首页 1960年出生的属鼠人2016年运势



1960年出生的属鼠人2016年运势1960年出生的属鼠人2016年运势 1960年出生的属鼠人2016年全年运势 农历1960年属鼠的出生阳历时间:1960年2月5日3时37分 至 1961年2月4日9时27分 鼠年出生的人进入2016丙申猴年,流年遇到子申三合,吉星方面有“福星”、“将星”、“天厨”入宫,同时“唐符”、“五鬼”、“官符”等凶星临门。属鼠人2016年运势变化多,但只要谨于言、慎于行、遵纪守法,不仅可安然无恙,更得岁合之助而有吉庆临门,事事顺心顺意发展,因此,在2016年对出现的问题冷静分析及处理好周边关系,就是成功的前奏。属鼠...

1960年出生的属鼠人2016年运势 1960年出生的属鼠人2016年全年运势 农历1960年属鼠的出生阳历时间:1960年2月5日3时37分 至 1961年2月4日9时27分 鼠年出生的人进入2016丙申猴年,流年遇到子申三合,吉星方面有“福星”、“将星”、“天厨”入宫,同时“唐符”、“五鬼”、“官符”等凶星临门。属鼠人2016年运势变化多,但只要谨于言、慎于行、遵纪守法,不仅可安然无恙,更得岁合之助而有吉庆临门,事事顺心顺意发展,因此,在2016年对出现的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 冷静分析及处理好周边关系,就是成功的前奏。属鼠人2016年最大的优势是得到众多吉星拱照,纵遇不利亦能破解,祸福相抵;若能凡事知机避凶,2016年将是属鼠人大展拳脚的年份。 岁支三合,“将星”及“福星”拱照,就学的学业猛进;就业者机会重重,且有晋升机会,从事营销、公关、艺术工作更见有利,名利双收。故在2016年里,动则劳而得财添乐事,静亦智略权谋,时运必至,全年称心称意。惟流年亦见“唐符”、“五鬼”,防有乐极生悲之小意外,同时要注意口舌是非引发的矛盾,将给事业造成不必要的阻滞。 1960年出生的属鼠的人2016年运程 1960年属鼠的人2016年事业运势 属鼠人进入2016丙申猴年,子申拌合,且有“将星”、“福星”贵人临门,运程畅顺,贵人扶持,机会重重。受薪的属鼠朋友将面对事业上的重大改变,工作得心应手,年底晋升机会大。流年“将星”和三合并临,适宜进修,不妨考虑报读一些专业课程,为个人增值,大利将来事业的发展。有意创业的肖鼠人,今年也是好时年,但上半年只宜积极筹备,下半年方可放手一搏,成功机会较大;对于从事艺术、演艺等行业的属鼠人,在将星的正面带动下,2016年名气得以增长,事业也迎来突破。今年事业上较为不利的是“五鬼”和“官符”两大凶星飞临事业宫,五鬼代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 小人是非,官符代表法律诉讼,工作上要提防小人暗中使坏,从而功亏一篑,而且对于法律禁止的事情远离为妙,以免惹上官非,甚至被交警抄罚单的概率也会增加。 1960年属鼠的人2016年金钱运势 属鼠在2016年里,流年岁支三合,又逢“将星”等吉星拱照,财运可谓称心如意,受薪人士得贵人扶持,工作表现卓越,能获得一定幅度的加薪或者奖金。选择在2016年创业的属鼠人,虽然初期难免要耗费大笔资金,但只要用心经营,上半年做好详细的规划与筹备,定可开创新天地,但创业过程中难免遇到不少的问题,要沉得住气,沉着应对。投资者回报颇佳,部分利润会花费在家居装修或添置家具之上,为家宅增添新气象。不过,2016年逢“官符”,谨记“君子爱财,取之有道”,切不可贪图不法财富;“五鬼”飞临财帛宫,提示今年容易因小人的构陷而造成钱财损失,对于金额较大的金钱来往时,要签订好字据或者文书,以防细节的纰漏而酿成大的损失。属鼠人2016年可在家中或者办公室摆放一对“单独开光貔貅”摆件来巩固财运,使得今年钱财上调度自如,财气顺畅,减少破耗的风险。 