首页 中航国际租赁有限公司及业务简介201506



中航国际租赁有限公司及业务简介201506中航国际租赁有限公司及业务简介201506 中航国际租赁有限公司业务简介 公司简介 中航国际租赁有限公司,中航租赁,成立于1993年,是经商务部、国家税务总局批准的国内首批内资融资租赁企业,公司总部设在上海,并在北京设有分支机构,截至2015年5月,公司注册资本37.9亿元,管理租赁资产规模已超过340亿元,公司注册资本排名同类租赁公司的第2名,租赁资产规模排名同类租赁公司的第3名。 中航租赁作为中国航空工业集团公司的一员,由包括飞机设计制造、航空发动机制造等在内的十三家大型航空工业企业和科研院所入股组建。...

中航国际租赁有限公司及业务简介201506 中航国际租赁有限公司业务简介 公司简介 中航国际租赁有限公司,中航租赁,成立于1993年,是经商务部、国家税务总局批准的国内首批内资融资租赁企业,公司总部设在上海,并在北京设有分支机构,截至2015年5月,公司注册资本37.9亿元,管理租赁资产规模已超过340亿元,公司注册资本排名同类租赁公司的第2名,租赁资产规模排名同类租赁公司的第3名。 中航租赁作为中国航空工业集团公司的一员,由包括飞机 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 制造、航空发动机制造等在内的十三家大型航空工业企业和科研院所入股组建。中航租赁是目前国内唯一一家拥有航空工业背景、资金实力雄厚的专业租赁公司。 中航工业集团公司是中央管理的国有特大型企业。 2008年11月6日由原中国航空工业第一、第二集团公司重组整合而成立。中航工业设有防务、运输机、发动机、直升机、机载设备与系统、通用飞机、航空研究、飞行试验、贸易物流、资产管理、工程规划建设、汽车等产业板块,下辖近200家子公司,分公司,,有20多家上市公司,其中3家在香港上市,,员工约50万人。2013年中航工业实现销售收入3489亿元,税后利润140亿元。中航工业是首家进入《财富》世界500强的中国航空制造企业和中国军工企业,2013年《财富》世界500强排名第214位。 公司业绩 公司的融资租赁服务开展初期主要是为军工系统内企 事业单位 事业单位结构化面试题事业单位专业技术岗位财务人员各岗位职责公文事业单位考试事业单位管理基础知识 的技改项目提供资金支持。各企事业单位通过融资租赁获取了资金支持,迅速提高生产能力,扩大生产规模,在激烈的市场竞争中占据有利地位。同时公司也大力开展军工系统外设备租赁,主要针对资信优良、付租保障性高的高端客户租赁和资本实力雄厚、产品精良、设备periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 通用性强且二手市场成熟的高端厂商租赁。 目前,中航租赁主营民用飞机、船舶、工业设备、城市基础设施等资产的融资租赁,包括直接融资租赁、回租赁、转租赁、杠杆租赁、联合租赁,。业务领域涉及,飞机、飞机发动机等航空产品的租赁,船舶、铁路机车等运输工具的租赁,大型工业生产设备如钢铁、水泥、焦化、轮胎、石油化工等生产线的租赁,通讯设备、印刷设备、医疗设备、科研设备等的租赁。目前已涉及飞机、船舶、钢铁、光伏、轮胎、纺织、医疗、水泥、电池、化工、新能源等行业。 同时,中航租赁致力于支持地方经济建设,积极开展了全国各大城市的基础设施如道路、管网、电力、热力、医疗等资产的租赁项目。 融资租赁的基本操作流程 1、客户提出融资租赁项目申请, 2、租赁公司接受租赁申请并根据规定进行初审,同意立项后要求承租人及时提供真实可靠的 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 , 3、项目经理对企业与项目及担保人的情况进行尽职调查,确定融资交易 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 , 4、由项目经理将项目提交项目评审会进行评审, 5、如需要复议,由风险管理部再次考察并提请项目评审会复议, 6、通过评审会后,签署《融资租赁合同》及其他相关合同, 7、合同签订后,办理相关保证手续,满足放款条件后中航租赁向承租人支付设备转让价款, 8、项目起租,承租人按约定支付租金,中航租赁开具发票, 9、租金结清,租赁项目终结,承租人取得租赁物所有权。 融资租赁是什么 融资租赁是指出租人对承租人所选定的租赁物件,进行以为其融资为目的购买,然后再以收取租金为条件,将该租赁物件中长期地出租给该承租人使用。租赁期满后,通常可以按照合同约定的条件将租periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 赁物所有权转让给承租人。以购买大宗商品或贵重商品,如买房,为例,从承租人,购房人,的现金流压力上看,融资租赁能起到与现下流行的住房按揭贷款类似的效果,但融资租赁较银行贷款的门槛低,手续更为简便,各方当事人的权利、义务划分也更加明晰。 融资租赁的优点 , 增加了一条新的融资渠道。融资租赁是一种以实物载体为融资 手段,租赁公司运用自有资金和以此为基础而筹集到的资金, 按承租人的要求,为其购买所选定的设备,并长期地出租给该 承租人使用。