首页 2010年12月最新大学英语四级考试综合资料附加押题(兰州交大小孟编篡)



2010年12月最新大学英语四级考试综合资料附加押题(兰州交大小孟编篡)2010年12月最新大学英语四级考试综合资料附加押题(兰州交大小孟编篡) 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 年月英兰四兰兰兰大全20106 第一章 力理解听 第一兰 力兰型改革述听概 听来力比例由原的提升到,短兰兰部分由原的来兰至减兰~增加篇兰兰兰~兰量在两20%35%108 至兰每篇~一共兰~短文俗“段子兰”称仍兰篇~兰量在至兰每篇~一共兰~兰合式听347()33410写保持不兰。以上个听力部分中~短兰兰和兰兰兰的分兰一共占~而短文和兰合式听写的分兰一共415% 占。力兰材涉及的范兰更加泛~形式活多兰...

2010年12月最新大学英语四级考试综合资料附加押题(兰州交大小孟编篡) 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 年月英兰四兰兰兰大全20106 第一章 力理解听 第一兰 力兰型改革述听概 听来力比例由原的提升到,短兰兰部分由原的来兰至减兰~增加篇兰兰兰~兰量在两20%35%108 至兰每篇~一共兰~短文俗“段子兰”称仍兰篇~兰量在至兰每篇~一共兰~兰合式听347()33410写保持不兰。以上个听力部分中~短兰兰和兰兰兰的分兰一共占~而短文和兰合式听写的分兰一共415% 占。力兰材涉及的范兰更加泛~形式活多兰~包括兰兰、兰座、播兰兰兰目等等。听广灵广20% 第二兰 力兰型述及兰兰策略听概 一、兰于兰兰兰 一兰短兰兰力兰改革分析听与() 听力短兰兰部分兰然由原先的兰改兰兰~但就其兰目特点解兰思路而言以往的老兰型有太与与没1. 108 大的差。兰些兰目一如往地兰兰了以往的大常兰考点,异既几 兰折引起的作者兰度及兰兰重点的兰化~? 兰兰象原因的兰述兰充~与? 反兰句式、反意疑兰句式的考察,反兰和反意疑兰在四兰考兰中永兰以一兰无疑而兰的形式出兰~兰次依? 然用了兰兰的一形式。因此~只要能好把握其“个很无疑而兰”的特点~就能方便解兰。然也兰兰注意当到~反兰句往往作兰加强兰的建兰句型出兰的兰一考点。气 建兰句型的考察,建兰句型往往是比兰兰兰的考点之一~因兰句型相兰比兰多~而且兰蔽性比兰强。? 兰景、人物兰系的推兰~? 兰音兰兰的考察。? 兰上所述~兰点考兰依然遵循以往的考兰兰律和特点~一相承。但所兰的短兰兰却也将脉越越兰来~兰也体兰了兰在考兰在句型句式、言外之意和容兰兰化内三方面的兰展兰兰。个 听并怕它力兰兰兰不可~兰合了短兰兰兰兰答句式~建兰兰求~和兰兰兰景兰予的考察和兰段子兰文章兰次和2. 理解能力的要求。所以做兰兰的兰目往往需要具兰兰合的素兰~要注意其中的兰兰~又要注意整的把握既体~兰要能兰兰付道兰目的兰量~兰比以往的四兰兰目兰兰合能力的要求兰著提高了。7 二兰短兰兰力技巧听() 兰注意以下点,几 提前兰兰兰兰~判兰兰所~而集中精力于有兰信息。 断属从1. 注意根据信息兰兰判地点和兰兰人的身兰兰等。 断份2. 当学个与听同兰看到四地点和兰兰名兰兰~大兰中就兰兰兰上出兰兰些地点或兰兰相兰的一系列兰兰~在的兰程中注意提到了什兰信息兰兰~兰兰就可兰松地判兰兰兰生的地点~兰兰人的兰兰或身~以及兰兰方的兰系。 断份双 兰此~同兰有必要了解各兰兰兰和地点行兰有兰的信息兰兰~如, 学与 兰店,等~ menu, order, waitress, waiter, take order, go Dutch, It's my treat 旅兰,等~ check in/out, make a reservation, register, reception desk 医院,等~ physician, doctor, nurse, operation-room, emergency room, visiting hours, prescribe 兰行,等~ open an account, withdraw, deposit, saving, cash a check 兰机机兰,等。 /safety-belt, boarding card, captain, airhostess, airline, take off, land, crash 注意加算减运~到的不是答案听 3. 在涉及兰兰、距、金兰等量念的力中~一般都要求同兰兰行加方面的算~少是离数概听学减运很听 到什兰就是什兰。有兰~兰算可能麻兰些~同兰可以先到的兰兰等兰下~等有兰兰在兰算。在兰算兰中会学将听 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰特兰注意以下字的兰音差兰, 数 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13---3014-4015 --- 5016 --- 6017 -7018 -8019 -90 兰兰中有兰兰字兰音差兰的考兰。如, 会数 W: when does the next train leave? M: You have just missed one by 5 minutes. Trains leave every 50 minutes, so you'll have to wait for a while. Q: How long does the woman have to wait for the next train? A. 45 minutes B. 50 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 5 minutes 如果把听成了~就兰兰会。 50minutes 15 minutesC 注意兰兰~人物、地点、兰兰等兰入座 笔将号4. 听另个力兰兰中的外一兰兰象就是~四兰兰中的人物、地点、兰兰或事件等在兰兰中可能都有提及。在兰 兰情下~同兰所需要的不是兰信息兰~而是注意四兰兰兰兰中提及的信息兰兰入座。如, 况学找将个与号 (1) W: Do you enjoy life in Washington? M: Yes, indeed. I'm planning to move to New York or Boston. Anyway, I've never regretted my earlier decision. Q: Where does the man live now? A. In New York B. In boston C. In New port D. In Washington四地点兰兰中提到了三~具是一~同兰在的兰候兰注意分辨。 个个体哪个学听 (2) M: Please buy two packs of cigarettes for me while you are at the store. W: I am not going to any store. I'm going to see Aunt Mary. But I will get them for you at the gas station. Q: Where will the woman stop on her way? A. At a cigarette store. B. At a bus station. C. At a gas station. D. At Aunt Mary's 如果地点不含兰兰性的兰比~一般就可能于兰里所介兰的兰型~那兰同兰所做的就是分兰。 很属学 从从断兰法入手、短兰含兰入手~判兰含之意 5. 四兰力中常考兰的兰法是建兰和兰兰。要求同兰判建兰是什兰~兰兰中含兰是什兰。就建兰而听虚气学断虚 言~同兰只需注意建兰的各兰表方式~就可解答兰兰力兰~至于兰兰~我想同兰兰可以兰住兰兰学达听虚气学 一兰律,所到的相反的就是答案。条与听 概与体体与括具~具抽象相兰~概括的、抽象的是解6. 兰兰兰主要是兰兰的兰兰~也包括一些兰整事件的兰价等。如, 个 (1) W: We all talk about how liberated we are, but in fact woman are still not treated equally. M: I don't think so. You've got the vote, you've got your careers I think you've got everything important. Q: What are they talking about? A. The woman's job as a librarian. B. Woman's rights in society. C. An important election. D. Career planning. 兰兰的兰兰兰是一抽象的括性的兰西~所以答案是个概。 B (2) M: This has been the worst flood for the past 20 years. It has caused much damage and destruction. W: Look at the price of fruits and vegetables. No wonder they are expensive. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Q: What are they talking about? A. The effects of the flood. B.The heroic fight against flood. C. The cause of the flood. D.Floods of the past twenty years. 能兰括兰兰中物价上兰的兰兰是概。 A 肯定不肯定相兰~与含兰不肯定的是解 7. 兰一技巧用于解答兰兰者言外之意的力兰。如, 听 (1) W: I intend to buy some fruits for the children. These apples and pears seem to be in season. I'll get two dozen of each. M: I hope they're as good as they look. Q: What does the man mean? A. The apples and pears might no be so good. B. The apples are not as good as the pears. C. The apples and pears are very good. D. The apples and pears are as good as they look. 的使用兰明答案兰兰是不太可能的兰兰~自然是。 hopeA (2) W: If this weather keeps up, I'm going to have to buy a warmer coat. M: Sounds like a good idea. Spring is still a long way off, you know. Q: What does the man mean? A. The woman should wait to buy new clothes. B. The cold weather will probably continue. C. The weather will warm up soon. D. He already has a warm coat. 兰明了兰的不可能~答案兰兰是气。Sounds like a good ideaB 同意”是解8. “ 一般情下~如果四兰兰中有一表示“同意”的念~那兰~此兰兰就是正兰兰。如, 况个个概确 (1) W: It's a wonderful film, isn't it? M: You can say that again. Q: What does the man mean? A. He agrees with the woman. B. He didn't hear what the woman said. C. He is surprised by her opinion. D. He thinks she should look at it again. 兰同兰注意以下表示同意兰方兰点的常用兰。如果到兰些~就可以兰兰含有“同意”的兰兰, 学听 You said it. You can say that again. You are telling me. You may/might well say so. I'll say. I couldn't agree more. 二、兰于段子兰 改革分析,与从数来来出兰的形式~考察的重点~以及兰目的量看都和原考察的兰目一模一兰。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 一短文力的裁和兰材听体()    兰年四兰力短文兰材裁分布情看~四兰力短文的从听体况听体裁主要是兰文叙和兰明文~而兰材出兰兰率最高的是小故事~乎每年都有一篇。几幽默小故事一般以兰文的方式出兰~兰兰文章有一叙 定的情兰~比兰有趣~兰浅懂并易。兰兰特兰注意人物的兰言~同兰捕捉兰兰可以回答who, what, when, 等兰兰的有兰信息~而住故事兰展的兰~理解全文。从抓脉人物兰兰于兰文~属叙where, how and why 一般是兰人事的兰~大多兰中外兰真真叙叙学史上一些杰出的政治家、科家、文兰家的生平事迹或事兰上的成就~也可以兰兰普通人物的特殊兰兰和兰兰。兰兰特兰注意人物的生卒年月地点、主要兰兰年代~以及兰人物的社会兰价~兰些一般都是明兰的考点。    兰明文也是常兰的裁。体它来会通常是用兰明一些科普知兰、生活常兰或社兰兰。兰明文中科普短文比兰多~不像小故事~缺乏趣味性~一般比兰兰。有兰短文的句子兰兰兰兰兰~有兰兰兰一些兰兰兰兰~兰懂构会 都增添了短文的兰度。    兰土人情兰文章包括兰英美等西方国构学真家的机兰施介兰以及西方文兰兰的兰明~兰中涉及兰的主兰多兰多兰~如英兰兰介兰、兰国况敦出租兰司机情、吉普兰人的兰史、美洲兰作物兰史、著名作家及其作品等。而学教教体学教况国学教校育兰文章也着重于英美育系的介兰~如英兰兰和育情、美校育制度、兰兰兰使用介兰等。 日常生活兰文章包括以兰明文形式描述的日常使用的生活用品~如兰兰、服兰、兰籍等~以及以兰兰文形式表述的日常生活中兰常兰兰的兰兰和活兰~如家庭生活、生子独税女、收等。 二短文力提兰方式及兰兰策略听() 短文力的提兰方式最常兰的有听兰兰型。4 中心思想兰。兰兰兰兰主要是兰兰文章的主兰思想。1. 提兰方式有,What is the main idea of the passage? What can we learn from this passage? What is 等the best title for this passage? What is the passage mainly about? What is the speaker talking about? 等。    做兰一兰兰兰一定要注意集中精力好短文的兰兰~因兰四兰力短文一般兰兰兰听听会山~把中心思想置于文章的兰兰。外~如果文中反兰出兰同一兰兰或同一兰兰兰~同兰也兰另得我兰特兰注意~因兰包含有兰兰兰兰的兰兰能兰好地兰中体确心思想~通常就是正答案。 事兰兰兰兰。所考察的兰兰包括具兰兰、地点、主要人物或事件、各兰字等~兰兰一般兰体数的形2. wh-question式。 兰兰兰要求我兰到文中出兰兰兰、字兰一定要特兰听数笔另敏感~及兰做好兰~外~文中一旦出兰以因果兰兰如等和兰折兰兰如等引兰的句子也要格外留心~兰些地(because, so, due to)(but, however, though) 方往往就是考点。 兰兰判兰。兰兰兰常用以下提兰方式,断3. Which of the following is true/not true, according to the passage? 等等。Which of the following is not mentioned? 听听清没到兰兰兰兰~一定要提兰~兰于有有一兰要弄楚清况。一般情下~一兰重兰。会notnot 推理推兰兰。兰兰兰需要兰文中的信息兰行分析推~断确才能做出正的兰兰。提兰方式有,4. What can be inferred from the passage? What does the speaker think about the problem…? What does the 等等。speaker most concerned about? How does the writer feel about…? 做兰兰兰兰一定要注意短文容一兰的不是推~而且一定要根据短文的兰点而不是根据自与内断己的兰点推。来断 三短文力答兰听步兰() 先兰兰分析兰兰兰~在此基兰上猜兰兰兰的容及兰型~然内真听并后兰着兰兰去兰聆材料~有兰兰性地兰兰兰目中涉及到的信息点~最后根据所兰的提兰~快速兰兰答案~其中考生一定要注意上兰音兰跟决奏~不可出兰兰了某一兰而个来揣况听即听懂停下摩兰久的情。因此的兰候~使遇到生兰不意思~或者是 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 “似曾相兰”但一兰想不起的兰~一定不要来来听听会停下~而是必兰兰兰往后~或兰到后面~一下 恍然大悟~使即个几个听某一或兰不~大多情兰也无大懂数况碍。 下面以兰例具兰明做兰体步兰, 第一步,兰兰分析兰兰~住高兰兰~括文章抓概概梗。;兰兰法, ,1A. The silk T-shirt in white color B. The cotton T-shirt with a slogan on picture C. The nylon T-shirt worn on playground D. The wool T-shirt worn for work 2. A. T-shirts feel soft and wash well B. T-shirts are smart and comfortable C. T-shirts go well with trousers D. T-shirts are suitable for evening 3. A. New technology is being employed B. Advertisements are being widely used C. New designs are being adopted D. More synthetic materials are being introduced 我兰可以在兰音兰听前一大段答兰要求兰快速兰兰一下此兰各兰兰。兰然~很是出兰最多的Section BT-shirt 一兰~兰兰我兰就能大个致兰兰出短文的大意,介兰恤衫。再具地看各兰的兰兰。体T 第一兰的四兰兰兰分兰是“个白色兰兰恤”~“有文字和兰案的棉恤”~“兰兰上运穿的尼兰恤”~TTT “工作兰穿的羊毛面料的恤”。兰的是各兰恤的兰地~材料~兰案及用途。因此~材听料兰需要留意相TT 兰部分。 第二兰四兰兰都兰的是个恤的特点~如“感兰柔兰~洗兰方便”~“美兰舒适”~“便于搭配兰”装~T “适于兰上穿着”。那兰材料中究竟提到兰或者在兰的情下提到兰~需要到兰哪几会怎况哪几呢听并仔兰稍 作兰兰和兰兰。外~可能兰要特兰注意一下提兰~因兰提兰方式也兰是,“另会Which of the following is NOT mentioned?” 第三兰四兰兰分兰是“个广采用了新技兰”~“大量的告宣兰”~“采用新的兰兰”~“引入更多的合 成材料”~兰于兰些兰兰~兰兰合理的提兰方式也兰是,恤的兰展如状况何~兰什兰恤会更受兰迎等。兰兰我兰TT 就基本能兰兰出文章大致兰了部分容了。哪几内 第二步,仔兰兰音~注意兰兰相兰信息。听笔;兰法,模糊法, 下面是原文材料, For many years T-shirts were simple short-sleeved undershirts for men and boys. T-shirts used to be of one color — white. Today the T-shirt has become fashionable. It can be seen everywhere and on anyone. Women and little children wear T-shirts, so do teenagers, university students and men from all walks of life. T-shirts are worn on the playground, at the beach or in town. They can also be worn for work. Yet, T-shirts remain relatively inexpensive and long wearing as well as easy to care for: smart but comfortable and convenient to wear, they have become one of America’s newest ideas on fashion. Although T-shirts are now available in wide variety of bright materials and styles, the most popular kind is the traditional cotton T-shirts with a slogan on picture printed on the front. A T-shirt may bear a simple word, a popular phrase, and pictures of popular singers or an advertisement. As T-shirts are becoming more and more popular, new designs are coming up all the time. 第三步,提兰~定答案。听清确;兰兰法,排除法, 以下是三兰兰,个 1. What’s the most popular kind of T-shirt? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 2. Why do people like to wear T-shirts so much today? 3. What’s being done to make T-shirts more attractive? 在的兰程中听数很确通兰不地核兰信息~再根据后面的提兰~我兰就能快地兰出各兰正答案~文章倒数第句是第与个并很兰兰直接兰兰的信息~且兰有明兰的兰句~只要在的听31most popular kind兰程中了兰一句~就能兰上兰出听懂兰正答案。而且~确数倒第句兰具兰了兰兰体恤的款式~可以B2T帮确助兰信息。smart but comfortable and convenient to wear, they have become one of America’s 是兰第个听清兰兰的直接回答~了兰一句~就能兰出兰正答案。第确兰~newest ideas on fashion2B3文章最后一句直接与确提兰兰兰。正答案兰。C 四短文力兰考兰兰方法听 () 一般兰~短文力兰考兰兰必兰住来听抓兰听和横听两来听从听点兰合兰行。所兰兰~是指一套兰目兰兰到尾~第一兰到最从听横听体听从后一兰。所兰~是指把相同兰材和裁的文章放在一兰兰照比兰着~而迅速抓真住同兰型文章的兰律~正做到以不兰兰万兰。 考生可以在兰年考兰中兰取篇不同兰材和不同裁的文章~依据以下体几个横来步兰~兰兰合10-20 兰行精兰兰。听 ,第一遍磁听真真氛兰兰兰做兰~兰所兰取的每段文章都兰仔兰~注意兰兰~模兰考兰兰。做完以后兰需Step 1 注意兰兰兰兰~分析兰兰兰个数并置特点~兰兰快速兰描兰兰的能力。 ,文字材脱离听料再遍磁兰。此兰兰兰不允兰照着文字材料听~兰兰反兰使用兰音机上的重兰兰~Step 24-5 尽听懂内听最大努力全文容。第遍或第遍的兰候~可以一兰一兰全文兰下~然听将笔来后兰照文56 字材料~看看兰有什兰兰兰~分析不的原因~是兰音、兰兰兰是兰法笔听懂决,然后有的放矢地加以解。 ,在足兰熟悉此段落中的容内听并后~打兰文字材料~一兰兰音一兰看~在段落中相兰考点和兰Step 3 兰答案~仔兰~分析自体会己兰什兰被某些干兰兰兰兰。 ,跟声跟听着磁兰大朗兰~以提高自己的兰速。如果自己的兰速能基本上力材料的兰速~再做Step 4 同兰型兰目~困兰就不大了。 另尽外~大家在兰兰中一定要兰成良好的兰兰~量避免, 兰兰式法。多同力兰程中有兰手的兰兰~就是~在做兰兰听很学听没听听与才努力回兰兰兰有兰的信息。甚1. 至有同学听来桌听并喜兰兰着眼睛或者把兰低下~伏在子上~兰兰兰兰注意力更集中~但兰兰往往容易走神~的听效率非常低。 多而不精。兰于已兰兰的材听很学很听个并料~多同都少再~兰是一兰兰的兰念。片面追求兰兰的量~2. 不能有效提高做力兰兰的听悟性~必兰用心去感受才能收到兰著的效果。 不愿兰着文字材料大声听听没来听朗兰~兰兰力就是力~有必要和朗兰口兰兰系起。其兰力考的是口兰3. 兰言~口兰提高了~力也就自然而然上听确去了。同兰朗兰可以培兰正的兰音兰兰~可以加强我兰兰文章的兰悟力。 兰兰兰兰安排不得当听。力兰兰需要思想高度集中~故兰兰安排以每天精神最佳兰候兰宜。兰兰不宜兰兰每次4. ,兰兰听另听半小兰到一小兰就可。外~由于力是一兰兰兰成自然的技巧兰兰~所以最好每天安排一段兰兰~切忌三天打兰~两晒网天。 兰之~四兰短文力不可~如果我兰能兰听并怕宏兰把握~平兰兰持用心去听~我兰肯定能兰不同从"" 角度、不同兰次提高自己的英兰兰言能力。   三、兰于兰合式听写 一改革分析与() 兰合式就其听写与本身形式考点而言没有作太大改兰~尤其是兰兰部分听写~秉承了以往一兰的考兰特点出兰作兰,与   兰兰兰型,?    兰年兰合式中兰兰部分来听写基本兰兰兰。除年月考兰一个以外到目前兰止都是兰兰兰的考19981despite Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 察。 名兰的兰兰数,? 名兰的兰兰兰兰一数听写直是兰合式考察名兰的一重点个。其兰兰不兰出兰在力上~也考察考生的兰法听 功底~因兰兰兰兰兰往往是兰兰数听写个将工作中至兰重要的一部分~兰法功底薄弱的考生往往在兰兰兰正确屡答案改兰~兰兰的例子兰不兰。 同音、近音兰分辨,? 同音兰一直是部分听写最大的障碍之一。同音兰涉及的范兰~多兰候是考生无法想象很广很得到的。 兰兰考察,? 四兰兰兰兰上兰包括了四兰从广来内属本身以及四兰前所有兰兰~所兰兰兰一般是指在四兰而不于四兰前的兰兰或四兰考生一般不太熟悉的兰兰~兰些兰往往是四兰考兰兰兰部分的重点考察兰象~而力中也兰不兰涉听及一些考察考生兰兰些兰兰的来当从听掌握能力~然~兰里所兰的掌握是力角度而言的~而不是兰兰停留在兰知或理解兰面的~至少是在到听体后第一兰兰能反兰出兰兰的一兰能力的兰。容易拼写兰兰的兰兰,? 拼写听写拼写拼写兰兰在兰合式中自然是不被允兰的~所以一些比兰奇怪~或者容易兰兰的兰兰也常常成兰我兰的考点~兰然不是很突出~但也不容忽兰。 兰性兰兰使用,? 利用考生兰兰兰使用和理解的片面性~考察考生兰兰兰的全面用的把握。兰兰兰往往以考生所不运熟悉的用法出兰~而兰考生的兰能力。从体真 兰合式的听写句子部分仍兰句~兰度仍然有没超兰兰~兰卷中最兰一句兰兰~而最短一句兰3252316兰~可以兰以往考兰相~但句子与仿当与本身兰度有所提升~然~兰文章本身兰度的提升是不可分割的。 兰之~兰合式听写体真个广体内完全是兰考生兰水平的一兰目~需通兰泛涉兰各兰裁容文章以兰明、(兰兰文兰主~兰文兰兰~兰合叙新兰兰材兰兰日兰月累的兰兰听写后方可收放自如~、、)VOABBCVOA Special甚至。历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历年考中的短文和合式听写内容都不失相当秀的素材 二兰合式”兰兰方法听写() “ 通兰卷面文字捕捉信息~出兰找索、了解大意1. “兰合式”材听写料多兰兰明文;,~兰一裁的文章具有主兰体条突出~理分明~兰次Exposition 清楚、兰言兰兰、兰兰性强的特点。文章的兰兰或段首多半有主兰句;,~之后的段、句兰一步topic sentence具兰展、兰明或兰兰主兰句。根据“兰合式”兰兰~第二部分二、三自然段体听写听写首和段尾均有完整的主兰句。考生兰利用一切机~如考前会空隙或播放考兰指令兰兰~兰兰兰卷兰兰下文字部分~尤其是主兰句~根据主兰句兰兰文章兰展兰索和大意。 以四兰改革兰兰兰例~根据第二段未兰句“Often people like to take with them a gift for the host's 及wife of a party they have been invited to.”"Again, you may choose something for the host's wife 考生不兰推兰所兰要点兰是做客兰~客人兰兰些什兰礼决品及所兰兰象~而alone or for the entire family." 不涉及做会装离内客兰兰穿什兰兰的服或到、主人家兰兰等方面的容~兰兰便增强了考生兰文章的兰知度,熟悉感。兰小了容范兰~考生音兰更具兰兰性和内听确准性~心理放松~更兰自信~使自己在考兰中兰于主兰地位。 即听写它体听使“兰合式”材料兰其裁的文章~音前兰兰下兰兰也大大有裨益。因兰文章具有一致性和兰兰性的特点~兰兰中我兰兰从会参搜索到一些有考价兰的材料。 、兰合~听写双管兰下2 根据“兰合式”听写听懂内听新兰型通知兰明~第一遍是全文朗兰~要求考生注意全文容。由于音 前考生已兰兰了卷面文字~兰力材听听当填写料有了大致的了解~因此兰第一遍兰~考生可以适地些兰兰和做些兰~兰主~兰兰兰。要做好“兰合式”~考生需多多兰~兰笔听听写践听听取兰强的兰兰兰能力。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 音兰穿着期待、兰知、分析、兰合、推理和判等一系列兰程~考生兰同兰断几个听快速兰下兰兰兰~兰注地去~兰取信息理解全文。 听写听听两听写中兰兰兰具有必要性~和兰兰不同的兰言技能在“兰合式”中有着兰密的兰系~相互促兰。第一遍兰下兰兰兰有助于第二遍听写启兰兰兰兰~提示要点~同兰也兰了第二减笔笔遍兰的任兰~使兰兰更加充兰、完整~依次出的容要点与内会确另听才更加全面、准。一方面~兰兰兰也具有可行性。只要多加兰兰~其兰也不兰做到。 提高兰兰的笔效率3. 一般考生听两听懂凭写完遍基本可句意~但只兰兰要点~往往容笔易有疏漏和兰兰。足兰信息量的兰兰 是好要点的重要件~如写条内内何在有限的兰兰兰下更多的容, 首先~使用兰略兰。如~用代~代代等。有兰略兰没 esp. especiallysthsomething, apprecappreciation的兰兰~如字母兰少的兰兰~可完整出兰兰~如写~ ~字母兰多的兰兰;只兰兰前字写几个母,。兰gifttake 略兰不一定要求兰范~甚至可用些符号内~所兰容不一定要求完整~只要能起到提示的作用~自己能看就行。懂 其次~由于“兰合式”第二部分听写没即朗兰兰有停兰~使用兰略兰也兰兰下全文~因此考生兰有兰兰地 兰兰。英兰中兰兰具有表意笔功能~所兰兰兰以兰兰兰主。 另听写写内外~因兰“兰合式”第二部分只要求出容要点~兰兰考生兰重点兰下句中的中心兰。同兰 (以兰兰兰例,短兰~和中的定、兰便可略状去不兰。a thank-you giftgreatly appreciatedquite acceptable 通兰兰兰方法~考生兰兰了所兰的兰兰~兰几内笔写内得了兰兰~精兰了容~增大了兰的信息量~兰好容要点兰造了件。条 兰面表容要点达内4. 兰合式”全文听写两听内写朗兰遍后停兰五分兰~兰考生根据所和所兰容出第二部分主要意思。答兰 “ 兰~考生兰兰兰以上容及第一部分和第二部分的主兰句兰行兰折、判、括。文章要点兰然不可内断概缺漏~但也无需有兰必兰~多多益善~考生兰分主次~有所清从个取兰。兰意兰上兰~“兰合式”兰要求考听写 生具有一定的兰兰分、兰兰能力。文字表兰兰兰、达确通兰、准。 兰兰、核兰容要点内5. 兰合式”第三听写抓弥两听遍朗兰供考生兰行核兰~核兰是最后必不可少的兰兰~考生兰住兰机兰前遍 “ 音兰所忽略或兰漏的容~兰一内步修改和完善答案。 听写填凭确断第一部分要求考生入所缺兰兰~有兰考生只兰音仍兰以准地判出兰兰何兰~此兰考生可 运听从构用自己的兰言知兰~修正力兰兰上的不足。主要兰法兰、兰兰搭配、意兰兰兰、上下文等多角度去推兰、分析和判~正出兰兰。而在断并确拼写听写内达核兰第二部分容要点表兰、兰兰注意力求要点完整、准确尽减拼写~量少兰言中兰法、等兰兰。 兰之~是一兰有听写它学拼写听笔效的兰合性兰兰~不兰考兰生兰兰量、、句法、力、理解、兰兰和一定的兰面表等方面的要素和技能~兰考兰生的达学心理素兰。所以考生在加强自己英兰水平的同兰~兰兰兰本着着沉状兰兰的兰去兰兰。 第三兰 强化兰兰 Model Test One Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.  11.[A] The man is out of shape.   [B] The man doesn’t need a new racket.   [C] The man also needs new tennis shoes.   [D] The man spent too much on his tennis shoes.    12.[A] She prefers chemistry.   [B] She hasn’t got a partner yet. [C] She is too tired of chemistry.   [D] She is too busy to work on her chemistry. 13.[A] Customer and waitress.   [B] Teacher and student. [C] Boss and secretary.   [D] Lawyer and client.   14.[A] He was satisfied with the service on the ship.   [B] It was the first time he had been abroad.   [C] He had never been on a warship.   [D] He has been on the warship before. 15.[A] He is confident.  [B] He is worried. [C] He is bored.   [D] He is angry.   16. [A] The woman offered to help the man find his box.   [B] The man doesn’t know where to go.   [C] The woman will buy the man’s lunch for him.  [D] The woman will give the man a treatment. 17. [A] It’s enjoyable.   [B] It’s terrific. [C] It’s too modern.   [D] It’s old-fashioned. 18.[A] Near the stairs.   [B] On the platform. [C] At the ticket office.   [D] At the information desk.   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19.[A] In a college bookstore.   [B] In a lecture hall. [C] In a library.   [D] In a dormitory. 20.[A] English. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   [B] Biology. [C] Introduction to English Literature.   [D] A required course.   21. [A] He lives on the 10th floor of Butler Hall.   [B] He never wants to listen to students.  [C] He used to teach biology.   [D] He is an excellent professor.   Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22.[A] When to move.   [B] Where to live the following year. [C] How much time to spend at home.   [D] Whose house to visit.   23. [A] Take some money to the housing office.   [B] Inform the director of student housing in a letter.   [C] Fill out a form in the library.   [D] Maintain a high grade average. 24. [A] Both live on campus.   [B] Both live off campus.   [C] The man lives on campus; the woman lives off campus.   [D] The woman lives on campus; the man lives off campus. 25. [A] Grades. [B] Privacy. [C] Sports. [D] Money. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some question. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C),and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26.[A] The importance of advertisement. [B] The society’s great need of advertisement.[C] The origin of advertisement. [D] The prosperity of advertisement. 27. [A] The local governments. [B] Their owners families. [C] Advertisements. [D] The audience. 28. [A] Advertising is personal. [B] Advertisements are convincing. [C] Advertisements are unreliable. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [D] Advertisements are misleading. Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. [A] The games shouldn’t be held in Salt Lake City.[B] The games have met their environmental goals. [C] The games did little to protect the environment. [D] The games have caused lasting damages to the area.30. [A] Sports competition. [B] Cultural exchange. [C] Economic development. [D] Environmental protection. 31. [A] Building ski jumps farther away from the city.[B] Developing better public transportation in the city.[C] Planting more trees around the fields. [D] Promoting the use of cleaner energy. Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. [A] Diet.   [B] Weight control. [C] Aerobic exercise.   [D] Eating habits and exercise. 33. [A] Nuts.   [B] Sugar. [C] Vegetable oil.   [D] Dairy products.   34. [A] Forty or fifty minutes of exercise once a week.   [B] Twenty or thirty minutes of exercise every day.   [C] Fifteen or twenty minutes of exercise five days a week.   [D] Thirty or forty minutes of exercise three or four days a week. 35. [A] Carbohydrates.   [B] Indirect fat. [C] Body fluid.  [D] Fat.   Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Today, students who want to learn English in the US have a wide choice of courses and institutions to Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 (36)______from. And, because the US is such a big country, they also have a huge (37) ______of locations in which to study. The US has a long (38) ______of teaching English because, (39) ______its history, the country has welcomed (40) ______from all over the world, most of whom have needed to learn English. Today, the US’s English language teaching sector is well developed and its teachers are highly qualified and (41) ______American universities and colleges welcome many thousands of (42) ______students each year, who (43) ______on degree or post graduate courses. (44) ______________________. These courses are called Intensive English Language Programss and (45) ______________________. In addition to language tuition, Intensive English Language Programss give students (46) _______________________. Model Test Two Section A 11. [A] He’ll be able to clean the house in time.   [B] He doesn’t have time to take the woman home.   [C] It should be easy for the guests to find the house.   [D] He needs time to relax before the guests arrive. 12. [A] If the game is held there the team will lose.   [B] If the game is held there the team will win.   [C] It makes no difference since the team will lose.   [D] It makes no difference since the team will win. 13. [A] Her son’s health.   [B] Her son’s studies.   [C] Her son’s poor grades.   [D] Her son’s competence for the job. 14. [A] The shops are not crowded in December.   [B] Many people go shopping despite the cold weather in December.   [C] People don’t like to do shopping in busy shops in winter.   [D] In December people stay at home because of the cold weather. 15. [A] The exam questions were too difficult.   [B] The questions had little connection with the course.   [C] He couldn’t finish the questions within the time allowed.   [D] He found the questions confusing. 16. [A] The movie was inexpensive.   [B] The movie was not worth watching.   [C] He didn’t have time to go to the movie.   [D] The movie lasted too long. 17. [A] He is learning about advertising.    [B] He is the new advertising manager.   [C] He is interviewing the woman.   [D] He is waiting for an interview. 18. [A] The man wants to go to San Francisco.   [B] There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.   [C] There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours.   [D] If the man board the plane to Los Angeles now, he will have to transfer at San Francisco. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. [A] A novel about a president.   [B] A political science book.   [C] A listing of election results.   [D] A text for one of his courses. 20. [A] To the manager’s office.   [B] To the paperback section.   [C] To the textbook area.   ,[D] To the publishers indexes. 21. [A] Only those used in the university.   [B] Only those printed at the university.   [C] Only those currently available from publishers.  [D] Only those in the field of political science.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. [A] The woman is helping the man study for his class.  [B] They are visiting a factory Kahn designed.  [C] The woman is deciding whether to take history of architecture.  [D] The woman is researching Kahn’s work. 23. [A] Inventing the assembly line.   [B] Building modern factories.   [C] Designing early automobiles.   [D] Reviving classical architecture. 24. [A] Steel manufacturing.   [B] Coal mining.   [C] Textiles.   [D] Transportation. 25. [A] They were a fire hazard.   [B] They were too spread out.   [C] They were designed for efficiency rather than for beauty. [D] They were difficult to heat. Section B Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. [A] The degree of violence in programs is too high. [B] There shouldn’t be any commercials on television. [C] Watching too much television is undesirable for children. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [D] Television programs in the United States are of low quality.27. [A] A recreational programs. [B] An educational programs. [C] A programs for cartoons. [D] A programs for commercials.28. [A] They will become inactive and dull. [B] They will not go to cinemas as often. [C] They will forget to do their homework. [D] They will imitate what they see in the programss.Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29. [A] Different kinds of crimes. [B] Increasingly high crime rate in the U.S. [C] Seasonal changes in the natural environment. [D] The relations between changes in the season and crime patterns.30. [A] February. [B] May. [C] July. [D] August.31. [A] Few people get married in June. [B] Most people read serious books in summer. [C] More people have mental problems in June than in other months. [D] One is most likely to make the best performance on examinations in summer.Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. [A] It is harmful to the body only. [B] It is good to personal relationship. [C] It is harmful to the body and mind. [D] It is a good change after idling for a long time. 33. [A] Personal relationships should come after one’s job. [B] People should care more about their personal relationships and relaxation. [C] When a job is very important, relaxation should be forgotten. [D] Personal relationships can help people do their jobs well.34. [A] He should relax and have a chat with friends while working. [B] He should not relax until he finishes his work. [C] He should play hard to fully relax himself. [D] He should shift some of his work to his colleagues.35. [A] Work and play are different activities. [B] Work and play should be combined together. [C] People should play more and work less. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [D] People should work more and play less. Section C When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or does not live up to the manufacturer’s (36) ______for it, the first step is to present the guarantee at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will (37) ______results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” the consumer takes his or her (38) ______, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer’s favor, (39) ______ he or she has a just claim. Consumers should complain in (40) ______ whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is (41) ______ to phone or write the complaint in a letter. Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but (42) ______, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in (43)_________. If this cannot be done, (44) ______________________________________..The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, (45) ______________________. But if a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go a step further. (46)______________________________________. Model Test Three Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 11. [A] She loves walking to work. [B] She has to save money for her journey. [C] She doesn't like the company she worked with. [D] It took her too much time to go to work.  12. [A] Edward will certainly be here on time.  [B] Nobody will be here on time.  [C] He is not sure whether Edward will be here on time. [D] Maybe Edward will be here on time. 13. [A] She was using the wrong paint. [B] She has run out of paintbrushes. [C] She doesn't feel like going to class. [D] She has dropped out of art and is now in dmp3a. 14. [A] The woman should lose 10 pounds. [B] The woman should gain 5 pounds. [C] The woman should not worry. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [D] The woman should buy some new clothes. 15. [A] Forty yuan. [B] Thirty yuan. [C] Thirty-five yuan.  [D] Forty-five yuan. 16. [A] He'll definitely go. [B] He'll probably not to go since he is busy.[C] He'll not regret missing a chance like that.[D] He'll probably not to go since he is not interested.17. [A] At the man's house. [B] In a restaurant. [C] In a grocer's. [D] In a hotel. 18. [A] The man could not wait to see Susan.[B] Susan is eager to pass the infomp3ation she knows.[C] Susan talks to people only on the phone.[D] The man always knows the latest news in town.   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. [A] That the library opens at 8:00. [B] That no one else has read the articles. [C] That none of the material he needs is available.[D] That reserve materials can be taken out of the library.20. [A] He is not cooperative. [B] He will be in his office all afternoon. [C] He has not read any of the articles himself.[D] He already brought in extra copies of the articles.21. [A] Return early the next day. [B] Photocopy the articles he needs. [C] Ask professor Grand for a copy of the articles.[D] Wait until the girl has finished with her articles.   Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. [A] The election for senator. [B] The election for treasurer. [C] The election for secretary. [D] The election for president. 23. [A] They are competing against each other in an election.[B] The man is writing the woman's speech. [C] The man is interviewing the woman. [D] The woman is planning the man's campaign.24. [A] Make posters. [B] Write a speech. [C] Answer questions. [D] Study chemistry. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 25. [A] Compare their lectures. [B] Review the man's talk. [C] Prepare questions to ask candidates. [D] Vote in the school election. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some question. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C),and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. [A] Social challenge. [B] Physical challenge. [C] Economic challenge. [D] Intellectual challenge. 27. [A] Painting a picture. [B] Building pyramids. [C] Exploring the space. [D] Making plans for transportation. 28. [A] They ignore them. [B] They are afraid of them. [C] They accept and enjoy them. [D] They are indifferent to them. Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. [A] It eliminated many factory jobs. [B] It allowed workers to live far from their jobs.[C] It gave workers opportunity for better training.[D] It allowed workers to spend more time at home.30. [A] Increased transportation costs. [B] The lack of a qualified sales force. [C] A decline in the number of customers. [D] Difficulty in transporting merchandise. 31. [A] Because property is more valuable in the city.[B] Because prices are higher in downtown stores.[C] Because job opportunities are better in the city.[D] Because highway commuting has become unpleasant.Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. [A] The good points of the federal system.[B] How power is divided under the federal system. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [C] The difference between the central government and the states. [D] The different functions of the central government and the states. 33. [A] Printing money. [B] Limiting state taxes. [C] Making treaties with foreign countries. [D] Passing laws affecting trade between the states. 34. [A] All the states have respective powers. [B] The central government and the states share the same powers. [C] The powers of the country are fairly divided up between states. [D] It is the Constitution that specifies the power for the central government and the states.35. [A] The central government cannot be too powerful. [B] Bigger states have more power than smaller ones. [C] The central government can put a limit on state taxes. [D] The states and the central government have the same powers.   Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. In many countries, authority is seldom questioned, either because it is highly respected, or because it is (36) _______. Sometimes, too, because (37) _______ has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority.   In other countries, (38) _______America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will be often told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they may be (39) _______ exciting new ideas in all fields of science and the arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national (40) _______ offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic (41) _______.   This interest in questioning and searching may be (42) _______ by some people as bad for young people’s (43) _______, that young people lack respect for authority. (44) ___________________. However, this is because many Americans have different attitudes toward authority that may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. (45)_________________________. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situation, and therefore a solution, (46) ______________________________. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 第二章 兰兰理解 第一兰 兰兰理解十大解兰技巧 根据四兰英兰大兰的兰兰技能要求和文章的特点以及兰目兰置的方式~可以兰兰理解的兰型分兰以下将十兰 兰型~兰兰不同兰目兰型兰兰出十大解兰技巧,   一兰兰事兰兰()   兰是四兰英兰兰兰中量最多、也最重要的一兰兰型~可以下列方面把握,数从几个   兰型特点1. 根据文章中具兰兰信息做出提兰。兰兰事兰兰的考兰容和形式可以兰兰兰二兰兰型,体内型,兰干(1)According 一般兰兰和而展兰。即~~~~~~兰含的事兰和兰兰型,需要在5W1Hwhowhatwherewhenwhyhow(2) 兰全文的懂概基兰上~兰合括作者展示的各兰兰兰。   兰志2.   兰干中明提到人名、地名、字兰兰等兰兰性信息~确数(1)   往往兰兰文章中可以定位的一句兰或句兰兰兰兰兰~几(2)   兰干和兰兰之兰有兰是因果兰系。(3)   兰兰兰3.   包括字、兰兰、兰有名兰如人名、地名、数——学号科名兰或兰引的兰。  命兰模式4.   ~。According to the passage / the authorwho(what, where, which, when, why, how etc)  做兰兰兰,准确定位、返回原文。5.   根据兰干中的明兰兰兰确返回原文~(1)   根据兰干中的重点兰或其同兰兰如名兰、兰兰、形容兰等返回原文~(2)()   根据原文中的特殊兰言兰象~要善于利用因果、兰比、兰兰、空兰的兰系将个零碎的兰兰兰成一兰兰分明的(3) 有机。如兰折兰体、、等定位。buthoweveryet   做兰步兰6.   根据段落中主兰句的名兰粗略定段确内落容方向~(1)   利用兰干提兰的容~大内致定位兰兰的段落~(2)   利用兰干中的重要信息兰准确确断并确确定相兰信息句~兰行判定兰兰兰的正答案。(3)   注意事兰7.   干兰兰兰的特征,   正反混淆兰兰的容和作者在原文中提到的信息相反。内(1) 兰兰念兰兰提到了原文的容~但是却原文兰兰部分中的一兰兰兰或短兰兰成了意思不同的其概内将另个(2) 他兰兰。   无中生有就是兰兰兰中出兰了原文有提到或推兰不出的形容兰或名兰。没(3) 因果倒置兰兰中涉及的部分之兰的因果兰系原文所兰的因果兰系正好相反~原文的因兰成了两与将(4) 果或者原文的果兰成了因。将   兰大范兰原文的特将指只适用于部分的情况兰兰泛指适用于全部的情况。例如~(5) ()() 在兰兰中出兰表示泛指的兰名兰作主兰兰~要注意兰名兰在原文的范兰。如果兰兰中所兰的情只数况适用于主 兰所指的一部分~那兰兰一兰兰就是干兰兰兰。注意~上述干兰兰兰的特征也适用于判其断他兰型的干兰兰兰。   二中心主旨兰() 兰兰兰型考兰了考生兰合、括、兰兰和分析兰兰的能力~要求考生概通兰兰文章的兰兰~迅速把握文章或段落 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 的中心主旨。兰兰兰型在兰年兰型中出兰的兰率高~每年必出。中极两心主旨兰可以分兰文章主旨和段落主旨兰。  兰型特点1.   命兰方式中含有“~~等兰。main ideasubjectpurpose”   兰志2. 兰干中出兰下列兰之一,~~~~best titlemain ideamain problemmainly aboutmainly ~或兰本文的作目的的兰写~。discussmainly deal with(purposethe author intends to…)  兰兰句3.   文章首段的句子以及各段的首末句。   命兰模式4.   。(1) The passage is mainly about   (2) Which of the following best reflects the main idea of the passage ?   。(3) The best title for this passage might be  (4) What is the main idea of the passage ?  做兰兰兰5. 兰兰兰目兰主要看篇章中的主兰句或者是篇章的兰入手~从构利用推理能力~兰文章信息兰行系兰分析~兰兰兰兰~而从得出主兰。   做兰步兰6.   运构断用宏兰兰兰技巧做兰~就是根据文章兰判主兰。(1) 运内用首段和首末句信息做兰。就是兰兰合各段的首末句的容~可以得出主兰。注意,只看首段(2) 有兰容易以偏概体全~因兰首段有兰只是在引出文章主之前起抛兰引玉的作用。 运写用作方法做兰。 年以后的文章~以兰刊文章兰主~文章首段常以兰比、故事、今昔兰比(3) 2003 等方式引出主兰。兰文章使用的作方法兰~正答案一般是兰比等~兰使用兰比、故事、写确写今昔兰比等作方法的目的兰~正答案是引出主兰。确 运构断两个它构两个写用快速思成文法兰行判。在兰兰兰以分辨兰可以分兰以兰兰兰~在兰海中快速思(4) 作提兰~若所思提兰原文容大构与内确致吻合者兰正答案~否兰兰干兰兰兰。   三兰兰兰()   兰型特点1.   兰兰兰的考兰有兰,一是两断另个超兰兰含兰的推~一是熟兰僻兰或是在特定兰合的意思。  兰志2.   兰干中具兰出原文中体某兰的兰兰或短兰~要求推兰其意思。   兰兰兰3. 能帮号助兰者猜兰兰兰的上下文兰索通常有定兰、重述、解兰、兰例、同兰兰或近兰兰、反兰兰或兰点符等等。如通常使用信兰~如 号~~~~ ~等引兰定兰。来isareis(are) calledmeanrefer toknown as   命兰模式4.   。(1) The word “…”(in line…)most probably means   。(2) From the passage, we can infer that the word “…”is   。(3) From the first paragraph, we learn that  做兰兰兰5. 注意兰兰所在的上下文~尤其是上下句。假如所考兰兰是常兰兰兰~那兰其字面意思一定不是正答案确~要根据上下文得出其在特定兰合更深刻的意思~兰含兰也兰和其字面意思有没任何的兰系。 猜兰兰兰的方法,构断兰法,根据兰根~兰兰判兰兰~兰性加搭配,先判生兰在文章中的兰性~断再看(1)(2) 它与哪些兰兰可以搭配~最后根据自己的常兰推兰~找找同兰兰、同兰解兰、反兰兰、反兰解兰,在上下文中出(3) 生兰的其他表示方法~由此推其含兰~断找构同位兰,上下文中有可能有兰似生兰出兰的句子的平行兰~(4) Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700找出其中和生兰兰于同一位置的兰去推兰。   做兰步兰6.   返回原文~出兰兰兰出兰的地方~找(1)   注意兰合上下文理解兰兰兰的含兰~(2)   如果兰兰兰是兰兰兰兰~兰其字面意思必然不是正答案~确(3) 兰兰兰的正答案兰常兰确靠藏在原文兰兰兰出兰的附近。特兰注意不能兰兰兰兰直接往下兰分推理~(4) 兰兰要注意特找从构找号殊兰点、定兰句、兰的前后兰等~特兰要注意兰兰的同性原兰。例如~冒前的兰兰(5) 的意思可以由冒号号号后的部分兰兰~破折之后兰兰的意思可以由破折之前的部分推兰~  代入法。定的答案将确确代入原文~看上下文兰兰是否通兰~如果通兰就是正答案。(6)   注意事兰7.   干兰兰特点,与所考兰兰形似。如果考的是熟兰~含有常兰兰兰的往往是兰兰兰兰。(1)(2)   四句子理解兰()   兰志1.   兰干中兰出原文中具的一句兰~要求理解其意思。体   命兰模式2.   ~。(1) By“…”the writer means   ,(2) According to passage, what is “…”  (3) By saying “…”the author implied that…  。(4) The phrase(sentence)“…”(in line…)most probably means   做兰兰兰3.   做兰兰兰兰要立足于本句~借上下句帮助理解。   做兰步兰4. 返回原文到所考的句子~出句子的主找找达干或看出作者所表的兰度~也可以利用微兰兰兰技巧~ 如兰点符号确或兰兰兰兰句子兰行精理解。   注意事兰5. 正答案原句之兰是一同兰兰系~其中一般不确与个存在推理兰程。干兰兰特点,根据命兰原兰~正兰确(1)兰不使用原文兰多相同的字会与眼~因此~兰句子的解兰中含有兰多原句中已有的兰和短兰的兰兰一般是兰兰兰 兰。四兰兰中原句意思最个与确与没接近的兰正答案~兰兰原文之兰有任何推理兰程。(2)   五作者兰度兰点兰()()   兰型特点1. 兰度兰是四兰英兰兰兰中的一兰重要兰型~主要考兰兰文章中作者兰度的辨兰。作者兰度大致分兰兰,两支持(1)或兰同~中立或客兰~兰疑、批兰或反兰。(2)(3)   兰志2. 兰干中有或~~~等兰兰~兰兰中是一些表示兰度的名兰或形attitudethink, believedeemconsiderregard容兰。   兰兰兰3.   可以反映作者兰点的兰兰、形容兰等。   命兰模式4.   作者兰度兰,   。(1) The author is most critical of   (2) Which of the following can best describe the attitude of the author towards…?   作者兰点兰, Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   (1) What is the author’s idea about?  。(2) The author believes that   做兰兰兰、技巧5.   不要把自己的兰度入其中~兰要注意分考兰是作者的兰度兰是作者引用兰人的兰度。揉区(1) 当没确学会运断作者的兰度有明提出兰~要根据作者在文章中所用的具有褒兰含兰的兰言去判作(2) 者的兰度~如~等。wonderfully, successfully, unfortunately, doubtfully 某一事物是好是~作者兰是坏它很确支持是反兰~兰度一般都明~而兰中立色彩的兰最不可能是(3) 正答案。兰作者兰确确某事物的兰度兰~表示“客兰”的兰多兰正兰兰~如等~兰objective, impartial, unbiased 作者兰文中提到的人物或他兰的兰点兰度兰~答案多是肯定或否定~支持或反兰。如~critical, approval, 等。opposed, supporting 既写然作者了文章~他的兰度就不可能是漠不兰心的~因此兰到可以首(4) indifferent, uninterested 先排除。   注意事兰6.   解答兰度兰点兰兰注意以下点,几   区与兰作者的兰度其他人的兰度。(1) 下列兰兰一般兰干兰兰兰,冷漠的~主兰的~有偏兰的~令人(2) indifferent()subjective()biased()puzzling(感到迷惑的。)   六文章兰度兰点兰()()   兰型特点1. 兰文中某人兰某事物的兰度。作兰作者兰度兰的一兰新形式~命兰也兰始注重考兰文章中某人兰某事的兰点和兰度。   兰志和兰兰兰2. 兰干中常有~~等。兰兰可能不再是兰度明的肯定或确否定的兰~而改兰兰有程度限attitudeopiniontone 制的兰兰。比如慎重的~有件的~有条限制的~有保留的~温和guarded()qualified()reserved()tempered(的~兰和的。)   命兰模式3.   (1)What is the tone(mood)of “…” ?   (2)What is “…” opinion about?   做兰兰兰4. 要注意分作者的兰度其区与确他人的兰度。因兰持有保留兰度的兰点比兰客兰~往往是正答案。文章兰述的容内并区非都是作者的兰点~要注意分~兰是命兰最具有迷惑性的地方。因此~作者引用兰人的兰点兰~是作兰支持或兰的兰象~兰人的兰点抨来通常是兰了兰明作者的兰据兰出的。   注意事兰5. 兰兰兰兰作者兰度兰不同~作者兰点一般文章主与与旨相兰兰~而文章某人的兰点兰不一定兰密相兰。一般兰有兰兰化或兰于强烈的兰修兰的兰兰必兰。比如,~~等。stronglycompletelyentirely  七推理兰()   兰型特点1. 兰兰型最大的特点,两个文章中往往有答兰的依据~没一旦文中有依据~往往表面(1)(2)A,B,C,D上都兰~兰判兰是兰很断非。 正兰特点,确不是文中明兰明的容~因兰使确内即没内符合原文~有引申或兰兰兰兰的容就不是正(1) 确兰兰~如果四兰兰全能常兰判~其中含兰个凭断确确深刻的是正兰兰~有兰唯一不是常兰兰的是正兰兰。(2) 干兰兰的特点,只是原文的兰兰兰述~而非推出的兰兰~把断来达当直接表成兰接推理~看似从(1)(2) Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 原文推出的兰兰~然而兰兰上原文不断来与符~例如把原文的原因兰成了兰兰中的兰果~把原文的手段兰成了兰兰中的目的~根据常兰判是正的~然而不是在文章事兰或上下文兰兰断确基兰上推理而得出的兰点~(3) 因此~考生要注意不能根据自己的主兰想法或生活兰兰去推理~因兰命兰者考兰的是考生理解作者意兰的能力~兰然以文章提供的事兰或在兰兰兰推理依据~但推理兰兰~括兰度~内概有部分兰兰的容兰兰内属造~(4)(5)无中生有。   住三兰一兰的兰系~有三兰兰原文相抓即个与个矛盾~只有一兰符合原文的意思。   兰志2.   兰干中出兰下列兰兰之一,~~~~等。inferconcludeimplysuggestlearn   命兰模式3. 推理引申兰兰干中常有~~~~~等兰出兰~常兰的命兰模式inferimplysuggestdeduceindicateconclude有,   (1) It can be inferred from the first paragraph that…   (2) Which of the following can(not)be inferred from the passage?   。(3) The author indicates in the passage that   。(4) It can be concluded from the passage that   。(5) We can infer(assume ,deduce) that  。(6) By…the author implied (suggests, indicates) that   做兰兰兰4.   返回原文~兰兰兰原文一一兰行比兰。将与   做兰步兰5.   推理兰的答案一般是兰兰兰的,写   将个原文的某句兰兰兰法~如兰成同兰兰。(1)   将几原文句兰或一段兰兰兰一下~就是兰以段落主兰或句群的兰点兰答案。(2) 由成兰比的一方推一方。如果原文中提到事物~二者形成兰比~而且构断另两个个已知其中一(3) 事物的特点~那兰可以推一事物的特点。所以~推理兰的答案兰要特兰注意原文表示兰比、比兰或有断另找 兰折的地方~兰些往往是出推理兰的地方。 根据作者的兰度兰行推理。推理兰如果涉及兰度~一般兰作者的兰度一与确致。正答案兰兰支持作者(4) 的兰点或兰斥与作者相反的兰点。   注意事兰6. 考生在兰兰全文兰~一要留意那些似乎兰中有兰的兰接表句。兰往往达它来采用兰半句、打比兰、反兰兰(1) 的方式~留有兰考生自己作兰兰或推理的余地。二是留意含兰深刻或兰兰兰的兰兰句型。考生兰作者表的意构达 思不能一下子看透~兰往往是它命兰点所在。 根据兰干的兰兰兰迅速搜索定位以便定推理依据的范兰~确利用兰法、兰兰、兰境兰索~了解兰句的含兰~(2) 弄清数确上下文的兰兰兰系~然后按兰意兰行推理。兰目可能要求考生兰某句兰或句兰兰行正理解或兰兰~也可能从某句兰或某段兰中深刻理解~分析一些兰兰事兰。   新兰兰7.   推理兰按照兰易可以分兰,兰兰推理兰和兰兰推理兰。而后一兰推理兰是近几年命兰的兰兰。  八例兰兰()   兰型特点1. 兰兰型要求考生区分兰点和兰据~理解文章的兰兰兰以及兰句之兰、段体构落之兰的兰系,主要是考察(1)(2) 考生通兰段落、句子推兰文章的主来旨、支持的兰点等。   兰志2. 兰干中出兰下列兰兰之一, Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ~~~~~~。caseexampleillustrationdemonstrationexemplifyillustratedemonstrate  命兰模式3.   。(1) The case of…demonstrated that  。(2) The author wants to prove the example of…that   。(3) The example of…is used to show   做兰兰兰4. 重要出例子所找它支持的兰点~而不是看是否完全理解例子本身的含兰。一般例子支持之前的兰点~段落性的例子涉及整段个落的例子兰明段落主兰一般位于段首或段落首尾两兰~全文性的例子涉及()()(两个两个或以上段落兰明全文主兰。)   做兰步兰5.   返回原文定位兰例子~(1)   一般向例子前有兰向例子后兰兰例子所找支持的兰点~(2) ()   与找确所到的兰点意思最接近的兰兰兰正答案。(3)   注意事兰6.   干兰兰兰的特征,就事兰事。   九指代兰()   兰型特点1.   指代兰主要考察考生整理解文章的能力~推出兰兰体并断指代兰所代表的含兰。  兰志2.   在兰干中明确指出原文中某兰的指代兰要求辨兰其指代兰系~常考的指代兰有~~。itthatone  做兰兰兰3.   返回原文定位兰指代兰。   做兰步兰4.   返回原文出兰找并确代兰所在的句子~且仔兰分析~正理解兰可兰~(1)   向上搜索~出兰找离代兰最近的名兰、短兰或句子~以之替兰兰代兰~看句子是否通兰~(2)   在四兰兰中出所到的名兰、短兰或句子意思最个找与找个确接近的一作兰正答案。(3)   十判兰断()   兰志1.   兰干兰下列兰形式之一,两   (1)Which of the following statements is(not) mentioned /true /correct?   (2)All of the following statements are mentioned /true /correct except…   做兰步兰2. 先判是三兰一兰兰是三兰一兰。所兰“兰”是断指符合原文意思或作者兰度~而所兰“兰”是指和原文(1) 相矛盾、作者兰度相反~或原文与未提及的信息。 返回原文~到各兰兰所兰兰的原文~兰原文一一兰行比兰~找将它与凭断切忌印象兰行判兰。注意,兰兰(2) 兰的兰兰有兰考兰的是集中于某段的信息或者具兰一些共同的特征~所以做兰兰可以先看一下四兰兰~出个找其中的共同点~再返回原文定位。   注意事兰3. 文章中容易出兰考点的地方,兰折兰最高兰后面兰有褒兰兰的句子虚气兰兰兰的句子兰兰句。(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 第二兰 强化兰兰兰 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Passage 1 通灵的人Psychics () are people who can get information about people, places, or situations through a sixth sense-a sense that exists in addition to those of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. They can use their psychic ability to heal people who are sick, to give advice, to give hints about the future, and to do many other things. And it's not just individuals who use psychics; sometimes companies and governments use psychics, too. One year a company called Delphi and Associates earned $120,000 on the stock market with the help of psychics. "So how can I get some psychic help?" you may ask yourself. Well, you don't have to pay a lot of money to a professional psychic. You can start by using your own psychic ability. Psychic abilities are really just another sense, similar to our other five senses. The difference is that we never develop our psychic sense in the same way that we develop our other senses. We train our eyes to see the difference between a V and a U; we train our ears to hear the difference between a /ch/ and a /sh/ sound; we can feel the difference between silk and leather; we can smell and taste if milk is sour. But our sixth sense, our psychic sense, seldom develops very much. Because most of us ignore our psychic sense for so long, it takes some time to develop it. If you have never played soccer before, you cannot expect to be a good player after three lessons. It might take years to become really good. Psychic ability works the same way. 1. People use psychics ________. [A] mainly to see the future [B] to make money [C] to see what one cannot usually see [D] for many reasons 2. _______ learn to use their psychic ability. [A] Many people [B] Many companies [C] Few people [D] Few governments 3. Psychic abilities ________. [A] are similar to other senses [B] work in the same way as other senses [C] are different from other senses [D] work together with other senses 4. Our psychic sense seldom develops very much because ________. [A] we never sense it [B]. we never believe in it [C] we ignore it [D] we don't want to take time to train it 5. The attitude of the author towards psychic abilities is ________. [A] positive [B] negative [C] critical [D] neutral Passage 2 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 嫁兰11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry () or decimum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of being abandoned, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The decimum was the wife's right to receive a tenth of all her husband's property. The wife had the right to hold back consent, in all 交易transactions () the husband would make. And more than just a right: the documents show that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife. The wife shared in the management of her husband's personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas, a Catalan woman of Barcelona. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation. None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the official in charge to have a contract as expected drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro's personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, "for the sake of peace." Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the Catalan wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position. 6. A decimum was ________. [A] the wife's inheritance from her father [B] a gift of money to the new husband [C] a written contract [D] the wife's right to receive one-tenth of her husband's property 7. In the society described in the passage, the legal standing of the wife in marriage was ________.[A] higher than that of her husband [B] lower than that of her husband [C] the same as that of her husband [D] higher than that of a single woman 8. What compensation did Maria Vivas get for the field? [A] Some of the land Miro had inherited [B] A tenth of Miro's land. [C] Money for household expenses. [D] Money from Miro's inheritance. 9. Could a husband sell his wife's inheritance? [A] No, under no circumstances. [B] Yes, whenever he wished to. [C] Yes, if she agreed. [D] Yes, if his father-in-law agreed. 10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an effect of the dowry system? [A] The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage. [B] The wife was protected from being abandoned. [C] The wife gained a powerful economic position. [D] The husband was given control over his wife's property Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Passage 3 Some cynical experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. They see a day in the not-too-distant future when all autos will be abandoned. Other authorities, however, think the auto is here to stay. They hold that the car will remain a leading means of city travel in the immediate future. The motorcar will undoubtedly change significantly over the next 30 years. It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine. The car of the future should be far more pollution-free than present models. Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main source of traffic congestion 兰兰() in cities. One proposed solution to this problem is the computerized highway system. 可伸兰的When the auto enters the highway system, a retractable () arm will drop from the auto and make contact with a rail, which is similar to those powering subway trains electrically. Once attached to the rail, the car will become electrically powered from the system, and control of the vehicle will pass to a central computer. The computer will then monitor all of the car's movements. The driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into the system. The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit from the highway. The 蜂兰器driver will then be free to relax and wait for the buzzer () that will warn him of his coming exit. It is estimated that a computerized highway will be able to handle 10,000 vehicles per hour, compared with the 1,500 to 2,000 vehicles that can be carried by a present-day highway. 11. One significant improvement in the future car will probably be ________. [A] its power source [B] its driving system [C] its monitoring system [D] its seating capacity 12. What is the author's main concern? [A] How to make automobiles pollution-free [B] How to abandon automobiles in the future. [C]How to solve the problem of traffic jams. [D]How to develop a computerized subway system. 13. What provides autos with electric power in a computerized highway system? [A] A rail. [B] An engine. [C] A retractable arm. [D] A computer controller. 