首页 遥控器失灵复位



遥控器失灵复位遥控器失灵复位 今天遇到个新问题:早晨出门遥控器开门都还一切正常,到单位下车停车时遥控器死也不听使唤,郁闷之极,最后实在没有其他办法了,用钥匙直接锁车。 还想下班后试试运气,看他是否能自己恢复,结果很失望。试着给SSSS打过电话咨询咨询,工作人员态度很好,耐心给我介绍故障排除,在此和大家分享,以便以后如遇到此问题能顺利解决: 首先将钥匙插进钥匙孔,开到全车通电那个档,然后用双手同时按钥匙上的两个按钮(开锁键和关锁键),同时注意观察仪表台里有一盏圆型的红灯亮起(就是锁车后闪烁那盏灯),搞定,取下钥匙再试试,反正我...

遥控器失灵复位 今天遇到个新问题:早晨出门遥控器开门都还一切正常,到单位下车停车时遥控器死也不听使唤,郁闷之极,最后实在没有其他办法了,用钥匙直接锁车。 还想下班后试试运气,看他是否能自己恢复,结果很失望。试着给SSSS打过电话咨询咨询,工作人员态度很好,耐心给我介绍故障排除,在此和大家分享,以便以后如遇到此问题能顺利解决: 首先将钥匙插进钥匙孔,开到全车通电那个档,然后用双手同时按钥匙上的两个按钮(开锁键和关锁键),同时注意观察仪表台里有一盏圆型的红灯亮起(就是锁车后闪烁那盏灯),搞定,取下钥匙再试试,反正我的这样后故障就排除了哈,钥匙遥控恢复正常。 希望各位M友最好不要遇到哈 自达6遥控器匹配 操作步骤: 1.主车门打开,钥匙开关3次不拔; 2.关-开车门3次,门锁动作,则进入学习状态; 3.按遥控器任意按键两次,门锁动作; 4.拔出钥匙,门锁再动作,则遥控器匹配成功。 一:风神蓝鸟2代的遥控设定 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 : 1. 用原车遥控打开车门,进入车内 2. 关好车门 3. 插入原车钥匙(不开电门) 4. 开关车门3次后,打开车门5,开关电门钥匙3次 6. 关电门钥匙,不拔出(成功后报警灯会闪动一次) 7. 按一下新遥控按键,(成功后报警灯会闪动一次) 8. 按一下原车遥控按键(成功后报警灯会闪动一次) 二:风神蓝鸟(eq7200-iii)的遥控设定程序 1、室内灯开关设为自动档,关闭所有车门,10秒内将左前门(驾驶侧)打开再关闭再打开。注意:一定要将室内灯开关设为自动档,即车门打开时室内灯应点亮。 2、点火钥匙插入点火开关,在10秒内开关3次。注意:是将点火开关打开-关闭-打开-关闭-打开-关闭。 3、此时警报喇叭响1声,转向灯闪1次。 4、按1次遥控器上任意一个按键。注意:要在30秒内操作。 5、如果有第二个遥控器要设定,在3秒内按下还要设定的遥控器。 6、关闭车门,设定程序完成,检查遥控系统的工作情况 三:福特起亚万事得遥控设定 (1)利用锁匙打开驾驶侧车门 (2)插入锁匙到点火开关KEY-ON再OFF,取出锁匙 (3)重复步骤(2)三次,或开,关驾驶侧车门三次,按/放驾驶门开关三次 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers (4)当喇叭响一声后,按遥控任何键2次后喇叭再响一声 (5)等待15秒后,会再响声四次,即完成遥控器重设。 (6)在15秒可再设定另一个遥控器。步骤如下: 按新的遥控器上任一个按键2次,然后会声响一次,等待15秒后,会再声响四次 (7)在15秒可再设定第三个遥控器,步骤如下: 按新的遥控器上的任一个按键2次,然后会声响二次,即完成设定 四:别克君越遥控器匹 配方 学校职工宿舍分配方案某公司股权分配方案中药治疗痤疮学校教师宿舍分配方案医生绩效二次分配方案 法: 1) 用一把钥匙将点火开关转到ON位置。(2) 在车外用另一把钥匙锁住车门。(3) 此时室内 灯会亮。按压遥控器上的任意一个健2次 ,室内灯熄灭,完成设定注意:上述操作必须在30s内完成。设定时必须有两把钥匙,并且有一个助手协助。2( 复制钥匙的方法:(1) 将红色主钥匙插到点火开关 并将点火开关转到on位置,在3s内关闭点火开关,并拔出钥匙。(2) 将黑色副钥匙插到点火开关并将 点火开关转到on位置,在3s内关闭点火开关,并拔出钥匙。(3) 用红钥匙打开点火开关,并在3s内 关闭 五:丰田花冠遥控设定: 1、打开司机车门,其它车门关闭; 2、将点火开关打开并关闭5次,此时安全灯应该亮; 3、按遥控器任意键,灯应该熄灭; 4、再按任意键,灯再次点亮,遥控器设定完成; 5、关闭车门,检查遥控器功能。 六:尼桑骊威遥控器设定: 1 关闭全部车门 2 用副驾驶车门上的旋钮锁上车门 3 在10秒内将钥匙插入和拔出电门锁6次[插入和拔出算一次] 4 全部车门会自动开锁 5 在3秒内打开电门锁到ACC档,同时重复做第2步骤 6 按一次遥控器的任意键,门锁就会动作 7 此时打开驾驶位的车门,这一把钥匙就算配好了 8 需要下一把钥匙就再关上全部车门,用驾驶副位车门上的旋钮将车门锁上 9 按第二把钥匙的任意键,门锁也会动作 10 打开驾驶位的车门,设定就成功了。 