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桥梁荷载试验方案桥梁荷载试验方案 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence eva...

桥梁荷载试验 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 编号:022613123 xx市2013年度市管桥梁 荷载试验报告 检测人员: 编 制: 审 核: 批 准: 检测单位: 证 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 等级: 证 书 号: 发证机构: and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 注 意 事 项 1 未经试验室书面批准,不得涂改或复制检测报告,经同意复制的检测报告应全文复制并经本试验室加盖试验检测专用章确认后方有效。 2 报告需有检测、编制、审核、批准人签字,并加盖试验检测专用印章,否则报告无效。 3 对报告有异议,请于收到报告之日起十五个工作日内向本试验室提出。 4 送检样品仅对来样负责。 XXXXXX检测中心 联 系 人: 联系电话: 投诉电话: 传 真: 邮 编: 地 址: and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 目 录 目 录 第一章 概述 ............................................................................................................................ 1 第二章 试验目的及依据 ........................................................................................................ 4 2.1试验目的 ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.2试验依据 ...................................................................................................................... 4 第三章 荷载试验 实施方案 关于机房搬迁实施方案高中班级自主管理实施方案公交公司安全生产实施方案成立校园管乐队的实施方案中层管理人员竞聘上岗实施方案 .................................................................................................... 5 3.1静载试验 ...................................................................................................................... 5 3.2动载试验 ...................................................................................................................... 9 第四章 试验准备及过程 ........................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.1 现场的准备工作 ........................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.2 内业的准备工作 ........................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.3 试验过程 ....................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 第五章 静载试验成果整理及分析 ........................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.1 桥梁承载能力的评定方法 ........................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.2 静载试验资料的整理分析 ........................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.3静载试验分析 ............................................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.4 静载试验小结 ............................................................................