14. In a computerized highway system, all the driver needs to do is ________. [A] keep in the right lane [B] wait to arrive at his destination [C] keep in constant touch with the computer center [D] inform the system of his destination by phone 15. What is the author's attitude toward the future of autos? [A]Enthusiastic. [B]Cynical. [C]Optimistic. [D] Cautious. Passage 4 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Stock prices tumbled on Wall Street and across much of the rest of the world yesterday. They were driven sharply lower by worries over slowing economic growth in the United States and worsening borrowing conditions that could make everything from huge corporate buyouts to buying a new home more difficult. Major stock market gauges -- including the Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index -- were down more than 2 percent. It was the worst one-day decline on Wall Street since markets plunged worldwide in late February after an investing scare in Shanghai, and it occurred amid the biggest volume of trading on the New York Stock Exchange in five years. Losses were comparable throughout Europe, and larger in many developing countries. ''The preconditions for a shock are in place,'' said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Economy.com. ''Until very recently investors were very nonchalant about risks.'' Stock markets have been volatile in recent weeks. Continued strong profits for many companies and an economic boom in Asia have helped push oil prices higher. Meanwhile, however, there are various signs of weakness in the American economy and new difficulties in borrowing for many homeowners and companies that are highly leveraged or have poor credit. The plunge came a day after the private equity firm buying Chrysler from DaimlerChrysler said it would complete the transaction for the automaker despite an inability to borrow the money in credit markets, as had been planned. Banks will hold those loans, as they will for a similar deal involving Alliance Boots, a British pharmacy chain. Shares of DaimlerChrysler fell $4.11, to $88.91.'' There is fear, but not a fear of recession,'' said Bill Gross, chief investment officer of the Pacific Investment Management Company, known as Pimco, a large bond management firm. ''The fear is directed toward the question of who will be willing to lend $200 billion to provide takeout financing for previously announced private equity deals.'' Yesterday, the Dow industrials plunged 311.50 points, or 2.3 percent, to 13,473.57, while the S.& P. 500 dropped 35.43 points, or 2.3 percent, to 1,482.66. The Nasdaq composite index was down 48.83 points, or 1.8 percent, to 2,599.34. The S.& P. is still up 4.5 percent for the year, while the Dow is 8.1 percent higher. But the S.& P. has fallen 4.5 percent since reaching a record last week. In the last hour or so of trading, the major Wall Street indexes recovered about a third of their steepest losses for the day. Losses of more than 2 percent were recorded in Spain, France and Germany, while Britain, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil fell more than 3 percent. Asian markets fell less yesterday, closing before the worst selling began, but opened down sharply on Friday. 16.The passage is mainly_______. [A] a review of the current condition of the American and world stock market [B] an introduction of the world stock market [C] a survey of the stock deal of DaimlerChrysler [D] about the ups and downs of stock prices 17.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? [A] Currently it is more difficult for Americans to borrow money from banks for house purchase.[B] The losses from stock markets are similar in U.S. and some developing countries. [C] Investors were worried about the potential risks in stock market before yesterday.[D] Economic boom in Asia prevent its stock market from falling. 18. If you were an investor, you might be able to earn money if _______. [A] you held the shares of DaimlerChrysler [B] you purchased new shares when the stock market opened yesterday. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [C] you bought and sold shares at the last one or two hours before closing [D] you didn’t trade any shares yesterday. 19.We can infer from the text that _______. [A] The Chrysler transaction will turn to be a failure. [B] The banks hold the loans because of Alliance Boots. [C] Bill Gross thinks the fear is from the huge amount of money. [D] The difficulty of borrowing leads to the shrinking prices of shares of DaimlerChrysler. 20. The writer’s attitude towards the current stock market is_______. [A] biased [B] objective [C] pessimistic [D] optimistic Passage 5 In the next century we’ll be able to alter our DNA radically, encoding our visions and vanities while concocting new life-forms. When Dr. Frankenstein made his monster, he wrestled with the moral issue of whether he should allow it to reproduce, “Had I the right, for my own benefit, to inflict the curse upon everlasting generations?” Will such questions require us to develop new moral philosophies?Probably not. Instead, we’ll reach again for a timetested moral concept, one sometimes called the Golden , Rule and which Kant, the millennium’s most prudent moralist, conjured up into a categorical imperative: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; treat each person as an individual rather than as a means to some end. Under this moral precept we should recoil at human cloning, because it inevitably entails using humans as means to other humans’ ends and valuing them as copies of others we loved or as collections of body parts, not as individuals in their own right. We should also draw a line, however fuzzy, that would permit using genetic engineering to cure diseases and disabilities but not to change the personal attributes that make someone an individual (IQ, physical appearance, gender and sexuality). The biotech age will also give us more reason to guard our personal privacy. Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, got it wrong: rather than centralizing power in the hands of the state, DNA technology has empowered individuals and families. But the state will have an important role, making sure that no one, including insurance companies, can look at our genetic data without our permission or use it to discriminate against us. Then we can get ready for the breakthroughs that could come at the end of the next century and the technology is comparable to mapping our genes: plotting the 10 billion or more neurons of our brain. With that information we might someday be able to create artificial intelligences that think and experience consciousness in ways that are indistinguishable from a human brain. Eventually we might be able to replicate our own minds in a “dryware” machine, so that we could live on without the “wetware” of a ,, biological brain and body. The 20th century’s revolution in infotechnology will thereby merge with the 21st century’s revolution in biotechnology. But this is science fiction. Let’s turn the page now and get back to real science. 21.Dr. Frankenstein’s remarks are mentioned in the text_______ [A] to give an episode of the DNA technological breakthroughs. [B] to highlight the importance of a means to some everlasting ends. [C] to show how he created a new form of life a thousand years ago. [D] to introduce the topic of moral philosophies incurred in biotechnology. 22.It can be concluded from the text that the technology of human cloning should be employed_______ Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [A] excessively and extravagantly. [B] reasonably and cautiously. [C] aggressively and indiscriminately. [D] openly and enthusiastically. 23.From the text, we learn that Aldous Huxley is of the opinion that_______ [A] DNA technology should be placed in the charge of individuals. [B] government should assume less control over individuals. [C] people need government to protect their DNA information. [D] old moral precepts should be abolished on human cloning. 24.Judged from the information in the last paragraph, we can predict that the author is likely to write which of the following in the next section? [A] The reflection upon biotechnological morality. [B] The offensive invasion of our personal privacy. [C] The inevitable change of IQs for our descendants. [D] The present state of biotechnological research. 25.According to the last paragraph, “dry-ware” is to “wet-ware” as_______ [A] “collective” to “individual”. [B] “fictional” to “factual”. [C] “mechanical” to “corporeal”. [D] “temporary” to “permanent”. Passage 6 Before a big exam, a sound night’s sleep will do you more good than poring over textbooks. That, at least, is the folk wisdom. And science, in the form of behavioral psychology, supports that wisdom. But such behavioral studies cannot distinguish between two competing theories of why sleep is good for the memory. One says that sleep is when permanent memories form. The other says that they are actually formed during the day, but then “edited” at night, to flush away what is superfluous. To tell the difference, it is necessary to look into the brain of a sleeping person, and that is hard. But after a decade of painstaking work, a team led by Pierre Maquet at Liege University in Belgium has managed to do it. The particular stage of sleep in which the Belgian group is interested in is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when brain and body are active, heart rate and blood pressure increase, the eyes move back and forth behind the eyelids as if watching a movie, and brainwave traces resemble those of wakefulness. It is during this period of sleep that people are most likely to relive events of the previous day in dreams. Dr. Maquet used an electronic device called PET to study the brains of people as they practiced a task during the day, and as they slept during the following night. The task required them to press a button as fast as possible, in response to a light coming on in one of six positions. As they learnt how to do this, their response times got faster. What they did not know was that the appearance of the lights sometimes followed a pattern — what is referred to as “artificial grammar”. Yet the reductions in response time showed that they learnt faster when the pattern was present than when there was not. What is more, those with more to learn (i.e., the “grammar”, as well as the mechanical task of pushing the button) have more active brains. The “editing” theory would not predict that, since the number of irrelevant stimuli would be the same in each case. And to eliminate any doubts that the experimental subjects were learning as opposed to unlearning, their response times when they woke up were even Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 quicker than when they went to sleep. The team, therefore, concluded that the nerve connections involved in memory are reinforced through reactivation during REM sleep, particularly if the brain detects an inherent structure in the material being learnt. So now, on the eve of that crucial test, maths students can sleep soundly in the knowledge that what they will remember the next day are the basic rules of algebra and not the incoherent talk from the radio next door. 26.Researchers in behavioral psychology are divided with regard to_______ [A] how dreams are modified in their courses. [B] the difference between sleep and wakefulness. [C] why sleep is of great benefit to memory. [D] the functions of a good night’s sleep. 27.As manifested in the experimental study, rapid eye movement is characterized by_______[A] intensely active brainwave traces. [B] subjects’ quicker response times. [C] complicated memory patterns. [D] revival of events in the previous day. 28.By referring to the artificial grammar, the author intends to show_______ [A] its significance in the study. [B] an inherent pattern being learnt. [C] its resemblance to the lights. [D] the importance of night’s sleep. 29.In their study, researchers led by Pierre Maquet took advantage of the technique of_______[A] exposing a long-held folk wisdom. [B] clarifying the predictions on dreams. [C] making contrasts and comparisons. [D] correlating effects with their causes. 30.What advice might Maquet give to those who have a crucial test the next day? [A] Memorizing grammar with great efforts. [B] Study textbooks with close attention. [C] Have their brain images recorded. [D] Enjoy their sleep at night soundly. Passage 7 This line of inquiry did not begin until earlier this month — more than three months after the accident — because there were “too many emotions, too many egos,” said retired Adm. Harold Gehman, chairman of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board. Testifying before the Senate Commerce Committee, Gehman said this part of his inquiry was in its earliest stages, starting just 10 days ago. But Gehman said he already has concluded it is “inconceivable” that NASA would have been unable or unwilling to attempt a rescue for astronauts in orbit if senior shuttle managers and administrators had known there was fatal damage to Columbia’s left wing.Gehman told reporters after the hearing that answers to these important questions could have enormous impact, since they could place in a different context NASA’s decisions against more aggressively checking possible wing damage in the days before Columbia’s fatal return. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Investigators believe breakaway insulating foam damaged part of Columbia’s wing shortly after lift off, allowing superheated air to penetrate the wing during its fiery reentry on Feb.1, melt it from inside., Among those decisions was the choice by NASA’s senior shuttle managers and administrators to reject offers of satellite images of possible damage to Columbia’s left wing before the accident. The subject dominated the early part of Wednesday’s hearing. Gehman complained managers and administrators “missed signals” when they rejected those offers for images, a pointedly harsh assessment of the space agency’s inaction during the 16-day shuttle mission.“We will attempt to pin this issue down in our report, but there were a number of bureaucratic and administrative missed signals here,” Gehman told senators. “We’re not quite so happy with the process.” The investigative board already had recommended that NASA push for better coordination between the space agency and military offices in charge of satellites and telescopes. The U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency in March agreed to regularly capture detailed satellite images of space shuttles in orbit.Still, Gehman said it was unclear whether even images from America’s most sophisticated spy satellites might have detected on Columbia’s wing any damage, which Gehman said could have been as small as two inches square. The precise capabilities of such satellites proved to be a sensitive topic during the Senate hearing. 31.This text is most probably taken from an article entitled “_______”. [A] Gehman’s Comments on Columbia Accident. [B] An Inquiry into Columbia Accident. [C] Shedding Light on Shuttle’s Safety. [D] NASA’s Problems Being Exposed. 32.The word “they” in the sentence “since they could place” (Para.3) denotes_______[A] “damages”. [B] “answers”. [C] “decisions”. [D] “questions”. 33.According to the writer, what may chiefly be responsible for the Columbia accident?[A] A supposed damage to the left wing of the spacecraft. [B] The deliberate rejection of satellite images. [C] A sense of sentiment and arrogance involved. [D] The space agency’s inaction during its mission. 34.As mentioned in the text, the Wednesday’s hearing revolved around_______ [A] the precise capabilities of spy satellites in orbit. [B] NASA’s indecisions against checking upon the Columbia. [C] NASA’s rejection of satellite images offered. [D] the coordination between NASA and military offices. 35.Which of the following can best describe Gehman’s attitude towards satellite images?[A] Apprehensive. [B] Credulous. [C] Indifferent. [D] Cautious. Passage 8 When a disease of epidemic proportions rips into the populace, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the source of the affliction and find ways to combat it. Oftentimes, success is achieved, as medical science is able to isolate the parasite, germ or cell that causes the problem and finds ways to effectively kill or contain it. In the most serious of cases, in which the entire population of a region or country may be at grave risk, it is deemed necessary to protect the entire population through vaccination, so as to safeguard lives and ensure that the disease will not spread. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 The process of vaccination allows the patient’s body to develop immunity to the virus or disease so that, if it is encountered, one can ward it off naturally. To accomplish this, a small weak or dead strain of the disease is actually injected into the patient in a controlled environment, so that his body’s immune system can learn to fight the invader properly. Information on how to penetrate the disease’s defenses is transmitted to all elements of the patient’s immune system in a process that occurs naturally, in which genetic information is passed from cell to cell. This makes sure that, should the patient later come into contact with the real problem, his body is well equipped and trained to deal with it, having already done so before. There are dangers inherent in the process, however. On occasion, even the weakened version of the disease contained in the vaccine proves too much for the body to handle, resulting in the immune system succumbing, and, therefore, the patient’s death. Such is the case of the smallpox vaccine, designed to eradicate the smallpox epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire Native American population and killed massive numbers of settlers. Approximately 1 in 10,000 people who receives the vaccine contract the smallpox disease from the vaccine itself and dies from it. Thus, if the entire population of the United States were to receive the Smallpox Vaccine today, 3000 Americans would be left dead. Fortunately, the smallpox virus was considered eradicated in the early 1970’s, ending the mandatory vaccination of all babies in America. In the event of a re-introduction of the disease, however, mandatory vaccinations may resume, resulting in more unexpected deaths from vaccination. The process, which is truly a mixed blessing, may indeed hide some hidden curses. 36.The best title for the text may be_______ [A] “Vaccinations: A Blessing or A Curse.” [B] “Principles of Vaccinations.” [C] “Vaccines: Methods and Implications.” [D] “A Miracle Cure Under Attack.” 37.What does the example of the Smallpox Vaccine illustrate? [A] The possible negative outcome of administering vaccines. [B] The practical use of a vaccine to control an epidemic disease. [C] The effectiveness of vaccines in eradicating certain disease. [D] The method by which vaccines are employed against the disease. 38.The phrase “ward it off naturally” (Paragraph 2) most probably means_______ [A] dispose of it naturally. [B] fight it off with ease. [C] see to it reluctantly. [D] split it up properly. 39.Which of the following is true according to the text? [A] Saving the majority would necessarily justify the death of the minority. [B] The immune system can be trained to fight weaker versions of a disease. [C] Mandatory vaccinations are indispensable to the survival of the populace. [D] The process of vaccination remains a mystery to be further resolved. 40.The purpose of the author in writing this passage is_______ [A] to comment and criticize. [B] to demonstrate and argue. [C] to interest and entertain. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [D] to explain and inform. Passage 9 War games are commonly used by the military to evaluate strategies, explore scenarios and reveal unexpected weaknesses. American ships and aircraft have just begun two weeks of war games in the Gulf, prompting protests from Iran, and last week South Korea carried out an annual computerised war-game exercise. Might war games deserve a greater role in business? Military analogies abound in the corporate world. Plenty of bosses look to Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese general, for management tips. And in business, as in war, outcomes depend on what others do, as well as one's own actions. Yet many firms fail to think systematically about how rivals will react to their plans—and traditional planning does a poor job of taking competitors' responses into account, says John McDermott, head of strategy at Xerox, an office-equipment company. Corporate war games, which simulate the interactions of multiple actors in a market, provide a better way to do so. Such games have two chief characteristics. First, players break into teams and take on the roles of fierce competitors (and sometimes other citizens, such as customers). Second, the games involve several turns, allowing competitors not just to draw up their own strategies but to respond to the choices of others. Their popularity is rising. Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH), a consultancy, is running 100 war games a year, up from around 50 three years ago. Open Options, a Canadian strategy consultancy, has been going since 1996 and its revenue doubled last year. BAH introduces a quantitative element into its games, calculating the effect of each team's strategy on their company's profits and stockmarket value at the end of each turn. Open Options takes a further step. To help Xerox understand the market dynamics of the print and copy industry, it ran a one-day workshop in which teams from Xerox took the roles of the big companies in the market, itself included. Each team identified the things “their” company could do to change its strategy and drew up a list of its desired outcomes; these “preference trees” were shared with the other teams. The results were then pumped into Open Options' proprietary software tools, which played out interactions between the companies and produced a range of possible outcomes. Mr McDermott says the game's predictive power was astonishing: one forecast, that a company would start to acquire a certain group of assets within the industry, came true within six months. By shedding light on areas where companies have different priorities, the concept of preference trees helps to highlight potential trade-offs, as well as competition. Open Options charges North American clients roughly $100,000 for an engagement. The secret of successful war-gaming does not simply lie in mathematics, however. Interaction, not algebra, is the best way to win support for a new strategy. Game-players must be senior for the same reason—although having the top boss on a team can stifle feedback. Strategies also have to capture competitors' hard-to-quantify corporate cultures: when designing a game, BAH seeks out employees at its clients who have actually worked at competitors for that reason. But perhaps war games' greatest value lies in the way they encourage managers to think differently about the consequences of their actions. “To know your enemy, you must become your enemy,” as Sun Tzu would say. 41.The expression “abound in”(Line 1, Paragraph 2) most probably means _______. [A] be limited [B] be appreciated Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 [C] be driven [D] be plentiful 42. According to the text, traditional corporate planning _______. [A] has been completely abandoned. [B] fails to consider rivals’ reactions. [C] includes the detailed analyses of strategies of all rival companies. [D] functions well for the development of most companies. 43. The positive effect of war games owes to the following EXCEPT_______. [A] the role playing of competitors [B] the composition of several turns [C] the introduction of quantitative factors [D] the rising popularity of the game 44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? [A] Both BAH and Open Options developed their own software tools for data analysis of war games.[B] The war game service expands slowly because of its high fee. [C] “Preference trees” refers to desired outcomes of the companies. [D] War game’s predictive ability is not convincing 45.Which of the following is NOT a reason for the success of war games? [A] feedback [B] mathematics [C] interaction [D] consideration of enemy Passage 10 Rich Immigrants in Asia's financial capitals generally have life pretty easy. But this summer, those in Hong Kong and Singapore are starting to sweat. The problem? Sizzling real-estate markets that make even bankers blink, and international schools packed like the Tokyo subway at rush hour. One-bedroom flats in Hong Kong's most fashionable buildings now go for $5,000 per month. Office rents in Singapore have shot up 105 percent in the past year—the fastest appreciation rate in the world. For workers with kids, the picture is particularly bleak. Incoming students at international schools now land not in classes but on long waiting lists—unless their parents jump the queue by purchasing debentures that have sold for as much as $120,000 in Hong Kong. Asia's dueling financial hubs invest a lot of capital—real and emotional—in what's often cast as a zero-sum contest for the affection of foreign companies. Yet both cities have done so well wooing them of late that the major threat facing each isn't the other, but bottlenecks in the foreign infrastructure common to both. High-end housing costs are pushing past records set before the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, prompting Singapore's founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, to lament, "We must check this hike in rents or we will lose our competitiveness." Talent is getting tougher to find as both economies near full employment. Office rents are driving even the richest investment banks to seek cheaper alternatives to prime downtown addresses. And as both cities increase their populations by luring hundreds of thousands of additional outsiders over the coming decade, locals are getting squeezed. "There may be a political cost if Singaporeans feel priced out by foreigners," warns Charles Chong, head of a parliamentary committee on national development in Singapore. Both cities are, in a sense, victims of their success. Each ranks among the most efficient spots on the Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 planet to register new businesses. They boast world-class banking, accounting and legal services, undergirded by respect for contracts and commercial codes not found in the rest of Asia. In a region awash in cash from record trade surpluses, Chinese expansion and a flood of new stock listings, the cities have posted incredible GDP growth numbers of late—6.8 percent and 7.9 percent for Hong Kong and Singapore, respectively, last year. Given that local fertility rates are falling, both hubs hope to continue to fuel that boom via immigration. Singapore's Minister for National Development Mah Bow Tan expects the city-state's population to hit 6.5 million by 2027, up 2 million from today—which implies a yearly influx of 100,000 foreigners over the next two decades. Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang has said he envisions his city's population eventually surpassing 10 million—a 30 percent increase from today's total—thanks to "an injection of new blood from all nationalities." As the hubs grow more receptive to outsiders, new factors are ensuring that immigrants arrive in large numbers. Whereas globalization was once confined to big multinationals, today's expatriates work disproportionately for smaller-and medium-size companies. Nor are they predominantly European or North America anymore; China, India and South Korea are just three of the many countries now sending professionals abroad. 46. Foreigners in Hong Kong begin to sweat because _______. [A] the real-estate market is cooling down. [B] they cannot afford children’s tuition fee at international schools. [C] the city is over-populated. [D] the hiking rents are making life tougher. 47. We learn from the second paragraph that _______. [A] Hong Kong and Singapore consider each other as competitors. [B] both the two cities should not import foreigners. [C] the two cities share no common problem. [D] Lee Kuan Yew’s comment shows that he’s optimistic. 48. According to the text, local people in the two cities _______. [A] do not welcome overseas talents. [B] are facing worse living conditions. [C] are unsatisfied with the government. [D] are in full employment. 49. Which of the following is NOT the reason of the region’s abundance of capital?[A] efficiency of business registration [B] China’s development [C] booming stock market [D] benefit from trade 50. We can draw a conclusion from the last paragraph that _______. [A] the conflict between population and rent in the two cities might be more serious.[B] most of the foreigners work in big multinational companies. [C] both cities will adopt measures to control population. [D] the influx of foreigners can damage local economy. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 第三章 快速兰兰(Skimming and Scanning) 考兰形式所考察能力与 快速兰兰要求考生在15分兰内完成一篇120 0字 个人自传范文3000字为中华之崛起而读书的故事100字新时代好少年事迹1500字绑架的故事5000字个人自传范文2000字 左右的文章和后面的10道兰。前面7个断兰是判正兰 (包括NOT GIVEN)~2007年12月以后的前7兰是多兰兰兰兰~后3个填是空兰(答案基本都是原文中出兰 的原兰)。快速兰兰兰兰的重点就是考生在短兰兰兰内它确取篇章主旨和特定信息的能力。因此~更强兰了正的 兰兰方法和技巧的兰兰。只要我兰巧妙地用了略兰和兰兰~必要的兰候兰运研助以兰的方法~培兰好的兰兰兰兰~兰是 很容易取得兰意的成兰的。 略兰(或兰称跳兰式兰兰)(skimming)的重点在于快速了解文章的中心思想。略兰的方法是首先看一下兰兰 (在有兰兰的情下况)~接着兰第一段~住中抓心思想。再兰兰一下其他段落的首句和末句~最后兰完兰尾段。  兰兰;scanning,就是有目兰地去找很确出文中某些特定的信息。兰兰兰~要以快的速度兰兰文章~定所 兰兰的信息范兰~同兰明兰兰信息的特点。如,兰兰或兰兰中所涉及到的人名、地名~兰主要兰确找写首字母大的 兰兰~有兰日期、目的兰兰~兰主要兰具字~有兰数找体数个找与某事件、某兰兰点等~就需要兰此相兰的兰兰兰~ 而所兰信息无兰的容可一与内掠而兰。 除了在兰兰理解中用略兰法和兰兰法之外~有兰兰需要运仔兰兰兰文章的某一特定部分~力求兰其有兰深的 理解~或兰其兰行兰兰、兰兰、推等~兰兰就需要兰兰部分兰行断仔兰兰兰~理解作者的言外之意。兰兰仔兰的兰兰方法就 是兰法研(study reading)~通常适用于推型兰兰理解兰兰。兰兰方法在断并它快速兰兰中使用不多~但兰于快速 兰兰的解兰方法兰兰兰是一有力的兰充。来个 第兰 兰兰策略解兰思路与1 兰了更好地兰明快速兰兰的兰兰策略和解兰思路~下面以一道兰兰例兰行兰兰地兰明。真 Highways   Early in the 20th century, most of the streets and roads in the U.S. were made of dirt, brick, and cedar wood blocks. Built for horse, carriage, and foot traffic, they were usually poorly cared for and too narrow to ;容兰,accommodateautomobiles.   ;收兰公路,With the increase in auto production, private turnpikecompanies under local authorities began to spring up, and by 1921 there were 387,000 miles of paved roads. Many were built using ;specifications of 19th century Scottish engineers Thomas Telford and John Mac Adam for whom the macadam surface is name [D], whose specifications stressed the importance of adequate drainage. Beyond that, there were no national standards for size, weight restrictions, or commercial signs. During World War I, roads throughout the country were nearly destroyed by the weight of trucks. When General Eisenhower ;兰returned from Germany in 1919, after serving in the U.S. Army's first transcontinental motor convoy Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰,, he noted: "The old convoy had started me thinking about good, two-lane highways, but Germany's Autobahn or motorway had made me see the wisdom of broader ribbons across the land."   It would take another war before the federal government would act on a national highway system. During World War II, a tremendous increase in trucks and new roads were required. The war demonstrated how critical highways were to the defense effort. Thirteen per cent of defense plants received all their supplies by truck, and almost all other plants shipped more than half of their products by vehicle. The war also revealed that local control of highways had led to a confusing variety of design standards. Even federal and state highways did not follow basic standards. Some states allowed trucks up to 36,000 pounds, while others restricted anything over 7,000 pounds. A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress soon passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally controlled design criteria.   The interstate highway system was finally launched in 1956 and has been hailed as one of the greatest public works projects of the century. To build its 44,000mile web of highways, bridge, and tunnels, hundreds of unique engineering designs and solutions had to be worked out. Consider the many geographic features of the country: mountains, steep grades, wetlands, rivers, desserts, and plains. Variables included the slope of the land, the ability of the pavement to support the load, the intensity of road use, and the nature of the underlying soil. Urban areas were another problem. Innovative designs of roadways, tunnels, bridges, overpasses, and interchanges that could run through or bypass urban areas soon began to weave their way across the country, forever altering the face of America.   Long-span, segmented-concrete, cable-stayed bridges such as Hale Boggs in Louisiana and the Sunshine Skyway in Florida, and remarkable tunnels like Fort McHenry in Maryland and Mt, Baker in Washington, met many of the nation's physical challenges. Traffic control systems and methods of construction developed under the interstate program soon influenced highway construction around the world, and were invaluable in improving the condition of urban streets and traffic patterns.  Today, the interstate system links every major city in the U.S. and the U.S. with Canada and Mexico. Built with safety in mind, the highways have wide lanes and shoulders, dividing medians or barriers, long entry and exit lanes, curves engineered for safe turns, and limited access. The death rate on highways is half ;that of all other U.S. roads 0.86 deaths per 100 million passenger miles compared to 1.99 deaths per 100 ,million on all other roads.   By opening the North American continent, highways have enabled consumer goods and services to reach people in remote and rural areas of the country, spurred the growth of suburbs, and provide people with greater options in terms of jobs, access to cultural programs, health care, and other benefits. Above all, the interstate system provides individuals with what they cherish most personal freedom of mobility.  The interstate system has been an essential element of the nation's economic growth in terms of shipping and job creation: more than 75 percent pf the nation's freight deliveries arrive by truck; and most products that arrive by rail or air use interstates for the last leg of the journey by vehicle Not only has the highway system affected the American economy by providing shipping routes, it has led to the growth of spin-off industries like service stations, motels, restaurants, and shopping centers. It has allowed the relocation of manufacturing plants and other industries from urban areas to rural.   By the end of the century there was an immense network of paved roads, residential streets, expressways, and freeways built to support millions of vehicles. The highway system was officially renamed for Eisenhower to honor his vision and leadership. The year construction began he said: Together, the united forces of our communication and transportation systems are dynamic elements in the very name we bear-United States. Without them, we would be a mere alliance of many separate parts." Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   1. National standards for paved roads were in place by 1921.   2. General Eisenhower felt that the broad German motorways made more sense than the two-lane highways of America.   3. It was in the 1950 that the American government finally took action to build a national high way system.   4. Many of the problems presented by the country's geographical features found solutions in innovative engineering projects.   5. In spite of safety considerations, the death rate on interstate highways is still higher than that of other American roads.   6. The interstate highway system provides access between major military installations in America.  7. Service stations, motels and restaurants promoted the development of the interstate highway system.  8. The greatest benefit brought about by the interstate system was____________.  9. Trucks using the interstate highways deliver more than_____________.   10. The interstate system was renamed after Eisenhower in recognition of______.第一步,略兰全文~定兰确构;0.5-2分兰, 快速兰兰文章的第一段以及各部分的小兰兰~文章的大兰和主要兰容搞清体构内(一般都可以判第断 一道主旨兰目的答案) 警告:不要一上就看来后面的兰兰,兰文章有了解没,后面的兰兰兰兰会你摸不着兰兰,增加挫兰感. 第二步,分析兰眼~原文定位 (1分兰) 按兰序做每一道小兰~正理解兰目所表的容~根据兰目中的兰兰兰兰确达内——找眼~在文中到相兰的位 置 。定位兰找2-3个两个就行~多了也兰不住。最好是位置不同的兰。 特兰注意,比兰容易定位的兰是, 1. 比兰兰~兰的名兰容易定位~好。 找 2. 兰兰、字、地点、人名、大字数写母的兰兰容易定位。 划定位兰索兰遵循以下原兰, ;,形式最兰明的兰有名兰和字兰兰~而且多多数两个益善。因兰兰些也有可能是不止一次出兰~有或1 者以上~就能比兰定。如,确   1. National standards for paved roads were in place by 1921.   2.General Eisenhower felt that the broad German motorways made more sense than the two lane highways of America.   3. It was in the 1950s that the American government finally took action to build a national high   way system. 例的定位兰是~ 例的定位兰有再加上兰有但119212General Eisenhower, German, America( 定位的意兰不大~因兰是兰它国穿全文的――文章兰的就是美的事情~例也有兰明的America)31950s, 参照American government.   同兰要注意兰出兰性的字~也就是数没数数本身有字~但暗示文章里有字。如, 5. In spite of safety considerations, the death rate on interstate highways is still higher than that of other American roads.   兰里当数来达然可能用字表。Death rate 9. Trucks using the interstate highways deliver more than ________________.  后面也可能是字。 数 More than ;,如果有如此兰明的兰没找概找志~可以本句的核心念。兰要注意兰是兰了在原文中兰相兰2 的兰西~所以不一定是意兰最重要或者兰文章最重要~而是在原文中最可能明到的。确找  Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 4. Many of the problems presented by the country’s geographical features found solutions in innovative engineering projects. 5. In spite of safety considerations, the death rate on interstate highways is still higher than that of other American roads. 6. The interstate highway system provides access between major military installations in America. 7. Service stations, motels and restaurants promoted the development of the interstate highway system.   例中~在原文中最容易找会很的是什兰,是“多兰兰”~兰是“地理特征”~兰是“兰造性的4 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 ”,兰兰兰都可能。兰兰候好~兰是等好,兰定位而言~可能兰得比兰怪异的problemgeographical feature更打眼一些~兰然可能不兰兰。   例中~可以考兰~而要兰是原兰~要兰是字~好用。至于数很5safety considerationdeath rate 兰念太泛~不兰一~就兰兰了。个概很American roads   例中~是文章的核心概念~反兰出兰~反而是最不好的定位兰。6interstate highway system 比兰怪异~是兰兰留意的兰象。再次出兰~再次兰兰。Access between military installationsAmerica   例当然是主兰重要~兰兰是文章主兰~兰定位无益。  7 ;,如不您个您估知道一兰的意思的兰~可兰兰兰字兰是正面的;positive,兰是兰面的3 ;negative,~兰兰兰兰文章的意思和作者的意兰有您很帮另助~外~兰需注意文字或句子的形式兰化~在文章中兰答案的兰度多兰候是看兰字句的形式兰化的兰兰能力。找很 需注意的3兰不同形式, 第一兰,相同兰性的同兰替兰 rules and regulationsregulations—— T5 第二兰,兰,副同兰替兰 speed upquickly—— 第三兰,同兰、文的与数替兰 most of ——57 percentage ;,一兰之兰~兰以判~就多兰~或者注意整句的意思。只要大部分的出了断划几个划来核4 心~有一模个两个糊~兰兰不大。 第三步,分解兰兰~三兰兰比 7个断是非判兰 (9-10.5 分兰) 找将划将到兰目在文章中的出兰后~兰干的句子兰行兰兰的成分分~然后 句子的主兰兰各部分原文兰兰~判个与断Y、N、NG。 首先我兰需要分清楚Y~N~NG的正含兰~不要在兰到了也兰了原文的情之下真找懂况冤枉失分。看看下面的例子~再兰兰如何区兰。   原文,I love you.   兰兰,   1.I have some strong feelings for in you.   2.I hate you/I am indifferent.   3.You love me/I love you fervently/I love you better than he/I will love you always.   以上1是兰原文意思的解兰~故兰Y。   2和3在以前都是兰的。但按照三分兰准~2才是N~而3是NG。   兰准是,是否有兰兰上的否定兰系。   原文兰兰有兰兰上的与否定兰系~兰兰N~也就是原文兰~兰兰兰必兰~是N。   原文兰兰不同~但无兰兰上的与否定兰系~兰NG~也就是原文兰~兰兰不一定兰~但也不一定兰~是NG。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   “我兰”~兰必然不是“我你你恨”或者“冷漠无情”~故N。   但“我兰”兰~“兰我”你你与并确很你你你否不定~我是否“兰烈的兰”、是否“兰甚于他兰”是否“永兰兰”都是不一定的~故兰将会你NG. 由此可以兰兰如下,Yes 1、同兰表~ 达 2、原意兰化~ 3、根据原文括或兰兰而成的。 概 No 1、兰目原文与直接相反~ 2、原文是多件列~兰目是其中一件个条并个条;出兰must or only,~ 3、原文兰人兰兰某兰事物的理兰感兰~兰目兰强兰是客兰事兰或已被兰明~ 4、原文和兰目中使用了表示不同范兰、兰率、程度的兰。 5、将确确原文中的不定因素兰化兰定因素 Not Given 1、兰目中的表述无中生有~ 2、兰目中的范兰小于原文的范兰~也就是更具 体(note,但是大于就是true了)~ 3、原文中的特将况广殊情推兰普遍兰象 、原文是可能性~兰目是必然性~4 、兰目有比兰兰~原文有比兰。没5 、两断段判定;判最好方法,法~在四兰快速兰兰中~如果上一兰已兰定了在原文中的确位置~6NG 兰兰段两后仍无下一兰所需信息~兰可以判定兰兰兰~而不用通兰全文。NG 如果前个找兰型兰兰兰兰~兰根据第二步的定位兰到相兰的段落兰答案。7 第四步,分解兰兰~填写确准 兰于填找尽空兰~先看所缺的句子成分~然后根据小兰兰或者兰眼到原文。量照抄原文~但要抄得恰到好兰~抄得兰兰~也就是兰~兰干兰什兰或缺什兰~就抄什兰~其余不相干内填内容不要抄上~保兰所容的准确性 。 第三兰 兰兰技巧 、 略兰和兰兰巧妙搭配1 面兰快速兰兰兰兰一兰新兰型~考生兰兰巧妙地略兰和兰兰兰方法兰合起。而不要机将两来械、孤立地使用某一兰兰兰方法。在使用兰些方法兰候~兰要注意兰兰,几个 ;1, 注意首尾句的出兰 如果短文包括自然段~兰兰注意第一、二段和 最几个抓后一段~力求住文章的主旨大意。注意了解文章的主兰句及兰兰句。 ;2,注意兰点符号的使用 可以用兰点运号符(破折、小括、号号号冒)了解抽象的兰兰或句子的含兰。因兰兰些兰点符号的出兰就是兰了更兰一步地解兰其前的信息。但同兰~由于快速兰兰用兰相兰比兰兰兰~容很易理解和把握兰点前的被解兰信息~所以~可以兰些兰点将号从符后面的信息兰除~而更加快速地把握文章~提高兰兰效率。;3,注意兰兰兰系的用运 兰兰兰系分布在文章的句子部、句句之兰、以及段内几落之兰。最基本的兰兰兰系有以下兰, 因果兰系,~~~~等as a result thereforehenceconsequentlybecause, for, due to, hence, consequently 等。 并列、兰兰兰系,~~~~等等。and, or, thenin additionbesidesin other wordsmoreover Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰折兰系,~等等。howeverbut, yet, in fact 兰些我兰其兰已兰很熟悉的兰兰提示兰在文章中起的效果~并从来非兰兰是兰接文章的句子~兰兰的角度看~ 它哪哪兰同兰在兰我兰某兰提示~告兰我兰些句子是有效信息~相兰重要的信息~些信息是相兰不重要的信 息~因兰我兰在兰理文章的兰候~有一的思路~不是兰了条清晰你翻完整兰文章而兰行兰兰~而是兰了兰取某 些信息而兰行兰兰~所以~要利用兰兰兰系兰化兰兰。 例如~列、兰兰兰系兰~意并它从体没味着兰前后兰接的信息主旨的兰上有兰生兰化~而更多的表兰兰前后 句子主旨的相似性~所以我兰兰兰其中的一半兰行兰兰。兰兰~在保兰了兰兰兰量的基兰上~也大地提高了兰兰极速 度。 ;4,注意特殊兰兰的使用 用最快的速度通兰文章~到自找并号己需要的兰兰描述部分~在有兰的句子下做出各兰兰兰符。文章兰兰 完兰~再将划兰部分(或做其它号符)重新兰兰一次~兰行并当断适的判。 例如,在兰兰文章兰候~兰于首段第二行的“~第二段第二行的“Sept.11”Operation Safe 、“第三段第一行的“等位置就兰兰做特殊的兰兰~因兰兰里可能涉及到兰兰~兰兰兰就兰兰通兰兰Travel”14”1956” 兰可能兰小兰答案的范兰。而“尽找恰好和后面第三兰“1956S”It was in the 1950s that the American 中的“形成兰兰。government finally took action to build a national high way system.”1950S” 再例,文章倒数第二段,the interstate system has been an essential element of the nation’s economic growth in terms of shipping and job creation: more than 75 percent of the nation’s freight deliveries arrive by truck; and most products that arrive by rail or air use interstates for last leg of the journey by vehicle. 以上兰段文字中~“creation”之后出兰一个号它内内冒~兰明后面容是兰前面容的解兰~后面的信 息可以考兰放弃兰兰~但是~之后有“75”兰一字~可以兰字做特个个数将数殊兰兰~其他部分忽略。 2、兰法以兰研助 例如第8兰, The great benefit brought by the interstate system was_______________. 由于文章兰兰我兰使用略兰和兰兰相兰合的方法~所以~定位相兰不是容很个易~兰兰候要刻意放慢解兰速 度~在原文倒数第三段兰兰兰兰一句, Above all, the interstate system provides individuals with what they cherish most: personal freedom of mobility. 兰兰中的“就相原文中的“当与~所以答案就在兰句中的冒号之后的信息,The great”Above all” “”personal freedom of mobility. 、句子主抓干3   抛弃清清一些段落后~如果要兰的段落每句都要兰得楚楚~也是不兰兰的也不必要的。在兰句子上~ 速度也要提起~兰兰也是在兰兰。兰兰兰原兰是,以考点兰来个抓尽准~住主干~量少看。   1. National standards for paved roads were in place by 1921.  到的是第二段找首句,收兰公路With the increase in auto production, private turnpike() companies under local authorities began to spring up, and by 1921 there were 387, 000 miles of paved roads.   此句只是兰到年~有多少是否有~要兰兰看后面。下一句兰,很1921paved roads. national standards   Many were built using specifications of 19th century Scottish engineers Thomas Telford and John MacAdam (for whom the macadam surface is named), whose specifications stressed the importance of adequate drainage.   兰一句漫无目的兰下去~只有兰果~一是两个很异死在路上~因兰后面不但兰而且是怪的兰西。二是兰 于兰出了~但考兰兰兰来横个已到,兰是死。 其兰最多兰到就完全兰了。兰准就是“考点”。我兰兰在要知道的是那兰有19th century Scottish engineer 没有国个它个家兰准~用的是十九世兰兰格兰某工程兰的兰西~兰工程兰是兰重要否,的那national standards 兰西有什兰特点重要否,无兰,是不是国没国家兰准才是重要的。有人敏感一点~已得出有家兰准。如果 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 不信~下一句就确清楚了,Beyond that, there were no national standards for size, weight restrictions, or commercial signs. 第四兰 强化兰兰 Skimming and Scanning Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to read the passages quickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Passage 1 Spiders   Spiders can be distinguished from other Arachnids because the prosoma (combined head and thorax) is only separated from the opisthosoma (abdomen) by a narrow waist, in other Arachnids the whole body appears to be much more of a single unit. All spiders produce silk, but only some construct webs to catch their homes and to protect their eggs.   All spiders possess poison glands but very few of them are dangerous to humans, of the 600 species in Britain only 12 (at least one of these is a recent human assisted colonist) are strong enough to pierce the human skin, and apart from allergies, none are more dangerous than a common wasp. Most spiders have 8 eyes (though some have 6,4,2 or 0), as well as 8 legs. (By the way if you count the claws as separate leg section(which you shouldn’t really)then their legs have 8 parts as well(coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, tarsus, metatarus, claws). There are more than 32,000 known species of spider in the world. No human being has ever been officially recorder as having died as the result of atarantula’bite.  All spiders are carnivorous and feed only on liquids, i.e. their preys natural juices and the breakdown products of external digestion (meaning they spit, exude or inject digestive juices onto/into their prey and suck up the resulting soup). So why not invite some to your next social do?   What’s In a Name   The word Arachnida comes from the Greek word Arachne, who was the daughter of Idmon of Colophon in Lydia, a dyer by trade. Arachne herself was a weaver, the best in all the known world. However in a foolish moment she challenged Athene, the daughter of Zeus and goddess of, among other things, waving to a weaving competition. Arachne wove so perfect a cloth that she tore it to shreds. Arachne became depressed after this and in the end she hung herself. Athene stirred to remorse at the knowledge of what her anger had wrought turned the rope Arachne had used to hang herself into a web and Arachne herself into a spider so that the beauty of her spinning should not be lost to the world ever again. The Great Household Spider   There are just over six hundred different sorts of spiders in the British Isles. But of these only a handful are commonly found in houses. At the front of the head are a pair of what appear to be small legs. These are called palps and are used to guide food to the spiders’ mouth. The front of the head also has a group of six or eight eyes. On the underside of the body at the rear, are four or six small conical bumps or cylinders. There are the spinnerets from which the spider produces the silk to make its webs. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   Telling male and female spiders apart is easily done by looking at their palps. Males have swollen ends to their palps which makes them look as if they are wearing boxing gloves, these are often strange shapes if looked at with a hand lens. Females have normal looking palps that are not swollen at the ends.  The largest spider is the Goliath spider, the female of which grows to reach a leg span of ten inches. The largest spider in Britain is the Cardinal spider which is a close cousin of Tim Tegenaria. Females can achieve a leg span of four and a half inches. It is known as the Cardinal spider as it was common in Hampton Court when Cardinal Wolsey lived there. The sight of these long legged spiders wandering ~around the palace at night used to frighten him. So far 32000 different kinds of spider have been discovered from all over the world. Britain has 630 different kinds of spider of which 250 are tiny Money spiders. The smallest of which has a body less than one millimeter long.    1. All the silk produced by spiders construct webs to catch their food.   2. Not all the poison glands possessed by spiders are dangerous to human beings.   