首页 中英文、外文翻译(正文:带有只读存储器的单片机集成电路)



中英文、外文翻译(正文:带有只读存储器的单片机集成电路)中英文、外文翻译(正文:带有只读存储器的单片机集成电路) 译文: 带有只读存储器的单片机集成电路 单片机集成电路包含一个处理器内核,它至少通过一种数据处理或存储设备来交换数据,集成电路包含一个只读掩模存储器,其中像测试程序一样的通用程序能被单片机执行。这种通用程序具有将数据写到数据处理和,或存储设备的基本功能,写入功能用于装载程序,因为装载程序并非永久地存储在只读存储器重,所以可对单片机进行测试,而与应用程序无关,并保持系统中能用的存储器元件 为标准类型。 在微处理器系统中,处理是由微处理器本身完成的。存储...

中英文、外文 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc (正文:带有只读存储器的单片机集成电路) 译文: 带有只读存储器的单片机集成电路 单片机集成电路包含一个处理器内核,它至少通过一种数据处理或存储设备来交换数据,集成电路包含一个只读掩模存储器,其中像测试程序一样的通用程序能被单片机执行。这种通用程序具有将数据写到数据处理和,或存储设备的基本功能,写入功能用于装载程序,因为装载程序并非永久地存储在只读存储器重,所以可对单片机进行测试,而与应用程序无关,并保持系统中能用的存储器元件 为 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 类型。 在微处理器系统中,处理是由微处理器本身完成的。存储是利用存储器电路,而进入和出自系统的信息传输则是利用特定的输入/输出(I/O)电路。要在一个微处理器化时钟中找出执行计数功能的一个特殊硬件是不可能的,因为时间存储在存储器中,而在固定的时间间隔下由微处理器控制增值。但是,规定系统运转过程的软件包含实现计数器功能的单元。由于系统几乎完全由软件所定义,所以对微处理器结构和其辅助电路这种看起来非常抽象的处理方法使其在应用时非常灵活。这种设计过程主要是软件 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 ,而且在生产软件时,就会遇到产生于常规工程中相似的构造和维护问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 微计算机常使用RAM(随机存取存储器),在RAM中数据可被写入,并且在需要时可被再次读出。这种数据能以任一所希望的次序从存储器中读出,不必按写入时的相同次序,所以有“随机” 存取存储器。另一类型ROM(只读存储器)用来保持不受微处理器影响的固定的信息标本;这些标本在电源切断后不会丢失,并通常用来保存规定微处理器化系统运转过程的程序。ROM可像RAM一样被读取,但与RAM不一样的是不能用来存储可变的信息。有些ROM在制造时将其数据标本放入,而另外的则可通过特殊的设备由用户编程,所以称为可编程ROM。被广泛使用的可编程ROM可利用特殊紫外线灯察除,并被成为E PROM,即可察除可编程只读存储器的缩写。另有新类型的期器件不必用紫外线灯而用电察除,所以称为电可察除可编程只读存储器EEPROM。 微处理器在程序控制下处理数据,并控制流向和来自存储器和输入/输出装置的信息流。有些输入/输出装置是通用型的,而另外一些则是设计来控制如磁盘驱动器的特殊硬件,或控制传给其他计算机的信息传输。大多数类型的I/O装置在某种程度下可编程,允许不同形式的操作,而有些则包含特殊用途微处理器的I/O装置不用主微处理器的直接干预,就可实施非常复杂的操作。 微计算机的另一主要工程应用是在过程控制中。这是,由于装置是按特定的应用情况由微机编程实现的,对用户来说微计算机的存在通常就更加明显。在过程控制应用中,由于这种设备以较少的数量生产,将整个系统安装在单个芯片上所获取的利益常比不上所涉及的高设计成本。而且,过程控制器通常更为复杂,所以要将他们做成单独的集成电路就更为困难。可采用两种处理,将控制器做成一种通用的微计算机,正像较强版本的业余计算机那样;或者做成“包裹”式系统,按照像电磁继电器那样的较老式的技术进行设计,来取代控制器。对前一种情况,系统可以用常规的编程语言来编程,正如以后要介绍的语言那样;而另一种情况,可采用特殊用途的语言,例如那种使控制器功能按照继电器相互连接的方法进行描述。两种情况下,序均能存于RAM,这让程序能按应用情况变化时进行相应的变化,但是这使得总系统易受掉电影响而工作不正常,除非使用电池保证供电连续性。另一种选择是将程序在ROM中,这样他们就变成电子“硬件”的 一部分并常被称为“固件”。 准确地说,这项发明涉及单片机集成电路,单片机通常是包含一台“计算机”的全部或大部分元件的大规模集成电路,其功能不是预先确定的,而是取决于它执行程序。 含有命令时序发生器(即根据程序的指令分配各 一台单片机必然包含一个 种控制信号到其他元件的装置)的处理器内核,一个算数逻辑单元(用来处理数据)和寄存器(即特殊的存储单元)。 然而,“计算机”的其他单元对单片机而言或是内部的,或是外部的。换言之,其他元件就集成到单片机或辅助电路中。 “计算机 ”的这些其他元件是数据处理或存储装置,例如包含待执行的只读或随机存储器,时钟和接口(串行或并行)。 基于单片机的系统通常包含一个含有单片机的芯片和许多含有外部数据处理和,或存储器的芯片,这些芯片没有集成在单片机中,例如,这种基于单片机的系统包含一个或多个印刷电路板,上面安装着单片机和其他元件。 决定单片机所有操作的是应程序,即由单片机执行的程序,因此,每个应用程序都是针对待定的应用的。 在多数现实应用中,由于应用程序太大,单片机无法存储,因此就存储在单 片机的外部存储器中,这种只读处而不能写入的程序存储器通常就是可编程只读存储器。 应用程序在写入到存储器中后就开始执行,以便由单片机来执行,单片机系统有可能不会像预期的那样工作。 在最不顺的情况下,这只是系统的下故障,单片机仍然能够通过串行或并行口与测试设备对话,测试设备就能够确定问题的性质,并准确的指出校正的类型(软件和硬件),将其应用到系统上,以便正确操作。 遗憾的是,基于单片机系统的多次故障导致整个系统死锁,阻止了任何与测试设备的对话,这样就不能确定错误类型时硬件错误(单片机本身,外部只读存储器,外围设备,总线等)还是软件错误(应用程序的错误),在系统死锁的情况下,采用的故障分析方法通常是以使用精密仪器设备为基础,因此 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 将探测仪连接到处于测试中的单片机系统的各种集成电路的管脚上。 采用测试设备对于单片机的系统进行故障诊断,其相关问题还有很多。由于电路体积小,布线密集,而测试设备中使用的探针容易损坏,用起来很麻烦,就可能与电路接触不好。 此外由于成本高,这些测试设备不是批量生产。结果,出故障的单片机系统就不能直接及时修复,不管它们此时安装在何处,首先必须送到有测试设备的地方。单片机系统的这种故障诊断即费时又麻烦,成本也高。 在改变系统中单片机执行的应用程序时,为了避免直接在单片机系统上进行操作,常规的做法是用可下载的只读存储器来存储应用程序,即写入到单片机掩模ROM中的装载程序,单片机的掩模ROM集成到单片机中,并在生产单片机时一次性编程写入。 为了改变应用程序,单片机通过运用装载程序而重置,这个装载程序能通过合适的传输线与连接到单片机的工作站通信,而工作站提供写入到单片机的新的应用程序,装载程序接受新的应用程序并存储到单片机的外部ROM中。 尽管这种方法避免了对单片机系统的直接操作(这需要从系统中取出包含应用程序的可编程只读存储器,并用合适的编程设备将新的应用程序写进存储器,然 后换到系统中),但是它仍然有一个较大的缺点,即在生产中对单片机的特殊处 理。 由于编程参数(编程电压,外加电压的持续时间等)随着采用的技术而变化, 每一种可编程存储器以对应的转载程序密切相关,装载程序一次性写进单片机内 部的掩模存储器中,存储器因而就限制为装载程序要写入的存储器类型。换而言 之,单片机不是标准器件,这就增加了生产成本。 这一发明就是为了克服先前技术的各种缺点。准确的说改发明的目的就是要 提供一种单片机产品,以便快速、简单、可靠、低成本地验证单片机的操作。 这项发明的另一个目的是提供一种单片机芯片,在系统出现故障时,可以借 助于单片机准确地定位系统中失效的器件。 这项发明的更高目的是提供一种单片机芯片,在系统中能使用的存储器为标 准类型时,不用直接对单片机系统进行操作就可改变应用程序。 