七:丰田车4C学习方法: 1)。插入原钥匙 2)。把钥匙插入点火开关,在15秒内转动到ON位置5次,最后停在ON位置 在20秒内打开并关闭司机门6次,头一次打开并关闭司机门要在15秒内, 20秒内拿走原钥匙 10秒钟内插入要增加的钥匙 10秒钟内转动点火开关到ON位置,并且保持60秒 从点火开关中拔出钥匙 然后打开再关闭司机门 编码结束 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 八: 现代酷派摇控器设定: 钥匙打到ON档不到,在中间的位置,仪表灯不亮,空调面板灯亮时,按开或锁键一下,双跳灯闪 动即可 九:东风风行遥控设定方法 如果在丢失一钥匙后,重新配备新钥匙进行学习时,请新旧遥控钥匙一同进行学习.在遥控中控锁主机通电 的情况下,按学习按扭,然后松开,再按下钥匙遥控器上的任意按键,进行密码学习,遥控器每学习一个, 汽车的两转向灯会连续闪烁3次,接着立即按下另一钥匙遥控按键学习,学习成功后两转向灯也会连续闪 烁三次。 第一把钥匙的匹配方法: 1、将要匹配的钥匙在点火ON位置(在点火档与关闭档之间),完成初始化 2、开关门三次,连续时间在5秒内 3、将钥匙也开关三到五次,听到“嘀”一声响后 4、拨出钥匙,按开关锁的遥控键(可以两把轮流按) 5、听到车门锁可以由钥匙遥控开关OK 十:马自达323遥控器匹配 一、开关两次左前门; 二、开关五次点火开关;转向灯亮一下 三、按遥控器闭锁按钮;打开点火开关转向指示灯闪两次,按开锁按钮; 四、关闭点火开关30s后测试遥控器。 十一:丰田锐志遥控匹配方法 1. 准备: 打开驾驶员门,拔出钥匙. 2. 在5秒内插入并拔出钥匙2次. 3. 40秒内关闭并打开驾驶员门2次. 4. 插入钥匙并拔出. 5. 40秒内关闭并打开驾驶员门2次. 6. 插入钥匙. 7. 关闭所有门. 8. 以1秒的间隔转动点火, 将点火开关 "LOCK" 位置转到"ON"来选择设定模式. (1) LOCK-ON 1次, 添加模式. (2) LOCK-ON 2次, 改写模式. (3) LOCK-ON 3次, 确认模式. (4) LOCK-ON 2次, 禁止模式. 9. 取出钥匙. 10. 同时按下LOCK 键和UNLOCK 键, 5秒后放开. 11. 重复步骤10. 12. 如果设定成功, 中控锁上和开启一次. 13. 不成功中控开启锁上2次. 14. 打开驾驶员门, 完成设定. 十二:别克凯越汽车遥控发射器编程步骤 1.连接故障诊断仪 2.接通点火开关 3.用诊断仪清楚当前的识别代码。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 4.给防盗控制模块发送编程信息 5.按压发射器上的任以按钮时,遥控发射器产生包括遥控识别代码和数据码。并发送到遥控控制模块,然后控制模块反馈给TECH2第一组识别密码被记忆。 6.重复步骤5直至全部密码被识别。 7.关闭点火开关,当断开TECH2或者防盗模块记忆五组识别码时,放到模块自动退出边城模式,切换到正常模式 十三:本田奥德赛汽车遥控器匹配设定步骤 熬田奥德赛汽车遥控器匹配设定步骤 本田遥控器、奥德赛遥控器接收器装置内存中最多可以存储3个遥控器代码,如果要存储第三者4个代码,则第一次输入的代码将被擦除。 (注:保证各步骤之间的时间间隔非常重要,确信车门,发动机盖和尾门均已关闭) 匹配步骤: 1、将点火开关置于ON位置。 2、将遥控器对准电动车窗主控开关旁的遥控器接收器,在1-4s内,按下遥控器的开锁或者闭锁键按钮。 3、在1-4s内,将点火开关转到OFF。 4、在1-4s内,将点火开关转到ON。 5、将遥控器对准电动车窗主控开关旁的遥控器接收器,在1-4s内,按下遥控器的开锁键或者闭锁键按钮。 6、在1-4s内,将点火开关转到OFF。 7、在1-4s内,将点火开关转到ON。 8、将遥控器对准电动车窗主控开关旁的遥控器接收器,在1-4s内,按下遥控器的开锁键或者闭锁键按钮。 9、在1-4s内,将点火开关转到OFF。 10、在1-4s内,将点火开关转到ON。 11、将遥控器对准电动车窗主控开关旁的遥控接收器,在1-4s内,按下遥控器的开锁键或者闭锁键按扭。 12、确定可以听到车门锁作动器的动作声音,在1-4s内,再次按下遥控器的开锁或者闭锁按钮。 13、在10s内,将需要在遥控器接收器中存储其代码的遥控器(最多可再存储2个),对准接收器,然后按下遥控器的开锁或者闭锁按钮。每一遥控器密码存储后,均必须确认能听到门锁作动器的动作声音。 14、将点火开关转到OFF拔出钥匙。 