首页 论别具一格的“萧红体”————从《生死场》解读萧红小说特色毕业论文



论别具一格的“萧红体”————从《生死场》解读萧红小说特色毕业论文论别具一格的“萧红体”————从《生死场》解读萧红小说特色毕业论文 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 论别具一格的“萧红体” ————从《生死场》解读萧红小说特色 学 院 名 称 文法学院 专业班级 文秘教育2010 学生姓名 梁欢 1001070813 学 号 指 导 教 师 颜峰 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 摘要 萧红作为三十年代的文学洛神,凭借其鼎盛之作《生死场》给文坛带来一股新奇之风。概括来说萧红小说受时代、个性和个人经历等各种因素的影响和制约,有着非常明显的时代烙印。她的作品中时刻渗透着萧红作为女...

论别具一格的“萧红体”————从《生死场》解读萧红小说特色毕业论文 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 论别具一格的“萧红体” ————从《生死场》解读萧红小说特色 学 院 名 称 文法学院 专业班级 文秘教育2010 学生姓名 梁欢 1001070813 学 号 指 导 教 师 颜峰 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 摘要 萧红作为三十年代的文学洛神,凭借其鼎盛之作《生死场》给文坛带来一股新奇之风。概括来说萧红小说受时代、个性和个人经历等各种因素的影响和制约,有着非常明显的时代烙印。她的作品中时刻渗透着萧红作为女性和弱者在战争暴力下的痛苦感悟。也正因此,她写出了多数男作家所看不到和无法 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现的东西:处于东北地区生活底层的女性同胞们所具有的民族精神。她的创作作为一个独立而丰富的艺术整体,在“改造民族灵魂”的题材、散文化的叙事模式、女性精神悲剧的视角等方面构筑起了一个充满艺术魅力和国民性思考的精神世界。 本论文以她作品中的《生死场》为立足点。全文分为三大部分。第一部分主要描述萧红体所出现的现实生活背景。《生死场》中勾勒出一种全新的生活方式,萧红以童年的视角审视文中的生活方式,这种生活方式也是她对现实中麻木的人们愚昧生存的一种警示,只是她的感观色调是悲凉的。第二部分主要抓住小说中的散文化特征来讲述。结构、模式、景色是散文化的三个要素,这个部分逐个进行了分析。第三大部分主要从其创作题材的女性文学情结与抒情色彩的民族性来解读萧红体。她对于民族命运、国民精神等问题发表着独特的见解,给那个男权社会的女性生命状态注入了最根本、最直接的表象与内涵说明,给自我以及当时的女性独立争取最大的空间。 关键词: 萧红体 散文化 女性悲剧 创作背景 民族情结 1 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 ABSTRACT Luo Xiao Hong literature as the thirties , with its heyday as the " Life and Death " brought a novelty to the literary style , and was highly praised Lu Xun , Hu Shi. Xiao Hong novels by age, personality and personal experience , and other factors and constraints , printed deep imprint of the times, in her work as a fusion of Xiao Hong's own painful experience of women and the vulnerable in the event of war violence. Because of this, she wrote more by male writers who have not seen and admired the performance of things in the bottom of the women living in Northeast fellow has the national spirit, while Xiao Hong long drifted away from mainstream thinking . She is author of the novel as an independent and rich artistic whole , in the " transformation of the national soul" theme, prose narrative pattern , and other aspects of women's perspectives to build a full artistic charm and thinking citizens of the spiritual world . In this thesis, she works in the " Life and Death " as a foothold . Paper is divided into three parts. The first part describes the background of Xiao Hong unique writing emerged . In that era, Xiao Hong 's living environment so that readers have a sense of loneliness . " Life and Death " in the outline of a new lifestyle in these customs , there is an enlarged perspective Xiao Hong childhood , her memories , she is also the reality of people's numb , I do not know revolt, a warning ignorance survival but her tone and feel it is cold, is sad . The second part is to seize prose fiction to tell the story of features . Structure , pattern , 2 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 beautiful prose are the three elements of this part individually analyzed. The third most of the major female literary Complex and its lyrical themes of national character creation to interpret Xiao Hong . For her destiny of the nation , the national mental problems has its own unique insights to the patriarchal society of the state of women's lives into a most fundamental , the most direct representation explanation and meaning to the self and the then independent women with the greatest space. Keywords: Xiao Hong bodies scattered cultural background of national sentiment female Tragedies 3 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 文献综述 萧红研究开启于其成名作《生死场》,1935年由上海容光书局出版时鲁迅先生为之作序。1949年之前的萧红研究主要集中在对其作品的评论,代表性成果是鲁迅的《萧红作〈生死场〉序》和茅盾的《呼兰河传?序》。鲁迅称《生死场》将“北方人民对于生的坚强,对于死的挣扎,却往往已经力透纸背”。已成为萧红研究的经典性评语。胡风为《生死场》作了《读后记》,他读出了此书的重要内涵,在胡风的评论中,特别指出了农民的“反抗”精神,明确肯定了作品对抗日情绪和抗日行为的正面描写。两位“大家”的序与跋,使上海文坛接受了《生死场》,也使24岁的萧红一夜成名。周扬在1936年6月25日出版的《光明》第一卷第二号上发表了一篇题为《现阶段的文学》的文章,在这篇文章中,周扬毫不客气的将《生死场》纳入到了“国防文学”的旗下,并且给它确定了一个鲜明的主题—抗战文学。从而将《生死场》融入到二十世纪30年代文艺创作的主流,并在此基础上推崇,使《生死场》成为一个时代民族精神的经典文本。《生死场》最初是以“抗日小说”的名义进入文坛,萧红亦是以抗敌前沿代言人的特殊身份引起世人瞩目的。在另一方面,《生死场》的巨大成功,影响了人们对萧红思想的全面理解。 进入新时期后,研究者开始从新的角度来关照《生死场》,重新阅读和再度评析的文章亦是层出不穷。尤其是对于小说中所表现的“抗日”倾向性成为了争论的焦点。在不断的研究中,评论家开始发现单一的主题无法全面的阐释《生死场》的全部内涵,于是又出现了一种多义主题的看法。日本学者片山智行认为《生死场》的主题最终还是指向抗日方向。然而,可以称作是作者化身的作品主要人物金枝却越过“抗日”问题将着眼点投向中国 1 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 社会自身存在的不合理性。皇甫晓涛认为不能用一个单一的先行主题来解释《生死场》,而应该从作家对生与死的人类命运的思考出发,许多不能解释或解释牵强的问题便可迎刃而解。从接受美学的观点来看,一部作品是由作者与读者共同完成的。作品产生怎样的社会效果,读者从中主要接受什么,与社会情势、读者的心态等因素密切有关系。《生死场》出版在东北沦于敌手,日本侵略步步深入,全国人民抗日义愤普遍高涨的形势下,人们侧重于从“抗日”这一角度去评价它、肯定它,因此它产生了强烈的抗日效果。当历史己经翻到了新的一页,人们从新的观点来看这部作品时,必然会有新的发掘。对于《生死场》主题的深刻挖掘,实际上也是一种重新定性的过程,各种见解纷至沓来,见仁见智而难以趋同,但同时也增加了其主题内涵丰富性。 2 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 引言 一个作家的创作风格是她内心思想的忠实写照。萧红作为一位反叛传统、个性鲜明的女性作家,她的小说具有鲜明的散文化特征,以北方广大贫苦人民的生活为基调,心系民族生存,融入独特的女性化视角,具有很高的美学价值,对中国现代小说艺术的成熟和发展,作出了一定的贡献。 萧红的人生经历使其作品呈现独特的艺术特色,在选材上独树一帜:着笔于东北地区的底层妇女生活,于生死场的人物中赋予其有意蕴的生命,并自觉地融入了“改造民族灵魂”这一创作思想,从而传达出对民族病态的批判和对人生价值的思考。她突破了传统小说的叙事模式,“创造出一种介于小说与散文及诗之间的新型小说样式。”用揉合了散文抒情功能的散文化小说勾勒出了在苦难中挣扎奋斗的东 北人民的生活和命运的略图。她的小说无论在故事叙述或人物刻画的方式上都独辟蹊径,自成格局。萧红小说在语言的使用和把握上往往超出一般读者的常规阅读想象。表面上平淡无奇,甚至是略带点病态的美不能不使人炫惑。具有女性气质、色彩、情感、意蕴的新鲜明丽的艺术语言,在某种意义上更接近于人类心灵的真实,表达出更多的自由,具有永恒的影响力。本论文拟从以上四个方面加以整合,探究其别具一格的艺术特色。 3 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 第一节 “萧红体”的成长背景 每一篇小说的背后都是一个灵魂的宣泄。萧红短暂的人生路程,颠簸坎坷而饱含了悲凉的意味。在她的笔下塑造的多是东北地域黑土地文化下孕育的农村女性。这些不幸的女性以洗衣做饭,繁衍后代来实现其“人生价值”,日复一日,年复一年,直至走到生命的尽头。萧红在她们的身上赋予了时代的意义,在男女不平等的社会中我们看到的是对女性的践踏,对民族精神的急切呼唤。萧红在生活中所遭受的母爱的情感缺失,坎柯的感情生活,与鲁迅先生的文学情缘,这些成长经历是形成萧红体的坚实土壤。 一、孤独无助的生活失乐园 翻开萧红尘封的童年回忆,呈现给你的是那段如同梦魇一般的时光,那里没有温情,没有父母关爱,幸福就像一个遥不可及的梦。1911年萧红出生在一个封建地主家庭,迎接她的是双亲的冷漠和打骂,留给她的是一生的亲情缺憾。在萧红的童年记忆中,父亲出现的样子永远是态度凶恶的,脾气火爆的。她在《永久的憧憬和追求》中提到:“父亲常常为着贪婪而失掉了人性,他对待仆人,对待自己的女儿,以及对待我的祖父都是同样的吝啬而疏远,甚至于无情。”这种对父亲极度不满的情绪使萧红不断倾注于自己的早期作品中。她把对封建乡绅家庭的恨怒发泄于笔端,并对此加以抨击和鞭挞。而本应充满母性光辉的母亲对萧红却是恶语相向,这种种的男女不平等都给了萧红不可磨灭的阴霾,同时也影响了萧红日后的女性悲剧创作倾向。在毫无温情的家庭环境中,唯一给予萧红阳光的是祖父无尽而又细心的呵护。