首页 反硝化细菌论文:反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE

反硝化细菌论文:反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE


反硝化细菌论文:反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE反硝化细菌论文:反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE 反硝化细菌论文:反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE 【中文摘要】氮是重要的污染物,目前,氮的污染已受到人们的广泛关注。水体中过量的氮会造成富营养化状态,使水质恶化,影响水生生物的生长与繁殖;土壤中过量氮的富集,会使土壤的土质变坏,不利于植物生长。随着氮污染的日益严重,去除水中氮素污染已经成为当今水污染防治领域的一个热点问题。人工湿地技术由于其具有易于建立、易于管理、造价低、能耗低、有利于生态恢复等优点,在污水...

反硝化细菌论文:反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE
反硝化细菌论文:反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE 反硝化细菌论文:反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE 【中文摘要】氮是重要的污染物,目前,氮的污染已受到人们的广泛关注。水体中过量的氮会造成富营养化状态,使水质恶化,影响水生生物的生长与繁殖;土壤中过量氮的富集,会使土壤的土质变坏,不利于植物生长。随着氮污染的日益严重,去除水中氮素污染已经成为当今水污染防治领域的一个热点问题。人工湿地技术由于其具有易于建立、易于管理、造价低、能耗低、有利于生态恢复等优点,在污水处理中得到广泛应用。采用经典的稀释土壤悬液-涂布平板法,从南四湖人工湿地植物香蒲根际土壤中分离得到一株高效反硝化细菌XP1,对其生态影响因子、反硝化能力、生长曲线进行了研究。实验结果表明XP1菌株反硝化作用的最佳碳源为柠檬酸钠;在pH为7.0-9.0范围内有良好的脱氮效果,最佳pH为8.0;最佳碳源与氮源比为7;最佳初始氮浓度为30mg/L。XP1菌株8小时后进入指数增长期,最终总氮去除率可达90%以上。通过形态观察,XP1菌株为短杆状革兰氏阴性菌,大小约(0.25-0.3)×(0.6-0.8)μm;经16S rDNA测序、系统发育树 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,确定了XP1菌株的分类学地位(GenBank登录号为 GQ981313):XP1菌株为类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus sp.)。在实验室条件下利用反硝化细菌XP1,分别接种于湿地植物芦竹、芦苇、香蒲的根际土壤,考察XP1菌株对三种植物的强化脱氮作用,并利用PCR-变性梯度凝胶电泳(Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis)考 察强化脱氮过程中XP1菌株在三种植物根际土壤微生物中的变化。模 拟湿地在未强化脱氮时,三种植物湿地相同条件下脱氮能力大小顺序 为芦竹>芦苇>香蒲;三种植物的根际土壤所含微生物种类基本相同, 所含微生物总量顺序为芦竹>芦苇>香蒲,其中土著XP1菌株在芦竹、 芦苇、香蒲根际土壤微生物中的含量比值约为1.5:1.3:1。加入XP1 菌株强化脱氮后,香蒲、芦苇、芦竹三种植物湿地总氮去除率分别由 14%,56%,56%提高至98%以上;强化脱氮作用明显;含氮废水总氮降 至《地表水环境质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》(GB3838-2002)?类水质要求时三种植物 根际土壤中的微生物种群数及微生物总量都有所下降,其中XP1菌株 在三种植物根际土壤中的含量分别下降了40%、53%、67%,但根际细 菌菌群结构未发生较大变化。 【英文摘要】At present, pollution of nitrogen has been wide concerned. The nitrogen release to water is lead to eutrophication and water degradation, which impacts the growth and reproduction of aquatic creatures. Nitrogen is easily accumulated in soil profile that will lead to the soil quality deterioration, which is harmful to plants growth. With the generated increasingly serious nitrogenous pollution, removal of nitrogen in the water has became to be a hot issue of water pollution control. Constructed wetland is used widely in wastewater treatment because of its easy to establish and administration, cheaper, lower energy consumption and better nature reserve.In our study, denitrifying bacterium strain XP1 was screened by dilute soil suspension-spread plate techniques from soil that sampled from the rhizosphere of Typha latifolia. The capable of denitrification, ecological factor and growth curve were investigated.The results showed that the most suitable carbon source for denitrification was citrate sodium. The appropriate pH value range for XP1 was 7.0,9.0, in which 8.0 was the optimum. The optimal molar ratio of carbon/nitrogen and initial concentration of nitrogen were 7 and 30mg/L. After 8 hours cultivation, XP1 reached logarithmic phase in which XP1 could remove nitrogen effectively and the removal rate of TN was more than 90% at last in the best conditions. According to the morphology observation, the strain belonged to Grame-negative bacillic and was about (0.25,0.3)×(0.6,0.8) μm. Based on