首页 土地复垦费用监管协议



土地复垦费用监管协议土地复垦费用监管协议 facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the ...

土地复垦费用监管 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 土地复垦费用监管协议(双方) 土地复垦费用监管协议 甲方:,,,,省(区、市),,,,,,市(县)国土资源局 (甲方为负责监管的国土资源管理部门) 单位地址: 法定代表人(负责人): 乙方(为复垦义务人): 单位地址: 法定代表人(负责人): digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 第一章 总则 第一条 根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、《中华人民共和国 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 法》、《土地复垦 条例 事业单位人事管理条例.pdf信访条例下载信访条例下载问刑条例下载新准则、条例下载 》和其它有关法律法规的规定,为落实土地复垦费用,保障土地复垦的顺利开展,复垦义务人与国土资源管理部门双方本着平等、自愿、诚实信用的原则,签订本协议。 第二条 根据土地复垦法律法规赋予的职责,甲方有权依法对本行政区域内生产建设活动损毁土地的复垦进行监督管理,监督乙方落实土地复垦费用,履行土地复垦义务。 第三条 乙方应当遵守土地复垦法律法规,按照“谁损毁,谁复垦”的原则,依法履行土地复垦义务。土地复垦费用的存储、使用应接受甲方的监督管理。 第四条 本协议所称土地复垦费用,是指复垦义务人为履行土地复垦义务,依据土地复垦 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 完成土地复垦任务所需要的费用。土地复垦费用属于土地复垦义务人所有,专项用于土地复垦义务人损毁土地的复垦。 第五条 土地复垦费用账户按照“企业所有,政府监管,专户存储,专款专用”的原则管理。 第六条 本协议在土地复垦方案及各阶段土地复垦计划通过备案后签订。 第二章 乙方复垦任务 第七条 乙方项目位置: 项目名称: 采矿许可证号(或建设用地批复号): 平方公里 ,开采矿种(或者建设项目性矿区面积(建设项目用地面积) 质) ,开采方式 ,开采年限(或建设周期) 年。 第八条 根据土地复垦方案,预计该项目损毁土地总面积 ,拟复垦土地总面积 (见下表), 工程静态总投资 万元,动态总投资 万元。土地复垦方案服务期限为 年。 土地复垦任务表 本阶段之前应完本阶段之前实际科目 复垦总目标任务 本阶段目标任务 成的目标任务 完成的目标任务 耕地 2hm 园地 2hm 林地 2hm 草地 2hm 商服用地 2hm 工矿仓储用地 2hm 住宅用地 2hm 公共管理与服务用地 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 2hm 交通运输用地 2hm 水域及水利设施用地 2hm 特殊用地 2hm 其他用地 2hm 复垦面积合计 2hm 费用使用量 万元 费用提存量 万元 第九条 土地复垦义务人应当于每年12月31日前向县级以上地方人民政府国土资源主管部门报告当年的土地损毁情况、土地复垦费用使用情况以及土地复垦工程实施情况。 第三章 土地复垦费用的存储 第十条 乙方应将土地复垦费用存入土地复垦费用共管账户,开户行: ,账号: 。 第十一条 乙方应依据批复的土地复垦方案及阶段土地复垦计划中确定的费用预存计划,分 期将土地复垦费用存入土地复垦费用共管账户。 第十二条 乙方应在每个费用预算存计划开始后的10个工作日内将相应的土地复垦费用存入土地复垦费用共管账户。具体存储金额和时间如下: 第一期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第二期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第三期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第 期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第 期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第十三条 土地复垦费用所产生的利息归乙方所有,可用于抵减下一期应存储的土地复垦费用。 第十四条 如乙方不能按本协议第十二条规定的日期存储土地复垦费用,须每天按未存储土地复垦费用的万分之一向土地复垦费用共管账户缴纳滞纳金。滞纳金不能用于抵减下一期应存储的土地复垦费用。 