错误~未定义书签。 第六章 动载试验成果整理分析 ............................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.1 桥梁模态试验结果 ....................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.2 车辆激励试验结果 ....................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.3 动载试验小结 ............................................................................错误~未定义书签。 第七章 试验结论 ....................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 I XXXXXXXX 第一章 概述 第一章 概述 宁波市市政管理处“2013年度市管桥梁特殊检测项目”的招标子包二招标范围为:兴宁桥、江厦桥、运河桥、姚隘路桥、中兴北路桥、通途路改建工程1#桥、通途路改建工程5#桥、百丈东路延伸1#桥、杉杉桥、王家弄桥,共10座桥,10座桥的基本信息如下: 兴宁桥位于兴宁路上,建造于1985年12月,设计荷载等级为汽车-20级,挂车-100, 2人群3.5kN/m。桥梁总长349.52米,主跨跨径组成为31.69m+3×32m+31.69m,桥梁横向布置为3.25m(人行道)+15m(车行道)3.25m(人行道)=21.5m。 江厦桥位于中山东路上,建造于1990年12月,设计荷载等级为汽车- 20级,挂车 2-100,人群3.5kN/m。桥梁总长136.8m,跨径组合为25m+25m+36m+25m+25m,桥梁横向布置为3.0m(人行道)+6.0m(慢车道)+2.25m(分隔带)+18.0m(快车道)+2.25m(分隔带)+6m(车行道)+3.0m(人行道)=40.5m。 运河桥位于环城北路上,建造于2003年8月,设计荷载等级为城-A级,人群荷载为城市桥梁标准荷载。桥梁总长196.1m,跨径组合为11m+4×20m+25m+4×20m,桥梁横向布置为4.0m(人行道)+4.0m(慢车道)+1.5m(分隔带)+11.0m(快车道)+3.0m(中央分隔带)+11.0m(快车道)+1.5m(分隔带)+4.0m(慢车道)+4.0m(人行道)=44.0m。 姚隘路桥位于姚隘路上,建造于1993年11月,设计荷载等级为汽-20级,挂-100, 2人群荷载为3.5kN/m。桥梁总长16.8m,跨径为16m,桥梁横向布置为5.0m(人行道)+7.0m(慢车道)+2.0m(分隔带)+23m(快车道)+2.0m(分隔带)+7.0m(车行道)+5.0m(人行道)=51.0m。 中兴北路桥位于中兴北路上,建造于1993年3月,设计荷载等级为汽-20级,挂-100, 2人群荷载为3.5kN/m。桥梁总长8.45m,跨径为8.0m,桥梁横向布置为0.2m(护栏)+5.0m(人行道)+24.0m(车行道)+5.0m(人行道)+0.2m(护栏)=34.4m。 位于通途路上,建造于2003年3月,设计荷载等级为汽-20通途路改建工程1#桥 2级,挂-100,人群荷载为3.6kN/m。桥梁总长92.81m,跨径组合为4×16.0m,桥梁横向江苏省交通科学研究院股份有限公司工程检测中心 第1页 共66页 布置为4.0m(人行道)+8.0m(辅道)+4.0m(绿化分隔带)+12.0m(快车道)+12.0m(绿化分隔带)+12.0m(快车道)+4.0m(绿化分隔带)+8.0m(辅道)+4.0m(人行道)=68.0m。 通途路改建工程5#桥位于通途路上,建造于2002年12月,设计荷载等级为城-A 2级,人群荷载为3.6kN/m。桥梁总长39.04m,跨径组合为3×13.0m,桥梁横向布置为4.0m(人行道)+8.0m(辅道)+4.0m(绿化分隔带)+12.0m(快车道)+8.0m(绿化分隔带)+16.0m(快车道)+4.0m(绿化分隔带)+8.0m(辅道)+4.0m(人行道)=68.0m。 百丈东路延伸1#桥位于百丈东路上,建造于1997年10月,设计荷载等级为汽-20 2级,挂-100,人群荷载为3.5kN/m。桥梁总长13.5m,跨径为13.0m,桥梁横向布置为5.0m(人行道)+5.0m(慢车道)+2.0m(分隔带)+16.0m(车行道)+2.0m(分隔带)+5.0m(慢车道)+5.0m(人行道)=40.0m。 杉杉桥位于百丈东路上,建造于1997年9月,设计荷载等级为汽-20级,挂-100, 2人群荷载为3.5kN/m。桥梁总长26.56m,跨径为16.0m,桥梁横向布置为5.0m(人行 +2.0m(分隔带)+5.0m(慢道)+5.0m(慢车道)+2.0m(分隔带)+23.0m(车行道) 车道)+5.0m(人行道)=47.0m。 王家弄桥位于百丈东路上,建造于1997年9月,设计荷载等级为汽-20级,挂-100, 2人群荷载为3.5kN/m。桥梁总长26.5m,跨径为16.0m,桥梁横向布置为5.0m(人行道)+5.0m(慢车道)+2.0m(分隔带)+16.0m(车行道)+2.0m(分隔带)+5.0m(慢车道)+5.0m(人行道)=40.0m。 