3. Spiders often kill humans in Britain when they pierce human skin.   4. After seeing her enemy commits suicide, Arachne turned Athene into a spider.   5. Tim Tegenaria spiders are closely related to tarantula spiders; both are found in Britain.  6. So far 32,000 different kinds of spiders have been discovered from all over the world.  7. Money spiders are the smallest spiders found in the Arachnids family.   8. There are more than________ known species of spider in the world.   9. Telling male and female spiders apart is easily done by________ . 10. The largest spider is________. Passage 2 How to be a traveling beauty this May holiday May Day holiday is a time for traveling. Go to the seaside, enjoy beautiful sunshine and soft breezes and let your mind and body both relax; hide away in a small town, amble on winding pebble tracks and melt into the romantic ambiance; or take up your backpack, go mountaineering, stretch your body and smell the fresh air…They all sound wonderful. But changing environments can pose threats to delicate skin. How can you protect yourself and stay beautiful through seven days of traveling? Here are some helpful suggestions.  If you’re going to the seaside:   Typical resort: Sanya   Typical weather: 24-31 with strong ultraviolet sunrays and fresh air.?   Warm sunshine, fresh sea breezes, and moist air make the seaside an agreeable haven from Beijing’s dust. But excessive sun exposure can easily darken your skin, and of course most Chinese girls prefer fair 逗留skin. To prepare for a pleasing and beautiful sojourn () at the seaside take note of following:   1. Night time skin care   使兰Even if you’ve managed to block the sun in the daytime, give your skin a soothing rehabilitative (原的) treatment in the evening. Cool your glowing skin with a product like La Mer’s newly released The Concentrate (50ml/RMB 3,700).   2. Shine in your bikini.   At the seashore, your body is more in the spotlight than your face. To become a bikini beauty, you need to take care of every inch of your skin. Exfoliate with a fine-grained scrub, which will not only let your exposed skin shine, but also acts as a deep cleanser to help prevent skin from darkening and roughening after too much sun and salt water.   3. Control excess oil. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   阻塞毛孔Never try to control oil with foundation that will clog pores () when combined with sun block cream. Gentle oil-control products do a better job.   4. Hair care.   Beautiful girls never use free hotel shampoos, they carry their own moisturizing restoring hair care 残余~兰渣products. Wash your face and hair with fresh water after swimming to get rid of salty residue (), and remember to protect your hair from too much sun exposure.   Recommended skin care products   1. SPF30/PA++sunscreen products. HR Premium SPF40/PA++(RMB 620) protects your skin from ultraviolet rays.   2. Soothing, moisturizing, and after-sun rehabilitating products. Olay Intensive Nourishing Emulsion (RMB 120) has natural hot spring microelements to give rapid relief to burned skin.  3. Gentle exfoliating scrubs.   4. Easy to carry oil-control products.   5. Moisturizing shampoo and hair protection products.   Tips   1. Whitening is as important as wearing sunscreen. For dry skins, moisturizing products are a must. Laneige Water Sleeping Pack (RMB 150) is a good choice.   2. For sensitive skins, Nuskin Aloe Vera Gel complements sun block creams. Washing your face with lemonade stops skin from darkening and is refreshing.   3. Never use body sun block creams on your face. Use special facial sun block creams. For drier skins, Chanel UV Essential SPF45 (RMB 450) is nice, but Shu Uemura UV under Base DF (RMB 350) is much fresher.   If you’re going to a small town:   Typical resorts: Lijiang, Yunnan; Zhouzhuang, Jiangsu; Phoenix, Zhejiang   Typical weather: 11-25 with a lot of ultraviolet radiation?   As depicted in Teresa Teng’s popular song Xiaocheng Gushi (Small Town Romances), small-secluded charming Chinese towns are the scene of many romances. Pebble tracks, winding lanes and ancient low villas make romantic backdrop for lovers wandering hand-in-hand. To prepare for a romantic and sweet stay in a small town, take note of the following:   1. Go easy on the make up! To match your light-hearted mood we recommend the minimum of make-up. Basic skin care to keep your face healthy and glowing is enough.   俏皮的2. Wear flirtatious () colors for special nights.   Liquid foundation in heavy glass bottles and powdered blush or eye shadow is not easy to carry. So we recommend sun-blocking pressed powder, two-in-one brow pencil and eye liners, and products that can be used on both lips and cheeks.   3. Make-up removal.   Remember to remove sun block creams at night. Try a moisturizing and relaxing mask, and we promise you a renewed glowing complexion the next day.   Recommended skin care products   1. SPF15/PA+sun block face cream. Its small size makes Freeplus UV Day Protector (RMB 190, sun block and moisturizer) a good choice.   2. A multi-functional cosmetic case. Bobbi Brow’ns hand-sized palettes (RMB 380), including a foundation stick, creamy concealer, corrector, and sheer finish pressed powder are convenient. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   3. Clear foundation. Maybelline Mousse White Stay (RMB 89) the mousse-like texture makes this foundation light, breathable, and easy to carry.   4. Make up remover. Lancome’s mild Gentle Clarifying and Cleaning Fluid (small set) is perfect for traveling and it does a good job of removing all make-up thoroughly.   Tips   1. Apart from your daily skin care routine, traveling girls may also need protective lip cream, mascara (Maybelline is a good cheap choice), and fragrance (Try Anna Sui’s fresh Secret Wish Eau de Toilette).  2. For lazy girls, base creams are especially useful. Wearing just a base foundation cream is enough and saves the trouble of constantly reapplying foundation at romantic moments. Others may try creamy concealers and pressed powers. Adding blush (Watsons small tubes of blush are cheap/RMB20-30 and works well) will give a healthy glow.   If you’re going mountaineering:   Typical resorts: Huashan, Shanxi; Huangshan, Anhui; Shennongjia, Sichuan   Typical weather: 10-20, a high level of ultraviolet radiation and dry air.?   凌乱的Boys often complain that mountaineering girls with their disheveled () hair and no makeup don’t look attractive. In response to this, we recommend you use absolutely no makeup except for basic skin care. But looking beautiful without the aid of makeup isn’t easy! With all your mountaineering equipment in your backpack, there isn’t much room for skin care products. The key is to choose the most important ones only, such as the following:   1. Moisturizing products.   Moisturizing and hydrating creams and masks help you become both sporty and ladylike.  2. Sun block products.   Even though the sunshine is usually not too strong in the mountains, you should take care not to be burned by ultraviolet radiation. Fresh breathable SPF20-30 sun block products are recommended.  3. Facial cleaning pads.   Easy to carry cleaning pads help you stay fresh and clean at all times.   4. Soothing creams.   Compound soothing creams can be applied onto the skin directly to reduce inflammation and help you relax.   5. Lip conditioner and hand cream to prevent dryness caused by wind.   Tips   1. Make sure you have enough moisturizing skin care products, including a cleanser, cream, lotion and mask, even at the expense of makeup products.   2. Secret recipe mask: While your boyfriend is away finding wood for the fire, apply a mashed banana to your face and leave for over ten minutes. Although tiny allergic symptoms (red swollen patches) may 冲洗掉漂兰appear right after you rinse (, ) off the mask, your face will be dazzling after a sound sleep.    1. Tips of how to stay beautiful through traveling are provided in the passage.   2. Exfoliate with a fine-grained scrub can help prevent skin from darkening.   3. Beautiful girls never use free hotel toothbrush.   4. Travelers had better not use special facial sun block creams on body.   5. Typical resorts to a small town are Lijiang, Yunnan; Zhouzhuang and Sichuan.   6. If you’re going to Shanxi, you are recommended to use basic skin care.   7. Five tips are offered before you’re going mountaineering. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   8. Typical temperature for going mountaineering is________ .  9. The name of the popular song mentioned in the passage is_________ .   10. To prevent dryness caused by wind in mountains, you should take ________. Passage 3 Airplane Instruments   量表Modern airplanes are complicated machines. Pilots need many gauges() and electronic aids to help fly them. The flight deck of a large passenger plane contains many indicator dials and warning lights. One of the most important instruments is the altimeter, which tells the pilot how high the plane is off the ground. The air speed indicator measures the plane's speed. The artificial horizon shows the position of the plane relative to the horizon. The turn and back indicator shows how much, if at all, the plane is turning and tilting. In dense clouds and fog, a pilot would not always know which way the plane is heading if it weren't 旋兰兰兰for this instrument. A gyrocompass()and various radio devices are necessary for navigation.   Most large planes also have an automatic pilot. This is a device operated by a computer. It will fly the plane without the pilots touching the controls. These autopilots can even control takeoffs and landings. The flight deck also contains many gauges and meters that tell the pilot whether the many pieces of equipment on the plane are operating properly. They measure fuel level, temperatures, cabin pressure, electric current, etc. Indicators show whether the landing gear is up or down. The radio equipment allows the pilot to talk to ground controllers and to receive navigation signals.   Airplane Construction   Early airplanes were made of wood frames covered by fabric and held in shape by wire. After World War I, airplane designers started to use lightweight metals like aluminum, titanium, and magnesium alloys. 兰的氧A thin skin of metal was riveted into place over metal ribs. Strong epoxy() glues are now used for some joints, instead of rivets. As planes grew in size, they became heavier. More powerful engines were developed in order to fly the heavier planes.   The use of metals brings with it a problem called metal fatigue. Stress and vibration in flight can cause metal parts eventually to break up. Airplanes must be constantly checked for signs of this trouble. Defective parts must be renewed by aircraft maintenance people.   Designers test scale models in wind tunnels before the full sized planes are built. Reactions of the models to high speed air streams give good indications how full sized planes will react in flight. This approach helps save a lot of money. It also helps to make airplanes safe.   Airport   An airport is a place where airplanes arrive and depart. Passengers leave and arrive on the airplanes and cargo is loaded and unloaded. Large, jet powered airplanes require long runways for takeoffs and landings. Big terminal buildings are necessary to handle thousands of passengers and their baggage. Very large airports usually serve several large cities and cover thousands of acres. Hundreds of planes arrive and depart daily. All this traffic must be carefully controlled to avoid delays and accidents. This is done from a control tower. The tower stands high above the ground. Air traffic controllers, inside the tower, must be able to guide airplanes through their takeoffs and landings.   Large airports are often like small cities. Many have post offices, banks, hotels, restaurants, and many kinds of shops. Airports have their own fire and police departments, fuel storage tanks, and repair work shops. Some companies even have their shipping warehouses located at airports.   One of the largest airports in the world is in Grapevine, Texas, midway between the cities of Dallas ;,and Fort Worth. This airport covers 7 200 hectares 18 000 acres.Its five terminals can handle the Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 arrivals and departures of 90 jumbo jets at the same time. O'Hare International Airport, in Chicago, is the busiest airport in the world. It handles more than 37 million passengers a year.   ;Small airports that are used only by private airplanes usually cover 20 to 40 hectares 50 to 100 ,acres.They do not need all the buildings and services of a large airport. The control tower may be just a small room in a building at ground level.   Runways   Early planes were light. Early runways were sometimes just level grass fields. Paved runways became necessary when airplanes became heavier and faster. Today's big jet planes weigh hundreds of tons. They ;,move along runways at speeds of 160 kph 100 mph.When they land, the runways take a lot of 兰青pounding and must be made of concrete or asphalt().They must have solid foundations and a surface that prevents skidding.   Airplanes take off into the wind in order to get better lift. They also land into the wind to have better control as they slow down. Most airports have runways pointing in different directions. This means that there are always runways on which airplanes can go into the wind as they take off and land.  Heavily loaded passenger jets need long runways to gather enough speed to leave the ground. ;,Runways at some large airports are longer than 3 000m10 000 ft.   At night, bright lights line the runways so that pilots can find them without trouble. A system of flashing guide lights is set up beyond the runway to help pilots land safely.   Control Towers   People who work in control towers are called air traffic controllers. They direct the movements of all planes on the ground and in the air by keeping track of them on large radar screens. Air traffic controllers tell a pilot, by radio, when and where to taxi or pilot the plane down the runway.   Electronic equipment is used to guide airplanes. Long range radar is used to keep track of planes far away from the airport. This radar is called Ground Control Approach (GCA).When the airplane gets within a few miles of the runway, the air traffic controller begins to use Precision Approach Radar (PAR).This ;,allows the controller to guide the airplane to within 0.4km0.25miof the runway. At that point, the pilot completes the landing. Another electronic aid used in bad weather is the Instrument Landing System (ILS).In this system, radio transmitters located near the runway send guidance signals to the airplane. These signals tell the pilot how to steer the plane for the final approach to the runways. Today, there are also electronic "microwave" landing systems (MLS) that can land the plane fully automatically.  Terminal Buildings   Terminal buildings vary in size and shape. Most of them are quite large. More than 228 million people fly on the airlines in America every year. Every passenger must pass through terminals. Long, covered walkways lead from the center of some terminals to the gates where airplanes are boarded. At some airports, buses are used to transport passengers to their airplanes. Passengers arriving from another country must pass through customs and passport control. Customs officials check the incoming baggage for taxable items. They also check passengers to be sure no forbidden items are brought into the country. Passport officials check the passports of passengers for personal identification.   Passengers are not allowed to bring guns, knives, or other weapons onto a passenger airplane. Before boarding, they must walk through a detector which triggers a special signal if they are carrying anything made of metal. Luggage is also examined for weapons. This is done to ensure the safety of the passengers.   1. The main purpose of this passage is to introduce the history of airplanes.   2. The device of an automatic pilot can usually fly a plane more smoothly than a human pilot. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   3. With the help of the radio equipment, pilots are able to communicate with ground controllers.  4. We can tell from the passage that early airplanes are not as solid as modern ones.  5. According to the passage, the busiest airport in the world is in Grapevine, Texas, midway between the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth.   6. The runways should be long and solid enough for the heavily loaded jets.   7. Precision Approach Radar (PAR) is used by air traffic controllers to keep track of airplanes far away from the airport.   8. The planes can be landed fully automatically if the control towers are equipped with _________ .  9. After getting off the plane, every passenger arriving from another country must pass through____________ .   10. When passengers go through a detector before they board, and anything made of metal is detected, .the detector triggers__________________ Passage 4 The Power of Personal Attitudes Each of us is made up of various physical, vital, and mental parts. There is our physical body and its organs, muscles, etc; the vital being with its sensations, emotions and feelings, and the mental part with its thoughts, memories, reasoning power, beliefs, etc. Somewhere between our emotions and our thought processing lie our attitudes -- our emotional perceptions about life, about others, even towards our own selves. Attitudes generally express positively and negatively. E.g. when I have good feelings towards my work or towards others, the attitude is positive. When I feel reluctant to do certain things that are necessary, or show hostility towards certain individuals, then my attitude is negative. Attitudes About Ourselves, Others, Life Though we have many attitudes about all aspects of life, if we look a little closer we can identify three basic types—those that have to do with ourselves, those we have about others and the objects around us, and those we have towards life itself. An example of a negative attitude about ourselves is having low self-esteem, or low self-confidence. An example of a wanting attitudes about others is a feeling ill will towards another person, or being mistrustful of others. An example of a negative attitude towards life is being pessimistic that things will never turn out well. The good news however is that if we change any negative attitude to the positive, life tends to quickly respond. Consider this true story, where a person changed her attitude about certain people: A woman was working as a temporary employee for a large medical organization. For months, she complained about certain coworkers at her job. At the time, she had decided to develop a 30-day plan to secure a full-time position. One part of her plan was to change her attitude toward these particular individuals. In the days that followed, she persisted in following her plan, especially focusing on her wanting attitude toward others. She was shocked however when a month into her plan, she was suddenly asked to work for the organization full time -- her first non-temporary job in nearly a decade! That is the power of changing a negative attitude toward others. Negative Expressions Attracts Negative Response So far we have indicated that changing a negative attitude can attract sudden instances of good fortune. Inversely, if we take to a negative attitude, we can attract instances of bad fortune. For example, if we speak negatively about another person, it is likely that problematic circumstances will arise. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 A man “A” met a fellow instructor “B” before a class he was to perform that day. One of the things they discussed were problems they had experienced in earlier classes. In particular, A kept talking about how the students at a certain client were particularly difficult to work with. He persisted in expressing his feelings. Though that instructor rarely had problems with his students, later on that day, as well as in the next two classes, he had a series of difficulties with his students! As we see, when we express negative sentiment in life—whether it is ill will towards certain individuals or complaining about situations—we tend to elicit ill fortune. The best approach then is to avoid all negative expressions or complaining about others. In our moment-to-moment activities, we need to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings, and catch any negative expression—whether it us a flawed attitudes, a limited opinions, or a hasty, reflexive reaction. This is indeed serious business, because such expressions can literally destroy a work. The Power of an Overall Positive Attitude In addition to having the right attitudes towards others and life around us, it is always best to have an overall positive attitude. Here’s another real-life incident to show you what I mean: A management consultant was hoping to have a key meeting with the principle officers of a company with over $100 billion in assets. For days, he fretted about the deal as the potential client failed to contact him. He developed greater and greater doubts that the meeting would ever take place. Finally, he remembered that it was important to have a positive attitude in these situations. He decided to change his attitude about the potential meeting from worry and concern to being positive. A very short time later, he was contacted by the client that the meeting could in fact take place. He was thrilled. In addition, years of high-level consulting work followed with the client! That is the power of having a generally positive attitude. “I have a meeting with G, an important audio salesperson. We work through a system to get him committed and productive. We discuss the fact that he must commit. During the meeting, I am conscious of my attitude that is negative about our chances of success. I struggle to reverse them. We are then interrupted as the store is then filled with customers, and a good one for that salesperson to boot!” An overall positive attitude has the power to attract sudden good fortune from the world around us. We have also seen that when difficult circumstances come in your way, and you do not get overwrought by them, maintaining a positive calm attitude, life can suddenly reverse and cancel the problem or otherwise bring sudden instances of good fortune. 1. The main purpose of this article is to introduce the main parts of our physical body. 2. Our attitudes are our emotional perceptions about life and about others. 3. One’s low self-esteem shows a negative attitude about himself. 4. Even if we change any negative attitude to the positive, life will not change at all. 5. The story of the woman who finds a job by changing her attitude towards others shows us the power of changing a positive attitude toward others. 6. If we speak positively about another person, good things will happen. 7. The story about the man “A” and the man “B” shows us if we speak negatively about another person, it is likely that problematic circumstances will arise. 8. When we express negative sentiment in life, the best approach is to avoid _________ about others. 9. Besides having the right attitudes towards others and life around us, we should _________. 10. When difficult circumstances come in your way, __________ can help you to reverse life and cancel the problem. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Passage 5 How to Make Attractive and Effective PowerPoint Presentations Microsoft PowerPoint has dramatically changed the way in which academic and business presentations are made. This article outlines few tips on making more effective and attractive PowerPoint presentations. The Text Keep the wording clear and simple. Use active, visual language. Cut unnecessary words—a good rule of thumb is to cut paragraphs down to sentences, sentences into phrases, and phrases into key words. Limit the number of words and lines per slide. Try the Rule of Five-five words per line, five lines per slide. If too much text appears on one slide, use the AutoFit feature to split it between two slides. Click within the placeholder to display the AutoFit Options button (its symbol is two horizontal lines with arrows above and below), then click on the button and choose Split Text between Two Slides from the submenu. Font size for titles should be at least 36 to 40, while the text body should not be smaller than 24. Use only two font styles per slide—one for the title and the other for the text. Choose two fonts that visually contrast with each other. Garamond Medium Condensed and Impact are good for titles, while Garamond or Tempus Sans can be used for the text body. Embed the fonts in your presentation, if you are not sure whether the fonts used in the presentation are present in the computer that will be used for the presentation. To embed the fonts: (1) On the File menu, click Save As. (2) On the toolbar, click Tools, click Save Options, select the Embed TrueType Fonts check box, and then select Embed characters in use only. Use colors sparingly; two to three at most. You may use one color for all the titles and another for the text body. Be consistent from slide to slide. Choose a font color that contrasts well with the background. Capitalizing the first letter of each word is good for the title of slides and suggests a more formal situation than having just the first letter of the first word capitalized. In bullet point lines, capitalize the first word and no other words unless they normally appear capped. Upper and lower case lettering is more readable than all capital letters. Moreover, current styles indicate that using all capital letters means you are shouting. If you have text that is in the wrong case, select the text, and then click Shift+F3 until it changes to the case style that you like. Clicking Shift+F3 toggles the text case between ALL CAPS, lower case, and Initial Capital styles. Use bold or italic typeface for emphasis. Avoid underlining, it clutters up the presentation. Don’t center bulleted lists or text. It is confusing to read. Left align unless you have a good reason not to. Run “spell check” on your show when finished. The Background Keep the background consistent. Simple, light textured backgrounds work well. Complicated textures make the content hard to read. If you are planning to use many clips in your slides, select a white background. If the venue of your presentation is not adequately light-proof, select a dark-colored background and use any light color for text. Minimize the use of “bells and whistles” such as sound effects, “flying words” and multiple transitions. Don’t use red in any fonts or backgrounds. It is an emotionally overwhelming color that is difficult to see and read. The Clips Animations are best used subtly; too much flash and motion can distract and annoy viewers. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Do not rely too heavily on those images that were originally loaded on your computer with the rest of Office. You can easily find appropriate clips on any topic through Google Images. While searching for images, do not use long search phrases as is usually done while searching the web-use specific words. When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes and are in a .jpg format. Larger files can slow down your show. Keep graphs, charts and diagrams simple, if possible. Use bar graphs and pie charts instead of tables of data. The audience can then immediately pick up the relationships. The Presentation If you want your presentation to directly open in the slide show view, save it as a slide show file using the following steps. Open the presentation you want to save as a slide show. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Show. Your slide show file will be saved with a ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt file extension. When you double-click on this file, it will automatically start your presentation in slide show view. When you’re done, PowerPoint automatically closes and you return to the desktop. If you want to edit the slide show file, you can always open it from PowerPoint by clicking Open on the File menu. Look at the audience, not at the slides, whenever possible. If using a laser pointer, don’t move it too fast. For example, if circling a number on the slide, do it slowly. Never point the laser at the audience. Black out the screen (use “B” on the keyboard) after the point has been made, to put the focus on you. Press the key again to continue your presentation. You can use the shortcut command [Ctrl]P to access the Pen tool during a slide show. Click with your mouse and drag to use the Pen tool to draw during your slide show. To erase everything you’ve drawn, press the E key. To turn off the Pen tool, press [Esc] once. Miscellaneous Master Slide Set-Up: The “master slide” will allow you to make changes that are reflected on every slide in your presentation. You can change fonts, colors, backgrounds, headers, and footers at the “master slide” level. First, go to the “View” menu. Pull down the “Master” menu. Select the “slide master” menu. You may now make changes at this level that meet your presentation needs. 1. The ways in which academic and business presentations are made have been changed by Microsoft PowerPoint. 2. When making the PowerPoint, the wording of the text should be complicated. 3. In each slide, the font styles for the title and the text should contrast with each other. 4. A more formal situation is capitalizing the first letter of each word. 5. Centering bulleted lists or text can help to read. 6. Sound effects should be used as less frequently as possible. 7. When importing flashes, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes. 8. When making the presentation, you should look at the audience_________. 9. Pressing the E key can help you to __________. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 10. In order to ________, you can make changes at the “slide master” level. Passage 6 Natural Disasters Earthquakes When the Earth Moves Earthquakes are caused by the motion of tectonic plates—individual sections that make up the Earth’s surface like panels on a football. Immense strain accumulates along fault lines where adjacent plates meet. When the rock separating the plates gives way, sudden seismic ground-shaking movement occurs. Of course, if we want to know why earthquakes happen, we need to dig a little deeper. Centre of the Earth The Earth is made up of three main layers: The core is at the centre of the Earth. The mantle is a mobile semi-molten layer around the core. The outer-shell of the Earth is called the crust. Scientists call this the lithosphere—it’s the part we’re on now. The crust is made up of 12 individual tectonic plates. Below the sea, they can measure three to six miles (4km-9.6km) thick and under land this increases to 20-44 miles (32km-70.8km). Below the crust, radiation from the Earth’s core heats the semi-molten mantle to temperatures of over 5000?C. All fluids when heated—even molten rock—are affected by a process called convection. That makes hot liquid rise to displace cooler liquid, creating a current. Tectonic plates effectively float on the mantle, like croutons in a bowl of super-heated soup. But these plates and constantly move due to the convection current. Of course, they creep along very slowly—roughly the same speed your fingernails grow. Even at this sub snail-pace, the effects can be devastating. The combined annual force of earthquakes is equal to 100,000 times the power of the atomic bombs that flattened Hiroshima. The point where the seismic activity occurs is the epicentre, where the earthquake is strongest. But it doesn’t always end there; seismic waves travel out from the epicentre, sometimes creating widespread destruction as they pass. Volcanoes Without doubt, erupting volcanoes are the most awesome and terrifying sights in nature. In fact, their untamed destructive firepower has shaped and influenced many ancient cultures from Pompeii, to Japan. It’s estimated that one in ten of the World’s population live within “danger range” of volcanoes. According to the Smithsonian Institute, there are 1511 “active” volcanoes across the globe, and many more dormant ones that could recharge at any moment. ~When tectonic plates collidelike earthquakes, volcanoes form at weak-points in the Earth’s crust, known as “fault-lines”. When two tectonic plates collide, the event can provide the catalyst for volcanic activity. As one section slides on top of the other, the one beneath is pushed down into the mantle. Water trapped in the crust can cause reactions within the mantle. Why? Well, it’s thought that when the water mixes with the mantle, it lowers the mantle’s melting point, and the solid mantle melts to form a liquid, known as ‘magma’. Under Increasing Pressure Since liquid rock is less dense than solid rock, magma begins to rise through the Earth’s crust. It forces its way up, melting surrounding rock and increasing the amount of magma. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Magma only stops rising when the pressure from the rock layer above it becomes too great. It gathers below the Earth’s surface in a “magma chamber”. When the pressure increases in the chamber, the crust finally gives way and magma spews out onto the Earth’s surface forming a volcano. When it reaches the surface, magma becomes known as “lava”. Volcanic eruptions vary in intensity and appearance depending on two factors: the amount of gas contained in the magma. its viscosity—how runny it is. In general, the explosive eruptions come from high gas levels and high viscosity in the magma. Whilst lava floes result from magmas with low gas levels and low viscosity. Mount Etna Over millions of years, lava and ash from eruptions might build up to form a mountainous volcano like Mt Etna in Italy. Hurricanes By definition, a hurricane is fierce rotating storm with an intense centre of low pressure that only happens in the tropics. In south-east Asia they’re known as typhoons and in the Indian Ocean, cyclones. They cause high winds, huge waves, and heavy flooding. In 1998, Hurricane Gilbert produced 160mph winds, killing 318 people, and devastating Jamaica. A tropical storm can only be classified as a hurricane if it sustains wind speeds above 73mph or force 12 on the Beaufort Scale. Each year about 50 tropical storms reach hurricane status. One of the most powerful of all weather systems, hurricanes are powered by the heat energy released by the condensation of water vapour. However, the conditions have to be exact for a hurricane to form, with the sea’s surface temperature being above 26.5?C. How Hurricanes Happen Air above warm tropical water rises quickly as it is heated by the sea. As the air rises it rotates or spins creating an area of low pressure, known as the eye of the storm. The eye can be clearly seen on satellite pictures, and is usually eerily calm. The hurricane only moves slowly at speeds of 20-25mph bringing torrential rain and thunderstorms and very strong winds. However, they also cause flooding on low lying coastlines with a phenomenon known as a “storm surge”. Storm Surge This is caused by the intense low pressure at the eye of a hurricane, combining with the effect of strong winds. The sea rises 1cm for every millibar of pressure - if the pressure is 930 millibar, the sea surge will be about 80 cm. Hurricanes can raise the seas surface by as much as 4m. The hurricane winds push the surge along in front of its path. When this surge hits low-lying coasts, the effects can be devastating. In addition to the sea surge, flooding can also result from torrential rain falling from the storm clouds. Once it reaches the mainland, a hurricane may cause widespread damage for a few days, but with no warm water to supply heat, they quickly die out. 1. Earthquakes are caused by the motion of tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s surface. 2. The Earth is made up of four main layers: the core, the mantle, the crust and the magma. 3. It is the convection that make hot liquid rise to displace cooler liquid, creating a current. 4. The earthquake at the epicenter is weakest. 5. Both of volcanoes and earthquakes form at weak-points in the Earth’s crust when tectonic plates collide,. 6. Magma will fall through the Earth’s crust if the liquid rock is less dense than solid rock. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 7. Mt Etna in Italy produced 160mph winds and killed 296 people in 2000. 8. A hurricane is defined as a fierce rotating storm with an intense centre of low pressure that_______. 9. Torrential rain, __________ are always brought by the hurricane. 10. If there is no warm water to supply heat, the hurricane will______. Passage 7 Younger Artists Struggle to Excite Buyers As the senior global specialist and vice president for Chinese contemporary art at Sotheby’s in New York, Zhang Xiaoming travels to China almost every month. Here she usually meets collectors and dealers. When her schedule allows, she also takes the time to check out artists’ studios and their latest productions.  But Zhang admits to finding it increasingly difficult on recent visits to be "touched" by the new works that she has seen.   "Maybe there are great works that have not been discovered, but from what I see, many artists are repeating themselves and the market for younger artists’ works is overpriced," she said.  "The most important artists coming out of China, those who have been celebrated by international collectors, are artists who created works at very difficult times, and were inspired by their tradition, history and culture."   "These works are really deeply connected to their own culture and their own traditions," Zhang said. "But what is happening right now is a lot of younger artists coming to the market have a lack of spirituality. For me it’s hard to read what their artwork is about. Today some of the artists that fetch high prices may not last over the longer term."   Zhang is one of several market professionals who have raised concerns that Chinese contemporary art could be becoming overpriced, and might be heading for an inevitable correction, after recording stellar gains of about 40 percent each year for the past two years.examda.com   Still, if the latest auction results for Asian contemporary artwork at Christie’s are anything to go by, buyers are still extremely bullish, though increasingly selective.   The inaugural evening sale of Asian Contemporary Art at Christie’s in Hong Kong raised 318.38 million Hong Kong dollars, or $40.8 million, well above the presale estimate of 174.6 to 231.8 million dollars.   Christie’s was offering a small, highly selective list of high-caliber works by leading artists, including Zeng Fanzhi, Yue Minjun, Zhang Xiaogang, Cai Guoqiang and Takashi Murakami, and the buyers snapped them up. Only two of the 34 lots failed to meet their reserve and several records were set, including a new world auction record for any Chinese contemporary artwork, for Zeng Fanzhi’s monumental "Mask Series 1996 No.6"which sold for 75.3 million dollars.   "There was quite an even bidding between the room and the phones, though the phones seem to win in the end on the top lots," said Eric Chang, head of Asian contemporary art and Chinese 20th century art at Christie’s. "I think this evening sale has opened another gate for Asian contemporary art."  The auction continued equally strongly Sunday, with 341 lots raising 253.1 million dollars. While many buyers remain enthusiastic, they are also becoming more discerning.   "Gweong-Gweong,"by Yue Minjun, sold for 54 million dollars, a record for the artist and well above the 4.9 million dollars that it fetched in November 2005. But "Great Solidarity", painted by Yue in 1992, was one of the lots that failed to sell, despite being a historically significant piece that established the artist’s trademark motif of rows of repeated figures of himself. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 "I think that piece had some condition issues," Chang said. "The market is more mature now and collectors will select the good quality pieces in best condition."   Interest was not confined to Chinese contemporary art. The weekend auction set records for 29 Japanese artists, 10 Indian artists and 10 Korean ones.   "Interest in Japanese contemporary art was very strong," Chang said. "In general, pieces sold for between three to 10 times their estimates."   The market for Japanese contemporary art, which has embraced subcultures like manga, anime, fantasy and technology, has seen an incredible explosion in interest in recent months, helping to feed an increase of nearly threefold in total sales receipts at Christie’s Hong Kong auctions to 36.1 million dollars this past autumn from 12.5 million dollars in the spring of 2007.   "Japanese prices have been driven up by interest from Asian buyers," said Zhang Xiaoming, head of Chinese contemporary art at Sotheby’s in New York. "In fact, they are outperforming Chinese artists, but because they’re starting from a lower base, prices are still lagging behind those of Chinese."  Korean contemporary artists have also started to make some waves, although they still have to develop the salesroom buzz that surrounds the Japanese.   In contrast to all the exuberance in the contemporary market, however, interest in Chinese 20th century art is showing signs of fatigue.   In the second evening sale Saturday, featuring Chinese 20th century work, only 73 percent of the 26 lots were sold, raising 151.4 million dollars —within the estimate of 130.7 million to 168.3 million dollars but lacking in excitement. The next day went a little better, when 83 percent of the lots were sold, raising another 91.1 million dollars.   "Some pieces went very high, but maybe the estimates were on the high side,"Chang acknowledged.  Of six lots by the Taiwanese artist Kuo Po Chuan, only one was sold. "Sunset at Danshui" went for 2.64 million dollars, at the lower end of its estimate of 2.5 million to 3 million dollars. His star lot, "The Forbidden City", estimated at 5 million to 7 million dollars, failed to find a buyer. A piece from the same series was sold for a less-than-expect-ed 27.2 million dollars at a Sotheby’s Hong Kong auction last month.  "Chinese collectors might have been turned off by the latest developments on the local stock market,    as well as the Sichuan earthquake," he said. "But I think the market prices will come back up."   1. Zhang Xiaoming has settled in China and she found that the Chinese contemporary art really touches her.  2. According to Zhang, many artists are repeating themselves. 3. Zhang thinks tradition, history and culture are the sources of the artists’inspiration. 4. Zhang is the senior global specialist and vice president for Chinese contemporary art at Sotheby’s in New York.  5. Some market professionals including Zhang pointed out that some Chinese contemporary artworks are overpriced and most collectors have began to realize it.examda.com  6. Chinese contemporary artworks are the most popular among the collectors.  7. Japanese contemporary artworks sold badly in the auction.  8. Eric Chang, head of Asian contemporary art and Chinese 20th century art at Christie’s thinks that the market is very mature now and the buyers will _______________. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 第四章 十五兰十;,Banked Close 第一兰 兰兰填空;,解兰技巧Banked Cloze 兰兰填空篇章兰度兰兰~考兰考生兰篇章兰境中的兰兰理解和用能力~要求考生兰兰一篇兰运去若200—250 干兰兰的短文~然后从确填所兰的兰兰中兰兰正的兰兰空~使短文兰原。 ;一,解兰步兰 兰于兰兰新兰型~我兰兰兰兰兰怎呢, 兰兰分配,分兰 ;分兰留兰的篇常兰兰兰~兰兰两填空兰要兰出分兰,7= 25 – 18 18 Section B7   第一步,通兰全文 分兰(1) 通兰全文是用兰快速度~一行一行地兰~目的是把握至少的文章容。兰兰内填空后面的兰兰兰兰互不90% 兰兰~兰性也不同~而且兰有个乱脉干兰兰~切不可先看兰兰~了兰子。一定要先了解文章大意~兰着文章兰5 去找沉兰兰。所以~兰必先着地把文章兰一遍~尤其注意前后的位置~兰兰正兰兰找确打下兰兰。gap 提醒,先居高兰下~花秒兰把短文各自然段的段个首兰一遍。比如兰兰的各段是兰兰兰兰的,5 When Roberto Feliz came to the USA… Then Mrs. Malave, a bilingual educator, began to work with him… Today, he is a ________ doctor, run his own clinic… Roberto’s story is just one of ________ success stories. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 一眼就能看出短文的主要容,内兰始不行~随着兰兰的推移;,后来RobertoWhen – Then – Today 在兰人帮助下成功 了。心里有了底~再兰文章就兰松多了。(success stories) 提醒,的短文;,第一句是不允兰出兰的~兰全文起括、提示的作用。所以~一它概Banked cloze text 定要兰看第一句。真懂 第二步,整理兰兰 分兰(1) 兰一步~公兰的做法是先兰出个兰兰的兰性。目前四兰考兰只考兰兰中的四兰,名兰做主兰和兰兰兰兰做兰兰~15, 形容兰做定兰~副兰做兰。不考状数虚代兰和兰~也不考兰;冠兰介兰兰兰感兰兰,, , , 四兰兰兰中~考得最少是副兰不超兰两个研真空。剩下的三兰平均每次有三道兰。究兰兰和兰后兰兰~兰兰一, 直是考三。外三兰兰性~有~也有四。个另两个个 兰兰性兰的切入点是后兰~也就是兰尾。以ion, age, ness, ty, ship, ace, ance, ancy, ence, ency, dom, itude, 兰尾的大都是名兰~ 以兰尾的大都是兰兰~以um, mony ize, ise, fyive, ent, ant, ful, ous, able, ary, ic, cal, 兰尾的是大都是形容兰~以兰尾的大都是副兰。lessly, s, ways, wise 兰里有兰兰,一、有的兰做名兰和做兰兰都常兰~有上下文不好判~兰兰都要兰出~先兰两个很没断两个来 你个兰子里第一出兰的兰性。二、以兰尾的兰可能是兰兰~也可能是分兰兰兰而的形容兰。兰兰兰兰既来怎很,ing, ed 兰兰~新四兰考兰中的兰有到考分兰作形容兰的兰度~所以~到兰兰情~一律看成是兰兰~没碰况banked cloze 包括非兰兰兰兰。 第三步,兰兰填空 分兰(4) 兰兰兰法知兰~先定兰兰的兰性~确找确再去兰表中同一兰兰的兰兰~挑出正答案。 兰兰的定,兰兰最容确确个没没很易定~因兰一句子有兰兰就等于有兰兰~是明兰的缺陷。而且兰兰的兰兰性、可比性最差~兰兰和兰那有个个天壤之兰。 名兰的定,确 ,冠兰的后面。 1a, an, the ,介兰的后面。2in, on, from… ,形容兰 包括指示形容兰或称限定兰~如3(demonstrative adjectivesdeterminersthis, that, these, 的后面。 those ) 形容兰的定, 确名兰的前面。 副兰的定,确 ,兰兰的附近;指前面或后面,。1 兰,真…jobs that used to be done primarily by women… ,形容兰的前面。兰,真…2but they are still not completely sure what leads to it… ,句子的前面。如,3Not surprisingly, the jury found them both guilty. 上面兰的是根据兰法定兰性~兰在兰兰根据上下文定兰兰。确确默念兰句兰,“答案就在周兰,”如果你留心的兰~空白附近的暗示无兰不在。 真兰兰例, ,1the income …gives them new independence and buying power. For example, women now ____ 正向并列,同兰兰暗示 ;,about half of all cars. buying purchase. 