15、确定遥控器能够正常工作。 十四:奥迪C5A6轿车遥控钥匙适配方法 1:C5A6随车一般带有两把遥控的钥匙。如果想另外加遥控钥匙,那么这些钥匙必须与中央门锁控制单元进行适配。 2:如果显示故障代码00955-00958及更换遥控钥匙电池时,也要适配钥匙。 适配新的遥控钥匙步骤: a.打开点火开关(用副钥匙)。 b.在测量数据块007中检查已适配了几把钥匙。 c.在车外用将要适配的车钥匙锁上司机车门锁,5秒钟内按下遥控钥匙上的“offnen”键,直到达到下一个存储位置,每次按下由警报闪光灯认可,等待5秒钟,再次按下键“offnen”,车门打开。 *2000款奥迪A6遥控器适配方法 遥控钥匙的适配 1,C5A6随车一般带有两把遥控的钥匙。如果想另外加遥控钥匙,那么这些钥匙必须与中央门锁控制Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 单元进行适配。 2,如果显示故障代码00955-00958及更换遥控钥匙电池时,也要适配钥匙。 适配新的遥控钥匙步骤: a.打开点火开关(用副钥匙)。 b.在测量数据块007中检查已适配了几把钥匙。 c.在车外用将要适配的车钥匙锁上司机车门锁,5秒钟内按下遥控钥匙上的“offnen”键,直到达到下一个存储位置,每次按下由警报闪光灯认可,等待5秒钟,再次按下键“offnen”,车门打开。 d.关闭点火开关,拔下点火钥匙。 e.检查新遥控钥匙的功能。 说明: 必须注意:新钥匙必须使用未占用的存储位置来适配,如果使用已占用的存储位置(标记为一个“1”)来适配,那么先前已在该位置适配的车钥匙将失效。 已有遥控钥匙的再适配 说明: 只有更换遥控钥匙电池及显示故障代码00955,00958时,才进行此步操作。 按下遥控钥匙上的一个键,如果车门没有打开或锁上: a.在30秒内打开关并锁上司机车门锁。 b.检查遥控钥匙再适配功能是否正常。 十五;日产车解除防盗锁两种解决方法 1: 一种是先拆下遥控器电池,按下遥控器上的“上锁”按钮一次,再装回遥控器电池,然后关上并锁上所有车门,在10秒内插入拔出点火钥匙6次以上,此动作将清除所有遥控电脑的所有原始号码(ID),同时超车灯会闪两次;接着将钥匙转到“ACC”位置,压下遥控器上面的“上锁”按钮一次,同时遥控电脑会记忆此遥控的ID,然后打开驾驶员侧车门,以中断ID输入模式。 2: 另一种方式是,先打开后厢盖,关上并锁上所有车门,10秒内插入拔出点火钥匙6次以上,即可将遥控器内储存的ID清除,再使用门内把手,手动开关上锁驾驶侧门,压下遥控器上的“上锁”按钮一次,即可输入ID至电脑内,最后打开驾驶侧车门,以中断ID输入模式。 十六:2004款捷达遥控及门窗匹配方法 捷达遥控器(钥匙)匹配步骤 遥控器(钥匙)匹配步骤: 1.将第一把遥控钥匙插入点火开关,在5秒内连续开关点火开关3次, 做初始化设定 。 2.快速拔下点火钥匙,在10秒内按住遥控钥匙任一按键,不要松开,再按 另 一键3次,同时松开两键,观察遥控钥匙上的指示灯闪亮5次,门锁会 以自动上锁或打开一次来提示这把遥控钥匙已匹配成功。 3.将第二、三把遥控钥匙重复第2步骤 遥控钥匙的匹配方法: 2004款捷达前卫GIF配有两把带有遥控器的主钥匙,第一把钥匙的匹配方法: 1、将要匹配的钥匙在点火开关内开/关3次(在点火档与关闭档之间),完成初始化。时间不要超过5S。拔出点火钥匙。 2、按住钥匙的任意一个键; 3、在10S内按另外一个键3次; 4、释放所有键。 5、钥匙的LED灯闪烁5次; 6、匹配完成。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 7、第二把钥匙的匹配:重复2-5步。 说明:第二把钥匙距第一把钥匙匹配结束时间不能超过20S。中间不要进行其它操作。 二、玻璃升降器自动开/关功能匹配方法: 2004款捷达前卫车窗升降器开关上、下均有两个档位,随动档和自动档。下压或者上提至一档时,车窗配合开关随动运行;至二档时,则可用点动方式实现自动全开或者全闭,在升降过程中,如果按一下或者抬一下开关,车窗停止运行。当中控锁/电动窗控制单元断电后,两前门的自动开关功能将消失,必须按照下述步骤操作: 1、首先关闭所有车门及玻璃,用钥匙通过任意前门自车外锁闭; 2、再次打开车门; 3、闭锁车门,钥匙保持在 十七:奥迪C5A6遥控钥匙适配方法 1:C5A6随车一般带有两把遥控的钥匙。如果想另外加遥控钥匙,那么这些钥匙必须与中央门锁控制单元进行适配。 2: 如果显示故障代码00955-00958及更换遥控钥匙电池时,也要适配钥匙。 适配新的遥控钥匙步骤: a.打开点火开关(用副钥匙)。 b.在测量数据块007中检查已适配了几把钥匙。 c.