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哈姆雷特人物分析.doc哈姆雷特人物分析.doc 哈姆雷特是丹麦王国一位年轻有为的王子,他有魄力、好思索、接近人民、对人类抱有美好的希望。他正在德国的威登堡大学学习,国内传来噩耗,父王突然惨死,叔叔克劳斯迪篡夺王位,母亲改嫁克劳斯迪。哈姆雷特回国奔丧,在一天深夜,他在城堡里见到了父亲的鬼魂,父亲的鬼魂告诉了他自己被害的经过,克劳斯迪趁老哈姆雷特在花园里午睡时,把致命的毒草汁滴进了他的耳朵,并使毒液流入他的全身血管,使他的身上起了无数疱疹,最后夺取了他的生命。老哈姆雷特要求儿子为他报仇,但不许伤害他的母亲,要让她受到良心的责备。哈姆雷特知...

哈姆雷特人物 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 .doc 哈姆雷特是丹麦王国一位年轻有为的王子,他有魄力、好思索、接近人民、对人类抱有美好的希望。他正在德国的威登堡大学学习,国内传来噩耗,父王突然惨死,叔叔克劳斯迪篡夺王位,母亲改嫁克劳斯迪。哈姆雷特回国奔丧,在一天深夜,他在城堡里见到了父亲的鬼魂,父亲的鬼魂告诉了他自己被害的经过,克劳斯迪趁老哈姆雷特在花园里午睡时,把致命的毒草汁滴进了他的耳朵,并使毒液流入他的全身血管,使他的身上起了无数疱疹,最后夺取了他的生命。老哈姆雷特要求儿子为他报仇,但不许伤害他的母亲,要让她受到良心的责备。哈姆雷特知道真相后,精神恍惚,他整天穿着黑色的丧服,一心想着复仇。一天,他去见自己的恋人首相的女儿奥菲利娅,他又想求爱又想复仇,行为怪诞。奥菲利娅把王子的情况告诉了首相,首相又报告了克劳斯迪。克劳斯迪虽然不知道老国王鬼魂出现的事,但他心中有鬼,派人试探哈姆雷特。哈姆雷特一方面想复仇,一方面又碍于母亲的面子,同时他也不十分确定父亲鬼魂的话,非常苦恼。哈姆雷特决定要证实克劳斯迪的罪行,正好这时宫中来了一个戏班子,他安排了一出戏,内容是一个维也纳的公爵被他的一个近亲在花园里毒死,不久这个凶手还骗取了公爵夫人的爱。戏演时,他在旁边注意观察克劳斯迪,见克劳斯迪坐立不安,中途就离去。哈姆雷特确认了父亲鬼魂的话,决定复仇。一天,克劳斯迪独自一人的忏悔,哈姆雷特本可以杀死他,可又觉得忏悔中的人被杀后会进入天堂结果罢手。克劳斯迪派王后劝说哈姆雷特,哈姆雷特与母亲发生争执,误杀了躲在帏幕后偷听的首相。克劳斯迪以首相的儿子要复仇为由,要将哈姆雷特送往英国,准备借英王之手除掉哈姆雷特。哈姆雷特识破克劳斯迪的诡计,中途返回丹麦。当时,奥菲利娅受刺激发疯,落水身亡,哈姆雷特回国时,正赶上她的葬礼。克劳斯迪挑拨奥菲利娅的哥哥同哈姆雷特决斗,并在暗中准备了毒剑和毒酒。哈姆雷特第一会合获胜,克劳斯迪假意祝贺送上毒酒,但哈姆雷特没喝。哈姆雷特第二回合获胜,王后非常高兴,端起原准备给哈姆雷特的毒酒喝了下去。决斗中,哈姆雷特中了对手的毒剑,但他夺过剑后又击中了对方。王后中毒死去,奥菲利娅的哥哥也在生命的最后一刻揭露了克劳斯迪的阴谋。哈姆雷特用最后的一点力气用手中的毒剑击中了克劳斯迪,自己了毒发自亡。 人物分析----哈姆雷特 哈姆雷特是一个处于现实和理想矛盾中的人文主义者,曾经对天地万物、人与社会都充满了美好的希冀。但是现实的严酷与丑恶打破了他的美好理想,他的人文主义的信念破灭了。作为一个人文主义者,哈姆雷特在复仇道路上的犹豫,显示了他所代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的人文主义与封建势力的悬殊。借此表现了作者对文艺复兴运动的反思与对人的命运与未来社会的忧虑。 哈姆雷特是文艺复兴时期人文主义思想者的典型。虽然他在剧中一出场就是一个身著黑衣、一脸肃穆的忧郁王子,但“剧前期”的哈姆雷特可是一个在人文主义思想策源地的威登堡大学学习的快乐王子,他对人类充满了理性的信念,“人类是一件多么了不得的杰作,多么高贵的理性,多么伟大的能力,多么优美的仪表,多么文雅的举动,在行为上多么像一个天使,在智慧上多么像一个天神,宇宙的精华,万物的灵长,”可是世界倏然改观,哈姆雷特心目中理想化的君主——老哈姆雷特突然亡故,猥琐而卑鄙的叔父克劳狄斯却践登王位,父母亲的爱情理想又为改嫁的母亲所玷污,盛大的结婚笙乐使哈姆雷特看到了本民族的致命缺陷,而老臣新贵们纷纷向新王献媚邀宠更使哈姆雷特感受到了人情的冷暖、世态的炎凉。仅仅这些生活的不幸、人世的苦难就已经使哈姆雷特深深地陷入悲凉、忧郁中,谁知还有更加残酷的谋杀阴谋,使哈姆雷特的信念受到致命一击,巨大的震惊和愤怒,使忧郁的王子从个人的痛苦中转到了更加深广的范围,使他意识到了“这是一个颠倒混乱的时代”,在严峻的现实中,他自觉地担负起自己的历史责任,“唉,倒霉的我,却要负起重整乾坤的责任。”?他所要担负起的责任太大太重,远不是那个暴烈如火的王子小福丁布拉斯,目标狭隘、不计后果地一会儿攻打丹麦,一会儿攻打波兰,也不是那个简单莽撞,一心复仇,纠集一群乌合之众攻打王宫,又被国王几句花言巧语所哄骗和利用,愚蠢地充当了国王的枪手的雷欧提斯。哈姆雷特的复仇,不仅仅是遵照父命去杀死国王克劳狄斯的肉体,而是要消灭克劳狄斯所代表的黑暗社会,黑白颠倒,是非混淆,到处充满着专制腐败、阴谋诡计、阿谀奉承以及“人世的鞭挞和讥嘲,压迫者的凌辱,傲慢者的冷眼,被轻蔑的爱情的惨痛,法律的迁延,官吏的横暴,和微贱者费尽辛勤所换来的鄙视”。“载负万物的大地,这一座美好的框架,只是一个不毛的荒岬,覆盖众生的苍穹,这一顶壮丽的帐幕,这一个点缀着金黄色的火球的庄严的屋宇,只是一大堆污浊的瘴气的集合。”而这一大堆污浊的瘴气,克劳狄斯是罪魁祸首,但老臣波洛涅斯、同学罗森克兰兹、吉尔德 斯特恩等等,出于自己的私利,无不成为国王的帮凶。就是母亲和情人奥菲丽雅也由于软弱无知,无意中被黑暗势力所利用,并成为牺牲品。敌对势力是广大之阵,又是隐蔽很深的无物之阵。 哈姆雷特的认识更加深广,但却陷入到思考的怪圈中。在一个和自己的理想信念相背谬的社会里,“生存还是毁灭”,这真是一个难以抉择的人生命 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。这也是人文主义理想者所面临的无奈和不幸。时代社会的颠倒混乱,是封建社会向资本主义社会过渡的所造成的必然的阵痛。君主理想已然破灭,君臣礼仪不复存在,纲纪败坏,伦常崩溃,世风日下。而封建堡垒却更加顽固。新兴的第三等级势力仅仅处于萌芽阶段,还不为人文主义者所认识。历史的反复和螺旋状态,是人文主义理想者们不期然而然的规律。人文主义者们不是政治家,而是理想家,他们胸怀远大,目标纯正,坚持理想信念,意志坚定。绝非为了一己的目标而不择手段。在哈姆雷特机智地以“戏中戏”的方式证明这一骇人听闻的罪恶时,本可以毫不犹豫的复仇。但在克劳狄斯慌乱地向上帝祈祷时,哈姆雷特不是趁机杀死他,而是想到要在敌人罪恶昭彰时,再举起正义的剑惩罚邪恶。