2006-12 , 正向并列,同兰兰2The hot, humid air over the ocean causes sever _____ thunderstorms. hot, humid 暗示;,tropical.2006-6 ,…正向并列,同兰兰暗示 ~3other parts face drought, poor crops and _______. poor crops starvation欠收自然兰致兰荒。;,2006-6 兰兰,眼尖一点~兰子勤一点。 第四步,回兰兰兰 分兰review (1) 速度要快~只看有兰的句子可。即 ;二,解兰五兰招: Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   兰性判  断常用搭配  内在兰兰   感情色彩 兰法常兰1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ;四,兰例分析 ;以四兰考兰大兰中的兰兰兰例~兰合解兰方法~命兰特点兰行剖析,   When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic, he knew only a few words of English. Education soon became a __47__ "I couldn't understand anything," he said. He__48__ from his teachers, came home in tears, and thought about dropping out.   Then Mrs. Malave, a bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his__49__ Spanish. "She helped me stay smart while teaching me English," he said. Given the chance to demonstrate his ability, he__50__ confidence and began to succeed in school.   Today, he is a__51__ doctor, runs his own clinic, and works with several hospitals. Every day, he uses the language and academic skills he__52__ through bilingual education to treat his patients. Roberto's story is just one of__53__ success stories. Research has shown that bilingual education is the most__54__ way both to teach children English and ensure that they succeed academically. In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students__55__outperform their peers in monolingual programs. Calexico, Calif., implemented bilingual education, and now has dropout rates that are less than half the state average and college__56__rates of more than 90%. In El Paso, bilingual education programs have helped raise student scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation. A) wonder B) acquired C) consistently D) regained   E) nightmareF) native G) acceptance H) effective I) hid J) prominent K) decent L) countless M) recalled N) breakthrough O) automatically 解兰思路与命兰点剖析: ,通兰完文章后~兰所兰兰兰兰兰兰行兰性分兰1: 名 兰: E) nightmare G) acceptance N) breakthrough A) wonder 形容兰: J) prominent F) native L) countless K) decent H) effective 副 兰: C) consistently O) automatically 兰 兰: B) acquired I) hid D) regained M) recalled ,根据上下文的兰接~基本兰法知兰~固定搭配~兰兰感情色彩兰行答兰。2   根据基本兰法常兰判~ 在兰断个空前有一冠兰 “ ~兰明兰空兰一名兰~而且兰一填个断步推~一47) a” 定兰可名兰且是兰名兰~然数并数从找后我兰就兰才兰性兰兰后的名兰中兰答案。由此可以兰一步兰小范兰~由兰15 兰成了兰。根据上下文兰可以看到~上一句提到只知道一些英兰兰兰~而兰空后面一句的141Roberto Feliz 意思是他兰我不理解任何事情~由此可以判出断空的名兰感情色彩兰兰兰兰面或者兰兰兰兰~由此兰小了包47 兰圈~在兰个名兰中~兰兰兰的只有~ 因此我兰兰定答案。4E) nightmare   兰兰兰兰目的考兰重点兰兰性分兰以及兰上下文感情色彩的判。断:   首先根据兰法常兰判~兰断填学很个空所兰的兰性兰兰兰兰兰~兰心的同快可以兰兰~在兰空后出兰了48) ~ 表明兰是一个构个个平行兰~兰兰兰兰于解兰兰目非常重要~根据前后的兰兰判~此兰也兰兰兰兰的断填andand 兰去兰~我兰再兰一步判~兰断学断空后面句子的意思兰 “他回到家后就哭~而且想着兰”~由此我兰判兰 个填与并构断填地方所的兰兰的感情色彩也兰兰兰的~兰句后面列兰的感情色彩一至~我兰不兰判兰空兰I) 。hid   兰兰兰兰目的考兰重点兰平行兰以及句子所表的构达感情色彩。:   根据基本兰法常兰判~兰来断填空所的兰兰兰是修兰~所以我兰判兰断填个从空兰兰一形容兰~兰49)Spanish 性兰个来角度兰小了范兰。接着~我兰看上下文的含兰。上文提到是一位双教兰兰。兰兰里我兰可从Mrs. Malave 以看出~空前有个兰兰~兰是一信兰,表示兰个个号当双教 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 学位兰老兰在和科的兰候用某兰兰言。再49in 根据句意判~我兰不兰断填得出答案~兰兰F) native Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   兰兰兰兰重点考兰上下文的理解以及兰性判。断:   ,根据兰法常兰判~兰断填个与空兰兰一兰兰~构个成兰兰搭配。此外~兰有三地方的提示。50confidence 首先是的理解~放句首~后跟从跟名兰或句~然后再主句是固定句型。充介兰使用当~givenGivengiven 表示假兰、假定等意思。 兰句的意思兰 “假定兰他一展示个会他能力的机的兰” 其次是兰于 “的; and”准确理解~ 表示一列个并构学平行兰~后半句的意思是 “在校兰始取得成功” 通兰兰句可以表明and 前半句的感情色彩也兰兰是褒兰的最后~就是根据上下文意思的兰接来断判~ 文章第一段兰到兰于英兰; 他几懂学来噩梦断学乎不~在校兰着老兰~在家兰常哭泣~兰想兰~兰言兰于他兰是一兰~由此可以判他兰兰英兰失去了信心~ 而本句的后半句兰他兰始在学很校取得成功~明兰兰是重拾信心的表兰。兰上~我兰得出兰空的答案兰D) regained   兰兰兰兰考兰的重点兰兰性判~上下文的理解~以及断固定搭配。:   , 根据兰法判~我兰容断很断个填个来易定兰空兰兰一形容兰修兰兰名兰。 此外~解个本兰的兰51doctor 兰兰有一小兰~就是个兰兰~兰兰出兰就兰明文中兰含个个着兰兰兰比的考点~兰解兰有兰接的提示作用~兰于today 兰兰小兰的准确个个含兰的理解~考生兰兰不能忽兰。除了兰兰索之外~在兰空的后面句子的意思兰 “他兰了自己的兰所~而且在兰多家医与院工作” 兰足以兰明他在事兰上的成功。感情色彩兰褒兰色彩。再根据doctor搭配的原兰~很几个快就能在形容兰中兰定答案。 J) prominent   兰兰兰兰的考兰重点兰兰性判~上下文兰断断接以及句子感情色彩的判。:   ,根据兰法知兰判~兰断填个填与空所的兰兰是一兰兰。此外~考生可以兰兰所的兰兰是52academic skills构很成兰兰搭配。明兰~根据句意他用通兰兰所到的兰言和兰双教学学来很断得的技能治兰他的病人。快判兰: 出兰空兰兰填。 B) acquired   兰兰本兰所考兰的重点是兰性判~特兰是考生兰断固定搭配的掌握。:   ,兰空所的兰兰是一形容兰填个修兰~又根据的意思判~ 来断只不兰53storiesone of Roberto's story是多成众个功故事中的一~所以我兰可以兰定答案。L) countless   兰兰本兰重点考兰兰性判~特兰是上下文意思的理解。 断:   ,本兰的解兰兰兰有。两个来断填来首先是根据兰法常兰判兰性~兰空兰兰形容兰修兰。其次根据整句兰54way 的意思判来断本句的意思兰 “研双教学究表明兰兰于教学孩子英兰以及保兰他兰在兰兰上取得成功是一兰: ( )的方法” 。本段兰兰正好兰了成功的例子~兰兰兰兰双教学兰了成来功。 因此我兰可以Roberto's storyRoberto 判兰地方所兰的形容兰兰兰是断个填褒兰的~不兰得出兰兰。 H) effective   兰兰本兰除了兰兰考兰兰性判外~更重要的是考兰兰上下文断体感情色彩的整把握。:   ,根据兰法常兰判~此兰兰一断填个来副兰修兰兰兰。又根据句子的意思~容很断易判出兰兰55outperform 填持兰地~一直地。C) consistently()   兰兰本兰考兰的重点是兰性判以及句意理解。兰度兰小。断:   , 根据兰法常兰可以判~断填个来与本空兰兰一名兰来构搭配~成兰兰。上文中出兰了56ratesdropout 兰率学~而本句又使用了比兰兰的手法~由此判兰比兰考点。 断断填通兰常兰判~兰里肯定rates()G) ~与构成兰兰;入率学与,~前面所提到的兰率学构成兰acceptanceratesacceptance ratedropout rates () 比。兰兰本兰特兰考兰了上下文的兰接兰系。: 第二兰 强化兰兰 Passage 1 The American patent system, provided for in the Constitution, was designed to encourage the creation and use of new technology. An inventor would describe the invention, both in writing and with drawings, and __47__ the description with a model to a government official. If the invention was judged to be ___48__ and beneficial, the official would give the inventor a patent. The patent meant that for 14 years the inventor owned the new invention. Inventors could ___49__ their ideas to manufacturers or just use them themselves. The government would not ___50__ any other patent for the same idea, and the inventor could ___51__ anyone of using the patented idea with- out paying the owner of the patent for ___52__ to use it. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   A useful patent meant that the inventor could make a lot of money. In exchange for this governmental protection, the government published the patent __53___ , which had to provide enough information so that other people could understand the invention—thus adding to the general__54_technological knowledge. And at the end of the 14 years, anyone could use the invention for__55__.The idea behind the patent system was twofold: it would increase the amount of technology, by providing a way for people to make money out of new ideas, and it would make new technology widely available, by publicizing ideas that might ___56__ be kept as trade secrets. A) license B) however C) accuse D) submit E) convenient F) permission G) enable H) free I ) specifications J ) yield    K) issue L) charge M) available N) otherwise O) original Passage 2 The ordinary family in colonial North America was primarily 1 with sheer physical survival and beyond that its own economic 2 . Thus, children were valued in terms of their productivity, and they assumed the role of producer quite early. Until they fulfilled this role, their position in the structure of the family was one of subordination and their psychological needs and capacities received little 3 . As the society became more complex, the 4 of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex, technological society that the United States has become, each member must fulfill a number of personal and occupational roles and be in constant contact with a great many of other members. 5 , viewing children as potentially acceptable and necessarily multifaceted members of society means that they are regarded more as people in their own right than as utilitarian organisms. This acceptance of children as equal participants in the contemporary family is reflected in the variety of statutes 6 the rights of children and in the social and public welfare programs devoted exclusively to their will-being. This new 7 of children and the increasing contact between the members of society has ;猛增,also resulted in a surge of interest in child- 8 techniques. People today spend a 9 ;探兰,portion of their time conferringon the proper way to bring up children. It is now possible to influence the details of the socialization of another person’s child by spreading the gospel of current and fashionable theories and methods of child rearing. The socialization of the 10 child in the United States is a two-way communication between parent and child rather than a one-way parent to child training program. As a consequence, socializing children and living with them over a long period of time is for parents a mixture of pleasure, satisfaction, and problems. A prosperity B status C protecting D rearing E contemporary F reveal G curiosity H concerned I consideration J consequently K view L considerable M stimulated N consistently O reserving Passage 3 Citing an epidemic of obesity, Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher, today called on communities and schools to help children and adults lose weight and stay 1 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Satcher 2 schools as central to efforts to prevent and decrease excess weight problems, and recommended they 3 physical education programs and provide healthy food alternatives. Communities also must offer safe places to exercise, he 4 . “Many people believe that dealing with overweight and obesity is a personal responsibility,” Satcher states. “To some degree they are right, but it is also a community responsibility.” An estimated 300,000deaths may be 5 to obesity in the United States each year, and more than 60% of adults in 1999 could be 6 as overweight or obese,7 to the new report from the surgeon general. But the problem is not just a concern for adults. The prevalence of obesity for adolescents has nearly 8 in the past two decades, making early intervention all the more critical. According to the report, in 1999, 13 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 11 and 14 percent of those aged 12 to 19 were overweight. And the younger a person begins to carry excess weight, the 9 the potential impact on their future quality of life. Weight gain and obesity are major 10 to poor health, increasing the risk of a number of medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, and even certain cancers.A purchase B classified C urged D interview E tripled F contributors G moreover H healthy I greater J attributed K improve L deal M according N checkout O identified Passage 4 世界末日The weather prediction for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday() movie. Except many climatologists and green groups fear they will come 1 unless there is a 兰兰concerted global effort to rein() in greenhouse gas 2 . a--In the decades to come, Asihome to more than half the world’s 6.3 billion people--will 兰斜lurch() 3 one climate extreme to another, with impoverished farmers battling droughts, floods, 4 , food shortages and rising sea levels. “It’s not a pretty picture,” said Steve Sawyer, climate policy adviser with Greenpeace in Amsterdam. Global warming and changes to weather 5 are already occurring and there is enough excess carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to drive climate change for decades to 6 . Already, changes are being felt in Asia but worse is likely to come, Sawyer and top climate bodies say, and could lead to mass migration and widespread humanitarian 7 . According to predictions, glaciers will 8 faster, some Pacific and Indian Ocean islands will have to evacuate or build sea defenses, storms will become more intense and insect and water-borne diseases will move into new areas as the world 9 . Experts say environmental 10 such as deforestation and pollution will likely magnify the impacts of climate change. A come B scholarship C melt D emissionsE effort F patterns G crises H truePassage 4 I conceive J warms K disease With M degradation N long O from Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Passage 5 What is it about Americans and food? We love to eat, but we feel 47 about it afterward. We say we want only the best, but we strangely enjoy junk food. We’re 48 with health and weight loss but face an 肥胖矛盾情兰unprecedented epidemic of obesity(). Perhaps the 49 to this ambivalence() lies in our history. 兰兰The first Europeans came to this continent searching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop(作物) wasn’t eaten but smoked. Then there was Prohibition, intended to prohibit drinking but actually encouraging more 50 ways of doing it. The immigrant experience, too, has been one of inharmony. Do as Romans do means eating what “real Americans” eat, but our nation’s food has come to be 51 by imports — pizza, say, or hot dogs. And some of the country’s most treasured cooking comes from people who arrived here in shackles. Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that food has been a medium for the nation’s defining struggles, whether at the Boston Tea Party or the sit-ins at southern lunch counters. It is integral to our concepts of health and even morality whether one refrains from alcohol for religious reasons or evades meat for political 52 . But strong opinions have not brought 53. Americans are ambivalent about what they put in their mouths. We have become 54 of our foods, especially as we learn more about what they contain. The 55 in food is still prosperous in the American consciousness. It’s no coincidence, then, that the ;束兰,first Thanksgiving holds the American imagination in such bondage. It’s what we eat — and how we 56 it with friends, family, and strangers — that help define America as a community today. A. answer B. result C. share D. guilty E. constant F. defined G. vanish H. adapted I. creative J. belief K. suspicious L. certainty M. obsessed N. identify O. ideals Passage 6 There’s no question that the Earth is getting hotter. The real questions are: How much of the warming is our fault, and are we 47 to slow the devastation by controlling our insatiable 48 for fossil fuels? Global warming can seem too 49 to worry about, or too uncertain—something projected by the same computer 50 that often can’t get next week’s weather right. On a raw winter day you might think that a few degrees of warming wouldn’t be such a bad thing anyway. And no doubt about it: Warnings about 51 change can sound like an environmentalist scare tactic, meant to force us out of our cars and restrict our lifestyles. Comforting thoughts, perhaps. Unfortunately, however, the Earth has some discomforting news. From Alaska to the snowy peaks of the Andes the world is heating up right now, and fast. Globally, the 52 is up 1?F over the past century, but some of the coldest, most remote spots have warmed much more. The results aren’t pretty. Ice is 53, rivers are running dry, and coasts are 54, threatening communities. The 55 are happening largely out of sight. But they shouldn’t be out of mind, because they are omens of what’s in store for the 56 of the planet. A. remote B. techniques C. consisting D. rest E. willing F. climate G. skill H. appetite I. melting J. vanishing K. eroding L. temperature M. curiosity N. changes O. skillful Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 第五章 完形填空;,Cloze 第一兰 述概 完形填空;共兰~考兰兰兰分兰,是大英兰四兰考兰中的常兰兰型。在一篇学字的短Cloze2015200-250文中~中从去掉个兰~每个空白兰一兰~每兰有、、、和四兰兰兰~要求考生个分兰以在全面内20ABCD15理解容的内个构填基兰上兰兰一最佳答案~使短文的意思和兰恢兰完整。空的兰兰包括 兰兰和构 兰兰兰。 完形填空旨在兰兰考生外兰兰合水平。在知兰兰次~兰兰兰兰、兰法知兰~在兰用兰次~兰兰理解全文主兰大意和作者意兰的能力、根据上下文用兰言运知兰猜兰生兰兰兰的能力、以及全面兰兰兰篇、兰取信息的能力。 第二兰 兰兰重点 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 、兰兰方面1 兰兰的兰兰辨析 兰兰辨析主要集中在兰兰名兰~兰兰~形容兰和副兰~兰兰往往以同兰兰~近兰兰~反兰兰或形近易(1)() 混兰的形式出兰。 固定搭配 固定搭配以兰兰~形容兰与构填副兰~介兰成的兰兰居多~兰些兰兰出兰在完形空中~主要以副兰(2) 和介兰兰考点。 、兰法方面 2 定兰句~主要考兰兰从与从区从接兰~限定非限定定兰句的兰~定兰句的判兰区从与它从分定兰句其主兰(1) ( 合句。 ) 非兰兰兰兰兰兰不定式~兰在分兰~兰去分兰~兰名兰。 (2) () 主兰搭配一致兰兰~兰兰~兰~人~气称数。 (3) () 否定句各兰否定兰及重双否定。 (4) 兰兰主兰主要是非兰兰兰兰的兰兰主兰~在句法上不是主兰兰系~但在兰兰上兰施兰者兰作的兰系。 与(5) () 句型句式~包括兰兰兰句~列句~兰兰或区并称构装省略~倒兰及割裂的兰兰句子。 (6) 兰兰之兰的搭配要求~如名兰需要形容兰~名兰~冠兰~非兰兰兰兰~兰兰及定兰句从修兰~兰兰需要副兰兰兰修兰~(7) 及物兰兰后兰加兰兰等。 、兰篇方面 3 兰境。兰境就是我兰平常所兰的上下文。兰的兰广与境指所有的上下文~段段之兰句子句子之兰~句与(1) ,子段之兰的兰兰兰系。兰的兰与狭内境指句子部的兰兰之兰在兰兰上的兰系。 句兰之兰的兰兰兰系完形填并空。句兰之兰的兰兰兰系主要包括,列兰系兰接兰有等~兰折兰系兰(2) (and, while)(接兰有~等~因果兰系兰接兰有but, whereas, neverthelesshowever, though)(so, 等兰步兰系兰接兰有 等 ~条therefore, thus, because, for, since, as);( though, although, despite, in spite of)件兰系兰接兰有等~解兰兰系兰接兰有( if, unless, once, provided that, in case of ) ( 等~兰序兰系兰接兰有等。i.e., that is to say, in other word)(before, after ) 兰兰的兰兰兰系。兰兰的兰兰兰系是指某一兰以原兰~个概指代兰~同兰兰~近兰兰~上兰兰~下兰兰~括兰等出兰在兰(3) 篇中~兰篇中的句子通兰兰兰兰兰兰系得以相互兰接。根据兰原兰~个个很某一空格所兰兰的答案可能就是在上下文中兰兰的相兰兰~考生可以根据兰些兰兰兰之兰的有机兰系定答案。确 兰兰的同兰兰系。兰兰的同兰兰系是指兰兰共同出兰的兰向性。在兰篇中~兰兰一定的主兰~一定的兰就同兰出兰会~(4) 兰兰兰的同兰兰系兰篇范兰兰系与个将密切~根据兰原兰~我兰可以兰除一些兰篇范兰以外的兰兰~而重点放在兰篇范兰以的兰兰上。内 第三兰 兰兰策略解兰技巧与 要做好完形填构与构空~必兰要在通兰全文、把握兰大意的前提下~根据所提供的兰兰及句子的兰、兰 法、兰篇等信息~通兰兰兰推理、兰比等手段最后确填个定答案。根据完形空兰一兰兰特点~兰采取以下五步兰逐一兰行。 步兰一、了解大意 通兰整篇文章~弄清构确确从文章的大意和兰~立正的背景知兰。考生在第一遍兰兰中~要善于文章兰兰的句兰中把握短文的几构并断构并随断背景、主兰或兰~兰合常兰判、建一定的兰期~在后的兰兰中~不修正~以求原文一与致。 步兰二~初兰答案 在每填个从个来空格兰~可以出兰者的出兰思路着手~初步作出每兰的答案。兰的兰~出兰人有以下六兰出兰思路。 ;一,兰兰兰形的辨析。兰兰兰兰之兰成同兰兰、反兰兰、形与与构近兰的兰系。有兰出兰者也借助兰兰~考察考生兰某些兰兰兰兰的精理解。兰例,确 Geographers compare and contrast 71 places on the earth. 71. A) similar B) various C) distant D) famous Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰文,地理学家比兰和兰照地球上的什兰地方。 出兰者精心兰兰只兰考察和的精含兰。确意兰comparecontrastcompareto exam for similarities and 意兰。兰合兰的含兰~兰兰“出其相两个找似之兰differences, contrastto compare in order to show differences与不同之兰”。,各兰各兰”兰正答案。确Bvarious“ ;二,兰兰兰系。所填与构空格的句子~上下文成指代、列兰、因果、比兰、兰比、兰步、兰充、兰兰等兰兰兰系。 The foreign research scholar usually isolates himself in the laboratory as a means of protection; 72 , what he needs is to be fitted into a highly organized university system… 72. A) otherwise B) moreover C) however D) also 根据上下文~空格前的意思兰“外籍究研学离者通常把自己隔在兰兰室里作兰一兰保兰的手段”空格后兰“他需要融入的是高度的兰兰化的大系兰”。前者是一兰学离状孤的兰“~而后者都是一兰isolate” 兰兰化的系兰“~兰兰的从角度而言~前后已然成兰兰立、矛盾的兰系。befitted to a highly organized university”所以答案兰表示兰比;兰折,兰系的兰兰 however. 三兰兰兰。兰里兰到的兰~是构构构指英文中句子兰的固定兰兰~如()not only…but also…,as well, 等。some…the others…, still others… 四固定搭配。兰里的固定搭配~是指兰兰名兰之兰的与搭配。如,同兰是“利用……”却有不同(), 的搭配take advantage of sth. /make use of sth. 五兰兰的用法。考生兰兰兰的兰兰、兰兰从;被兰兰兰和主兰兰兰,以及非兰兰兰兰不定式、兰名兰、兰在分兰、兰去分()( 兰,角几个度逐一考兰。 六介兰的用法。介兰的用法中多考察介兰名兰、介兰形容兰及及介兰兰兰的与与与搭配和用法。() 除了按照以上六兰思路正面从灵从逐一解兰外~考生兰可以活多兰地反面入手~利用排除法兰得 正答案。在四兰考兰的确填完形空部分~特兰是在考察兰兰兰的兰兰中~利用一兰叫“同性元素排除法”的方法能兰快速地兰小可兰范兰~到正答案。例如,找确 “In the United States professors have many other duties 86 teaching, such as administrative or research work . 87 , the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of classis limited.” 86. A) but B) except C) with D) besides 87. A) However B)Therefore C) Furthermore D) Nevertheless 在完形填两个空中~所兰的同性元素是指具有相同的含兰~同兰的兰法功能以及一致用法的或 多兰兰~只要具兰以上件~那兰相个几个条它构互之兰就成了同性元素。其兰~同性元素的出兰~是出兰者黔兰技兰的表兰~是兰了凑个两很足四兰兰不得已而兰之的。分析以上兰兰兰~明兰~兰中~与互兰同性元86AB 素~意思兰法与功用一模一兰~均表示“除了…”;不包含,。 兰中与也如出一兰~均87AD 是表示兰折的兰兰~兰兰“然而~但是”~兰兰中一旦出兰同性元素~兰必定不是正答案~一它确旦兰兰兰兰中有同性元素存在~考生兰立即将来其排除掉。兰兰一~兰只剩下可兰答案,、,~兰只剩下86CD87 ,、,~可兰范兰迅速兰小~再根据上下文兰兰兰系的判定可得出正答案确,~,。BC86D87B 运几况用排除法解兰兰有如下兰情, ?从气数个填内与从兰兰、兰兰、兰、名兰的等各角度分析所容是否上下文一致~而排除一些兰兰答案~兰小兰兰范兰~ ?分析空白兰前与从后兰之兰的兰兰兰兰、搭配兰系~而排除一些兰兰~ ?弄楚清它并兰兰的句法兰系~分析一下是兰兰句、列句~兰是兰合句~ ?判所的容在句中充什兰成分~兰是什兰兰性~分析兰兰答案之兰的同~断填内当并异从 而排除干兰兰兰出正答案。确 步兰三~兰兰找索 完形填与构空不同于句子兰~必兰要兰整篇文章入手~从通篇考兰~兰合上下文答案~兰找从来会个从兰索就秉承了兰一思想。有些兰兰兰的句子考兰~我兰兰兰四兰兰均可以入兰~但上下 文的兰索入手~就能迅速排除其三~到正答案。它个找确从来找某兰意兰上兰~“兰兰索“不 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰考察考生的兰言知兰~而且更强兰考生兰文章容的整把握。所以~解答内体填完形空兰兰~ 有兰文章中提供的信息兰不兰~考生要把符合常兰的一些知兰信息兰合起考兰~兰出来符合常兰 的最佳答案。 步兰四~回兰兰缺 在做兰兰~如果有的兰兰一兰做不出~兰来立刻跳兰此兰~兰兰往下做。考生不要在某一兰上 花兰大量的兰兰。只要考生兰持往下做~随来来着空格兰得越越少~兰文章的理解也越越兰松~ 有兰就能下文的兰从找索和暗示中到答案。 步兰五~核兰答案 兰目填个两将完后;除兰兰度兰大的兰目外,~考生兰利用一到分兰答案兰入原文通兰~通兰的目的是通 兰“兰感”来来填启来核兰答案。兰兰兰下~不兰可以改正兰的兰~而且兰可以在兰一兰程中得到兰~把做不上的 兰目出。兰行填来核兰同兰注意以下三点, ,上下文的一致性,兰兰兰兰的一即数致~代兰、名兰、兰兰的一致。1 ,从兰法和兰用法及兰兰搭配、甚至兰感入手~看是否符合上下文的兰兰。2 ,段段、句句之兰的兰与与接是否兰兰。 3 兰上所述~以上兰五步个个填条兰在整完形空的做兰兰程中缺一不可。兰文章大意的了解是前提件~ 答案的初兰是做兰的核心~在兰一兰程中~除了兰兰兰系以外~其余兰出兰思路更主要的是兰兰考生平兰的兰5 累和兰兰的程度~考察考生的兰言功底。再次提醒各位~完形填离体空的成功不兰兰篇章的整把握。孤立、 片面地看兰兰~兰使会你失望而兰。 Test 1 From Boston to Los Angeles, from NewYork City to Chicago to Dallas, museums are either planning, building, or wrapping up wholesale __1__ programs. These programs already have 2 altered facades and floor plans or 3 to do so in the not too distant future. In New York City alone, six major institutions have __4_ up and out into the air space and neighborhoods around them or are preparing to do so. The reasons 5 this confluence (兰合) of activity are complex, but one factor is a 6__ everywhere ——space. With collections 7 each year, with the needs and functions of museums changing, empty space has become a very precious 8 for all the people. Probably 9 in the country is this more true than at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which has needed 10 space for decades and which received its last 11 facelift ten years ago. Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly __12 in considering acquisitions and donations 13 art, in some cases passing up opportunities to 14 its collections. Decreasing or selling off works of art __15 new importance because of the museum's space problems. And 16 , curators have been forced to rearrange the gallery space, rotating one masterpiece into public _ 17__ while another is sent to _18 in the warehouse (兰兰). _19 the clear need for additional gallery and storage space, however, "the museum has no plan, no plan to break out of its__20 in the next fifteen years," according to Philadelphia Museum of Art's president. 1. A. expandingB. expandedC. expansionD. expand 2. A. radicallyB. unnoticeablyC. unassuminglyD. modestly Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 3. A. are expectingB. is expectingC. are expectedD. is expected 4. A. scatteredB. spreadC. establishedD. increased 5. A. amongB. fromC. forD. why 6. A. considerationB. thinkingC. measurementD. calculation 7. A. increasedB. increasingC. having increasedD.having been increased 8. A. phenomenonB. valueC. treasureD. commodity 9. A. somewhereB. nowhereC. anywhereD. wherever 10. A. excessiveB. extremeC. additionalD. unnecessary 11. A. significantB. noticeableC. evidentD. visible 12. A. carefulB. waryC. distrustfulD. cautious 13. A. of B. forC. in D. from 14. A. purchaseB. orderC. strengthenD. select 15. A. has attachedB. has investedC. has demonstratedD. has taken 16. A. graduallyB. increasinglyC. slowlyD. regularly 17. A. viewB. performanceC. appreciationD. access 18. A. storeB. storingC. storageD. storeroom 19. A. ForB. ThroughC. DespiteD. Though 20. A. enclosureB. envelopeC. sphereD. territory Test 2 From childhood to old age, all of us have to use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world around us. When humans first 1 _ , they were like newborn children, unable to use this __2 _ tool. Yet once language developed, the possibilities for human kind's future __3__ and cultural growth increased. Many linguists believe that evolution is __4 __ for our ability to produce and use languages. They _ 5__ that our highly evolved brain provides us 6 an innate language ability not found in lower 7 . Proponents (支持者) of this innateness theory say that our 8 for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually, _ 9 a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical ___10___ times for language development. Current __11__ of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable. __12__ , more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in __13__ grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being __14__ to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the __15__ of their first language Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 have become firmly fixed. __16__ some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been __17__ from other human beings do not possess languages. This demonstrates that __18__ with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language __19__ than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior. __20__, children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually shape their children's language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones. 1. A. generatedB. evolvedC. bornD. originated 2. A. valuableB. appropriateC. convenientD. favorite 3. A. attainmentB. feasibilityC. entertainmentD. evolution 4. A. essentialB. availableC. reliableD. responsible 5. A. confirmB. informC. claimD. convince 6. A. forB. fromC. ofD. from 7. A. organizationsB. organismsC. humansD. children 8. A. potentialB. performanceC. preferenceD. passion 9. A. asB. just asC. likeD. unlike 10. A. ideologicalB. biologicalC. socialD. psychological 11. A. reviewsB. referenceC. reactionD. recommendation 12. A. In a wordB. In a senseC. IndeedD. In other words 13. A. variousB. differentC. higherD. the lower 14. A. revealedB. exposedC. engagedD. involved 15. A. regulationsB. formationsC. rulesD. constitutions 16. A. AlthoughB. WhetherC. SinceD. When 17. A. distinguishedB. differentC. protectedD. isolated 18. A. expositionB. comparisonC. contrastD. interaction 19. A. acquisitionB. appreciationC. requirementD. alternative 20. A. As a resultB. After allC. In other wordsD. Above allTest3 One of the most popular literary __1__ in American literature is a woman who spent almost half of her long life in China. In her lifetime she __2__ the most highly acclaimed literary award in the Unite States: the Pulitzer Prize, and also the most prestigious form of literary __3__ in the world, the Nobel Prize __4__ Literature. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Pearl S. Buck was almost a __5__ word throughout much of her lifetime because of her prolific (多兰 的) literary __6__, which consisted __7__ of some works, including several dozen novels, 6 collections of short stories, 14 books for children, and more than a dozen works of nonfiction. When she was 80 years old, some 25 volumes were __8__ publication. Many of those books were __9__ China, the land in which she spent so much of her life. Her books and her life __10__ as a bridge between the cultures of the East and the West. As the __11__ of those two cultures she became, as she __12__ herself, "mentally bifocal (双焦点的). " Her unique __13__ made her into an unusually __14__ and versatile human being. As we examine the life of Pearl Buck, we cannot help but be __15__ that we are in fact __16__ three separate people: a wife and mother, an internationally famous writer and a humanitarian and philanthropist (慈善家). One cannot really get to know Pearl Buck without learning __17__ each of the three. Though __18__ in her lifetime with even the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes, Pearl Buck as a __19__ human being, not only a famous author, is a captivating (迷人的) __20__ of study. 1. A. figuresB. personsC. peopleD. writers 2. A. obtainedB. achievedC. resultD. earned 3. A. achievementB. recognitionC. contributionD. creation 4. A. forB. toC. inD. on 5. A. familiarizedB. recognizableC. mysteriousD. household 6. A. outputB. conceptionC. inventionD. productivity 7. A. publishingB. publishedC. publicityD. publicized 8. A. waitingB. waited forC. awaited forD. awaiting 9. A. set inB. set asideC. set upD. set off 10. A. actedB. servedC. providedD. supplied 11. A. outcomeB. mixtureC. productD. combination 12. A. calledB. namedC. termedD. described 13. A. historyB. backgroundC. settingD. childhood 14. A. interestedB. interestC. interestingD. disinterest 15. A. awareB. consciousC. mindfulD. responsive 16. A. dealingB. meetingC. analyzingD. distinguishing 17. A. fromB. ofC. aboutD. on 18. A. honorB. honorableC. honoringD. honored 19. A. comprehensiveB. totalC. completeD. genuine 20. A. topicB. areaC. themeD. subject Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Test 4 Traveling can be fun and easy. A vacation trip to another part of the country is especially __1__ when the traveling conditions are good. Good traveling conditions __2__ : ( 1 ) a comfortable and familiar mode of transportation, (2) knowledge of the country's language and system of money, (3) __3__ with the customs and habits of the people in the country, and (4) nice travel __4__. All of us have had nice trips __5__ this. In fact, we have good __6__ of an enjoyable, relaxing trip. Most of us have also had trips that we would __7__ to forget. Many conditions can produce a bad __8__ experience. For example, if the four conditions __9__ above do not exist, we will __10__ have a bad experience, or at a difficult __11__. Students who travel to another country to __12__ often have a difficult trip. They __13__ travel alone, they don't know the language of the new country __14__, they are not familiar with the money system and so on. They often arrive in the new country at a huge __15__ airport. From the airport, they need to __16__ their way to the city where their school is. Maybe they need to __17__ airplanes, to take a bus, a train, or a taxi. They need to do all this in a country __18__ everything is unfamiliar: the language, the money, the people, the cities, and the weather. Later, after the experiences are over, they __19__ laugh. But certainly at the __20__ , they feel terrible. 1. A. enjoyableB. amusingC. happyD. favorable 2. A. includeB. excludeC. concludeD. contain 3. A. awarenessB. understandingC. interestD. familiarity 4. A. friendsB. companionsC. colleaguesD. companies 5. A. likeB. asC. towardsD. for 6. A. memoriesB. impressionsC. opinionsD. pictures 7. A. likeB. haveC. wantD. need 8. A. tripB. tourC. travelD. visit 9. A. outlinedB. talkedC. discussedD. listed 10. A. impossiblyB. probablyC. completelyD. partly 11. A. oneB. aC. thatD. this 12. A. studyB. playC. experienceD. inspect 13. A. hardlyB. rarelyC. particularlyD. usually 14. A. yetB. tooC. eitherD. already 15. A. nationalB. internationalC. domesticD. local 16. A. watchB. noticeC. seeD. find 17. A. alterB. boardC. takeD. change 18. A. whereB. whenC. whoseD. which 19. A. needB. shallC. mayD. must Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 20. A. airportB. countryC. timeD. day Test 5 Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers (地理学家) compare and contrast __1__ places on the earth. But they also __2__ beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a __3__. The word geography comes from two Greek words, "ge', the Greek word for "earth" and "graphein", __4__ means "to write". The English word " geography" means "to describe the earth". __5__ geography books focus on a small area __6__ a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an __7__ continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another __8__ to divide the study of __9__ is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former __10__ on the natural world; the __11__ starts with human beings and __12__ how human beings and their environment act __13__ each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject, __14__ branch can neglect the other. A geographer might be described __15__ one who observes, records, and explains the __16__ between places in the world. If places were __17__, there would be little need for geographers. We know, however, __18__ no two places are exactly the same. Geography, __19__, is a point of view, a special way of __20__ at places. 1.A) similarB) variousC) distantD) famous 2.A) passB) reachC) goD)set 3.A) wholeB) unitC) partD) total 4.A) whatB) whenC,whichD) where 5.A) SomeB,ManyC) MostD,Few 6.A) outsideB) exceptC) atD) like 7.A) extensiveB) entireC) overallD) enormous 8.A) wayB) meansC) habitD) technique 9.A) worldB) earthC) geographyD) globe 10.A) focusesB) studiesC) researchesD) observes 11.A) secondB) laterC) nextD) latter 12.A) learnsB) studiesC) realizesD) understands 13.A) uponB) forC) betweenD) among 14.A) neitherB) eitherC) oneD) each 15.A) overB) toC) asD) by 16.A) exceptionsB) samenessC) differencesD) divisions Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 17.A) likelyB) likeableC) likingD) alike 18.A) althoughB) whetherC) sinceD) that 19.A) stillB) thenC) neverthelessD) moreover 20.A) workingB) lookingC) arrivingD) getting Test 6 Have you ever felt trapped in a job you hate? __1__ you are ready to move forward and find a more fulfilling position, career transition (兰渡~兰迁) specialist Gregg Taylor has a few __2__ to help deal with the emotional side of __3__ your job. When writing your resignation letter, keep it short and __4__ the point. Express your gratitude for the __5__ and state your resignation date. "You don't need to __6__ them much, "says Taylor. "Keep things as simple as possible, and as quiet as possible. " Keep the details to yourself. It will lessen any tension from the time you __7__ in your resignation letter until the day you leave. __8__, be sure to complete any __9__ you are working on. This is just good __10__ and common sense for everybody, __11__ if you plan on asking for a reference. Use up any __12__ vacation time and sick days. __13__ and location are key. Taylor suggests booking a conference room to break the __14__ to your boss. A neutral __15__ will give you a better chance of __16__ your boss' reaction. Taylor also suggests conducting the meeting in the morning, early in week. This gives your boss time to __17__ from the news. Give your employer appropriate notice. "They may not be __18__ about your leaving, but they will __19__ being given enough notice to find your __20__ and for you to assist in training the new person," says Taylor. 1.A) IfB) BecauseC) UntilD) Although 2.A) plansB) warningsC) tipsD) comments 3.A) findingB) improvingC) finishingD) leaving 4.A) toB) onC) atD) in 5.A) processB) experienceC) choiceD) resignation 6.A) thankB) tellC) impressD) give 7.A) fillB) endC) takeD) hand 8.A) IndeedB) ThereforeC) AlsoD) However 9.A) projectB) formC) schemeD) report 10.A) deedsB) mannersC) intentionsD) relations Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 11.A) especiallyB) specificallyC) finallyD) surely 12.A) relaxingB) rewardingC) refreshingD) remaining 13.A) TimingB) DateC) PeriodD) Chance 14.A) silenceB) recordC) promiseD) news 15.A) settingB) attitudeC) positionD) opinion 16.A) predictingB) controllingC) observingD) understanding 17.A) recoverB) escapeC) selectD) benefit 18.A) angryB) curiousC) happyD) worried 19.A) enjoyB) regretC) resentD) appreciate 20.A) considerationB) promotionC) replacementD) motivationTest 7 Silence is unnatural to man. He begins his life with a cry and __1__ it in stillness. In the __2__ he does all he can to make a noise and there are few things of which he stands in more fear than the __3__ of noise. Even his conversation is in great measure a desperate attempt to __4__ a dreadful (糟透的~兰兰的) silence. If he is introduced to someone, and a number of __5__ occur in the conversation he regards himself as a failure and is full of __6__ of the empties-headed chatterbox. He knows that 99% of human conversation means no more than the buzzing (兰兰声) of a fly, but he __7__ to join in the buzz, and to __8__ that he is a man and not a wax-work figure. The __9__ of a conversation is usually not to communicate ideas, but to __10__ up all the buzzing sound. __11__, most buzzing is agreeable to the ear, and some of it is agreeable to the __12__. A man would be very __13__ if he waited until he had a wise thought before taking part in the buzzing with others. Those who despise (鄙兰~看不起) the weather as a conversational __14__ seem to me to be __15__ of the reason why human beings wish to talk. __16__, very few human beings join in a conversation in which they are __17__ allowed to go on making a noise into other people’s ears, though they have nothing to tell them __18__ that they have seen two or three new plays or __19__ they have had bad food in a Swiss hotel. At the end of the evening during which they have said nothing meaningful __20__ immense length they congratulate themselves on their success as talkers. 1.A) endsB) finishesC) consumesD) renews 2.A) interpretationB) intervalC) process D) life 3.A) disturbanceB) avoidanceC) presenceD) absence 4.A) causeB) makeC) preventD) forbid Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 5.A) interruptionsB) mistakesC) intervalsD) pauses 6.A) envyB) hatredC) loveD) anger 7.A) longsB) thinksC) dislikesD) agrees 8.A) meanB) findC) sayD) prove 9.A) meaningB) objectC) topicD) obligation 10.A) getB) turnC) keepD) take 11.A) FortunatelyB) UnfortunatelyC) SurprisinglyD) Terribly 12.A) mentalityB)spiritC) mindD) belief 13.A) sensibleB) insensitiveC) foolishD) wise 14.A) openingB) vacancyC) holeD) content 15.A) ignorantB) consciousC) awareD) regardless 16.A) ThereforeB) AccordinglyC) HoweverD) Furthermore 17.A) completelyB) totallyC) luckilyD) merely 18.A) exceptB) forC) inD) besides 19.A) whichB) howC) ifD) that 20.A) withB) atC) toD) toward Test 8 Mars is not, it seems, the dry old planet we once believed it to be. Astronauts who are __1__ to go there in the next decade may find plenty __2__ water to slake (消除) their thirst. And with water present the __3__ of finding some sort of life on Mars are __4__ brighter. This is the view of 40 __5__ all over the world who have been analyzing __6__ of pictures and other scientific __7__ obtained by robot explorers in the sixties and seventies. To begin with scientists thought the Red Planet was as __8__ as the Moon with dust storms swirling over vast sandy __9__. But now the picture is very different with mountains and valleys carved by __10__ glaciers and torrential rivers rushing and rumbling deep underground. In a report on the __11__ of the Martian pictures Dr. Michael Car of the US Geological Survey comments: "I am __12__ there's lots of water on Mars. " Any surface water will be in the __13__ of ice. But it could save explorers __14__ to take so much fresh __15__ with them. The report says __16__ Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages __17__ due to its axis having been more steeply tilted towards the Sun. __18__ convincing signs of plant or animal life have been __19__ by instruments soft landed on Mars, __20__ only the immediate vicinity (靠近) of landing vehicles could be examined. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 1.A) expected B) hopedC) requiredD) eager 2.A) toB) ofC) moreD) in 3.A) chancesB) openingsC) occasionsD) opportunities 4.A) quiteB) veryC) muchD) more 5.A) biologistsB) geologistsC) sociologistsD) psychologists 6.A) lotsB) quantitiesC) thousandD) thousands 7.A) tidingsB) newsC) intelligenceD) information 8.A) peacefulB) quietC) lifelessD) dead 9.A) desertsB) mountainsC) seasD) rivers 10.A) energeticB) greatC) massiveD) mighty 11.A) diagnosisB) synthesesC) analysisD) analyses 12.A) convincedB) guaranteedC) believedD) proved 13.A) appearanceB) mouldC) formD) shape 14.A) takingB) havingC) conveyingD) carrying 15.A) waterB) iceC) foodD) vegetable 16.A) whatB) ifC) howD) that 17.A) passB) pastC) agoD) before 18.A) NotB) NoC) NorD) Never 19.A) detectedB) touchedC) seenD) felt 20.A) probablyB) perhapsC) supposedD) although 第六章 兰翻 第一兰 兰兰策略解兰技巧与 一、命兰特点 翻达兰部分兰兰兰英~兰兰的是句子、短兰或常用表兰次上的中兰英能力~共个句子~一句一兰~句兰兰5 兰。句中的一部分已用英文兰出~要求考生根据全句意思兰兰部分兰成英兰。考兰兰兰将分兰。兰兰翻符l5—305 合英兰的兰法兰和表兰兰~要求用兰构达确翻个独准。需要考生由兰兰兰成英兰的部分~在意兰上是一立的成分但不是一兰兰个~一般需要用到英兰中某个构翻兰兰短兰~或者固定搭配~或者某兰句型兰。兰的兰准兰淡不() 上“信、、达将达来达个当雅”~只需要兰兰的意思完整地表出~符合英兰表方法和整句子兰法的要求~然不能有兰兰兰兰和方面的兰兰。拼写 二、兰常兰兰兰和兰兰翻政策 理解表不到达翻构达来位是兰的最大兰兰。理解兰兰在于理解句子的兰法兰~表兰兰在于符合英兰兰言的兰兰做适当翻确当兰整。兰的兰准是准、通兰、完整。方法是直兰兰主适意兰。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 三、解兰方法,   第一步,通兰全句~正理解。确从断划填首先快速兰兰句子~先看英兰不看兰兰~而判兰兰所句子的形式、兰兰。   所兰形式包括,   兰兰固定搭配不定式短兰、分兰短兰、兰名兰、句子等1()   虚兰 2.   被兰3. 所兰兰兰是指,根据前后已兰兰出的英兰句子判所英兰句子的兰兰。 断填   第二步,分析成分~分意划号找清群。看括里面的兰兰句子~以核心兰兰兰兰兰切入点~准主兰兰、分定状兰。   第三步,兰兰兰兰~兰切表。达当写翻翻状翻适兰整~兰兰文。先兰主兰兰、后兰定兰~切兰兰兰兰~重新兰合。兰兰注意兰兰~名兰注意兰兰。 数 第二兰 例兰兰解 适兰不同文化中的生活1.Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to __________ ().[ 06.12] 解兰步兰[]:   第一步,由可以推出~兰兰兰兰划接兰兰原形。 it is not easy to   第二步,分成分“划适兰不同文化的生活”   核心兰兰兰兰是“适兰”~“不同文化的”作定兰~“生活”作兰兰。   第三步,   切兰兰兰兰,“翻适兰”~“生活”~“不同文化(1).=adapt; adapt to; adapt oneself to=life 的”=different cultures   重新兰合,(2).adapt oneself to the life in different cultures 正答案确,[]adapt oneself to the life/living in different cultures 翻 兰,跨文化研究兰家兰~适兰不同文化的生活不是一件容易的事情。 [] 考察知兰点,兰兰固定搭配适兰[][]adapt oneself to sth/doing sth“  没有什兰比兰兰兰我更有吸引力2.Since my childhood I have found that (). 解兰步兰[]:   第一步,由可以推出~兰兰兰兰一兰句子~兰兰需要根据划填写个Since my childhood I have found that后面的兰兰意思作兰一步的定。 确   第二步,分成分“有什兰比兰兰兰我更有划没吸引力”   核心兰兰兰兰是“比更有吸引力”~ “有什兰”作主兰~“兰兰”作兰兰~“兰我”作兰。 没状------   第三步,   切兰兰兰兰,“比翻更有吸引力”~“有什兰”没~“兰兰”(1).------= be more attractive to sb=nothing ~“兰我”。 =reading=for/to me   重新兰合,(2).nothing is more attractive to me than reading 正答案确,[]nothing is more attractive to me than reading 翻 兰,兰起我就兰兰~有什兰比兰兰兰我更有从儿没吸引力。 [] 考察知兰点,比兰兰比兰兰最高兰~兰兰,因兰句述的是兰在的事情~所以用一般兰在是从叙[][]nothing+= 即可。   本来会会来有机活下3.The victim ________() if he had been taken to hospital in time. 解兰步兰[]:   第一步,由可以推出~兰兰兰兰兰兰兰兰兰兰和兰兰使划填写The victim if he had been taken to hospital in time.得主句完整~且主句形式、兰兰根据并后面的确虚气定兰兰采取兰兰兰~if he had been taken to hospital in time Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 是兰兰去的兰。 虚   第二步,分成分“划来会会来本有机活下”   核心兰兰兰兰是“本来会有机~“活下”作兰兰。 来------”   第三步,   切兰兰兰兰,“翻来会本有机~“活下”来(1).------”= would have had a chance to do sth=survive   重新兰合,(2).would have had a chance to survive. 正答案确,[]would have had a chance to survive/of survival 翻 兰,如果遇兰者被及兰送往院的兰~医来会会来他本有机活下的。 [] 考察知兰点,虚气兰兰兰与虚气从兰去相反的兰兰~兰句用~主句用[][]had donewould have done   有机做会某事,have a chance to do sth/of sth----   ,“兰兰兰” 虚气   在英兰四兰兰兰英考生兰兰注意以下兰兰兰兰兰的形式, 几虚气   第一兰,由 “ 引兰的兰句子 虚if ”   与兰在的事兰相反,(1). [If --- + were/did---, --- + would do---]     如果我是你就会嫁兰他。 If I were you , I would marry him. ,   与兰去的事兰相反,(2). [If --- + had done---, --- +would have done---]   If you had worked hard , you would have passed the exam.   如果用你学功兰就会通兰考兰了。 ,   与将来的事兰可能相反,(3). [If ---+ should do---, ---+ would do---]     如果明天下雨你怎兰兰If it should rain tomorrow , what would you do ?,?   第二兰,用在表示要求、建兰、命令等的名兰句中 从   句兰兰形式兰,“从在美兰中常省去。 ---(should ) + do sth”(should)   兰似用法的兰兰有,   兰持建兰命令建兰要求命令insist () , suggest () , order() , propose () , demand () , command () , advise 建兰要求、兰求兰求需要、要求要求宁愿推() , desire () , request () , require () , ask () , prefer (), recommend(荐安排兰兰、提倡兰主兰决等后面的兰兰句中。 从) , arrange ( ) , advocate ( ) ,maintain()   第三兰,用在“It + be + important (,necessary , natural , essential , strange , absurd , amazing , annoying , desirable, surprising , vital , advisable , anxious , compulsory , crucial , imperative , eager , 等以及fitting , possible , impossible , improper , obligatory , probable , preferable , strange , urgent , 等兰中的构引兰的主兰从insisted , suggested , ordered , requested , arranged , recommended ) + that ---”that 句中   第四兰,用在兰中构表示“兰干某事了”含建兰的意思用兰兰兰去式。 It is time that --- , , ,     兰兰咱睡兰了。 It is time (that) we went to bed .   注意前可加表示“大兰”或表示“强兰”等。 : time about () high()   出兰在外兰可能会独感到孤4.Some psychologists claim that people___________ ().   解兰步兰[]:   第一步,由可以推出~兰兰兰兰兰兰兰兰兰兰和兰兰使划填写得主句完整Some psychologists claim that people .并且主句兰兰用一般兰在兰。   第二步,分成分“出兰在外兰可能划会独感到孤”   核心兰兰兰兰是“可能会独状感到”~“孤”作兰兰~“出兰在外兰”作兰。   第三步,  切兰兰兰兰,“可能翻会感到”~“孤独”~“出兰在外兰”(1).= might feel=lonelybe away from home.  重新兰合,(2).might feel lonely when they are away from home. 正答案确,[]might feel lonely when they are away from home. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 翻 兰,一些心理学会独家兰兰人兰出兰在外兰可能感到孤。 [] 考察知兰点,兰性辨析孤独的、寂寞的~独自的 [][] lonely. adj.alone. adj. 兰 点, “出兰在外”的兰。翻[] 第三兰 兰年四兰兰兰、答案兰解析翻真与 09.6 很跟兰兰上班里87. Soon after he transferred to the new school, Ali found that he had ________________ ( 的同学) in math and English. 就不会被大雨淋着了88. If she hour earlier, Mary ________________(). 更有可能增加重体89. It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are_____(). 很没多人所有意兰到的90. ()________________ is that Simon is a lover of sports, and football in particular. 与缺乏兰兰密切相91. The study shows that the poor functioning of the human body is ________________( 兰). 解析, 本兰考点87. difficulty (in) keeping up with his classmates / difficulty (in) catching up with his classmates 非常明~共有,一是四兰确两个核心兰兰跟上某人~二是核心短兰keep up with sb ()have difficulty in 做某事是有困兰的~外要注意一兰另另即似短兰~做某事是有困兰doing sth ()have trouble in doing sth (的。) 本兰的考点兰,第一考兰兰兰兰兰的两个虚气掌握情兰兰兰完成88. wouldn’t have been caught by the heavy rain ,+ 兰的兰。第二考兰兰短兰构的掌握~意思兰“被…所困”~ 外注意兰另个概雨兰念的修兰~一定be caught by 要用而不是。heavy rain big rain 首先判断本兰兰兰使用短兰来表示“有可能做某事”~而“增89. more likely to put on weightbe likely to 加重”的表兰体达~除此之外~兰目中表的是“更有可能”~要加上达~所以答put on weight more 案兰除此之外~我兰兰兰兰掌握其相兰表~比如兰达减肥~more likely to put on weight . lose one’s weight () 兰食等。go on diet() 本兰考兰主兰句~兰考生兰兰不兰。从来并90. what many people don't realize / what a host of folks don't realize 本兰考点有~一是兰两个固91. closely linked to the lack of exercise / closely related to the lack of exercise 定搭配的考兰~与…有兰以及缺乏兰兰~二是兰修兰兰系的be linked to = be related to ()the lack of exercise() 考兰~是副兰兰兰的与修兰兰系。closely related 08.12 他兰至今87. Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems __ _ ( 兰有答案没). 大多数父母所兰心的88.______ __( ) is providing the best education possible for their children. 以防天气兰冷89.You'd better take a sweater with you ____ (). 决定自己兰兰90.Through the project, many people have received training and ______ (). 直到一名生医它偶然兰兰了91.The anti-virus agent was not known ________ (). 解析, 做四六兰的兰兰兰兰是在兰全句子~所以翻翻已兰出的英文和要兰87. which/that they haven’t found answers to的中文都要分析清翻横楚。本句中要兰的是一句完整的兰~而兰前是名兰~因此兰然是定兰个从problems 句的考点~可以兰兰或做兰兰兰~核心兰兰搭配是~外“至另今兰”提醒我兰句子thatwhichhave answers to 是兰在完成兰的兰兰。 或很兰然本句缺主兰~88. What most parents care about / are concerned aboutThe concern of most parents有兰方法兰理,主兰句或名兰短兰~两从核心兰兰“兰心”可以用或。concerncare about Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 或一看到“以防”~兰上要反兰出“或89. in case it turns/should turn coldlest it should turn coldin case” “兰兰的兰兰。如果用“~后面的句常用一般兰在兰或从兰兰原型~如果是用~一般lest”in case”should+lest 是用兰兰原型。should+ 本兰的考察重点是不定式~核心兰兰“自己兰兰”。90. decided to start their own businessdecide + to do 本兰考点是引兰的兰兰句和状从被兰兰兰的兰合。91. until it was accidentally found/discovered by a doctoruntil “偶然”可以兰理兰或。by accident/chanceaccidentally 08.6 能兰用于新技兰的兰87. Our efforts will pay off if the results of this research ________________________( 兰). 一定出了毛病88. I can't boot my computer now .Something ___________________________() with its operation system. 不管是什兰工作89. Leaving one's job, ________________________(), is a difficult change even for those who look forward to retiring. 与我成兰的地方相比90. _______________ (), this town is more prosperous and exciting. 直到他完成使命91. _________________________() did he realize that he was seriously ill.兰解 本兰考兰被兰兰和兰兰,兰用构两个以及新87.can be applied to the development of new technologyapply…to 技兰的兰兰the development of new technology. 考兰兰兰“出毛病”~外考兰兰“一定”另气88. must be wrongsomething is/goes wrongmust. 考兰兰步状从兰兰句的用法89. no matter what kind it is / whatever it is 考兰点,两与…相比~兰定兰句的名兰短兰从90. Compared with the place where I grew upcompared with “我成兰的地方”。 从装构主句兰兰兰兰的倒兰兰可以知道考兰的是置于句91. Not until he had accomplished the missionnot until 首兰的用法。置于句首兰~后用兰兰短兰或正常兰序的句~主句用从装另倒。外根据兰兰兰系兰兰正not untiluntil 确兰兰。 07.12 多兰了一系列的兰明87. ______ (), doctors can treat this disease successfully. 我比以前更容易累了88. In my sixties, one change I notice is that __ (). 无兰我要作出什兰兰的兰牲89. I am going to pursue this course, ___ (). 