在车外用将要适配的车钥匙锁上司机车门锁,5秒钟内按下遥控钥匙上的“offnen”键,直到达到下一个存储位置,每次按下由警报闪光灯认可,等待5秒钟,再次按下键“offnen”,车门打开。 2000款奥迪A6遥控器适配方法 遥控钥匙的适配 1,C5A6随车一般带有两把遥控的钥匙。如果想另外加遥控钥匙,那么这些钥匙必须与中央门锁控制单元进行适配。 2, 如果显示故障代码00955-00958及更换遥控钥匙电池时,也要适配钥匙。 适配新的遥控钥匙步骤: a.打开点火开关(用副钥匙)。 b.在测量数据块007中检查已适配了几把钥匙。 c.在车外用将要适配的车钥匙锁上司机车门锁,5秒钟内按下遥控钥匙上的“offnen”键,直到达到下一个存储位置,每次按下由警报闪光灯认可,等待5秒钟,再次按下键“offnen”,车门打开。 d .关闭点火开关,拔下点火钥匙。 e.检查新遥控钥匙的功能。 说明: 必须注意:新钥匙必须使用未占用的存储位置来适配,如果使用已占用的存储位置(标记为一个“1”)来适配,那么先前已在该位置适配的车钥匙将失效。 已有遥控钥匙的再适配 说明: 只有更换遥控钥匙电池及显示故障代码00955,00958时,才进行此步操作。 按下遥控钥匙上的一个键,如果车门没有打开或锁上: a.在30秒内打开关并锁上司机车门锁。 b.检查遥控钥匙再适配功能是否正常。 十八:桑塔纳2000\3000遥控钥匙匹配 桑塔纳2000\3000型(带遥控钥匙车型)遥控钥匙(发射器)匹配 A. 初始化(适用于在新配发射器时,必须将新发射器和原配的发射器一起与接收器进行初始化。如果用户丢失了一个发射器后,暂时配不到新发射器,应将原配的发射器重新初始化,使丢失的发射器失效) Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 1. 关断点火开关; 2. 所有门接触开关断开(即所有门关闭); 3. 将编程线(在中央接线盒旁由接收器线束插头22号脚引出的一根蓝色的带插片的线束)接地(搭铁); 4. 打开点火开关; 5. 再关闭点火开关; 6. 遥控接收器进入60秒编程模式; 7. 如果门原来为锁闭状态,那么所有门会以开锁表示遥控接收器进入编程模式; 8. 在10秒内按遥控发射器任一按钮两次,两次的间隔时间2秒左右; 9. 编程完成后,门锁会闭锁和开锁一次来确认; 10. 对于第二个遥控发射器重复第8,9步; 11. 编程线复原,初始化结束。 B 遥控发射器与遥控接收器重新同步(适用于原配遥控发射器在有效遥控距离之外连续按动255次后,或者失电时间较长(如更换电池时间较长),遥控发射器与遥控接收器将不能同步,不能再遥控开闭门锁,必须进行重新同步) 匹配步骤: 1. 关闭所有车门,使门锁处于开启状态; 2. 打开点火开关; 3. 在30秒内按下遥控发射器的开启键一次; 4(若同步成功,则门锁会闭锁和开启各一次来确认 十九:帕萨特B5轿车防盗钥匙匹配方法 下面是用1552做的,5053大同小异。点火钥匙(点火开关钥匙)的匹配说明: 如果需要新的或附加点火钥匙的话,那么就必须使它们与防盗装置的控制单元相匹配。 在更换锁装置和组合仪表时注意操作方法。 始终必须使所有的钥匙重新匹配。 已匹配的钥匙数量在适配功能的选择之后加以显示出来。 使用V.A.G1551的C按钮可以中断匹配。前提:使所有的点火钥匙都在手边。如果旧的点火钥匙不是全部在手边,则参见“钥匙遗失时的操作方法”。 带有密码(被盖住)的钥匙挂件必须在手边,如果不在,则参见“查明秘密号码”。 -把齿形相配的点火钥匙插入到点火开关中。 -接通V.A.G 1551故障诊断仪,选择“快速数据传输”操作状态 ,打开点火开关,输入“组合仪表”地址字17。 在防盗装置的识别数显示之后: -按下“?”按钮。 显示屏显示: 快速数据传输 选择功能XX帮助-两次按下按钮1。(使用11选择“注册过程”功能。)显示屏显示: 快速数据传输 11-注册-过程Q -使用Q按钮确认输入。显示屏显示: 注册-过程输入 代码编号XXXXX-输入密码,与此同时,在4位(数)号码之前置位一个0(例如01915)。 密码在代码信息标号上;密码通过刮开防护层就可以看见了。 -使用Q按钮确认输入。显示屏显示: 快速数据传输 选择功能XX帮助显示屏显示: Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 测试器发送地址字17说明: 在显示屏上短时间地加以显示: 不接受密码。重复输入。 密码输入允许试两次,若要第三次输入密码,必须等35分钟以后,并且不能关闭点火开关,同时通过功能 06退出诊断方式。 -按下按钮1和0(使用10选择“匹配”功能)。显示屏显示: 快速数据传输 10-匹配Q-使用Q按钮确定输入。显示屏显示: 适配 输入通道编号XX-按下按扭2和1。