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东莞女工性调查东莞女工性调查 女工爱情观:流水线,怎成了她们爱的围城 2011年11月22日 17:12 来源:南都网 性调查 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of r...

东莞女工性调查 女工爱情观:流水线,怎成了她们爱的围城 2011年11月22日 17:12 来源:南都网 性调查 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 36岁的韦思忆想重新回到流水线上~她认为只有在那里~才有可能重获一份真挚的爱 情。 爱与哀愁 流水线,一个底层工作的代名词,一个身份的标签,绝大部分东莞女工的打工生活,就 开始在一条条流水线上。 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 有人说,爱是我们生活在这个世界上的意义所在。爱,本是最纯粹、最自由、最舒适的状态。但对于流水线上的女工们来说,爱,被现实赋予了更复杂的涵义。在本报的问卷调查中,“老乡”成了流水线上的女工们择偶的首选。这或许并非偶然,因为老乡能够给予的除了爱情,还有一种接近于亲情的亲切感。在异乡、在奔驰的流水线上、在祸福难料悲喜相随的漫漫人生中,一份带有更多亲切感的爱情,或许真的更适合流水线上不舍昼夜的女工们。 不知什么时候,流水线仿佛成了爱情的围城,有的人想冲出来,有的人想躲进去,也有的人,想进便进、想出便出。 36岁的她:想重回觅一份真情 2月24日上午,回家过年的新莞人正陆续返回,东莞还未回复往昔的热闹。那几天里,乍暖还寒的回南天让东莞的每一寸地面都变得湿漉漉的。虎门博美市场,行人稀疏,36岁的韦思忆(化名)独自坐在附近一栋民房的三楼上网。这是一间小小的制衣厂,韦思忆帮老板打理工作,十多名员工还未上班。黏湿的空气、泛着冷光的地板,更让她感觉孤寂。 中午,韦思忆下楼,去博美市场买菜。这条路,她已经走了十多年。十多年来,沧海变幻,韦思忆从当初为了爱情不惜牺牲一切的流水线女工,变成一名伤痕累累、独自抚养两个孩子的孤身女人。 爱情美满 离开流水线双双创业 韦思忆住在与制衣厂厂房一墙之隔的一个小单间里,房间不足十平米,潮湿阴暗。茶几上一个月饼盒里,放着一叠相片。翻着翻着,一张十多年前的照片赫然眼前:19岁的韦思忆从后面抱住老公宋伟(化名)的腰,幸福地探出头来,笑靥如花。 韦思忆觉得恍如隔世。往昔的幸福又一幕幕浮现在眼前。 1990年,年仅16岁的韦思忆从老家重庆来莞打工。在虎门一家服装厂做流水线时,她遇见了比她大7岁的梅州人宋伟。两人认识后,宋伟便开始追求韦思忆。每天晚上,他都等韦思忆一起下夜班,用自行车载她回宿舍,还端来一碗鸡蛋面,给她当消夜。 韦思忆动心了。这一动心,便执着地认定了这个人。韦思忆完全不顾父母的极力反对,坚持与宋伟恋爱。19岁时,她便生下了一个女儿。女儿3个月大时,她才告诉父母。父母见木已成舟,也便默认了他们的关系。1996年,韦思忆的儿子出生。 1999年,宋伟因偶然的机会赚了几万元。2000年,东莞经济飞速发展,四处充满了商机。据统计,当年全市的G D P比上年增长了17.9%。这一年,韦思忆和宋伟双双从流水线characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 辞工,两人花了4万元,在虎门博美市场附近开了一家小服装厂,招了30多名员工。“那时候订单很多,人也特别好招。”韦思忆说,仅仅一年时间,两人便赚了十几万元。 