90. I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because ______ 它更加方便和省兰(). 91. Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life ___ __ 是用他兰能兰借到多少来衡量的(), not how much they can earn.兰解, 本兰考兰“多兰了”和“一系87. Thanks to/ Because of/ Owing to/ As a result of a series of new inventions 列”表方法。两个达 88. I am more likely to get tired than before. / it is more likely for me to become tired than before. / I am 本兰考点是“更容易”~使用或more inclined to become tired than before.be more likely tobe more inclined to. 本兰考点“无兰”和“兰牲”~如89. no matter what I have to sacrifice / whatever sacrifice I have to make果不会拼写可用代替。sacrifice,pay Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 90. it is more convenient and less time-consuming / it is more convenient and time-saving. / it is more 本兰兰点是“省兰”~可用形容兰或兰兰兰兰表示相同意兰。convenient and can save more time 本兰兰点是被兰兰兰。91. is measured/evaluated by how much they can borrow/loan07.6 将内人兰的睡眠兰量考兰在87.The finding of this study failed to _________________ (). 我兰可以合作的兰域88.The prevent and treatment of AIDS is __________________ (). 决定退出比兰89.Because of the leg injury, the athlete________________________ (). 按以下地址和我兰兰系90.To make donations or for more information, please________________ (). 如果方便的兰你91.Please come here at ten tomorrow morning___________________(). 兰解 本兰重点考兰兰短兰。个87.take people’s sleep quality into account/ considerationtake sth into account 本兰考兰定兰句~而先行兰作从88.the field (where) we can cooperate / the field in which we can cooperate 兰前置兰兰~后面引兰的句需要前从置的介兰。 本兰考兰兰兰兰的判能力断89.decided to quit the match 常兰的祈使句表达90.contact us at the following address 本兰考兰兰兰91.if it is convenient for you / at your convenienceat one’s convenience.06.12 适兰不同文化中的生活87. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to ______________ (). 没有什兰比兰兰兰我更有吸引力88. Since my childhood I have found that (). 本来会会来有机活下89. The victim () if he had been taken to hospital in time. 出兰在外兰可能会独感到孤90. Some psychologists claim that people (). ;以每年万人的速度,91. The nation’s population continues to rise 1200. 兰解, 本兰考兰兰短兰~兰里个是介兰~后87. adapt oneself to the life/living in different culturesadapt oneself toto 面接名兰或兰名兰。 本兰考兰比兰兰~外就是句的兰兰。一般兰~作构另从来当写88. nothing is more attractive to me than reading目的是述兰~使用兰叙达内真去兰~若表的容是兰兰或常兰、理兰~用兰在兰。 本兰考兰兰与虚气去相反的兰兰兰的基本用法。89. would have had a chance to survive/of survival 本兰考兰兰兰兰中的建兰句式。虚气90. might feel lonely when they are away from home. 或 考点之一是短兰91. at a speed / rate of 12 million per year.at an annual speed of 12 millionat a speed ~其二是字数万人的表。达of1200 06.6 找到去兰史博物兰的路87.Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble______ (). 兰了兰兰供我上学~ 88. ()Mother often takes on more work than is good for her. 我兰交研究兰告89. The professor required that () by Wednesday. 我愈糊涂90. The more you explain, (). 他被公司解雇了91.Though a skilled worker, ( )last week because of the economic crisis. 兰解, ;, 本兰考兰兰句型的掌握87. infinding the way to the history museumhave (no)trouble (in) doing sth. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 本兰考兰兰不定式作目的兰的状掌握。不 定式和不定式短兰作目的88. In order to finance my education 状来状兰~主要用修兰兰兰~表示某一兰作或兰的目的。或 可以 使目的意兰更加清楚in order to so as to 或表示强兰意兰~但一般 不用在句首。表示“兰兰”兰可以用 或。 so as to raise money support 本兰考兰的是表示建兰的句型89. we (should) hand in our research report require that sb. (should) do sth. 的掌握。 本兰考兰兰句型的掌握~表示“越…~越…” 。第二90. the more confused I amthe more…, the more 个 作的是副兰~意兰“更” ~后跟构形容兰的比兰兰。兰“形容兰比兰兰,~,形容兰比兰兰morethe+s+vthe ,~比兰兰后主兰兰不构装倒。s+v” 本兰考兰兰兰步状从兰句的当状从掌握。兰步兰兰句由兰兰或91. he was fired by the company althoughthough 引兰兰~意兰“兰然~尽管” ~主句不能用 。由“他被公司解雇”可知~主句兰兰用被兰式~又根but 据 可以判句子的兰兰兰兰用一般兰断去兰。 表示 “解雇” 兰可以用和。last weekdischargedismiss 第四兰 强化兰兰 不管是否加兰The substance does not dissolve in water ____________________().1. 他向我收兰兰高Not only __________(), but he didn’t do a good repair job either.2. ;与我的相比,Your losses in trade this year are nothing _____________.3. 一半的兰On average, it is said, visitors spend only __________ ()in a day in Leeds as in London.4. ;把孩子的成功兰因于,By contrast, Americans mothers were more likely _______natural talent.5. 随着生活兰奏的加快6.Today, ______________________________(), people usually do not have as much time to write letters as before. 日益兰兰7.With the rise in population, the traffic in cities ________________ (). ;起重要作用, Opportunity often ____________________one’s choice of a career.8. 染上兰兰坏9.It is easier to _____________________() than to get into good ones. ;他都耐心地去面兰,10.However troublesome the problem is, __________________. ;如果天允气兰的兰,11._________________, the picnic will be held as scheduled. ;管尽兰了洪水,12.___________________, the ship had reached its destination on time. ;失兰乃成功之母,13.He concluded his speech with a remark that _______________. ;也从气未兰兰脾,14.She never laughed, ______________________________. ;可是他兰要兰持完成兰兰工作,15.We advised them to take a rest, __________ _. ;把我兰弄糊涂了,16.They asked so many questions that ____________________. ;医生告兰他不要吸烟,17._________________________________, Mr. Smith carried neither matches nor cigarettes. 游客必兰通兰海兰。18.On entering another country, _________________________() 兰常看兰兰的人可能兰会极得兰分消19.It has been suggested ______________ (). 你兰兰兰的材料缺兰20.We regret to inform you __________________________(). ;兰也是他后半生取得巨大成功的原因,21.He studied hard in his youth, __________ . 学会真面兰兰兰的正价兰22.I understood _____________________________ (). ;有些政府官兰兰用他兰的兰23.It has been revealed that ____________________________________ 利和兰位,to get illegal profits for themselves. ;与兰俱兰,24.Nowadays, we need to _____________________________________. ;已兰引起全球科25.The violent tornado that struck in August last year ______________________ 学家的高度重兰,. 英雄所兰略同26.When he agrees with someone, _________________() is his tag. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 更加The government has put forward a new economic policy with _______________________ (27. 强兰降低通兰膨兰率,) ~否兰You may stop nowbut you must resume working at 2 o'clock _______________________(28. 我兰兰会你新的任兰以示兰兰,) 你没达做的兰有到我29.You have greatly disappointed me. _________________________________ ( 兰的期望,) ,我兰Hurry up! The performance will start in no timeThe doors _________________________ (30. 到那里的兰候就兰兰了会,) 她没她装有料到的着方式31.Little __________________________________() would make her feel ,totally out of place at the partyThe traditional approach to deal with complex problems ________________ 32. 是把兰分解成更小、更它决易解的兰兰,______________________() 没有兰但不想兰兰人知道33.Having _________________________________(), simply said he would ,go without dinner 和我相兰地好很,Every man and every woman working here ________________()34. 正如地当政府建兰35.I hope all the precautions against air pollution, _________________________ ( 的那兰), will be seriously considered here. ;你先兰理自己的事情,。You don’t have to be in such a hurry. I would rather ______36. 兰人兰的健康做出了巨大兰献37.The development of modern medicine __________(). 38.The woman was astounded to learn that her dearest friend ________________ ;一直在散布兰于的兰言她,_________________ . ;才你丰能提高兰兰技巧~富知兰,。Only by reading extensively and widely _______________ 39. 40.It is highly desirable that ____________________________________;将数兰告中所列的据再次仔兰兰兰,before it is sent to the Board of Directors. 是一兰科学~也是一兰兰兰Most doctors recognize that medicine is as much_____().41. 本来份很能兰兰一好的工兰Some women ___________________() in a job instead of staying home, 42. but they decided not to work for the sale of the family. 兰兰了生兰到学Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used_________() his lecture.43. 从美分到美元不等The price of beer____________(504) per liter during the summer season.44. ;任何家国况无兰在什兰情下都不可以, _____________have the right to use nuclear weapons.45. 他把一切准兰好It’s essential that________________() before the examination .46. 与国中相比47.The population of America is not large___________________ (). 集思广益I am sure we can solve the problem if we all____________________().48. 我兰不妨走回家吧It is no good waiting for the bus,____________________().49. 是年前的几两倍Prices are going up rapidly. Petrol now____________________ ().50. 尽情地唱Last week, Tom and his friends celebrated his twentieth birthday, ________ ___ (51. 歌跳舞). ;像是兰兰我她似的,’Why is she looking at me____________? Ive never seen her before in my 52. life. 以便兰兰能兰利兰行Mr. Johnson made full preparation for the experiment ____________ ().53. 触犯他I avoided mentioning the sensitive subject lest________________ ().54. 兰我兰的警告充耳不兰55.She___________________() and got lost. 和他兰英兰一兰流利56.That Canadian speaks Chinese_____________(). 是否来_______________(Tony ) doesn’t matter much. We can rely on ourselves.57. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ;忍不住笑起来,On hearing the news, I ____________and spread it among the class.58. ;才她了解,Not until Alice had a baby of her own___________how hard it was for her mother 59. to have brought up her sister and her on her own. A lot of people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back 60. 主要是由于工作中的兰力和兰兰造成的______________________().More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and ___________________________ 61. 超兰万的家庭已兰兰兰脱困(250). 除主席之外的所有董事成兰都会投票_____________________________________________ (62. 兰成我的建兰)to set up a branch office in the suburbs. 兰The emergence of e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are ________________ (63. 中的外兰国国内易提供了新的增兰机遇). The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than 64. 兰达国家尤兰如此before._________________________________(). ,只要你个喝了那牌子的酒,________________ , you will never want to drink any other.65. ,假如有的没你帮助,~,_________I would not have succeeded.66. ,据兰已兰被翻兰成二十多兰外兰,,This novel_______________.67. ,校兰看来他兰,,The students all felt very happy _________________.68. ,兰一点人人都清楚,。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, ___________69. ,在母兰的陪同下,,The little girl went home, _______________.70. ,你兰才所兰的兰西,71.Please show us _________________. ,其中百分之八十来自兰困地The employees of this company work very hard,_______________72. 区,. ,兰生出个学两版了本小兰, _____________before he went to university.73. ,她与惊其兰是感到兰兰不如兰是高兰,74.When she heard the news, ___________ ;而不愿待着兰兰,In fact, Peter would rather have left for San Francisco _______.75. 适兰新兰境76.I suggested he ____________________ () as soon as possible. ;即确使兰算是正的,____________________________, scientists can never be sure that they 77. have included all variables and modeled them accurately. 兰了逃脱而借助于Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they __________________ (78. 暴力). 被兰兰是永恒兰情Since a circle has no beginning or end, the wedding ring ___________________ (79. 的象征). 冠兰于属If she had not become a Japanese citizen, ______________ ()China.80. By the end of the 15th century what had developed into being was a modified, ______________ 81. 大大地丰富了的英兰(). 从成人的角Young as he is, the child has developed the ability to look at things ______________ (82. 度). The history professor has spent most of his time in icy Alaska, where the Eskimos still 83. 兰持兰兰兰俗__________________________ (). 兰果却兰兰I got to the airport, ___________() I had left my ticket at home.84. 暴晒阳在光下The kids lay face down on the beach, their backs ___________().85. 以比兰期低得多的价格86.The new computer is sold ___________(). 兰犯了法87.He said that ____________ () deserves punishment. 他兰一兰上兰_______________________ () than he heard the phone ring.88. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 提出增加世界粮食供兰量的新方法Scientists will have to ________________ ().89. 我的生活才兰得有意兰90.From that day on, ________________________. () 杜兰兰兰兰兰91.It is high time that ________________________. () 而是他已沉网很迷兰兰久了It is not that he is not clever enough, ______________. ()92. 再兰兰和他争吵93.It is no good__________________________. () 他一夜之兰成了百万富翁94.No one could account for___________________. () ;你你越注意兰人兰的印象,~_______________ the more you will feel nervous.95. 不得不用手工操作The ship’s generator broke down and the pumps____________________() 96. instead of mechanically. 本来不必Why didn’t you tell me you could me the money? I ___________________________ (97. 从兰行借兰的) 已兰兰身去98.By the time you get to New York, I____________() London. 采取措施It’s time__________________() about the traffic problem downtown.99. 正是由于太有兰兰她没___________() that she does not know how to deal with the situation.100. 第七章 作写 第一兰 述概 一,写作要求CET-4 《大英兰四兰考兰大兰学写》兰定,作 部分兰兰生用英兰兰行兰面表的能力~分兰比例兰学达~(Writing)15%考兰兰兰分兰。30 考生根据兰定的兰目和所提供的提兰、情景、兰片或兰表等~出一篇不少于写120兰的短文。作要求写是思想表达确准、意兰兰兰、无兰重兰法兰兰。 二,兰分原兰 CET-4 ;,作文兰采用兰体兰分方法。兰卷人就兰的印象兰出兰分~不是励数扣按兰言点的兰兰目分。1CET ;,从内两内个体达内容和兰言方面兰作文兰行兰合兰判。容和兰言是一兰一。作文兰表兰目所兰定的容~2 而容要内来达达清通兰兰言表。要考兰作文是否切兰~是否充分表思想~也要考兰是否用英兰楚而合适地表思想~也就是要考兰兰言上的兰兰是达学写否造成了理解上的障碍。兰兰兰些原兰~ 生在作中要注意, Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 重兰容和兰言内1. 尽量避免兰法兰兰2. 兰言要有兰光点3. 三,兰分兰准,CET-4 (1)本兰兰分兰15分。 (2)兰卷兰准共分五等,2分、5分、8分、11分及14分。 (3)兰卷人兰根据兰卷兰准~兰照兰卷兰分~如果兰兰与数某一分(如8分)相似~兰定兰兰分数(即8分)~如果兰兰稍兰或稍劣于兰分~兰可加数1分(即9分)或减1分(即7分)。但不得加减半分。 (4)兰分兰准, 2分,理不~思路条清乱离数紊~兰言支破碎或大部分句子均有兰兰~且多兰兰重兰兰。 5分--基本切兰。表思想不兰达清楚~兰兰性差~有兰多的兰重兰言兰兰。 8分--基本切兰。表思想比兰达清尚楚~文章兰兰~但兰言兰兰兰多~其中有少量的兰重兰兰。 11分--切兰。表思想达清楚~文字兰兰~但有少量兰言兰兰。 14分--切兰。表思想达清楚~文字通兰~兰兰性好~基本上无兰言兰兰。 注,白卷、作文兰目与几个达毫不相兰~或只有孤立的兰而思想无法表~兰兰0分。 (5)字不数扣足兰酌情分, 累 兰CET--10990-9980-8970-7960-6950-59<49 字 数 扣1分12345679 此外~兰于兰定三段的作文~只一段者写得0-4分~只段者写两得0-7分。注,1.如兰目中兰出主兰句、起始句、兰束句~均不得兰入所字。 写数 兰兰 2. 兰定的容内写未全者,按比例分。 扣3,如果兰扣0分~要重兰理 慎 第二兰 兰兰策略解兰思路与 一,四兰作兰考建兰写 1. 先死后活 “死”是指熟兰模板及范文。兰于每兰兰型的作文~考生兰熟兰其模板~并背兰2-3篇。“活”是指用活的句型和活的兰言。在准兰兰段~考生兰把“死”的模板和“活”的句型兰系起。来2. 兰症下兰 考生在熟兰篇范文几写来与会后~可以把范文默下~在原文相兰照~兰兰和原文有出入的地方~其中有些兰兰是考生的作写个弱点~兰兰兰些弱点~考生可以有兰兰性地兰行准兰。兰兰逐突破可以受到事半公倍的效果。 3. 兰兰演兰 在兰行演兰兰~要注意活用所灵运笔构掌握的范文模板及常用句式~在下前好好思~切忌生搬硬套~以免出兰文不兰兰的情。况 4. 考中建兰 “5205——”原兰 拿到兰目后~用五分兰兰兰身体并份草兰一兰兰兰兰的提兰~然后~用20分兰兰兰充兰提兰~完成作文~最后~用剩下的五分兰通篇兰兰~修改兰色。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 二、作写基本步兰 第一步~定各段主兰确 四兰作文的兰比兰构会两个固定~一般都是三段式。命兰要求中大都兰出到三中文或英文提兰~但所兰提兰只是兰定了文章的主要容~每一提兰不等于每一段的主兰~考生需要兰合文章兰目和所兰提兰的内个并 内确容重新定各段的主兰。例如, Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 一次性塑料袋曾兰泛使用。广1. 由此兰的兰兰。来2. 限制一次性塑料袋。3. 分析, 第一段主兰,描述一次性塑料袋在人兰生活中的泛兰用情。广况 第二段主兰,指出一次性塑料袋兰的兰兰和来危害。 第三段主兰,兰述限制使用一次性塑料袋的作用和意兰。 第二步,列出各段提兰 定各段主兰以确匆笔将写内后~不要忙兰~兰兰在草稿兰或心中各段要的容大致列出~做到心中有数~兰兰才能新兰流兰~兰接自然。 第三步, 逐一展兰段落 一般兰~段来构落的基本成包括,主兰句~兰展句和兰尾句。 第四步,通兰全文兰兰 三、常兰作写困境及兰策 一, 兰兰 1. 偏兰 兰兰兰~考生兰仔兰兰兰兰兰要求及相兰信息~如兰兰、兰、字等~画数确准把握出兰意兰。要了解兰兰的兰兰兰是什兰~要定作的重点兰确写个没放在那部分~比重如何分配~是否要平均等。但如果能理解兰目的核心~那兰按照兰出的提兰也来写会未必失分。 2. 漏点 漏点~即内学很从学漏掉提兰中的容。漏点在生四兰作文中常兰~而在不兰兰分的地方兰分。兰此~生在考兰兰兰仔兰兰兰~兰格按照提兰定作容。来确写内 二,兰接与兰兰 1. 兰兰不兰兰 兰兰兰兰是指文章在容上是兰兰的、兰一的~所有的句子都是兰全文的中内达心服兰~表的信息相互兰兰。就各段而言~其中的每一兰火都要兰兰兰兰兰段的主兰句~避免出兰主兰句无兰的容。在作兰~要兰兰那些最与内写 能兰文章主兰、最具体达会会气代表型的例子~兰些例子要表一些思想~兰兰兰兰才兰兰~文章才兰得一呵成。 2. 兰接不当 兰接得当内写当是保兰兰兰兰兰的重要手段之一。文章兰理容要兰一~兰兰兰系也要兰密相兰。在作兰~可以恰地御用一些兰兰兰或代兰~是文章兰得兰兰清构凑楚~兰兰兰。 三) 句子 1. 句子不完整 写听气来写作不像口兰交兰~者可以借助手兰、兰、情景等兰悟省略的或不完整的兰句。四句作使用的是兰面兰~句子必兰以完整的兰表构来达构会另达清完整的意思~若句子兰不完整意思表不。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 例如, Because soming will do harm to one’s health. People should try not to smoke.划兰部分是句子片段~不能独况写内立成句。出兰兰兰情的原因可能是考生到后面兰忘了前面的容~兰以兰要表的意思达构写已兰全面、兰已兰完整~于是兰始新的句子。此句完整的兰兰,People should avoid smoking cigarettes because it will do harm to their health. 2. 主兰不一致 兰中生兰~主兰不一国学来屡当致是十分常兰的兰兰~在四句作文中也兰不兰。兰兰引起考生足兰的重兰。在平兰兰系中兰有意兰地避免出兰兰兰的兰兰~多通兰~多兰兰~考兰兰自然就少会犯了。 例如: Average number of hours a student spend on the Internet keeps increasing very fast.兰改兰,The average hours a student spends on the Internet keep increasing rapidly. 相比之下~由于缺乏兰法只是兰致主兰不一致的情要兰兰的多~兰兰况通兰兰心兰兰也不一定能兰避免~只有在平兰注意兰累兰法知兰~兰以兰系加以并巩减固~才能少兰兰的兰兰。 3.句子不兰断 有的考生兰兰在兰兰句之兰不用两个号没任何兰兰兰~兰用逗兰接~或者前一句兰有兰束~下一句就迫不及待地兰始了。兰兰不兰的句子于兰法兰兰。例如,断属 I have a brother, he thinks that “6” and “8” are lucky numbers to Chinese people. 两个号尽号两个况来分句之兰缺乏兰兰此~兰用逗兰接。管在兰代英兰中~用逗兰接分句的情越越常兰~但是在正式的文中~兰是要量体尽避免出兰此兰句子。 I have a brother who thinks that “6” and “8” are lucky numbers to Chinese people. 4. 兰兰混乱 描述兰去兰生的事情要用兰去兰~描述一般事兰兰要用兰在兰。但由于疏忽或兰法知兰不牢固~有些考生在写随作兰兰常意使用兰兰~使文章令人兰解。例如, There are almost no car on the road. Maybe the drivers got careless. 兰兰描述已兰兰生的一起兰兰~然后兰事故原因兰行推兰。兰兰的混乱达使句子表不合兰兰~令人兰解。 There was almost no car on the road at that time, so the driver must have been very careless. 5.兰兰混乱 兰兰混乱两主要有兰表兰形式,修兰兰兰位和兰垂修兰兰。 1,修兰兰兰位 修兰兰兰位可能是形容兰、副兰、介兰短兰、句等~在文章中兰兰从跟被修兰成分。在英兰中~同一修兰兰至于不同的位置~句子的含兰可能不同。例如, She put the scarf around her neck that she bought yesterday. 从句that she bought yesterday 放在her neck后~兰人兰以兰是修兰her neck。 She put around her neck the scarf that she bought yesterday. 2) 兰垂修兰兰 所兰兰垂修兰兰是指句首的短兰所修兰的成分有明没确乱指出~造成句子兰兰兰系的混。例如, To do well in college, high marks are essential. 句首To do well in college的兰兰主兰含糊不~兰然不兰兰是清high marks~兰兰改兰人作主兰。 To do well in college, a student needs high marks. 6. 中式英兰 考生作文中兰常出兰英兰兰化的兰象~中式英兰的兰兰。比如即Man is iron, and food is steel, Women are half side sky 等兰法。如何克服中式思兰兰的来响笔尽影~兰兰在于兰前先思考一下兰似的英文句式~量到兰范的英兰表方式~不能找达随心所欲。例如, This is because fake commodities can make a lot of money. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 中文口兰中~我兰用“假兰可以兰多”表“很来达售很通兰生兰或兰假兰~人兰可以兰多兰”的意思。但兰 不符合英兰的表兰兰~达fake commodities 作make a lot of money 的兰兰主兰~兰人兰以理解。会 This is because one is likely to make a lot of money by producing or seeling fake commodities. 四,遣兰用字 1. 兰兰拼写 有的考生受以前做客兰兰的影响~兰于兰兰~只注意“兰兰”~不注意“使用”~背兰兰兰不留心~兰果 在考兰中出兰多兰兰。下面是一些考生常很拼写拼写犯的兰兰和容易混淆的兰兰。 Enviroment;environment 兰境, goverment;government政府, Morden;modern 兰代的, {considerate 兰心的~考兰周到的 considerable 相大的~相多的当当} {credible 可信的 credulous 兰信的} {economic ;有兰,兰兰的 economical 兰兰的~兰兰的} {historic 有兰史意兰的 historical;有兰,兰史的} {industrious 刻苦的~努力的 industrial 工兰的} {satisfied 兰意的 satistacrory 令人兰意的} {sensible 合理的 sensitive 敏感的} {continual 持兰的;有兰隔, continuous 持兰的;没有兰隔,} {delighted 感到高兰的 delightful 使人高兰的} { farther 更兰;表示距离, further更~兰一步;表示程度,} { imaginary 想象的 imaginative 想象力丰富的 imaginable 可以想象的}{ respectful 尊敬;人,的 respectable 受人尊敬的 respective各自的}{tired 疲倦的 tiresome 令人疲倦的 2. 代兰使用兰兰 考生的作文中兰常出兰先行兰会与数清随代兰在上不一致、代兰指代不以及意更兰代兰等兰兰。 1,先行兰与数代兰在上不一致 例如, We’re going to face a lot of difficulties, but I believe we’ll overcome it.先行兰difficulties是兰~数后半句overcome的兰兰是difficulties~兰兰用兰数them来指代。We’re going to face a lot of difficulties, but I believe we’ll overcome them. 2, 代兰指代不清 代兰指代不是清与清指代兰被指代的人或物兰系不~或前后使用的代兰不一致。例如,Mary was friendly to my my sister becarse she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.兰完兰句兰~兰者无法明地判确断两将将当位姑娘兰兰婚~兰伴娘。如果我兰把易于引起兰解的代兰所指 的兰象加以明~意思就一目了然了。确 Mary was friendly to my my sister becarse she wanted my sisterto be her bridesmaid. 3) 意更兰随代兰 一篇文章中不能出兰太多的人称很学写随断代兰。多生在作文兰~着思路的兰兰~不更兰文章中的代兰~ 一用第一人~一用第二人或第三人~兰兰容会称会称称乱易造成兰兰意兰上的混。 例如,And we can also know the society by serving it yourself.人称代兰we和反身代兰yourself前后不一致。 We can also know the society by serving it ourselves3.其他兰兰 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 1,大小兰兰写 一般兰~每一句的来写写首字母兰兰大~人名、地名的首字母和兰有名兰的首字母兰大~兰名不能用引号号体或兰名~而用斜。 1,冠兰用法兰兰 如,a easy job an easy job 2,比兰兰使用兰兰 如, more better than better than 3,介兰搭配兰兰 The stamps I have are identical for my brother’s. The stamps I have are identical with my brother’s.四、如何灵瞄活兰兰句式、准用兰亮点~突破高分 灵装运活兰兰兰句短句、主兰被兰、强兰倒等兰兰句式、巧妙用限定兰兰、兰兰名兰、抽象名兰等亮点兰兰可兰作文兰上添花~兰考兰博得高分。 1,兰句技巧 1,句子兰兰兰兰凑 在作中可以写从并来体内当构独通兰兰兰兰兰一道句或列句兰句子的部兰系~也可适使用粉刺兰和一些立的短兰或是入成分插与来从称数代替此~此外~句子之兰兰要注意指代、兰兰、兰兰、人和等方面的一致。如,原句, teenagers are pressured by school work and they are also encouraged by their peers, and under these, they resrot to smoking, and sometimes they feel a little guilty.兰化,Pressured by school word and encouraged by theri peers, teenagers often resort to smoking, though they feel a little guilty sometimes. 2.句式要有兰化 句式的兰化使文章容会内丰当插装富、兰言生兰~如主兰句和被兰句的搭配使用、适穿倒句和强兰句等特殊句式。加入入兰~插另非兰兰兰兰~兰兰格言等都是制造亮点句式的好方法。外~不要一味地使用常兰的“主兰+兰兰”的兰兰方式~可以适搭配当一分兰、副兰等兰兰的句式。如, 原句,They say that people obtain most of their knowledge through reading extensively. 兰化,They say that it is through reading extensively that people obtain most of their knowledge. 3.句子表要兰兰达 只要意思表达清没来凑数楚~多余的兰兰就有必要。有兰考生未字~加上了一些不必要的成分~兰致兰兰含混不~兰兰清冗兰。如, 原句, I think Gone with the Wind is one of those good films which I enjoyed watching very much. 兰化, Gone with the wind is a film I enjoyed very much. 4.兰短句要兰合 在作中~一写将味地采用兰句或短句都是不可取的~要兰兰句和兰有兰接兰的兰兰句交替使用~兰兰才能使文章句式丰富~富有兰奏感。 5.少用兰句~量不用尽感兰句和祈使句 有些考生喜兰兰篇兰一兰串的兰兰~想以此引起兰卷老兰的注意。一般兰~一篇作文中来偶兰出兰1-2个兰句~太多使会得其反。 感兰句和祈使句多用于口兰之中~不太适宜在四兰的兰面作中出兰。写尽吁管在抒兰感情和兰出呼兰也可使用~但多考生兰兰兰句式的把握能力不兰~因此建兰考生量不要使用。数两尽 2,用兰原兰 1.用兰要兰兰 能一兰表个达清另楚的意思~就不要加上多余的成分~外兰要注意不要造成意兰上的重兰累兰。如, 原句,What you have done is illegal under the law. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰化,What you have done is illegal. 2.用兰要多兰 注意不要一味地重兰使用某个当学会兰兰~可适兰兰程同兰兰或短兰。也不要一味地使用同一兰兰性~要使用不同的兰性。 3.多用朴素、易懂的兰 太多生僻或兰兰的辞很学当藻容易使兰卷老兰困惑~起到兰面作用。生本身也容易使用不。 4.多用具的兰体 如果兰的括性太强~往往兰人兰概会清体会达得抽象、兰兰~兰人模糊不的感兰 ~兰兰比兰具的兰使表更加准确生兰。 5.注意使用限定兰 在作兰写当来适使用限定兰修兰可以使兰述更加客兰、适度~避免兰点的兰兰化。如, 原句,In general, young people weem more prone job-hopping. 兰化, Nowadays the increasingly severe employment situation is perhaps the biggest challenge facing college students. 五、各兰作文兰构 四兰作文主要涉及方面,一是生兰、生活相兰的兰兰~二是人兰生活息息相兰以及有兰两个与学学与社会从体来兰展兰化的兰点兰兰。裁看~四兰作文主要以兰兰文和兰明文兰主~主要包括兰表兰兰兰、兰明兰象兰、兰策方法兰、兰比分析兰和兰点兰兰兰~事兰和兰用文。叙 兰表兰兰兰作文兰构1. 兰表兰兰兰作文一般需要考生描述兰表或兰中的据或面~解兰兰些据或面反画数画数画裱映出的花、兰象或兰兰~兰其兰生的原因、并响影或存在的兰兰兰行分析兰明。例, Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Do Athletes and entertainers Deserve Such High Salaries?. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the chart and the outline (given in Chinese) below: 兰表格内容兰行描述1. 兰明出兰兰兰兰象的原因2. 你的兰点3. 下兰兰年福布斯中名人国榜部分收入排名2007 姓名姚明刘巩俐翔刘嘉玲胡兰余兰兰兰兰兰运运兰兰演兰演兰演兰作家排名1458996 兰构公式兰列 第一段 述兰表概第一段 述兰表概 1.From the chart/graph/table/picture,we clearly 1.主兰句,括兰表所反概体映的兰兰象、兰化或兰兰。learn that兰述兰象、兰化或兰兰。2.兰表中初期的据或数2.兰展句一,述兰表中兰示的概数初期的据或情情。况3.However, 兰表中据或情的兰化。数况况 3.兰展句三,述兰表中据或情的兰化概数况 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 第二段 兰明原因第二段 兰明原因 4.The following reasons can account for兰象、兰化4.主兰句,引出下文兰原因的兰明。 或兰兰。5.First of all/ To begin with,第一点原因。5.兰展句一,兰明第一点原因。 6. What is more/Moreover,第二点原因。7.In 6.兰展句二,兰明第二点原因。 addition/Besides第三点原因。7.兰展句三,兰明第三点原因。 第三段 兰明影响达、兰兰或表兰点第三段 兰明影响达、兰兰或表兰点 8.From my point of view/As for me, “我“的8.主兰句,“我”的思考或看法。 思考或看法。9.可能的影响、兰兰或注意事兰一。9.兰展句一,第一点影响、兰兰或注意事兰 10.Besides~可能的影响、兰兰或注意事兰。11. 10.兰展句二,第二点影响、兰兰或注意事兰 Therefore/To conclude,作出兰兰。11.兰尾句,兰常是提出建兰或作出展望。 参考范文 DoAthletes and entertainers Deserve Such High Salaries?点兰 兰是一篇兰表作文兰。文章第一From the chart above we can see that athletes and entertainers earn 段描述表格~得出兰兰,体much more than writers. Yao Ming, as the most famous basketball star, is 育、兰兰明星收入兰兰超兰作家。the rechest while the famous writerYu Hua has lagged far behind. 第二段具分析了兰生兰兰兰象体The major reason for this phenomenon is that athletes and 的原因。注意The reason entertainers get more attention from the public than the writers, and by for sth. Is that 兰~用兰构来taking advantages of their fames they can earn money through ads very 述原因。easily. As we know, writers cannot be more popular than sports or movie 第三段兰行兰兰~兰明明星兰得stars. 高收入的原因~指出他兰兰Mayve some people think that this is unfair, for in their opinion, 此之无当愧。scholars should earn more than stars. But I don’t think so. First, the stars’ 注意兰接兰First, salary is just an indication of their hard work and fierce competition; and what’more,Finally,To sum what’s more, the stars’ splendid career is rather short and many of them up的使用~使得文章兰更构have to retire even before theri thirties. Finally, the stars bring us so much 加兰~行文凑流兰。pleasure and fun, and release us form stressful life. To sum up, they indeed deserve what they have got. 兰明兰象兰作文兰构2. 兰明兰象兰作文一般是需要考生描述所兰提兰中反映出的兰象的兰情~兰兰兰象的原因、相兰因素或体况影 响并将来兰行解兰兰明~分析兰兰象中可能存在的兰兰或的兰展兰兰。 例,Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of The Celevration of Western Festivals. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 兰在有不少人国内喜兰兰西方的某些兰日。1. 兰生兰兰兰象的原因。2. 兰兰兰象可能兰的来响影。3. 兰构公式兰列 第1段描述兰象第1段描述兰象 概述兰象。兰象表兰。主兰句,括概指出兰象1. nowadays/In recent years, 2. 1. 兰一步描述兰象表兰或兰化。兰展句一,兰象的具表兰或兰化体3.In addition/Also, 2. 兰展句二,兰一步兰明兰象的表兰或兰化3. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 第二段兰明原因第2段兰明原因 主兰句,引出下文兰原因的兰明。4.兰兰象。4. Many different reasons contribute to /There 兰展句一,兰明第一点原因5.决定兰兰象。are many different factors5. Among 兰展句二,兰明第二点原因6.第一点原因或因素them, play/plays a critical role. 兰展句三,兰明第三点原因7.第二点原因或因素。第三点6. Moreover,7. Besides, 或兰明影响原因或因素 主兰句,引出下文兰影响的兰明1.或兰明影响 兰展句一,兰明第一点影响2.兰兰象影响兰象。4. has brought great influence on5. 兰展句二,兰明第二点影响3.~第一点影响。~第二点影响。firstly6.secondly7. 兰展句三,兰明第三点影响4.~第三点影响。Finally 第三段 兰兰兰述第2段兰兰兰述 主兰句,可能兰象的兰展兰兰或利或弊兰述~或是5.本人兰兰象的兰兰或述兰。8. In my opinion/As for me, 9. 本人兰兰象的看法。具作出兰述体兰一步作出兰述作出兰兰。.10 .11. 兰展句一,具兰述体6. 兰展句二,兰一步兰述7. 兰尾句,兰兰全文;有兰可以略去8. 参考范文 点兰In recent years many Chinese people like to celebrate western festivals. Even some yongsters are paying ;1?,as great ;,意兰“或一兰”~同兰1...attention to Christmas ;1?,as our Spring Festival.;2?, In 比兰addition, other western festivals, like April Fool’s day and ;,兰接兰兰使文章例条清晰、2Valentine’s Day, are very popular among Chinese people. 意思兰兰。;,3Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. Among ;,益兰原因重用句式3them, relaxing and comfortable atmosphere from western festivals 引兰非限制性定Which;4,plays a critical role.(2?) Moreover, more and more Chinese people 于句。从;, begin to learn English,4which provides them with more ;,意兰“暴露于”。5;, chances5 to be exposed to western culture and festivals. ;,用于引出人兰点。个6;,2?Besides, many businessmen desperately try to boost the ;,意兰“兰兰面来响影”7atmosphere of foreign festivals to attract more customers. ;,意兰“在某兰程度上8;,6As far as I am concerned, our paying too much attention to ;,意兰“不是而9......;, western festibals will7 bring some side effects. The popularity 是~兰接并构列兰。.....”;, of western festivals8to some extent has influence our ;,意兰“兰分沉浸在10...;,;, traditions. 2?Therefore, I suggest that people should9? 中”。;, not10be immersed too much in the western festivals ;,9?but ignore Chinese traditional festivals. 兰策方法兰作文兰构3. 兰策方法兰作文一般需要考生描述提兰中所反映的兰兰~兰明兰兰的危害和解兰兰的必要性~然决后兰兰兰兰兰提出兰兰策略或解方法。决 例,Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of Getting to Know the World outside the Campus. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:大生了解学会社的必要性。1. 了解社会径众会的途;大兰媒、社服兰等,2.. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 你怎打算兰做。3. 兰构公式兰列 第一段 提出兰兰第一段 提出兰兰 1.提出兰兰。2.兰兰的重要性或危害性。1.主兰句,括提出兰兰。概 3.Besides/additionally,兰一步兰述兰兰的重要性或危害。2.兰展句一,指出兰兰的兰重性或危害性。4.Therefor/No doubt, it is very 3.兰展句二,兰一步兰述兰兰的重要性或危害性。important/necessary/urgent for兰兰涉及的兰象to 4.兰尾句,承上下~表解兰兰的必要性~启达决 learn how to解兰兰兰决引出解方法。决 第二段 兰明方法第二段 兰明方法 5.The following ways are effective in解兰兰决。5.主兰句,引出兰兰的解方法或定因素。决决 /There are many ways which can be adopted to 6.兰展句一,兰明第一点解方法。决 解兰兰。决/The following factors play an important 7.兰展句二,兰明第二点解方法。决 role in解兰兰。决6.Firstly, 第一点方法。7.Secondly,8.兰展句三,兰明第三点解方法。决 第二点方法。8. Finally,第三点方法。 第三段 兰兰兰述第三段 兰兰兰述 9.As far as I am concerned/As for me,本人的兰9.主兰句,引出本人兰兰兰兰或解方法的兰点或兰兰决。点或兰兰10.具兰点或兰兰依据。体11.To 10.兰展句,具兰述兰点或兰兰依据。体 conclude/Therefore,兰兰或建兰。11.兰尾句,作出兰兰或提出建兰。 参考范文 Getting to Know th World outside the Campus点兰 ;1,“be of+n.”相当It (1) is of great significance for a college student to know the 于”be+adj.”。world outside the campus. In this (2)fast-developing ;2,符合形容兰做定兰~意兰“迅速兰“Information Age”, college students must(3) keep pace with the 展的”progress of the world.(4?) Additionally, by contacting the off- ;3,意兰“上”跟campus world, college students can have chance to more ;4,兰接兰兰使文章理、意思兰兰。条清晰practical skills.(4 ?)Therefore,(5) how to know the world ;5,“疑兰兰+不定式”兰充主兰。构当outside the campus (6)is worth our attention. ;6,be worth sth./doing sth.意兰“兰Many ways can be adopted by our college students to 得......”。increase our knowledge of the world.(4?) Firstly, mass media, 7,Which在定兰句中充介兰兰兰。从当such as radios, televisions, newspapers and the Internet, are a ;8,inform是及物兰兰~一味“通知~good choice,(7)by which we can (8)be well informed about 告知”~兰常用作被兰兰“构be what is happening. (4 ? )Secondly, providing volunteer services informed about/of”.is an efficiently way to contact and know the society. (9) 同兰比兰兰。构(4?)Thirdly, we can take part-time jobs to increase our ;10,兰接并构列兰~意兰“不是......而practical experience. 是“。 (4 ? )As for me, I wll try jto create and grasp more chances ;11,意兰“自将己局限于”。to contact the society. In my opinion, getting to know the off- campus world is (9 ? )as important(9?) as improving academic performance.(4?) Therefore, I suggest every college student should(10?) not(11) confine himself to the campus(10?) but often go outside. 兰比分析兰作文兰构4. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰比分析兰作文主要有兰,一兰是需要考生兰比兰述兰兰点或做法及各自的理由~人两两后表明自己的兰点或做法兰明理由~一兰是需要考生兰比兰述并另坏某事物的利和弊、好兰和兰或兰点和缺点~兰而表明自己的看法或兰度。下面的兰构来公式是兰兰第一兰兰型兰解~至于第二兰兰型~考生只需要在掌握第一兰兰型兰构当即的基兰上兰行适兰形可。 例,Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 有人做好事期望得到回兰。1. 有人兰兰兰兰像雷兰那兰做好事不兰回兰。2. 你的兰点。3. 兰构公式兰列 1.兰点或兰兰A第一段 兰点或兰兰A 1.兰述要兰兰的主兰~引出兰其的的不同兰点或兰兰/When 1.主兰句,提出要兰兰的主兰~引出兰不同的兰两it comes to 兰兰主兰~there is no complete 点或兰兰。 agreement among people.2. Some people 2.兰展句一,指出一兰兰点或兰兰。think/prefer to/choose兰点或兰兰A。3.兰点或兰兰的第3.兰展句二,兰述兰兰兰点或兰兰的第一点理由。一点理由。4.兰点或兰兰的第二点理由。4.兰展句二,兰述兰兰兰点或兰兰的第二点理由。 2.兰点或兰兰B第二段 兰点或兰兰B 5.However, there are many others who兰点或兰兰5.主兰句,兰折出一兰兰点或兰兰。另 B。6.In their opinions/They maintain/they point 6.兰展句二,兰述兰兰兰点或兰兰的第一点理由。out兰点或兰兰B的第一点理由。7.Besides~兰点或兰兰7.兰展句二,兰述兰兰兰点或兰兰的第二点理由。的第二点理由。 第三段“我”的兰点或兰兰第三段“我”的兰点或兰兰 As for me, I agree“我”的兰点或兰兰。8.主兰句,兰合兰兰点或兰兰~表明“我”的兰点两8. /Weighing up these two arguments/choices, 或兰兰。 “我”的兰点或兰兰。9.兰展句一,兰述“我”的第一点理由。9.“我”的第一点理由。10.“我”的第二点理由。10.兰展句二,兰述“我”的第二点理由。 11.Therefore/To conclude,作出兰兰11.兰尾句,兰常是提出建兰或作出展望。 参考范文 Nowadays, ;1,different people hold different views 点兰 ;1,用于引出兰某事物的不同兰点。about whether or not one should expect a reward when ;2,兰接兰兰使文章例、意思兰兰。条清晰doing a good deed. Some people think that a good deed ;3,兰折出一兰兰点。另should be given a certain reward. They say it is agreeable ;4,意兰“不期望任何火爆”~介兰短兰充with the rule of fairness. ;2?,Also, rewards can 当状兰~注意此兰without的用法。stimulate people’s enthusiasm to to good deeds.;5,意兰“只要”~引兰件兰兰句。条状从 ;, 3 However, there are many others who take ;6,插入兰。 Leifeng as a model and be always ready to help others ;7,which引兰非限制性定于句。从without expecting any reward. Everyone may be in trouble.;8,用于引出人兰点~个weigh up意兰;,5Only if you help othres unselfishly, you can get “兰衡”。 ;,others’ help when you nedd it. 2?Besides, they ;9,“be of +n.”相于“当be+adj.”。maintain that one can enjoy happiness in doing good deeds, ;10,固定句式,It is...for sb.+to do Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ;,;,sth.其中it是形式主兰~不定式短兰是兰兰的6they think, 7which is the best return. ;,主兰。8Weighing up these tow arguments, I prefer the ;, second one. 2 ? First, being happy to help others is one ;, of Chinese people’s traditional virtues.2?Second, ;, this virtue9is of more significance for the creation of ;,;,a harmonious society. 2?To conclude, 10?it is ;,every citizen’s responsibility10?to do good deeds without expecting any reward. 兰兰兰点型作文兰构5. 兰兰兰点兰作文一般需要考生按照提高要求提出兰点~通兰兰例等方式兰兰兰点~最后再兰兰点兰行兰兰。例,Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Haste Makes Waste. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 兰什兰兰“欲速兰不”达,1. 兰兰例兰明。2. 兰构公式兰列 第一段 提出兰点第一段 提出兰点通兰背景描益写兰兰点或直接提出兰点。兰点中的主兰句,提出兰点1. 2.1. 道理或正性表兰。确兰一步兰述兰兰展句一,兰述兰点中兰涵的道理或正性表兰。确3.Besides/In addition,2. 点中的道理或正性表兰。确兰展句二,兰一步兰述兰点中兰涵的道理或正确/The truth of it is deep 3. 性表兰~或是强兰兰点的正性。确and profound./The truth of it is self-evident. 第二段 列兰兰据第二段 列兰兰据 主兰句,引出兰据~兰始兰兰兰点。4.There are numerous examples supporting this 4. 兰展句一,列兰第一例子个argument./Many remarkable examples contribute to 5. 第一例子。个兰兰展句二,兰一步兰明例一this argument.5.A case in point is 6. 6. 一步兰明例一。第二例子个。兰展句三,列兰第二例子个7.For another example, 7. 兰一步兰明例二。兰展句四,兰一步兰明例二8.8. 第三段 兰兰兰点第三段 兰兰兰点 主兰句,承接上文~重申兰点。9.All the above-mentioned tell us that/It is no doubt 9. 兰展句,提出建兰或指出正的做法或兰度~确that/Judging from the evidence offered, we might 10. 重申兰点。提出建呼兰兰点。safely draw the conclusion that 10. 兰或指出注意事兰。兰兰全文~11.To conclude/Therefore, 呼兰兰点。 参考范文 Haste Makes Waste点兰 ;1,意兰“脚踏兰地”。The Proverb “Haste makes waste”has been widely accepted ;2,意兰“其中兰涵着深兰的for many years. It reminds us that if we are to achieve our final ;,;,道理”goal we have to do it in a 1down-to-earth way. 2The ;3,用于引出例兰。truth of it is deep and profound. ;,;4,意兰“典型的例子”。3There are numerous exmaples suppoorting this ;,;5,引用“拔苗助兰”的故argument. 4A case in point is the ancient Chinese story of ;,“事5 Helping the shoots grow by pulling”. This story proved ;,;6,用于引出外的例子另that the haste caused not only waste but great loss. 6For Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ;, ;7,插入兰another example, some parents and teachers,7? in order to ;8,意兰“只是~兰兰”。improve children’s academic performance in a short time, tend to ;, ;9,常用于得出兰兰put too heavy burden on children. This, 7?as a result, ;, ;10,意兰“急于求成”。brings the children8nothing but great pressure. ;,;11,意兰“兰展兰律”。9All the above-mentioned tells us that we ;, ;12,引兰兰步状从兰兰句~意兰shouldn’t10be over anxious for quick results. Everything ;,;,“无兰什兰”。has its own 11developing law. Therefore, 12whatever we do, we should not pay too much attention to the speed and ignore these laws. 叙构事兰作文兰6. 四兰作中兰兰的事兰作文一般是要求考生述一兰兰兰生的兰兰~如兰兰、生写叙叙个病或一次兰忘的兰兰~然后兰兰自己的感受或得到的示。启 例,Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic pickpocketing. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 描述一下在你扒窃公共兰所兰眼目睹的事件。1. 兰兰兰兰犯罪行兰2. 在建和兰构会社的兰程中~人人都兰兰有正兰感。3. 兰构公式兰列 第一段 交代兰兰背景、第一段 交代事件背景引出兰兰背景。兰一步描述背景情或述事件况概主兰句,兰兰兰兰生的数背景。1.2.1. 的特点。有背景引出具兰兰或兰明事件的重要性体。兰展句一,兰一步描述背景情或述事件的况概3.2. 特点。 兰展句二,有背景引出具事件或兰明事件兰体3. 来的重要性。 第二段 述事情兰兰叙第二段 述事件的兰兰叙 引出事件主兰句,括引出要兰述的事件。概4. Now I still remember clearly/There is 4. 兰展句一,交代事件兰生的事件和兰的情。当况one thing that is still vivid in my mind until now.5.5. 事件兰生的事件和兰的情形。当接下的情来况兰兰展句二,描述接下的情。来况6..7. 6. 一步兰展。事件兰果。兰展句三,描述事件的兰一步兰展。8.As a result/However,7. 兰尾句,兰明事件的兰果或影响。8. 第三段 兰人个感受第三段 兰兰人个感受 兰事件~“我”的感受或得主兰句,“我”由兰件事而兰的感受或得到的10.Every time I recall9. 到的示。启兰事件启示。/left me in deep thought/gave 第一点感受。兰展句一,“我”的第一点感受。me a significant lesson.10.1110. 第二点感受。兰展句二,“我”的第二点感受11.11. 根据所兰提兰的不同~考生要活用兰灵运构公式~不能生搬硬套。 参考范文 点兰Pickpocketing 描述一次兰眼目睹的事兰~一次引出全Yesterday, I witnessed a theft incident on my way 文的主兰。用兰准确。此兰兰兰兰~兰WitnessBrushhome. While waiting for a bus, a woman took her wallet 明小兰推兰的兰作想兰子拂兰般兰又既快~描述out and paid for a newspaper at a nearby newspaper 生兰形象。含有兰刺意味的与句中的兰Swiftlybooth,. After putting her wallet back into her handbag she 兰呼兰~自然承接前一句。brush Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 began to look through the new titles when a middle-aged 指出行兰的扒窃危害~~man brushed past her muttering “Excuse me”. Swiftly, her crazyNational 和等兰表兰出wallet was in the man’s hand.epidemicposes a grave threat to 此危害的兰重性。和句中的比兰The crazy pickpocketing has become a national Toughsocial 意在兰兰此兰卑劣行。径epidemic and poses a grave threat to the residents’ and cancer 最后两吁句兰呼大家携手努力~消除visitors’ property safety. Pickpocketing prevention, which 扒窃会~共建和兰社~点明文章主兰。is a tough task for police, makes senses. All sides involved in this problem must join their efforts to remove this social cancer. Everyone shares the huge responsibility for demonstrating their justice at proper time. Personal responsibility is vital to build a harmonious society. 兰用文兰作文兰构7. 四兰作目前考兰的兰用兰作文包括,建兰信、写另投兰信、兰兰演兰兰、景点介兰和海兰~外~拒兰信、求兰信、 申兰信、祝兰信、倡兰兰等校园体内生活中常涉及的兰用文也在大兰的考察非兰。下面列兰10兰易考的兰用兰作 文兰,构 1,建兰信兰构公式 右上角,日期 左上角,称呼 正文,第一段,交代建兰兰兰的背景兰兰~兰明信的目的~兰兰兰事件提出建兰~引出兰建兰的具兰述。写体 第二段,具兰述自体并己的建兰兰明理由。 第三段,表达良好的祝愿和期望。 右下脚,署名 范文, A Letter to a Schoolmate June 20,2001 Dear Xiao Wang, advice I am very glad to learn that you will visit me soon. Her I am writing to give you myabout the arrangement fo your coming holiday in Hangzhou. In my opinion, West Lake should certainly be your first destination since it is such a famous and beartiful place. Then, I suggest you go to Lingyin Temple, Luhe Tower and Yuewang Shrine. Besides, i fyou have time, Qiandao Lake is also a good site you could not miss. Of course, besides visiting the interet of places, you should taste the local flavor snacks of Hangzhou, like small steamed buns and West Lake Vinegared fish. Finally, I must remind you that you should not leave your belingings unattended since there are so many people on the train and at the railway station. I am susre you will enjoy your visit in Hangzhou. If you have any questions or requirements, do not hesitate to tell me. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Truly yours Wang Fang 2,投兰信兰构公式 右上角,日期 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 左上角,称呼 正文,第一段,表明自己的身~信的目的~因份写构何事投兰何人或机。 第二段,具兰述体内投兰的容和投兰的理由。 第三段,提出解建兰决并尽决期望快解~表示感兰。 右下脚,署名 范文, A letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus Dec.20,20 02 Dear President, My name is Li Ming. I am a junior form the Civil Engineering School. I venture to write you a letter to make a complaint about the canteen service or your school. The focus of the complaint if the poor quality and high price of the food. On on hand, the rice is very hard, the steam bread is often cold, and the vegetables are always overcooked. On the ohter hand, the price of the food is so high that many poor students ar eburdened heavily. Under these circumstances, I find it impossible for us studnes to fully concentrate on the study and enjoy the campus life. I will be very obliged if you can consider my compliant seriously, I do hope the service of the canteen will be much improved as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and kind consideration. Sinceerely yours, Li Ming 3,拒兰信兰构公式 右上角,日期 左上角,称呼 正文,第一段,交代写达并信目的~委婉表自己兰邀兰、兰求等的拒兰~向兰方表示兰意。 第二段,具兰述体拒兰兰方的理由。 第三段,希望不兰兰方兰不便~会来歉向兰方表示抱和祝愿。 右下脚,署名 范文,A Letter Declining a Job Offer Jan.12,2008 Dear Mr. Wang, I am very sorry to tell you that I have to decline your job offer. To be honest, it would be a very good chance for me to work in your company. However, the current situation doesn’t allow me to do this. This has been a difficult decision for me, but I have to do this. On on hand, I have accepted anoter job offer before you informed me your decision, which is more in line with my skills and career goals. On the other hand, two hours’ commute to your building is really a burden on me. On account of all these, you can understand why I could not accept your offer. I hope this does not cause you too much inconvenience. Anyway, I do appreciate your kindness to discuss the details of the position with me and give me time to consider your offer. Meanwhile, I widh that your company would find a more suitable talent as soon as possible. Sincerely yours Jane 4,求兰信兰构公式 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 右上角,日期 左上角,称呼 正文,第一段,交代写来达信目的~申兰某兰位~兰明兰得招聘信息的源~表申兰兰位的愿望。 第二段,介兰自己的兰兰兰、能力和特兰~兰明自学己能兰兰任工作。 第三段,感兰兰方抽出兰兰和兰兰~信随并附有自己的兰兰~愿意提供兰一步的信息~希望等到 面兰的机。会 右下脚,署名 范文,A Job Application Letter June 20, 2003 To whom it may concern, I am writing to apply for the post of engineer advertised in China Daily, I believe my qualifications are ideal match of your requirements. I will graduate on July 1 of this year form Dongbei University. My major in mechanical engineering and my training in this aspect definitely meet your requirements. In addition to learning the the required couses, I have also accepted training in Professional Training Program at spare time. What’s more, I have been an intern student in several companies related to my major, which provided me a great deal of experience in computer applecations. I believe my training and experience will enable me to perform better than other candidates who are lack of working experience. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additiongal information your require, please contact me. I will be very grateful if you can give me a personal interview at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Li Hua 5,邀兰信兰构公式 右上角,日期 左上角,称呼 正文,第一段,交代写参个信目的~邀兰某人加某兰活兰~兰明活兰的兰兰和地点~正式向兰方那兰出 邀兰。 第二段,介兰事件的具体安排和兰方接受邀兰的必要性。 第三段,希望兰方能兰接受邀兰~期望兰方的尽快答兰。 右下脚,署名 范文, An Invitation Letter June 15, 2008 Dear Li Liang, thThis June 30 I am going to graduate, so I am going to hold a party on Saturday evening in my house. It would be pleasant to have you here. So interesting will the party be that you can’t afford to miss it. For one thing, we can have a big meal, sing the popular songs and play games. For another, it also provides a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you haven’t seen for a long time. What an important thing it si to get your participation! First, you are my best friend and bring home to me many things. Second, we haven’t seen each other for quite a long time and I am eager to see you. The party would not be complete without you! The party will begin at 7:30p.m. Is it possible for us to see you at 7:00 on Saturday evening in my house> I do hope you can come. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Sincerely yours, Sun Li 6,道信兰歉构公式 右上角,日期 左上角,称呼 正文,第一段,交代写歉歉信目的~因某事想某人道~兰兰兰方接受自己的意。 第二段,向兰方解兰兰致自己所犯兰失或兰兰的原因。 第三段,希望能兰得到兰方的理解和原兰~希望有机不会并久~提出不久措施。 右下脚,署名 范文, An apology Letter Jan.24, 2009 Dear Mary, I am excessively sorry for my absence yesterday when you come to see me during your trip. Now, I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. I hope you will understan me and excuse me for my absence. The reason for my absence was that I had an engagement with some friends and, ignorant of your visit, accompanied them to the cinema. Besides, not until 9 o’clock in the evening did I come back. Therefore, it is not in my power to arrange time to meet you. Naturally, I hope you won’t leave the city this week so that I can call on you. I shall be obliged if you will kindly tell me when and where you are at convenient. In that case I can take you to some places that may interest you. I hope to see you soon. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 7,倡兰兰兰构公式 右上角,日期 左上角,称呼 正文,第一段,交代写信目的~倡兰的人群和倡兰的主兰。 第二段,介兰倡兰兰兰兰象的具情和体况体内倡兰的具容;如捐兰、捐物,。 第三段,提供兰系方式~再次兰出倡兰~呼吁参与并大家~表示感兰。 右下脚,署名 范文, Your Help Needed Nov.15,2008 Dear fellow students, I am writing this letter to call on all the students in our university to do something for Li Ping, one of our schoolmates, who is suffering from the serious disease. As some of you may know, Li Ping is one of the freshmen the English Department. She is longing for the bright future like you and me . Unfortunately, last month, she was struck by Lerkemia. Now she is hospitalized and in a serious condition. What is worse, Li Ping comes from a poor village family and it si impossible for her family to raise such a large sum of money in such pressing time. As you see, now Li Ping is in great nedd of fanancial aid and daily caring. So it is high time for you to extend your helping hands to her. If you would like to provide your love and care to Li Ping, especially in the form of donation, please call at 12345678 or 23456789 at any time. Thank you! Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Sinerely yours, The Student Union 8,海兰兰构公式 兰兰,活兰主兰或直接用poster 正文,第一段,括引出活兰~交概代活兰主兰兰位、活兰的兰兰和地点。 第二段,兰述活兰的主要目的和具体安排。 第三段,兰明加活兰的件和方式~交参条吁参与代兰系或咨兰方式~呼大家踊兰。 右下角,落款写称主兰兰位名。 范文,Volunteers Needed The Student Union of our university will orgaize a bolunteer activity to the rural areas during the summer holidays. No we are recruiting the volunteers. This activity aims to help the children in rural areas improve their computer and Englsih level, and meanwhile provide a platform for our college students to show and prove abilities. It is planed to begin thon July 5 and last 10 days. The volunteers will be assigned ato different country primary schools to teach children how to use the computer and how to learn English well. Any student who is good at English and computer is warmly welcomed. Those interested are stexpected to come to the office of the Studnet Union to fill in an application form before July 1. Please call62511123 for further information. We are looking forward to your active participation. The Students’ Union 9,兰兰演兰兰兰构公式 左上角,称呼 正文,第一段,表自达悦己的喜和兰幸之情~兰要介兰自己~表明自己要兰兰兰位。 第二段,兰明自己具兰的件和兰兰~兰明自条己能兰兰任。 第三段,承兰兰当会哪决听众达后采取些措施~表明自己的心~左后想表祝愿和感兰。 范文, A Campaign Speech Ladies and gentlemen, I am Wang Lin from the Computer Science Department, and I am honored to stand heere to give my speech. I will show you that I am the best candidate to the post of Chairman of the Students’ union. I have gained a lot of experience and received wide praise from my classmates for my job as the monitor. Moreover, I am warm-hearted and always ready to help others. Besides, I am good at organizing activities and have experience in holding contests and sports meetings. Looking into the future, I will try my best to serve my fellow students if I am lucky enough to be the president of the Students’ Union. On one hand, I will organize more activities to color our campus life. On the other hand, I’ll reform the Student Union, changing it from a problem-solbing one into a service-providing one. And more channels will be opened for our students to boice opinions and needs. I, Wang Lin, am worth your trust. Don’t hesitate to vote for me. Thank you! ,景点介兰机构公式10 左上角, 称呼 正文,第一段,向大家表示兰迎~兰要介兰自己的身和份并达悦任兰~表自己的喜和兰幸之情。 第二段,具介兰景点的容和特点以及具的行程体内体安排。 第三段,提醒相兰注意事兰~表示如有疑兰兰并迎咨兰。祝愿大家玩得愉快~感兰大家的兰 听。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 范文, A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to China and thank you for your trusting our travel agency. I am Lisa. It’s my pleasure to be your guide. The following is the schedule of the day. In the morning, the first spot we are going to visit is the Great Wall, the grandest fortification in ancient China. Then I will take you to the Ming Tombs, which is oen of the best-preserved tombs in China and the last home for 13 emperors in Ming Dynasty. In the afternoon, we will go to the Summer Place, the royal park for ancient Chinese emperors. That’s the end of our visiting of today. By the way, please bring a plastic bag with you to hold the rubbish you make so as to protect our environment. If any of you have questions, please feeel free to ask me at any time. I hope that you will enjoy your day. Thank you very much for your attention. 六、段落的展兰方法 在定了各段的主兰之确怎写后~兰展兰段落成兰了作成兰的兰兰。展兰段落的方式格式各兰~但主要有 以下兰。几 兰例法1. 常兰的兰例模式, 主兰句~~ ----example 1 --example 2----example 3 列兰兰常用for example, for instance, such as, like, thus, take…as an example, to illustrate a case in 等兰兰point. 列兰法2. 在使用列兰法兰~考生要注意,一~所列兰的各要点最好个减按照兰增或兰的兰序兰行有兰次的排列。 二~所列兰的要点兰兰服兰于一中个独区心思想。各要点必兰相互立~相互兰。 列兰法常用的兰兰有,~ ~ ~firstfirstlyin the first place, fist of all, in the biginning, to begin withto ~~~ ~~ ~~start withsecondthird, most of allnextmoreoverin additionbesidesfurthermore, last, 等。lastly, finally, eventually, last but not least, for one thing...for another... 分兰法3. 把同一主兰兰系那分兰各兰成部分~或把多的兰点个划个众个按照器共性兰兰~然后在依次展兰各部 分。在分兰的兰候要注意各兰兰之兰的兰兰兰系~分兰兰准要明~不要出兰重兰象。确叠 分兰法常用的表有,达divide...into, fall into, be calssified , there are...kinds, first, sencond, last, 等。also, again, besides, moreover, what’s more, furthermore, inaddition, most important, finally 因果分析法4. 在段落一兰兰~就用主兰句点明其因果兰系~然后兰用有兰材料~客兰的兰列某些原因或兰果~以 兰述中心思想。 不管是因到果兰是果到因~从从确基本要求都一兰,主兰句必兰明~展兰句必兰兰主兰起加 强作用。 因果分析法常用表有达: because of, so, owing to, thanks to, thus, as a result of, hence, for this ~ reason, consequently, is caused by, lead to, result insince, as, for, due to, owing to, on account of, in view of, contribute to, therefore, so, thus, accordingly, as consequence, in consequence of, as a result, 等。result from 比兰法5. 主兰句必兰明表明所要比兰的兰象和所要比兰的范兰~兰兰上就是兰列或以上比兰兰象的相同确两个两个 点或不同点。在采用比兰法兰~要注意句子的兰渡。 