所以,融资租赁是承租人扩大投资、进行技术改 造的有效筹资渠道。 , 以租赁资产作为实物保障,以未来现金流作为债权回收基础。 出租人在评价承租企业的资信状况时,主要关注的不是企业的 过去和现在,而是未来的现金流,为那些没有可供抵押的资产、 没有完整的信用历史记录的企业,特别是众多的中小企业,提 供了一条现实的融资渠道。 , 银行贷款相比,融资租赁更为便捷,省去了额度限制和繁琐的 审批手续,也没有发行债券和股票那样的“门槛”限制。 融资租赁基本操作模式,一,——直接租赁 直接租赁是融资租赁最基本的业务形式,即由中航租赁筹措资金,按照承租企业的要求向供货商购买标的物并支付货款,将标的物出租给承租企业使用并收取租金。在直接租赁中,只有一个出租人、一个承租企业、一个供应商、一个租赁合同和一个购买合同。在这种交易方式下,中航租赁是以企业自身的信誉筹措资金并承担风险,为承租企业提供自己服务。项目具体操作流程如下, 承租人与供货商互 选,确定担保方式 承租人向出租人提出租赁申 请并提交资料 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 租赁公司 承出租人 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 、评审 按期收取租金 租人违约,担保人履行担保义务 起起 租租 前后 1、 承租人提出拟采用融资租赁方法购买的设备清单及指定相应供货商,向中航国际租赁有限公司提出融资租赁申请书, 2、 中航国际租赁有限公司根据国家与相关规定初审,同意融资租赁申请后要求承租人提供企业基本资料, 3、 中航国际租赁有限公司根据承租人的企业和项目的基本材料进行分析和审查,与相关供货商接触了解设备具体情况, 4、 中航国际租赁有限公司评审通过后与承租人签订《融资租赁合同》,租赁期限一般为三至五年,,与供应商签订《购买合同》。并根据购买合同约定向供应商直接支付货款取得设备所有权,同时在租赁期内,设备所有权归租赁公司。 5、 中航国际租赁有限公司在签订《融资租赁合同》的同时还需承租人提供担保单位的《保证合同》书,担保单位作为承租人的保证人为此融资租赁合同项下的所有应付款项提供不可撤消之连带责任保证。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 6、 供货商收到货款后发运和安装调试设备,并提供售后服 务,中航国际租赁有限公司则按融资租赁合同开始计收租金。 7、 正常情况下承租人按照融资租赁合同付清全部租金后, 可以以名义价格取得设备所有权,中航国际租赁有限公司按照融 资租赁合同的约定给予办理所有权转移等相应手续,整个租赁合 同结束, 8、 如果承租人不能按照租赁合同偿付租金,造成租赁违 约,由中航国际租赁有限公司发出书面催收通知并取得承租人回 执后,即认定按照融资租赁合同约定的违约事实成就,由中航国 际租赁有限公司书面通知担保单位,联合采取措施,最终由担保 单位履行保证义务。 注,按照融资租赁的相关规定和要求还需明确的, 1、租赁物件由承租人自己选定。承租人对租赁物件的名称、型号、性能、数量、质量、技术和服务内容,以及品质技术保证、交货时间等享有全部决定权。承租人对自己的决定和选定负有全部责任,租赁公司对此不承担责任。,《融资租赁合同》中都已作明确规定,。 2、租赁公司根据承租人选定的租赁物件和价格,与供应商签订租赁物件的《购买合同》。租赁公司只承担支付货款的责任。 3、租赁公司完全按照承租人的通知支付预付款和所有货款并根据合同约定决定起租日并收取租金。 4、其中, A、租赁期起租日——是指出租人支付第一笔设备购买款之日即是起租日,表明租赁行为的开始。 B、租赁合同期限——指从租赁开始日至租赁结束日止的不可撤消期限,从租赁开始日起,乙方不得中止、终止对租赁物件的租赁,并不得以任何理由提出变更租赁合同的要求。 C、租赁期限——指从租赁期开始日,起租日,至租赁结束日止的不可撤消期限,即为合同附表所述期限。 D、租金付款日——以承租人划出的租金到达出租人,甲方,的帐户日为准。 融资租赁基本操作模式,二,——售后回租 售后回租是指承租企业将自有物件出售给中航租赁,同时与中航租赁签订《转让合同》和《租赁合同》,将物件租回的交易方式。periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 操作流程同上。售后回租具有较强的融资功能,在不影响承租企业使用标的物的前提下,能够有效改善承租企业的资产负债状况和增强资金流动性,还能享受税收优惠,在中航租赁业务实践中己被广泛运用。 融资租赁基本操作模式,三,——促销租赁 促销租赁是指中航租赁通过与设备生产企业合作,由生产企业推荐客户作为租赁公司的承租企业开展融资租赁服务。操作流程同上。促销租赁的功能在于,中航租赁既为生产企业实现产品销售提供了帮助,又为承租企业提供了资金支持。目前中航租赁与多家设备生产厂商形成长期合作关系,利用融资租赁实现了供应商、客户、租赁公司的多方共赢。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job
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