(使用21选择“通到21”。) -使用Q按钮确认输入。显示屏显示: 功能是未知的 目前不能输出?-使用密码的输入重复匹配。显示屏显示: 通道1……匹配 2?在上面行中显示,2个点火钥匙都是对系统匹配的。 -按下“?”按钮。显示屏显示: 通道1……匹配 输入匹配值XXXXX2 ?-四次按下按钮0,然后输入匹配的点火钥匙的数量,包括现有的钥匙在内(例如: 00003);最大8个。 -使用Q按钮确认输入。显示屏显示: 在3个匹配的点火钥匙时 通道1……匹配 3 Q-使用Q按钮确认输入。显示屏显示: 通道1……匹配 存储修改的数值吗?3 Q-使用Q按钮确认输入。显示屏显示: 通道1……匹配 修改的数值是存入的3 ?-按下“?”按钮。 点火开关中的钥匙这时已经匹配。 -断开点火。 -把下一个钥匙插入到点火开关中,并且重新接通点火。 -防盗装置K117的警告灯在组合仪表中熄灭,就重新断开点火开关。 -重复过程,一直到所有的钥匙都是匹配完为止。 说明: 完成所有钥匙的匹配过程,不许超过30秒钟;在点火断开时不记录时间。 以下任一情况下,点火钥匙的匹配自动结束: ?达到匹配的钥匙的数量。 ?使用一个已经匹配的钥匙重新接通点火,并且仍然是接通的长于1秒钟(故障被存储)。 ?从带有第2个钥匙的点火接通起,超过准许的匹配时间30秒(故障被存储)。 -选择“查询错误存储器”功能 如果没有错误存储则钥匙匹配成功完成。在钥匙丢失时的操作方法 -凭借钥匙号取得备用钥匙。 -使点火钥匙匹配。 查询防盗密码 如果4密码遗失的话,那么就必须经过主管的销售中心或者经过进口商借助14位(数)的识别码来查询密码。 -进行防盗装置的自诊断。 -读出14位(数)的防盗装置的识别码。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers ,显示屏显示: IMMO-IDENTNR:VWZ5ZOT4311017 ? 二十:天籁车防盗钥匙匹配方法 Sample Text一(BCM识别码的读取 ,(拆下BCM电脑,读取其中的五位识别码( P/N: XXXXX); ,(也可以利用CONSULT-II检测仪进行读取( PIN READ ) 二( 防盗密码的获得 将VIN码和五位识别码传给东风乘用车公司服务开发部客户支援科,以获得四位的防盗密码。 三(全新注册NATS系统的方法:(方向柱锁止状态) 当遇到更换全车钥匙、BCM或使用旧的其它车ECM时,需要进行如下匹配: 1(在OFF KEY下进入NATS系统菜单; 备注:可点按检测仪显示屏上的“Continue”进入;如果无法进一步显示信息,则应对检测仪进行充电以后再做; 2( 选择“Steering Lock Release”,解除方向柱锁 (需要输入密码,成功后只能打开点火钥匙,但无法起动发动机); 3( 打开点火钥匙,退出Consult-II系统再重新进入,进行NATS系统的初始化“C/U Initiallization” (需要输入密码) 4( 进行钥匙注册,点火钥匙初始化后关掉钥匙(Off Key),然后再打开点火钥匙,防盗指示灯闪烁5下后表明该钥匙注册成功;如果还有第2把钥匙,关掉钥匙并拔出然后插入第2把钥匙,打开点火钥匙,防盗指示灯闪烁5下后表明该钥匙注册成功;要退出钥匙注册程序,可起动发动机或打开车门; 4(注册智能钥匙:进入Consult-II“NATS ?I – KEY”项目,选择“REGIST I – KEY” 注意,在进行智能钥匙注册过程中,必须将点火钥匙插入锁芯中; 5(注册方向柱锁:选择“REGIST STRG LOCK ID” 注意,在进行方向柱锁注册过程中,必须将已注册的智能钥匙放在驾驶室内,在点按注册开始“STATR”后,关掉点火钥匙,然后再慢慢地按下点火锁块(IGNITION KNOB),直到显示注册成功 二十一:大众车系防盗锁死不用仪器时的解除 不用仪器时的解除 a打开点火开关 拉出组合仪表的时钟调节按钮,同时压下日行驶里程表复位按钮 日行驶里程表上将显示“0000”且第一位数字在闪烁。 这时可用行驶里程表上的复位按钮将第一位数字设成0,9间任意数。 根据需要决定按下日行驶里程表复位按钮的时间长度。直到第一位数字达到密码值,如5。 里程表下显示5000 拉出时钟调节按钮 里程表显示5000且第二位数字闪烁。 拉下里程表复位按钮设置密码第二位,如3。 里程表显示5300且第三位数字闪烁。 按下里程表复位按钮,设置密码第三位,如4。 里程表显示5340拉出时钟调节按钮 里程表显示5340且第四位数字闪烁 按下里程表复位按钮设置密码第四位,如9 里程表显示5349 拉出组合仪表上的时钟调节按钮,同时压下日行驶里程表复位按钮 日行驶里程表又显示日行驶里程 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 输入密码时,防盗器警报等一直亮着 关闭点火开关,然后启动发动机 说明: 如果三次将密码输错,防盗器将锁死,组合仪表伤得日行驶里程表将显示“FAIL”字样 如果在输入过程中超过30秒未操作按钮/调节按钮,那么应急启动将被中止 当应急启动过程顺利完成后,只要S触点闭合。