萧红运用诗一般的语言,散文的叙述方式,透过孩童的视角再现了她幼年时代东北普通民众的社会生活,揭示了陈旧封建体制下人民被束缚和毒 4 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 害的现状。祖父的“温暖”和“爱”促使萧红对人世间的“温暖”和“爱”有着永久的憧憬和追求。正是这种追求让她以人道主义情怀关注劳动人民的处境,以一颗悲悯的心来书写正遭受病痛折磨,贫穷困扰的北方农民从而“引起疗救的注意”。祖父去世后,萧红毅然跳出了家的禁锢,艰难地行走在孤寂苦难的人生路上。海明威曾说:“一个作家最好的早期训练就是不愉快的童年。”童年乏爱的经历直接影响了萧红今后的创作倾向,这情感缺失的体验也造就了她在创作女性文学上的悲剧心理。 二、激愤悲哀的情感翻转车 萧红在感情的道路上尽管屡屡受挫,但依然坚定地找寻着属于她的爱情。因而女性生活的悲剧占据了萧红文学的主体。萧红的创作视野不仅仅停留在婚姻与爱情上,更多地聚焦于社会生活层面上。种种童年的不幸遭遇,是滋生萧红女性悲剧意识的土壤,萧红的悲剧意识幻化在小说中就是无数封建体制下被残害的女性形象。她笔下的女性或多或少都曾抗争过,可是最终的结局是抗争不过主宰她们命运的男权社会。在婚姻自主、个性解放思想的影响下,叛逆的萧红为了抗拒父母包办婚姻,为了寻求真爱和温暖,毅然决然的反抗命运的不公,开始了与恋人一起在外流浪的生活。不久两人均迫于家庭的经济制裁,只能返回家中。此后萧红受到父亲的软禁,幸得姑姑的帮助才得以逃脱。此时的萧红身无分无,流浪于哈尔滨的街头几近死亡,生存的压力逼迫她向未婚夫发出求救信号。然而未婚夫的抛弃再次将她推向了痛苦的深渊。面对严峻的生存困境,“不速之客”萧军再次点燃了萧红的生活,并将她引上了写作的道路。但是气质、性格上存在较大差异的两人,情感开始出现裂痕,摩擦、冲突渐增。最为致命的是萧军对萧红创作的嘲讽,给予了视写作为宿命的萧红最大的伤害。在男权话语系统下,当女性要 5 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 求获得主体地位并对世界加以言说时,两性之间的对视必然会发生碰撞,而结果是女性要为之付出惨重的代价。所以当萧红的文学成绩被端木肯定时,她为之振奋,她真实地体验到了在主流意识话语系统下一个女作家的价值和尊严。如此,陷入爱情漩涡的萧红,任由端木牵起了手一同南下。未过多久,爱情的理想便被无情的击破了,她强调女性作为人的尊严和独立的反抗,又一次俺没在强大的父权制社会的历史漩涡中。端木对萧红的伤害让她领悟到,男性的人格和品德在传统理念的渲染下被无限放大了,事实上它有时比女性更卑微,更怯儒。在抗日战火的蔓延下,萧红拖着羸弱的身躯来到了香港,离开“精神家园”的她最终魂销于此。在异乡,萧红走出了自己悲凉寂寞的一生,她在弥留之际说道:“我最大的悲哀和痛苦便是做了女人。”,道出了萧红在追求女性尊严独立的道路上的艰辛。萧红不平凡的婚姻经历对于体验型作家来说是一笔可贵的精神财富。在这里男女之间没有传统意义上的爱情,有的只是毫无人性的占有。总之,在萧红的作品中,女性始终是被困难和不幸所包围着的。萧红在五四思潮的熏陶下,强烈的呼唤着个性解放,婚恋自由的到来。有着强烈的女性自我意识的她们,在这个时代大背景下时刻关注着女性的生存状态和生命价值,在她的作品中都体现出了对人的关怀。萧红以觉醒者的身份悲悯着底层妇女的悲惨命运,挖掘出的是女性悲剧的历史根源。她已经由提倡个性解放转而抨击社会封建思想的病坂。萧红像一位直面人生的勇士一般迈出了自己的时代。萧红自小就接受了五四新思潮的熏陶,成年后的她又受到了恩师鲁迅等五四新文化先驱们的指引,在这些人生导师的关怀下,萧红矗立于现代文明的高处,以强烈的女性 1主体意识书写社会底层妇女的悲惨的生存境遇。萧红在作品中为我们塑造了各色的被侮辱的女性形象。《生死场》中月英,在疾病与丈夫的双重折磨 11 ?引自季红真.萧红传.北京:北京十丹出版社2000年版,第405货 6 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 下,美丽的她凄惨地死去。这些女性,在承受男性欺辱、封建意识迫害的同时,还要忍受来自生育、性爱给她们造成的无尽痛楚。萧红透过女性意识揭示了女性在封建状态下遭受到的精神与肉体的折磨。《生死场》的金枝是个情窦初开的少女,憧憬着与恋人成业的美好爱情。自身的感情经历潜移默化地影响萧红以女性的视角关注着女性的悲剧命运。萧红小说关注的是北方社会底层女性的生存价值和生命悲剧。她以自我的人道主义情怀去揭示民间疾苦,她对封建社会女性的生存悲剧给予理性的批判和反思,就是为了瓦解男性的权威,从生存状态上要求女性作为社会人的尊严和价值。作为一名女性作家,她在情感上对男人完全的依恋和依靠,试图在男人身上寻回爱的归属感。童年的情感缺失让长大后的她更渴望爱情和关怀,然而失望和痛苦是对她唯一的回答,这种悲哀情绪延续在作品中就是对爱情的否定。萧红小说是通过她的自我经历得到的爱情感触,这不仅仅是她情感体验的表现,更是萧红人生观的直接反映。 三、与鲁迅快乐的文学缘 萧红在经历了那个动荡年代的情感失落后,接受了五四精神的洗礼,结识了充满战斗精神的鲁迅先生。她的视角开始投射到广大劳苦人民的民族精神层面,在另一种角度来说,也是对情感归属的寻觅,这是情感漂泊无依、寂寞征旅的永恒向往与求索。 在鲁迅用心所培养的众多青年作家中,萧红是非常引人注目的一个。在现代女作家当中,萧红是不幸的,她没有大多数现代女作家优越的家学渊源和诗书氛围,孤苦寂寞的童年,漂泊流浪的生活,使她年轻的身心俱受严重摧残。然而,萧红又是幸运的,她的创作萌生于革命文艺运动的沃土哈尔滨,又在一代宗师鲁迅的引领下登上文坛,成为鲁迅圈子中的一员。鲁迅的思想一点一滴的启发了萧红的认识,使她成长为一名有着深刻思想的优秀的作 7 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 家。正如老作家孙犁所说,萧红是走在鲁迅开辟的现实主义道路上的,“她吸取的一直是鲁门的乳汁”。在现代女作家中,有这种造化和机缘的,似乎只有萧红。一路追随来到上海的萧红,在创作上异常勤奋,鲁迅先生就如同茫茫大海中的一盏航灯,那灯光一路温暖着她。 由于鲁迅的热心帮助,从1935年起,萧红写出了一系列优秀作品,这不只替她打开了上海文坛的大门,而且使她进入中国左翼作家的行列。萧红到上海后所取得的文学成就,是和鲁迅分不开的,她的每一点进步,几乎都有鲁迅的心血灌注在里边。鲁迅对萧红,除了慈爱、关怀、鞭策,对于她的思想和创作上的不足之处,也是给予必要的督促、批评。鲁迅在《生死场》的序言中指出“叙事和写景,胜于人物的描写。”,这短短的十二字,在肯定萧红创作在叙事和写景上所有的长处的同时,又略为婉转地点出了萧红在人物形象的刻画上缺乏栩栩如生的直感。在当时,许多人都不看好萧红文体风。鲁迅先生却认为她是“当今中国最有前途的女作家”。是鲁迅影响了萧红的整个创作方向和创作态度,使她在30年代纷纭的文坛能够不追逐时尚,保持自己独特的创作态度。鲁迅和萧红的交往,这是两代人的接进,历史的机缘使他们在一段时间内有着广泛而又密切的接触,从思想到生活到文学。这种接触有着共同的基础:对沦陷土地上的奴隶们的不幸命运的关注、对受到传统思想严重束缚的民族灵魂的期待。 萧红的创作,从一开始,就选择了“五四”以来由鲁迅所开辟的现实主义的道路。尽管当时她距离鲁迅先生是那么遥远。在她略带羞涩的叩动文学大门时,她就“敢于正视淋漓的鲜血,直面惨淡的人生”,从不回避残酷现实 2中的苦难和不幸。到达上海以后,在同鲁迅先生的接触中,萧红对鲁迅先生 2 ,《鲁迅给萧红萧军信简注释录》第236页,萧军著,黑龙江人民出版社,1981年1月第一版。 8 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 的认识加深了。在鲁迅身边的这些日子,鲁迅先生对萧红的影响是多方面的,但最主要、关键的影响还是“改造民族灵魂”的现实主义创作道路及创作精神。当年鲁迅正是从“改造民族灵魂”这个角度,肯定了萧红创作的思想和文学价值。与鲁迅一样,萧红的小说在反映生活的同时,批判与她独特的人生经历有关,同时她也在严肃的思考生活的意义。因而,她在顺应时代潮流进行创作之外,更多的注意力集中在对女性文学、封建体制批判的关注上。对国民性的重视是她和鲁迅先生心灵相通的地方。在鲁迅身边的这段日子,无疑是萧红创作的一个转折点。从第一篇小说《王阿嫂之死》到《生死场》、《呼兰河传》,萧红从农民的生态到心态,从对农民生活的真实描写到对国民性的反思,创作侧重点转移到集中批评病态社会心理,批判封建主义传统意识对人民的精神毒害上,她的这一思想不但没有因时局的变化而中断,反而越来越自觉、越来越系统,也越来越深刻。,这种转移无疑是由生活的表层向深层的运动,是从社会现实机制向社会心理机制的深入,体现出萧红创作的深化成熟。她创作的主题更加深化,艺术技巧也更加圆熟,终于形成了自己独立的创作原则,在三十年代纷纭的文坛潮流中,保持着自己独特的创作风格。 萧红以她对国家民族的强烈责任感和对周围现实细致入微的观察,敏锐 3地捕捉了由于日本帝国主义入侵而带来的社会心理与社会变动,她在描写人们精神病苦的同时,还展示了人们在新时代里的不安、愤怒与骚动,写下“人的心的历史’,“社会关系的历史”上新鲜的一页。即写出了我们民族、人民从“个人主义”到“集团主义”其间的桥梁。 3 ,鲁迅.且介亭杂文二集[M].北京: 人民文学出版社, 1995. 9 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 第二节 生死场风格独特之处 萧红是中国现代文学史上极富灵性的作家,她用散文拼凑出一个新的小说范本。很多读者和评论家认为,萧红的小说有些“特别”,特别在小说 4艺术构成和言语表现的各方面,个人认为,这是一种标志、一种创新,这是对小说创作模式的一种探索。 一、绘画式景色描写 鲁迅先生在为《生死场》所作序言中说:“叙事和写景,胜于人物的描写,然而北方人民对于生的坚强,死的挣扎,却往往已经力透纸背;萧红细致的观察和越轨的笔致,又增加了不少明丽和新鲜。”,首先,鲁迅先生肯定了萧红在此小说中的写景艺术,另外,鲁迅赞扬了萧红对生活、景物“细致的观察和越轨的笔致”的描写。萧红从小就喜欢绘画,在哈尔滨读中学时,她的理想是当一名画家,遍游祖国的名山大川,描绘祖国的美好景色。她有绘画的基础与才能,所以在小说创作中,也就将绘画的方法融会到小说的写景中。比如小说中有这样的描写:“王婆驱着她的老马,头上顶着飘落的黄叶;老马,老人,配着一张老的叶子,他们走在进城的大道。”这就是一幅景物的素描:情调凄凉,色彩惨淡,线条清晰,意境悲怆。作者没有用语言表述评判,而是用画面凸现意旨,让读者从画里想到画外。这种弦外之音,画外之境,不能不叫人拍手称绝。再如:“田间无际限的浅苗湛着青色。草地上汽车突起着飞尘跑过,一些红色绿色的纸片播着种子一般落下来。小茅房屋顶有花色的纸片在起落。附近大道旁的枝头挂住纸片,在飞舞嘶鸣。从城里出发的汽车又追踪着驰来。车上站着威风飘扬的日本人,高丽人,也站着扬威的中国 10 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 5人。车轮突飞的时候,车上每人手中的旗子摆摆有声,车上的人好像生了翅膀齐飞过去。那一些举着日本旗子做出媚笑杂样的人,消失在道口。”这是一幅日本人及走狗汉奸在中国宣传“王道”的图景。画面色泽浓重,人物喧闹骄横,景物有动有静,氛围令人窒息。汽车、侵略者、传单辗轧着青色的大地,笼罩着、欺凌着静穆的村庄。萧红的景物描写,像写生一样,画面生动、形象,具体可感,有很强的立体性和可视性。胡风先生在《生死场?读后记》中也说萧红的《生死场》像肖洛诃夫的《被开垦了的处女地》,“画出了过渡时期的某一类农民底魂魄”,“在我们已有的农民文学里面似乎还没有见过这么动人的诗片”。,这些都说明了萧红《生死场》的艺术特征:绘画性和诗意性。绘画中的写生手法,是将对象进行选择,仔细观察,然后进行描摹,进行少许的加工润色,以融进作者的主观意念。萧红在《生死场》的创作中,成功地借用了这种创作方法,使她笔下的景物描写,真实、形象、有色彩、有内涵,具有很强的艺术震憾力。 二、跳跃式结构组合 小说是时间艺术,尤其长篇小说时间因素更不可少。与福斯特同时代的伊丽莎白?鲍温在《小说家的技巧》一文里说:“时间同故事和人物具有同等重要的价值。”萧红的小说虽然也有时间安排,但她有意淡化了时间因素,而突出强调空间关系,这是萧红小说艺术独特性的表现。《生死场》这部小说在叙述上没有前因后果关系,传统的时间顺序被取消了,空间结构摒弃了时间结构,形成了几个并置的意象或状态。《生死场》共有十七章,每章 5 鲁迅评《生死场》.鲁迅,第6卷,[M]北京,人民文学出版社.1998 11 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 之间在情节上没有密切的联系,具有相对的独立性和跳跃性,像电影的镜头,一幕一幕的转换,一个画面一个画面的相继展现。他叙述的只是一个个乡村生活片断的联缀:二里半和羊的故事、王婆的故事、金枝的故事,各个故事看似没有密切的联系,处于一种并列状态,但他们同动物的“生、老、病、死”之间有一种内在有机的联系。 小说的第一章《麦场》,镜头出现的是:一只山羊在大道边啮嚼榆树根,山羊胡子上流涎着黏沫,山羊的肚皮起起落落 „„接着是广阔的田野:白菜地里有小孩走动,有农夫身影;菜田连着高粱地,高粱如林,青穗摇荡,太阳火辣辣地悬在天空。田路的旁边生长着野菜野草,野草边有二里半的房窝,房窝前是一株杨树,杨树翻摆着青青的叶子。接着一幕一幕,就是二里半一家人寻找山羊的画面。,这些都像电影镜头一样,一个接一个放映出来的,有很强的可视性和跳跃性。小说的第二章是《菜圃》,又像是电影一样放出来的:大片的菜地,有红柿子,青萝卜,红萝卜小姑娘们在提筐采摘 „„小伙子的鞭子响声、口哨声传过来,邀约着摘柿子的金枝姑娘 „„这正像电影镜头的画外音,只闻声音未见人。