生意受挫 感情受伤她独舐伤口 -7月是淡季,闲下来之后,宋伟便迷但2001年,服装的客户开始逐渐流失。当年的5 上了赌博,并将工厂置之脑后,只留韦思忆独自打理。宋伟共输了十几万,最后把服装厂的设备都卖了。 无奈之下,2002年,韦思忆把服装厂转给了现在的老板,她则在厂里帮老板打理工作,月入1500元。 宋伟开始彻夜不归,没钱就问韦思忆要。“家里总要有个人啊。”好强的韦思忆任劳任怨、勤恳工作。这份并不丰厚的工资除了要养宋伟,还要养两个孩子。韦思忆心里有个期盼,她幻想着宋伟总有醒悟的一天。 2005年,她的幻想彻底破灭了。宋伟在外面有了女人,并把他们的儿子带回梅州过年。这对于韦思忆来说,无异于晴天霹雳。 此后,两人的感情越来越淡漠。韦思忆提出离婚,宋伟拒不答应。前年,宋伟与那个女人分手了,又找到韦思忆,在她面前痛哭流涕,恳求她原谅,但韦思忆不为所动。“我一直都在原点,从没变过,但他早已不是原来的他了。” 伤痕累累的韦思忆开始卖力工作。“我一定要过得比他好。”韦思忆坦承,自己怀有一种“报复心理”。除此之外,她还努力寻找着情感的寄托。在她房间的墙壁上,到处贴满了东莞广播电台节目主持人木凡的照片。2005年,木凡主持的午夜情感倾诉节目———“木凡的天空”开播,节目时间为晚上10点-11点。从2005年到2008年金融危机爆发前,韦思忆经常都要加班到晚上11点左右。流水线的生活枯燥单调,那些日子里,开着收音机加班成了她最大的乐趣。而这档节目的听众有七八成是工厂里的员工,其中女性又占了大部分。难再动心 想重回流水线觅真情 “节目里经常会念女工写的感情故事,有一些女孩子明明知道对方已经不爱她了,还牢牢抓住不放,真傻。”韦思忆淡淡地笑着说。电波中是别人的不幸,内心却常常想起自己的遭遇,“女人一定要坚强”,她这样告诉自己。 韦思忆的“坚强”,还有一部分来自于两个孩子。现在,韦思忆的女儿读初三,儿子读六年级,都在梅州跟着奶奶生活。韦思忆每周都要给孩子们打个电话。 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and “两个孩子是我的一切。”韦思忆说,2007年,孩子们让她到梅州过年,她问“爸爸不是回家了吗,”“那不一样,爸爸回家跟没回家一样。只有你回家了,才有家的感觉。”孩子们的话让韦思忆感到心酸,“怎么会变成这个样子,是不是我的错,”她在心里自责。 但孩子的依恋不能填满韦思忆爱情的空窗。她坦承,现在有很多人追求她,其中也不乏让自己心动的,但因为曾受到的伤害太大,她不敢再轻易付出。韦思忆说,很多男人对她动情,是看中她的职业。有些男人在跟她交往一两个月后,便提出问她借钱做生意,原形毕露。“以为我帮老板管理服装厂这么多年,肯定有很多积蓄。”事实上,韦思忆现在每月仅收入2500元,要养两个孩子和赡养父母,工资刚刚够用而已。 “我现在很想找一个谁也不认识的地方,重新回到流水线。凭着自己的努力,工资也不会比现在低。”韦思忆说,“因为只有在那种环境下,喜欢我的人才是真正对我好。”而她也一直在等待。 29岁的她:想逃离缩短爱的距离 流水线上的爱情总有些相似。李华的爱情有一个跟韦思忆相似的开始,不同的是,李华有一个幸福的结局。 李华是湖南益阳人,今年29岁,1999年便进入东莞华坚鞋厂做流水线工作。因为工作关系,李华与大她7岁的湖北人周文认识了。那时东莞经济正处于高速发展时期,两人每天都要加班到晚上十一二点。在巨大的工作压力下,周文的嘘寒问暖很快赢得了李华的心。2003年,两人结为夫妻。周文脾气很好,两人很少吵架。 虽然拥有同一条起跑线,但总有人会走到前面。2002年,周文被提升为班长,此后一马平川,目前已升至科长,而李华却还在流水线上。