当45分钟内可随意启动发动机 如果S触点断开即拔下了点火钥匙,那么只在5分钟内可启动发动机 b把点火钥匙打开电源不启动过三个小时左右就可以了,我这样用过好用的 c其实在我的工作 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 中发现了一个更好用更简单的方法:将仪表右侧的插头拔下来,等几分钟再插上, 将点火开关打开防盗灯闪烁一次后此钥匙即可着车,但仅限于此一把钥匙。此招在救援时很有用 二十二:高尔遥控钥匙匹配方法 上海大众高尔(带遥控)遥控钥匙的匹配上海大众高尔(带遥控)遥控钥匙的匹配 一、 初始化匹配步骤:(适用于更换新遥控控制器或新遥控钥匙) 1)将钥匙插入驾驶员侧车门(车门处于关闭状态)锁芯并逆时针转动; 2)将钥匙保持在这个位置,等待3秒钟以上,然后多次按动这把钥匙上任一个遥控按钮, 直到闭锁按钮自动上锁和解锁各一次以表明遥控系统已正确匹配; 3)将钥匙转回原来位置,不要按动这把钥匙上的任何遥控按钮; 4)对其余钥匙重复此过程,初始化的匹配工作即已完成。 注:a.对于使用原车的遥控控制器,应在正常通电状态(不需打开点火开关)下使其等待3个小时以上(3小时的概念是:从原车遥控发射器最后一次使用开始到准备匹配这段时间),在这3个小时之内不要按动原车遥控发射器的任何按钮。3个小时之后,再进行以上初始化过程。 b.原车的发射器必须同时进行初始化。 二( 同步匹配步骤:(适用于更换遥控发射器电池) 1) 打开点火开关; 2) 保持钥匙在此位置,多次按动这把钥匙上任一遥控按钮,直到门锁闭锁和开启各一次以 表明遥控系统已正确匹配; 3) 关闭点火开关,同步工作结束。 注:对于初始化程序: 1、第一步中车辆不必处于闭锁状态 2、第二步中说,“等待3秒钟以上,然后多次按动这把钥匙上任一个遥控按钮”。 请注意,在这个多次当中要留一定的间隔,就是说每按一次停一下,否则可能在匹配好之后又多按了一次 二十三:宝马E38系列行车电脑密码的设定和解除 一、密码设定步骤 (1)将点火开关接通(不起动发动机)。 (2)按下“BC”键和“CODE”键,如图 1所示。 (3)使用0-9数字键输入密码,然后按“SET”键。 (4)最后关闭点火开关,取出钥匙。 说明:?输入密码时,按下“CODE”键可更改全部密码,或者按下“CLR”键可清除个别数字,以便重新输入;?如果未输入密码或输入错误密码,起动发动机将触发警报装置,并且无法使发动机起动;?若密码输入正确,并按下“SET”键予以确认,则时间显示会自动出现。 二、密码解除程序 (1)先拆下蓄电池负极线,约2min后再将其装上,这时警报装置将会报警。 (2)将点火开关接通。 (3)这时在仪表盘屏幕上会有10min的倒计时显示。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers (4)倒计时结束后,起动发动机,密码解除。 二十四: 解除大众/奥迪防盗锁死 应急启动用于当防盗器将车辆锁死后,车辆解锁的维修。 适用范围:大众/奥迪车系,比如电脑的更换等,不能用于钥匙的更换。 要求:有带密码的钥匙标牌或防盗密码。 设备:金德解码器 一、防盗解除的步骤: 连接仪器,打开点火开关; 1. 通过方向键选择“汽车检测”,然后按确认键进入。 2. 通过上下键选择“故障测试”然后按确认键进入。 3. 通过上下键选择车系,然后按确认键进入。 4. 通过上下键选择车型,然后按确认键进入。 5. 通过上下方向键选择“电子防盗系统”的系统,然后按确认键进入。注意如果车辆的防盗系统是在仪表板 下的需要选择“仪表板”系统,例如:B5。 6. 选择“自适应清除”按确认键继续。 7. 结束退出。 说明: 如三次将密码输入错误,防盗器将被锁死。 如再想输入密码,至少应等待10分钟,每连续输入三次密码错误,等待时间延长一倍。 不用金德仪器时的解除 打开点火开关 拉出组合仪表的时钟调节按钮,同时压下日行驶里程表复位按钮 日行驶里程表上将显示“0000”且第一位数字在闪烁。 这时可用行驶里程表上的复位按钮将第一位数字设成0,9间任意数。 根据需要决定按下日行驶里程表复位按钮的时间长度。直到第一位数字达到密码值,如5。 里程表下显示5000 拉出时钟调节按钮 里程表显示5000且第二位数字闪烁。 拉下里程表复位按钮设置密码第二位,如3。 里程表显示5300且第三位数字闪烁。 按下里程表复位按钮,设置密码第三位,如4。 