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head XXXXXXXX 第一章 概述 表1-1 10座桥梁信息表 序建造 桥长桥名 荷载等级 上部样式 支座 基础 号 日期 (米) 1985年汽-20,挂-100,人预应力T梁,多孔橡胶主桥:预制方桩,1 兴宁桥 349.52 2 12月 群3.5KN/m板 支座 引桥:灌注桩 1990年中:单悬臂T型橡胶2 江厦桥 汽-20,挂-100 136.8 钻孔灌注桩 12月 梁,边:空心板 支座 2003年8橡胶3 196.10 运河桥 城-A级 十跨简支梁 钻孔灌注桩 月 支座 1993年橡胶4 姚隘路桥 汽-20,挂-100 16.8 预应力空心板 双排钻孔灌注桩 11月 支座 1993年3油毛浆砌块石,倒拱铺5 中兴北路桥 汽-20,挂-100 8.45 实心板 月 毡 底 通途路改建2003年3橡胶6 城-A级 92.81 预应力空心板 钻孔灌注桩 工程1#桥 月 支座 通途路改建2002年橡胶7 城-A级 39.04 预应力空心板 钻孔灌注桩 工程5#桥 12月 支座 1997年橡胶百丈东路延8 汽-20,挂-100 13.5 空心梁板 钻孔灌注桩 10月 支座 伸1#桥 1997年9预应力钢筋砼空橡胶9 杉杉桥 汽-20,挂-100 26.56 钻孔灌注桩 月 心梁板 支座 1997年9预应力钢筋砼空橡胶10 王家弄桥 汽-20,挂-100 26.5 钻孔灌注桩 月 心梁板 支座 受XXXXXXX的委托,XXXXXXX公司于2013年X月XX日到X月XX日,对这10座桥梁进行了静动载试验。 本次荷载试验过程中所用的仪器有:振弦式读数仪(编号:XXXX)、水准仪(编号:XXXX)以及动载测试仪(编号:XXXXX)等。 江苏省交通科学研究院股份有限公司工程检测中心 第3页 共66页 第二章 试验目的及依据 2.1试验目的 1. 通过测定桥梁结构在试验荷载作用下的实际工作状态,检验桥梁的承载能力是否满足正常使用状况的要求; 2. 测定全桥的振型与固有频率、阻尼比,了解结构的自振特性,了解桥梁的动力性能; 3. 检验桥梁在使用荷载不同行车速度条件下的实际工作状态,测量主梁结构构件在控制截面的动应变,分析评价桥梁的动力系数和桥梁主梁的竖向刚度是否满足有关要求; 4. 完善桥梁的技术档案,为后期养护维修提供依据。 2.2试验依据 《城市桥梁养护技术规范》(CJJ 99-2003); 《城市桥梁设计荷载标准》(CJJ 77-98); 《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTJ021-89); 《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》(JTJ023-85); 《公路桥梁承载能力检测评定规程》(JTG/T J21-2011); 《公路工程技术标准》(JTG B01-2003); 桥梁相关的资料。 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head XXXXXXX 第三章 荷载试验实施方案 第三章 荷载试验实施方案 3.1兴宁桥 3.1.1静载试验 测试项目 根据各桥的结构特点及静载试验的主要试验目的,确定以下静载试验测试项目: 1. 桥梁控制截面在试验荷载下的应变; 2. 桥梁控制载面在试验荷载下的最大挠度。 测试截面的确定 利用桥梁结构分析专用程序Midas/Civil对该桥桥梁进行结构计算分析,计算时采用设计荷载进行加载,横向按照规范规定折减计算。汽车荷载作用下桥梁的弯矩包络值如图3-1-1所示,挂车荷载作用下桥梁的弯矩包络值如图3-1-2所示,人群荷载作用下桥梁的弯矩包络值如图3-1-3所示,根据桥梁活载作用下的内力包络图,可确定兴宁桥测试控制截面,控制截面具体位置如图3-1-4所示。 图3-1-1 汽车荷载作用下弯矩包络图 图3-1-2 挂车荷载作用下弯矩包络图 XXXX公司 第5页 共66页 图3-1-3 人群荷载作用下弯矩包络图 中3#墩中2#墩 图3-1-4 兴宁桥试验截面位置示意图(单位:m) 测试截面的具体测试 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 如下表3-1-1所示。 表3-1-1 桥梁各测试截面测试项目表 截面编号 控制截面位置 测试项目 1-1 第2跨T梁跨中 应变、挠度 测点布置 应力测点 截面的混凝土表面应力采用稳定性好、精度高并适合于野外环境的振弦式应变计进行测量,主要测试控制截面的应力分布规律和受力性能,测试截面应变传感器布置示意图见图3-1-5。 图3-1-5 兴宁桥测试截面应变测点布置图(单位:cm) 挠度测点 桥梁竖向挠度,通过在桥面布置水准观测点,采用精密水准仪测量,测点布置示意 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head XXXXXXX 第三章 荷载试验实施方案 图如图3-1-6~图3-1-6所示。 图3-1-6 兴宁桥测试截面偏载加载挠度测点布置图(单位:cm) 图3-1-7 兴宁桥测试截面对称加载挠度测点布置图(单位:cm) 加载工况 加载车型 静载试验采用35t车进行等效加载,车型如图3-1-8所示。 