两人的收入相差两倍。 两人的“地位”越来越悬殊,周文对李华的感情却未曾改变,但李华有自己的担忧。 李华有两个中专同学,在学校时便开始谈恋爱,毕业后一起进东莞一家电子厂当普工。刚开始,两人甜蜜如往昔。3年后,男生升做了拉长,而女生则还在流水线上。男生有了嫌弃之心,并开始跟另一个同为拉长的女同事交往。 女生很受伤,此后两年,她拼命地工作,想以升职来挽回男生的心。但2008年年底,她发现自己彻底失败了,只好黯然回了湖南老家。 周文也知道这个故事,每每李华因此而有所担忧时,他便像按图钉一样,将李华的“胡思乱想”按了下去,但这还是不能解除李华的担忧。 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 为了缩小与周文的差距,两年来,李华很努力地工作,期待升职。每天提前半小时上班,推迟半小时下班,拼命地学习男工才会做的鞋子前帮、腰帮技术。 “万一我跟他差距越来越大,同学的事情真的发生在我身上怎么办,”站在机器轰鸣的车间,李华一脸认真地说。对于李华来说,取掉“流水线”这个代表最底层女工的标签,就是她现今最大的目标。 17岁的她:为爱转移流水般离去 2月27日下午,东莞已能闻到夏天的味道。蹬一双三四厘米高的高跟靴,穿一件鱼纹状长裙,戴着闪亮的银色长耳环,一头染黄的披肩长发,淡绿色的眼影,17岁的利媛媛浑身散发着一种与实际年龄不符的成熟气息。 “我已经不小了”,利媛媛辩解道。走在路上,不时有小青年用略带颜色的眼光打量她,甚至朝她吹口哨,但利媛媛一概不理。 利媛媛是河南人,去年暑假,初中毕业的她便到郑州打工。虽然家里并不困难,但在郑州打工两个月,她就给家里寄了3000元,“总觉得很惭愧,爸妈供我读书很辛苦。” 去年12月,利媛媛来到东莞,在石碣刘屋工业区东聚电子厂流水线上工作,过年也没回家,“因为喜欢这边的气候,家里太冷了。” 根据本报问卷调查,46.5%的女工的情侣或配偶是其老乡,利媛媛就是其中一个。利媛媛与男友青梅竹马,男友比她大两岁,两人正式交往已有一年多。他们的爱情单纯而美好。利媛媛刚出来打工时,男友不同意,担心她的安全,便直接给她妈妈打电话。虽然最后并未改变什么,但这让利媛媛很感动。(南方都市报 www.nddaily.com SouthernMetropolisDailyMark 南都网) 春节后,男友也从河南南下深圳。一周前,他专程来东莞看利媛媛。那天,利媛媛特意请了假,到石龙火车站接他。两人在东聚电子厂外面坐着,仅仅聊了半个小时,男友便又赶着回深圳了。 “他让我去深圳,不要再在东莞做了。”利媛媛说,加上小姨在深圳开了一家小超市,她决定这个月15日便辞工去深圳,到小姨的超市做事,离开流水线。 对于两人的“早恋”,利媛媛的父母都没意见,但她男友的父亲却反对。“他总认为我们还太小。”但利媛媛说,自己管不了那么多了。 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 数据分析 老乡仍是女工择偶首选 在本报收回的200份问卷中,在“择偶意愿”的调查中,女工的首选仍是老乡。其中37.5%的接受调查者选择作为同事或工友的老乡,11.5%的人选择不在同一个工厂工作的老乡。还有34%的人选择了与自己从事不同职业的人。 在“女工的追求者”这一项调查中,56%的接受调查者觉得有意与自己结合的男性为老乡。相比之下,在接受调查人群中,仅有30.5%的人表示来自其他省份的人愿与自己结合。而填写本地男性愿与自己结合的最少,仅占接受调查者的5%。 在“适婚年龄”的问题上,54.5%的接受调查者认为20-24岁适宜结婚,39.5%的人表示适婚年龄在25-28岁。