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英语单词训练英语单词训练 高校の英語の語彙をABCの,2年, 高校の英語の語彙をABCの,2年, A approach v.接近;与…打交道;着手处理 attitude n.态度;看法;姿态 available adj.可利用的;有空的;有效的 absord adj.荒谬的;荒唐的;不合理的 ambulance 救护车 access n.接近;进入;到达 advise v.建议;劝告;商量 alternative affect v.影响;感动;疾病侵袭 ash 灰烬 aloud adv.大声地 ar...

英语单词训练 高校の英語の語彙をABCの,2年, 高校の英語の語彙をABCの,2年, A approach v.接近;与…打交道;着手处理 attitude n.态度;看法;姿态 available adj.可利用的;有空的;有效的 absord adj.荒谬的;荒唐的;不合理的 ambulance 救护车 access n.接近;进入;到达 advise v.建议;劝告;商量 alternative affect v.影响;感动;疾病侵袭 ash 灰烬 aloud adv.大声地 arrival n.到达 astronomer 天文学家 architect建筑师 aid n.援助;救助;助手 v.资助;援助 1.Soon an a_________ came and took the injured passenger to the hospital as soon as poosible. 2.He was taken by an a_______ to the nearest hospital. 3.The cars slowed down as they ________ (接近)the crossroads. 4.When he was told that he should take responsibility ,his _______(态度) changed. 5.The shoes in my sise are not ________(可得到的)in the shop. 6.Such an ______(荒谬的) suggestion is not worth discussing at the meeting. 7.There is no a_______ to the house from the mainroad. 8.The teacher asked me to read the poem a_____to the whole class. 9.He used all a________ means. 10.On his _______(到达) ,he was eager to ell them all about it. 11.I’m a________ in the afternoon,so I can go with you to see a film. 12.A_________ observe the sky through powerful telescopes. 13.He often helps his fellow villages design their houses, just like an ________(建筑师). 14.One of the station staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his a___. 15.The ________ (到达) of the train from Shanghai to Beijing was delayed because of the heavy snow. 16.She didn’t set her heart at rest unilt she was informed of his safe a________ at the station. 17.This was the only a________ room ( ) I can live. 18.The doctor has ________ (建议) me to give up smoking but I just can’t stop. 19.I’m sorry that there are no cars a________ within the price range you have specified 20.Here are _________(可供选择的) routes;you can choose one from them. 21.The books are easily ______ to the readers as all the shelves are open. 22.Because of his poor health, he was a______ with the seasonal fiu. 23.The a____ from his cigarette dropped into my tea. 24.If you don’t like the school lunch;you have the a________ of bringing your own. B basis 基础;根据 bleed v.流血 bandage 绷带 board n.船舷;木板;边缘 blanket 毛毯;毯状物(比喻) bury 掩藏;埋葬 1.Years of research into DNA formed the _______(基础) of his newly-published book. 2.After snowing all night ,the valley was covered with a b_______ of snow. 3.As soon as I’m on b______,I always feel sick. 4.A dog bit him on his left leg yesterday.It was still b______. 5.The ______ (根据) of her oppinion is something that she read in a magaine. We shouldn't judge a person of his appearance. 6.The dog gave me a playful b______. 7.He is crying sadly, with his face b______ in his hands. 8.When the nurse came out carrying the baby wrapped up in a warm _______ (毛毯),the father was overjoyed. 9.He got a first-aid b______ to cover his wound. 10.She wants to be b_____ in the village graveyard after lunch. C contemporary 当代的;现代的 crowded adj.拥挤的;密集的;装满的 cheat v.n.欺骗;骗取 cheer 使振奋 choke v.窒息;呛住(水、烟);哽住 circulate v.循环;流通;环流 calm adj.平静的;镇静的 v.使平静?镇静 ,ness coal 煤 content n.目录(复数); 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ;容量 adj.满意;满足 courage胆量;勇气 crash 破裂声;崩溃 consist 由……组成 cigarette conquer v.征服;克服;得胜 cure contrary 对抗的;相对的 consumer 消费者;客户 cash现金 curious 好奇的;爱打听隐私的 convenient 方便的 1.Han Han is a c____________ writer, who is popular with many teenagers. 2.What the teacher said c_____ him up and he decided to try a second time. 3.We admired his c________ under pressure. 4.The pole fell with a great c_______ . 5.Although ,the American troops c_______ Irap,there is still unrest now and then. 6.The c________ who care for food dafety want more information about the food they buy. 7.The boy wanted to buy this book, but he didn’t have any ____ (现金) on him. 8.He has devoted his whole life to the study of __________ (当代) literature. 9.The use of the device helps prevent students c__________ in the exams. _______ (呛) by the heavy smoke from the factory , I could hardly breathe. 