首页 2009年度天津开发区百强企业



2009年度天津开发区百强企业2009年度天津开发区百强企业 附件1 2009年度天津开发区百强企业 排名 企业名称 1 天津一汽丰田汽车有限公司 2 天津三星通信技术有限公司 3 摩托罗拉(中国)电子有限公司 4 奥的斯电梯(中国)投资有限公司 5 中国石油集团渤海钻探工程有限公司 6 中国石油集团渤海石油装备制造有限公司 7 腾讯数码,天津,有限公司 8 天津一汽丰田发动机有限公司 9 天津泰达建设集团有限公司 10 中国银行股份有限公司天津滨海分行 11 天津电装电子有限公司 12 飞思卡尔半导体,中国,有限公司 13 天津三星电...

2009年度天津开发区百强企业 附件1 2009年度天津开发区百强企业 排名 企业名称 1 天津一汽丰田汽车有限公司 2 天津三星通信技术有限公司 3 摩托罗拉(中国)电子有限公司 4 奥的斯电梯(中国)投资有限公司 5 中国石油集团渤海钻探工程有限公司 6 中国石油集团渤海石油装备制造有限公司 7 腾讯数码,天津,有限公司 8 天津一汽丰田发动机有限公司 9 天津泰达建设集团有限公司 10 中国银行股份有限公司天津滨海分行 11 天津电装电子有限公司 12 飞思卡尔半导体,中国,有限公司 13 天津三星电子显示器有限公司 14 天津三星电子有限公司 15 天津英泰汽车饰件有限公司 16 天津三星光电子有限公司 17 维斯塔斯风力技术,中国,有限公司 18 渤海证券有限公司 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 19 诺和诺德(中国)制药有限公司 20 中国建设银行天津经济技术开发区分行 21 天津三星电机有限公司 22 天津市金桥焊材集团有限公司 23 天津通广三星电子有限公司 中国石油集团长城钻探工程有限公司物资分公24 司 25 PPG涂料(天津)有限公司 26 天津矢崎汽车配件有限公司 27 工银金融租赁有限公司 28 天津顶益国际食品有限公司 29 SEW-传动设备(天津)有限公司 30 天津三星视界移动有限公司 31 爱信(天津)车身零部件有限公司 32 三星高新电机(天津)有限公司 33 中国工商银行天津经济技术开发区分行 34 俊安(天津)实业有限公司 35 天津三星视界有限公司 36 天津双叶协展机械有限公司 37 天津乐金大沽化学有限公司 38 天津乐金渤海化学有限公司 39 天津市顺鑫进出口贸易有限公司 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 40 中粮北海粮油工业(天津)有限公司 41 施耐德电气低压(天津)有限公司 42 天津三星LED有限公司 43 天津浩安矿产有限公司 44 邦基正大,天津,粮油有限公司 45 中建六局土木工程有限公司 46 天津顶津食品有限公司 47 北京银行股份有限公司天津滨海支行 48 天津爱德斯蒂尔国际贸易有限公司 49 天津摩比斯汽车零部件有限公司 50 普利司通(天津)轮胎有限公司 51 康师傅,天津,饮品有限公司 52 天津华润万家生活超市有限公司 53 SEW-工业减速机,天津,有限公司 54 天津滨海快速交通发展有限公司 55 北方国际信托投资股份有限公司 56 亚光耐普罗精密注塑(天津)有限公司 57 天津津滨发展股份有限公司 58 天津泰达集团有限公司 59 天津银行股份有限公司滨海分行 60 约翰迪尔天拖有限公司 61 天津开发区四达石化产品经销有限公司 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 62 天津可口可乐饮料有限公司 63 天津港航工程有限公司 64 诺维信(中国)生物技术有限公司 65 天津经济技术开发区房地产开发公司 66 天津和昇塑料制品有限公司 67 天津泰达津联电力有限公司 68 罗姆半导体,中国,有限公司 69 通用半导体(中国)有限公司 70 天津北方石油有限公司 71 天津津住汽车线束有限公司 72 电装,天津,汽车导航系统有限公司 73 天津正大饲料科技有限公司 74 天津东海理化汽车部件有限公司 75 同方环球,天津,物流有限公司 76 大陆汽车系统,天津,有限公司 77 施维雅(天津)制药有限公司 78 天津斯坦雷电气有限公司 79 天津国电海运有限公司 80 天津滨海泰达物流集团股份有限公司 81 天津富士通天电子有限公司 82 卡博特化工,天津,有限公司 83 京瓷(天津)商贸有限公司 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 84 天津象屿进出口贸易有限公司 85 中油,天津,物流有限公司 86 天津中石化中海船舶燃料有限公司 87 天津顶正印刷包材有限公司 88 天津市圣恺工业技术发展有限公司 89 天津七一二通信广播有限公司 90 天津渤油船舶工程有限公司 91 天津统一工业有限公司 92 SEW-工业设备(天津)有限公司 93 天津丰通汽车零部件装配有限公司 94 锦湖轮胎,天津,有限公司 95 中联重科融资租赁,中国,有限公司 96 中国光大银行天津滨海支行 97 天津顶园食品有限公司 98 天津丰田通商钢业有限公司 99 东方电气,天津,风电科技有限公司 100 天津阿克苏诺贝尔过氧化物有限公司 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of
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