the 16S rDNA sequence and phylegenetic tree, it could be concluded that the strain was identified as Paenibacillus sp..The bacterial strain XP1 was inoculated into rhizosphere of the three plants in the lab. For studying the enhanced denitrification and the change of XPl in the rhizosphere soils of three plants (Arundo donax, Phragmites australis and Typha), research was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE).The results showed that without the enhanced denitrification of simulated wetlands, the order of nitrogen removal capacity in the three wetlands was Arundo donax> Phragmites australis> Typha in the same conditions. The quantitative order of the dominant microorganisms around the three plants was Arundo donax> Phragmites australis> Typha, although there was no obvious difference in the diversity of microorganisms. The ratio of indigenous strain XP1 in the rhizosphere soils of the three plants was 1.5:1.3:1, and compared to the control group, the enhanced denitrification of the three plants were increased frome 14% 56% 56% to more than 98%, which meant the XP1 had a significant enhancement in denitrification. When TN concentration of the wetland was less than that of the class III criteria in the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water China (p(TN)?lmg/L), the diversity and quantities of the microorganisms in the three plants root soils decreased, though there was no marked change in the microbial community structure. For strain XPI, the quantities in three plants roots soils decreased by up to 40%,50% and 67%, respectively. 【关键词】反硝化细菌 脱氮特性 类芽孢杆菌 强化脱氮 PCR-DGGE 【英文关键词】denitrifying bacteria denitrification characteristics Paenibacillus sp. enhanced denitrification PCR-DGGE 【目录】XP1菌株的脱氮特性及其强化人工湿地脱氮 摘要 9-11 ABSTRACT 11-12 第一章 绪论 13-26 1.1 研究背景 13-14 1.2 水体中氮的来源及危害 14-16 1.2.1 水体中氮素的来源 14-15 1.2.2 水体中 氮素污染的危害 15-16 1.3 微生物脱氮原理及脱氮影响因子 16-19 1.3.1 反硝化微生物的脱氮原理 16-17 1.3.2 反硝化微生物脱氮的影响因子 17-19 1.4 人工湿地脱氮作用 及生物强化脱氮工艺 19-22 1.4.1 人工湿地脱氮作用 19-21 1.4.2 生物强化脱氮工艺 21-22 1.5 变性梯度 凝胶电泳技术及其应用 22-24 1.5.1 研究土壤微生物的传统 方法 22 1.5.2 变性梯度凝胶电泳 22-24 1.6 研究意义 及 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 24-26 1.6.1 研究意义 24 1.6.2 研究内容 24-26 第二章 高效脱氮菌株的筛选 26-32 2.1 材料与 方法 26-29 2.1.1 材料与仪器 26-27 2.1.2 实验方法 27-29 2.2 结果与分析 29-31 2.2.1 脱氮菌株筛选结 果 29-30 2.2.2 脱氮菌株脱氮能力测定 30-31 2.3 本 章小结 31-32 第三章 高效脱氮菌株脱氮特性考察 32-39 3.1 材料与方法 32-33 3.1.1 材料 32 3.1.2 方法 32-33 3.2 结果与分析 33-38 3.2.1 XP1菌株脱氮特性 33-37 3.2.2 最佳生态 影响因子条件下菌株生长及脱氮情况 37-38 3.3 本章小结 38-39 第四章 高效脱氮菌株的鉴定 39-47 4.1 材料与方法 39-41 4.1.1 材料与仪器 39-40 4.1.2 高效脱氮菌株形态学分析 40 4.1.3 16S rDNA的PCR扩增 40-41 4.1.4 16S rDNA测序及系统发育分析 41 4.2 结果与分析 41-45 4.2.1 XP1菌株形态学特征 41-43 4.2.2 XP1菌株的系统发育分析 43-45 4.3 本章小结 45-47 第五章 高效脱氮菌株强化人工湿地脱氮效果 47-54 5.1 材料与方法 47-48 5.1.1 材料 47 5.1.2 方法 47-48 5.2 结果与分析 48-53 5.2.1 植物湿地脱氮能力比较 48-49 5.2.2 XP1 菌株强化脱氮能力比较 49-50 5.2.3 强化脱氮过程中NO_3~-及NO_2~-的浓度变化 50-53 5.3 本章小结 53-54 第六章 强化脱氮工艺根际微生物菌群结构分析 54-63 6.1 材料与方法 54-56 6.1.1 材料 54 6.1.2 方法 54-56 6.2 结果与分析 56-61 6.2.1 根际土壤微生物DNA的PCR扩增 56 6.2.2 根际土壤微生物菌群结构分析 56-61 6.3 本章小结 61-63 第七章 结论与展望 63-65 7.1 结论 63-64 7.2 存在问题与展望 64-65 参考文献 65-72 致谢 72-73 攻读学位期间发表论文情况 73 攻读学位期间参与的科研项目及获奖情况 73-74 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 74 【采买全文】 同时提供论文写作定制和论文发表服务.保过包发. 【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如有异议请与总库或学校联系。
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