仅有4%的人认为20岁以下也适合结婚。 家庭是工作主要动力 家庭仍然是绝大部分女工工作的主要动力。在“婚姻的意义”这一问题上,36%的接受调查者认为组建家庭才是婚姻意义所在。排在第二位的是收获爱情,占接受调查者的31%。还有24.5%的人希望通过婚姻获得更有意义的工作。希望做家庭妇女的仅占接受调查人群的5%。 在“家庭和工作是重要性”排序上,79%的接受调查者选择为了家庭努力工作。只有10.5%的人表示会为了工作暂时放弃家庭。这表明,家庭仍是大部分女工工作的主要动力。 虽然绝大多数接受调查者表示婚姻与家庭是工作的主要动力,但大部分人认为家庭或生育并不会与工作发生冲突。在接受调查人群中,66 .5%的人并不认为家庭或生育会导致失去工作,只有24.5的人表示会因此失去工作。 东莞女工性调查:存一夫多妻现象 怀孕后多被弃 2011年11月22日 14:34 来源:新民网-新民晚报 作者:何川 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 据南方都市报报道,目前东莞男女工比例失调,在一些厂内出现“一夫多妻”的现象。因为没有登记,他们没有触犯法律,但很难规范。据相关调查,在有性生活的女工之中选择 ,不采取任何避孕措施的超过10%,而这些女工怀孕后被抛弃以“安全套”避孕的只占20% 的几率却非常高。 这些女工大多背井离乡,来东莞打工的主要目的在于赚钱养家。作为外来务工人员的一部分,东莞女工是城市的弱势群体,素质偏低,适应城市生存能力不强,获取工作的机会短缺,竞争激烈,只能从事低收入高强度劳动。同时,作为正常的人,又正值青壮年,她们对性的需要在所难免。据了解,大部分女工十分缺乏自我保护意识,也不知道遇到困难可以求助于工会,一些80后、90后女工被介绍至桑拿情色场所的事情时有发生。东莞一些企业对女工的管理模式,由于长时间在生产线上工作,她们大多私生活被限制,女工缺乏社交环境。characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 针对这种情况有关部门可以举办相关联谊活动,组织文艺演出等,为适婚青年搭建平台,引导她们通过正常的渠道交友恋爱,丰富女工的精神生活,开阔社交环境,有效促进适龄男女工的结合,从而打破男女工比例失调的地域局限性。另一方面,女工法制意识淡薄,加之社会保障制度不健全,女工的合法权益得不到保护,政府对她们管理的工作重心应该转移到服务引导,同时加强外来工的性知识、性教育普及工作,增强女工的自我保护意识和能力。 上海诚凯男子性功能障碍康复治疗中心专家指出,人有自然性的一面,对性的渴求是人之常情,人们往往把这种人之常情禁锢在条条框框之内,加之外来种种压力的影响,容易造成心理障碍甚至崩溃。性的禁锢不仅带来心理问题,也导致生理上的疾病。多年临床实践表明,性的畸形关系会导致一系列的性疾病问题产生,多个性伙伴、不安全的性行为是很多性传染疾病滋生的温床,同时,性的过度放纵,会引发男性性功能障碍,易产生阳痿、早泄等疾病。心理上对“性”的禁锢以及社会的压力,也会产生焦虑不安的情况,精神紧张引起性功能障碍,人最本质的“性”反却成了人打开健康之门的一把死锁。 “食、色,性也。”说的最多的是在中国,认同“性”是美的,人们自然会去尊重它,自然会远离它“丑”的一面,这样才能打开“性福”之门。 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and
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