首页 小学信息技术教学特点及应对策略



小学信息技术教学特点及应对策略小学信息技术教学特点及应对策略 黄骅市旧城镇仙庄中心校 张荣 摘要:随着科技、信息时代的来临,信息网络技术为人类的生产、生活提供了诸多方便。社会与经济的发展需要更多的信息技术人才,促使学校积极开展信息技术教育。由此小学开始开设信息技术课程,重视信息技术课程教学,开始运用各种教学手段进行信息技术知识的传授,以及对小学生信息技术能力的培养。 关键词:信息技术 特点 应对策略 信息技术,是现代社会发展的产物,更是为人们生产、生活带来无数便利的科技发展的产物。在小学阶段开始信息技术课程,是适应时代的发展,更是为了使...

小学信息技术教学特点及应对策略 黄骅市旧城镇仙庄中心校 张荣 摘要:随着科技、信息时代的来临,信息网络技术为人类的生产、生活提供了诸多方便。社会与经济的发展需要更多的信息技术人才,促使学校积极开展信息技术教育。由此小学开始开设信息技术课程,重视信息技术课程教学,开始运用各种教学手段进行信息技术知识的传授,以及对小学生信息技术能力的培养。 关键词:信息技术 特点 应对策略 信息技术,是现代社会发展的产物,更是为人们生产、生活带来无数便利的科技发展的产物。在小学阶段开始信息技术课程,是适应时代的发展,更是为了使学生掌握基本的信息技术,进而促进全面发展型人才培养。所以,在小学信息技术课程教学过程中,信息技术教师应该积极研究信息技术课程的 教学特点,探索新的信息技术课程教学方法,以创新的精神与科学的态度,促进小学生的全面协调发展。 一:小学信息技术课程教学特点 学校的设施条件各不相同,影响信息技术课程的授课。这是小学信息技术课程教学中遇到的首要问题。一些农村学校认识到信息技术的重要性,但是由于教育经费等原因,没有办法深入开展信息技术课程教学;同时有的学校开设信息技术课程教学,只是为了应付教育部门的检查,没有将信息技术课程教学落到实处,这是小学信息技术课程教学在学校方面的特点。 教师自身的信息技术专业知识不够,影响小学信息技术课程的开should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 展。在一些学校,信息技术课程教师只能讲解简单的信息技术知识,对于较难、较复杂的信息技术则表现得无能为力。这样的信息技术教师的专业知识还有待于进一步的提高。还有一些贫困的学校,信息技术教师则由其他科任教师兼任,他们并不是信息技术相关的专业毕业,对于信息技术的专业知识掌握程度较差,并不能很好的进行信息技术课程的教学。另外,一些信息技术教师在教学过程中并没有有效地组织教学,而且缺少对学生学习的合理评价,使学生在学习时找不到重点,这是小学信息技术课程教学在教师方面的特点。 小学生对于信息技术的了解不多,学习态度千差万别,影响信息技术课程的学习。虽然现代信息技术在不断地渗透到人们的生产、生活中,但是对于小学生来说,他们对信息技术的了解仅限于玩游戏、看动画片等比较简单的内容上。而且由于经济条件的限制,一些小学生根本就没有机会接触计算机、学习信息技术,所以说,小学生对信息技术这门新兴的课程,有的小学生则认为这是教师布置的学习任务,简单应付了事;还有的小学生根本就没有意识到信息技术的重要性,认为这是“小科课程”,对信息技术课程的学习采取消极的学习态度。这是小学信息技术课程教学在学生方面的特点。 二:小学信息技术课程教学策略 1:提高学校与教师对信息技术课程教学的认识 要想在小学有效地开展信息技术教学,最重要的问题就是要提高学校与教师对于小学信息技术课程教学的认识,使学校与教师共同努力,将信息技术课程教学的教学理念提升带一个新的高度,进而灵活should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 地运用创新的教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣与动机,优化教学效果与学生的学习效果。