第四章 土地复垦费用的管理和使用 第十五条 乙方按照土地复垦方案和阶段土地复垦计划的要求完成阶段土地复垦任务digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 后向甲方提出阶段验收申请。验收合格后,乙方可向甲方申请从土地复垦费用共管账户中支取费用。 第十六条 乙方在按照土地复垦方案和阶段土地复垦计划完成全部复垦任务后向甲方提出最终验收申请。验收合格后,乙方可向甲方申请从土地复垦费用共管账户中支取结余费用的80%。 第十七条 复垦为农用地的,甲方应当会同有关部门在最终验收合格后的5年内对土地复垦效果进行跟踪评价。复垦效果达到土地复垦方案和阶段土地复垦计划要求的,乙方可向甲方申请从土地复垦费用共管帐户中支取结余所有费用。 第十八条 甲方接到乙方支取费用申请后,应当在 工作日内配合乙方办理费用支取手续。 第五章 协议修订和转让 第十九条 本协议对双方及其各自的继承人及经许可的受让人具有同等约束力。 第二十条 本协议签订后,未经双方共同确认,原则上不进行修订。 第二十一条 如甲方与土地复垦相关的行政管理权发生转移,协议双方应在协商的基础上修改本协议中的相关条款。 第二十二条 乙方转让采矿权的,本协议终止。受让方应与甲方重新签订书面协议,受让方应承担乙方在本协议中规定的所有义务和责任。 第二十三条 乙方对土地复垦方案进行重大调整,需要重新编制土地复垦方案的,双方须根据新审批的土地复垦方案和阶段土地复垦计划重新签订协议。 第二十四条 乙方可在其认为合适的情况下缩减、中断或中止经营。在上述缩减、中断或中止期间,乙方应与甲方协商,在甲方认为合理的范围内免除其在本协议中应履行的义务,并经协议双方确认后,补签相关协议作为本协议的补充文本。 第六章 协议终止 第二十五条 本协议自双方签字并加盖公章之日起生效,至双方义务履行完毕后失效。 第七章 违约责任 第二十六条 乙方不履行本协议中规定的土地复垦义务,或复垦验收不合格经整改仍不合格的,甲方有权将乙方土地复垦费用共管账户中相应数额的土地复垦费用转为土地复垦费,由甲方代为组织复垦。 第二十七条 如乙方被宣告破产或进入破产、解散、清算程序,或无力偿还到期债务,土地复垦费用在按法律规定偿付相关债务后,须优先用于缴纳土地复垦费。 第二十八条 乙方按照本协议约定完成土地复垦工作,并提交验收申请,甲方收到验收申请 个工作日内无正当理由不进行验收的,或验收合格后不配合乙方办理费用支取手续的,乙方有权向甲方的上级主管部门反映情况。 第二十九条 乙方因遭遇不可抗力而延迟或停止履行本协议中规定的义务,经甲方确认的,不应构成乙方在此期间对本协议的违约。 第八章 争议解决 第三十条 本协议执行过程中如发生争议、纠纷,协议双方首先应协商解决。如在开始协商后60个工作日内未能解决争议,则任何一方可向协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院提起digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 诉讼,按照其当时有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。最终仲裁裁决对协议双方均具有约束力。除仲 裁裁决另有规定外,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 第三十一条 争议仲裁期间,除争议事项外,协议双方应继续行使各自在本协议中规定 的其他权利,并应继续履行各自在本协议中规定的其他义务。 第九章 附则 第三十二条 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。 第三十三条 本协议未尽事宜,可由双方商定后以书面形式作为本协议附件,与本协议 具有同等法律效力。 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 甲方(公章) 乙方(公章) 地址: 地址: 邮编: 邮编: 电话: 电话: 法定代表人(委托代理人) 法定代表人(委托代理人) (签字): (签字): 年 月 日 年 月 日 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 土地复垦费用监管协议(三方) 土地复垦费用监管协议 甲方:,,,,省(区、市),,,,,,市(县)国土资源局 (甲方为负责监管的国土资源管理部门) 单位地址: 法定代表人(负责人): 乙方(为复垦义务人): 单位地址: 法定代表人(负责人): 丙方(银行): 单位地址: 法定代表人(负责人): digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 第一章 总则 第一条 根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、《中华人民共和国合同法》、《土地复垦条例》和其它有关法律法规的规定,为落实土地复垦费用,保障土地复垦的顺利开展,复垦义务人、国土资源管理部门和银行三方本着平等、自愿、诚实信用的原则,签订本协议。 