首页 从地球夜景卫星图看全球能量分布



从地球夜景卫星图看全球能量分布从地球夜景卫星图看全球能量分布 加拿大科学家费兰德?德施露(Pharand-Deschínes)通过一组卫星图像,向人们展示了世界各国使用灯和能源的情况。从图像中可以看出,西方国家及东方发达国家造成的能源浪费及光污染最为严重,如英国,美国,加拿大,日本等。其中,英国伦敦每年消耗15万千瓦时的能源,接近葡萄牙与希腊的能源消耗总和。相比之下,第三世界国家对灯和能源的使用量都较小。 据报道,光,尤其是传统灯泡所发出的光,会消耗大量的能源。例如,白炽灯泡以散热的形式消耗大量能量。费兰德称,图像上的光斑和光点向我们讲述了...

从地球夜景卫星图看全球能量分布 加拿大科学家费兰德?德施露(Pharand-Deschínes)通过一组卫星图像,向人们展示了世界各国使用灯和能源的情况。从图像中可以看出,西方国家及东方发达国家造成的能源浪费及光污染最为严重,如英国,美国,加拿大,日本等。其中,英国伦敦每年消耗15万千瓦时的能源,接近葡萄牙与希腊的能源消耗总和。相比之下,第三世界国家对灯和能源的使用量都较小。 据报道,光,尤其是传统灯泡所发出的光,会消耗大量的能源。例如,白炽灯泡以散热的形式消耗大量能量。费兰德称,图像上的光斑和光点向我们讲述了一个重要的事实,即:不必要的照明给全世界带来许多有害的影响。 从太空看到的这些图像显示了地球上不同程度的光污染。加拿大科学家费兰德?德施露(Pharand-Deschínes)制作了这些图像来表明我们对能源的浪费。 费兰德称,图像上的光斑和光点向我们讲述了一个重要的事实,即:不必要的照明给全世界带来许多有害的影响。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 由卫星收集的数据绘制而成的地图突显了第一世界和第三世界的反差。埃及境内尼罗河两岸的稠密人口—— 它在非洲北部漆黑的夜空开辟了一条“灯光大道”。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 费兰德称地图上的黑暗区域或是人口密度低的地方,或是能源基础设施被破坏,因为不存在或过于昂贵而未 被建设的地方。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 光,尤其是传统灯泡所发出的光,消耗大量能量。白炽灯泡以散热的形式消耗大量能量 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 美国的夜晚 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 日本,韩国和中国东部地区 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 澳大利亚和印度尼西亚 从太空看到中东的夜晚 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 太空看到印度次大陆的夜晚 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 从夜景图得出各省发达程度排名 Google地图的夜间模式从客观上反映了各地区的发达程度。1,亮度一般来说反映了发达程度和人口稠密程度,但是发达程度对亮度的影响应该是两者中更大的。2,美国最亮,尤其是东部。欧洲,日本也是很牛. North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 中国的亮度更是体现出东部远发达于西部的特点,最大的一块亮度区域是珠江三角洲和台湾省西海岸.西藏青海漆黑一片. 看看国内主要省份的夜间卫星地图。为了公平起见,各个截图都是采用统一比例。首先看山东、河北、以及京津。京津是地图中最大最亮的两个点,足见其经济实力。很明显北京>天津。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 从河南的卫星图可以看出,郑州都市圈亮点密集,如郑州、洛阳、开封、新乡等地,已初具规模,而河南的南部和西部大部分地区确很暗淡,并且亮点明显不如郑州都市圈,靠近陕西部分竟然是犹如黑洞一般。河南的卫星图是和其GDP总量相称的。所以山东>河北>河南。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 湖北的情况,是典型的省会独大型,武汉非常闪亮,但是除此之外都很暗淡与上面几省有明显差距,湖北西部地区有大片的黑洞地带,这与湖北GDP总量不高的事实相符。所以 山东>河北>河南>湖北。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 湖南的情况和湖北相同,也是典型的省会独大型,长株潭三地较亮之外,除了一些零星亮点,大部分地方处于黑暗中,湘西有大片黑洞。湖南的小亮点比湖北稍多,但是武汉比长株潭亮很多。综合来看 山东>河北>河南>湖南>=湖北 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 四川和重庆,四川也属于省会独大型,四川东部除了成都外还有一些小亮点,情况 比湖南湖北稍好。所以山东>河北>河南>四川>湖南>=湖北 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 江苏的亮点很不平衡,苏南璀璨夺目,苏州、无锡、常州、南京实力非凡,苏北只相当于安徽中部,不如山东实力平均。上海明显比北京要亮。综合评定 山东>=江苏>浙江>河北>河南>四川>湖南>=湖北>安徽 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 浙江 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 江西福建,福建沿海地区很是不错,亮点在厦门、福州、泉州,但是其他地区水平和江西相当,这也是其经济总量不高的体现。江西缺乏亮点,仅有的南昌只和合肥相当。综合评定 山东>=江苏>浙江>河北>河南>福建>四川>湖南>=湖北>安徽>=江西 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 广东,广东不愧其全国老大的地位,广州、佛山、东莞、深圳、珠海已经连成一片,还有潮汕地区也比较强大。综合评定 广东>山东>=江苏>浙江>河北>河南>福建>四川>湖南>=湖北>安徽>=江西 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 辽宁,两个较大的亮点是沈阳和大连。但是除此之外既没有较有实力的卫星城,也没有形成都市圈,和福建相当。大部分地方比较暗。综合评定 广东>山东>=江苏>浙江>河北>河南>辽宁>=福建>四川>湖南>=湖北>安徽>=江西 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 陕西,西安是最大的亮点,其余陕南陕北都在最暗的黑洞状态,没有形成都市圈。和西部其他城市比较,相对很孤单。 综合评定 广东>山东>=江苏>浙江>河北>河南>辽宁>=福建>四川>湖南>=湖北>安徽>=江西>陕西 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 另附东亚、东南亚的夜景图 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao
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