在此,需要相关教育部门的积极配合,加大对小学信息技术课程教学的投资,尤其是一些偏远的贫困小学,应该给以更多的关注,促进这些小学信息技术课程的开展;还应该加上小学信息技术课程开展优势的宣传,使学校相关领导与教师认识到小学信息技术教学的重要性;另外,还要加强对信息技术教师的专业知识与素养的培养,严格杜绝非专业教师兼任信息技术课程教师的情况发生,提高小学信息技术课程教师的整体素质与教学水平。这样才能使信息技术教师运用更加专业的知识与素养,灵活地运用各种教学手段进行教学,激发学生学习的兴趣,增强教学效果。 2:信息技术教师运用各种教学手段,增强教学效果 1)设置问题情境,激发学生兴趣。问题情境的有效设置,在小学课程教学中可以激发学生的学习兴趣,当然,小学信息技术课程也不例外。在小学信息技术课程教学中设置问题情境,要注意以下几个问题。 ,要讲究问题情境的质量,这是进行问题情境教学最需要重视的问题。一些小学信息技术教师为了设置问题情境而进行提问,这样往往会忘记最初设计问题情境的目的,使学生不知道教师提问的目的。所以说,教师进行问题情境教学时,要注意利用问题来打开学生的思路。使学生积极主动去思考,进而从教师的问题中得到启发,进而学到信息技术知识。 ,提问要结合学生学习的实际情况进行,问题情境的中心就是一个个有目的的问题,这些问题可以将学生学习的实际情况进行问题的设should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 计,以防偏离教学内容,或者提出过难的问题,打消学生学习的积极性。 ,要顾及到所有学生,用不同层次的问题引起所有学生的注意,激发所有学生的兴趣。对学习较差用简单的问题提问,对优秀学生用具有深度的问题提问,以促进他们思考。 2)有效地小组合作学习,是学生在交流、讨论中得到发展。新课程标准中要求教师在教学过程注意学生的主体性发展,而有效的组织学生进行小组合作学习,是发挥学生积极主动性的较好的方法。这种有效的小组合作学习,还可以使学生在交流与讨论的过程中,从同学的思维中得到岁自己有利的观点与闪光点,进而促进自身发三思维的发展,得到问题的答案或者创新学习方法。 3)分层次教学,使所有学生都各有所得。小学教育阶段应该考虑到学生的学习情况与学习能力不同的情况,以发展的眼光进行分层次教学,使所有学生都各有所得。在这里,学生可以对优秀学生放宽要求,指导学习为主要的教学方法,为他们设计相应的练习题,积极指导他们学习,积极进行适当、适时的表扬,帮助学习困难的学生树立自信与成就感,鼓励学生进一步进行学习。 4)运用合理的评价,使学生了解自己学习的优缺点。教师进行合理的评价,有利于学生了解自己在学习过程中的优缺点,进而及时得到补充与体身份。教师要注意不能用批评性的语言评价学生的学习,以防打消叙述学习的积极性。另外运用合理的评价,还可以有效地挖掘学生的潜能,促进学生的个性化发展。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 三:结束语 信息技术,随着社会与经济的发展,已经逐渐深入人们生产、生活中的各个领域,信息技术带领人类走进现代化、科技化生活。所以,在小学阶段开始信息技术课程是顺应适当发展的一种必然趋势。小学信息技术教师应该不断学习新的教学理念,研究创新型的教学方法,使小学生的信息技术的基本知识与技能同时得到发展,逐渐长成全面发展的人才,能更好的适应时代与社会的发展。 参考文献 (1)姜海英,小学信息技术课中三个常见问题之分析及解决策略[J]浙江现代教育技术,2007(5) (2)杨静,以学定教,以教促学:小学信息技术课教学方法探析[J]山西电教,2008(2):32-34 (3)雷俊霞,小学信息技术教学模式初探[J]教育革新,2009(11):71. (4)李晓燕,姜梅芬。有效教学方法谈:小学信息技术教学方法初探[J]。浙江教育技术,2010(2) (5)王蕊涛,小学信息技术课堂教学的几点做法[J]。山西电教,2009(2) should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection
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