静静河湾里,姑娘金枝被男人压在身下,迷迷荡荡的一些花穗颤在那里,背后的长茎草倒折了!接着镜头一转,又转到了小伙子成业的婶婶和叔叔年轻未婚时的情景:深秋早晨下着毛毛雨,一姑娘披着蓑衣坐在河边钓鱼,一个男人将姑娘拉到了马房里 „„后来姑娘成了男人的老婆 „„第三章《老马走进屠场》,也是电影镜头放像似的:老马走在县城私宰场的大道上,一个老婆子在马后拿树枝条驱赶着老马。屠场的屠刀张着架着,等待着这个残老的动物。大树林子黄叶翻飞回旋,阳光凄沉,晒着所有的秃树,田地像光了毛的皮带,露出了几户人家。就这样一幕一 12 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 6幕地,王老婆子不忍心地将老马卖给了屠宰场,得到了三张票子,又被地主作为地租收了去。第六章《刑罚的日子》,写到了绿叶如花的树、全身抖动7着生小狗的大狗、拖着坠到地面的大肚子的母猪、光着身子爬在土炕上的大肚子的女人、在墙根下生小猪的母猪,萧红把自然界的生物在夏天的旺盛的生命力、动物的繁衍和人类的生育放在一起展现,看不出时间顺序,也看不出空间顺序,但对它们作整体考察时,这些场景相互烘托、参照、对比、映衬,像电影艺术的蒙太奇手法一般,将各个章节有机地结合起来,小说结构若离若合,自然灵动。读者在阅读作品时,有想象的空间,有回味的余地,增强了视觉的美感,强化了作品的图像张力。小说虽然淡化了情节的连续性,但却加大了意蕴的丰富性。这种小说作法,无疑是一种比较成功的探索和创新。 故事情节的淡化和开放的时空结构的运用,并不代表她的小说不讲究内在结构的统一,在一系列风俗画和人物形象的设置上,作家着眼于整个民族灵魂的改造,所关注、研究的中心不再是偶然的事件与人物,而是民族最普通的生活,最一般的思想,最普遍的事件,从改造整个民族的病态这一创作思想出发,忠于现实,忠于生活,就使得她的创作呈现出一种独特的混沌状态。她对大多数人的整体生活方式的成功把握,并进而从这种生活方式的把握中表达了她对人类生存方式的理性思考。它们传达出来的是人们只可意会,不可言传的东西,是永远能够启迪人们性灵的理外之理、味外之味。 三、诗一般写作模式 多数作家认为萧红是在用“天才和感觉”写作。但这并非萧红写作的 6 ,萧红. 《生死场》[M] 人民文学出版社 1981 13 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 全部,她曾对好友聂绀弩说: “有一种小说学, 小说有一定的写法, 一定要具备某几种东西, 一定写得像巴尔扎克或契柯夫的作品那样。我不相信这一套, 有各式各样的作者, 有各式各样的小说„„”,这段话是对五四后文坛照搬西方小说创作理论的质疑, 同时表现了萧红文体创新的自觉意识。在萧红的创作生涯中, 散文始终是她最富情感与美感特色的重要园地。《生死场》之所以为小说, 而非散文, 根本在于它完全具备小说的特点。但是《生死场》又有独特的结构诗意以及漫布全文的散文气息。《生死场》以“麦场”, “菜圃” 铺开了乡村生活的背景, 看似简单快乐的乡村生活暗藏着压制的地主, 痛苦的女人。人祸刚过, 天灾又至, “传染病”使乱坟岗增添了很多新的坟墓。一波未平一波又起,民国旗换成了青天白日旗, 日军像“黑色的舌头”肆虐扫荡村里的每家每户, 恣意糟蹋年青的妇女。李青山拿出当年成立“镰刀会”的勇气, 号召忍无可忍的乡亲们投奔革命军, 发誓不做亡国奴。年青的寡妇金枝为了避祸, 被迫到哈尔滨做缝补婆, 却依旧免不了店主的克扣和雇主的身体侵犯。对都市的绝望使她急切的回到乡下, 扑向母亲的怀抱。 然而母亲的言论,日军的大扫荡,村里革命的失败,绝望的金枝瞒着母亲奔向早已空无一人的尼姑庵。从第一节到第十七节, 美景中看到了乡村平静下的种种压迫和痛苦,随着时间的推移, 小乡村被置于时代剧变的大背景下, 表现了农民丢掉幻想, 面对现实, 抵御外侮的抗争精神。由景及物而及人, 从生活的表层挖掘东北人民处于水深火热之中的根源, 即封建思想。 传统恶习, 地主盘剥, 官吏威逼, 汉奸通敌, 外族入侵剥夺了人们本应有的幸福的、自然化的生活。以章节的标题为牵引, 我们看到了作家是如何围绕主题需要, 铺设小说结构的。这其中“老马走进屠场”类似于古代诗歌中“兴”的手法, 是以物象引起人事的比喻象征, 那种无可奈何、缠绵深沉的人畜之间的生离死别, 又与王婆的 14 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 儿子、女儿为反抗而死,以及麻面婆、罗圈腿为日本人所杀, 邻村婆孙俩人的自杀等等后来的人事变迁毫无差异。正如陈思和所分析的, “无论是梵高, 还是萧红, 他们都不是预设一个艺术形式, 他们的创作完全是为了给自己的感情世界寻找一个表达存在的方式”。正如农民画的随意和梵高绘画着力展示内在的东西一样, 萧红的小说也是在这种情况下, 使技巧服从于表达, 将体验到的内在生命展现在同一平面, 成就了她小说不同于他人的特色。萧红的小说在过去一元思维结构的模式下, 研究者更多地看到的是其中“反抗侵略者”的爱国宏大主题, 忽视了其中对于国民性批判、女性命运的关注等人性层面的丰富内涵。但是萧红之所以称得上是特色作家, 还在于她承续鲁迅的衣钵, 表现五四传统的精神潜质, 在于她找到了自然地将个人命运与民族命运衔接的桥梁, 而这又是通过她不同于冰心、庐隐等女作家的艺术笔触体现出来的。她是非常富有语言个性特色的作家, 她长于抒情和描写, 充分吸收古典文学营养,大量阅读外国文学名著, 在中西结合的视野中找到了自己的小说“诗意化”写法的定位。她的个性是自由的、不羁的, 她体验生存、生活的方式也是独一无二的, 这些我认为都是通过她小说的艺术特色来传达的, 《生死场》就是一个最好的例子。 第三节 女性视角下的精神批判 萧红笔下大都是社会最底层的劳动女性,她们的身上大都存在着萧红的岁月痕迹。在表现时代性主题的同时,萧红始终立足于她顽强的女性意识和独特的审美表现而不为潮流所禁锢。尽管民族灾难和社会革命不断冲淡女性意识和女性话语,尽管时代要求她撇开“女性关怀”而着力表现社会政治意识,但她始终未曾丧失自己的女性立场。 一、生死场中女性爱情悲剧 15 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 《生死场》中存在着一个鲜明的女性群体,王婆、金枝、五姑姑、月英、麻面婆等,通过她们的种种遭遇,构筑了一个女性眼中的世界,表达着萧红对于男权社会的批判和反抗,以及对于女性命运的思考。“在乡村永久不晓得,永久体验不到灵魂,只有物质来充实她们。”在这个大背景下,萧红笔下的女性群体无一例外地挣扎在男性的权威之下,演绎着各自不同的悲剧,始终无法游离被无形之力侮辱、压制、虐杀的命运。这样的命运更多地体现在两种身体体验上:生育以及由疾病、虐待而导致的对生命的折磨。在小说中,死亡悲剧似乎都发生在女性身上,而且女性受病痛的折磨所致的身体变形与毁形的情景也触目惊心。温和多情的月英,她是“打渔村最美丽的女人”,却在患上瘫病之后,在丈夫无情的漠视与折磨之下,成了一个可怕的怪物:她的眼睛,白眼珠完全变绿,整齐的一排前齿也完全变绿,她的头发烧焦了似的,紧贴住头皮。她像一头患病的猫儿,孤独而无助。?这样的身体腐化现象不仅表现了女性身体的变形与毁灭,更表现了女性对自身命运的不可掌控。来自男权世界的伤害,是女性身体所承受的种种苦难的源头。愚昧呆滞的麻面婆,在小说中被物化成了一个无声的喑哑者:麻面婆的性情不会抱怨。当遇到不快时,或是丈夫骂了她,或是邻人与她拌嘴,就连小孩子们扰烦她时,她都是像一摊冰消融下来。她的性情不好反抗,不好争斗,她的心像永远贮藏着悲哀似的,她的心永远像一块衰弱的白棉。这样的人的物化现象体现了女性心灵的变形与毁灭,更表现了男权压制下,女性正常的人性受到了严重的压抑和扭曲,生命的个体价值被无情践踏。来自男权社会的精神束缚,成为了女性心灵发展的巨大障碍。女性在身体与心灵方面所受到的种种摧残与损伤,都最直接地关乎到人性的本真面目。萧红笔下女性意象比比皆是,她善于通过营造女性意象,来表达最直观的生命体验,从而达到一种集体呐喊式的精神自述。萧红用大量的醒目的女性意象叠加重复,以不同的面 16 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 貌不同的性格不同的遭遇,表达着相同的命运和共同的主题,在文本之中形成了一种超越悲凉的绝望呐喊,既有身为女人的悲悯与愤恨,更有作为他者的批判与痛心。千百年来,女人始终无法从男性权威的阴影中走出来,而是惯于作出妥协和承受苦难,继而演变成为一种深深恪进灵魂的历史传统,携裹着女性身体与心灵的伤痛,汇聚成了难以动摇的主流意识形态,这才是最惊心的悲剧。 二、对父权社会体制的批判 对国民性的批判来自于鲁迅,他用其尖锐的眼光,犀利的笔锋揭露着国民性中愚昧、麻木、冷血、顽固、自欺等劣根性和奴性,并将其作为毕生作品的中心思想。到了30、40年代,在多数人都放下了对国民性批判的时候,萧红却逆流而行,用一个女性作家的独特的眼光和细腻的笔触来描写麻木的人们,残酷的生活,揭露国民性中落后腐朽的阴暗面。她对旧中国的国民性的批判是深刻的,通过笔下一个个鲜活的人物把矛头直接指向死水一样的乡村父权社会制度,对根深蒂固的封建文化和人们病态的思想,陋习和劣根性进行了深刻的鞭挞。她将黑土地的生活赤裸裸地呈现在读者面前,让人们能够深刻地感到那些平静故事的背后有着撞击人心的悲凉。 萧红采取的是“杂取”的方法,把人类愚昧的种种情状散播在众生身上,她用平静淡漠的语言诉说着一个个可以滴血的悲剧。她笔下的故事不是生活,而是生存,是一群忙着生忙着死的人们,他们保守落后!因循守旧!愚昧麻木!奴性十足。他们生活在一片黑土地上,每天都进行着习以为常的生和死,残忍而麻木。萧红将这里的人这里的故事表现的更原始,更残酷让人觉得可怕,痛苦又悲哀。 萧红用笔下女人的悲剧来表达对父权制度的抨击。她们可以被分为两类,一类是父权制度的维护者和传递者,一类是父权制度的牺牲者。在《生 17 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 死场》中,洗衣,做饭,伺候自己的男人,怀孕,生产,永远的做着家务直到死亡,是萧红笔下村里女人的一生。"女人要受到男人的支使,鄙弃与虐待,她们痛苦的分娩,忍受着疾病和死亡。人们对待女人的死,孩子的死都是麻木的,甚至在死后还对其评头论足,指指点点,村里最美丽的月英婚后得了瘫病,丈夫不但不给她看病还折磨她,打骂她。在寒冷的冬天,月英被折磨的身体腐烂生蛆而死。这样残忍地事情在村里却没有掀起任何的风浪。金枝作为悲剧女性的代表,用她的青春和奉献换来成业动物般的支配,占有和蹂躏,她未婚有孕,得到的是丈夫和母亲的辱骂和折磨,她生下的女婴被丈夫故意摔死,这就是金枝的一生。王婆三岁的女儿被粗心的摔死在犁耙上,她没有流一滴眼泪,在她眼中女儿的生命还不如麦田的价值,当她如此麻木地对待生与死的时候,别人也以同样的方式回报了她:当她因儿子被杀喝下毒药要死没死的时候,人们居然用扁担狠狠地按住她以免她借尸还魂。萧红用这一幕幕的情节向人们述说了一个无情的世界。 萧红的小说对待国民性中的种种劣根性更多的是哀其不幸而少怒其不争, 她用她敏锐的眼光,细腻的文笔向人们描绘了发生在黑土地上的一幕幕悲剧,她根植于自己的生活经历与人生感受,以个性化的笔墨,平静淡漠的语言对落后守旧的国民性进行深刻的声讨与批判。 18 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 结语 经过两个多月的努力,萧红体写作面临的问题及策略论文终于完成。 在整个 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 过程中,出现过很多的难题,但都在老师和同学的帮助下顺利解决了,在不断的学习过程中我体会到:写论文是一个不断学习的过程,从最初刚写论文时对萧红体研究面临的问题的模糊认识到最后能够对该问题有深刻的认识,我体会到实践对于学习的重要性,以前只是明白理论,没有经过深入思考,对知识的理解不够明确,通过这次的做,真正做到林论时间相结合。 总之,通过毕业论文,我深刻体会到要做好一个完整的事情,需要有系统的思维方式和方法,对待要解决的问题,要耐心、要善于运用已有的资源来充实自己。同时我也深刻的认识到,在对待一个新事物时,一定要从整体考虑,完成一步之后再作下一步,这样才能更加有效。 19 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 参考文献 1. 萧红. 《生死场》[M] 人民文学出版社 1981 2.鲁迅评《生死场》.鲁迅(第6卷)[M]北京:人民文学出版社.1998 3.鲁迅.《生死场》序,《萧红文集》(第一卷)[C]安徽文艺出版社,1997 4.聂绀弩.《萧红文集》(第三卷)[M].安徽文艺出版社,1997 5.聂绀弩.《萧萧落红》[M]. 北京:人民文学出版社,2001 6.钱理群《“改造民族灵魂”的文学——纪念鲁迅诞辰一百周年与萧红诞辰七十周年》,《十月》,1982年第1期。 7.宋剑华.灵魂的“失乐园”——论萧红小说的女性悲剧意识 [J] 中国现代文学研究丛刊,2004,(4) 8.陈琳. 对人类生存意义的文化观照——评萧红的《生死场》[J] 《安徽师大学报》(哲学社会科学版)第25卷(1997)第4期 9.秦林芳《萧红创作的文体特色》,《江海学刊》,1992年第2期。 20 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 10.王秀表《萧红作品审美风格刍议》,《学习与探索》,1994年第4期。 11.皇甫晓涛《萧红现象》,天津:天津人民出版社,1991年版。[1]鲁迅.且介亭杂文二集[M].北京: 人民文学出版社, 1995. 12.钟汝霖.反帝爱国的女作家萧红[J].哈尔滨师院学报,1978(3) 13.黄晓娟.雪中芭蕉———萧红创作论[M].北京: 中央编译出版社, 2003. 14.聂绀弩.高山仰止[M].北京: 人民文学出版社 , 1984 . 