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高考英语情景式作文的写作范例高考英语情景式作文的写作范例 情景式作文: Directions: Migrant workers (外地民工) have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. In this part, you are to write within 40 minutes a composition of 200 words about “The Role of Migrant Workers”. You can agree and/or disagr...

高考 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 情景式作文的写作范例 情景式作文: Directions: Migrant workers (外地民工) have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. In this part, you are to write within 40 minutes a composition of 200 words about “The Role of Migrant Workers”. You can agree and/or disagree, completely or partially to above statement. But no matter which position you take, you should supporting reasons. As is known to all, migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. They are an indispensable part of our work force. Most of them work on construction sites. There is no doubt that without migrant workers many of construction projects would have to be held up for lack of manpower. In addition, a large number of migrant workers are a beneficial factor, which enhances the consumption of food and daily items. This in turn helps to develop food industry and service trades in cites. All these are positive aspects of migrant workers in cities. However, as a popular saying goes, “Everything has two sides”. The same is the case with migrant workers. Firstly, most of them are not well educated and professionally professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, trained. Some of them have had very little schooling. As you know. Illiterate people, who are usually ignorant of the law, tend to make trouble, thus endangering social order. Secondly, most of the migrant workers swarm into big cities just to make money. Being illiterate or unskilled, some of them would stop at nothing to get what they are ambitious for. Therefore, they are a potential threat to the peace and stability of society. In my opinion, in the appraisal of migrant workers, it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them. (244 words) (2)规定情景式作文 Directions: Stress is a natural part of modern life. In this part, you are required to write within 40 minutes a composition of no less than 200 words about “Stress in Modern Life” (现代 生活中的压力). You are to state briefly the relationship between stress and modern life and the different attitudes towards stress. At the end of your composition you should draw your own conclusion. professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 众所周知,压力是日常生活中很自然的事,并且也无法躲 避压力。随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,我们从早到晚总是感 到忙忙碌碌。而且很难减慢。我们似乎觉得我们周围人人都在 拼命干。因此,不管一个人干什么,他总会感到压力。可见, 在竞争社会中压力和生活是影印不离的。 然而,不同的人对压力的看法不同。有些人认为,压力并 不是通常所认为的坏事。他们的观点是, 某种压力对提供动 力和使生活哟目的所不可缺少的。其他人则争辩说,压力加剧 了精力的消耗,因此危害人的健康。在他们看来,压力的反面, 即轻松,是身心健康所必不可少的。 就个人而言,我赞成前一种观点。当一个人全心投入到他 所从事的事业时,压力是不可能避免的。依我看,只有当压力 失去控制时,它才会导致行为失调和身体不适。 Stress in Modern Life As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. It seems to us that everyone around us is aggressive. Therefore, whatever one does, he feels under stress all the time. It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society. professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and to give purpose to life. Others argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and hence endangers his health. According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body. Personally, I’m in favor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. (207 words) 注:be on the go 忙碌 (二)图表作文 As is shown in the table (or in the picture), … dropped from … in 1994 to … in 1996. According to the figures given in the table, … has great increased (or decreased) in the past … years (or decades), reaching … in 1996. From professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, the table we can also see that there has been a sharp decline (or rise) in … It is clear that … There are at least two good reasons for … On the one hand, … Let’s have an example to illustrate the great increase in … On the other hand, … is due to the fact that … In addition, … is responsible for … Maybe there are some other reasons to show … But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly acceptable. As far as I am concerned, … So my conclusion is that … I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. (131 words) 三. 规定情景作文 范文1 Directions: In the past people thought that education was only for young people. But now it is believed that education is for a lifelong progress. Do you agree or disagree? Education is an indispensable part in one’s life. It illuminates human knowledge and culture, improving the development of science and technology. In my point of view, education is not only for young people, it should be proceeding in people’s whole life. For one reason, our society is developing at an amazing speed along with the improvement of science and technology. If people stop studying after graduation from university, they can not keep pace with the steps of social development and easy to be eliminated in the fierce professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, competition. Take the IT as an example. The amount of information is increasing in a speed dozens of times faster than before. If a person does not learn the latest knowledge they would not be able to develop new technology and products. Therefore, a person should take a lifelong learning. As the saying goes, “never too old to learn.” To keep up with the development of world, a person must study during his whole life. Otherwise, he will lag far behind the others. 译文 在人的一生中教育是不可分割的一部分。它承载了知识和 文明,促进了科学技术的进步。在我看来,教育不尽属于年经 人,而是一个一生的过程。 其中一个原因就是随着科学技术的不断进步,社会发展的 速度也是惊人的。如果大学毕业后就停止学习,人们很难跟上 社会发展的脚步,很容易在激烈的 竞争中被淘汰。比如说IT 技术。信息正在以以前几倍的速度增长。如果人们不学习最新 的知识他们就不能发展新技术和产品。因此,人们应该终身学 习。 正如谚语所说“活到老学到老“。为了跟随世界的脚步,人 们必须终生学习,否则他们将落于人后。 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater,
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