首页 优秀管理者事迹材料



优秀管理者事迹材料优秀管理者事迹材料 ——肥乡局 米建增 在肥乡局所有员工的印象中~米建增局长从来都不回避面临的困难和挑战~而且还要主动从员工中去获取信息~倾听他们的心声~这是他主动工作的一惯表现。作为肥乡局局长的他~常挂在嘴边的话:“没有做不好的工作,只有不负责任的工作态度,肥乡邮政人要不断的往前冲”、“人生难得几回搏:现在正是需要拼搏的时候。”尽管来到肥乡局仅有短短的一年时间,却赢得了员工真诚的拥护和爱戴~肥乡局的面貌也在短短的时间里焕然一新~赢得了当地党委的肯定。这位在邮政行业上干了10多年、积累了丰富管理经验的人~带领肥...

优秀管理者事迹材料 ——肥乡局 米建增 在肥乡局所有员工的印象中~米建增局长从来都不回避面临的困难和挑战~而且还要主动从员工中去获取信息~倾听他们的心声~这是他主动工作的一惯表现。作为肥乡局局长的他~常挂在嘴边的话:“没有做不好的工作,只有不负责任的工作态度,肥乡邮政人要不断的往前冲”、“人生难得几回搏:现在正是需要拼搏的时候。”尽管来到肥乡局仅有短短的一年时间,却赢得了员工真诚的拥护和爱戴~肥乡局的面貌也在短短的时间里焕然一新~赢得了当地党委的肯定。这位在邮政行业上干了10多年、积累了丰富管理经验的人~带领肥乡局全体员工创造了一个又一个辉煌~下面的一组数字~最具有说服力:2010年~肥乡局业务总收入完成530.52万元~完成年 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 526万的100.08%~全员劳动生产率达到10.52万元。其中金融业务收入完成297.42万元,函件收入完成66.76万元,包件收入完成4.12万元,汇兑收入完成11.32万元,窗口速递收入完成12.38万元,分销收入完成37.88万元,报刊收入累计完成38.1万元,集邮收入完成30.89万元,电子商务收入完成18.64万元,零售完成2万元~全面完成各项工作任务.随着企业的发展,全局在岗职工人均收入增长在25%以上。企业效益不断增长~个人收入不断增加~员工队伍积极稳定。 一、整章建制~狠抓企业基础管理 1、抓落实~完善规章制度 在米建增局长到任之初~就召开职代会~重新修订了《车to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 辆 管理办法 关于高温津贴发放的管理办法稽核管理办法下载并购贷款管理办法下载商业信用卡管理办法下载处方管理办法word下载 》、《通信工具管理办法》、《接待工作管理办法》、《水电管理办法》、《 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 管理办法》等一系列规章制度~为管理工作提供了依据。在此基础上~进一步细化和完善了机关作风、基础管理、财务管理、业务及质量管理、服务管理、车辆及卫生管理等方面工作~制定了函件、报刊、集邮、电子商务、包件、速递、农资分销业务职责~出台了各专业与绩效挂勾的经营责任制考核办法~并将此作为各项工作开展的标准~加强工作的严肃性~为全年工作的健康、规范、有序发展提供了保障。 2、控支出~强化财务管理 米建增同志在全局范围内~提倡励行节约~艰苦创业的思想~加强水电管理~更换和削减了部分办公电话~实行移动通信套餐、总机捆绑等解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~使通信费用大幅下降,严格控制会议费、业务招待费支出~同时加强了欠费管理~加大了对用户欠费清缴力度。如针对物流分销业务长期以来欠帐、管理混乱的情况~抽出专门人员~开展建帐、查库工作~每周压任务、促进度~做到了底数清、帐目明~今年以来共计收回历年积压帐款25余万元。 3、提素质~开展竞争上岗 为进一步提升人员素质~米建增局长除积极选派相关专业人员参加省市局组织的营销人员、大客户业务培训之外~还组织相关人员对储蓄人员、营业人员、投递人员进行了60余人次的业务培训~每季对包括全体行管人员在内的各专业职工考核一次~使职工队伍素质有了明显提升。下半年~在市局的帮助下~组织开展了全员竞争上岗工作~结合竞岗人员的德、能、勤、绩~对全局各重要岗位的设置进行了公开、公平、公正的竞岗~推进了人事改革工作~促进了能者上、to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 平者让、庸者下局面的形成。 4、促整改~提升服务水平 米建增局长亲历亲为~下大力度提升邮政服务水平。