致谢词 持续几个月的论文准备活动终于告一段落,首先感谢颜峰老师在准备中给与我的悉心指导。在论文写作过程中,老师从选题指导、论文框架到细节修改,都给予了细致的指导,提出了很多宝贵的意见与建设性建议,老师以其严谨求实的治学态度、高度的敬业精神、孜孜以求的工作作风和大胆创新的进取精神给予我重要影响。颜峰老师渊博的知识、开阔的视野和敏锐的思维给了我深刻的启迪。这篇论文是在老师的精心指导和大力支持下才完成的。 再次感谢所有大学四年给予我知识的老师,没有这些年知识的积淀,我没有这么多的能量和信心完成这篇论文。感恩之余,诚恳地请各位老师对我的论文多加批评指正,使我及时完善论文的不足之处。 谨以此最后致谢,向百忙之中抽时间对本文进行审阅的各位中文系老 21 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 师表示衷心的感谢。 附录 "Women Literature" or "sex literature" - "Women Literature" and Related Concepts Research on female literature is undoubtedly the country since the new era of contemporary literary studies。One of the hot spots. But what is "feminine literature", "Women ManLearn "What is the meaning of the concept of literary criticism theory has not。A recognized clearly defined. Naturally, no need to engage in literary criticism correction。Knot on theoretical concepts winding among the many women writers of literary criticism. The text itself. However, with the further development of female literary studies 22 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 and deep.Into, apparently unable to avoid blindly upgrade literary studies theoretical level. ThisMan does not look forward to give a definition, but want from "Woman Literature" andSort of related concepts put forward some ideas to teach at Fang. A few related concepts combingWomen's literature in the new era of female literary criticism earlier article,We can see that "women's literature" is the word, the word seems to have emerged.Prior to "Women Literature", first appeared in the translation of foreign literature articles, As "foreign literature" in 1981 published the first one, entitled "EgyptWomen and literature - Sharon Literature "essay, with a" WomenLiterature "is the word. Rather large impact when the number of Zhu Hong's" America's current"Women's Literature",This is the "Selected Works of American Women Writers"As a preface to introduce. American writer works with feminism."Women's Literature" text in English is Women's literature. From1982, some critics in the evaluation of women writer when the country adopted"Women's literature" wasThe word, and someone with "female literature"Dai Ying Wu, 1983, "New Era" Women Literature "Talk". Literature "placed within the headline, can be regarded as" feminine literature "concept.The term officially entered the beginning of the new era literary critics. In fact, "WomenLiterature "The word had already appeared in our twenties and thirties, such as Xie immeasurable"Chinese women's literary history," Liang B really "Literary History of Women in the Qing Dynasty".Tan Zhengbi "Chinese women's literary life" (later renamed "Chinese womenLiterary History "). literature" mutual.Change, referring to the creation of women writers are, but there are wide narrow sense.Broadly refers to all the works of women writers, 23 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 such as Xie immeasurable, and Tan Liang B true.Positive bi writings; narrowly refers specifically to describe those from the women's personal experience The work of women's lives, such as Zhu Hong introductory article. Later critics seem.This convention has been basically no vocabulary and the use of "female literature." Large.Most researchers do not have to pay attention to the difference between the two words, and.Our expert Professor Liu Siqian female literature was keen to see the two.Concept in Chinese literature should have different connotations. THE STAFF think,"Women Literature", "women's literature" and "feminist literature" is in,Several female literary form of the country appeared in the modernization process type. Its, The "female literature", "women's literature" and is based on the distinction between "female"Different meaning of two words:" sex "and" Women for Women "to distinguish it from.The old woman as a human subjectivity is essential connotation, "women" isA right politicized by the state of ideological discourse. "Female" appears in the May Fourth Movement, "female literature"simultaneously. During the late 1920s to the founding of the "Cultural Revolution" after 10 years, the concept of womenHan, politicized functional, feminine literature ideological resources from community.Women will feminism literature appear. 1980s, with fifty-four Xinwen.Learn traditional recovery, again women and female literature, women's literature go.To decline. Around the mid-80's and 90's, the emergence of feminism. THE STAFF of this analysis is justified. Now too late, at 80 years of female literary studies, review articles, Critic Helene Cixous in the "Laugh of the Medusa" in an article for the first time mentione.The domestic introduction of the translation of this paper come see 24 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 Zhang Jingyuan editor of "WhenGeneration of feminist literary criticism ", from the time the book was published in 1992.You can understand why the word to use in the domestic literary critics reason nights.But it soon appeared, by many people of all ages. In our country there are currently.Off Women literary treatise, the "Women Writing" and "female literature" makes,Comparable with Literary studies of women in the 80's major work done on the one hand.Theory translate to introduce Western feminist criticism on the other hand,Further prosperity of the country's contemporary female writers, Western theory, especially the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995,China has played a catalytic role held literary women has become a hot research into,Contemporary Literature textbook edited into a person's vision. In recent years, compared Several of the more famous textbooks are listed as well as a special chapter dedicated section devoted specifically prepared to talk about women Literary creation. If Histories of "Contemporary Chinese Literature" (Peking Press, August 1999 edition) XXIII "Women Writers"; Chen,Thinking and editor of the "Chinese Contemporary Literature