这不能仅仅归结为哈姆雷特的宗教情结,更不能怪罪哈姆雷特的优柔寡断,这是一个光明磊落的人文主义理想者的必然行动,而不再是宫廷权利的血腥争斗。最后哈姆雷特让他的好友霍拉旭好好活着把他“行事的始末根由昭告世人”就说明了这一点。? 人文主义者过于推崇个人的力量,这使得王子哈姆雷特看不起一般民众,嫌弃“一个平民也敢用他的脚趾去踢痛贵人的后跟了。”尽管国王曾经担忧哈姆雷特在民众中的威望,海盗也给了他应有的尊重和帮助。但哈姆雷特不可能“堕落”到像雷欧提斯那样率领暴徒攻打王宫,在暴徒的山呼万岁中登上王位。因为,这距离他心目中的人文主义理想太遥远了。只有到了十九世纪,我们才看到如雨果、狄更斯等伟大作家在文学作品中描绘的下层平民百姓攻打王宫、教堂、监狱的情景,这是历史发展的必然。 人文主义理想信念的根本在于“人”,高贵文雅,纯洁优美,勇敢坚强,兼具热情和理智,拥有平等和尊严。但在残酷的现实中,人性是那么邪恶,那么卑鄙,那么脆弱,那么善变,那么孤独,那么……“这一个泥土塑成的生命算得了什么,”但忧郁的哈姆雷特毕竟没有丧失人文主义对“人”这个“宇宙的精华,万物的灵长”的信念,而且为这个永恒的信念献出了生命。这个信念就是我们一代代人活着而且奋斗的理由。 另一方面,对哈姆雷特来说,爱情是那么微不足道的一部分,以至于有人怀疑他对奥菲利亚 的爱,这对他显然有失公允。我们不认为在莎士比亚的创作动机中哈姆雷特是一 个具有延宕性格的人。他从不延宕,杀波尔纽斯,杀两个朋友,在奥菲利亚的葬 礼上一跃而出,。我认为也许把造成这一结果归为两点恐怕更合情理, 一、对 母亲的爱。所以说,弗洛伊德的解释是有其价值所在的。剧中哈姆雷特往往将奥 和葛并举,可以看出母亲失贞一事给他的心理造成多么巨大的阴影。这倒并不是 说他的叔父做了他潜意识渴求的事,以至于心慈手软,被自己唬住,而在于母亲 改嫁这件事令他无法再相信女人。这种透彻的了悟又是和爱女人的欲望纠缠在一 起,以致痛苦万分,手足无措。 摘要:哈姆雷特深邃、忧郁、善良、正直、博学、机敏、理智、爱憎 分明,并且是个人文主义者。他痛恨邪恶、无知、狭隘,他希望成就 大业,能建立一个民主、自由和人文主义的社会,但现实又令他感到 失望。他想为父亲报仇,但又担心政治上的变动会导致国内政局的动 荡。所以,他踌躇难决,苦闷不堪,这也是他深深的忧郁和迟迟没有 采取行动的根源,也是人文主义在十六Hamlet is a real and ideal of conflict in humanists, once to heaven and earth, man and society is full of good hope for. But the harsh reality and ugly broke his happy ideal, his humanistic beliefs were shattered. As a humanist, Hamlet in revenge on the road of hesitation, showed he represents the humanism and the feudal forces to one. Take this performance of the Renaissance of reflection and the destiny of man and future social anxiety. Hamlet is Renaissance humanism the typical thinker. Although he is in the appearance is a body with a solemn face in black, blue prince, but "the early show" Hamlet but a in humanistic ideas of textiles resource vuitton study at the university of the happy prince, he filled the rationality of human faith: "human is a how awesome masterpiece! How noble reason! How great of ability! How beautiful instrument! How gentle move! The behaviour of how like an angel in wisdom, how like a god! The beauty of the world! The spirit of things long!" But the world ShuRan change: Hamlet mind idealized monarch-old Hamlet suddenly death, trivial and mean uncle claudius but up to practice the throne; The parents love ideal and for mother remarried defiled; Grand wedding sheng music make Hamlet saw the nation's fatal defect, and the old minister the new-rich wannabes in succession to the new king YaoChong sucking up more make Hamlet felt the human changes in temperature, the ways of the world YanLiang. Only these life misfortune, the sufferings of the world has made deep into a sad, sad Hamlet, who knows more brutal murder plot, the belief that Hamlet is a fatal blow, huge shock and anger, make the melancholy of the prince of the transfer from personal pain to the range of more depth, that he realized "this is a topsy-turvy chaotic era", the austere reality, he consciously to take responsibility for their own historical responsibility: "oh, bad luck, I will take the responsibility of reforming the tide." ? He