英文原文: Microcontroller Integrated Circuit with Read Only Memory Microcontroller integrated circuit comprises a processor core which exchanges data with at least one data processing and storage device. The integrated circuit comprises a mash-programmed read only memory containing a generic program such as a test program which can be executed by the microcontroller. The genetic program includes a basic function for writing data into the data progressing or storage device or devices .The write function is used to load a downloading program. Because a downloading program is not permanently stored in the read only memory. the microcontroller can be tested independently of the application program .and remains standard with regard to the type of memory component with which it can be used in a system. In a microprocessor based system the processing will be performed in the microprocessor itself. The storage will be by means of memory circuits and the communication of information into and out of the system will be by means of special input/output(I/O) circuits. It would be impossible to identify a particular piece of hardware which performed the counting in a microprocessor based clock because the time would be stored in the memory and incremented at regular intervals but the microprocessor. However, the software which defined the system?s behavior would contain sections that performed as counters. The apparently rather abstract approach to the architecture of the microprocessor and its associated circuits allows it to be very flexible in use, since the system is defined almost entirely software. The design process is largely one of software engineering, and the similar problems of construction and maintenance which occur in conventional engineering are encountered when producing software. Microcomputers use RAM (Random Access Memory) into which data can be written and from which data can be read again when needed. This data can be read back from the memory in any sequence desired, and not necessarily the same order in which it was written, hence the expression „random? access memory. Another type of ROM (Read Only Memory) is used to hold fixed patterns of information which cannot be affected by the microprocessor; these patterns are not lost when power is removed and are normally used to hold the program which defines the behavior of a microprocessor based system. ROMs can be read like RAMs, but unlike RAMs they cannot be used to store variable information. Some ROMs have their data patterns put in during manufacture, while others are programmable by the user by means of special equipment and are called programmable ROMs. The widely used programmable ROMs are erasable by means of special ultraviolet lamps and are referred to as EPROMs, short for Erasable Programmable Read Only Memories. Other new types of device can be erased electrically without the need for ultraviolet light, which are called Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memories, EEPROMs. The microprocessor processes data under the control of the program, controlling the flow of information to and from memory and input/output devices. Some input/output devices are general-purpose types while others are designed for controlling special hardware such as disc drives or controlling information transmission to other computers. Most types of I/O devices are programmable to some extent, allowing different modes of operation, while some actually contain special-purpose microprocessors to permit quite complex operations to be carried out without directly involving the main microprocessor. Another major engineering application of microcomputers is in process control. Here the presence of the microcomputer is usually more apparent to the user because provision is normally made for programming the microcomputer for the particular application. In process control applications the benefits lf fitting the entire system on to single chip are usually outweighed by the high design cost involved, because this sort lf equipment is produced in smaller quantities. Moreover, process controllers are usually more complicated