Course" (Fudan University Press September 1999 edition) Chapter 21 of the "Women Writing space to expand." Seen as a manifestation of "new writing space to expand," the; China Social Sciences,Institute College of Literature Yang Kuang Han, Fan-Hua Meng editor the "Republic of literature,50 years "(China Social Sciences Publishing House of in August 1999 version) special chapter" Women,Consciousness and Women Writing ", author of today's women in literature and research,Study had some achievements in terms of Xu Kun. Zhang Jiong edited "New Chinese Literature History "(Straits Art Publishing House in December 1999 edition) train entitled" 25 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 Women Man,Learn Qiangwang "of a series. Above four textbooks, two kinds called" Women Man Learning "two called" female writing. "But both appear to be replaced.The "Republic of literature 50 years" clearly expressed: "'Women Literature' Or we can say 'female writing' as an academic concept proposed is actually,To 90 years of this century, along with the trend in the Western feminist movement Widespread access to mainland China, and the feminist movement of domestic interest,And gradually gained recognition and acceptance from academia. "In addition, whether called" female,Literary "or" female writing ", discusses several textbooks are women Writers. This is the West, "female writing" are different. Start.That "female writing" and "French feminists, mainly from Houfuluoyi.On behalf of the German doctrine of Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic theory and deconstructionist.Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes's theory absorb nutrition, focusing on.Questioned the language of the symbolic system proposed 'female writing' problem.They believe that women can destroy the Western way of writing in the language and syntax.Narrative tradition, the destruction of women's work is a real strength. With.When this 'female writing' does not necessarily come from the hands of women, some of.Male writers, such as Joyce's works are also part of the 'female writing' Fan Wai ". French feminists original "female writing" can pack With male writers and their works in the "Laugh of the Medusa", the Helene Cixous Mentions a male writer Jean Genet (Jean Genet) the "grand funeral Ceremony ", And then we talk about women all women writers writing works.This phenomenon indicates that the Western concept spread to Chinese foreign happen some variation. Critics appeared in the latter half of the 1980s, 90's heavy use. But the difference 26 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 The points have a different understanding of the user. "From women to feminist literature"female literature" refers to literary activities and more women writers. Sun Shao.First think, in the history of foreign literature there are many male writers of the first to call for two.Gender equality slogans and outstanding artistic shook hundreds of millions of readers.Heart. On the contrary, there are many women writers of patriarchal cultural assimilation, it works Almost replica of patriarchal culture concept. He thus proposed text should be women,Learn to feminist literature, and the object of feminist literary study Discussion centered on the issue of women's work, regardless of its author gender. Ago THE STAFF article described the female literature, women's literature and feminist literature. Generation of feminist literature is the "Chinese women, especially China professional women's spiritual growth and the construction of subjectivity and were silently.Arduous exploration, "works on behalf of writers Zhang Jie, Zhang Xinxin, residual.Snow, Lu Yimin, Sama, Wang xiaoni, Yi Lei, Zhai Yongming, Zhang Ye, Zhang.True, Ye Meng, Siyu, Tie Ning, Jiang Zidan, Fang Fang, Xu Kun, XuBin, Chen Ran, Lindbergh and so on. Liu cited from the writer to see, all female.Sex. As can be seen, although the same is the "feminist literary" language.Hui, Sun, Liu is referring to the existence of differences. Liu's point of view it can be said on behalf of theTable view the vast majority of women since the 1990s literary critics who study the,Point, Chen Ran, Lindbergh, Hainan, Xu Xiaobin, Xu Kun and other creative writers like It also confirms the correctness of peace faction views.Female consciousness "female consciousness" is a Western feminist literary criticismCore theory, it is naturally to the concept of the West, the first presenter on Zhu Hong is mentioned in front of "America's 27 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 current" women's literature "," aText, the text and the "women's literature" corresponds called "Women consciousness."From the original English word F eminine Consciousness look, translated as "Women ItalyKnowledge "is more precise, so then they all called" female consciousness. "Zhu Hongwen Introduction, "Women of consciousness" is a cross-border, ethnic and social existenceAbstraction, the idea is to criticize the center of women's studies, as well as women's literatureStandards. It begins by Simon de Beauvoir in "The Second Sex" (1949)Proposed, and later Kate Millett's "Sexual trickery" (1970) As the center of the literary concept, in fact, the earliest modern British female writer VirginiaAsian Woolf made in the "own a house" (1929) in the past, Although there is no use "Women consciousness" of the word. From Woolf to de Repression and persecution, opposition subservient status of women, requiring women's liberation. This is the essence of feminine consciousness and the central location, "female consciousness" by This became the core of the theory of feminist literary criticism. Literary criticism and women in our study, it becomes determine whether a work is feminist Criteria and standards of literary works, and even suggested that female Italian Literature Knowledge is the most important basis for the definition of female literature. On the