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浙三医院网上预约挂号系统操作手册浙三医院网上预约挂号系统操作手册 本文由www.yiyuandaiguahao.com整理收藏 简介................................................................................................................................. 2 卫生局用户功能介绍 ....................................................................

浙三医院网上预约挂号系统操作 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 本文由www.yiyuandaiguahao.com整理收藏 简介................................................................................................................................. 2 卫生局用户功能介绍 ........................................................................................................ 2 登陆系统: ............................................................................................................... 2 科室基本资料维护: ................................................................................................. 3 删除科室基本信息:............................................................................................. 3 新增科室基本信息:............................................................................................. 3 查看科室专业:.................................................................................................... 4 医院用户管理:........................................................................................................... 4 卫生局用户管理 ........................................................................................................ 5 其他功能: ............................................................................................................... 5 医院用户功能介绍............................................................................................................ 5 登陆系统................................................................................................................... 5 医院基本信息维护..................................................................................................... 6 医院科室基本信息..................................................................................................... 6 新增科室基本资料.............................................................................................. 7 查看科室专业..................................................................................................... 7 ............................................................................ 8 专家基本信息................................ 新增专家............................................................................................................ 8 查看专家............................................................................................................ 9 医院班别资料............................................................................................................ 9 专家出诊时间表维护 ................................................................................................. 9 预约记录................................................................................................................. 10 其他功能................................................................................................................. 10 my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 简介 网上预约挂号系统的用户角色可以分为公众用户、医院用户和卫生局用户,其中医院用户和卫生局用户需要进行相关基本资料的初始化,卫生局用户进行的操作有,科室的管理,卫生局用户的管理,医院用户的管理,相关的统计信息,医院用户进行的主要功能有,医院基本资料的维护,医院科室资料维护,医院专家信息维护,医院班别资料维护,专家坐诊时间表维护,专家预约记录查询等。 系统基础数据初始化,系统在正式上线之前要把基础数据进行初始化,主要有如下几个基础数据需要初始化。科室资料,专业资料(这两个基础资料是卫生局进行维护的,主要是为了 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 系统的科室和专业的命名,以方便统计和公众查找,期初我们会提供一个SQL脚本,执行这个脚本就可初始化科室和专业资料),系统在部署之后只有一个超级管理员账号,这个账号是预留给卫生局的系统管理员来使用的; 如果有医院需要加盟本系统,应先提出申请,由系统管理员为此医院建立一个管理员账号,医院管理员用这个账号登陆系统,可以完善医院基本资料,医院科室专业,医院专家,医院班别及挂号时段,医院专家坐诊时间表等数据的维护和操作,医院管理员也可以查看本院的专家的预约挂号纪录等; 公众用户可直接在网上注册来获取本系统的登陆账号,只有注册登陆的用户才能进行挂号作业,公众在没有登陆之前可以进行医院的查找,科室专业的查找,专家的查找等; 下面按照用户角色类型一一介绍各自的功能; 卫生局用户功能介绍 卫生局用户: 卫生局用户是此系统的最高权限用户,所有的基本资料都应从这里开始或以卫生局用户建立的基本资料为准或来源,系统在部署初始化的时候,会预生成一个超级管理员帐号superadmin,密码是password,卫生局用户首先就可以用此帐号及密码来登陆卫生局网上预约挂号系统; 登陆系统: 先打开一个IE 窗口,在网址栏上输入,在出现的页面中点击卫生局那个页签,在卫生局帐号输入框里输入superadmin,在登陆密码的输入框里输入password ,点击登陆或直接回车,用户就登陆进入了系统,系统进入的功能菜单如下 my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 系统登陆界面 卫生局用户功能菜单 科室基本资料维护: 为规范各医院的科室命名,为今后统计各项资料提供方便,卫生局需要把医院的所有科室信息都添加到系统中来,点击左边的功能菜单基本资料下的科室基本信息,系统将出现如下画面: 在这个页面里,可以新增、修改、删除、查看科室下的专业等具体操作: 删除科室基本信息: 点击每个科室操作区的删除联接,系统会先确认是否真的要删除选取的记录,如果用户确定删除才会从系统中删除,如果用户取消则系统不会做任何动作;系统弹出的提示信息如下图所示: 新增科室基本信息: 点击新增按钮,系统出现如下页面: my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security orga ns at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 查看科室专业: 每个科室下可能会有很多专业,点击查看科室专业的联接,系统会显示出该科室下的所有专业,如下图所示,在这个页面可以添加、修改、删除科室下的专业: 医院用户管理: 点击左边的功能菜单用户管理下的医院用户,系统将出现如下画面,在这里可以添加、修改、停用和启用医院的用户,医院的用户只有先又卫生局的管理员先建立之后,才能进入登陆到系统,卫生局管理员为每个医院分配一个管理员,医院管理员自己维护自己医院的信息: my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 卫生局用户管理 点击左边的功能菜单用户管理下的医院用户,系统将出现如下画面,在这里可以添加、修改、停用和启用卫生局的用户,其中超级管理员是不能被停用和删除的。 