10.The law to protect the rights and interests of ________ (消费者) will be introduced next year. 11.A medical team c________ of 15 doctors and 20 nurses set out to the badly damaged earthquake-striken areas. 12.When I left the hospital, I was completely c______ of my disease. 13.They need a lot of c____ to warm up their room. 14.On Sundays,the park is usually c_______ with visitors. 15.A serious lack of _______ (流通) funds forced the company to close down. 16.We are not allowede to smoke so I don't have any _______ (香烟)。 17.The little boy showed great ________ (胆量) to admit it’s his fault. 18.A coin went down his throat and he started to c_______. 19.Please open a window to allow the air to c__________. 20.I am wondering whether he has known the c______ of my text message. 21.They showed great c______ in the face of difficulty. 22.All the passengers were in the plane ________ (坠毁). 23.It doesn't seem ugly to me ; on the c_______ ,I think it’s rather beautiful. D diversity n.(diverse adj.) 差异;多样性 download defenceless adj.无防备的 discourage v.使失去信心 drawn v.淹没;溺死 defend 防卫;为……辩护 distance(a distant[遥远的] memory) 1.With people all over the world settling in Canada, it has become a country with d______ culture. 2.Baidu.com is a useful wedsite, which offers all kinds of items for users to d_______ for free. 3.Normally, people and animals that are d_________ are weak and unable to protect themselves from attack. 4.Tom felt d_________ when he failed the exam again. 5.Don’t jump into a river to save a d_______ person unless you are a trained lifesaver. 6.A long fence is built across the plain to _______ (保护) sheep from wolves. 7.To ______ (保卫) the motherland is every soldier’s duty. 8.You can always communiciate with your friends ,wherever they are ,because d______ is on longer an issue in online communciation. E exact adj.正确的;精确地;严谨的 ensure 保护;担保;确保 exlanation n.解释;说明;阐述 put an end to ecology 生态(学) equality n.相等;平等 erupt v.火山喷发;战争爆发;疾病发作 Europe(European) editor 编辑 1.To be e_____,it is 5:10 now. 2.In some countries there is still no e_______ between black and white people. 3.Have you ever seen a volcano e_______ or an earthquake strike? 4.Britain and France are both great E________ countries. 5.The doctor examines the patients every day to e______ that they are recovering soon. 6.I did’t believe his e__________ for being late. 7.You are supposed to put an e___ to the quarrel.. 8.Oil pollution has damaged the e______ of the area. 9.He gave me amap showing e_______ where the post office was 10.Few pleasures can e______ that of a cold drink on a hot summer day. F forecast v.预测;预报 false 错误的;不良的;伪造的 fairness 公平;公正 fresh 新鲜的;刚经历的 frighten v.使害怕 frightening adj.惊恐的 flee (fled,fled)v.逃走;逃避 flashlight 手电筒 fierce 激烈的;凶猛的;强烈的 form v. 养成 1.Have you listened ti the weather f_______ ? 2.He opened the window to let the f_____ air in. 3.Before the hunter fired the gun ,thedeer turned and f_____. 4.It’s useful to carry a f_______, when you walk in the dark. 5.Students should ________ (养成) a habit of taking notes while reading 6.It’s not f______ to students to keep changing the timetable. 7.He is a f______ friend .You shouldn’t trust hom. 8.If a film is f__________, it could f_______ children. 9.All the villagers f_____ from the village becase of the floods. 10.It is a pleasant thing to ______(沐浴) in hot water after a hard day’s work. 11.The tiger is a f_______ animal which eat smaller animals. G glimpse (catch?have glimpse of) general adj.一般的 1.Flying over the bay in a plane,you will have a g______ of the city. 2.In g______ (一般地),he will do whatever he can to help you. H harmony 协调(in harmony with);和谐,和睦 hurricane 飓风 1.People’s life has become happy and h________. 2.When the h_________ came, they were still at sea ,and their families were very worried about them. I introduction n.序言 indicate v.表明;象征;预示 imitate v.模仿 indentify v.认出;鉴别;使等同于 issue n.问题,争议;发行 v.发行;分配 immedicate 直接地;立刻;马上 importance incorrect adj.不正确的;不妥当的;不真实的 influence n.v.影响;势力;作用 1.Although Tom ha retired,his ideas are still i__________ the company. 2.The boy is so smart that he i______ everything vividly. 3.The great i______ dicussed today is the prices of the houses. 