首页 自行车运动好处与坏处



自行车运动好处与坏处自行车运动好处与坏处 自行车运动是一种最能改善人们心肺功能的耐力性有氧运动。在国外~骑自行车健身可以说是热火朝天。以美国为例~根据《美国新闻与世界报道》披露~美国有5000万人骑行自行车健身~而且参加的人数越来越多~2007年比2008年增加了30,~2009年又比2008年增加了36,。法、德、比利时、瑞典等国~还以骑自行车“一日游”的时髦体育旅游消遣活动~吸引了成千上万的人踊跃参加。 一、骑行好处 现代运动医学研究结果表明~自行车运动的作用主要有: 1(开发大脑。因为自行车运动是异侧支配运动~所以可以提...

自行车运动好处与坏处 自行车运动是一种最能改善人们心肺功能的耐力性有氧运动。在国外~骑自行车健身可以说是热火朝天。以美国为例~根据《美国新闻与世界报道》披露~美国有5000万人骑行自行车健身~而且参加的人数越来越多~2007年比2008年增加了30,~2009年又比2008年增加了36,。法、德、比利时、瑞典等国~还以骑自行车“一日游”的时髦体育旅游消遣活动~吸引了成千上万的人踊跃参加。 一、骑行好处 现代运动医学研究结果 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明~自行车运动的作用主要有: 1(开发大脑。因为自行车运动是异侧支配运动~所以可以提高神经系统的敏捷性。两腿交替蹬踏可使左、右侧大脑功能同时得以开发~更可以有效预防大脑的早衰及偏废。 2(改善体质。因为自行车运动可以有效地锻炼下肢肌力~并且强化全身耐力。而且经过比较研究自行车运动对内脏器官的耐力锻炼效果与游泳和跑步作用相同。因为此项运动不仅可以有效锻炼下肢髋、膝、踝3对关节和26对肌肉~而且还可有效调动颈、背、臂、腹、腰、腹股沟、臀部等处的肌肉~关节、韧带。保持正确的骑行姿势~长期进行骑行能明显改善男性性功能~加强下体勃起的力度和持久度。有专项调查表明:每天骑单车约the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 6.5公里的人~比不骑车的人~患心脏冠状动脉疾病的机率低50,~男性性具勃起时间和勃起质量提升30%-70%。 3(瘦身减肥。因为在进行自行车运动~人体所进行的是周期性的有氧运动~这样锻炼者就可以有效地消耗较多的热量~根据科学研究骑半小时自行车可燃烧约150大卡热量~75公斤重的人~每小时以9英里半的速度~骑73英里时~可减少半公斤体重~但必须每天持之以恒~长期坚持就可收到显著的减肥效果。 4(益寿延年。其实从前几条骑车益处的 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 也可以看出~自行车运动是一种强化心脑血管和心肺功能的运动。所以能够在一定程度上益寿延年也就不足为怪了。根据国际有关委员会的调查统计~在世界上各种不同职业人员中~以自行车为主要邮递工具的邮递员寿命最长。 5(减轻压力。除了以上作用外~还有科学家指出~经常运动对减轻心理的压力及防止沮丧有益。特别是在进行户外骑行的时候~人们精神专注~且沿途可以欣赏一些景观~结伴骑行还可结识志同道合的朋友和知己。这些都是放松心情的好 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 二、自行车骑行坏处 凡事有个度~运动也不例外。一旦骑行过度或方式方法不科学~以上的益处即将向另外一面发展变成坏处~而所谓的过度~一方面表现在骑行时间过长~骑行强度过大~另外就是骑行不科学~主要跟骑行姿态有关。而坏处的最明显的症状就是疼痛~最明显的部位有:手~手腕~颈椎~腰椎~膝关节~前列腺。 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 1、椎及腰椎的损伤 这类损伤的症状主要表现为痛疼。其一~肩膀疼。引发这个部位的疼痛主要是车子上管比较长~车把比较低。其结果就是上肢支撑身体超过了肌肉负载所能承受的范围。解决的方法可通过升高车把高度~减少车把和车座之间的高度差~使用上管把立短一些的组合来调整。其二~脖子疼。这个现象往往和肩膀疼同时出现。解决办法同上。