ideological content of Chinese female literature Chinese women's literary creation activity, has long been in the agricultural society and the patriarchal clan culture background, its way of life.The great 28 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 influence literary creation. Although there are some women in literary creation had his resentment, and song of the life, must be.Extent expressed the emotional desire of women, but overall, the because the women lost the personality independence, bound in the family, and Confucianism.Its creation in the subject matter, theme, artistic and literary genre on the use of the inevitable zone have obvious limitations. With respect to its essence, the ancient women's literature is only as subservient to the male literary creation. To meet the dawn of the 20th century, in the true sense,Full of man's subject consciousness of the Chinese female literature was born in the \"May 4th\" new culture movement, touch each other in person's consciousness and female consciousness.Bump, mutual fusion under the basic trend of growth. It changed the ancient women's literature is attached to the patriarchal culture, lack of female subject consciousness, aesthetic.Monotonous pattern of narrow appeal, for The Times and social progress of praise at the same time, with keen insight of life and rich artistic feeling,Show female experience, women with dignity, reflects the rich connotation and diverse art aesthetic pursuit, and for the whole of China's literary career.Has made valuable contributions to the development of. This article from the macroscopic Angle, the connotation of Chinese women literature and its characteristics were discussed. In the modern sense of Chinese women literature is in the large-scale social revolution and cultural revolution in the historical opportunity of development Up. In China, nearly a century of course difficult, an unprecedented severe social system and the transformation of the social life. It is the blood and fire,Forging, honed, led the Chinese people began to awakening and struggle, 29 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 the struggle for liberation. From the early 20th century, the pursuit of social progress The revitalization of the writer with reason and conscience, in the face of national crisis, the national war and people suffering, trying to make their own literary creation with the people.Business together. They pay close attention to social situation, close to the people's social practice, reflects the time spirit.This tendency objectively constitute the important characteristics of one hundred years of Chinese literature. Depict the social life in the form of literature, which reflects the group emotional, a Emotionally, reflect a certain thought tendency and aesthetic value judgments, become, including female writer, most of the Chinese writers consciously O. Chinese female literature from the date of birth, has been wedded is contemporary and social movements, and even from belong to democracy, class for a long time The social revolution. This characteristic for the development of Chinese women literature provides convenient, also bring certain limits to it. While From another point of view, female literary creation itself is a part of the tradition of Chinese modern and contemporary literature.Put female literature development in the overall pattern of inspection you can see, the experienced female literary creation in one hundred and is still in the following.Continue experiencing, fundamentally speaking, is also the transformation of the traditional literature to modern literature. The theme implication of this, the traditional to the modern thought,The connotation of translation occupies an important position. It is at this point, especially brightly marked feminine literature in the 20th century than the old woman. Contact, supplement, at the same time under constant change. In this focus on 30 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 female body and the relationship between the internal and external world, with the female literature.Think character is closely related to the aspects of theme file analysis.First of all, in the Chinese female literature creation, \"women and society\", \"women and revolution\" as the connotation of social themes emerge.Have to cherish it in the history of female literature and even women's significance is objective existence. This is because that the creation is now.Generation of intellectual women as a social person, in the form of literature in social historical process. And old women creation basic bureau.Limited to private life and personal emotion is different, in the development process of Chinese modern women's gradually to the different levels of the society in various fields, extending, branched,Hold up a piece of heaven and earth is the traditional female role to the modern women in real life the role of the conversion. Meanwhile, rich \"women and society" theme.Colors on humanitarian, \"women and revolution\" theme is politically. Whether in the enlightenment literature and revolution literature, Anti-Japanese War literature,In literary creation theme of workers, peasants and soldiers, or in the creation of the new period until the end of the 20th century, \"the women's liberation\" this proposition for each.A female author during the period of mutual concern, although the way they may have quite a big difference. Among them, begins by qiu jin, a lot of Modern female writer has devoted himself to social revolution. In their opinion, women's liberation on social and national liberation. This kind of understanding it In the creation of more to women's issues as part of the social problems. At the same time, there are many women writers in the society Change attitude on the question of peace, or trying to 31 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 improve the way to realize the