图3-1-8 加载车型图(单位:cm) XXXX公司 第7页 共66页 车队纵向位置按Midas/Civil软件计算的影响线进行布设,为保证试验效果,对于某一特定荷载工况,试验荷载的大小和加载位置的选择采用静载试验效率系数进行控,d制,静力试验荷载的效率系数即为试验施加荷载产生的作用效应和设计荷载作用效应(考虑冲击影响)的比值一般应满足0.95~1.05之间。 Ss,,静载试验效率为: ,dd(1),S, S 式中:为静载试验荷载作用下控制截面的内力计算值;为控制荷载作用下控制Ss 截面最不利内力计算值;为按规范取用的冲击系数;为静力试验荷载的效率系数。 ,,d 荷载横向布置 兴宁桥测试截面偏载加载采用图3-1-9的横向加载方式进行加载,测试截面对称加载采用图3-1-10的横向加载方式进行加载。 图3-1-9 兴宁桥测试截面偏载加载横向布置图(单位:cm) 图3-1-10 兴宁桥测试截面对称加载横向布置图(单位:cm)荷载纵向布置 兴宁桥测试截面采用图3-1-11的纵向加载方式进行加载。 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head XXXXXXX 第三章 荷载试验实施方案 中2#墩中3#墩 图3-1-11 兴宁桥测试截面纵向车辆布置图 (单位:cm) 以上各荷载工况的荷载效率系数如表3-3、表3-4所示。 表3-1-2 兴宁桥荷载效率系数计算表 偏载 对称加载 梁号 设计荷载 试验荷载 效率系数 试验荷载 效率系数 1 1170 / / / / 2 1513 1506 1.00 / / 3 2062 2070 1.00 / / 4 2049 / / / / 5 2036 / / 1970 0.97 6 2036 / / 1969 0.97 7 2049 / / / / 8 2062 / / / / 9 1513 / / / / 10 1170 / / / / 3.2动载试验 3.2.1 试验内容 (1)行车试验 试验时,让1辆标准车(同加载车)以车速为10 km/h、20km/h、40km/h匀速通过桥跨结构,由于在行驶过程中对桥面产生冲击作用,从而使桥梁结构产生振动。通过动力测试系统测定测试桥梁跨中截面处的动应变时间历程曲线,以测得在行车条件下的振幅响应、动应变及冲击系数。 (2)刹车试验 XXXX公司 第9页 共66页 试验时,让1辆标准车(同加载车)以10km/h、20km/h的速度匀速行驶至测试断面时实施紧急刹车,使其产生较大的制动力并对桥梁形成一定的冲击作用,测定桥梁跨中测点的振幅响应、动应变及冲击系数。 (3)跳车试验 在桥梁跨中截面处桥面设置高度为4cm的障碍物,模拟桥面铺装的局部不平整或损伤状态。试验时,让1辆载重汽车(同加载车)分别以10km/h、20km/h的速度匀速通过桥跨结构,在跨越障碍时对桥梁形成冲击作用,激起桥梁较大的竖向振动,测定此时桥梁在桥面不良状态时运行车辆荷载作用下的动态响应。 (4)脉动试验 在桥面无任何交通荷载以及桥址附近无规则振源的情况下,通过高灵敏度动力测试系统测定桥址处风荷载、地脉动、水流等随机荷载激振而引起桥跨结构的微幅振动响应,测得结构的自振频率和阻尼比等动力学特征。加速度传感器的布设见图3-1-12。 图3-1-12 兴宁桥脉动试验传感器桥面纵向布置示意图(单位:cm) and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head XXXXXX 第七章 试验结论 .6通途路改建工程1#桥 3.6.1 测试截面的确定 1#墩0#台 图3-6-1 通途路改建工程1#桥试验截面位置示意图(单位:cm) 测试截面的具体测试内容如下表3-6-1所示。 表3-6-1 桥梁测试截面测试项目表 截面编号 控制截面位置 测试项目 1-1 板梁跨中 应变、挠度 3.6.2 加载工况 加载车型 静载试验采用35t车进行等效加载,车型如图3-6-2所示。 图3-6-2 加载车型图(单位:cm) 荷载横向布置 通途路改建工程1#桥测试截面加载采用图3-6-3~图3-6-4的横向加载方式进行加载。 XXXX公司 第11页 共66页 图3-6-3 通途路改建工程1#桥测试截面左侧偏载加载横向布置图(单位:cm) 图3-6-4 通途路改建工程1#桥测试截面右侧偏载加载横向布置图(单位:cm)荷载纵向布置 通途路改建工程1#桥测试截面采用图3-6-5的纵向加载方式进行加载。 1#台0#台 图3-6-5 通途路改建工程1#桥测试截面纵向车辆布置图 (单位:cm) 以上各荷载工况的荷载效率系数如表3-6-2~表3-6-4所示。 表3-6-2 通途路改建工程1#桥左侧偏载荷载效率系数计算表 左侧偏载 右侧偏载 梁号 设计荷载 试验荷载 效率系数 试验荷载 效率系数 1 315.3 329.9 1.05 / / 2 318.3 326.8 1.03 / / 3 318.3 320.1 1.01 / / 4 319.8 312.2 0.98 / / 10 319.8 / / 312.2 0.98 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head XXXXXX 第七章 试验结论 11 318.3 / / 320.1 1.01 12 316.8 / / 326.8 1.03 13 315.3 / / 329.9 1.05 XXXX公司 第13页 共66 页
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