常用兰兰,at the same time, similar to, accordingly, both, show a degree of similarity, similarly, the Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ~ same as, and… too, in the same way, in a like mannerlikewise, as, in comparison with, by contrast, 等。conversely, defferently, on the contrary, on the other hand, unlike, but, however, yet, whereas, while 叙述法6. 叙清述是指楚交代所述事件兰生的事件、地点、人物、原因等~是一兰十分有效的拓展方法。 用于描述事件兰序的常用表有,达soon, then, after a while, toward the end of..., in the past, in the 等。first year/decade 用于描述空兰兰序的常用表有,达beyond, above, under, nearby, outside, in, between, next to, on the top of, in front of, across, close to, on/from the left/right, ahead of, behind, on, opposite to, in the south, 等。on either side of 常用的句型 兰兰 Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern. 最近兰兰已引起人兰的兰注,…. Nowadays, _________ has become a problem we have to face. 如今已成兰我兰不得不面兰的兰兰了,. It is commonly believed that… / It is a common belief that… 人兰一般兰兰… Many people insist that… 很多人兰持兰兰… With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that… 随着科技的兰展越越多的人兰兰来… , A lot of people seem to think that… 很多人似乎兰兰… 引出不同兰点: People’s views on… vary from person to person. Some hold that… . However, others believe that…. 人兰兰…的兰点因人而异有些人兰兰…然而其他人却兰兰,,, ... 人兰兰…可能有不同的兰解会People may have different opinions on… . Attitudes towards _____ vary from person to person. 人兰兰待…的兰度因人而异.. There are different opinions among people as to… 兰于…人兰的兰点大不相同. . Different people hold different attitudes toward______. 兰…人兰的兰度各不相同... 兰尾 Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that… 把所有兰些因素加以考兰我兰自然会得出兰兰… , Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that… 考兰所有兰些因素我兰可能会得出合理的兰兰… , Hence/Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that… 因此我兰最好得出兰兰的兰兰… , There is no doubt that ____ has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑兰有兰点也有缺点,…... All in all, we cannot live without… But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰之我兰有没…是无法生活的但同兰我兰必兰兰求新的解兰法兰付可能出兰的决来新兰兰,.,. 提出建兰: It is high time that we put an end to the (trend). 兰是我兰停止兰一兰兰的兰候了. It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of … 兰是采兰…的建兰并兰…的兰展兰予特殊重兰的兰候了,. There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of … 毫无疑兰兰…兰兰兰予以足兰的重兰,. Obviously, If we want to do something…, it is essential that… 兰然如果我兰想做某事很重要的是… ,, 只有兰兰我兰才能… Only in this way can we… , 我兰必兰意兰到… It must be realized that… 兰示后果: Obviously, if we don’t control the problem, the chances are that… will lead us in danger. 很明兰如果我兰不能控制兰一兰兰很会有可能我兰陷入危兰,,. No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that… 毫无疑兰除非我兰采取有效措施很会可能… ,, It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation. 很兰迫的是兰立即采取措施阻止兰一事兰的兰展,. 兰兰: From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来支持第一兰兰点比支持第二兰兰点更有道理,. 我无法完全同意兰一兰点…I cannot entirely agree with the idea that… . 就人而言个我站在…的一兰Personally, I am standing on the side of … ,. 我兰地相信真… I sincerely believe that… In my opinion, it is more advisable to do … than to do…. 在我人看个来做…比做…更明智,. Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why… 兰出原因: This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, … Second, … Third, … 兰一兰象的存在是有兰多原因的首先第二第三., … , … , … Why did… ? For one thing… For another…. Perhaps the primary reason is… 兰什兰会…一原因是个个… 令一原因是… 或兰其主要原因是…? . I quite agree with the statement that… the reasons are chiefly as follows. 我十分兰同兰一兰述即…其主要原因如下,,: 列出解兰法决: 兰是如何兰理某事的一些建兰Here are some suggestions for handling… . 解兰些麻兰的最好兰法是决… The best way to solve the troubles is… People have figured out many ways to solve this problem. 人兰已找来决个出兰多兰法解兰兰兰兰. 批判兰兰兰点和做法: 就某事而言As far as something is concerned, …. ,… 很兰然It was obvious that… ,…. It may be true that…, but it doesn’t mean that… Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 可能…是兰的但兰不意并味着… , It is natural to believe that… , but we shouldn’t ignore that… 兰兰…是自然的很但我兰不兰忽兰….,. 没有兰据表明… There is no evidence to suggest that… 兰兰兰表, 如兰所示… As is shown in the graph… 兰表兰示… The graph shows that… 从表格中可以看出… As can be seen from the table,… 从兰兰表中我兰可知… From the chart, we know that… , 所有兰些据明兰兰明兰一事兰数即… All these data clearly prove the fact that… , 在兰个达城市的增兰已到The increase of …. In the city has reached to 20%. ….20%. 年兰字保持不兰个数In 1985, the number remained the same. 1985,. 年出兰了逐兰下降的情况There was a gradual decline in 1989. 1989,. 第三兰 强化兰兰 1. Rush for Postgraduate StudyDirections: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Rush for Postgraduate Study.. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the table and the outline (given in Chinese) below: YearNumber of Candidates in X Province 20001600 20025600 200412000 200636000 200852000 根据上兰描述近几年生兰考研数究生人的兰化。1.x 兰明兰致兰兰兰化的原因2. 你研兰考兰的看法。3. 2. Green Food Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Green Food. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 近几来来年~“兰色食品”兰得越越流行。1. 分析兰兰兰象兰生的原因。2. 你兰兰兰象的看法。3. 3. To Become a Specialist or a Generalist?Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic To Become a Specialist or a Generalist?. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 有人兰兰一生兰兰个学个努力成兰一“兰才”。1. 然而其他人兰兰生兰兰成兰“学会通才”才能在兰代社立足。2. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 你的看法3....... 4. A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan.Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 表明信的目的。写1. 兰明申兰助学兰款的原因。2. 保兰合理会并决利用兰款表明兰款的心。3. 5. Should Class Attendance be Required?Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Class Attendance be Required?. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 很学数很多大都兰行上兰出勤点名制度~大多人都兰兰兰兰做有必要。1. 但也有一些人兰兰兰兰做弊大于利。2. 你如何看待,理由是3....... 6. Craze in Famous Brands on Campus.Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Craze in Famous Brands on Campus. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 兰在多大生都兰很学衷于追求名牌。1. 分析兰兰兰象的原因。2. 你如何看待兰兰象。3. 7. How should College Students Relieve PressureDirections: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How should College Students Relieve Pressure?. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 当学很来今大生要面兰多自不同方面的兰力。1. 大生兰解兰力的方式有那些。学2. 你一般是如何兰解兰力的。3. 8. Punctuality Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Punctuality You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 守兰是一兰重要的品兰。1. 兰兰守兰的必要性。2. 9. Sex Education Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Sex Education You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 近几来学教年越越多的大正在兰施性育。1. 加强兰大生性学教育的必要性。2. 你学怎兰兰大生兰兰兰做,3. 10. A Food Poisoning Accident Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Food Poisoning Accident. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 你几个学从脱与脱的同因食用了某超市兰回的食品而中毒~幸兰及兰治兰二兰。兰描述他;兰,中毒兰的兰程~并吁呼要加强食品安全。 11. Grades can’t Say EverythingDirections: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Grades can’t Say Everything. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 分不兰明一数并切。1. 兰兰例兰兰。2. 12. Man Proposes, God Disposes Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Man Proposes, God Disposes. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 如何理解“兰事在人~成事在天”兰句兰兰,1. 兰兰例兰兰其中的道理。2. 13. A Letter in Reply to a Friend.Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter A Letter in Reply to a Friend. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 你将参你内的一位朋友要加英兰四兰考兰~希望兰他一些兰考建兰~信件容兰包括, 就如何准兰四兰考兰提出点建兰。几1. 祝愿朋友考兰成功。2. 14. The Branch Campuses of the UniversitiesDirections: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Branch Campuses of the Universities You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 今年多大都在来很学区郊建立了分校。1. 大在学区郊成立分校的原因有那些,2. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰兰的看法你3....... 15. White Lie. Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic White Lie. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 有兰候人兰出于会称善意而兰兰人兰兰~兰兰兰言被兰“善意的兰言”。1. 但有些人兰兰只要兰兰就是不兰。2. 你兰此的看法是3....... 第一章 力理解答案和解析听 Model test 1   Section A   11. M: Before we play again, I’m going to buy a good tennis racket.   W: Your shoes aren’t in very good shape, either.   Q: What does the woman imply? 【解析】兰。女士兰好像男士的鞋也了。坏个双女士的意思是要男士不但要兰好一点的球拍~也兰兰鞋了~[C] 兰兰符合兰意。   [C]   12. M: Have you found a partner to work with on biology? The lab class is tomorrow.   W: To tell you the truth, I’ve been tied up with my chemistry course this week.   Q: What can be inferred about the woman? 【解析】兰。女士回答兰事兰上兰她学呢即她没周一直忙着化~兰有兰到合作兰象。找和兰兰解了[B][A][C]be tied 的含兰~分兰兰短兰理解兰“将喜兰”和“兰兰”~兰是兰太忙而有兰兰兰化~兰没学学与女士所兰的up with[D] “一直忙着学学兰化”相矛盾~注意的表方式。   达too...to   13. M: Make thirty copies for me and twenty copies for Mr. Brown.   W: Certainly, Sir. As soon as I finish typing the letter.     Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?【解析】兰。兰兰中的和都是在兰公室兰景中出兰兰率非常高的兰兰。外~另气男士的祈使兰和女[C]copiestyping 士兰男士的称呼有助于判断他兰的上下兰兰系。   (Sir)   14. W: It must be the first time for you to be aboard a warship.   M: Don’t you know that I’ve been in military service in the Navy for years?   Q: What can we say about the man? 【解析】兰。女士推兰兰是男士第一次登上兰兰~男士用否定疑兰句的形式兰此予以了否定~兰以前他就曾[D] 在海兰服兰兵役。即他之前就登上兰兰兰~故兰答案。  [D]   15. W: How did your interview go? M: I couldn’t feel worse about it. The questions were very fair but I seemed to find no answers for all of   them.   Q: How does the man feel about the interview? 【解析】兰。指~兰兰明男士的面兰不理想~并是兰他心情[B]I couldn’t feel worse about itI feel the worst[B] 的正确构描述。比兰兰用于否定兰可表示“最…不兰”。如那最好不兰了。   Nothing better()   16. M: I can’t find my lunch box anywhere. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   W: Never mind. I’ll treat you today.   Q: What do we learn from this conversation? 【解析】兰。兰兰中的兰兰兰是款待~做兰~兰客”~男士兰不到自找没你己的兰盒了~女士兰兰系~我兰[C]treat“ 吃兰~兰兰是女士回兰的同兰兰述。、与兰兰无兰。是借一兰兰置的干兰兰。 [C][A][B][D]treat   17. M: Wasn’t it terrific? W: Well, the music was enjoyable, but the story didn’t make much sense to me. I still prefer traditional   Drama with strong characters and an exciting plot.   Q: What does the woman think of the play? 【解析】兰。兰兰中男士兰女士兰兰兰的看法~女士兰兰兰的音兰不兰~但故事情兰意思~兰充兰没并她喜兰人物塑[C] 造力强、情兰生兰的兰兰兰兰。由此推知她兰兰兰部兰兰太兰代派了~故兰答案。   [C]   18. W: Where have you been all this time? The train is about to leave! M: Sorry I’m late, but I was waiting for you at the information desk upstairs. It’s lucky I thought to look for   you here on the platform.   Q: Where did the man think they were supposed to meet? 【解析】兰。根据男士的回答~我一直在上信息楼你台那里等~可知男士兰兰他兰兰在信息台兰面。所以[D] 答案兰。   [D]   Conversation One   W: Excuse me, are you going to buy that book?  M: Well, I need it for a class but it’s awfully expensive.   W: Oh, we must be in the same class. Introduction to British Literature? M: Yes, that’s the one. Were you there yesterday for the first class?   W: I sure was. Professor Robert really seems to know his subject. M: Yes, I took his Shakespeare course last semester and it was very good. He likes listening to his students.   W: That’s a relief. I’m a biology major and I was a little uncertain about taking an English course. M: I’m an English major and this is a required course. But now I’m in trouble because I’m not sure I can   afford this book.  W: Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we split the cost and share the book?   M: Sounds great. Do you live on campus?  W: Yeah, I live on the 10th floor of Butler Hall. M: Perfect. I live on the 3rd floor of Butler. We should have no trouble sharing the book. I can bring it up to   your room right after I wrap up the assignment.   W: It’s a deal.   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.   19. Where is the conversation most probably taking place? 【解析】兰。分析兰兰兰兰四兰兰个均是由表示方位的介兰短兰“名兰”成~表明构本兰考兰的是兰地点的判[A]in+ 断来断~我兰可以根据行兰活兰和代表性的兰兰判地点。兰兰一兰始女士的即表明兰兰兰生在兰店buy that book 内与。而兰兰兰一般借兰、兰兰有兰。      20. Which class are the man and the woman taking together? 【解析】兰。四兰兰的容在兰音中都有提及~兰兰是兰目兰的是个内听清男士和女士一起兰兰的是什兰兰。回兰女[C] 士所兰的和以及男士的肯定回答可以得出答案。 in the same classIntroduction to English LiteratureYes   21. What does the man think about Professor Robert? 【解析】兰。根据、、可以推断指的是一老兰或者个教授。兰音中提到了~[D][B][C][D]HeProfessor Robert Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 女士兰~男士肯定了女士的兰法~兰的Professor Robert really seems to know his subjectProfessor Robert 兰并且喜兰~由此可以判断是一兰个教秀的授。  very goodlistening to his studentsProfessor Robert   Conversation Two M: You should have seen the line at the housing office. It took me an hour to make my dormitory deposit   for next year. Have you made yours yet?   W: No, I’m not sure I’m going to. M: There’s not much time left. The deadline’s May 1. That is just two weeks from now. Are you short of   cash? W: No, I’m Okay. M: You’d better hurry up if you want a dorm room next September. There aren’t enough rooms for every   one, and first year students have priority.   W: Well, I’ve been thinking about living off campus. M: Have you any idea of how much that would cost? There is the rent, utilities, and you’d probably need a   car. W: I know it would be more expensive. I think I can handle it though. The dorm is just so noisy that I can’t get anything done. Maybe my grades would be better if I had some peace and quiet in a place of my own.  M: You should study in the library the way I do. Think of the money you’d save.   W: I’ve got to think it over some more. There’s still two weeks left in April.   Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   22. What are the speakers discussing? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰着交下一年的宿舍押金展兰~接着女士兰在考兰她园两搬出校~由此引兰了人的兰兰~因[B] 此整兰兰主要是兰兰方兰兰下一年在个双哪居住的兰兰~因此答案兰。   [B]   23. What must a person do in order to live in a university house? 【解析】兰。兰兰中男士兰~而前面的兰兰容从内[A]You’d better hurry up if you want a room next September 可知男士兰的指的是兰赶去交~由(make my dormitory deposit for next year)hurry updormitory deposit 此可知如果要住学校的房子~就要付一些兰兰~故兰。   housing office[A]   24. Where do the two speakers live now? 【解析】兰。兰兰最从两学况断两后人兰到在宿舍兰兰的情和住宿舍可以省兰可以判人兰在都住宿舍~只是[A] 女士想搬出宿舍住。      25. What does the man seem to be concerned about? 【解析】兰。从男士的兰可以判断他兰心的是~因此答案兰。[D]Think of the money you’d savemoney[D][A] 是女士兰心的兰兰。和两兰兰兰中未兰及。Grades[B][C]   Section B    Passage One When you turn on the radio, you hear an advertisement. When you watch television, you hear and see an advertisement. If you turn the pages of a newspaper or magazine, again you find an advertisement. If you walk down the street, you see one advertising board after another. All day, every day, people who want to sell you something competent to catch your attention. As a result, advertisements are almost everywhere. In the West, advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media work. The government does not give money to mass media such as TV stations, newspapers, magazines and radio stations. They are all owned privately. So where does the money come from? From advertisements. Without advertisements, there would not be  these private businesses. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Have you ever asked yourself what advertising is? Through the years, people have given different answers to the question. For some time it was felt that advertising was a means of “keeping your name before the public.” And some people thought that advertising was “truth well told.” Now more and more , people describe it in this wayAdvertising is the paid, nonpersonal, and usually persuasive description of   goods, services and ideas through various media. All advertisements try to make people believe that the product, idea, or service advertised can do   well to them. Advertisements exist everywhere in our lives.   Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.   26. What is the passage mainly about? 【解析】兰。兰篇材料兰篇就提到了播、兰兰、兰兰上的广广告~随广广后兰了告的定兰~兰尾兰[D](advertisement) 告到兰都存在~兰表明本篇兰的是广告的繁兰兰展~故兰兰符合兰意。  [D]   27. What’s the financial source of the privately owned mass media? 【解析】兰。兰兰符合兰意~依据是。  [C][C]So where does the moneycome from? From advertisements   28. According to the passage, what is one of the features of advertisements? 【解析】兰。兰兰符合兰意~依据是[B][B] Advertising is the paid, nonpersonal, and usually persuasive 。是的同兰兰述~意兰description of goods, services and ideas through various mediaconvincingpersuasive ~“使相信~使兰”。 即确making you believe that something is true or right   Passage Two Officials at the Olympic Games taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah, say they have met their environmental goals. However, environmental groups say the Salt Lake Olympic Games have done permanent harm to the area. Protection of the environment is now officially one of the three goals of the Olympic movement. The other two goals are sports and culture. Today, many cities seeking to hold the Olympic Games promise to offer greater protection for the environment. However, an environmental group says that the Salt Lake Olympic Committee make promises that it has not kept. For example, activists criticize ski jumps that were built into the sides of the mountains. They also criticize the officials for permitting trees to be cut down and new roads built for the Olympic Games. They said better public transportation is needed to help decrease air pollution during the Games. And they said not enough has been done to reduce energy use. Lawyers say the Olympics are being used as an excuse to prevent   development that normally would be unacceptable under the current environmental laws.   Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.   29. What do the environmental groups think of the Salt Lake Olympic Games? 【解析】。在兰音之前~兰兰四兰兰可听个知本文可能兰兰的是与的兰兰。原文中用兰[D]The gamesenvironment 折兰言引出兰境兰兰的意兰~故兰。   however,...have done permanent harm to the area,[D]   30. Which is not a goal of the Olympic movement? 【解析】。四兰兰个极听它均兰含有兰色彩的名兰短兰~需要在的兰程中留意和兰有兰的信息。   [C] 31. According to the environmental groups what is needed to decrease airpollution during the Games? 【解析】。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰考兰的是保兰兰境的行兰~需要留意文中有兰兰些行兰的兰兰。 [B]   Passage Three Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Diet, diet, diet! It gets to be a constant battle for many of us to stay fit and healthy. But diets don’t always allow us to learn new eating habits, improve our self-image, or make lifestyle changes. Developing   good eating habits and proper exercise is a permanent issue. And it’s the main topic of this workshop. In order to keep a healthy diet and minimize the risk of disease, it’s essential to eat a diet that consists of low fat foods and to maximize energy with carbohydrates. Beef, nuts, oils, and most dairy products are rich in fat, so you should eat less of those; while pastry, rice, potatoes, and bread contain almost no fat and are a high energy source of complex carbohydrates. You know that many food manufactures use sugar to make low fat or fat free foods taste good, but don’t worry too much about that. You don’t necessarily “get fat” by eating sugar, since sugar is an indirect fat. When you exercise, carbohydrates are the first calories to burn, if you want to burn off fat, it’s good to do some sort of aerobic exercise such as biking, swimming, running, or fast walking. But you have to keep doing this exercise for at least twenty minutes because it takes about that long before we start to burn fat. And then the effect of burning fat decreases after forty-five minutes of exercise. So if you do some sort of aerobic exercise for three to four days a week for about thirty to forty minutes, you’ll have an affective schedule for reducing weight.   Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.   32. What is the main topic of this talk? 【解析】兰。在兰音之前~兰兰兰兰可听与知本文兰食兰兰和兰兰有兰。   [D]   33. According to the speaker, which will burn most quickly with exercise? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰有兰食物兰兰的兰兰~的兰程中需要听它留意兰兰的描述。本兰答案依据兰[B]When 根据常兰正是碳水化合物的一兰~故兰。 you exercise, cabohydrates are the first calories to burn, sugar[B]   34. According to the speaker, what is the most effective exercise time schedule for reducing weight? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的有兰兰兰的兰兰安排。注意~只要住抓兰兰兰信息就个[D]three to four days a week 可以了。      35. What does the speaker say is burned at the beginning of exercise? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的有兰食物兰兰成分的兰兰。注意~的意思是“碳水化合物”。[A]Carbohydrates  Section C 【解析】。根据本空前的兰兰不定式小品兰及空后的介兰可知~本空中兰一原形兰兰。所填填36.choosetofrom 兰与构并成固定搭配~且是名兰的同根兰兰兰。  fromchoice 【解析】。兰兰兰用兰~表示“各兰各兰的兰兰繁多的”。   37.varietya (considerable, great, wide)variety of, 【解析】。从空格前的和空格后的介兰可以推此兰兰一名兰。断填空后的兰所兰填38.traditiona longofhistory 起一定的提示作用。 【解析】。从号个断填空格后的逗后面是一完整的句子可以判所兰兰兰是介兰。空后的 39.throughoutits 及 historythe country has welcomed … from all over the world, most of whom have needed to learn 中兰用的兰在两完成兰起提示作用。 English 【解析】。所兰作填的兰兰~且兰些人是自并来数世界各地~他兰中的大多都需要40.immigrantswelcomed 学英兰。   【解析】。从可以判所兰和断填构并填概成列兰系~因此所兰兰兰一形容兰~念41.experiencedandqualified 上与相近~共同修兰。qualifiedteachers 【解析】。所兰填修兰~因此兰兰兰一形容兰。空前的起提示作用。 42.overseasstudentsfrom allover the world 【解析】。所兰作填的兰兰~且并与在上一数填并致~故兰一原形兰兰~且此兰兰和介兰43.enrollwhostudents Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 搭配。  on 【答案】44.Most of these institutions provide preparation courses for students who need to improve their   English before they start university study 【】Main PointsStudents who need to improve their English before they start university study can take  preparation courses in these universities and colleges 【答案】  45.they are the most common type of courses taken by overseas students 【】  Main Pointsoverseas students usually take these courses 【答案】46.the chance to get to know the school where they will be studying and become more familiar with   the American academic environment 【】Main Pointsthe chance to know their school and the American academic environmentModel Test Two 答案及解析, Section A 11. W: Look at the mess! And the guests will be here soon! M: Take it easy. I’ll make sure the house is spotless. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。男士兰他肯定兰会会屋子干干兰兰的~也就是他打兰屋子的~兰兰符合兰意。意兰“一[A][A]spotless 兰不染的~干兰的”。兰兰、兰解了兰兰中的。[B][C]take it easy 12. M: Is the next game going to be held at our stadium or theirs?W: Do you really think it will make much of a difference with a losing record like ours?Q: What does the woman imply? 【解析】兰。女士兰兰我兰兰兰一直保持失兰兰兰的兰伍来很兰~比兰在什兰地方兰行有大不同兰,言下之意是他兰[C] 的兰伍兰将失兰~也就无所兰在什兰地方兰行比兰了~故兰兰符合兰意。[C] 13. M: Mum, I got a part-time job at the supemp3arket. Three hours a day weekday and all day Saturday. ,W: CongratulationsBut are you sure you can handle it? What about homework? Q: What’s the woman worried about? 【解析】兰。母兰第一次使用疑兰兰~反气她儿映出兰子能学担否兼兰工作和兰的兰心。第二次疑兰兰突出反映[B] 了兰子兰兰的兰兰~故兰她儿学。[B] 14. W: You see, there are too many people here. Let’s go to some other places.M: All right. But cold weather in December cannot keep people away from the busy shops.Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。女士兰兰里人太多了~到其他地方去看看。吧没男士兰~兰兰~但是月的冷天也不能阻兰人[B]12 兰兰些兰兰的来尽商店~言下之意是管月的天气很逛会冷~商店的人仍然多~故兰兰符合兰意。12[B] 15. W: Your exam is over, isn’t it? Why aren’t you cheerful? M: Oh, I don’t know. It isn’t that the questions were too hard, but I always feel uneasy when the exam doesn’t seem to have much to do with the book. Q: What was the man’s opinion of the exam? 【解析】兰。在后男士提到兰卷与兰的兰系不大兰~他就兰兰得不安。兰兰是兰此的同兰兰述。兰兰提到[B]but[B] ...it 意思是兰些兰兰其兰不兰。由此可以并排除兰兰、。兰中考兰兰isn’t that the questions were too hard, [A][D][C]time( 兰在兰兰中有提及。没) 16. W: What do you think of the movie? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 M: It was worth neither the time nor the money. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。“兰是兰容的构两个内否定~也就是兰兰兰和兰花得都不兰~言外之意就是兰部兰[B]neither...nor...” 影根本不兰得一看。  17. M: Good afternoon. I’m Mr. Jackson. I answered your ad for an experienced advertising executive. W: Oh, yes, Mr. Jackson. Won’t you have a seat? The manager will see you shortly. Q: What do we learn about Mr. Jackson? 【解析】兰。男士来广广会兰聘告上兰的有兰兰的告主管兰位。女士兰兰理兰上就兰他。兰兰兰是有兰兰[D]experienced( 的、会兰~外前面的另指兰兰上的招聘广告~后面的指的是广告主管兰)see you()adadvertising executive 位~兰兰符合兰意。[D] 18. M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is?W: Sure. The next direct flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco you can board now. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 【解析】兰。、直达航班、兰机~兰乘构成了“在机兰咨兰航班情[D]the next flightdirect flight()transferring() 况”的特定兰景。由女士所兰的可知答if you do not mind transferring at san Francisco you can board now案兰。[D] Conversation One W: Can I help you? M: Yes, I’m looking for a book on the presidential election system in the United States.W: Well, all of our textbooks are arranged by subject and course number in the back of the store. Is this a required text for one of the University’s political science courses?M: No, it isn’t. I’ve already looked through all the political science books in the back, but the ones I saw only had a few pages, at most, on the topic. W: How about the paperback section? There may be something there. M: Okay. W: Or better yet, you should try looking in Books in Print. M: I’ve never heard of that. What is it? W: It’s an index that lists all of the books currently available from publishers. If you have a specific book in mind, you can look under the author’s last name. M: But I don’t. W: Then look directly under your subject, presidential elections. M: What happens if I find a book I want? W: Well, if it’s not in stock, we can order it for you. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What is the man looking for? 【解析】兰。男士兰“~后来兰到“[B]I’m looking for a book on the presidential election system...”I’ve ~由此可以推~断already looked through all the political science books”a book on the presidential 属于。因此~他要兰的是找。election systemthe political science books[B] A political science book 20. Where does the woman first direct the man to? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 【解析】兰。当体男士兰需要一本兰于兰兰兰兰制的兰兰~女士以兰他兰的是~于是兰上兰“[C]textbookall of our 。因此~兰兰符合兰干要求。textbooks are ...in the back of the store”[C] 21. What kinds of books are listed in Books in Print? 【解析】兰。女士兰“~在男士不知道什兰是的情[C]you should try looking in Books in Print”Books in Print 况下~女士解兰兰~是“Books in Printan index that lists all of the books currently available from ~兰兰符合兰干要求。注意~是指“~正在publishers”[C]in print(books)currently available from publishers 出的”~售是的反兰兰兰~表示“它售很已完”~也常用。out of print Conversation Two W: Didn’t you write a paper about Albert Kahn last semester? M: Yes, for my history of architecture class. W: Oh, I am taking it now and I have to do some research on industrial architecture. I need to read up on Kahn’s factories. So I would like to see what you wrote about them. M: I don’t think my paper will help; I focus on his classical design like Clements library and office buildings, but you are interested in the modern building he is famous for. W: Yes he is best known for his factory, especially the auto plants in Detroit. He made a breakthrough in industrial design. You know before his time, factories were so composed and inefficient but his factory provide enough light and air and open space. So the cars could be assembled in one huge plant. M: I remember reading that previously, factories had wooden frame and the heavy machinery made the buildings vibrate and there were firehazards too. But when Kahn started to design auto plants around the turn of the century, reinforced concrete had just been invented. Talk about the breakthrough, not only were the buildings sturdy and fireproof but they were cheap to put up too! W: You seem to know a lot of about his industrial career. M: Actually even though I wrote about his other works, I did a lot of background reading. Let me see if I can dig up that paper for you. There were some books of articles included in my bibliography that you might want to look up at the library. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. Why are the students discussing Albert Kahn? 【解析】兰。由女士所兰的可以推知~[D]...I have to do some research...I need to read up on kahn’s factories 女士在研卡个究恩的作品~整兰兰就此展兰。 23. In which is Albert Kahn best known for? 【解析】兰。音兰注意和听相兰的信息,以及[B]Kahn the modern building he is famous forbest known for 。兰兰兰因兰什兰最有名~兰兰兰兰的同兰兰述。his factoryKahn[B] 24. To what industry did Albert Kahn make a major contribution? 【解析】兰。音兰注意提到的行兰。根据听汽兰兰兰”及[D]especially the auto plants“So the cars could be 。可推出答案兰运兰行兰”。assembled in one huge plant[D]“ 25. According to the talk, what was one problem with factories before Kahn’s time?【解析】兰。音兰注意和建听筑缺点相兰的信息~兰兰中男士提到。兰兰兰卡恩兰代[A]there were firehazards too 之前的汽兰工厂存在的兰兰~兰兰兰再兰。[A] Section B Passage One Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school. And, by the time that the average child finishes high school, he or she will have spent 18,000 hours in front of a television set as opposed to 12,000 hours in a classroom. Parents are concerned about these figures. They are also concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them. Even if it is unreal — a cartoon cat beating up a cartoon mouse with a baseball bat — this violence may have a negative effect on the young minds exposed to it. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, they may become aggressive or insecure. Parents are also concerned about the commercials that their children see on television. Many parents would like to see fewer commercials during programs for children. And some parents feel that these shows should not have commercials at all because young minds are not mature enough to deal with the claims made by advertisers. Educational television has no commercials and has programs for children that many parents approve of. The most famous of these is “Sesame Street”, which tries to give preschool children a head start in learning the alphabet and numbers. It also tries to teach children useful things about the world in which they live. Even though most parents and educators give “Sesame Street” and shows like it high marks for quality, some critics argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television a day turns children into bored and passive consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. What is the main idea of the passage? 【解析】兰。在兰音之前~兰兰四兰兰可听个与来知本文兰兰兰的兰面响哪响影有兰。至于是兰一方面的兰面影兰~[C] 既区内要根据主兰句分~兰需要根据文章容兰行辨兰。 27. According to the passage, what do you think “Sesame Street” is? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的是兰兰兰目的兰型。兰答案的依[B]The most famous of these is “Sesame Street”... 据~其中的指的就是theseeducational programs. 28. What will be the consequence if a child form a habit of watching hours of television every day?【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的是将会怎状状兰生什兰行兰或兰成兰的兰~需要留意兰兰作和兰的描述。答[A]They 案依据兰,These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television day turns children into bored and 兰兰中passive consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it. [A] 原文中的~。bored ? dullpassive ? inactive Passage Two Crime has its own cycles, a magazine reported some years ago. Police records show a surprising   relation between changes in the season and crime patterns. The pattern of crime has changed very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August, as do other violent attacks. Murder, in addition, is more than seasonal; it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. One is most likely to be robbed between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. on a Saturday night in December, January,   or February. Except for one strange statistic, May is the least criminal month of all. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Apparently our intellectual season cycles are completely different from our criminal patterns. Professor Huntington made a lot of studies to discover the seasons when people read serious books, attend scientific meetings, and make the highest scores on examinations. In all examples, he found a spring peak and an autumn peak separated by a summer low. On the other hand, Professor Huntington’s studies showed that June is the peak month for suicides and for admitting patients to mental hospital. June is also a peak   month for marriages! Possibly, high temperature and humidity bring on our strange and surprising summer actions, but police officers are not so sure. “There are, of course, no proof of a relation between humidity and murder”, they say. “Why murder’s high time should come in the summer time we really don’t know”.Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. What is the passage mainly about? 【解析】兰。根据兰兰的括性强、信息概密集可知~本兰考兰短文主旨。文章兰兰的[D]Police records show a 兰短文主兰句~故兰答案。surprising relation between changes in the season and crime patterns[D] 30. Which is the safest season? 【解析】兰。文章明提到确~表明五月是犯罪率最低的月~也份[B]May is the least criminal month of all 就是兰五月最安全~故兰兰正。确[B] 31. What did Professor Huntington’s research show? 【解析】兰。推兰。文章兰到~断兰兰人兰兰兰兰小兰、出席科技兰和考兰会得高分的季兰~所[C]Professor Huntington 有据表明在数春季和秋季是高峰~而夏季却是低峰~排除、~外短文中到另听出兰最多的[B][D]June 地方提到了两个他兰分兰是自兰和院医数接收精神病患者目最高峰以及兰婚的高峰~由此可以排peak, 除兰~得出答案。[A][C] Passage Three Despite the presence of workaholics, there is a growing realization in the United States that too much work demand can be physically and mentally harmful. Many people have been rebelling against the work ethic, saying that no job is so important as to damage personal relationships and rob people of relaxation. There has been a shift in values, with more emphasis being given to personal relationships and relaxation. Leisure time provides opportunities to find personal satisfaction and freedom from the routine of work. Increased leisure time in the United States has not altered the idea that work and play are distinct activities. This distinction is clear-cut; there are “work-hours” and “afterwork-hours”. There is a belief that it is desirable “to work hard and play hard” and undesirable to combine the two. In many offices, stores, and factories socializing among employees is discouraged. An employee under pressure at work often cannot afford to respond to social calls and visits. However, the amount of personal contact on the job depends on the nature of the work. There may be more social interaction between teachers in a school than between scientists doing independent research. Nevertheless, work and play are usually perceived and maintained as separate activities. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. What is the result of too much work demand? 【解析】兰。本文兰兰就兰工作量兰大在体[C]too much work demand can be physically and mentally harmful( 力上和兰力上都是有害的~即。)[C] 33. In order to rebel against the work ethic, what do many people believe now? 【解析】兰。文中宣称即表明人兰是兰兰兰兰的~表明工作[B]claiming()(believe)no job is so important as to... 并与即不是最重要的~人兰兰兰多注意人的交往和放松自己~。[B] 34. What do people expect an employee under pressure at work to do? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 【解析】兰。兰例子出兰在个兰念个概被引出之后~文中原兰兰,兰于工作重兰[B]to work hard and play hard 下的兰兰是不能兰行社交拜兰活兰意即休兰的~与表的意思是一兰的。达()[B] 35. What does the speaker imply by saying “the distinction is clear-cut”?【解析】兰。文中一兰出兰前有不同的~之后又出兰了[A]clear-cutwork and play are distinct () activities 和 ,等兰句~均兰明美国人兰兰工作和休兰是截work-hours and afterwork-hoursto work hard and play hard 然分兰的。 Section C 【解析】。从兰所有兰可个构填知所兰兰名兰~而且可以和介兰搭配。外~另36.claimmanufacturer’sforlive up 和所兰兰成兰兰填构搭配~意兰 “遵守兰言、原兰等~符合”。句中的表示,和后tolive up to()orfaultyor 面的部分是兰兰性列兰系。那兰~并兰的商品可能有瑕疵或者不像兰榜得那兰好。consumermanufacturer 作名兰兰常和搭配~后面的指代的是。claimforforitan item 【解析】。空前限定所兰兰一原形兰兰~在句中作兰兰~和填并构成兰兰搭配。主兰37.producewillresultsthis 是指上句中的~在多情下~兰兰方式都比兰有很况效。actionpresent the guarantee at the store of purchase表示“兰生好的效果”的搭配有。produce / bring about / bear / give / yield (good) results【解析】。从一般而言可知~兰句兰是兰上一句的兰一步兰明~所兰兰可能和上一填很38.complaintin general() 句中的兰兰兰有兰~而且作空后的兰兰。暗含“解决棘手的或令人不愉快的事情。complainsettledSettle()” 是的名兰形式~意兰“抱怨”~等同于。complaintcomplaintake one’s complaintcomplain 【解析】。空前的句子兰构填已完整~所以本空兰一“兰兰~兰在分兰作即随状伴兰。39.assuming+ing” 【解析】。意兰“兰自~本人”~兰固定短兰。空后的兰折句40.personin personbut if they cannot get to the 起提示作用。place of purchase...to phone or write the complaint in a letter【解析】。空前的及表明本空中兰一形容兰。考生兰注意,短文中填听写若出兰41.acceptableIt isto phone… 兰兰~所兰往往兰以构填,兰尾的形容兰。It is/was to doable 【解析】。所兰前面的填表示“尽填管…兰是…”~所兰和 兰兰兰性相同~但意兰相兰。短42.firmlybutpolitely 文中的听写副兰往往以,兰尾。ly 【解析】。兰固定搭配~意兰“正在兰兰的”~修兰。在文章兰境中~正在兰兰的43.questionin questionthe item 商品也就是兰客向兰理抱怨的商品。 【答案】44.the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements 【】~Main Pointsthe consumer will succeed by presenting specific informationbut not by making general statements 【答案】45.the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and as firmly as possible 【】Main Pointsthe consumer should do this, stating the complaint politely and firmly【答案】46.She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers rights【】Main PointsShe or he can threaten to accuse the seller or report the seller to an organization responsible for protecting consumers rights Model Test three 答案和解析,   Section A Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 11. M: Then why did you decide to quit your former job? W: That's because of the journey. It took me about two hours to get to work. Your firm is within walking distance. Q: Why does the woman want to change her job? 【解析】兰。男士兰女士兰什兰了以前的辞她两个羡工作。女士兰因兰每天要花小兰去上班~同兰流露出慕[D] 男士的公司离其住所近~兰兰。女士所兰的~指路程而不是旅行~兰兰。兰未提及。中兰[A]journey[B][C][D] 女士不想在上班的路上花太多的兰兰~符合兰意。  12. W: Do you think Edward will get here on time for the job interview?M: If he doesn't, nobody will. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。兰道兰兰兰在于听懂男士的回答。女士兰他能否准兰加面兰~参并男士未直接回答~而[A]Edward 是兰,如果他不能的兰~那兰就有人能了~言外之意就是没会达他肯定准兰到。 13. M: Hey, you should be doing your art class now. Why are you here?W: I realized I've no talent for drawing. Drama is a better alternative than those brushes.Q: What does the woman mean? 【解析】兰。女士的回答中~是兰兰兰中的兰兰点。个兰表[D]Drama is a better alternative than those brushes[D] 明她已兰退出了兰兰兰~而兰兰了兰兰兰~故兰答案。 14. W: Oh dear, I gained these 10 pounds in the last 3 months, none of my clothes fit any more.M: I wouldn't complain, you look much better. In fact, you can gain another 5 pounds and still look good. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。每每女士兰自己的重大小体惊会怪兰~男士常兰予一定的安慰和兰兰。兰兰中男士兰[C]you look 表明~男士兰女士不兰兰其重体担心。much better. In fact, you can gain another 5 pounds and still look good  15. M: I'd like to buy these four greeting cards. Are they ten yuan each?  W: Three of them are. But that smaller one costs only half the price of the big ones.Q: How much will the man pay for the cards? 【解析】兰。兰是一道兰合性的兰算兰~但不兰兰~只要到并听其中三个[C]Three of them are (ten yuan each)" 是每个十元及小卡卡片的价兰是大片的一半~"that smaller one costs half the price of the bigger ones"" 确定兰兰。[C] 16. W: I know you're busy, but how about attending a film festival tonight? Your favorite star will make an appearance. M: You think I'd give that a miss? Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。女士兰男士兰我知道你很你参个你会忙~但今兰愿意加一兰影兰兰~最喜兰的明星露面。男士[A] 反兰道~兰兰我你会弃个放兰机兰会会,兰兰上暗示了他肯定兰去的~兰和兰兰 吻合。男士的回答中~[A]You 是兰兰兰的兰兰点。个think I'd give that a miss? 17. W: Would you mind sending champagne and strawberries to my room at 1 a.m. please?M: I'll try, ma'am. But on Wednesday the kitchen staff leave at mid-night.  Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? 【解析】兰。、、构个成了一在兰兰兰兰送[D]champagne and strawberrysending … to my roomkitchen staff" 餐的特定兰景。" 18. W: You were on the phone for a long time. To whom were you talking?M: Oh, to Susan. She always knows the latest news in town and she couldn't wait to see me to talk it over. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 【解析】兰。兰兰中男士不兰回答了女士的兰兰~兰兰一步提到急于告知他兰上的最新消息。兰兰[B]Susan[B] Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 就是兰兰中的同兰兰述eager to pass the information she knowscouldn't wait to see me to talk it overcan't 意兰急切地想要做某事。wait to do sth."" Conversation One W: Can I help you? M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve about British culture.W: Professor Grand's class? M: That's right. How could you know? W: Let's just say you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.M: Oh, well, seeing as how I haven't read any of them yet, it doesn't really matter which one you give me first. W: I'm afraid I can't give you any of them at the moment. They've all been checked out.M: You're joking, all of them? W: Every month. I've asked professor Grand twice already to bring in additional copies of the articles, but no sooner do I place them on the shelves than they are gone. See that girl in the black sweater? She's been waiting for half an hour for those same articles to be returned. M: And here's me. I went out of my way to free out the whole afternoon to read.W: I'm sorry, but there is not a whole lot I can do about it. All I can suggest is that you come in first thing tomorrow morning and try again. We open at eight. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What is the man surprised to learn? 【解析】兰。男士来借兰兰文~被告知兰文都被借走了~不由得兰~[C](been checked out)You are joking, all 其中~表示不相信、兰之情惊。同兰的表有达of them?You are joking(surprised)Are you kidding? 20. What does the woman say about Professor Grand? 【解析】兰。根据兰兰无法判兰兰是什兰的兰候~更需要我兰注意兰兰。 兰目兰断听的情~兰兰况[D]Professor Grand 管理兰兰她两已兰次兰拿来份很找多兰文~但兰是快就被借走了。其他兰兰在兰兰中都不到依Professor Grand 据。 21. What does the woman suggest that the man do? 【解析】兰。兰兰的最后部分女士建兰男士明天一早就兰来~并告兰[A](come in first thing tomorrow morning) 他兰兰兰兰兰点。8 Conversation Two M: Come on, Julie, how are we going to convince everybody that I'm the best candidate?W: It won't be easy! M: Thanks a lot! W: Oh, just kidding. Actually, I think once we show everyone how well you did asjunior class treasurer, you are sure to be elected president. M: Well..., what's your strategy? W: One thing I was thinking of is to hang campaign posters in all the hallways.M: But everyone puts up posters. We need to do something different. W: Let me finish. The campus radio station is willing to let you have five minutestomorrow morning at seven to outline your plans for the year. Lots of students will hear you then. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 M: Great idea! W: I've also arranged for you to give a speech during dinner time tomorrow. Over a hundred students will be there. And you can answer questions after you finish speaking. M: That means I'd better come up with a speech pretty quickly. How about if I write it tonight and show it to you after chemistry class tomorrow? W: Fine. I'll see you after class. M: You are really good at this. I'll be glad you agreed to help me out. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. What election are the speakers discussing? 【解析】兰。兰兰~注意兰兰兰兰部分~听与捕捉相兰的信息~根据~[D]electedthe best candidatesure to be 可以判断学会他兰兰兰的是生主席的兰兰。elected president 23. What do we learn from the conversation? 【解析】兰。兰兰首句男士兰女士策略,[D]how are we going to...;One thing I was thinking of..., I've also 。根据兰兰兰行推理可知~女士是在帮划助男士策兰兰活兰。arranged for you... 24. What will the man do tonight? 【解析】兰。音兰听与捕捉兰兰有兰的兰作行兰,以及。兰兰兰男士今天兰上[B]come up with a speechwrite it tonight 将要做什兰~兰兰兰再兰。[B] 25. What will the speakers do after chemistry class? 【解析】兰。兰兰~听与捕捉兰兰有兰的表兰作的兰句~~[B]come up with a speechand show it to you after 。兰兰兰兰兰者化兰学后做什兰。根据兰兰兰行推理~兰兰是。chemistry classReview the man's talk Section B Passage One Human beings enjoy challenges. Many of them like physical challenges. They ask themselves questions like these: How fast can I run? How high can I climb? How deep can I dive? How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I lift? How high can I jump? Because people enjoy challenges, they like to play sports and watch other people play sports. They like climbing, running, diving, lifting, jumping, and so on. Every four years millions of people all over the world enjoy the international sports competition called the Olympics. There are challenges that are not physical challenges. There are social and intellectual challenges, too. Leonardo da Vinci, who lived in Italy during the fifteenth century, enjoyed every possible challenge. He was an artist and painted the well known picture, the Mona Lisa. He was an engineer who made plans for a city with roads under the street for traffic. He was an inventor who invented a device to let people breathe under water. He was a scientist, and he learned a great deal about human structure. Another kind of challenge faced the Egyptians between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago when they decided to build the first pyramid. They used six million tons of rock. That is enough to build a ten foot wall around all of France. Four hundred thousand men worked for twenty years to build it. So, for thousands of years, people accepted challenges. Today we still have many challenges before us. Medical science faces the challenges of conquering the many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities and new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. And many of us are interested in the challenge of space. We live in an age of challenge.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 26. When people participate in sporting activities, what kind of challenge do they face?【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的是的兰型。在的兰程中需要听留意涉及兰型的兰兰。文中兰兰的[B]challengeMany 后用一系列的例子~如,of them like physical challengesHow fast I can run...They like climbing, 表明~人兰加当参体育活兰兰他兰面兰的是。running...physical challenges 27. Which belongs to social challenge? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰四兰行兰在兰兰上的分。在的兰程中需要区听哪几留意文中出兰了兰行兰、[D] 分兰是兰了兰明什兰兰兰而出兰。 28. How do people react to the category of social challenges? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰的兰度。在兰兰兰需要听留意和分兰指代的是什[C]TheythemTheythem 兰。 Passage Two Today we’ll examine the role that private transportation — namely, the automobile — plays in city planning. A number of sociologists blame the automobile for the decline of the downtown areas of major cities. In the 1950’s and 1960’s the automobile made it possible to work in the city and yet live in the suburbs many miles away. Shopping patterns changed; instead of going to downtown stores, people in the suburbs went to large shopping malls outside the city and closer to the home. Merchants in the city failed, and their stores closed. Downtown shopping areas became deserted. In recent years there’s been a rebirth of the downtown area, as many suburbanites have moved back to the city. They’ve done this, of course, to avoid highways blocked with commuters from the suburbs. I’ve chosen this particular city planning problem—our dependence on private transportation — to discuss in groups. I’m hoping you will all come up with some novel solutions. Oh, and don’t approach the problem from a purely sociological perspective; try to take into account environmental and economic issues as well. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. How did the automobile affect the work force in the 1950’s and 1960’s? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰兰或的影响听。在兰兰兰需要留意指代的是什兰。[B]ItworkersjobsIt 30. What problem did downtown city merchants face in the 1960’s? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰是考兰兰四兰兰面事兰的分~需要区留意文中兰于兰些兰兰的兰述。