里程表显示5340拉出时钟调节按钮 里程表显示5340且第四位数字闪烁 按下里程表复位按钮设置密码第四位,如9 里程表显示5349 拉出组合仪表上的时钟调节按钮,同时压下日行驶里程表复位按钮 日行驶里程表又显示日行驶里程 输入密码时,防盗器警报等一直亮着 关闭点火开关,然后启动发动机 说明: 如果三次将密码输错,防盗器将锁死,组合仪表伤得日行驶里程表将显示“FAIL”字样 如果在输入过程中超过30秒未操作按钮/调节按钮,那么应急启动将被中止 当应急启动过程顺利完成后,只要S触点闭合。当45分钟内可随意启动发动机 如果S触点断开即拔下了点火钥匙,那么只在5分钟内可启动发动机 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 通道自适应功能 自适应通道 自 适 应 功 能 02 维修保养后重新设定技术保养周期显示 03 燃油消耗显示自适应 04 多功能显示的语言种类选择 09 里程表显示 18 停车加热系统自适应 30 燃油表传感器特性曲线自适应 35 转速限制自适应 40 维修保养后的行驶里程自适应 41 维修保养后的行驶时间自适应 42 最小行驶里程(KM)自适应 43 最大行驶里程(KM) 自适应 44 最大时间间隔自适应 45 机油质量自适应 46 总耗油量自适应 二十五:福特(FORD)防盗/遥控系统设定 ?防盗系统造成断油,断电的解除方法: 利用钥匙去将乘客侧门锁上,再打开锁即解除。 ?遥控器重新设定/程序: 完全解除遥控控制功能步骤: ?利用钥匙打开驾驶侧车门解除防盗功能。 ?插入钥匙到点火开关KEY-ON再OFF,取出钥匙。 ?重复步骤(2)三次,或开、关驾驶侧车门三次或按/放驾驶侧门开关三次。 ?此时防盗喇叭响一声,再等待15秒以后,会再响四次即己解除防盗功能。 恢复遥控控制功能及重设定遥控发射器步骤: ?利用钥匙打开驾驶侧车门。 ?插入钥匙到点火开关KEY-ON再OFF,取出钥匙。 ?重复步骤(2)三次,或开、关驾驶侧车门三次,按/放驾驶侧门开关三次。 ?当喇叭响一声后,按遥控控制器任何键2次后喇叭会再响一声。 ?等待15秒后,会再响四次,即完成遥控器重设。 ?在15秒后可再设定另一个遥控器,步骤如下: 按新的遥控器上任一个按键2次,然后会响一次,等待15秒后,会再响四次。 ?在15秒可再设定第三个遥控器,步骤如下: 按新的遥控器上任一个按键2次,然后会响二次,即完成设定。 二十七:广州本田轿车遥控器重新设定程序 广州本田遥控发射器代码的输入方法如下: 遥控发射器可将3个代码输入遥控车门接收装置的存储器。在输入发射器代码应注意: (1)如果输入第4个代码,则第一个代码将被覆盖删除。 (2)在操作过程中,一定要在步骤说明 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的时间内完成。 遥控器代码输入的步骤如下: (1)接通点火开关ON(II)。 (2)将发射器对准车门的接收装置,在4s内按压发射器的锁定与开启按钮。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers (3)在4s内关闭点火开关。 (4)在4s内转入步骤(5)。 (5)重复步骤(1)。 (6)重复步骤(2)。 (7)重复步骤(3)。 (8)在4s内转入步骤(9)。 (9)重复步骤(1)。 (10)重复步骤(2)。 (11)重复步骤(3)。 (12)在4s内转入步骤(13)。 (13)重复步骤(1)。 (14)重复步骤(2)。 (15)确认已听到车门锁起动器工作的声音。 (16)在9s内转入步骤(17)~(22)。 (17)将发射器对准车门接收装置,输入第一个欲被存入的代码,然后按下发射器按钮。 (18)确认已听到车门锁起动器工作的声音。 (19)将发射器对准车门接收装置,输入第二个欲被存入的代码,然后按下发射器按钮。 (20)确认已听到车门锁起动器工作的声音。 (21)将发射器对准车门接收装置,输入第三个欲被存入的代码,然后按下发射器按钮。 (22)确认已听到车门锁起动器工作的声音。 如果欲存入另一新的(第4个)发射器代码,则返回步骤(1)然后逐步进行。 (23)关闭点火开关,拔出点火钥匙。 (24)使用发射器开启或锁定车门,确认发射器输入新代码后,系统工作正常。 二十八:克莱斯勒防盗系统解除方法 一、说明: 当电瓶线曾经拆开或电瓶电压不稳定定时在仪表板中有一个(THEFT ALARM)灯或(SECURITY)灯会闪,表示目前防盗系统己启动。当发动机电脑(SBEC)或(PCM)换新时,防盗系统会要刚换上的电脑后,最初的发动机起动20次以上,防盗系统才能正常进入设定功能。 二、解除步骤: ?在装回电瓶线前,先将点火钥匙插入驾驶侧门锁内再装回电瓶线。 ?