第二条 根据土地复垦法律法规赋予的职责,甲方有权依法对本行政区域内生产建设活动损毁土地的复垦进行监督管理,监督乙方落实土地复垦费用,履行土地复垦义务。 第三条 乙方应当遵守土地复垦法律法规,按照“谁损毁,谁复垦”的原则,依法履行土地复垦义务。土地复垦费用的存储、使用应接受甲方的监督管理。 第四条 丙方应当按照本协议约定,协助甲方对乙方土地复垦费用的存储、支取进行监督管理。 第五条 本协议所称土地复垦费用,是指复垦义务人为履行土地复垦义务,依据土地复垦方案完成土地复垦任务所需要的费用。土地复垦费用属于土地复垦义务人所有,专项用于土地复垦义务人损毁土地的复垦。 第六条 土地复垦费用账户按照“企业所有,政府监管,专户存储,专款专用”的原则管理。 第七条 本协议在土地复垦方案及各阶段土地复垦计划通过备案后签订。 第二章 乙方复垦任务 第八条 乙方项目位置: 项目名称: 采矿许可证号(或建设用地批复号): 矿区面积(建设项目用地面积) 平方公里 ,开采矿种(或者建设项目性质) ,开采方式 ,开采年限(或建设周期) 年。 第九条 根据土地复垦方案,预计该项目损毁土地总面积 ,拟复垦土地总面积 (见下表), 工程静态总投资 万元,动态总投资 万元。土地复垦方案服务期限为 年。 土地复垦任务表 本阶段之前应完本阶段之前实际科目 复垦总目标任务 本阶段目标任务 成的目标任务 完成的目标任务 耕地 2hm 园地 2hm 林地 2hm 草地 2hm 商服用地 2hm 工矿仓储用地 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 2hm 住宅用地 2hm 公共管理与服务用地 2hm 交通运输用地 2hm 水域及水利设施用地 2hm 特殊用地 2hm 其他用地 2hm 复垦面积合计 2hm 费用使用量 万元 费用提存量 万元 第十条 土地复垦义务人应当于每年12月31日前向县级以上地方人民政府国土资源主管部门报告当年的土地损毁情况、土地复垦费用使用情况以及土地复垦工程实施情况。 第三章 土地复垦费用的存储 第十一条 乙方应将土地复垦费用存入在甲方指定银行(即丙方)开设的土地复垦费用专用账户,开户行: ,账号: 。 第十二条 乙方应依据批复的土地复垦方案及阶段土地复垦计划中确定的费用预存计划,分 期将土地复垦费用存入土地复垦费用专用账户。 第十三条 乙方应在每个费用预存计划开始后的10个工作日内将相应的土地复垦费用存入土地复垦费用专用账户。具体存储金额和时间如下: 第一期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第二期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第三期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第 期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第 期 存储金额:人民币大写 元(小写 元) 存储日期: 年 月 日前 第十四条 土地复垦费用所产生的利息归乙方所有,可用于抵减下一期应存储的土地复垦费用。 第十五条 如乙方不能按本协议第十三条规定的日期存储土地复垦费用,须每天按未存储土地复垦费用的万分之一向土地复垦费用共管账户缴纳滞纳金。滞纳金不能用于抵减下一digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 期应存储的土地复垦费用。 第四章 土地复垦费用的管理和使用 第十六条 乙方在按照土地复垦方案和阶段土地复垦计划完成全部复垦任务后向甲方提出最终验收申请。验收合格后,乙方可向甲方申请从土地复垦费用共管账户中支取结余费用的80%。 第十七条 复垦为农用地的,甲方应当会同有关部门在最终验收合格后的5年内对土地复垦效果进行跟踪评价。复垦效果达到土地复垦方案和阶段土地复垦计划要求的,乙方可向甲方申请从土地复垦费用共管帐户中支取结余所有费用。 第十八条 丙方应在收到甲方出具的验收合格确认书和土地复垦费用支取通知书后的5个工作日内将土地复垦费用支付给乙方。未经甲方 授权 个人房产授权委托书公司各类授权委托书模版医师授权办法餐饮分店授权书产品代理授权书范本 ,丙方不得向乙方支付土地复垦费用,否则由丙方承担相应责任和后果。 第十九条 丙方应在向乙方支付土地复垦费用后的3个工作日内,向甲方提供土地复垦费用支取回执及土地复垦费用账户情况。 第二十条 乙方在按照土地复垦方案和阶段土地复垦计划完成全部复垦任务后向甲方提出最终验收申请。验收合格后,可凭甲方出具的验收合格确认书和土地复垦费用支取通知书办理费用支取手续。