[C] 31. According to the speaker, why are some people moving back to the city? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的是兰于某件事情的原因。文中提到人兰兰下从搬回到城市的原因是,[D]to 是兰此的同兰兰述。avoid highways blocked with comustters...,[D] Passage Three The United States operates under a federal system of government. Under the federal system, power is divided between the central government and the states. The central government is given specific powers. These powers are named in the Constitution. Powers that are not assigned to the central government in the Constitution belong to the states. The central government can pass laws that affect trade between states. The central government can also make treaties with foreign countries. It has the power to print money. The Constitution gives the central Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 government these powers. These powers belong to the central government only. However, the states have many powers that the central government cannot control. For example, a state is allowed to tax people who live and work in the state. The central government cannot put a limit on the amount of money that a state taxes its people. Many people feel that the federal system has many good points. One good point is that it restrains the power of the central government. The central government cannot become too powerful. Another good point is that the central government makes sure that the bigger states don’t become too powerful. Under the Constitution, all states are treated equally. The laws of the central government do not favor one state over another. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. What does the passage mainly tell us? 【解析】。在兰音之前~兰兰四兰兰可听个与知本文或有兰。[B]federal systemcentral government and the states 而且兰些兰兰的括性强~有可能兰兰文章的主概很很旨大意。 33. Which is the power of the states governments? 【解析】。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰四兰行兰在兰兰上的分。在的兰程中需要区听哪几留意文中出兰了兰行兰、[B] 分兰是兰了兰明什兰兰兰而出兰。 34. What is stated in the passage? 【解析】。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰四兰事兰的分~而且区与个均中央政府和每州的兰力有兰。[D] 35. According to the passage, what is a good point about the federal system? 【解析】。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰四兰事兰的分~需要区哪哪几留意文中出兰了兰或兰事兰。[A] Section C 【解析】。根据可以判所兰和断填兰性一致即也是形式~兰兰相兰。一方36.fearedeither...or...respected(v+ed) 面是尊敬之情~那兰一兰可能就是另惧畏之情了。 【解析】。从可以判此兰断会指的是社中的等兰。37.rankauthority 【解析】。根据兰句子兰的分析可以判所兰和构断填一起成句子的兰~因此兰兰构状填38.includingAmerica 入分兰形式。 【解析】。所兰的兰兰兰填~兰兰的从断填感情色彩可以判所兰兰有褒兰~根据39.developingexciting new ideas 空前的判兰兰兰入兰兰的断填形式~成正在兰行兰。 构may being 【解析】。目的是兰了~那兰提供的兰兰是兰了。 励40.prizesencourage such creativity 【解析】~意兰“成就~成兰”。通常兰兰的是所来励并填取得的成就。且所兰兰和41.accomplishments 形成列兰系。 并discoveries 【解析】。所兰兰填与本句中的构成固定搭配。 42.consideredas(consider...as...) 【解析】~意兰“礼礼貌~兰”。根据空格后的可以43.mannersthat young people lack respect for authority 判此兰是兰兰年兰人的断礼貌有害。 【答案】44.This impression may be created when visitors notice young Americansasking questions and arguing with older people 【】Main PointsYoung people may leave bad impression when they ask questions and argue with older people. 【答案】45.It is vital to remember that it is the person’s ideas that are being questioned,not the individual himself 【】 Main PointsIt is important to remember that people argue about ideas instead of the individual himself Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 【答案】46.so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective mannerpossible 【】Main Pointsso that the business work can go on the most effectively 第章兰兰理解2 兰解 Passage1 兰兰兰是兰兰兰~兰个它做正答案更合确适~兰于~决断不确切 1. Amainly ABCD 兰兰兰 兰第三段2. C 兰兰兰 兰第三段首句兰干兰兰兰然和最后一句兰一兰但含兰有差兰~最后一句是指3. A BPsychic ability takes time to develop, just as the other five sense. 兰兰兰 兰第三段倒数第三句4. C 兰度兰 兰第三段首句和末句5. A Passage 2 兰兰兰兰第一段第四句。6. D 兰兰兰 兰第一段最后一句。7. C 兰兰兰 兰第二段第四句。8. A 兰兰兰 9. C the case of Maria Vivas is an example 推理兰 兰第一段第三句~兰第一段四五六七句~明兰文中例子与矛盾~所以兰。10. B ACDDPassage 3 推理兰 兰第三段第一句11. A 推理兰 兰第三段12. C 兰兰兰 兰第四段第一二句13. A 兰兰兰 兰第五段第一句14. D 兰度兰 文章解了决来两个来极未汽兰兰兰~兰染兰兰和交通兰兰兰兰~可兰作者兰未汽兰是持兰兰度的。15. C Passage 4 ,主旨兰。判文章主断从体来国旨要文章整把握。文章第一段就指出美股市昨日大幅下跌~接下16A. 来几状况并个数数的段都在介兰下跌的、原因、相兰因素~且兰兰介兰了各股票指的一系列据~最后一 段又描述了世界其他地区况国状股市情~可兰全文都是在兰明美和世界股市的兰。,兰兰兰。根据文章第一段第二句~“大从公司收兰到普通人兰兰房屋等各兰事情都兰得更加困兰”~答17A. 案兰而易兰。其余三兰兰个与均文章意思相反。 ,兰兰兰。根据文章第五段最后一句~“在昨日收兰前的一小兰左右兰兰里~兰兰街的各兰主要指数在一18C. 天的狂跌之后上兰了兰三分之一的幅度”~所以在最后一小兰兰行兰兰的两个内会投兰者有可能兰利。,推理兰。根兰文章第四段第一、二句兰兰到借兰不兰利~兰行不愿意兰款等情~因此兰况莱致了克斯勒19D. 收兰案兰展受到了一定的阻碍。兰一消息的兰果影响到了公司的股价~兰接着第三句兰就是兰到了戴姆 勒克斯勒股莱两票价格的下跌。可兰者之兰是有因果兰系的。- ,兰度兰。作者的兰度可以通兰材料的兰兰和措辞来断判。兰兰全文~作者基本上都在描述事兰和引用各兰20B. 数并没状据、言兰~有兰表自己的看法。可兰~作者兰于股市兰的兰度是非常客兰的。Passage 5 兰干兰,“本文引用弗兰肯斯坦博士所兰的兰的目的是兰了……”。此兰可以定位在第自然段~且21 [D]1 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 文章、、段反兰强兰“~因此兰兰引入生物技兰中所存在的道德兰兰的兰兰”兰123moral philosophies”[D]“ 正兰兰。而兰兰确兰出技兰突破的精彩的一兰”~兰兰强兰手段兰到一兰永达久目的的重要[A]“DNA[B]“ 性”和兰兰兰示出他是如何在一千年前兰造一兰新的生命形式”都原文不相与符~不是作者引用[C]“ 的目的 兰干兰,“我兰文章可以从确得出兰兰,人兰克隆技兰兰兰使用的方式是……”。正兰兰兰合理的且并22 [B][B]“是相兰的”~兰文中当慎从、、自然段定位~兰兰以后得出兰兰的兰兰。而兰兰兰分和奢侈的”~兰兰234[A]“ 激兰的和不分兰兰青皂白的”和兰兰公兰的而且是兰情的”都作者在整篇文章所使用的兰不与气[C]“[D]“ 相符合。 兰干兰,“我兰从奥本文得知~兰德斯兰胥黎持有兰的兰点怎,”此兰可定位在第自然段~正兰兰确23 [A]?4兰技兰兰兰受到人的个奥控制”~作者在文中兰兰德斯兰胥黎的兰点提出了一兰批判。而兰兰[A]“DNA? 政府兰兰兰人少加以个控制”~兰兰人兰需要政府来保兰信息”~和原文的意思是相反[B]“[C]“DNA 的。兰兰兰于人兰克隆的道德兰念兰兰被兰除”兰兰不与符合。[D]“ 兰干兰,“全文最从哪将内后一段推兰~我兰能兰兰下面兰是作者在下一部分要兰述的容,”此兰可定24 [D] 位于全文的最后一句。正兰兰兰确生物技兰研状究的兰”。而兰兰反思生物技兰的道德”~兰兰[D]“[A]“ 兰我兰的人兰个私的冒犯性的侵犯”和兰兰我兰后代智商不可避免的改兰”都无法文章的兰兰从[B]“[C]“ 得出兰兰的判。断 兰干兰,“根据最后一段~‘干件’和‘湿件’的兰系就像……”。在文中“干件”指的是机器~25 [C] “件”湿体指的是人的肉~因此兰兰机器和肉体确的兰系”兰正兰兰。而兰兰整和”~兰兰体个体[C]“[A]“ 想象和兰兰”和兰兰兰兰和永兰”都不能成兰比的兰兰兰系。构[B]“[D]“   Passage 6 从文章第一段第四句可知。26. [C] 兰干兰,“如兰兰室研运确究中所表明~快眼兰的特征是……”。正兰兰兰 急兰活兰的兰兰兰”~此兰27 [A][A]“可以定位在第自然段~且在第、段又再次兰明。兰兰被究研很者快的反兰速度”~兰兰兰兰234[B]“[C]“的兰兰模式”和兰兰前一天事件的重兰”都不是快眼运兰的主要特征。[D]“ 兰干兰,“作者兰到‘人工兰法’~目的是兰了兰明……”。正兰兰兰确所到的在模式”~此兰学内28 [B][B]“定位于原文的第段~且在原文的第段作者以的生兰例兰明~如果学数学学会睡得好~大兰兰兰一35 兰在的内学某兰兰材料的模式。兰兰研究的重要性”~兰兰和灯泡的相似”和兰兰睡眠的重要[A]“[C]“[D]“性”都不是作者兰到“人工兰法”所要兰兰的目的。 兰干兰,“在研究中皮埃兰兰兰兰兰的小兰主要利用的是什兰方法,”正兰兰兰确采用一兰兰比和比兰的29 [C]?[C]“方式”~兰兰考察的是兰个、、、段的兰兰~他兰把各兰情形的情兰行兰比性的况研究。兰兰揭示一兰2345[A]“兰期持有的古兰”~兰兰澄清梦了兰的兰言”和兰兰把因果兰系兰系在一起”都不是他兰所使用的[B]“[D]“ 主要方法。 兰干兰,“兰兰兰第二天参确加大考的人有什兰建兰,”正兰兰兰在兰上好好的睡兰”~兰是一个通篇30 [D][D]“ 的中心兰兰的考察兰~在兰上好好的睡兰兰兰兰是有好兰的。而兰兰努力地兰兰兰法”~兰兰兰地真研究兰[A]“[B]“本”和兰兰兰兰自己的兰呈像”都不是他的明兰建兰~尽达管兰些兰兰的兰兰使用了原文中的某些表和兰[C]“ 兰。 Passage 7 兰干兰,“本文最可能兰自兰兰兰……的文章”。正兰兰兰确兰哥兰比兰事件的兰兰”~ “号和31 [B][B]“inquiry”“兰本文的中心兰兰兰~兰然文章的中很心兰兰兰作兰整篇文章的大兰兰。而兰兰兰哥兰比兰accident”[A]“Gehman号当慎没失事的兰兰”~在兰篇文章中作者的兰度相兰~就事兰事~兰有涉及太多的兰价。兰兰兰述航天[C]“兰机的安全”~兰太兰。兰兰离美国确国航空航天局正在被揭露的兰兰”~文中兰兰到美航空航天局[D]“ 存在兰兰~但只是一部分~而不能作兰整。体 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰干兰,“在句子‘中的‘所指的是……”。正兰兰兰 确回答”~兰32 [B]since they could place’they’[B]“兰句兰行句型分析后~得出“指代的兰象兰前面的“~“兰在兰兰上的听会回答。兰they”answers”answer”兰兰兰金”~兰兰决定”和兰兰兰兰”都原文兰与境不相符合。[A]“[C]“[D]“ 兰干兰,“根据作者~兰致哥兰比兰号确航天兰机失事的主要原因是……”。文中作者明兰述了兰致33 [A] 航天兰机失事可能主要是因兰其左翼受到了兰~因此兰兰坏一可能个很坏确左翼受到的兰”兰正兰兰。[A]“ 而兰兰故意拒兰兰星兰片”~兰兰有一兰多愁善感以及所涉及的一兰自兰”和兰兰航天机在兰构[B]“[C]“[D]“行任兰中的行兰兰兰”都不是兰致事件直接引兰的原因。 兰干兰,“像文中所提到的~星期三的兰兰的主兰是听会……”。在、、、段反兰兰到了美国航空航34 [C]4567天局拒兰接受兰事部兰提供的兰星兰像~此兰可以定位在第段的最后一句~“5The subject dominated ~兰句中的“指的就是美国航空航天局拒兰接受兰事部the early part of Wednesday’s hearing”subject” 兰提供的兰星兰像~因此兰兰美国确航空航天局拒兰了兰事部兰提供的兰星兰像”兰正兰兰。而兰兰兰道[C]“[A]“中情兰兰星的一兰精能力”~兰兰确美国没决号航空航天局有作出定反兰兰哥兰比兰的兰兰”和兰兰[B]“ 美国尽听会航空航天局和兰事部兰的合作”~管文中都有所提及~但却不是兰次兰所解兰的兰兰决[D]“ 和焦点。 兰干兰,“下面兰最能哪描述兰于兰星兰像的兰度,”此兰可定位于最后一段~兰段兰述了35 [D]Gehman 兰兰星兰像能否兰兰出破兰仍不旧当慎敢肯定~且兰兰全文~可以看出他的兰度是相兰兰的~因此兰兰Gehman 兰”兰正兰兰。而兰兰慎确担惧心恐的”~兰兰盲目兰信的”和兰兰冷漠的”都不能括原概[D]“[A]“[B]“[C]“文的中心和含兰。   Passage 8 兰干兰,“本文最好的兰兰是什兰,”正兰兰兰确疫苗,方法和在含兰”~兰一兰兰能括兰明文章内概36 [C][C]“ 的中心。而兰兰接兰,福音或兰”~咒概漏掉了兰于接兰疫苗的兰程~是兰中心的部分括。兰兰接兰[A]“[B]“所用的原理”~兰是第自然段的兰兰。兰兰一个个受到攻兰的奇迹的治兰方法”只涉及到最后一2[D]“ 自然段。 兰干兰,“ 天花疫苗兰兰例是兰明什兰情个况,”此兰可定位于第自然段~且第、自然段的主兰37 [A]334就是使用疫苗可能兰兰兰面会来效果~因此兰兰使用疫苗可能兰兰面兰果”兰正兰兰兰。而兰兰会来确疫[A]“[B]“苗的兰兰使用来控制兰染病”~兰兰疫苗在于消除某些疾病的有效性”和兰兰疫苗兰付疾病所[C]“[D]“使用的方法”都不是兰兰兰所兰兰的兰点。个 兰干兰,“兰短兰个‘最可能的意思是……”。文中第自然段兰述了在接兰疫38 [B]ward it off naturally’2苗后~身自然可以兰兰体跟疾病兰行兰抗。因此兰兰很与确兰松地之兰抗”兰正兰兰。而兰兰自然地将[B]“[A]“其排除”~兰兰很它不情愿地去管理”和兰兰恰当它个地分解”都不符合第二段所兰兰的一[C]“[D]“ 原理。 兰干兰,“根据兰篇文章~下面兰是兰的哪,”其兰兰兰全文~本文的中心兰的是免疫系兰可以得到特39 [B] 殊的兰兰以兰兰疾病的兰弱形式~因此兰兰 免疫系兰可以得到特殊的兰兰以兰兰疾病的兰弱形式”兰正确[B]“ 兰兰。而兰兰挽救大多的人必然数数造成少人的死亡”~兰兰强制性的接兰兰于大的生众存是不[A]“[C]“ 可或缺的”和兰兰接兰的兰程仍然是一兰兰解的个决神秘”都不能兰明原文的含兰。[D]“ 兰干兰,“作者作写气本文的目的是……”。作者在兰篇文章的兰是客兰的~因此兰兰兰了解兰和40 [D][D]“告知信息”兰正兰兰。而兰兰确兰兰和批判”~兰是兰兰文~兰兰文的模式。兰兰兰兰和兰兰”是兰兰文的模式。[A]“[B]“兰兰兰了兰兰来趣和兰兰”~但兰篇文章是科普性的文章。[C]“ Passage 9 ,兰兰兰。根据上下文~兰兰了兰兰演兰是否能兰用于商界~兰到兰多老并国板都在向中古代的著名兰事家41D. 兰武学运很个兰管理技巧。兰然~商兰人士已兰在用多兰事上的理兰。四兰兰中~只有最符合文意。 D,兰兰兰。文章第二段中~正如兰公用品公司施兰公司的首席兰略官兰翰麦划克德莫特指出~“兰兰的兰42B. ? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 方式少把兰者的反兰考兰在”~兰然答案是很争内。B ,兰兰兰。第三段和第四段中~我兰可以到兰兰从找极两个演兰之所以能兰兰生兰效果~是因兰兰兰演兰兰有重43D. 要的特点~同兰兰加入了“。而兰兰不是兰兰并极演兰兰效果的原因~而是兰果。quantitative element”D ,兰兰兰。根据文章第三段第六行~各兰兰列出所个达跟扮演公司“希望到的一系列成果”~后面兰44C. 着的“即兰上文“的同兰兰。preference tree”desired outcomes” ,兰兰兰。文章最后一段兰兰兰明了兰兰演兰模式之所以能兰成功的原因~列兰了三点~分兰于属、、~45A. BCD 而兰兰兰意有与没任何兰系。A Passage 10 ,兰兰兰。文章第一段提到的香港那些富裕的移民兰兰始冒汗是一兰比兰的兰法~意指他兰兰始兰得兰兰~后46D. 面指出兰兰所在是由于房价兰在高得离兰~使得他兰兰在的生活兰始兰得不像以前那兰兰松舒适。可兰~令 他兰兰兰的上兰的房价。 ,兰兰兰。文章第二段第一句兰中的“含有决争两争斗、兰的意思~兰明了座城市都兰兰方兰兰者。47A. dueling” ,兰兰兰。根据文章第三段~随来来两来着外人口越越多~座城市的本地人口住得越越兰兰~可兰本48B. 地人的居住兰境正在兰差。 ,兰兰兰。第四段第三行指出“不兰兰兰的兰断国断来数易兰差、中的不兰兰、以及自无新上市的股票~所49A. 有兰些都是得兰地充个区斥着各兰兰金”~答案兰而易兰。 ,推理兰。根据文章最后一段~座两城市的政治家兰都希望兰一步兰大本地的人口兰模~以促兰兰兰的兰50A. 展。考兰到前文指出地目前的人两来随口和土地之兰已兰兰生了尖兰的矛盾~可以推出未着人口的增兰~ 兰一冲将会突更加兰重。 快速兰兰考答案 参(Skimming and Scanning)Passage 1 Spiders 当出兰兰兰兰于兰兰的兰兰兰~考生兰兰引起注意。一般兰兰的命兰多是不正的。数确首段中有句兰,“1.NallAll 命兰中的兰法兰于兰兰。spiders produce silk, but only some construct webs to catch their homes...”all 兰命兰是兰原文第二段首句兰的同兰改。写2.Y 原文中第二段首句中到~“写3.Nof the 600 spiders in Britain only 12 are strong enough to pierce the ~因此不是并当它命兰中兰的兰刺兰人的皮兰通常能致人死亡。human skin” 原文中兰~“注意代兰指代4.NArachne became depressed after this and in the end she hung herself.”this上面的句子~兰合上一句一起理解~命兰兰然是兰兰的。 文章中只出兰兰一次~所以兰兰好定很即并没位~最后一段的第二句。可是文章中有5. NGTim Tegenaria 出兰。tarantula spiders 兰命兰定位在最后一段倒数第三句兰兰。6.Y 首先定位出兰的位置是文章的最后的句~可是有提到是最小的。两并没它7.NGMoney spiders 兰兰由兰兰兰定位在第二段倒数第二句。8.32,000 species of spider 兰兰定位在倒数第二段的首句。9.looking at their palps 本兰答案在最后一段的首句。10.the Goliath spider Passage 2 How to be a traveling beauty this May holiday 兰篇文章向人兰介兰了在五一外出度假期兰兰保持怎荐区女人漂亮本色。分兰推了到海兰~小兰~ 山可兰兰的兰地~出行的最佳天气状况湿晒与~要携兰的兰兰兰兰兰唇用品~保防用品以及相兰品牌价格~兰有其他的一些行之有效的保持美兰的建兰。 根据文章大意和第一段的最后两句兰,1. Y How can you protect yourself and stay beautiful through Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 可以定断确本兰正。seven days of traveling? Here are some helpful suggestions. 在文中兰兰下的第二小点, ,2. Y seaside Shine in your bikini. Exfoliate with a finegrained scrub, which will not only let your exposed skin shine, but also acts as a deep cleanser to help prevent skin from 可以定断确本兰正。darkening and roughening after too much sun and salt water. 文中根本未提及。3. NG 在文中兰兰下下的第三点,4. NG seaside Tips Never use body sun block creams on your face. Use special 但并未提及反之也然。故此句兰兰是 。facial sun block creams. not given 根据文中兰兰下的第一句兰, 5. N small townTypical resorts: Lijiang, Yunnan; Zhouzhuang, Jiangsu; 可以定断本兰兰兰。Phoenix, Zhejiang 在文中兰兰下的第三段的第二句兰,6. Y mountaineering we recommend you use absolutely no makeup 可以定断确本兰正。except for basic skin care. 根据文中兰兰下~是建兰而两条条断非五。故判本兰兰兰。7. N mountaineering 8. 10-20? 9. Xiaocheng Gushi 10. lip conditioner and hand cream Passage 3 Airplane Instruments 本文主要介兰了兰机的相兰知兰~包括兰机部的一些重要兰内它器及兰的功能~兰机的制造和兰展~指 出了兰代兰机与跑楼早期兰机的不同之兰及相兰兰兰~介兰了兰机兰的兰模和功用~兰机道、机兰控制塔、机兰大等 的工作原理及作用等。 ,精析,本文介兰了兰机、兰机兰等有兰兰施的特点~有介兰兰机的兰展并没史。1. N) ,,定位,由兰干兰兰兰定位到第个兰兰下的第二段第一句兰。2. NGan automatic pilot1    ,精析,原文指出自兰兰兰兰无需兰兰兰按任何按兰便可兰兰兰机~甚至可以自兰起兰和降落。但并未提及 它兰兰兰机比兰兰兰强。 ,,定位,由兰干兰兰兰定位到第个小兰兰下第二段末句~3. Ythe radio equipment1"The radio equipment allows...to receive navigation signals."   ,精析,兰句意兰无兰兰兰使兰兰兰能兰地面与号控制人兰兰兰~接收兰航信~是兰干的同兰兰述。"" ,,定位,由兰干兰兰兰定位到第个兰兰下首段首句4. Ysolid2Early airplanes were made of wood frames covered by fabric and held in shape by wire.   ,精析,兰句意兰早期的兰机是由兰兰固定~兰物包的裹构木兰制成的~兰兰然不如兰代兰机兰固。"" ,,定位,由兰干兰兰兰和定位到第个小兰兰下第三段首句5. NGrapevineTexas3One of the largest...of Dallas and Fort Worth.   ,精析,由兰句可知~是世界最大的机兰之一的所在地。而世界上最繁忙的机兰是GrapevineTexas 位于本段倒数第二句的。"O'Hare International Airport, in Chicago" ,,定位,由兰干兰兰兰定位到第四小兰兰下第三段个首句。6. Yrunways   ,精析,第三段首句提到Heavily loaded passenger jets need long runways to gather enough speed ~可知跑另来跑道必兰足兰兰。外首段也提到兰代兰机越越重~也要求道足兰兰固。to leave the ground ,,定位,由兰干兰兰兰定位到第个小兰兰下第二段。7. NPrecision Approach Radar (PAR)5    ,精析,由兰段可知是用于引兰向机兰靠近的兰机的系兰~而用于Precision Approach Radar (PAR) 引兰兰机兰的兰机的系兰是离。Ground Control Approach (GCA) 8. electronic "microwave" landing systems (MLS)   ,定位,由兰干兰兰兰定位到第个小兰兰末段末句。control towers5   ,精析,末段末句提到兰子微波着兰系兰可以使兰机自兰着兰~由此可知答案。"" 9. customs and passport control Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   ,定位,由兰意可定位到最后一小兰兰下个首段第六句。   ,精析,从从国来定位句可知外兰兰的乘客需要通兰海兰和兰照兰兰。 10. a special signal   ,定位,由兰干兰兰兰定位到全文末段倒数第三句。detector   ,精析,从属会号定位句可知如果有人携兰金物品~兰兰器就兰出特殊信。 Passage 4 The Power of Personal Attitudes 。根据兰干中的信息兰及定位到全文的第一段~兰合文章兰兰可知本文1. Nmain purposeour physical body 的主旨是兰述人兰度的力量~而不是我兰身的生理成。 个体构 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第一段的第三句兰~可知兰干表述原文相与符。 2. Yemotional perceptions 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第一小兰兰下的第二句兰~可个与知兰干表述原文相符。 3. Ylow self-esteem 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第一小兰兰下第一段的个数倒4. Nchange any negative attitude to the positive第二句兰~可知兰干表述原文相反。 与 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第一小兰兰个5. Nstory of the woman who finds a fob by changing her attitude 下的第二段和第三段第一句兰~可知兰干表述原文相反。 与 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第二小兰兰下第一段的最个后一6. NGspeak positively about another person句兰~可知原文兰提到如果我兰兰兰人兰~可能有兰兰兰生~而有提到兰兰人好兰是坏会并没会否有好事兰生。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第二小兰兰下第一段的最个后一句7. Yspeak negatively about another person兰~兰合第二段~可知兰干表述原文相与符。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第8. all negative expressions or complainingexpress negative sentiment in life二小兰兰下的第三段前句兰可个两得答案。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定9. have a overall positive attituderight attitudes towards others and life around us 位到第三小兰兰下的第一句兰可个得答案。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到文章的10. a positive calm attitudedifficult circumstances come in your way最后一句兰可得答案。 Passage 5 How to Make Attractive and Effective PowerPoint Presentations 。兰干兰到了微兰的兰兰及学与商兰兰述形式的改兰~定位到文章的首段可知兰干表述原文相1. YPowerPoint 符。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第一小兰兰下的第一段~可个与知兰干表述原文相反。 2. Nwording of the text 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第一小兰兰下的第四段第一句兰个~3. Ythe font styles for the title and the text可知兰干表述原文相与符。 。根据兰干中的信息兰和定位到第一小兰兰下的第个七段第一句兰~4. Nmore formal situationcapitalizing 可知更加正式的方式是兰大第一兰兰的写个首字母~故兰干表述兰兰。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第一小兰兰下的第个与九段~可知兰干表述5. NCentering bulleted lists or text原文相反。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第二小兰兰下的第三段~可个与知兰干表述原文相符。 6. YSound effects 。根据兰干中的信息兰和定位到第三小兰兰下的第三段~可个知原文提到7. NGimportingtwo megabytes 的是入的兰插两并插片要少于兆字兰~而未提及入的大小。 flash 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第四小兰兰下的第四段可个得答8. as possible as you canlook at the audience 案。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第四小兰兰下的第个七段9. erase everything you’ve drawnPressing the E key 第三句兰可得答案。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到文10. meet your presentation needsmake changes at the “slide master” level Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 章的最后一段可得答案。 Passage 6 Natural Disasters 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第一小兰兰下的第一句兰可个与知兰干表述原文1. Ymotion of tectonic plates 相符。 。根据兰干中的信息兰和定位到第二小兰兰下的第一段可个从内知兰干表述兰兰。地球到2. Nmade uplayers 外由三兰兰成,地核、地、地。 幔壳 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第二小兰兰下的第三段前句兰可个两与知兰干表述原文相符。 3. Yconvection 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到第二小兰兰下第个与五段的第一句兰~可知兰干表述原文相反。 4. Nepicenter 。根据兰干中的信息兰和定位到第三小兰兰下的第三段可个知兰干表述5. Yvolcanoestectonic plates collide 与原文相符。 。根据兰干中的信息兰和定位到第四小兰兰下的第一句兰可个知兰6. NMagmaEarth’s crust if the liquid rock 干表述原文相反。 与 。根据兰干中的信息兰和定位到第五个个小兰兰和第六小兰兰的第二段第二句7. NGMt Etna160mph winds 兰~可知原文有提到意大并没体响利埃特那火山的具影。 。 根据兰干中的信息兰及8. only happens in the tropicsfierce rotating stormintense centre of low pressure定位到第六个小兰兰下的第一句兰可得答案。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到倒数个第二小兰兰9. thunderstorms and strong windsbrought by the hurricane 下的最后一段可得答案。 。根据兰干中的信息兰定位到原文的最后一句兰可得知道答案。 10. quickly die outno warm water Passage 7 Younger Artists Struggle to Excite Buyers 。兰第一段中参和第二段中1. N"..., Zhang Xiaoming travels to China almost every month.""But Zhang admits to finding it increasingly difficult on recent visits to be 'touched’ by the new works that she has 可知兰兰明并国未定居中她来国只是每月中旅行并她来她且兰兰越越兰以被看到的新作品感兰。seen.",,, 。兰第三段中参可知兰兰兰兰在的兰多兰兰家只是在重兰自己2. Y"..., many artists are repeating themselves ...", 没有兰新。() 。兰第四段中参和第3. Y'The most important artists ... were inspired by their tradition, history and culture.’ 五中"... But what is happening right now is a lot of younger artists coming to the market have a lack of 可知兰兰兰最重要的兰兰家兰的作品都是从灵他兰的兰兰、兰史和文化中兰得感而兰在的兰多年兰兰兰spirituality ...", 家兰缺乏灵气。 。兰第一段参首句可知兰是兰富比拍兰行的中国当代兰兰品部的副兰兰也是兰兰国深兰家。4. Y,, 。兰第参六段中5. N"Zhang is one of several market professionals who have raised concerns that Chinese 和第七段中contemporary art could be becoming overpriced, ...""..., buyers are still extremely bullish, 可知包括兰在的一些兰兰内国当品市兰兰兰人士已兰始兰注中代兰兰品要价兰高的though increasingly selective.", 兰象。但是兰主兰仍然兰情高很只不兰更加挑剔而已。,, 。文章有兰中没国当代兰兰品是最受收藏家兰推崇的。6. NG 。兰第参十五段中7. N'Interest in Japanese contemporary art was very strong, ... pieces sold for between 可知收藏家兰日本代当很估兰兰品的兰趣也大。作品以价的到倍价three to 10 times their estimates.’,310 格出。售 。兰第参十三段中8. select the good quality pieces in best condition'The market is more mature now and collectors will select the good quality pieces in best condition. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 十五兰十强化兰兰考答案参 Passage 1 此兰需要一兰兰。个叙体将本句述申兰兰利的程序,申兰人申兰兰利兰需要兰兰明兰行具描述~然后描述和47. D 兰品一同提交政府官兰~故填一兰。submit 此兰需要入一形容兰和填个并条列作表兰。此句介兰政府官兰兰兰兰利的件是原兰性和有用性~48. O beneficial 故填。original 空格前兰情兰兰兰~所以此兰需要入一兰兰原形。此兰和填个后面的意兰上49. A couldoruse them themselves是兰兰的。根据常兰~申兰人兰得兰利后~兰利当填然可以自己使用~也可以兰兰兰其他人~故兰可~license“特兰”。 此兰需要入一兰兰原形。填个当填政府兰一兰兰明兰兰兰利后~然不能再兰同兰的兰意兰兰兰利~故兰兰~50. K issue“兰行”。 空格前兰情兰兰兰~所以此兰需要入一兰兰原形和填个后面的介兰搭配使用。句子用引51. C couldof without 兰件条如果有没并支付兰兰准使用就擅自使用兰兰利~因兰兰利受法律保兰~兰明人有兰兰其兰行起兰。—— 和都有“控告~控兰”的意思~但是用法不同~分兰兰和accusechargeaccuse sb. of sth.charge sb. with 故排除。sth. , charge 此兰需要入一名兰作介兰填个的兰兰。使用兰利的人要向兰利兰明人支付兰用~兰得使用兰后才能取得52. F for 兰利的使用兰。故填兰可”。permission“ 此兰需要一名兰。兰于兰个另众利~政府一方面兰施保兰政策~一方面~兰了兰大了解兰利的相兰知兰~政53. I 府会填出版兰利的兰兰兰明~所以兰明兰”。specifications“ 此兰需要一形容兰~个修兰其后的名兰。政府出版兰利兰兰兰明的目的是兰大能兰了解兰明~众54. M knowledge 所以填可利用的” 。available“ 上一段中提到美政国府在兰利申兰的年兰行保兰~在兰内年申兰人兰有兰利的所有兰~超兰年55. H 141414任何人都可以免兰使用兰兰利。此兰考兰固定短兰 免兰的”。for free“ 句子主兰兰构填个完整~空格兰可以入一副兰。和定兰句中的从56. N publicizing ideasbe kept as trade 之兰是兰比兰系~因此需要入一表示兰折意兰的填个副兰 。和 都可以表secrets otherwiseotherwise however 示引兰意兰的兰折~但常用入兰~其前插号后需要加逗~而不需要。howeverotherwise Passsage 2 ,【答案】1H 【分析】 此兰兰兰固定搭配~意兰“兰心~兰”担be concerned with ,【答案】2A 【分析】 此兰需要一名兰~和个一起表示兰兰前景~繁兰~前景”符合兰兰。economicprosperity“,【答案】3I 【分析】 根据兰兰分析可知此兰需要一名兰做个的兰兰~再根据前一句的句意~兰里receiveconsideration 更符合句意。 ,【答案】4B 【分析】此兰用兰明孩子兰的地位再家庭和社会来与达中越越受到重兰~上下文成一致。status ,【答案】5J 【分析】通常一个独担立的句子成分可由副兰承~意兰“兰果”。consequently ,【答案】6C 【分析】此兰需要用兰兰的兰在分兰做的定兰~表保兰达孩子兰的兰利。the variety of statutes,【答案】7K 【分析】兰里是兰前文述的兰兰~上文提到了“兰点”一兰~中我兰可以判叙从断的后面兰兰是viewnew view. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ,【答案】8D 【分析】考兰兰法~构本文主要兰述孩子在家庭中的地位~而此兰又涉及到孩子的培兰兰兰~child- 兰兰孩子”正合此意。rearing“ ,【答案】9L 【分析】此兰需要一形容兰个修兰做的定兰~是“大量的”意思~一般修兰不可名数portionconsiderable 兰。 ,【答案】10E 【分析】整篇文章介兰的是美社国会会当会中孩子社化的兰兰~兰兰兰兰一兰象是前社兰兰之一~所以 符合句意。contemporary Passage 3 ,【答案】1H 【分析】此兰需要一形容兰~根据上下文可个达帮减知此兰是要表“要助孩子和成人肥兰持健康”的意思。故兰healthy. ,【答案】2O 【分析】根据上下文~此兰意思兰“兰兰学减学体校是有效兰防和少超重兰兰的中心~建兰校改兰育兰Satcher 兰置……” “兰固定搭配~“把……看作”~因兰后文的兰兰是兰去兰~故兰填identify…as”identified.,【答案】3K 【分析】本句是兰兰。根据上下文~此兰兰兰“虚气填。表示“建兰学体校改兰育兰兰置……”。improve” ,【答案】4C 【分析】此兰需要一兰兰~文章要表的意思是“个达区他敦促兰~社也必兰提供安全的地方供人兰兰”~此兰兰用兰去兰~故“填。urged” ,【答案】 5J 【分析】“兰固定搭配~意思是“兰因于……”~此兰是被兰兰兰~所以兰“填。attribute to”attributed”,【答案】6B 【分析】“兰固定搭配~本句意思是“美国每年兰有万人的死亡与胖肥有兰~在年~classify as”301999超兰的成人可列入超重或肥胖填”~此兰是被兰兰兰~所以兰“。60%classified”,【答案】7M 【分析】此兰要表的意思是“根据自文生部兰的一达来份填新兰告”~所以此兰兰“。according”,【答案】8E 【分析】此兰要表的意思是“在兰达去的年中~少年青胖填肥的普及已增兰三倍”~所以兰20 “。tripled” ,【答案】 9I 【分析】此兰要表的意思是“人兰达来潜响并始超重的年兰越小~兰他未的生活兰量的在影就越大。”且是“句型~所以兰“填。the more…, the more…”greater” ,【答案】10F 【分析】此兰需要一名兰~个胖填本句意思是“超重和肥是造成健康不良的主要因素”~所以兰 “。contributors” Passage 4 ,【答案】1H 【分析】此兰“指上文提到的“天气兰兰”~“ 兰固定搭配~意兰“兰兰”。兰句意兰“多很they”come true” 气学担会达温气体候家和兰色兰兰心兰一切兰成兰兰~除非全球的人兰能兰成 共兰~兰力控制室的排放。,【答案】2D 【分析】此兰需要一名兰~根据上兰的兰文~可个填知此兰兰“~意兰“排放”。emission” Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700,【答案】3O 【分析】根据后文的“可知此兰兰“填兰句意思兰“在未十来几年里~兰洲;全球兰人口中to”from”,63超兰一半人的家,园气将另个极的候兰向一端”。 ,【答案】4K 【分析】此兰在列兰不良天气来灾填兰人兰兰的兰~所以兰“。disease”,【答案】5F 【分析】此兰需要一名兰作主兰~根据上下文兰“ 个填意兰“天气模式”。patterns”,,【答案】6A 【答案】兰兰兰~目前在兰体况会洲已兰能察兰到某些兰化~但以后的情可能更糟。兰兰兰化兰可能兰致大兰模7. G 的移民和普遍的人道主兰危机。”所以兰“填come” ,【答案】8C 【分析】本文的主兰是温温会冰填室效兰~室效兰使“川”融化~所以此兰兰“melt”,【答案】9J 【分析】兰句意思兰“随来温会虫将着全球越越暖~暴兰雨更加猛烈~由昆和兰水兰染的疾病兰散到新的地。”所以兰“区填~表示“全球兰暖”。warms” ,【答案】10M 【分析】根据后文的“可知此兰兰“填~兰句意思兰“兰家兰兰~兰境兰deforestation and pollution”degradation”化~如森林伐砍将很气响和兰境兰染~可能加兰候兰化造成的影 Passage 5 兰入填一形容兰。个通兰上下文意思~以及后面介兰是一系兰兰个~可以判此兰断about, 47. D. feel 可以定兰兰兰确兰。短兰兰…感到有愧”。Dguiltyfeel guilty about sth.“ 全句的意思兰“我兰兰很吃~但是往往在吃完之后又有兰罪感”。 兰固定搭配~原意兰“被…附上兰住迷住心兰”~放在本句表示“十分重兰”。48. M. be obsessed with// 全句的意思兰“我兰兰很减胖心健康和肥~但肥却又空前地在蔓延”。 本句缺一名兰作主兰个~且根据和介兰并的搭配~可以推出正兰兰断确49. A toanswer 本句根据和可以判出需断要入填一形容兰成比兰兰~根据上下文~表示“个构旨在禁50. I moreways 止酗来酗确酒的禁酒令~却激兰了更多新奇的方法酒”~可以定兰正兰兰。确creative 本兰兰兰。根据和确填个国定兰入一兰去分兰。再根据上下文~上文表示“兰兰吃典型的美人吃的51. F be by 食物”~下文通兰兰折~表示兰兰上“美国来的食物已兰被兰如比兰和兰狗兰兰的舶品所兰兰了”~因此but 可以定确兰正兰兰。确defined 此兰要与平行~因此缺一与搭配的名兰~最兰“理想”。52. O religious reasonspoliticalideals 由于兰横没确后面有兰兰~可以定不是形成的短兰~兰兰本句兰缺一名兰~做的兰兰。根据下53. L bringbring文解兰~“美国人兰他兰所吃的食物的兰度是矛盾的”~可以推出本句意兰兰“兰定的兰点也不是确定不兰的”。因此可以定确兰正兰兰。确certainty 系兰兰后兰入一形容兰~和填个后面介兰形成短兰54. K becomeof 兰…感到兰疑”。be/become suspicious of“ 本句缺一名兰作主兰~且根据和介兰个并的搭配~可以推出正兰兰断确55. J inbelief“相信…。(have) belief in sth.” 本句是一般兰在兰~缺一兰兰~且和个搭配~因此可定兰兰确56. C with share“意兰“与某人分享某事”。share sth with sb” Passage 6 此兰兰入填兰~兰固定搭配。47. EEbe willing to Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 此兰兰入一名兰~而填个通常和介兰搭配~此兰句子的意思兰控制我兰无止48. Happetitefor 境的欲望。 此兰兰入一形容兰~根据上下文意思兰兰填个兰~意即全球气离遥候兰暖似乎我兰太兰~49. AA: 以至于我兰无需兰此担心。 此兰兰入一名兰~而填个与搭配的名兰在兰兰中根据上下文意思兰正兰兰。确50. Bcomputer B 根据上下文意思此兰兰表候兰化之意~因此达气兰正兰兰。确51. FF 兰兰兰兰兰兰~表示“上个气温世兰全球的上升了兰氏”~兰能迅速找出答案。52. L1 兰然与搭配~因此兰正兰兰。确53. I ice melt I 此兰兰入一兰在分兰~表示“填个海岸受到侵兰”~因此兰兰。54. KK 兰兰兰兰兰兰~兰入一兰名兰~所以兰入填个数填兰。55. NN 因兰兰固定搭配。56. Dthe rest of 第三章 Cloze答案解析与 Test 1 本文介兰多很划尽响很博物兰正在兰兰兰建的兰。管影兰建行兰的因素有多~但主要的、共同的因素兰是空兰兰兰。有没会会减售足兰的空兰~博物兰就失去兰充收藏品的机。有兰兰不得不少或者出一些收藏品。 1, C 空格兰缺少programs的定兰~兰兰全文得知很划多博物兰正兰注着兰些大兰模的兰建兰~此兰使用expand的名兰形式做定兰。表容。内 2,、A 空格兰缺少副兰做兰。状通兰第一段兰兰市的例子得知。博物兰兰建兰模兰大~因此大大改兰了博物兰的正面和兰面平面兰。radically意兰“根本上~大大地”~符合兰意。unnoticeably意兰“不兰著地”~unassumingly意兰“兰兰地”,与modestly同兰。 3, C 通兰兰兰得知此兰考兰expected在句子中的兰兰。句子的主兰兰these programs~排除B)和D)~be expected to do意兰“有望做某事”~兰建兰大大改兰了划将博物兰的正面和兰面平面兰。或者有望在不兰的来会如此。 4,B~ 空格兰缺少兰兰兰兰的兰去分兰形式。作者以兰兰市兰例兰明几构家大的机向空中兰建~spread意兰“面兰的延伸”~符合兰意。scatter意兰“分散”~establish兰及物兰兰~后面需接直接兰兰~increase意兰“量的增多”~数均不符兰意。 5,C, 本兰考兰固定搭配~the reason for sth,。D)的迷惑性兰强~兰考生常犯兰兰~但是why后兰兰引兰句子~此兰空格后兰名兰短兰~故答案兰C)。 6, A~ 空格位于不定冠兰后~缺少名兰。兰建行兰的原因是兰兰的~但其中一因素是共同的~很个 那就是空兰兰兰,consideration意兰“考兰”~thinking意兰“想法”~measurement意兰“兰量、尺度”~calculation 意兰“兰算”。 7,B 通兰兰兰得知本兰考兰increase在句子中的形式。空格兰兰with +n,+-v-ing,ed兰~做句构子的伴随状随兰~意兰‘‘着博物兰藏品逐年增加”~collections与increase兰主兰兰兰兰系~故答案兰B)。 8,D~ 空格兰缺少名兰。主兰兰space~不能等同于phenomenon和value~commodity意兰“日用品”~“随着收藏品逐年增加~博物兰的需求和功能改兰~空兰成了人兰的日常需求品”。treasure意兰 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 “珍宝与”~precious重兰。 9,B 空格兰缺少句子主兰。作者以兰城兰兰兰兰例兰明空兰成了人兰的日常需求品~所以世界上有没任何一地方个像兰城美兰兰那兰(缺乏空兰)。somewhere意兰“在某兰”~anywhere意兰“无兰何兰”~wherever意兰“无兰在里”~故答案兰哪B)。外~根据句子的另装构倒兰也可判兰答案。断 10,C、 空格兰缺少形容兰做space的定兰。世界上有没个来任何一地方像兰城美兰兰那兰,多年缺乏空兰~最后一次整修兰是在十年之前。excessive意兰“兰多的”,extreme意兰“极端的”~unnecessary意兰“不必要的~多余的”~皆兰兰兰兰。additional意兰“外的”。另 11, A~ 空格兰缺少形容兰作facelift的定兰。facelift意兰“房屋整修”。noticeable~evident,visible的意思都是“明兰的”~significant意兰“重要的、重大的”。兰城美兰兰最后一次大的整修是在十年之前。 12,D、 空格兰缺少become的表兰。根据兰意,由于缺乏空兰~美兰兰兰兰兰品捐兰物采取兰的兰度慎。careful意兰“兰的”~真wary意兰“机警的”~distrustful意兰“不信任的”。 13,A~ 本兰考兰固定搭配。of体兰donations的性兰容。内 14,C~ 空格兰缺少兰兰兰兰。美兰兰兰兰兰品捐兰采取兰的兰度~兰兰慎会会失去兰充收藏品的机。strengthen意兰“增强~兰充”。purchase意兰“兰兰”~order意兰“兰兰”~select意兰“挑兰”。 15,D~ 由于空兰兰兰博物兰只好少或出一些减售收藏品。take on意兰“呈兰”。本兰迷惑兰兰兰A)~attach importance to意兰“重兰”~后接兰兰。invest意兰“投兰”~demonstrate意兰“示范~兰明”~与importance不能搭配。 16,B~ 空格兰缺少兰。状减售通兰上兰得知~由于空兰兰兰博物兰只好少或出一些收藏品。兰兰不得不重新安排画廊~and表列兰系~所以并空格兰需要副兰~意兰表肯定。gradually意兰“逐兰地”~regularly表“兰兰地”~故答案兰B)。 17,A~ 空格兰缺少名兰。根据句子后半部分warehouse得知~由于缺少空兰,兰兰只好把一件兰兰品投入公众另的兰兰中~把一件存放于兰兰中。view在句中意兰“兰兰”, performance意兰“表演”~appreciation意兰“欣兰”~access意兰“入口”。 18,C 本兰考兰store的兰性。be sent to后面可接兰兰原形和名兰兰形式。如两接兰兰~masterpiece和store兰被兰兰系~需用to be stored。本兰后接名兰形式storage~表目的。storeroom意兰“兰藏室”~与warehouse重兰。 19,C~ 空格兰缺少介兰,空格兰的句子提到博物兰需要兰外的画廊和兰藏室~但是博物兰在15年内没个划有打破兰束兰的兰~所以兰兰C)despite“尽管”符合兰意。 20. B. 空格兰缺少名兰作介兰of的兰兰。Break out of 意兰“兰”。脱Enclosure 意兰“兰兰”~ envelope 意兰“封袋”~ sphere意兰“球体、兰域”~territory意兰“兰土”。故答案兰B~引申兰“束兰”。Test 2 本文介兰了兰言兰兰工具。兰人兰兰~兰言是一兰来学拓展知兰的工具~兰言家兰兰~兰化使人兰兰有天生的兰言能力~但是兰言也不能自身兰展~儿学脱离会童兰兰言比兰容易~但是一旦了人兰社~也无法掌握兰言。 1. B. 空格兰缺少兰兰兰兰。根据句意得知~人兰像新生一兰不能使用兰言兰兰是兰兰兰化的兰候。根据第二段儿 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 第一句evolution也可得出答案。Evolve意兰“兰化”~generate意兰“兰致、引起~生成光、兰”~born意兰“天生的”~originate意兰“起源、兰生”。 2. A. 空格兰缺少定兰。文章第一句提到~人兰把兰言做一兰当来拓兰知兰的方式~所以兰言兰人兰兰兰兰是valuable;有用的,工具。Appropriate意兰“合适的”~convenient意兰“方便的”,favorite意兰 “最喜兰的”。 3. A. 根据兰兰得知空格兰缺少名兰~且与后面的cultural growth在意兰上列。并Attainments意兰“成就”~feasibility意兰“可能性”~entertainments意兰“兰兰”~evolution意兰“兰化”。Attainments符合兰意。 4. D. 空格兰缺少表兰形容兰~且能与for搭配。 Essential意兰“基本的”~后接介兰to; available 意兰“可得到的~可利用的”~后不接介兰~reliable意兰“可的”~不能靠与for搭配~be responsible for 意兰“兰……兰兰的”。 5. C. 空格兰缺少兰兰~后接that 引兰的句。句中从they 指上句的主兰many linguists。根据句意~人兰高度兰化的大兰使得我兰具有天生的兰言能力~兰是兰言学家所持的兰点。Confirm意兰“兰”~确inform意兰“通知”~claim意兰“”~声称convince意兰“使相信”。 6. D. 本兰考兰固定搭配provide sb with sth. 向某人提供某物。 7. B. 空格兰缺少名兰。 Organizations意兰“兰兰”~organisms意兰“有机”。兰言体学家兰兰~天生的兰言能力是人兰所具有的~不存在于低等有机中。体当 8. A. 空格兰缺少名兰。Potential意兰“力”~潜performance意兰“表兰”~preference意兰“偏兰”~passion意兰“兰情”。天兰兰的学与来支持者兰兰兰~人兰的兰言能力是生俱的。 9. A. 空格兰缺少介兰。兰言人兰与童年兰期大兰兰育的一兰官能是兰等的兰系。As意兰“作兰”~just意兰“正如”~like意兰“像”。 10. B. 空格兰缺少形容兰做定兰。 ideological意兰“意兰形兰的”~biological意兰“生物的~生理的”~social意兰“社会的”~psychological意兰“心理的”。兰言本身兰展是兰慢的~兰兰重要的生理几个周期。 11. A. 空格兰缺少名兰。Review意兰“兰兰、兰兰”~reference意兰“涉及、考”~参reaction意兰“反兰”~recommendation意兰“推”。根据句意~兰然目前兰荐天兰兰的兰兰是多兰多兰的~但是支持的兰点是无可否兰的。 12. C. 空格兰缺少兰。状In a word 意兰“一句兰”~用兰兰上述兰点。来In a sense意兰“在某兰意兰上”~indeed意兰“兰”~用兰一确来步兰明上述兰点。in other words意兰“兰句兰兰”~用解兰上述兰点。根据句意来~很来学教多人支持天兰兰~越越多的校兰兰~最好在低年兰兰始授外兰。后者是兰前者的兰一步解兰兰明。 13,D~空格兰缺少形容兰作定兰,空格后一句提到young children学学兰外兰的例子可以得出低年兰外兰比兰容易。 14,B~根据兰兰可知~空格兰考兰固定搭配be + p.p,+to兰。构revealed意兰“兰露”,后不接介兰~exposed后接介兰to~意兰“暴露于”~engaged后接介兰in~意兰“忙于”~involved后接介兰in~意兰“卷入”。 ’ 15,C~空格位于定冠兰之后缺少名兰。regulations意兰“兰章制度”~formations意兰“形成”~ Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 rules意兰 “兰兰”~constitutions意兰“章程~构儿学会几造”。根据句意~童能兰周兰的兰外兰~而成人学蒂兰外兰比兰兰是因兰母兰的兰兰在他兰兰兰中根深固了。 16,A,空格兰缺少兰兰。根据句意~毫无疑兰兰言的某些方面是天生的,但不能它真像空一兰自我兰展。前后兰兰折的兰兰兰系~故答案兰A)。 17,D~空格兰缺少表兰形容兰,distinguished意兰“卓越的”~protected意兰“保兰的”~isolated意兰“隔离儿与离来将的”。根据句意~兰言不能自我兰展~假如童其他人隔兰兰兰不能掌握兰言。 18,D. 空格兰缺少名兰。exposition意兰“暴露”。comparison意兰“兰比”~contrast意兰“兰照”~interaction意兰“交互作用”。根据句意~假如儿离将童兰其他人不能掌握兰言~兰兰明~在兰言的兰展兰程中~儿与响很童其他人的相互影是有必要的。 19,A~空格兰缺少名兰,acquisition意兰“兰得”~appreciation意兰“感激~欣兰”~requirement意兰“要求”~alternative意兰“可供兰兰的兰法”。根据句意~交互活兰兰兰言的兰得作用要比人兰其他本能更重要。 20,C~空格兰缺少兰。根据句意~理兰状学学仿学儿家把兰兰言看做是需要模的和后天兰的行兰。童通兰模仿学会父母兰言。二者是兰等的兰系。 Test 3 本文介兰了美知国学个她名作家兰珍珠及其文作品的特点和成就,兰珍珠是一多兰的作家~的一生和其作品的兰成兰中西方文化交献流的兰梁。 1,A. 空格兰缺少名兰,figures意兰“人物~角色”。强兰抽象意兰。根据句意~Pearl S. Buck (兰珍珠)是美国学文史上最受兰迎的作家之一。 2,B. 空格兰缺少兰兰兰兰兰兰与award搭配。obtain意兰“兰得”~achieve意兰“完成~到”。兰达得兰兰通常用兰兰win或者earn。 3,B. 空格兰缺少名兰。achievement意兰“成就”~recognition意兰“兰可”~contribution意兰“兰献”~creation意兰“兰作”。根据句意。兰珍珠兰得了兰兰兰文兰~兰是兰文兰作最具学学声望的兰可形式。 4,A. 本兰考兰固定搭配。Nobel Prize for Literature兰兰兰文兰。学 5. D. 空格兰缺少形容兰修兰名兰word。familiarized意兰“兰熟悉的”~recognizable意兰“兰可的”~mysterious意兰“神秘的”~household意兰“家庭的”。根据句意~兰珍珠成兰一个家兰兰兰的名字。 6, A. 空格兰缺少名兰。output意兰“兰出”~conception意兰“念”~概invention意兰“兰明”~productivity意兰“生兰力”。根据句意,兰珍珠成兰一个学家兰兰兰的名字是因兰其多兰文作品。故答案兰A)。 7,B. 本兰考兰publish在句中的形式~空格兰缺少形容兰做定兰。works与publish是被兰的兰兰兰系~故答案兰B)。 8,D. 本兰考兰wait与await的用法。根据句意~在兰珍珠80兰的兰候~25卷兰正待出版。空格前有助兰兰were~所以排除B)和C)。awaiting意兰“等待”~相于当waiting for。 9, A. 本兰考兰兰兰set与介兰的搭配。set in意兰“放在某兰”~set aside意兰“留出”~set up意兰“建立”。set off意兰“出兰”。根据句意~多等她很国待出版的兰都留在中。 10,B. 空格兰缺少兰兰兰兰,与介兰as搭配。act as和serve as皆意兰“作兰”~但是serve as强兰“服 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰”。根据句意~兰珍珠的一生和其作品的兰在于成兰中西方文化交献流的兰梁。 11. C. 空格位于定冠兰之后缺少名兰~做become的表兰。outcome意兰“兰果”~mixture意兰“混合物”~product意力“兰物”~combination意兰“兰合”。根据句意~兰珍珠是中西文化的兰物。 12,D. 空格兰缺少兰兰。term意兰“把……称与作”~call同兰。describe意兰“描述”。根据句意~兰珍珠是中西文化的兰物~把自她称双双个称己兰“精神上的焦点”。但“精神上的焦点’’不是一名~不能用兰兰call~兰里兰注意中西文化用兰兰。区 13,B. 空格兰缺少名兰。background意兰“背景”。setting意兰“兰景”。根据句意。兰珍珠的中西文化背景是特的。独 14,C. 本兰考兰interest的形式。空格位于副兰之后名兰之前~缺少形容兰修兰名兰human being。disinterest意兰“公正无私的”。 15, A, 空格兰兰助兰兰be之后that之前~缺少表兰。be aware意兰“意兰到”~be conscious意兰“有意兰的”~be mindful意兰“留心的”~responsive意兰“做出兰的”。根据句意~我兰不响得不(cannot help but)意兰到我兰兰兰上面兰着三个独立的角色。 , 16,B. 空格位于助兰兰be之后,缺少表兰。deal意兰“兰付”~后接介兰with。analyze意兰“分析”~distinguish意兰“兰”。根据句意~我兰兰兰兰区当个独珍珠的作品兰,兰兰上是面兰着三立的角色。 17,C. 本兰考兰兰兰learn与介兰的搭配。learn from意兰“向……学兰”~learn of不存在~learn about意兰“了解”。根据兰意~如果不了解三个个真角色中的任何一就不能正了解兰珍珠。 18,D. 本兰考兰honor的形式,honor意兰“兰”~誉honorable意兰“光兰的”~honored意兰“被兰予兰的”。誉空格位于兰兰though之后~句从从省略主兰~故空格兰句的表兰~主兰兰主句主兰Pearl Buck。 19,B. 空格位于不定冠兰之后名兰之前~缺少形容兰做定兰。comprehensive意兰“全面的”~total意兰“整的~个完全的”~complete意兰“完全的”~genuine意兰“正的”。根据句意~答案兰真B), 20,D. 空格位于形容兰之后介兰之前~缺少名兰。topic意兰“兰兰~主兰”~theme意兰“主兰”~subject意兰“学个个个科~兰象”。根据兰意~兰珍珠作兰一完整的人~不兰是一著名的作家~兰是一有趣的研究兰象。 Test 4 本文介兰了出旅行需要的国4个条个国基本件,所熟悉的、舒适的交通工具~熟知那家的兰言和兰行系兰~了解那个国个几个条会很糕家人兰生活的兰俗兰兰~有好的伴兰。如果缺少了兰件~旅行兰得糟。一个异国学学体会很糕去留的生~面兰兰兰陌生的兰兰~他肯定感到糟的。 1,A A)enjoyable意兰giving you pleasure and satisfaction“令人愉悦的~有兰趣的”~符合上下文。B) amusing“有趣的”~C)happy “快兰的”~D)favorable“有利的~兰人喜兰的”放在此兰均不恰当。 2, A. include意兰“包括”~exclude意兰“排除~阻止”~conclude意兰“下兰兰”~contain意兰“含有~容兰”。此兰兰然指包括以下的四方面~故答案兰个A) include。 3,D,awareness意兰“兰悟”~后面搭配介兰of~因此不符合兰意~understanding后面也是搭配介兰of~而interest后面搭配介兰in~familiarity意兰“熟悉~熟悉度”~后面搭配介兰with~符合兰意。 4,B. 此兰是兰要使旅途愉快~需要有好的旅很伴~句中companions意兰“persons who accompany Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 or associate with another (同伴、伙伴)”~是可名兰~数company也可以表示“伙来伴~往的人”。但兰是一集名兰~表示“个体伙称伴”的兰。因此B)兰符合兰意。 5, A. 兰句兰是兰“我兰都有兰兰兰美好的旅行兰兰”~介兰like表示“如同~像……一兰”~而as作兰介兰意兰“作兰~身兰”~介兰towards和for分兰表示方向和目兰,不符合兰意。 6,【A】 memory意兰"something that is remembered'’~“兰兰~即回兰”~B)impression表示“印象”~兰兰与C)“意兰”和D)“照片”都不符合此兰的兰意。 7, A. “would like'’是一个固定的兰兰搭配~意兰want“想要……”~于比兰属气客的兰法。 8,C. travel表示“去兰兰的地方或去国外的旅行”~trip指短途的尤指兰了享兰而兰行的旅游~tour是指去一地方兰兰~旅个个游一圈~,visit指“拜兰”。兰合上下文~C)travel符合文意~兰正答案。确 9,D. 兰合上下文~第一段看~上面列兰了四好的件~因此兰用从个条listed “被列兰出的”最符合兰意。A)outlined“被概括的”~B)talked“被兰兰的”~C)discussed“被兰兰的”均没有D)恰当, 10,B,根据上下文~兰句兰是兰~“如果以上四好的件不具兰个条(存在)~兰整旅行可能个很会很糟糕”。A)impossibly“不可能地”兰然原文意思相与悖~C)completely“完全地”太兰兰兰~D) partly“部分地”放在文中意思不通~故兰兰B)probably,“可能地”。很 11,A. 句中one代替了experience一兰~避免了重兰~而a没有此功能~this和that前均不能加修兰兰~故A)兰正。确 12,A. inspect “兰察’’兰然不合兰意~故排除~看到下文“生要机兰到学从找学去校所在城市的路”。兰兰的答案便兰而易兰了~此兰是兰“去国学学外兰的生”~故兰A), 13,D,根据上文可知~“去另个国学学会外一家兰的生在旅途中通常遇到困兰”~下文便列兰了他兰所面兰的困兰的兰兰具形式~“体独通常自出行”是其中之一,A)hardly“几乎不”~B)rarely“很少地”~C) particularly“特兰地”均与文意不符~故兰D)。 14,A. yet用于否定句中表示“up to the present time”, 同否定形式兰起表示“到目前兰来尚止不……”~C)兰用于否定句兰~兰前句也兰兰否定~意兰“也不”~而B)与D)两与兰一般不否定形式兰用~故正答案兰确A)。 15,B. 由句中“到达国个国新的家”可知兰兰的是“在一大的兰机兰”~故兰international‘‘国兰的”~A) national“国家的~民族的”~C)domestic“国内的”~D)local“当与地的”均文意不符。 16,D. “find one’s way to…”意兰“到找个达,兰得去……的路”~是一固定的兰兰表。 17. D,由上句“生需要到机兰到学找从学校所在城市的路”可推兰出“或兰他兰要兰乘兰机”,兰短兰的表兰“达change airplanes”~而非“alter airplanes”~故兰D)。 18,A. where在此引兰了一定兰句。个从指代前面的in a country~是兰在兰一切都不熟知的一个国家~他兰要兰兰上述的兰兰行兰。 19. C, 此兰考兰的是情兰兰兰的用法。“后来会来~在完成了上述所有兰些行兰后~他兰或兰笑起。”兰句兰表的是一兰不定的推兰~所以用达确may合适。 20. C. “at the time”是固定搭配~表示“在兰”当体会很,是兰“在兰兰兰兰陌生的兰兰~他兰肯定感兰糟糕”。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Test 5 本文介兰了“Geography”兰兰的兰~地理个来学研学学研内究的分支,自然地理、人文地理及其究容以及地理学家的工作特点。 1. B. 此兰兰入一形容兰~兰兰用兰兰填个compare and contrast(比兰和兰比)支配places,兰明兰兰是不同的地方~故填various。 2. C. 此句兰折~由前面的研研究不同的兰域兰兰可能超出各自究的兰域~go beyond是固定搭配,意兰“超出~超越”。 3. A. “把……看做一整”~兰表兰个体达consider sth,as a whole~由上文可知此兰的意思是“把地球看做一整”。个体 4,C. 从构填号从兰法兰上,此兰必兰入兰系兰~而且中兰又出兰了逗~由此可知此句兰非限制性定兰句~而兰兰中只有which可引兰非限制性定兰句。从 5,A. 由下文的others可知此兰兰兰some。 6,D. like在兰里是介兰~表示“像”~引出介兰短兰,修兰前面的small area~故兰兰like。 7. B. entire是“整的~全部的”~个个修兰后面的名兰~意兰“整大兰”。A)extensive是“泛的广~大量的”~C)overall是“全面的~兰合的”D)enormous是“巨大的~兰大的”。 8,A. 由上下文可知此兰兰兰“方法”的意思~way兰“方式~方法”~means表示做具事体,兰具来体兰果的 “方式~兰法”~而C)和D)兰兰不符合兰意。 9,C. 由下文physical geography and cultural geography可知此兰兰入填geography。 lO,A. focus on…是固定搭配。意兰“集中于……”~同兰兰兰兰"concentrate on…”。 11,D. 此兰前面的与the former构并填成列兰系~兰人the latter“后者”。 12. B,由and把空格兰要入的兰填与starts构并成列兰系~而A)learn意兰“有目的地兰~兰学得某兰技能”~B)study兰兰“研究”的意思~而C)和D)兰不合兰意~由全文可知地理学研家主要是究……~而不是兰学……~故兰兰B)兰,并且starts兰兰形式~作兰数and构并构成的列兰~study也兰兰studies形式。 13,A. act upon (on)…是固定用法~意兰“兰……起作用”~由句中how human beings and their environment可知后面兰入填与act兰用表示“彼此相互作用”之意的兰。 14,A. 先从构本句的兰法兰上看~A)neither和C)one均符合句法要求~而B)either用于否定句~D)each 不与thc other搭配~但上下文的意兰看,地理有兰多分从学从研支~可以不同的角度去究~但是(注意本句的兰折兰But)~地理作兰一兰学学个另科~其下任何一分支都不可能忽略一分支的存在~A)neither更符合上下文的兰兰意兰。 15,C. be described as可以作兰固定搭配~意兰“把……兰成……”。常用的兰似兰兰有构be seen,regarded/treated,thought of,looked upon,imagined等。 16,C,根据常兰和文中的兰明可知地理学区家的工作特点就是兰察、兰兰、解兰地兰的不同之兰~而且difference后常跟between…的形式。外~下一句兰也另填暗示此兰兰differences。 17,D. 此兰兰入一形容兰~填个C)liking “喜兰~兰好”是名兰~可排除~A)likely“可能的”~B)likeable“可兰的”兰意不与符~D)alike“相像的”句意“如果所有的地方都是相与似的”相符。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 18,D,however在句中作入成分~可不插它管~整句兰可直接兰we know no two places are exactly the same~其中no…the same是完整的一句兰~know又是兰兰~故前兰加that作引兰兰~引兰兰兰从句。 19,B. 由上下文可知兰句兰兰兰兰句~Geography is a point of view是一句完整的兰~故中兰兰入一填个副兰~B)then“于是”~A)still“仍然”~C)nevertheless“然而”~D)moreover,“而且”~A)、C)、D)均不合兰意~故兰B)。 20,B. a special way of doing sth,是一兰固定用法。A) work at…“工作……”~C)arrive at…“到达…” D)get at"指兰~数落~兰知”等,B)look at…“考察……”,故B)兰符合兰意。Test 6 本文介兰了兰兰兰兰兰家格雷戈,泰勒提出的一些兰于兰可能辞写辞造成的情感兰兰的建兰,如何兰信~如何与离老板商兰兰一事等。 1,A. 兰句大意兰“如果你并找份准兰跳槽一令自己更加有成就感的工作。兰兰兰兰兰家格雷戈,泰勒提出了一些建兰兰兰兰可能来帮你辞条状从造成的情感方面的兰兰”~此兰兰兰兰兰引兰件兰兰句的兰接 兰if。其他兰兰分兰引兰原因、兰兰和兰步状从兰兰句~兰兰兰系明兰不兰。 2,C. 从下文可知~兰家所提供的是“指点、忠告”~而不是A)plans“兰”~划B)warnings“警告”或者D) comments“兰兰”。 3,D. 根据前文中的move forward and find a more fulfilling job可知~兰家提供的是兰于“兰”的离指点~而不是A)finding“找工作”~B)improving“改兰工作”或者C)finishing“完成工作”。 4, A. 兰里的to the point是一个固定搭配~意兰“中肯的~切中要害的”~常用于短兰keep to the point。 5,B. 此兰意兰“表兰达你……的感激”~A)process“兰程”~C)choice“兰兰”~D)resignation“辞兰”此兰均不合适~只有兰兰B)“兰兰”符合句意~指的是在原工作兰位的兰兰。 6,B. 兰一段介兰兰信的兰候兰兰注意的事兰。第一句就提到要兰明写辞尽扼要~最后一句兰是兰要可能地兰兰而低兰~所以兰兰兰兰B)~意兰“无兰你告知太多”。 7,D. 此句是兰兰交兰信兰从辞始的兰兰~兰兰兰兰兰兰兰hand in“兰交”。fill in “填写”~end in “以……兰束”和take in“吸收”放在此兰均不符合文意。 8,C. 前一句兰的是不要告兰兰人兰兰~本句提出了一建兰,要另条两并完成手兰的工作。句兰兰兰是列兰系~所以用also。其他兰兰分兰表示兰兰、因果和兰折兰系~句意不相与符。 9,A. B)form“表格”~C)scheme“兰”和划D)report“兰告”都兰于具~文章中有体并没哪指明是兰具的体工作~所以用A)“兰目”泛来指手兰上正在做的工作是最兰合适的, 10。B. 离礼兰之前完成手兰上的工作兰任何人而言都是一兰貌和常兰~故兰兰B)manners~兰兰A) deeds“行兰”~C) intentions“目的”和D)relations“兰系”均不符合文意。 11, A. 兰部分的大意是“尤其是你荐打算兰得推信的兰”~兰兰especially表示一兰兰兰的情。兰兰况B) specifically“具地”~体C)finally“最兰地”和D)surely“必然地”放在此兰均不符合上下文, 12,D. 此句是兰兰前兰离休完剩余的假期~而A)relaxing“令人放松的”~B)rewarding‘‘有回兰 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 的’’或者C)refreshing“令人耳目一新的”放在此兰和vacation搭配均不符合文意。 13,A. 本段主要介兰兰兰老与离板商兰兰一事的兰兰和地点~由句中的location可兰易推出兰兰兰A) Timing“兰兰~兰机”。B)Date“日期~日子”,指的是特定的兰兰~C)Period“一段兰兰~兰期”~D) Chance“机”会放在此兰均不如A)兰合适。 14,D. break the news意兰“透露消息”。兰兰A)silence“沉默”~B)record “兰兰”和C)promise“承兰”放在此兰均与上下文不相符。 15, A. 前一句兰提到在兰会离个与室和老板兰兰一事~兰是一相兰中立的兰境~兰兰 B) attitude “兰度”~C)position“立兰”和D)opinion“兰点”无兰。 16,B. 兰句是兰中立的兰境将离会会来使兰者有更好的机以控制老板的反兰。兰兰中立的兰室兰兰是兰了避免老板兰激的反兰~故兰兰B)“控制”。A)predicting“兰兰”~C)observing “兰察”~D) under- standing“理解”放在此兰和文意不符。 17,A. 兰工突然兰兰老辞个板而言是意外~所以兰兰在一周之初的上午告知可以兰老板兰兰兰此事作出反兰。兰兰B)escape“逃避”,C)select“兰兰”和D)benefit“受益”兰然都不符合句意。 18,C. 最后一句兰的意思是兰,兰者的离会你雇主可能不兰的离会你去感到高兰~但是他兰感兰兰兰他兰留出充裕的兰兰兰来找你你来确接替的人~或者有足兰的兰兰兰兰助培兰新人。所以正答案是C)“高兰的”。 19,D. 此句是兰兰者的原兰离会离位因兰者充分的告知而感激~故兰D)appreciate。而兰兰A)enjoy “喜兰”~B)regret“后悔”和C)resent“憎恨”均与文意不符。 20,C. 此句是兰原兰位将找兰离他人接替兰兰者。兰兰C)replacement“接替’’符合文意。而兰兰A)consideration“考兰”~B)promotion“提拔”和D)motivation“兰机”均与句意不相符。Test 7 本文兰述音兰人兰的意兰~人兰兰是力兰出音声尽声来怕沉没避免可的寂。兰然大部分兰兰有兰兰意兰~甚至被其他人兰兰是无聊的兰兰~但是人兰兰是想加入兰兰兰明自声来个当己是一人~而不是物品。然也不是所有的兰兰都是有意兰的~有些兰兰也能兰引起思想的共兰。没 1. A. 短兰end in兰固定搭配~意兰“以…兰束”。兰句意思是“人的一生在啼哭中兰始~在静寂中兰束”~在句中begins兰兰的兰兰ends“兰束”~故兰兰A,兰正答案。确B)finishes “完成”~C) consumers “消兰、消耗”~D) renews“使兰得新生~更新”放在此兰均不符合文意。 2. B. 兰句意思是在人生到从个死之兰的整中兰兰段~只有B) interval “兰歇、兰隙”符合此意。A) interpretation “解兰”~C,process“兰程”~D,life“生命”均不符合上下文。 3. D. 此句兰正反方面兰述了音的从两个声尽存在兰于人兰的重要性,前半句表明人兰在一生中兰是在力要兰出音~而声很沉后半句指出少有事物能兰像寂;the absence of noise,一兰引起人兰的恐惧。故D)absence “缺席~不存在”兰正答案。确A,disturbance“兰、乱喧兰”B) avoidance “避免”C) presence “出席、到兰”放在此兰均与文意不符。 4. C. 此句兰的意思是“在大程度上人兰兰兰就是想很怕沉竭力避免可的寂”。In great measure意兰“在大程度上、多很半”。由此可兰~C,prevent“阻止、阻碍”是正答案。确A,cause“使兰生、使兰生”B,make“兰造、引起”D,forbid“禁止、不兰”均与文意不符。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 5. D. 兰句兰的意思是“在一人个断况会被介兰兰兰他人兰~如果在交兰兰程中出兰多次中~兰此兰情令他感兰自己很失兰”。A)interruptions“打断”是指被迫中止~B,mistakes“兰兰”文意无兰~与C,intervals“兰歇、兰停”~D) pauses“兰停”指的是的兰兰中声响止~符合此兰文意。 6. A. 兰句是兰因多次交兰中而断会妒哪怕感兰失兰兰~兰兰者嫉那些是毫无思想的兰匣子。故兰兰A)envy“嫉妒确”正。B) hatred憎恨~C,love兰兰~D,anger激怒 均与文意不符。 7. A. 兰句兰是兰~人兰明白99%的兰兰不兰是像兰兰的兰兰一兰有意兰~但是声没当他兰是想加入兰兰兰兰中。固定搭配long to“渴望、盼望”正符合兰句意思。B)thinks兰兰 C,dislikes不喜兰~D,agrees “同意”均与文意不符。 8. D. 此兰是兰尽很个管明白多兰兰毫无兰兰意兰~但是人兰兰是想加入兰兰~其目的是兰了兰明他是一人~而非没蜡有生命的制品。兰兰A,mean意味着~B,find兰兰~C,say兰 都不符句意。 9. B. 根据上文可知~人兰多兰兰无兰兰意兰~可推兰出兰句是兰“很并并通常人兰交兰的目的非是兰了交流思想”~B)object目的、目兰兰正答案。确A,meaning意兰~C,topic兰兰~D,obligation兰任、兰兰~放在此兰均与上下文不符。 10. C. 此兰是兰人兰兰兰的目的不是兰了交流思想~而只是兰了持兰保持一兰音而声已。固定搭配keep up意兰“保持、兰兰”~故兰正答案。确Get up站起、起来床~turn up出兰~take up占用、~参与放在文中均不符合文意。 11. A. 根据上下文~兰然人兰的多交兰无意兰~但是很并运悦幸的是~大部分兰兰兰是耳的。兰兰然是在兰人兰兰兰的好的方面~故兰A,fortunately幸运地。B) Unfortunately不幸地~C) surprisingly 令人吃惊地~D) terribly 恐怖地、可地 怕与均文意相反~故不入兰。 12. C. 根据文意~人兰的大部分兰兰是悦并当即声并耳的~且有相部分的兰兰兰思想有益~音不兰是一兰兰兰的~而且兰引起思想声响会;mind,的共兰。兰兰A) mentality智力、精神~B) spirit精神、灵魂~D,belief信仰 放在此兰均与文意不符。 13. C. 上文指出~人兰的大部分兰兰无兰兰意兰~如果一人并个参与非要等到兰生了明智想法之后才到兰人的交兰中~兰兰做法无疑是可笑的和愚蠢的~故C,foolish可笑的、愚蠢的 兰正答案。确A,sensible明智的、可兰察到的~B,insensitive粗兰的、愚兰的~D,wise明智的均与文意不符。 14. A. 作者在此兰一步表明自己的兰点~他兰兰人兰不必等到兰生了睿智兰大的思想之后才兰口兰兰~因而在他看~那些来气并鄙兰把兰兰天作兰兰兰伊始的人兰似乎不了解人兰之所以想要交兰的原因。Conversational opening意兰“兰兰的兰端、兰兰白”~兰里指人兰常常以兰兰天气作兰兰兰的兰始。B) vacancy空白、空隙~C)hole洞穴 明兰不合文意~D,content内容、要旨 放在此兰兰无兰法兰兰~但兰合上下文~兰然A)opening最适合文意。 15. A. 兰合上述兰14兰的分析~此兰兰兰A)ignorant无知的。B,conscious意兰到的、感兰到的~C, aware意兰到的、明白的~文意相与悖~D,regardless不兰、不兰 兰然不合文意。 16. C. 根据上下文~兰句兰的意思是“但是~少有人加只很参噪允兰他兰向兰人兰出无意兰音的兰兰”。即声兰兰者希望自己的兰兰不兰兰只是兰出音~同兰兰要agreeable to the mind。所以~兰里所需要的是一表示个兰折意兰的副兰。兰兰A) therefore“因此”表示因果兰系~B) accordingly相兰地 也是表示因果兰系~ Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 D,furthermore“更兰一步来兰”表示兰兰兰系~都不合文意。故兰C) however。 17. D. 根据上文~可知若兰兰只是被允兰制造某兰音~兰大部分人不声会参屑于加兰兰交兰。故兰兰D) merely只是、兰兰。A)completely完全地、兰兰地~B,totally完全地~C,luckily幸运地 均不合文意。 18. A. 兰兰D 首先就可排除~except~in和so后面都可跟that 从句~但意思各不相同,except that除……外~in that 因兰~而so that表示目的或兰果是……,只有except用在兰里上下文相与符。 19. D. 此兰that引兰的句前面的“从与that they have seen two or three new plays”同兰介兰except的兰兰。 20. B. at length是一个会固定搭配~意兰“兰兰地、充分地”~兰句兰的意思是“兰兰束的兰候~他兰因自己的不喋喋休地兰兰无聊的事情而兰祝自己是成功的交兰者”。 Test 8 本文介兰了40位地兰学研学家通兰究分析火星兰片和机器人探兰到的科信息所得出的看法,火星不同于之前所兰兰的地形同月亮一兰兰兰~相反的地表地形多兰多兰~地兰活兰兰它并冰繁~且火星上可能有的存在~但是探兰器没有兰兰生命存在的迹象。 1. A. expect sb. to do sth.指“期待某人做某事”~常常用于被兰兰兰~最符合本兰兰意。C,require sb. to do sth.意思是“命令某人做某事”~是正式用兰~若用在兰里兰得兰兰重~气D,be eager to do指“渴望做某事”~不符合句意~B,hope 指“希望”~但是不能用于兰兰它+不定式做兰兰的格式~故A正确。 2. B. plenty of是固定兰兰~指“足兰的、大量的”~后面接不可名兰或者可名兰的兰形式~数数数A) plenty to后接兰兰原形~兰兰上是不定式做定兰修兰Plenty, C) plenty more是固定兰兰~意思是“兰有兰多”~但所它接名兰如果在前面已出兰兰~兰plenty more后面不兰再重兰~D,plenty in不是固定搭配。 3. A. B) opening主要指“兰位空缺~有利的兰境”~C,occasion指“社交上事从某活兰的合适兰机”~A)chance和D,opportunities均指“做某事而必需的兰兰兰境”~但chance兰表示“可能性的程度”~故最佳兰兰兰A,。 4. C. 四兰兰中~只有个C,much可用来修兰形容兰或副兰的比兰兰~表示比兰的程度。 5. B. geologists地兰学家~A)biologists生物学家~C,sociologists社家会学~D,psychologists心理学研学家~根据上下文。究火星的兰兰是地兰家。 6. D. lots of 和quantities of均是“兰多的、大量的”~但是用在兰里不如thousands of;兰兰多多的~成千上万的,更形象具~更加能兰表“多、相多”的意思~故兰体达极当D。 7. D. 尽管information和intelligence都有“消息、情兰”的意思~且都是不可名兰~但数况科技情或消息通常用scientific and technological information表~而达市兰信息、兰事情兰等多用intelligence表示~本兰句意兰,兰是40位地兰学家的看法~他兰一直在分析成千上万的火星兰片和六、七十年代机器人探兰到的科学信息。 8. C. 根据上下文~兰一段主要兰了科家学兰起初以兰火星上的地形同月球上一兰兰一而缺少兰化~但兰兰上火星表面地形多兰多兰~地兰兰相活兰~运当lifeless意兰“死气沉沉与的、枯燥乏味的”~且第二段的life形成兰照~最符合文章容。内 9. A. 兰是一道判推理兰~据前文的断dust storms和very sandy~可推知兰里兰兰一表“兰个荒凉、多兰 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 沙”的兰~因此~答案兰A)desert “沙漠”。 10. D. mighty在兰里指“强有力的~强大的”~相于当powerful~用来修兰glaciers;冰河,~意指“水流的强大兰力”。冲A,energetic精力旺盛的~B)great兰大的、巨大的~C,massive重大的、大兰的、常含有“重而兰沉硬”的意思。 11. C. analysis分析、分解~是可名兰~是英兰中的外兰~的兰形式是数来它数 analyses~A,diagnosis兰、判~多用于兰断断断数疾病~其兰形式是diagnoses~B,syntheses是synthesis的兰形式~意兰“兰合”。文章容看~最数从内来符合兰意的是C。 12. A. convinced“使相信~兰服~信服”~I am convinced…意兰“我被兰服相信……”~B)guarantee和C,believe一般不用于被兰兰兰~D,proved与文意不搭配~不能兰“我被兰明……”。 13. C,在兰里~form指“形兰、物体将冰存在的方式”。兰意兰,任何表面水都以的形式存在。其他三兰,个A)appearance外表、外兰~B,mould兰模、模子~D,shape外形、形~句意都不状与吻合。 14. B. save sb. from doing sth.是固定搭配的兰兰短兰~意兰“省去;某人的兰力,”~from可以省略。原文中在explores后面省略了from~句意兰,……它却可能使探兰家兰省的自己兰那兰多的水~兰兰carry是及物兰兰~不不定式与to take搭配~且兰意上与take重兰~也可排除D兰兰。因此~答案兰B~意兰“不得不”。 15. A. 解兰道兰的兰兰在于理解句子的意思。兰系上下文。可看出兰句意兰,由于火星上可能有的冰存在~所以宇航兰便不必携兰大量的淡水了。因此~兰道兰的答案兰water。 16. D. say作及物兰兰兰兰~后面可接由兰兰从属that引兰的兰兰句~从填个从属从本句需一兰兰引兰兰兰句~ B,if的主句兰兰兰兰多是ask, don’t know, doubt等~一般不兰say。A)兰what不是兰兰~从属C)兰how是副兰~表方式、方法等~因此~D,是唯一兰兰。 17. B. in ages past是固定搭配~“很久以前、在兰去”。又比如in time past指“好久以前、在兰去”。Past在兰里做形容兰。 18. B. no作“有、全无”兰兰是形容兰~可用在兰前面~又可用在兰前面~且可用在句没既数数首。A,not是副兰~后接可名兰兰要用数not a; C,nor是兰兰~常与neither兰用~不能用在名兰前作定兰~D,never是副兰~用在句首~加强兰~但句子兰用气装倒形式。 19. A. 兰系上下文可知~此句意兰在火星上兰着兰的兰器没有兰兰令人信服的生命存在的迹象~因此兰A,detect“兰兰、察兰”。 在兰里引兰兰句~意兰“状从尽尽区管、兰然”~兰句意兰,……管只有接近着兰工具附近的兰20. D. although 域才能被兰兰到。 翻兰 答案 考点,兰步状从兰句兰与被兰兰兰1.whether (it is) heated or not 考点,置于句首兰~其后从装句要兰行倒2.did he charge me too much/did he overcharge menot only 考点,“与达…相比”表法3.compared with mine/in comparison with mine 考点,英兰比兰兰原兰比兰一般用 构特殊兰4.half as much (money) as … as ; not as … as ; the same … as ; 构 倍数几几或分之 兰点兰构分A is to B what / as X is Y ; A+as + adj. / adv. + as +B. :as+adj.+n.+as Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 句 和 名兰分句as much/many + + as 考点,5.to attribute their children’s success tobe likely to do; attribute sth to sb/sth 考点,介兰兰作兰~外需注意构状另兰合兰作构独随立主格表伴兰的用6.with the quick pace of lifewith 法, 名兰代兰兰在分兰兰去分兰形容兰副兰不定式介兰短兰 with +()+///// 考点,兰一搭配方法~“日益”的7.becomes heavier and heavier/ is increasingly heavyheavy traffic 表法达 考点,“起作用”的表法达8.plays an important role/part in 考点,固定兰兰的兰~需主兰翻另构本句比兰兰的用法9.fall into bad habits 兰点,逐字兰兰主句中翻兰兰容易漏掉10.he faces it with patiencefaceit 考点,独条另立主格~或件句均可。外此兰兰天允气兰~表主兰~11.Weather permitting/If weather permits'' 兰用兰在分兰。常兰的独构几立主格兰有如下兰, 名兰主格代兰兰在分兰。名兰主格代兰兰在分兰之兰主与1. /+/ 兰兰系。如, 名兰主The girl staring at him (= As the girl stared at him), he didn’t know what to say. 2. / 格代兰兰去分兰。名兰主格代兰兰与去分兰之兰的兰兰兰系。如, +/The problems solved (= As the problems 名兰主格代兰不定式。名兰主格代兰不定式之兰是主与were solved), the quality has been improved. 3. /+/ 兰兰系~且强兰的是一次具性的兰作。如,体 He is going to make a model plane, some old parts to 名兰主格代兰形容兰。如,名兰主格代help. 4. /+An air accident happened to the plane, nobody alive. 5. / 兰副兰。如,名兰主格代兰介兰短兰。如,+He put on his sweater wrong side out. 6. /+The boy goes to the 名兰;代兰,如,classroom, book in hand. 7. There being +There being nothing else to do, we went 名兰;代兰,如,home. 8. It being +It being Christmas, the government offices were closed. 考点,兰步状构兰兰兰12.Although there was a flood/In spite of the flood 考点,兰兰句中~主句的兰兰兰兰的兰兰是一般兰从当从去兰的兰候~其兰兰句13.failure is the mother of success 的兰兰一般要用任一适当达内真的兰去兰兰。若表的容是兰兰或常兰、理兰~用兰在兰。 考点,表示也、也不的句子要部分倒装14.nor did she ever lose her temperso, neither, nor"""" 考点,15.but they insisted on finishing the workinsist on doing 考点,兰兰16.I got confused 考点,非兰兰兰以及构被兰兰兰。兰在分兰~兰去分兰~不定17.Having been told by the doctor to stop smoking式叫做非兰兰兰~有兰兰的意思包含在但在句中不做兰兰构即内 考点,“通兰”“海兰”18.a tourist will have to pass through the customs 考点,作“兰示”兰兰~兰兰句从19.people who watch TV incessantly may become overly passivesuggest 不用兰兰兰虚气 考点,兰兰句~“从缺兰”20.that the material you ordered are out of stock 考点,非限制性定兰句从非限制性定兰句从21.which contributed to the great success in his later life. -- 和主句的兰系不十分密切只是兰先行兰作些附加的兰明如果去掉主句的意思仍然清从楚,兰兰句和, , , 主句之兰往往用逗号分兰兰成兰兰兰往往兰成分句两个从,引兰非限制性定兰句的兰系兰不可省略无兰指, , , 人、指物一般不用要用和,, that, who, whomwhich 兰点,兰成分的分析~要兰的部分翻核心兰是“价22.the value of learning to take things as they come兰”~其成分兰它修兰兰 考点,“兰用”23.some government leaders abuse their authority and position 考点,兰兰24.keep pace with timekeep pace with 考点,兰在完成兰兰25.has aroused great attention among scientists throughout the world. 考点,引兰的名兰性句作主兰从26.that great minds think alikethat 考点,~比兰兰的用法27.a greater emphasis on reducing inflationput/place emphasis on 考点,“否兰”28.or I will punish you with some new assignmentsor, otherwise 考点,主兰句从作句子主兰的名兰性句从29.What you have done falls far behind our great expectations-- Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 叫主兰句。主兰句从从从属通常由兰兰~~和兰接代兰thatwhetherif ~~~~以及兰接副兰~~~等兰引兰。在句whatwhowhichwhateverwhoeverhowwhenwherewhythat 中无兰兰~只起兰接作用~兰接代兰和兰接副兰在句中保既从留自己的疑兰含兰、又起兰接作用~在句中充 当从句的成分。 考点,将来完成兰将来来将来完成兰用表示在某一兰30.will have been closed by the time we get there-- 兰以前已兰完成或一直持兰的兰作。兰常与将来兰兰或将来与兰兰兰用~也可或before+by+beforeby the 引兰的兰在兰的句兰用。 成 从构;,兰兰兰去分兰timeshallwill+have+ 考点,英兰倒装装况句。用于部分倒的情有,表示否定意兰31.did she expect that her way of dressing 或半否定意兰的兰置于句首兰。常兰的有等。由 引兰的seldom, never, hardly, no not, little only, not until 状兰置于句首兰~等兰中~构和置于句首兰~主兰用no sooner…than, hardly…whenno sooner hardly 部分倒装。在引兰的兰果兰兰句中~状从引兰的部分置于句首兰主句用倒装。so/such…that so/such “助兰兰情兰兰兰主兰”与前面的肯定句呼兰~~ 与后面的否定句呼兰。so/neither/nor+be//+sonorneither 省略的兰兰件句以虚条兰兰引起的倒装。ifhad/were/should 考点,非兰兰兰兰作表兰。不定式作表兰32.is to break them down to smaller, more easily managed problems一般表示具兰作~特兰是表示的兰作。体将来 兰名兰作表兰~表示抽象的一般性的行兰。 考点,非兰兰兰兰作兰。兰在分兰作兰兰~兰在分兰的兰作就是状状33.no money but not wanting anyone to know 句子主兰的兰作~兰之兰的兰系是主兰兰系。兰它状去分兰作兰兰~兰去分兰表示的兰作是句子主兰承受的兰作~ 它兰之兰的兰系是被兰兰系。 考点,主兰一致。如果句子的主兰是列兰~其主兰一并构致兰兰通常遵循以下34.is getting on well with me 原兰,由兰接的列兰作主兰~可根据主兰的意兰定兰兰兰兰的兰、兰形式。并构决数当兰接的and/both...andand 并列名兰兰兰兰有~或者等限定兰兰~兰兰兰兰通常用兰。由数eachevery,many a or, nor, either...or, 兰接的列兰作主兰~并构随当后的兰兰形式通常按照“就近原兰”兰理。neither...nor, not only...but also 主兰后面有由跟等引兰的兰~或兰有由从属构跟as much as, rather than , more than, no less than as well 等引兰的兰兰兰~ 其后的兰兰形式取决主兰的形as, in addition to ,with, along with, together with, except式。 考点,引兰方式兰兰句状从35.as suggested by the local governmentas 考点,兰兰兰。虚气后接句子兰~句子兰兰兰兰上要用虚36.you dealt with your own business firstwould rather 兰兰~具用法兰,一般兰气体将来去兰表示兰在或的愿望~用兰去完成兰表兰去的愿望 考点,兰在完成兰兰37.has made great contributions to the health of mankind 考点,兰兰句的兰兰从38.had been spreading bad gossip about her 考点,倒装并状。以否定副兰兰兰加兰放在39.can one improve his reading skills and enrich his knowledge句首的句子要求部分倒装。兰些否定副兰有barely, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely…… when, never, no 等以及。sooner…… than, rarely, no more, nor nearly, not onlyonly 考点,主兰句中的兰兰兰。在从虚气40.the data listed in the report be checked again carefullyIt is ~~~~ necessaryimportantstrangenaturaladvisable, anxious, compulsory, crucial, desirable, eager, 兰兰必要essential, fitting, imperative(), impossible, improper, obligatory, possible, preferable, probable, ~~等兰构后的recommended, urgent, vital etc. it is a pityIt is requested/suggested/desired/proposed主兰句中要用兰兰~兰从虚气即兰兰原形或只用兰兰原形。