒情式等。作为演讲比赛,巧妙地承接上一位或前面几位选手的演讲话题,或是他们演讲中的观点、动作等进行引发,效果将非同凡响。这种临场性的发挥会给听众留下良好的印象。 好的开头是成功的一半,头开好了,接下来就是文章的主体部分了。 (二)、主体要环环相扣,层层深入 这是演讲稿的主要部分。在行文的过程中,要处理好层次、节奏和衔接等几个问题。 1、层次 我们都知道看文章,一遍不清楚,可以回头再看,而演讲却不同,听众只能听一遍,因此要求层次、条理十分清楚,能让听众一听就明白。 那末,怎样才能使演讲稿结构的层次清晰明了呢,根据听众以听觉把握层次的特点基本方法就是在演讲中树立明显的有声语言标志,从而获得层次清晰的效果。此外,还可以运用过渡句,或者是“首先”“其次”“然后”等语词来区别层次, 2、节奏 节奏,是指演讲内容在结构安排上表现出的张弛起伏。 演讲稿结构的节奏,主要是通过演讲内容的变换来实现的。演讲内容的变换,是在一个主题思想所统领的内容中,适当地插入幽默、诗文、轶事等内容,以便听众的注意力既保持高度集中而又不因为高度集中而产生兴奋性抑制。优秀的演说家几乎没有一个不长于使用这种方法。 演讲稿结构的节奏既要鲜明,又要适度。平铺直叙,呆板沉滞,固然会使听众紧张疲劳,而内容变换过于频繁,也会造成听众注意力涣散。所以,插入的内容应该为实现演讲意图服务,而节奏的频率也应该根据听众的心理特征来确定。 (三)结尾要简洁有力,余音绕梁。结尾是演讲内容的自然收束。言简意赅、余音绕梁的结尾能够使听众精神振奋,并促使听众不断地思考和回味; 1、把要点做一下 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 。 2、展望未来,鼓舞斗志 在演讲结束时,提出任务,指明前途,提出希望,发出号召,鼓舞听众振奋精神,坚定信念,采取行动,会收到预期的效果。 3、用充满激情的话语作结 充满激情的话语能激起听众情绪的激 动,激越的感情会使听众受到感染,并受到鼓舞。 4、用名言、诗句、歌曲作结。 用名言、诗句作结可以使演讲的 主题得到有力的 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 ,加强演讲的力度,使听众在联想和印证中 得到深刻启示。篇三:英语演讲技巧 英语演讲技巧.txt“我羡慕内些老人 羡慕他们手牵手一直走到 最后。?交话费的时候,才发现自己的话那么值钱。1. 语速太快; talking too rapidly; 2. 声音单调;speaking in monotone; 3. 声音尖细;using too high a vocal pitch; 4. 谈得太多,说得太少; talking and not saying much; 5. 感情不充分; presenting without enough emotion or passion; 6. 对观众采取一种居高临下的姿态; talking down to the audience; 7. 夸张的词语使用得太多; using too many big words; 8. 使用抽象概念而不给出事例加以说明; using abstractions without giving concrete examples 9. 使用别人不熟悉的技术术语; using unfamiliar technical jargon; 10. 使用俚语或粗俗语; using slang or profanity; 11. 演讲无组织,散乱无序; disorganized and rambling performance; 12. 说话绕弯子,不切中主题 英语演讲技巧总结:怎样与听众交流 l要有值得交流的观点; l引起听众的注意:抓住他们的兴趣并赢得信任; gain the listeners attention: capture their interest and build their trust;l重视理解; emphasize understanding; l获得反馈; 篇二:英语作文中最常引用名句 英语作文中最常引用名句 时间: Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待。 Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日毕。 Time past cannot be called back again. 光阴一去不复返。 友谊: A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 A life without a friend is a life without a sun( 人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有太阳。 志向、理想、决心: Great hopes make great man. 远大的希望造就伟大的人物。 Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 知识、学习: No man is born wise or learned.没有生而知之者。 Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 An idle youth,a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。 Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。美德: Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance。无德之美犹如没有香 味的玫瑰。 It’s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 君子在德不在衣。 坚持、毅力、积累: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step。千里之行始于 足下。 Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。 Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。 Constant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。勇气: No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。自立: God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。 细致、谨慎:One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。 Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜。 More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 挫折: The finest diamond must be cut.玉不琢,不成器。 A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 平静的大海不能造就熟练的 水手。All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事都是先难后易。 行动: Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。 Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。 团结: Many hands make light work.众人拾柴火焰高。 Two heads are better than one.一个好汉三个帮。 Unity is strength.团结就是力量。 骄傲、谦虚: Pride goes before, and shame comes after.骄傲使人落后。 The more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。 Humility is the foundation of all virtue. 谦逊是一切美德的基础。 错误: To err is human.人非圣贤,孰能无过。 A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 劳逸结合: All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作 不玩耍,聪明孩子也 变傻。You cannot burn the candle at both ends.蜡烛不能两头点, 精力不 可过分耗。 节约: Waste not, want not. 俭以防匮。 A penny saved is a penny gained. 节约等于收入。Every little makes a mickle. 积少成多。 健康: Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富 篇三:英语作文里的名言引用 四两拨千斤:考试时作文名言引用参考 表示事情的两面性: There are pros and cons to this issue. There are arguments for and against this issue. There are both advantages and disadvantages in this issue. 表示爱国 Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. ---J. F. Kennedy 此处country 可以根据实际情况换成 the society, school, factory, company, family, 表示诚实,美德, 忠诚 Honesty is the best policy. He who serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages. 为金钱而侍奉上帝的人,也会因为更高的出价而为魔鬼效力。 A hundred years cannot repair a moment’s loss of honor. 一失足成千古恨 (可用于表示做人要慎重;或者荣誉的珍贵) 表示奉献 Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. ---- Albert Einstein, scientist 表示学习,勤奋,恒心和毅力 If the boat of your dream does not come to you, swim to it. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. Learning to the mind is as necessary as food to the body. Books are the stepping stones to human progress. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. --- Thomas Edison, scientist The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. – Goethe, 歌德 表示职业 An artist is any one who glorifies his occupation. A person can be an artist if he glorifies his occupation. 任何为自己的职业带来荣誉的人都是艺术家。 There can be no freedom in the world when men must beg for jobs. 表示独立自主: Self-help is the best help. God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天恒助之。 表示金钱,财富 True happiness is not always annexed to wealth. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. The love of money produces endless miseries. The principle of diligence and applies to all undertakings. 勤俭节 约的原则适用于所有事业。 表示理想,信心,信念 1. A college student in 21st century should have his motherland in mind and the whole world in view. He should keep pace with the march of the times. 二十一世纪的大学生应该胸怀祖国,放眼 世界,与时俱进。 2. A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. 3. With hope, patience and determination we can surmount (= overcome) every difficulty. 4. The dream of yesterday is the action of today and the reality of tomorrow.
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