so that it is more difficult to make them as single integrated circuits. Two approaches are possible; the controller can be implemented as a general-purpose microcomputer rather like a more robust version lf a hobby computer, or as a „packaged? system, signed for replacing controllers based on older technologies such as electromagnetic relays. In the former case the system would probably be programmed in conventional programming languages such as the ones to9 be introduced later, while in the other case a special-purpose language might be used, for example one which allowed the function of the controller to be described in terms of relay interconnections, In either case programs can be stored in RAM, which allows them to be altered to suit changes in application, but this makes the overall system vulnerable to loss lf power unless batteries are used to ensure continuity of supply. Alternatively programs can be stored in ROM, in which case they virtually become part of the electronic „hardware? and are often referred to as firmware. To be more precise ,the invention concerns a microcontroller integrated circuit .A microcontroller is usually a VLSI(Very Large Scale Integration) integrated circuit containing all or most of the components of a “computer”. Its function is not predefined but depends on the program that it executes. A microcontroller necessarily comprises a processor core including a command sequence (which is a device distributing various control signals to the instructions of a program),an arithmetic and logic unit (for processing the data) and registers(which are specialized memory units). The other components of the “computer” can be either internal or external to the microcontroller, however, In other words ,the other component are integrated into either the microcontroller or auxiliary circuits. These other components of the “computer” are data processing and storage devices, for example read only or random access memory containing the program to be executed, clocks and interfaces(serial or parallel). As a general rule ,a system based on a microcontroller therefore comprises a microchip containing the microcontroller, and a plurality of microchips containing the external data processing and storage devices which are not integrated into the microcontroller. A microcontroller-based system of this kind comprises, for example, one or more printed circuit boards on which the microcontroller and the other components are mounted. It is the application program, I, e, the program which is executed by the microcontroller, which determines the overall operation of the microcontroller system. Each application program is therefore specific to a separate application. In most current application the application program is too large to be held in the microcontroller and is therefore stored in a memory external to the microcontroller, This program memory, which has only to be read , not written, is generally a reprogrammable read only memory(REPROM). After the application program has been programmed in memory and then started in order to be executed by the microcontroller, the microcontroller system may not function a expected. In the last unfavorable situation this is a minor dysfunction of the system and the microcontroller is still able to dialog with a test station via a serial or parallel interface, This test station is then able to determin the nature of the problem and indicates precisely the type of correction(software and physical) to be applied to the system foe it to operate correctly. Unfortunately, most dysfunctions of microcontroller-based system result in a total system lock-up, preventing any dialog with a test station. It is then impossible to determine the type of fault,i,e.whether it is a physical fault(in the microcontroller itself,in an external read only memory, in a peripheral device,on a bus,etc ) or a software fault( I,e. an error in the application program). The troubleshooting technique usually employed in these cases of total lock-up is based on the use of sophisticated test devices requiring the application of probes to the pins of the various integrated circuits of the microcontroller-based system under test. There are various problem associated with the use of such test devices for troubleshooting a microcontroller-based system. The probes used in these test devices are very fragile, difficult to apply because of the small size of the circuit and their close packing,and may not make good contact with the circuit. Also, because of their high cost, these test devices are not mass produced. Consequently, faulty microcontroller-based systems can not be repaired immediately, wherever they happen to be located at the time, but must first be returned to a place where a test device is available. Troubleshooting a microcontroller-based system in this way is time-consuming, irksome and costly. To avoid the need for direct action on the microcontroller-based system each time the application program executed by the microcontroller of the system is changed, it is standard practice to use a downloadable read only memory to store the application program, a loading program being written into a mask-programmed read only memory of the microcontroller, The mask-programmed read only memory of the microcontroller is integrated into the microcontroller and programmed once and for all during manufacture of the microcontroller. To change the application program the microcontroller is reset by running the downloading program. This downloading program can then communicate with a workstation connected to the microcontroller by an appropriate transmission line, this workstation the new application program to be written into the microcontroller, The downloading program receives the new application program and loads it into a read only memory external to the microcontroller. Although this solution avoids the need for direct action on the microcontroller=based system (which would entail removing from the system the reprogrammable read only memories containing the application program, writing into these memories the new application program using an appropriate programming device and then replacing them in the system), it nevertheless has a major drawback, namely specialization of the microcontroller during manufacture. Each type of reprogrammable memory is associated with a different downloading program because the programming parameters (voltage to be applied, duration for which the voltage is to be applied) vary with the technology employed, The downloading program is written once and for all into the mask-programmed internal memory of the microcontroller and the latter is therefore restricted to using memory components of the type for which this downloading program was written. In other words,the microcontroller is not a standard component and this increases its cost of manufacture. One object of the invention is to overcome these various drawbacks of the prior art, To be more precise, an object of the invention is to provide a microcontroller circuit which can verify quickly, simply, reliably and at low cost the operation of a system based on the microcontroller. Another object of the invention is to provide a microcontroller integrated circuit which can accurately locate the defective component or components of a system using the microcontroller in the event of dysfunction of the system. A further object of the invention is to provide a microcontroller integrated circuit which avoids the need for direct action on the microcontroller-based system to change the application program, whilst remaining standard as regards the type of memory component with which it can be used in a system.
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