另外在骑行中最好养成一定的习惯~即看前方的路~可以先看看前面较远的地方~观察路面情况、障碍物、行人等~如有没有十字路口~有没有需要躲避的行人或者障碍物~参考这些情况来判断是否要减速。然后要观察比较近的路面信息。如此不时转换观察的视角~就可以长期僵硬的姿势带来队颈椎和腰椎的损伤。其三~腰疼~这个往往是骑行的时候身体比较直造成的~因为这样一来更多的力量就会给腰部增加负担~会导致腰部疲劳。要解决这个问题就要将~身体重心及时前移~压低上身角度~让手臂负担更多的身体重量~这样就可以减轻腰部的压力。 2、关节的损伤 这类损伤的症状也主要表现为痛疼。主要有膝盖上部疼和膝盖后部疼。膝盖上部疼~一般都是运动量比较大时发生的~也就是常说的肌肉疲劳~其实这类疼痛也使肌肉向人体发出的信号~是人体的一种机体自我保护的方法。要解决这类问题~可以试着多用小齿比骑行~通过脚踏的快频率来提高速度~却只需要付出the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 较少的力量。 出现膝盖上部疼有时也是因为座包到脚踏的距离比较短造成的。因为这个距离太短~就会让腿部在多个蹬踏动作周期内~一直处在疲劳状态。正确的座包到脚踏的距离调整时应该是光脚时座到座包上面~腿部伸直~脚跟可以刚好碰到脚踏~并且屁股不会因为脚够不到脚踏而左右扭动。要调整这个距离的时候也要适当地因人而异~如果腿部柔韧性好~可以适量增加这个距离。 膝盖后部疼~常常是因为座包高度太高引起的~严重的也会导致腿后部韧带拉伤。但多数情况是因为很久没有骑车~突然间进行大运动量的骑行~身体无法适应而造成的。通常需要在日后的骑行中~通过降低座包高度来慢慢调节。随着骑车的越来越多在慢慢提升这个高度。 3、上肢的损伤 这类伤害主要是因上肢长时间受压~手臂的动作如果在一定时间内无太大改变~上肢的血液循环就会相对减少~这对于机体来说是当然是不利的。所以要在进行自行车运动以外的时间多多进行加强上肢运动的活动~例如拍蓝球、哑铃、甚至打乒乓球啊、羽毛球等。而在长时间骑行时~更应该如上文提到的解决对于肩膀和腰等部位劳累的解决方法一样~选择在每一至两小时左右下车活动一下~以促进身体各部位的血液循环。 4、对生殖系统的损害。 自行车骑行如果姿势不正确~导致长期压迫会阴,会导致男the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 女的生殖系统病变~引起男性睾丸压迫与散热障碍~精子活力降低~降低男性的生育能力。---当然~如果你姿势正确~则一切无虑。 三、正确的骑行姿势 1、 坐垫角度。一般坐垫需要水平安装~或者前端稍稍低一点~但尽量不要前端上翘。有人骑完车后常感到下阴麻木~主要原因就是车座压迫所致。这时需要检查一下你的坐垫是否水平~甚至可以将坐垫的鼻端稍稍向下调整一点~这样做可以减轻对胯下部位的磨损。最科学的方法是骑一段时间后则站立滑行一段或臀部离开座势几分钟,这种方法特别适合在下坡时采用。最有效的方法则是穿上带护垫的骑行裤。再结合滑行,可将骑行对会阴的损害降到几乎到无的地步。 2、 坐垫高度。坐垫高度不合适~长途骑行后会出现膝盖疼痛~且多数时候~人体膝盖的损伤不可恢复~医生也仅能帮你保持状况不再恶化~需要重视坐垫高度的设臵~保持正确的姿势则不会损伤关节。车座最合适的高度:当脚蹬到最低点时,腿可不费劲地伸直,膝盖可以不用弯曲,但腿稍稍使劲伸直的时候,膝盖可以有微量弯曲,就好了;这样在骑行中可以让血液在骑行过程中通过膝盖。当然~如果你还不适应新单车~不习惯把坐垫调得过高~可先降低一些~慢慢再升高~一切以安全为先。 3、 背部、脖子的姿势。骑行中需要背部是直的~但不是竖直~是前倾而笔直的~要从臀部前倾~而不是腰部或后胸~否则the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 变成罗锅或虾米-----不仅仅是为了好看~更是需要让脊柱尽量 笔直~否则长期骑行后, 会背痛难忍。脖子自然挺直~别太低或 太挺~否则脖子会酸-----如果你感觉脖子要低一些、耷拉着脑 袋才舒服~那你是需要休息了~尽快去休息吧。 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note
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