1960年属鼠的男女2016年感情运势 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 属鼠人2016猴年地支三合,家运兴隆,部分人有家居装修、搬迁新居的喜庆。爱情方面,恋爱中的男女“春风得意桃花照,缔结良缘情意浓”,2016年下半年是理想结婚佳期。已婚人士瑞气盈门,家宅紫气东来,有荣升父母之喜;但男士们须避免与配偶以外的女性过从太密,以免产生无谓的误会,而且受到“五鬼”的影响,恐怕会有第三者对感情挑拨离间,进一步加深夫妻之间的矛盾,甚至发展到不可收拾的地步,遇到问题及时沟通、相互关心是维持婚姻和谐的不二法门;对于感情不和谐的属鼠人,2016年可佩戴“单独开光粉晶狐狸”以确保感情和和美美,同时可斩断身边的烂桃花,防止第三者入侵感情。 1960年属鼠的人2016年健康运势 属鼠的人2016年“飞刃”相侵,对健康不可掉以轻心,今年女士多见腰部、脚部及妇科毛病,男士则多见心血管及肠胃的问题。至于工作上需要劳动或牵涉危险性质的朋友,工作时切不可粗心大意,谨记每天开工前做好所有安全措施,勿贪一时方便,否则后果可大可小;幸好流年亦逢“福星贵人”,遇事可望化险为夷,只要凡事小心,一切自然无碍。“天厨”的入宫意味着属鼠人今年有不少应酬,在外大饮大食在所难免,不过凡事适可而止,尤其喜欢喝酒的属鼠人切莫贪杯恋栈,以防引起或者加剧肠胃和心血管方面的疾病。开车的属鼠人要定期检查刹车、轮胎等装置,以防因车子的客观原因而发生不必要的意外,同时开运阁建议在车上挂一串“单独开光本命佛车挂”以庇佑交通康宁。 1960年属鼠人2016年幸运色和幸运数字 幸运颜色:黑色、白色、灰色 幸运数字:1、6 吉祥方位:西南方 1960年出生的属鼠人命理五行属性 庚子辛丑壁上土:壁上土者,恃栋依梁,兴门立户,却暴寒之德,遮霜护雪之功。此乃人间壁土,非平地何以为靠,子午天地正柱,逢之尤为吉庆。凡见木皆可为主。庚寅辛卯亦是栋梁,只辛酉冲破,子卯相刑;大林有风,若无承载之土,加凡火,主作事难成,贫贱而夭。土爱路旁,谓之负载,屋上城头,可以护身,皆吉。见火,全无造化,太阳霹雳,虽云照耀,到底蹇危。若命先见木遇火,助鬼焚克,运再逢之,主祸患夭折。柱有水救济,稍得;水见甲申为最吉,乙酉次之,天上雨露亦吉,大海漂泛,此土何安,纵有根基,亦凶。诸金惟爱泊金,命里先有木神则贵,以其成宫室而金碧辉煌,非朝廷不敢用也;剑金伤害,余金无用。 1960年出生的属鼠男女2016年每月运势详解 1960年属鼠人2016年1月运势 事业:1960年属鼠人来到1月,会期待有转折性较大的突破,但现实并非如此。加上看起来很默契的合作伙伴其实并不那么理想,会有较多的分歧。工薪阶层会跟上司的关系弄僵。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 感情:在感情方面会比较顺畅,感情生活很丰富,但是桃花太多也不是好事,注意避开烂桃花,以免给自己带来不必要的麻烦。 财运:这个月财运渐渐盛旺,会有一些意外的收入。 健康:健康运也比较糟糕,需要注意血液和经络方面的问题。 1960年属鼠人2016年2月运势 事业:事业运好,有贵人运,你会得到特殊的照顾,很适外出创业。 感情:感情生活不太顺畅,桃花虽旺,但心里总有不安的感觉,不敢向前迈出一步,因此容易错过优质的对象。 财运:正财运与上月比相对还是不错的,会有所提升,只要找到适合的投资方向就会有所回报。 健康:健康运欠佳,会出现精神紧绷的现象,内心会有点过于焦虑而噩梦连连。睡眠质量下降影响到身体各方面的器官出现紊乱。 1960年属鼠人2016年3月运势 事业:这是一个变革的月份。有转换工作岗位或向不同方面发展的趋势,或直接跳槽或自主创业。之前蓄谋已久的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 都会在这个月发生。 感情:感情运好,但是因为1960年属鼠人的天性喜欢挑战和竞争,在感情方面的浪漫指数会较低,不过运势还是顺畅的。 财运:财运佳,会比上个月更旺盛。 