equality between men and women, but they also contain in literary creation. The real situation of deep dissatisfaction to women. These political position and different ideas tend to be dissimilar calls or made by modern female writer Radical or wen wan, but from the consciousness of woman's liberation. In addition, with women of love, carving folk customs of the people's livelihood, reflect In daily life, public living condition, also is one of such creation when selecting Angle. Based on the age of the person's main body spirit by a woman.The sense of responsibility, the social mission and life suffering consciousness, get vivid embodiment.The theme of women, by contrast, appears more striking. This kind of writing focuses on women in modern society.Ricky was conducted in the gender role of social practice, spiritual practice and experience in body and mind. It was born with \"people\" in the period of May 4th movement.The subject of the era of awakening, literary themes are closely linked. In the call of the \"May 4th\" writer personality liberation, sprouted a female subject of germ,Its fresh and tender full of vitality. However, as the era of the fast change of the situation, this topic is not for development well quickly by most Suspension by the authors and abandoned, instead, with a strong political nature, nationality and nature of the creation. This situation continued dozens.After years, until the arrival in the new period gradually changed. In the early 80 s in certain social historical conditions, female theme connotation.All with the close of the female writing in the period of May 4th movement. Among them, criticized the feudal tradition and the \"left\" political ideological trend of women's oppression, twist Song and alienation, seeking women's self-worth, 32 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 forte. However, this is obviously not female literature \"the last of the anchorage\". People quickly meaning Know that such creation in fact more is still comes from the social perspective, it is not able to make a creative writer people meet. In the late 80 s and 80 s, in the changes of The Times, the young generation authoress gender consciousness consciously further, they are more strongly.Pursuing women spirit of freedom and the stretch of life, part of the creation began to tilt, women's life more and more attention from women Performances, the female perspective, women and society, women and others, and themselves as well as the aspects of relationship between women and nature. Among them Some works consciously chose to challenge the male-centered culture, show the distinctive and strong female consciousness, female emotions. This Class cre,iderable,influence,in,society,Ought to say, the female subject is particular shows part of the female literature characteristic and value, the alternative is that it has not only Women observe life and show their own unique perspectives, angles and vivid feeling and experience, is more essential is that it stems from a female Sexual life ontology, virtually on gender brand of world outlook, the outlook on life. Seeking truth from facts, female subject is by no means confined to the show and xuan Leakage of women in the patriarchal culture of gender oppression -- including survival oppression, mental depression, sexual repression, emotional distress, such as and.Is at the same time shows the women in the self-understanding, understanding the social aspects of depth and facing the confusion, since it contains the women.Whose consciousness and critical spirit especially with modern means. Such vivid records an era of women's spiritual growth, after rarely show in the literature Women way of 33 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 thinking and existence of nature, women emotional characteristics, female life experience and aesthetic temperament and interest, etc., often from it.Have different levels of performance. Of course, at this stage of historical development is still in the male-centered culture under the condition of a specific context, this kind of performance.Also has the female writing may trap follies. The situation in a sense can be said to be \"fate\" meaning, because women's liberation The degree to which any time will inevitably subject to the level of historical development, synchronization in the liberation of the \"people\". Although in the concrete of female writing The qualitative change of female creation. Performance, mainly women in the palace, attic, courtyard, etc within a narrow circle of personal feelings, such as absence of hate, hatred, widow of being abandoned Distresses, acacia, and stray thoughts, etc. The universe in a woman heart become narrow, man as a social practice subject.May have a rich life experience and profound life consciousness has been killed, instead of directly related to life around the emotion, the text.Show a strong personal and closed learning theme. In the modern sense of Chinese women literature is the rise in social change, this paper attempts in the young.The female literary tradition in the process of development. In the early years of the nineteenth century hero of the democratic revolution, the creation of the female poet qiu jin to start, female literature activities.As to no longer owing to narrow confines of the personal life, but also radiation to the broad field of social history, thus begin to broad,Deep. 34 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 The literary practice of qiu jin, for the reconstruction of Chinese female literature creation thinking character of women's literature and the traditional to the modern female literature Set up post transformation. After her, \"May 4th\" new culture movement of the writer and his successors to follow era, through its own article.Learning performance, to further expand the female literature creation space, its performance field both got outside, the universe and the universe expands unceasingly.And digging. The.progress and the whole of the 20th century literary career process is the same pace.In modern literature history, a man accepted the fact that most of the time is precisely what first led a writer's creationA stage of literary trends conversion or update. 