丙方应在接到通知后10个工作日内为乙方办理土地复垦费用支取手续。 第五章 协议修订和转让 第二十一条 本协议对各方及其各自的继承人及经许可的受让人具有同等约束力。 第二十二条 本协议签订后,未经各方共同确认,原则上不进行修订。 第二十三条 如甲方与土地复垦相关的行政管理权发生转移,协议各方应在协商的基础上修改本协议中的相关条款。 第二十四条 乙方转让采矿权的,本协议终止。受让方应与甲方重新签订书面协议,受让方应承担乙方在本协议中规定的所有义务和责任。 第二十五条 乙方对土地复垦方案进行重大调整,需要重新编制土地复垦方案的,各方须根据新审批的土地复垦方案和阶段土地复垦计划重新签订协议。 第二十六条 乙方可在其认为合适的情况下缩减、中断或中止经营。在上述缩减、中断或中止期间,乙方应与甲方协商,在甲方认为合理的范围内免除其在本协议中应履行的义务,并经协议各方确认后,补签相关协议作为本协议的补充文本。 第六章 协议终止 第二十七条 本协议自各方签字并加盖公章之日起生效,至双方义务履行完毕后失效。 第七章 违约责任 第二十八条 乙方不履行本协议中规定的土地复垦义务,或复垦验收不合格经整改仍不合格的,甲方有权将乙方土地复垦费用专用账户中相应数额的土地复垦费用转为土地复垦费,由甲方代为组织复垦。 第二十九条 如乙方被宣告破产或进入破产、解散、清算程序,或无力偿还到期债务,土地复垦费用在按法律规定偿付相关债务后,须优先用于缴纳土地复垦费。 第三十条 乙方按照本协议约定完成土地复垦工作,并提交验收申请,甲方收到验收digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 申请 个工作日内无正当理由不进行验收的,乙方有权向甲方的上级主管部门反映情况。 第三十一条 乙方因遭遇不可抗力而延迟或停止履行本协议中规定的义务,经甲方确认的,不应构成乙方在此期间对本协议的违约。 第八章 争议解决 第三十二条 本协议执行过程中如发生争议、纠纷,协议三方首先应协商解决。如在开始协商后60个工作日内未能解决争议,则任何一方可向协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼,按照其当时有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。最终仲裁裁决对协议各方均具有约束力。除仲裁裁决另有规定外,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 第三十三条 争议仲裁期间,除争议事项外,协议各方应继续行使各自在本协议中规定的其他权利,并应继续履行各自在本协议中规定的其他义务。 第九章 附则 第三十四条 本协议一式两份,甲、乙、丙三方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。 第三十五条 本协议未尽事宜,可由三方商定后以书面形式作为本协议附件,与本协议具有同等法律效力。 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 甲方(公章) 乙方(公章) 地址: 地址: 邮编: 邮编: 电话: 电话: 法定代表人(委托代理人) 法定代表人(委托代理人) (签字): (签字): 年 月 日 年 月 日 丙方(公章) 地址: 邮编: 电话: 法定代表人(委托代理人) (签字): 年 月 日 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 土地复垦验收合格确认书 (土地复垦义务人): 经我局组织验收, 年 月至 年 月完成土地复垦面积 公顷,土 地复垦工程验收合格。 市(县)国土资源局 (盖章) 年 月 日 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 土地复垦费用支取通知书 编号: 银行: (土地复垦义务人)于 年 月至 年 月复垦土地面积 公顷,土地复垦工程已验收合格,同意其支取土地复垦费用人民币大写 元(小写 元)。 市(县)国土资源局 (盖章) 年 月 日 ----------------------------------------------------------- 土地复垦费用支取回执及土地复垦费用帐户情况 市(县)国土资源局: 根据你局提供的土地复垦费用支取通知书(编号: ),已将土地复垦费用人民币大写 元(小写 元)划至 (土地复垦义务人)。 截止目前,土地复垦费用账户情况: 本金人民币大写 元(小写 元), 利息人民币大写 元(小写 元), 滞纳金人民币大写 元(小写 元)。 银行 (盖章) 年 月 日 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by
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