将钥匙在门锁上先锁上再打开门锁,以解除防盗,有些车辆方向灯会闪三次,警报器会响三声。 三、防盗系统自诊程序: ?将点火开关从OFF到ACC段循环三次,即进入自诊。 ?此时,驻车灯及尾灯闪烁,喇叭响二声,循环作用。 ?当打开发动机盖时喇叭会响,当再关上时,又会再响。 ?当利用自动锁按到LOCK或UNLOCK位置时,喇叭也会响。 ?当点火开关转到RUN位置时,喇叭也会响。 ?将点火开关OFF后即解除自诊功能。 二十九:宝马轿车发动机防盗系统解除方法 宝马轿车发动机装有电脑控制的防盗系统,一旦断电,防盗系统将锁死,使发动机无法起动,只有按下列操作方法,才能解除。 ?如手中有防盗密码,可以按“CODE”后,将密码输入,再按“RESET”键,即可解除。 ?如没有正确密码,切不可按动任何按键,或是再次起动发动机。 ?拆下蓄电池负极,等5-15秒后,再接好。 ?将钥匙打到“ON”位置,不要起动发动机。此时,报警器会响15秒,表示防盗系统己启动,仪表盘上显Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 示屏幕会出现“倒数15分钟”的数字。 ?15分钟后,显示屏幕出现00 0字 个人自传范文3000字为中华之崛起而读书的故事100字新时代好少年事迹1500字绑架的故事5000字个人自传范文2000字 样时,表示防盗系统已经解除。 宝马车身防盗系统解除 大多数配有旅程电脑的宝马轿车均设有车身防盗窃案系统。当司机离开时,只要输入自己设置的密码,就可有效地防止被盗。 ?防盗系统的设置 如图,将钥匙门置于第“1”位置段,用0-9号之间的键输入选定密码。如1234等从“0000至9999”之间的任一数字,按下“SET”键,将钥匙门关至“0”位即可。 ?防盗系统的解除 a.将钥匙门开头置于“1”或“2”位置段,即ACC或ON; b.屏幕上出现“CODE---”; c.输入正确密码; d.按下“SET”键; 如果三次输入错误密码,或三次在未输入密码状态下试图自动轿车,报警器将会鸣叫30秒钟。 如果原先设置的密码被蹴,按下列步骤解除防盗系统: a.断开电瓶,约等2秒钟再接上,报警器鸣叫; b.打开钥匙门于位置“1”; c.屏幕上显示倒计时10分钟; d.10分钟后,即可启动发动机。 新款宝马轿车防盗系统解除程序 ?拆下电瓶线,再装回。 ?打开驾驶侧车门,将点火开关转到?段(R或15)位置。等待15分钟后,即自动解除防盗密码。 ?宝马原厂配置遥控器之车辆,则只要按下UNLOCK键,或利用钥匙从驾驶侧打开车门即自动防盗。 ?如果因(OB)旅程电脑故障,造成防盗锁死,则可直接从(DME)引擎电脑剪掉防盗线路也可永久解除。DME55pin电脑的38号脚,DME88pin电脑的81号脚7系列6缸、8缸,88pin电脑的6号脚。 三十:丰田凌志LS400轿车防盗系统设定与解除 防盗系统采用车门锁控制系统元件和某些其它元件。当某人企图不用钥匙强行进入汽车或打开发动机罩或行李厢时,或打当蓄电池被拆下又重新连接时,防盗系统会使嗽叭发声,并闪烁信灯和尾灯约1分钟作为报警与此同时,系统关闭所有车门并脱开起动马达电源。 ?防盗系统的设定 设定条件 (a)关闭所有车门。 (b)关闭发动机罩盖和行李厢门。 (c)从点火开关锁芯拔出点火钥匙。 设定工作 当下列(a)、(b)或(c)中任何一项操作完成时,防盗指示灯将按下表所示闪烁,并在执行操作后约30秒钟完成防盗系统设定。 (a)有钥匙锁住右侧或右侧前门。(所有车门通过钥匙联锁动作己锁住) (b)用门锁无线控制系统锁住所有车门。 (c)保持所有后门锁住及一扇前门锁住,不用钥匙锁住另一扇前门(无钥匙门锁)。 设定工作后消逝时间 指示灯 约30秒内 亮 约30秒内 闪烁*1 *1:1秒亮,1秒来灭 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 备注:防盗系统设定后,车门不能用门锁控制开关锁住或打开,行李厢门不能用行李厢门开启器开关打开。 ?消除己设定的防盗系统 检查防盗指示灯是否在闪光。 消除操作 下面(a)、(b)、(c)或(d)中的任何一项操作完成时,防盗系统即消除,指示灯灭。 (a)用钥匙打开左侧或右侧前门。 (b)用门锁无线控制系统打开所有车门。 (c)将点火钥匙插入点火锁芯,并将其转至ACC或ON位置时。(只有在防盗系统从未工作过时,该面才可执行。) (d)用钥匙打开行李厢门。*1 *1:防盗系统仅在行李厢门打开时临时消除。在行李厢门关闭约2秒钟后,防盗系统重新设定。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers
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