4.It is a pity that your answer to this question is _______ (错误的). 5.This first paragraph serves as the ________ (序言) to this article. 6.Only when workers realize the ________ (重要性) of cooperation can a company develop quickly. 7.The appearance of wild aninals in the forest i_________ that she environment here has greatly improved. 8.Scientists have i________ the gene that causes the disease. 9.I got to know him ________ (一…就) I came to the school for the first time. J Judge v.判断;评价 n.法官 J_______ from his accent,he comes from south Africa. L loose adj.松散的 lack v.短少;没有 lifelike adj.栩栩如生的 1.The charcters are described so l________ as if they are living among us. 2.The office has to be closed for l_____ of money. 3.This shirt is too tight ; I want a l_______ one. M mistake v.弄错 mistaken adj.错误的 modern adj.现代的;时髦的 medical adj.医学的;内科的 manage v.设法 mud 泥浆 meaningful adj.意味深长的 1.I’m soory to have m________ you for Mr Smith. 2.Although he was infected with a serious disease , he lives a m________ life. 3.When you go to see the doctor, you’d better take your m________ record. 4.He ofen helps to m________ the shop when the owner is away. 5.Do you know frogs can live deep in the m_____. N narrow native 1.The cross-sea bridge will be built where the water is the n_________. 2.Talking with a n_______ speakers can help you learn the language well. 3.Maybe because she did little education ,she had a very n________ view of the world. O obvious P powful adj.强健的;权力大的 proof n.证据;证明 purchase n.v.购买;购置 programme Physician 内科医生 persuade prevention n.预防;阻止;妨碍 proper adj.合适的;适当的 panic v.n.惊慌;恐慌 poverty n.贫穷;贫乏;贫困 press pulse 脉搏 premier 1.Since you think he is to blame for the mistake ,show me your ______ (证据). 2.Some people think that girls are p__________ not to be interested in science subjects. 3.When it comes to disease,p________ is more important than cure. 4.As long as we can use the mobile phones in a p______ way, all the problems can be avoided. 5.Mr.Li had to stay in hospital because his blood _______ (血压)was too high. 6.P_______ Wen is a kind leader ,who always has a smile on his face. 7.People are making joint efforts to build our country into a rich and p________. 8.Do you wish to have your p________delivered to your door? 9.After graduating from college,he turned p_________ in a hospital 10.I had great difficulty p_________ him to change his mind. 11.It’s important to p________(预防) this from spreading. 12.The children p_______ when they realized they were lost. 13.There are still many people living in p______ suffering from lack of food. Q quiz 竞赛;比赛 The teacher gave us a q______ in English spelling and I got full marks for it. R recommend v.推荐 remain v.保持不变;剩下;逗留 reform v.改革;改良;改造 regular adj.有规律的;定期的;习惯性的 require reality recognize route recovery n. recover v.恢复;弥补 respond v.作答;回应;响应 representative n.代表;典型;议员 adj.典型的 rise v.生起;起床;上涨 radiation n. 辐射 responsible adj. 负责任;可靠的 recite v.背诵;朗诵 1.This poem is not _______ (典型的) of all his works duing the period. 2.Under the doctor’s care and timely treatment ,the patient is r_______ very soon . 3.What will you do with the ________ (剩下的)food? 4.Immediately he took over the company,he went about r_______ the trading system of the company. 5.The medical system in our country is being _______ (改革) at present. 6.To keep fit,we had better exercise r_______. 7.It’s a matter which r_______ careful handing . 8.Henry seems self-confident,but in r_______ he is extremely shy. 9.The piece performed by Tom was r_________ as classics of modern music. 10.We took the direct _______ (路线) and arrived at the tourist site early. 11.She made a quick r________ from her illness and was son soon back at work . 12.I wrote quite a few letters to him, but he only r_______ to my letter once. 13.I have the honour to be sent abroad as their r___________. 14.The population of the city has r______ to five million by 10%. 15.Mobile phone is harmful to people’s health they send out ______ (辐射). 16.All the drivers ought to be ________ (负责任) for the passengers’ safety. S state n.v. system n.系统; 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ;体制 suffer specialist n.专科医生;专家 scream v.