have to shoulder the responsibility too big and heavy, is far from the violence such as fire prince small blessing, butyl Nebraska, target narrow, reckless for a while against Denmark, in a short while against Poland; Also not that simple recklessly, a heart revenge, all tied to a group of mob against the king's house, and the king was a few words of deception and use the rhetoric, foolishly ACTS as the king's Arsenal's Jonathan leor Atlantis. Hamlet's revenge, not just follow the father wanted to kill WangKeLao countries Disney flesh, but to kill claudius represents the dark society: reverse black and white, it is confusion, full of the autocratic corruption, conspiracy theories, flatter and "of the world works and ridicule the reproach of the oppressors, arrogant crab, the spurns the pangs of love, the law's delay, officials, and the humble high-handed manner so hard for disdain". "In all the earth, and the negative of a good frame, just a barren waste; cover the sphere of all cape, this one magnificent tabernacle, this one with the golden ball of fire the dignity of the house, just a lot of dirty miasma of set." And that a lot of the foul miasma, claudius is the main culprit, but the old minister poirot brezhnev, students, this LuoSenKe aram, Jill's stern and so on, for their own self-interest, and they become an ally of the king. Is the mother and lover dare and the weak because of ignorance li, accidentally was used by the forces of the dark, and become a victim. Is the hostile forces of the array, and hidden deep nothing of the array. Hamlet know more depth, but in a dilemma of thinking. In a and his own ideal faith is paradoxical society, "to be or not to be", this is a difficult proposition of the choice of life. This is also the humanist ideal facing helpless and misfortune. The reverse time social chaos, is the feudal society to a capitalist society of transition by the inevitable pain. Ideal monarch has burst, Robinson etiquette no longer exists,'s corruption, a substantial collapse, going to the dogs. And the feudal fortress are more stubborn. The third grade forces emerging only at the embryonic stage, still not known for the humanists. History repeated and spiral state, is the humanistic ideals are not, however, the law of natural. The humanists are not politicians, but the ideal home, they mind than a goal is pure, adhere to the ideal faith, willpower. Not to lose the goal by fair means or foul. In the Hamlet intelligently to "play" way to prove this appalling sin; This can not hesitate to revenge. But in claudius panic and pray to god, Hamlet is not kill his opportunity, but want to sin in the enemy emerged, to lift the evil sword justice punished. This can't just comes down to Hamlet's religious complex, more can't blame Hamlet's indecision, this is a frank and forthright humanistic ideals of the will to act, and is no longer the bloody battle royal rights. Finally let