其他功能: 其它功能包括了常见问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 和推出系统,用户登陆系统后,如果用户在本世纪内一定的时间(默认为30分钟)内没有做任何操作,系统将自动退出,用户推出系统后,将不能进行相关的操作; 医院用户功能介绍 医院需先向卫生局申请,由卫生局管理员为医院添加管理员帐号,医院用户才能登陆系统: 登陆系统 在卫生局预约挂号系统首页登陆区域中点击医院那个页签,在医院帐号输入框里输入贵医院的管理员帐号,在登陆密码的输入框里输入管理员帐号(注:如果贵医院还没有预约挂号系统的管理员帐号,您可以与卫生局何吉甫联系[电话: 22112938 邮件: dgwsxx@163.com]) ,点击登陆或直接回车,用户就登陆进入了系统,系统进入的功能菜单如下: 医院用户登陆界面 医院用户功能菜单 my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security orga ns at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 医院基本信息维护 点击功能菜单基本资料下的医院基本信息功能菜单,系统将出现如下页面:如果您是第一次登陆系统,可能只有医院名称这一栏有资料,其他资料都还需要您完善后点击提交按钮,系统将保存您提交的贵医院的基本信息,同时也会给出相应的提示信息;如果贵医院有医院的图片和乘车路线的图片,就可以直接上传到系统中去,如果您已经上传了医院和乘车路线的图片,下次查看医院的基本信息是还可以预览您上传的图片; 医院科室基本信息 点击医院用户功能菜单下的基本资料中的医院科室基本信息功能菜单,系统将出现如下画面,在这个页面中,您还可以进行医院科室基本资料的新增、修改、删除、和查看此科室下的专业信息等功能: my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 新增科室基本资料 在医院科室基本资料的页面点击新增按钮,系统将提供新增科室基本资料的界面,如下图所示,与卫生局用户科室基本资料新增的界面不同的是,科室名称在这里是只能选择的,但是在卫生局用户新增科室基本资料时,科室名称是要输入的,这里所选择的科室名称正是卫生局用户开始新增的那些科室基本资料信息; 查看科室专业 每个科室下可能会有很多专业,点击查看科室专业的联接,系统会显示出该科室下的所有专业,如下图所示,在这个页面可以添加、修改、删除科室下的专业,需要说明的是,卫生局用户和医院用户都有科室资料和专业资料维护的功能,所不同的是,卫生局用户建立的科室和专业资料是医院的科室和专业的基础,医院在新增和修改科室和专业时只能选择卫生局已经提供的科室和专业,如果卫生局没有提供贵医院所需要的科室和专业,请您和卫生局统计信息中心何吉甫联系[电话: 22112938 邮件: dgwsxx@163.com]]; my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security orga ns at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 专家基本信息 点击医院用户功能菜单下的基本资料中的专家基本信息功能菜单,系统将出现如下画面,在这里,您可以新增、修改、查看贵医院的所有专家,系统同时提供能分页和查询的功能,您可以很方便的查询到想看到的专家; 新增专家 在专家基本信息列表页面上点击新增按钮,系统将提供新增专家的界面,医院的名称将默任为登陆医院管理员所属的医院,医院管理员只能管理本远的专家和科室及专业; my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 查看专家 在专家基本信息列表页面上点击专家的名称按钮,系统会转向如下页面: 医院班别资料 点击医院用户功能菜单下的基本资料中的医院班别功能菜单,系统将出现如下画面,在这个页面中,您还可以进行医院班别资料的新增、修改、删除、和对挂号时段的维护等功能: 专家出诊时间表维护 点击医院用户功能菜单下的特殊功能中的专家坐诊时间表功能菜单,系统将出现如下画面,在这个页面可以对科室下相关专业的对应专家进行排班作业,并可以选择排班时段,在正常情况下,只能排今天以后的日期的班,并且排班的时段长度默认为一周; my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security orga ns at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused 预约记录 医院的管理员需要统计每天本院专家的预约记录,并及时的告知医院挂号部门做好相应的挂号调整,点击医院用户功能菜单下的预约记录功能菜单,系统将出现如下界面,在这个界面,系统提供了按时间段及时间段类型来查询,还可以按科室、专业及专家来进行精确查询,也可以将这些条件进行组合查询; 其他功能 其它功能包括了常见问题和推出系统,用户登陆系统后,如果用户在本世纪内一定的时间(默认为30分钟)内没有做任何操作,系统将自动退出,用户推出系统后,将不能进行相关的操作; 欲了解更多,请登陆www.yiyuandaiguahao.com 查看详情 my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of thinking and action to the Council of the party committees, go all out, do solid work, strive for better achievements. First, we must strengthen the problem oriented. At all levels and the police is mainly responsible for comrades to normal study daily alarm and visit daily bulletin, this to work every day after the prescribed action, real-time detection and affect the safety of the masses, satisfaction and serve as a guide, in a timely manner to improve and strengthen the prevention and control, law enforcement and case handling and service window, team management, work, and to ensure the effectiveness of. Second, we must strengthen social propaganda. Treated by radio, newspapers and magazines, the twitter micro channel and other news media, multi-level, full range widely The effectiveness of propaganda and public security organs in the fight against crime, serve the people, indicating that the public security organs and the masses, service development of confidence and determination, enhance and mass communication links, and vigorously to create a good social atmosphere. To close to enhance the security of the people, the satisfaction to the positive publicity, not due to improper publicity to the masses caused
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