1960年属鼠人2016年4月运势 事业:本月事业运势不错,创新能力极强,有机会一展身手,但是因工作量增加压力也会开始慢慢变大。 感情:感情方面有与旧识重燃爱火的可能性,也有可能会与自己的同学或是相识已久的朋友擦出爱的火花。 财运:财运佳,会花更多的心思去钻研挣钱的门路,额外收入会增加,但是支出也不少。 健康:健康运佳,身体方面不会出现什么太大问题。 1960年属鼠人2016年5月运势 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 事业:本月在事业上的竞争意识明显的下降了。部分属鼠人羊专注于金钱方面的追求,而部分属鼠人将心思都放在了恋爱方面。 感情:多参加同学朋友间的聚会,有利于找到理想的恋爱对象。 财运:财运方面比较旺,属鼠人很有兴趣研究赚钱的门路,门路多了自然钱财也就多了。 健康:健康运欠佳,容易受伤,需要注意关节和肌肉的损伤。 1960年属鼠人2016年6月运势 事业:本月有出差的机会,在出差的过程中可以学到新知识。处理合约文件时,需要对数字特别留意,会比较容易出错。 感情:单身的属鼠人有机会在长辈介绍下认识合意的对象,已有伴侣的属鼠人感情运佳。 财运:财运方面没有较大的变化,相对来说是比较平稳的。 健康:本月游泳时要做好准备活动,以免在水中抽筋,发生意外。 1960年属鼠人2016年7月运势 事业:在事业方面会有颠覆性较大的举动,适宜做些与游戏娱乐有关的创造性较强的工作,会很容易做出成绩。只是领导的脾气火爆,属鼠人需要看脸色做事。 感情:桃花运旺盛的一个月,尤其是女性,感情都能朝着自己预想的方向发展。 财运:偏财运不错,可以买个彩票试试,说不定会有意想不到的事情发生。 健康:健康无大碍,但要注意肠胃炎,生冷不洁的食物不要吃。 1960年属鼠人2016年8月运势 事业:只要属鼠人继续保持高效的行动能力,敢于创新,事业方面还会有上升的空间。 感情:感情较为黯淡,缺乏激情,已有伴侣的属鼠人,这个月处于比较危险的时期,双方会较为压抑。 财运:财运不佳,娱乐方面的消费会有所增加。 健康:肠胃容易出现问题。 1960年属鼠人2016年9月运势 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 事业:与同事或客户之间容易发生矛盾,影响事业停滞不前。 感情:情感不太顺,需要跟伴侣做出承诺来维系。压力也会增加。 财运:财运会比上个月旺。 健康:需要注意肠胃毛病,多喝水,少吃烧烤、生食等对肠胃有害的食物。 1960年属鼠人2016年10月运势 事业:不利于团队合作,与新的团队成员的想法不一致,工作伙伴又太多裙带关系在里面,凡事都要自己亲自出马才行。 感情:感情运下滑,建议跟对方做出承诺,以维护双方的关系。 财运:正财运旺盛,付出的多得到的也越多。 健康:健康方面需要注意消化系统和泌尿系统等问题。 1960年属鼠人2016年11月运势 事业:这个月你会花很多心思在工作方面,很努力的完成定下的目标,大家也会很支持你的工作,谨记搞好人际关系能让你在职场上更为畅通。 感情:与伴侣的关系相处融洽,感情会很甜美。 财运:是个旺财的月份,正财偏财都会很旺,只要不怕辛苦多付出,得到的也会越多。 健康:健康不错,无大碍。 1960年属鼠人2016年12月运势 事业:事业运欠佳,容易因个人的问题导致客户的流失,从商者开拓业务不顺,还容易与合作伙伴产生矛盾,导致终止合作。 感情:情感方面不太顺,需要谦让伴侣,稍不注意对方就会和你闹别扭或给脸色你看。 财运:这个月的正财运与上个月比会有下滑的现象,不过偏财方面还是会有稍许的进账。 健康:本月需注意呼吸系统疾病,注意添衣保暖,否则容易有感冒发烧等问题出现。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,
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