尖叫;呼啸 summarise v. summary n. 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ;概括 stress v.着重;强调 spot n.少量;斑点;污渍 v.认出;发现 sight n.情景;视觉;视野 swear v.发誓;宣誓;咒骂 stranger strength n.力量;力气;强度;实力 stand v.忍受 1.There were about to leave when they heard a siren(警报器) s_______ hehind him. 20Finally , the chairman gave us a quick s________ of the event. 3.I must s______ again ,“Don’t tell antboady else the secret”. 4.At the wedding,the young man _______ (发誓) that he would always love his wife. 5.Children must not talk to s_______ in the street. 6.Regular exercise helps build his ________ (体力). 7.Our manager won’t ______ (忍受) your talking to him like that. 8.It is s_____ that in the report that 60 passengers were killed in the accident. 9.There is something wrong with my computer s________—it doesn’t work properly. 10.What are the differences between the American and specializes in general medicine 11.The spokeman s_______ the importance of environmental protection. 12.His coat was covered with s_____ of mud. 13.No car was in s_____; it was hard for us to ask for a ride. 14.It’s rude to s______ at others even if you are angry. 15.She doesn’t often get flu,but when she does she really _______ (受苦). 16.Having no way to cure the disease,he turned to a s________ for help. 17.Before we entered the room, we heard the boys s_______ with excitement about the coming holiday. T trend 趋势;时尚;河流走向;倾向 tiny adj.微小的 tip v.使倾斜;使翻倒;轻击 treatment 治疗;对待;处理 tap n.水龙头(中的液体);旋塞 1.My grandma because so ill that she required urgent (紧急的) t________. 2.The fashion show represents the new ______ (趋势) of clothes. 3.More and more people don’t pay in cash , instead , they use a smart card with a t_____ chip in it. 4.She laughed loudly , with her head t______ bank. 5.Don’t leave the t______ running ; it is a waste of water. 6.The best t________ a cold is to rest and drink lots of water. U upper union n.联合;协会;团结 unknown urban adj.城市的 unprotected adj.无防卫的;无掩护的;无保护的 upside n.上边 unconscious adj.失去知觉的 urge v.催促;力劝;强烈 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 n.强烈要求 unfortunately adv.不幸地 unbelievable a.难以置信的 uncomfortable a.不舒服的 1.In the end ,Higgins succeeded in changing a poor girl into a noble lady ,who was accepted by the u______ society. 2.This kind of dance was popular among the rich u_______ and middle classes. 3.The artist ’s work showed perfect u_____ of skill and imagination. 4.We all congratulated him on being elected into the students’s ______ (协会). 5.U______ between the two countries helped win the war. 6.Most young people would like u_____ life—pop music,street dance and the convenience in big cities. 7.Anyone whose immune system breaks down will become u_______ against infection and diseases. 8.Turn the bottle u______ down before you fill it with oil. 9.A patient who is u_________ should never be left alone. 10.It is impolite for one to u_____ other people to drink in the west. 11.The manager has been _______ (催促) me to finish the task as soon as possible. V via rep.凭借;通过 violence 暴力;侵犯;猛烈 virus 病毒 virtual adj.实质上的;实际上的 1.With the development of technology,people can da many things computer. 2.The police are said to have used uncessary v______ to the crowd. 3.Last week ,a new computer ______ (病毒) attacked the system of the company. W wire金属丝;电线 westwards adv. 向西 willingness n.愿意;心甘情愿 web n.网 wipe v.擦;揩 witness v. 目睹;为…作证 n.证据;目击者 wound n.创伤;伤口 wrist 腕 well-prepared做好准备的 1.He is w________ to help others and this makes a deep impression on me. 2.The ________(伤口)in his legs and arms frigtened us. 3.In order to encourage industries to shift w________ (向西),the governmrnt has put forward some new policies. 4.I expressed my w________ to support my husband’s decision and try my best to help him. 5.There is a spider ‘s w____ under my bed. 6.He tried his best to w_______ out the bad memory of the terrible accident. 7.She was shocked by the violent scenes she had w________. 8.He died from the w______ he had received to his chest. 9.Put the sensor around his w______, and the doctor can diagnose(诊断) what disease he was had. 10.I will go to buy some ________ (金属丝),for I want to make a children cage.
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