30 years of modern literature, for example, bing xin's \"may fourth movement\" period \"problem novels\" and 30 years.Early generation of ding ling goodbye left short of \"revolution plus love\" mode in the literary world of the \"water\", and the two battles after the outbreak of war GeQin reflects the Chinese nation Voice of the war of resistance against Japan's novel the total retreat \"and so on, all brought the endeavor; And as the new era, ShuTing value for \"human\" life and female Ou Misty poetry, song Liu Zhen, RuZhiJuan \"introspection novels\", the middle of 80 s liu sola, can xue \"vanguard literature\" filled with modern consciousness,And later fang fang, chi li's civilian daily life, such as the psychological mood \"new realism\" novel, on the other hand, to the 90 s, chenran's, Lindbergh Women's life experience of creation and so on. Although the creation based on complex era, social and personal factors, with such as the shortage of the and Defects, but as long as to place it in a specific historical 35 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 context, cannot but admit that women are creators in the thought of literary expression The pioneering spirit, the constructive achievements.In short, the nearly hundred years of literature in the process of development, although women creation mainly as a literary phenomenon exists but is not Relatively independent literature movement, but this does not mean that it lacks its own tradition and creation. Should see, female literature thoughts Connotation is concerned, it is not just a exist on the edge of the literary world and ornament, but directly, creative participated in the 20th century A modern spirit of Chinese literature during the period of casting and temper. The second For knowing and understanding the Chinese female literature thinking character, if only to see it with parts of Chinese literature in the 20th century, it The literature spirit and symbiosis this time, is obviously not enough. Female literature has reason alone as a study of Chinese literature Angle exists, and embodied in the connotation of the works of the gender factor has a very important link.An obvious literary is the fact that, hundred years of female writing for Chinese women always recourse, and fight for the liberation of the heart light.Tide. Recourse of light, the struggle for liberation, in this is not the language of ostentation, in specific literary activities of the female creators, it actually means for the people.Independence, national prosperity and the contemplation, the family of social liberation, including the women's liberation and warmly call. At the same time, also echoed with the behavior.Liberation of personality, for women to break the cage of body and mind, and obtain the 36 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 complete liberation of deep appeal. Of course, in different historical periods of women.Creation, based on the subjective and objective reasons, often rely on the writers or tilted, concrete manifestation is the intricacies.In terms of the practice of the female literature, works undoubtedly comes from the objective reality and the thought of women writers of the subjective world two-way communication,Inherent in the richness and volatility determines the connotation of the works of infinite variety and change; But every age has a generation of literature Table works, individuality and commonness, and formed in a certain sense some topic schema. These patterns is the difference between each other and each other,the writer can have different choice of the strategy, but looked from the overall situation, the development of female literature in a fairly long history.Period, is almost inevitably to face such a paradox is rooted in the culture and history. It is made for the plight of women theme development,Also bright and motivated by female literature practitioners of creativity and courage. In the east and the west cultural exchange unprecedented active, all kinds of modern ideological trend have flocked into and affect the environment, trend in world literature,Blends together the penetration of literary background, the feminine literature subject naturally appeared with modern means of expanding, this point in the society.Subject and women creation subject has distinctive reflect, and in this respect is the most representative female literature full of philosophy.The smell of creation. Such works also has vivid appearance, but not a gel on the theme implication on specific topics, specific facts, but into.Writer 37 山东科技大学本科毕业论文 to transcend reality, beyond the essence on the philosophical meaning of fundamental thinking of the problem. For example of man's exploration of the forces of nature.Asked about life and its existing way; Perspective of humanity, the people with their own, man and society, man and nature relationship thinking;.explore to the framework of a relationship, etc. Compared with the former two types of theme, this kind of creation significantly fewer in number, and depth of thinking.Also is not enough, but it reflects the connotation of female literature is of universal significance to the tunneling of the deep human life find trend, because of And worthy of attention.Visible from above comb, in the long practice of literary female creators to long-lasting and resolutely oppose feudalism and for women,Female liberation unremitting pursue remarkable, the spirit of their works to vividly embodies the criticism and transcendence of the traditional women's literature. 38
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