his good friend huo Hamlet, as he live "act, which convey the information of" explains it. ? Too much praise highly personal humanist strength, this makes the prince Hamlet look down on the general public, abandon "a civilian also dare to use his toes to play the heel of my noble pain......." Although the king had concerns about the prestige in the people Hamlet, pirates also gave him respect and help. But Hamlet may not "fallen" to like Jonathan leor Atlantis that led the thugs against the king's house, and long live in the ShanHu thugs in the throne. Because, this distance his idea of the humanistic ideals are too far away. Only in the nineteenth century, we don't see such as Hugo, such as dickens great writer in literary works of ordinary people describe the attacking the palace, the church, the prison situations, this is the necessity of historical development. Humanism ideal faith is the root of the "people"! Noble elegant, beautiful purity, brave and strong, with enthusiasm and rational, have equal and dignity. But in the cruel reality, human nature is so evil, that mean; So fragile, so fickle; So lonely, so... "This is a clay into a life calculate what?" But blue Hamlet after all did not lose humanism of "person" this "the essence of the universe, the spirit of things long" belief, and for the eternal faith gave his life. This belief is we down through the alive and struggle of reason. On the other hand, is to Hamlet, love is so insignificant part, that it was suspected that he AoFeiLiYa to love, and it apparently being unfair. We don't think in Shakespeare's Hamlet is the creative motivation with a delay character. He never delay (kill, kill, new poll two friends, in the funeral AoFeiLiYa leap out of). I think maybe the cause the results be more sensible to two points I'm afraid: one, to the mother's love. Say so, Freud's explanation is the value of the place. The play Hamlet often will Mr And ge simultaneously, we can see that the progressives to his mother about the psychological cause enormous shadows. But this is not to say that his uncle made his unconscious desire, that with kid gloves, by his own tiger to live, but in his mother remarried it made him unable to believe that woman. This kind of thorough realization is the desire of women and love tangled, so that pain extremely, overwhelmed. Abstract: Hamlet abstruse, depression, kind, honest, knowledgeable, wit, sensible, aizeng clear, and a humanist. He hate evil, ignorant, narrow, he hopes to achieve great accomplishments, can build a democracy, freedom and humanism society, but the reality and make him feel disappointed. He want to avenge his father, but worry about political change will lead to internal political turmoil. So, he hesitated difficult definitely, anguish unbearable, this was his deep depression and hesitated to take action of source, is also humanism in 16
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