一是积极推进营业网点标准化建设工作~结合营业和投递网建设目标~在营投部门全面推行现场管理和规范化服务,二是进一步加强业务视察工作~深入开展了投递质量专项整治活动以及邮政通信和服务质量专项整治活动~促进了服务水平的有效提升,三是开展了基础管理普查工作~对全局所有营业窗口、办公场所、生产场地开展了地毯式的检查、整改、提高~对物品摆放、场所设置、线路布局、人员配备、上墙公示内容、文明礼貌服务用语等进行了全面自查~共整改不规范环节20余处~使全局上下的服务形象焕然一新~工作人员的精神面貌得到了极大改观。 5、变环境~改善办公、服务硬件设施。 今年以来~对本局建设所、县局所、天台山支局、东城路营业室四个营业窗口开展了全面的标准化装修工作~对外服务环境与水平得到了全面提升~邮政形象从根本上得到了改观。目前~四个营业窗口的装修改造工作已全面收尾~近期将正式对外营业。新局址建设与邮政窗口改造工程的竣工与入驻~ 标志 禁止坐卧标志下载饮用水保护区标志下载桥隧标志图下载上坡路安全标志下载地理标志专用标志下载 着肥乡邮政办公、服务环境在全新层次上的跃升。 二、勇于创新~开拓邮政发展新局面 1、创新是邮政发展的灵魂~也是他工作的核心。因此他把经营创新、管理创新作为重点。 创新营销模式。为发展有肥乡邮政特色的业务~面对竞争日趋激烈的市场~他提出了全新的营销模式。组建了一支专业营销队伍~从社会上招聘、从员工中抽调一些交际广、能力强、素质高的人员to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 组成营销队伍~利用他们社会信息灵通、工作方式灵活、交际范围广的优势开展业务受理上门、业务指导上门、特殊客户收费上门、投诉处理上门等服务措施~取得了较好的成绩~变坐等用户上门的被动服务为上门找用户的主动服务。 2、在服务创新方面~他常说:只有创新服务~才能率先赢得优势。如果没有优质的服务作保障~就失去了竞争的能力。提出了“重要客户定人办、中高端客户优先办、一般客户限时办”~在制定服务标准~优化服务流程时讲究精、细、准、快、好~并严格加以贯彻落实~严格管理~得到了用户的认可和国家质协的肯定。 3、创新用人机制~努力为各类人才提供展示舞台和发展空间~实现人力资源效率最大化~营造出了公开、平等、竞争、择优的用人环境~形成了能进能出、能上能下、人才辈出、人尽其才、充满活力的用人新机制。利用绩效考核杠杆~加大活工资的考核力度~拉大收入差距~充分体现多劳多得、无为无位的考核机制~让员工从“要我干”到“我要干”的转变~造就一支拥有创新精神和核心技能、求真务实、与时俱进、对企业忠诚的核心员工队伍。一支特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能奉献的队伍。 三、以科学发展观为统领~全力创建和谐企业 1、深入开展企业争先创优活动。根据县委的安排部署~他在全局组织开展了争先创优活动~建立了一整套调动职工工作积极性、提升业务能力水平的创优制度~使发展意识、创新意识不断增强~收到了较好的效果。 2、严格落实党风廉政建设工作。在政治理论学习方面~他认真学习邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和十六大及to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 十六届三中、四、五中全会精神~把“三个代表”的要求落实和体现在自己的各项工作中。在加强理论学习的同时~对管理知识的学习更进一步加强了~要求自己在激烈的市场竞争中要有游刃有余的领导艺术和驾驭能力。 “在火车跑得快~全靠车头带”~在他的带领下~全体员工的思想觉悟都有很大的进步~员工素质、管理水平普遍提高。 3、深入推进精神文明创建工作。以市级文明单位创建为目标~他全面加强了员工职业道德教育。对外~大力开展扶贫帮困和献爱心活动。先后组织职工向青海玉树地震灾区的捐款、红十字会的“博爱一日捐”、“救助困难职工”等活动~受到了社会的广泛好评。同时~“五五”普法工作也得到了稳步推进~员工的法制意识、依法经营能力得到了增强。对内~他积极争取政策~全面提升了基础设施~重新修整了自行车棚~使局大院管理更为整洁有序~对支局楼顶进行了防水维修~使工作环境得到了极大改善。 有这样务实、创新、拼搏的管理者~肥乡局一定能够持续、稳定、健康的发展。 二0一一年一月十七日 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note
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