首页 妇女保健工作制度



妇女保健工作制度妇女保健工作制度 1. 设专人负责辖区内妇女保健相关信息收集与管理、孕前与孕产期保健管理与指导、妇女多发病防治与管理、避孕节育咨询与指导等妇女保健工作。 2掌握辖区内人口、已婚妇女、育龄妇女、孕产妇、人口出生、孕产妇死亡、围产儿死亡等基本情况,定期与相关部门进行核实。 3. 开展青春期保健、婚姻期保健、孕产期保健、更年期保健、生殖健康、女职工保健、心理卫生等妇女保健工作,工作有计划、有总结。 4负责辖区内妇女常见疾病的筛查工作,对筛查情况进行登记,对筛查出的高危妇女进行随访治疗或转诊。开展预防常见妇科肿瘤和...

妇女保健工作 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 1. 设专人负责辖区内妇女保健相关信息收集与管理、孕前与孕产期保健管理与指导、妇女多发病防治与管理、避孕节育咨询与指导等妇女保健工作。 2掌握辖区内人口、已婚妇女、育龄妇女、孕产妇、人口出生、孕产妇死亡、围产儿死亡等基本情况,定期与相关部门进行核实。 3. 开展青春期保健、婚姻期保健、孕产期保健、更年期保健、生殖健康、女职工保健、心理卫生等妇女保健工作,工作有计划、有总结。 4负责辖区内妇女常见疾病的筛查工作,对筛查情况进行登记,对筛查出的高危妇女进行随访治疗或转诊。开展预防常见妇科肿瘤和生殖道感染性疾病的健康教育。 5. 开展孕产妇死亡、围产儿死亡、出生缺陷监测工作,做好妇幼卫生的信息统计、分析总结、补漏和质控工作;掌握辖区内妇女健康状况和孕产妇死亡情况,分析影响妇女健康的主要因素,制定干预措施。 6. 按要求做好以“知情选择”为主的避孕节育技术指导和服务。 7. 开展健康教育工作,通过宣传展板、健康教育处方、 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 讲座等多种形式,宣传、普及妇女保健科普知识。 妇女保健工作人员 岗位职责 总经理岗位职责总经理安全岗位职责工厂保安人员的岗位职责工厂财务部岗位职责工程测量员岗位职责 1. 按照妇女保健工作制度要求,做好妇女保健各项工作;开展保健门诊,实行首诊负责制。 2. 认真做好辖区内妇女青春期保健、婚姻期保健、孕产期保健、更年期保健、生殖健康、女职工保健等妇女保健工作。 3. 严格遵守妇女保健、计划生育技术工作规范,在执业范围内从事计划生育技术服务等工作,提供避孕、节育知情选择的咨询服务,发放避孕药具。 4. 按照孕产期保健工作制度要求,做好孕产期保健各项工作。认真进行孕期保健、产前检查、产后访视、营养咨询、医学指导等工作,做好高危妊娠的筛查与管理。 6. 积极开展健康教育工作,进行青春期保健、婚姻保期健、孕产期保健、科学喂养和避孕节育知识的讲座和指导,普及优生优育、妇女常见病及多发病的防治等卫生科普知识,提高妇女自我保健意识。 7. 规范填写《西安市孕产妇健康管理服务 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 表》,开展孕产妇死亡、围产儿死亡、出生缺陷监测等工作,做好报表的统计、分析和上报。进行科学、有效的妇女保健基本情况社区诊断,做出分析、评价,制定干预措施。 8. 参加继续医学教育,不断更新知识,提高妇女保健理论水平和专业技术服务能力。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 9. 承担上级下达的各项妇女保健工作任务。 儿童保健工作制度 1.设专人负责辖区内新生儿、婴幼儿、托幼园所儿童保健工作以及生命监测等工作。开展儿童保健门诊;实行首诊负责制;工作有计划、有总结。 2.掌握辖区内0-6岁儿童基本情况和健康状况,实行定期健康体检,并对体检结果进行综合评价。 3.做好新生儿访视工作,指导家长做好新生儿喂养、护理和疾病预防等工作。 4.儿保门诊健康检查内容应包括咨询、体格测量及评价、体格检查(包括神经精神发育检查)、常规开展儿童智力筛查、听力筛查、口腔保健、眼保健、必要的化验检查、个别指导。 5.对检查中发现的营养不良、低出生体重儿、活动性佝偻病、缺铁性贫血等患病儿童进行专案管理,发现肥胖、矮小、性早熟、铅中毒、智力发育迟滞等发育偏离的儿童建议逐级转诊治疗。 6.开展儿童系统管理、生长发育监测工作,及时掌握本地区儿童健康状况及5岁以下儿童死亡情况,及时填报各种报表、台帐,做好生命监测的补漏及质控工作。 7.开展形式多样的健康教育工作,门诊有健康教育展板、健康教育处方,开展健康教育讲座等。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 8.社区卫生服务中心要定期到社区卫生服务站、托幼园所指导,召开工作例会,布置各项保健工作,承担上级下达的各项儿童保健工作。 9.完成各项儿童保健工作指标,接受上级部门的监督指导和考核评估。 10.按时参加上级的工作例会和业务培训,不断提高专业水平。 11.及时、准确完成儿童保健信息的统计和上报工作。 儿童保健工作人员岗位职责 1、全面掌握辖区内儿童的一般情况:0-6岁儿童总数、年出生情况、死亡情况、体弱儿、缺点儿发生情况等。 2、全面掌握辖区内儿童的健康情况:通过体格检查、健康门诊等获取资料,进行个体、群体评价、汇总和分析。 3、筛选体弱儿、缺点儿进行重点管理。 4、掌握辖区内儿童常见疾病的发病情况,并有针对性防治措施。 5、对儿童家长进行保健知识的宣传和教育,重点进行沟通和指导:喂养知识、早期教育知识等。 6、发现个体或群体儿童的健康问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 并施行有效的改善措施。 7、定期核对和汇总相关数据按时向中心妇幼保健专干上报相关报表:7岁以下儿童保健工作年报表,流动人口儿童与孕产妇健康状况调查表。 8、参加中心和区级妇幼机构的例会、培训等。 9、完成中心和区级妇幼机构安排的其他业务工作:调查、培训等。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown
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