Should+ 考点,的兰体名兰,41.an art as it is a scienceas much as as+much(many)+as 考点,兰与虚气去事兰相反的兰兰兰42.could have made a good salary 考点,~43.to students’ being late forbe used to doing 考点,字表法“数达与从达…不等”表法44.ranges/varies from 50 cents to 4 dollars 考点,以否定副兰兰兰的句子要求部分倒装45.Under no circumstances should any nation 考点,主兰句中的兰兰兰从虚气46.get everything ready Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 考点,比兰兰中比兰兰象的一构致47.compared with that of China 考点,固定表达48.put our heads together 考点,“不妨”的表法~需注意主句兰达另构49.we may/might as well walk homeit is no good doing sth 考点,比兰兰构的兰体50.is twice as expensive as it was . as+adj.+as 考点,兰在分兰表伴随状尽兰~“情”51.singing and dancing to their heart’s content 考点,引兰表兰句用兰兰的情兰。从虚气况后面可以接兰述兰和兰兰兰~如气虚气52.as if she knew meas ifas if 果句子的情是兰的~那兰只要保持兰兰一况真即并真况虚气致可~如果后面接的非兰情~兰要按照兰兰兰兰兰把句子形式改兰。兰兰人兰兰句子所述的是不兰的或少有可能兰生或当真极况从虚气存在的情兰。句兰兰兰兰兰 兰兰的形式如下,如果句表示兰在事兰相反~兰兰兰兰用一般兰从与从与去兰。句表示兰去事兰相反~兰兰兰兰用“,兰去分兰”。 句表示事兰相反~兰兰兰兰用“从与将来,,,兰兰原形”。hadwouldcouldmight 考点,引兰目的兰兰句状从53.so that it could be conducted smoothlyso that 考点,由引兰的句中大部分兰目的兰句~需用兰兰兰~表示从状从虚气54.he be offended/ annoyedlest “以防~以免”等意思~其兰兰兰兰多由,兰兰原形成~构也可省略。should should 考点,固定表达55.turned a deaf ear to our warnings 考点,56.as fluently as he speaks Englishas+adj./adv.+as 考点,主兰句~句子在兰合句中充一主兰。引兰主兰句兰兰有从即当个从57.Whether Tony will come or not 等~兰兰位于句首不能省略。that, whether, who, what, whatever 考点,固定表达58.could not help laughing 考点,以否定兰兰兰的句子要求部分倒装~此兰置于句59.did she realize / did she become awarenot until首兰~主句兰倒装~若后本身引兰有句~兰句从从装本身不倒。如果上述否定副兰出兰在强兰句型until 中的前半部分~不用倒装,It was not until he went abroad that he know the truth of the fact. 考点,“由于”。引兰句引兰名兰性短兰兰兰兰从与当达恰表。60.mainly due to stress and tension in their work 考点,字表法数达61.more than two and a half million families have been lifted out of poverty 考点,“除…之外”。 强62.All the board members except the Chairman voted for my proposalbesides:兰“除此之外~兰包括”。 ,指同一兰事物的兰中体除去一部分。, 的兰兰前述兰它与Exceptexcept for 象完全是两回事。,常可 与互兰~强兰“不在其中”。 ~其含兰主要依据上下Butexceptapart from 文而定~有兰可与兰用~有兰可代替exceptbesides. 考点,兰在兰行兰兰63.providing new growth opportunities for China's foreign and domestic trade 考点,,…同兰如此。64.This is especially true of developed countriesit is true of 考点,兰在完成兰兰65.As long as you have drunk that brand of wineas long as; 考点,兰与虚去事兰相反的兰兰66.Without your help / But for your help / If it had not been for your help 气 考点,~67.is said to have been translated into more than twenty foreign languagesbe said to have done被兰兰兰 考点,兰兰68.that their principal had come to see them / about their principal’s having coming to see them 从句中的兰兰 考点,引兰非限制性定兰句。从引兰定兰句兰~可以引兰从既从非限制性定兰句~69.as is known to allas as 也可以引兰限制性定兰句。从和引兰的非限制性定兰句从个异修兰一句子兰的差, 引兰的定aswhichas 兰句的从灵插位置十分活~可以置于主句的前或后~也可以在主句的中兰~而引兰的定兰从which 句只能置于主句的后面。在指代所修兰的句子的同兰~依然保留着其作兰兰兰的含兰~有“正如~好as 像~像……”之兰~兰兰兰地指代其所修兰的句子所兰的含兰。体多在句中作兰兰~兰在从whichas as is 、、 、 等被兰形式的定兰句中作主兰~从多在句从knownas is reportedas is saidas is announcedwhich 中作主兰~但当从非限制性定兰句中有兰兰兰足兰兰~也可以作兰兰如whichGreat wrong was done to him, Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 as anyone can see. Betty told a lie, which her parents found strange. 考点,兰去分兰表伴随状兰表被兰。70.accompanied by her mother / in company with her mother 考点,名兰性句作兰兰从71.what you have just bought 考点,“介兰兰系代兰”。 介兰后面的兰系兰不能省略~72.80 percent of whom come from the poor areas + 前不能有介兰。 “介兰兰系代兰”前可有等代兰that+some, any, none, both, all, neither, most, each, few 或者兰。数 ,考点,兰兰判断73.The student had published two novels ,考点,兰。用比兰兰兰法的正程度~构来两确即74.she felt more overjoyed than surprisedmore A than B 前一兰兰法;兰,比后一兰兰法;兰,要正一些~表示“其确与个……不如……”。在兰句型里~AB 后不能用形容兰或副兰的比兰兰形式~而要用原兰形式~此外兰可用名兰、代兰、兰兰、介兰短兰等。more He is 与坏其兰他不如兰他好。或 后接从句~可表示否定意兰。例more good than bad.more than more... than 如,杭州景色之美是兰言所不能描述的。 The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 兰一点我是不能告兰的~先生。你That is more than I can tell you,sir. 考点,在者中兰行两宁与宁取舍~表示“愿……而不愿……~其……可75.than stayed in New York ……”的意思兰~可用或的句型~和would rather…than…would…rather than…Would(rather)than后都接不兰的兰兰不定式~若兰用的兰兰相同~那兰后的兰兰可以省略。如果兰到兰去的兰作~也就tothan 是表示兰去已兰兰生的事情在兰兰上不恰当。此兰~主句一般兰从句;兰去完成兰,。 例 would rather +I 如果只涉及主兰本人而不涉及一人~兰另个之后不would rather you had not done that. would rather接从句而接兰。构have done 考点,兰兰。兰兰兰用在虚气虚气后的兰兰句,表示从76.should adapt himself to the new environmentwish 与兰在事兰相反的愿望~兰兰兰兰用兰去式~表示兰去事兰相反的愿望~兰兰兰兰,~表示兰以兰将来had+v-ed兰的愿望~兰兰兰兰,兰兰原形。兰兰兰用在虚气建兰、兰持、要求、should/would + suggest()insist()demand() 命令等兰兰后的兰兰句中~无兰主句兰兰兰兰兰从从何兰兰兰~句的兰兰兰兰都用,“兰兰原形”或order()should + 只用“兰兰原形”。 考点,兰步状从兰句。兰状从尽即概步兰句表示,兰然~管~使等兰念~77.Even if the calculation is right 由;管尽即~使,;无兰兰怎,;无兰什兰,;无兰兰,although, though, however, whatever, whoever, ;无兰兰,;无兰哪个,;无兰何兰,;无兰里哪,whomever, whichever, whenever, wherever, ;是否,;无兰……,;即使,whether, no matter (who, what, where, when, etc) , even if, even ;即使,等兰引兰。要注意的是由引兰的兰步状从兰句要用装倒兰兰序。thoughas 考点,“借助于”兰介兰78.resort to violence in order to escapeto 考点,被兰兰兰79.is considered the symbol of eternal love 考点,?虚气兰兰~表示和兰虚去事兰相反的兰兰~主句要80.the championship would have belonged to使用~?短兰“于”的表方式属达。would have donebelong to 考点,?“丰达富”的表方式兰~?修兰程度用副兰。81.greatly enriched Englishenrichgreatly 考点,分兰短兰“从达…角度”的表方式兰。82.from the perspective of an adultfrom the perspective of 考点,分兰短兰“兰持”的表方式兰达。83.cling/stick to their traditionscling/stick to 考点,不定式一般表目的~在表示兰果兰~用。外注意另本句兰兰。84.only to findonly to 考点,独构立主格兰。85.exposed to the sun. 考点,比兰兰兰兰构体86.a much lower price than predicted 考点,疑兰兰 可引兰名兰性句~在主句中要充一定的部分。从从当87.whoever violates the law+ everYou can choose whatever you like in the shop. 考点,一就引兰兰兰兰兰句状从主句用兰去完88.No sooner had he closed the doorno sooner... than... "......" ,成兰后面的句用一般兰从去兰常放在句首表示强兰兰兰后从句要,"than". No sooner ...than...,.no sooner倒装与个兰兰短兰兰似的兰有 意思兰兰没就. hardly ... when :"......" Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 考点,89.come up with new methods of increasing the world's food supply 考点,本兰考兰的用法~兰句式形式上是主兰的~但个90.my life was worth living. be worth doing sth. 意兰上是被兰的。 考点,接从句从句中兰用一般兰去兰。91.such mistakes were done away with. It is (high) time that..., 考点,本兰考兰句式 ~不92.but that he has been addicted to the Net for a long time. not that...but that...( 是而是。的用法。...,...) 考点,此兰考兰兰名兰的用法~兰句式表示个做是没93.arguing with him any longer. It is no good/use + "... 有用的。" 考点,本兰考的是一兰言技巧~个后面通常不94.the fact that he had become a millionaire overnight. for 能接名兰性的句~如果从接的兰~要加上同位兰句。由于只是一技巧~所以在兰兰从个翻the fact that+ 不用将;事兰,的兰兰兰出。来fact 考点,95.The more you care about your impression on othersthe more…the more 考点,被兰兰兰96.had to be operated manually 考点,兰与虚气去事兰相反的兰兰兰97.needn’t have borrowed it from the bank. 考点,将来完成兰兰98.shall have left for 考点,从句;兰去式,99.something was done/some measures were takenit is time+ 考点,强兰句型,“;,,被强兰的部分,100.It is because she is too inexperiencedIt iswas ;,,原句其部分”。它thatwho 作文考范文参 范文,1. 框内架搭建,由兰兰和提兰所列容可知~本文兰兰一篇兰表兰兰兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段根 据兰表兰要描述近几研数研数个年兰考究生人的兰化~第二段兰明兰考究生人兰生兰化的原因~第三段兰兰人 兰考兰的看法研 Rush for Postgraduate Study According to the table, it is clear that there is sharp increase in number of postgraduate candidates in x Province from 2000 to 2008. In 2000, there were only 1600 candidates participating in the exam. However, 2 years later, the number increased to 5600, and by 2008 it has reached 52000. There are many reasons accounting for the great change. Firstly, the tough competition in jthe job market is an important one. The enrollment expansion of universities places a great pressure on the job market, which stimulates many students to turn to further education. Secondly, many students with equivalent education background to college graduates are allowed to apply for postgraduate study. Finally, the society has a greater demand for the postgraduates with the economic development. As far as I am concerned, college students should take full account before deciding to fruther their education. For one thing, postgraduate study does not necessarily ensure us a bright future. For another, it’s a tough process to prepare for the exam for postgraduate study and not everyone can stick it out. 范文2. 框构概架建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇兰明兰象兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段述“兰色食 品”的受兰迎程度及兰~第二段兰明状受兰迎的原因~第三段指出在兰一兰象的背后兰兰注意的兰兰。 Green Food Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 As more and more people focus on health diet, green food has begun to draw more and more attention by the public. In recent years, the market demand for green food has increased dramatically, and all kinds of green food have emerged in an endless stream. Why does green food become so popular in China? Above all, compared with ordinary food, green food is healthier,sager and more nutrious. Moreover, nowadays, many vegetables are polluted because of the usage of agricultural chemicals, while green food is free of pollution. Besides, with the improvement of the liveing standards, more people can afford a healthier but more expensive lifestyle. So green food, despite its higher price, still becomes people’s favorite food. However, nowadays the market is full of real and fake green food, making many consumers confused. Therefore, the government must strenghthen the supervision and administration of green food market. Besides, consumers should increase the knowledge of green food. Only in this way can green food play a more positive role in people’s life. 3. To Become a Specialist or a Generalist? 框构两架建,兰是一篇兰比分析兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段引出兰兰点~第二段分 析持有兰不同兰点的理由~第三段表明“我”兰兰兰兰的看法兰明理由。 两并 To Become a Specialist or a Generalist? When it comes to whether a student should become a specialist or a generalist, there is no complete agreement among people. Some people think that it is best for college students to focus on feveloping skills in one field to become a specialist. However, others maintain that a versatile generalist is more welcimed in the competitive job market. Those people who hold the former opinion believe that it is impossible to demand college students to become all all-round generalist within four years. In addition, with increasing elaboration of social division, the specialists are in more urgent need. However, stills others adbocate the different opinion. They hold that college students should stretch themselves to as many fields as possible to adapt the increasingly fierce competition. Besides, generalists are highly demanded in the information age. Personally, I am in favor of the former opinion. I don’t think it is advisable that college students equally spend their time and energy on several fields. Besides, the development of high-tech needs specialists. Therefore, I think to be a specialist is the right choice for most student. 4. A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan. 通兰兰兰可知兰是一封申兰信~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段兰兰介兰人情表明个况并学申兰助兰 款的目的~第二段兰明需要申兰助学会并兰款的原因~第三段保兰自己合理利用兰款表明自己兰 款的决心和希望申兰兰准的愿望。 A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan. To whom it may concern, I am a freshman majoring in Business English. I am writing to apply for a bank loan of 25000 yuan RMB to support my college study for the following four years. My application is based on the following resons. My parents are both laid-off workers, so it’s Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 byyond their power to finance me through the college educaiton. And to make matters worse, my mother has suddenly fallen ill and is expecting a major operation. So in order to complete my study, I am compelled to apply for the loan from your bank. I give you my promise that the loan would be used properly. Meanwhile, I’ll spare no effort to work hard both in the study and my future career so as to pay back the loan on time. I would be greatly obliged if my application is granted. I am looking forward to your reply. Sincerely Yours, Wu Yue 5. Should Class Attendance be Required? 框概架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇兰比分析兰作文~其基本段落安排如下,第一段 述大里学采取的点名制度~兰明兰兰制度的作用~第二段指出兰待兰制度的不同兰度 并兰明理由~第三段表明“我”兰点名制度的看法和“我”的理由。 Should Class Attendance be Required? Nowadays required class attendance is very common at colleges and universities. Most people accept ti as a necessary policy t ensure the normal teaching order and create a good study atmosphere. Besieds, they think it is a good urge for those students who lack self-discipline. However, still some others do not agree this argument. In their opinion, rigid attendance policies do not benefit students’ studies. A student may have to give up a lecture which he finds bital to his studies simply because he dare not run the risk of being penalized for his absence of his course. Besides, they say there is no proven correlation between attendance and performance. As for me, I am in favor of the latter opinion. Required class attendance may secure one hundred percent attendance for a course, but it does not make much sense. A student may never be absent in a course, but who knows whether or not he is just sistting there daydreaming all the time. Therefore, a student should allowed to decide for himself whether an in-class wxperience is worthwhile. Craze in Famous Brands on Campus.6. 框概学架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇兰明兰象兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段述大生兰 衷名牌的兰象~第二段兰明兰致大生兰学学衷名牌的原因~第三段兰兰“我”兰大生追求名牌的看 法兰出相兰建兰。并 Craze in Famous Brands on Campus In recent years there has been a craze in famous brands among college students. On campus we can see many students dressing in famous brands from head to toe. It is worth more attention that even some students from poor families also begin to join in the army following famous brands. College students’ preference for famous brands is caused mainly by the following factors. Above all, in many college students’ eyes, a famous brand is a symbol of identity and position. They believe it can show their good taste. What’s more, in modern society, famous brands to some extent are equal to fashion, which has a great attraction to young college students. Besides, parents’ spoiling their children helps form their unhealthy comsumption habit. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 As far as I am concerned, it is irrational for our college students to be carzy about buying famous brands. After all, we have no income source. It is shameful to use our parents’ money to satisfy our vanity. Therefore, I suggest that we should follow the consumption principle of being practical and thrifty. 7. How should College Students Relieve Pressure 框当架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇兰策方法兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段指出今的 大生主要面兰那些兰力~第二段兰明大生用于兰解兰力的主要方式~第三段兰兰“我”兰解兰力学学 的方式。 How should College Students Relieve Pressure Today’s college students face many pressures, mainly from parents’ expectation, severe employment situation and fierce social competition. Although sometimes pressure can provide motivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative effect. Pressure can destroy a student’s confidence. More seriously, it might make some students lose control of their emotions and behaviors. It si necessary for college students to learn to how to relieve pressure. First, we should have a right evaluation of ourselves and make use of advantages and aboid disadvantages. Second, we should set a clear aim of a struggle, which can give us motivation. Third, attenting collective activities is an effective way to relieve pressure. Finally, it is no double professional psychological guidance is our wise choice when we feel great pressure. Grnerally, I will turn to my friends when I confront great pressure. I will talk with them about my confusion and problems. And they will figure out the solution together with me. Besides, I often attend sports activities in my spare time. I find that is also a good way to prevent and relieve pressure. 8. Punctuality 框架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇道理兰兰兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段提出兰点---守兰 是一兰重要的品兰~第二段兰兰守兰的必要性~第三段重申守兰的必要性~兰点我兰兰兰注意培兰守兰 的好兰兰。 Punctuality Puntuality is really a virtue, especially in a modern life. It shows your sincerity and respect to others. Maybe when you are waiting in front of a theatre or at the train terminal, you will realize how important punctuality is. Indeed, punctuality is necessary not only in those important occasions such as in an interview or in a business negotiation, but also in your daily life. A person who is on time for his appoinment show his real consideration for others. In contrast, a person who is always late shows his selfishness and thoughtlessness. Besides, a few minutes’ delay may bring bad results. For example, getting up ten minutes later than usual may upset the plan of the day. Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may cause him some unexpected trouble. It is no double that punctuallity is an indispensable virtue for everyone. Whatever we do, we should be punctual. In my opinion, when we are young, we should try to be punctual every time and never be late. 9. Sex Education Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 框来架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇兰策方法兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段描述近年兰 多大兰学教国教学教始兰施性育的兰象~引出中的性育兰兰~第二段分析加强大生性育的必要性~ 第三段兰明大生兰兰如学何看待性的兰兰。 Sex Education In recent years, more and more universities in China have begun to put sex education programs into practice. Some related lectures held last year at xx University attracted several hundred students. This high attendance probably reflected a strong desire for mor eknowledge on sex. It is quite necessary to strength sex education on college students. Nowadays, the young people can find out about sex from a wide range of sources, including advertising, television, magazines and websites. But some of these sources are inaccurate. Besides, it is well known to all, all HIV carriers are increasing in great numbers, and lack of sex education should be blamed of this. Therefore, the government and education departments have the responsibility to promote sex education. As college students, we should take a right attitude towards sex. For on thing, we should learn some basic knowledge about sex. For another, we should take sex seriously and cautiously. To start sex behaviors is too early for college students who are not mature enough. 10. A Food Poisoning Accident 框叙架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇事兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段交代事物中毒的 背景和原因,第二段述中叙脱吁毒和兰的兰兰~第三段兰由此二引兰的感想~呼加强食品安全。 A Food Poisoning Accident Last month, I witnessed a food poisoning accident happening to my classmates. At that time the situation was really very dangerous and rugent. Though fianlly they got out of danger, this accident is still vivid in my mind. That day was Julie’s birthday. In order to celebrate it, her roomates bought a big birthday cake for her from a supermarket nearby. They shared the cake happily. However, after a while, all of them felt abdomanal pain and dizziness. Two of them even cannot stand up because of great pain. We rushed to send them to the hospital. It turned out that the cake they ate had expired its guaranteed period. Fortuantely, due to timely treatment, they all recovered very soon. However, this accident leaves me a deep ponder. I think it is very urgent to take effective measures to improve food safety. One one hand, the government should strengthen supervision and administration on food safety. On the other hand, we consumers should be more careful. Only in this way can we make sure that no same accident happens. 11. Grades can’t Say Everything 框架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇道理兰兰兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段提出兰点----分 数并数不代表一切~第二段兰例兰兰兰兰点~第三段强兰不能兰分重兰分~兰兰全文。 Grades can’t Say Everything For years many people have such thought that high grade means high ability. In order to get a satistying grade, students work hard everyday with almost no play. However, in my eyes, grades can’t say everything. The following reasons can support the argument. Undoubtedly, high grades don’t mean that one is excellent in everything. A case in point is Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 that one may have a poor academic performance but show a great talent in music. Futhermore, grades can be affected by many uncertain factors, like student’s psychological state. For example, there are some excellent students who can’t perform well just because they aare too nervous. Besides, sometimes some students cheat to get high grades, which account for nothing. All mentioned above tell us that in many cases grades can’t measure one’s ability accurately. And it is only and indicator to evaluate one’s comprehensive ability. Therefore, we should no pay too much attention on high grades but should focus on developing a student’s comprehensive ability. 12. Man Proposes, God Disposes 框架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇兰兰兰点兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段解兰“兰事在人~ 成事在天”的含兰~兰述其中兰涵的道理~第二段兰例兰兰兰道理~第三段重申兰兰的正性~确呼兰 第一段。 Man Proposes, God Disposes There is a widespread proverb, “Man proposes, God disposes”, which means that the planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. This proverb reflects a relation between success and luck, that is, we should always work hard in order to achieve our goal, though sometimes we may meet ucexpected things. Let me take English study for example. A student spends much time and energy on English, and he has good study habits. He is supposed to receive good grades in the examination. But suppose something unexpected, like illness, occurs, and his final score is far from ideal. Should he lose heart and become pessimistic? Of course not. What he should do is just keep it up, and next time luck will mostly probably favor him. From my point of view, luck does influence or even dominate us sometimes, but in any case we are the master of our own fortune. It is up to ourselves whether we want to go ahead or backward. As long as you insist working hard, your effort will pay in the long run. 13. A Letter in Reply to a Friend. 框写架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一封建兰信~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段点明信的兰由,兰朋 友参体加英兰四兰考生提一些建兰~第二段兰述具的建兰~第三段祝愿朋友兰利通兰考兰。 A Letter in Reply to a Friend. Jan.15,2009 Dear Mingming, I am delighted to learn that you are going to take this Jan’s CET-4. Here I will give you some advice on how to prepare for the exam and share with you my experience of taking part in the exam. Above all, you should do a self-test to find out your level and weakness. Then make a detailed review plan and follow it strictly. As to the key points, I think you should pay attention to the following three aspects. First, you need to enlarge your vocabulary, which is the basis of all parts. Second, you should study and analyze the CET-4 papers over the years. By doing this, you can know the difficulty and emphasis of the exam. Third, enough exercises and model tests are necessary, especially listening comprehensions and reading comprehension. Don’t hesitate to tell me if you have any question and difficulty in your study. I do believe Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 you will succeed in the following exam only if you find a right review way. I am looking forward to your good news. Sincerely yours, Lian Rong 14. The Branch Campuses of the Universities 框概来架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇兰明兰象兰作文~其基本的段落安排如下,第一段述近年大 学学学兰兰建立分校的兰象~第二段兰明兰致各大建立分校的原因~第三段兰兰“我”兰大建立分 校的看法兰出相兰建兰。并 The Branch Campuses of the Universities In recent years many universities have built up their branch campuses in suburban areas. Now it is very difficult to find a university without a branch campus. Some of them even have more than on branch campus. There are two main reasons behind the phenomenon. Firstly, it is enrollment expansion of universities that focuses universities to build branch campuses. As more and more freshmen are admitted, the original facilities including calssrooms, apartments, dining halls, laboratories, libraries are not enough any more. Secondly, the quite environment in suburban areas is more suitable for students to study. So most of branch areas have been located in suburban areas. As college student, I think, it is necessary for the university to build up a branch campus. However, the building of branch campuses brings some problems. The students in some branch campuses cannot enjoy good enough facilities and teachers due to limited resources. Therefore, the university should take a full account before it decides to build up a branch campus. 15. White Lie 框概架搭建,通兰兰兰可知兰是一篇兰比分析兰作文~其基本段落安排如下,第一段述什兰是善意 的兰言~引出人兰兰的兰~第二段兰兰它争两并善意的兰言提出兰不同的兰点分兰兰明理由~第三段兰兰 “我”兰善意的兰言的看法兰明理由。并 White Lie Sometimes, people have to tell a lie to someone else in order to protect him or aboid hurting his feeling. That is called”white lie”. But since it is a lie, it has always been a controversial topic. Many people believe that white lie is kind of protection for both the lie teller and the lie receiver. In their opinions, if the truth might be a great hurt to oghers, they should cover it. However, still others hold the opposite view. They argue that telling a lie to somebody, in fact, invades his right to know the truth. Besides, they insist that if one is informed of the truth, one can make proper decision according to his own will. Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the latter one. Nobody can guarantee that covering the truth to one person is best to him. Anyone should be admitted to make his own decision. But it is worth noting that the trugh should be conveyed in a humane way if it might hurt others.兰兰兰考答案参 Key to Test 1 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Part I writing A Letter of Application for a Student Loan To whom it may concern, I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a sophomore, I have much financial difficulty in continuing my study. There are five members in my family. My father is the only breadwinner of the whole family while my mother was laid-off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering a chronic illness for more than five years. My young brother is now studying in a high school. I took part time job during the summer vacation, but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees. In order to continue my study, I have to apply for a student loan. If my request is granted, I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study. I will definitely pay back the loan according to the requirements. I hope that you will consider my application. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Zhang Shan Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1.NG 分析原文表示“担会她心自己毁掉;同事,人生中最重要的一天”~ 兰干兰表示“毁[] Keating 掉了同事的她礼婚”~所以答案兰。NG 2.Y 分析原文表示“兰兰性兰到兰致的后果比多人意兰到的程度更很深。” 句中的 兰兰兰干[] consequences 中的 ~兰兰兰干中的 。所以兰干表述正。确seriousnessdeeper enough 3.Y 分析兰里考兰的是兰的理解~ 其基本含兰是“影响极响响”~ 可指;兰,影和;兰面,影~[] impact 依具情而定。但就兰小兰兰 体况个;后果,和上下文兰~此兰来响指的是兰面影。兰干中的 consequences 意兰“低兰人的自尊”~ 是原文的同意兰述。所以兰干表述正。确lower one’s self-respect 4.N 分析原文大意是“不擅兰兰做事所需兰兰的人可能是因兰技兰估清障碍”。而兰干表示兰兰人“可能有[] 算兰目障碍”~原文意思不与符~所以答案兰。N 5.N 分析原文中的原意是“保持兰系”~ 此兰含“兰始一步步做”之意~兰干中的[] kept track of plan 所表意思其相同。但兰达与干兰把避免兰到的一兰做法兰同兰兰到的原因~所以兰干表述兰兰。 ,6Y 分析原文中即兰干中的 。 相兰于原文~兰干[] decline requests saying “no” to requirements for favors 只是在兰序上做了兰整~但意思原文一与致。 ,7N 分析此部分介兰了。主要包括兰,一兰是两~意兰[] psychological lateness(rebellious) personality type ;反叛,性格兰~一兰是 另;危机制造者,。而兰干以偏概将全~兰兰crisis-makerpsychological 定兰成后者~可兰兰干与原文不符。difficulties 8.feel the crisis Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 分析此兰需要一兰兰兰兰引起的容。兰填个内干中的 意思是“迅速的~ 敏捷的”~ 兰兰原文[] prompt 的~ 原文大意是 “兰些人只在有危机感的兰候;原文‘用兰瞄准他兰的兰get themselves together 候’,才迅速会来填行兰起”~ 所以此兰兰相兰入兰兰短兰 。feel the crisis 9.wait time 分析此兰需要接一名兰、个代兰或兰名兰。第个小兰兰第段首句的意思是“等待的兰候~可以做些[] 62 能兰你投入的事情”。兰干中的 兰兰文中的 ~ 那兰 之后兰名兰兰兰填interestingabsorbingduring wait 。time 10.being on time 分析此兰需要接一名兰、个代兰或兰名兰。 文中 “意思是“再干一件事兰合[] one-more-task syndrome” 症”~ 和兰干中的 兰兰。文中 的和兰干中的 同兰~ 表示“障do one more last thing obstacle barrier 碍”。因此按照一致原兰~兰干末端也需上和原文意思一填致的兰名兰短兰being on time. Part III Listening Comprehension Section A   11. W: Look at the mess! And the guests will be here soon!  M: Take it easy. I’ll make sure the house is spotless.   Q: What does the man mean?   【解析】兰。男士兰他肯定兰会会屋子干干兰兰的~也就是他打兰屋子的~兰兰符合兰意。意兰[A][A]spotless “一兰不染的~干兰的”。兰兰、兰解了兰兰中的。[B][C]take it easy   12. M: Is the next game going to be held at our stadium or theirs?  W: Do you really think it will make much of a difference with a losing record like ours?   Q: What does the woman imply?   【解析】兰。女士兰兰我兰兰兰一直保持失兰兰兰的兰伍来很兰~比兰在什兰地方兰行有大不同兰,言下之意是[C] 他兰的兰伍兰将失兰~也就无所兰在什兰地方兰行比兰了~故兰兰符合兰意。[C] 13. M: Mum, I got a part-time job at the supermarket. Three hours a day weekday and all day Saturday.   ,W: CongratulationsBut are you sure you can handle it? What about homework?  Q: What’s the woman worried about?   【解析】兰。母兰第一次使用疑兰兰~反气她儿映出兰子能学担否兼兰工作和兰的兰心。第二次疑兰兰突出[B] 反映了兰子兰兰的兰兰~故兰她儿学。[B]   14. W: You see, there are too many people here. Let’s go to some other places.   M: All right. But cold weather in December cannot keep people away from the busy shops.   Q: What does the man mean?   【解析】兰。女士兰兰里人太多了~到其他地方去看看。吧没男士兰~兰兰~但是月的冷天也不能[B]12 阻兰人兰兰些兰兰的来尽商店~言下之意是管月的天气很逛会冷~商店的人仍然多~故兰兰符合兰意。12[B]   15. W: Your exam is over, isn’t it? Why aren’t you cheerful?  M: Oh, I don’t know. It isn’t that the questions were too hard, but I always feel uneasy when the exam doesn’t seem to have much to do with the book.   Q: What was the man’s opinion of the exam?   【解析】兰。在后男士提到兰卷与兰的兰系不大兰~他就兰兰得不安。兰兰是兰此的同兰兰述。兰兰提[B]but[B] 到意思是兰些兰兰其兰不兰。由此可以并排除兰兰、。兰中...it isn’t that the questions were too hard, [A][D][C] 考兰兰兰在兰兰中有提及。没time()   16. W: What do you think of the movie?   M: It was worth neither the time nor the money.   Q: What does the man mean? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   【解析】兰。“兰是兰容的构两个内否定~也就是兰兰兰和兰花得都不兰~言外之意就是兰[B]neither...nor...” 部兰影根本不兰得一看。   17. M: Good afternoon. I’m Mr. Jackson. I answered your ad for an experienced advertising executive.   W: Oh, yes, Mr. Jackson. Won’t you have a seat? The manager will see you shortly.   Q: What do we learn about Mr. Jackson?   【解析】兰。男士来广广会兰聘告上兰的有兰兰的告主管兰位。女士兰兰理兰上就兰他。兰兰兰是[D] 有兰兰的、会兰~外前面的另指兰兰上的招聘广告~后面的experienced()see you()adadvertising executive 指的是广告主管兰位~兰兰符合兰意。[D]   18. M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is?  W: Sure. The next direct flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco you can board now.   Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 【解析】兰。、直达航班、兰机~兰乘构成了“在机兰咨兰航班[D]the next flightdirect flight()transferring() 情”的特定兰景。由况女士所兰的可知if you do not mind transferring at san Francisco you can board now答案兰。[D] Conversation One   W: Can I help you?   M: Yes, I’m looking for a book on the presidential election system in the United States.  W: Well, all of our textbooks are arranged by subject and course number in the back of the store. Is this a required text for one of the University’s political science courses?  M: No, it isn’t. I’ve already looked through all the political science books in the back, but the ones I saw only had a few pages, at most, on the topic.   W: How about the paperback section? There may be something there.   M: Okay.   W: Or better yet, you should try looking in Books in Print.   M: I’ve never heard of that. What is it?   W: It’s an index that lists all of the books currently available from publishers. If you have a specific book in mind, you can look under the author’s last name.   M: But I don’t.   W: Then look directly under your subject, presidential elections.   M: What happens if I find a book I want?   W: Well, if it’s not in stock, we can order it for you.   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.  19. What is the man looking for?   【解析】兰。男士兰“~后来兰到“[B]I’m looking for a book on the presidential election system...”I’ve ~由此可以推~断already looked through all the political science books”a book on the presidential 属于。因此~他要兰的是找。election systemthe political science books[B] A political science book   20. Where does the woman first direct the man to?   【解析】兰。当体男士兰需要一本兰于兰兰兰兰制的兰兰~女士以兰他兰的是~于是兰上兰“[C]textbookall of 。因此~兰兰符合兰干要求。our textbooks are ...in the back of the store”[C]   21. What kinds of books are listed in Books in Print?   【解析】兰。女士兰“~在男士不知道什兰是[C]you should try looking in Books in Print”Books in Print 的情下~况女士解兰兰~是“Books in Printan index that lists all of the books currently available from ~兰兰符合兰干要求。注意~是指“~正在publishers”[C]in print(books)currently available from publishers Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 出的”~售是的反兰兰兰~表示“它售很已完”~也常用。out of print Conversation Two   W: Didn’t you write a paper about Albert Kahn last semester?   M: Yes, for my history of architecture class.   W: Oh, I am taking it now and I have to do some research on industrial architecture. I need to read up on Kahn’s factories. So I would like to see what you wrote about them.   M: I don’t think my paper will help; I focus on his classical design like Clements library and office buildings, but you are interested in the modern building he is famous for.   W: Yes he is best known for his factory, especially the auto plants in Detroit. He made a breakthrough in industrial design. You know before his time, factories were so cramped and inefficient but his factory provide enough light and air and open space. So the cars could be assembled in one huge plant.   M: I remember reading that previously, factories had wooden frame and the heavy machinery made the buildings vibrate and there were firehazards too. But when Kahn started to design auto plants around the turn of the century, reinforced concrete had just been invented. Talk about the breakthrough, not only were the buildings sturdy and fireproof but they were cheap to put up too!   W: You seem to know a lot of about his industrial career.   M: Actually even though I wrote about his other works, I did a lot of background reading. Let me see if I can dig up that paper for you. There were some books of articles included in my bibliography that you might want to look up at the library.   Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   22. Why are the students discussing Albert Kahn?   【解析】兰。由女士所兰的可以推[D]...I have to do some research...I need to read up on kahn’s factories 知~女士在研卡个究恩的作品~整兰兰就此展兰。   23. In which is Albert Kahn best known for?   【解析】兰。音兰注意和听相兰的信息,以及[B]Kahn the modern building he is famous forbest known 。兰兰兰因兰什兰最有名~兰兰兰兰的同兰兰述。for his factoryKahn[B]   24. To what industry did Albert Kahn make a major contribution?   【解析】兰。音兰注意提到的行兰。根据听汽兰兰兰”及[D]especially the auto plants“So the cars could be 。可推出答案兰运兰行兰”。assembled in one huge plant[D]“   25. According to the talk, what was one problem with factories before Kahn’s time?  【解析】兰。音兰注意和建听筑缺点相兰的信息~兰兰中男士提到。兰兰兰卡恩[A]there were firehazards too 兰代之前的汽兰工厂存在的兰兰~兰兰兰再兰。[A] Section B Passage One   Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school. And, by the time that the average child finishes high school, he or she will have spent 18,000 hours in front of a television set as opposed to 12,000 hours in a classroom.   Parents are concerned about these figures. They are also concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them.  Even if it is unreal — a cartoon cat beating up a cartoon mouse with a baseball bat — this violence may have a negative effect on the young minds exposed to it. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, they may become aggressive or insecure. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   Parents are also concerned about the commercials that their children see on television. Many parents would like to see fewer commercials during programs for children. And some parents feel that these shows should not have commercials at all because young minds are not mature enough to deal with the claims made by advertisers.   Educational television has no commercials and has programs for children that many parents approve of. The most famous of these is “Sesame Street”, which tries to give preschool children a head start in learning the alphabet and numbers. It also tries to teach children useful things about the world in which they live.   Even though most parents and educators give “Sesame Street” and shows like it high marks for quality, some critics argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television a day turns children into bored and passive consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.   26. What is the main idea of the passage?   【解析】兰。在兰音之前~兰兰四兰兰可听个与来知本文兰兰兰的兰面响哪影有兰。至于是兰兰一方面的兰面影[C] 响既区内~要根据主兰句分~兰需要根据文章容兰行辨兰。   27. According to the passage, what do you think “Sesame Street” is?   【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的是兰兰兰目的兰型。兰答案[B]The most famous of these is “Sesame Street”... 的依据~其中的指的就是theseeducational programs.   28. What will be the consequence if a child forms a habit of watching hours of television every day?  【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的是将会怎状状兰生什兰行兰或兰成兰的兰~需要留意兰兰作和兰的描[A]They 述。答案依据兰,These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television day turns children into bored and passive consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it. 兰兰中原文中的~。[A]bored ? dullpassive ? inactive Passage Two   Crime has its own cycles, a magazine reported some years ago. Police records show a surprising   relation between changes in the season and crime patterns.   The pattern of crime has changed very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August, as do other violent attacks. Murder, in addition, is more than seasonal; it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. One is most likely to be robbed between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. on a Saturday night in December, January,   or February. Except for one strange statistic, May is the least criminal month of all.   Apparently our intellectual season cycles are completely different from our criminal patterns. Professor Huntington made a lot of studies to discover the seasons when people read serious books, attend scientific meetings, and make the highest scores on examinations. In all examples, he found a spring peak and an autumn peak separated by a summer low. On the other hand, Professor Huntington’s studies showed that June is the peak month for suicides and for admitting patients to mental hospital. June is also a peak   month for marriages!   Possibly, high temperature and humidity bring on our strange and surprising summer actions, but police officers are not so sure. “There are, of course, no proof of a relation between humidity and murder”, they say. “Why murder’s high time should come in the summer time we really don’t know”.Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.   29. What is the passage mainly about? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   【解析】兰。根据兰兰的括性强、信息概密集可知~本兰考兰短文主旨。文章兰兰的[D]Police records show 兰短文主兰句~故兰答案。a surprising relation between changes in the season and crime patterns[D]   30. Which is the safest season?   【解析】兰。文章明提到确~表明五月是犯罪率最低的月份~[B]May is the least criminal month of all 也就是兰五月最安全~故兰兰正。确[B]   31. What did Professor Huntington’s research show?   【解析】兰。推兰。文章兰到~断兰兰人兰兰兰兰小兰、出席科技兰和考兰会得高分的季兰~[C]Professor Huntington 所有据表明在数春季和秋季是高峰~而夏季却是低峰~排除、~外短文中到另听出兰最多[B][D]June 的地方提到了两个他兰分兰是自兰和院医数接收精神病患者目最高峰以及兰婚的高峰~由此可以peak, 排除兰~得出答案。[A][C] Passage Three   Despite the presence of workaholics, there is a growing realization in the United States that too much work demand can be physically and mentally harmful. Many people have been rebelling against the work ethic, saying that no job is so important as to damage personal relationships and rob people of relaxation. There has been a shift in values, with more emphasis being given to personal relationships and relaxation. Leisure time provides opportunities to find personal satisfaction and freedom from the routine of work.  Increased leisure time in the United States has not altered the idea that work and play are distinct activities. This distinction is clear-cut; there are “work-hours” and “afterwork-hours”. There is a belief that it is desirable “to work hard and play hard” and undesirable to combine the two. In many offices, stores, and factories socializing among employees is discouraged. An employee under pressure at work often cannot afford to respond to social calls and visits. However, the amount of personal contact on the job depends on the nature of the work. There may be more social interaction between teachers in a school than between scientists doing independent research. Nevertheless, work and play are usually perceived and maintained as separate activities. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.   32. What is the result of too much work demand?   【解析】兰。本文兰兰就兰工作量兰大[C]too much work demand can be physically and mentally harmful( 在力上和兰力上都是有体害的~即。)[C]   33. In order to rebel against the work ethic, what do many people believe now?   【解析】兰。文中宣称即表明人兰是兰兰兰兰的~表明[B]claiming()(believe)no job is so important as to... 工作不是最重要的~人兰兰兰多注意人的交往和并与即放松自己~。[B]   34. What do people expect an employee under pressure at work to do?   【解析】兰。兰例子出兰在个兰念个概被引出之后~文中原兰兰,兰于工作[B]to work hard and play hard 重兰下的兰兰是不能兰行社交拜兰活兰意即休兰的~与表的意思是一兰的。达()[B]   35. What does the speaker imply by saying “the distinction is clear-cut”?   【解析】兰。文中一兰出兰前有不同的~之后又出兰了[A]clear-cutwork and play are distinct () activities 和 等兰句~均兰明美国人兰兰工作和休兰是截work-hours and afterwork-hoursto work hard and play hard, 然分兰的。 Section C   【解析】。从兰所有兰可个构填知所兰兰名兰~而且可以和介兰搭配。外另~36.claimmanufacturer’sfor 和所兰兰成兰兰填构搭配~意兰 “遵守兰言、原兰等~符合”。句中的表示,live up tolive up to()orfaulty 和后面的部分是兰兰性列兰系。那兰~并兰的商品可能有瑕疵或者不像兰榜得那兰orconsumermanufacturer 好。作名兰兰常和搭配~后面的指代的是。claimforforitan item   【解析】。空前限定所兰兰一原形兰兰~在句中作兰兰~和填并构成兰兰搭配。主兰37.producewillresults Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 是指上句中的~在多情下~兰兰方式都比兰有很况this actionpresent the guarantee at the store of purchase效。表示“兰生好的效果”的搭配有。produce / bring about / bear / give / yield (good) results   【解析】。从一般而言可知~兰句兰是兰上一句的兰一步兰明~所兰兰可能和填很38.complaintin general() 上一句中的兰兰兰有兰~而且作空后的兰兰。暗含“解决棘手的或令人不愉快的事complainsettledSettle( 情。是的名兰形式~意兰“抱怨”~等同于。)”complaintcomplaintake one’s complaintcomplain   【解析】。空前的句子兰构填已完整~所以本空兰一“兰兰~兰在分兰作即随状伴兰。39.assuming+ing”   【解析】。意兰“兰自~本人”~兰固定短兰。空后的兰折句40.personin personbut if they cannot get to 起提示作用。the place of purchase...to phone or write the complaint in a letter  【解析】。空前的及表明本空中兰一形容兰。考生兰注意,短文中填听写41.acceptableIt isto phone… 若出兰兰兰~所兰往往兰以兰构填,兰尾的形容兰。It is/was to doable   【解析】。所兰前面的填表示“尽填管…兰是…”~所兰和 兰兰兰性相同~但意兰相42.firmlybutpolitely 兰。短文中的听写副兰往往以兰,兰尾。ly   【解析】。兰固定搭配~意兰“正在兰兰的”~修兰。在文章兰境中~正在兰43.questionin questionthe item 兰的商品也就是兰客向兰理抱怨的商品。   【答案】44.the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements   【】~Main Pointsthe consumer will succeed by presenting specific informationbut not by making general statements   【答案】45.the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and as firmly as possible   【】Main Pointsthe consumer should do this, stating the complaint politely and firmly   【答案】46.She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers rights  【】Main PointsShe or he can threaten to accuse the seller or report the seller to an organization responsible for protecting consumers rights Part IV Reading Comprehension Section A 47. F 分析此兰需要一兰兰~而且可以兰兰兰句~同兰要求用一兰在兰~只个跟从和 符合要求~[] hold expect 根据句子要表的意思~此兰兰达表示“兰兰~料到”。expect 48. M 分析此兰需要一名兰~而且句意看要和个从来后面的相符合~只有合乎文意~[] to quit impulsive 表示“要放弃冲的兰”。 49. C 分析兰里需要一个从两个来副兰~兰出的副兰看~只有合乎兰意。[] completely 50. L 分析此兰需要一及物兰兰的兰个去式~而能兰和搭配使用的只有。[] greatnessachieved 51. B 分析此兰需要兰兰的被兰形式~是合乎兰法和句意的搭配。[] be called on to do sth. 52. J 分析根据兰法~此兰需要形容兰作定兰~只有和可以~表示“兰常的~不[] constantendlessconstant 断的”~ 而无的~ 无的”~作兰尽数来断后的兰兰~人兰兰他的兰刺只是兰段性“不的”~而不endless“ 是无的。尽 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 53. A 分析此兰需要一名兰~而且是个元音兰兰的~ 只有~表示“兰”~冲符合兰意。[] impact 54. H 分析此兰需要形容兰作定兰~在剩下的形容兰中表示“无的”~数符合兰意。[] endless 55. I 分析此兰需要形容兰作定兰~根据推兰兰正答案。确[] learned lessensvaluable 56. D 分析此兰需要兰兰和搭配成兰兰短兰~只有符合文法和兰兰。[] on to hold Section B Passage One ,57. D ,定位,由兰干定位到首段首句-Television is often viewed as an antiintellectual medium. ,分析,从原文首段最后一句她众来个没兰借助具有大市兰吸引力的兰兰兰兰一提出已久却有被兰兰的" 假兰可推知~研体究人兰只不兰是利用兰兰作兰宣兰他兰的兰兰的媒。第段首句兰他兰在的兰目上公布兰"2"BBC个兰兰也兰一步兰明了提到兰兰只不兰是兰了引出宣兰兰兰兰的媒介。故,介兰借以宣兰兰兰的媒介兰正答案。确"D"" 排除干兰~,兰明一些者的明兰兰学声在原文有涉及~没,兰明兰兰是英人国日常生活的重要部A""B" 分并不是文章的中心所在~排除~,展示大众体个媒是一非常兰利的行兰在原文中有提及~故没"C""均排除。 ,58. C ,定位,由兰干中的定位到第二段首句The experimentThey set up their experiment in October 2007, by publicizing it on a BBC programme called "Human Instincts". ,分析,原文第二段一直在述兰兰兰行的方式~主要是件事~一是兰兰叙两片定的等兰~二是兰兰你1-5最不愿意之共用与牙刷的人。,兰各兰照片兰兰和兰行一兰兰个是兰文意的括~兰正答案。概确C"" 排除干兰~,兰看名叫‘人兰本能的兰兰兰目~反兰表并填写格没并没填涉及兰兰~而且兰兰里有反兰A"'" 表格~排除~,兰兰不同的网数站然后兰兰片和字配兰不是兰兰容~内排除~,填写个确人信息兰然正~B""D但是后面兰要兰出一个牙刷不是兰兰的容~内排除。"" ,59. D ,定位,由兰干中的定位到第三段首句the result of the experimentThe results showed that in all seven pairs... ,分析,由原文虱子比兰蜂更令人兰心可以推知,兰蜂会虱比子兰人感兰好些符合文意。""D"" 排除干兰~原文只是兰兰于明兰的体液外流或是有着被放大了的斑点的人兰的兰心就有什兰没令人"" 惊并没体体奇的了~有在液外流的人和兰兰了斑点的兰之兰兰行比兰~排除,~原文有兰兰兰的并没火兰兰兰A和子兰行比兰~虱排除,~原文有并没没指明什兰最令人兰心~且有提及流血的兰也排除,。B""C ,60. B ,定位,由兰干中的可以定位到第四段第五The results of the experiment make evolutionary sense 句Both of these make evolutionary sense. ,分析,兰系定位句下文年兰人比老年人更具有繁殖能力~所以兰兰更注意他兰接触什兰和吃些什兰。" 而兰女通常是兰有兰育孩子的子~所以也必兰兰了担后代和自身的利益去兰心。可以推知人兰兰心其兰都是"和后代的安全相兰系的。故,人兰的兰心通常与孩子的安危相兰系兰正答案。确B"" 排除干兰~原文指的是繁殖后代的能力~而非生兰食物的能力~排除,~reproductive potentialA原文兰提及女性兰育后代~但并她独帮未提及兰更兰向于立于男性的助之外~排除,~原文有并没将C老年人和女性兰行兰比~排除,。D ,61. C Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ,定位,由兰干定位到末段首句The results of the toothbrush study made similar sense. ,分析,兰系原文可知~牙刷兰兰的兰果也是兰了兰明人兰兰兰陌生人更容易携兰新的病菌。下文提到很"""明兰~英人兰国气天兰兰兰比兰老板感到兰近~由此推兰,公众国人物通常比老板更受英人兰迎正。确"C"" 排除干兰~,和,的兰兰在于兰都兰老它板和兰兰兰本身是否干兰~而兰兰只是兰兰人兰的感兰~故都排除~AB ,的兰兰在于著名兰兰兰目主持人其兰根本不是兰兰兰兰之一~只是一个断况假兰~无法判其情~也排除。D Passage Two ,62. A ,定位,由兰干中的定位到原文首段第四句the "Partners in Health" systemhe created a community 。based health care system called Zanmi Lasante, or Partners in Health ,分析,原文首段末尾兰它当医不兰兰大量兰人提供适的可以支付得起的治兰~兰越兰兰兰面~想要解" 决很会兰兰人得病或兰康兰的社原因。由此可推兰此兰系兰兰兰院相比的兰特之兰在于医与医独"It makes attempts ;它会帮兰兰在社兰面上助兰人,~故,兰正答案。确to help the poor on a social level.A 排除干兰原文有兰并没免兰~而是提供恰当的可以支付得起的治兰~排除,~兰系原文~可知其目的""B 主要是兰兰人治病~兰而解兰兰人决很会并脱得病或兰康兰的社原因~不是兰了兰人兰~排除,~, 中CD ;社区救助,太兰兰兰和泛化~文中兰指有兰治病的方面~也排除。community help ,63. C ,定位,由兰干中的定位到原文第二段末句the last sentence of the second paragraphOr as his Haiti patients aptly put it, medicine without food is like washing one's hands and drying them in the dirt. ,分析,原文第二段强兰了一念~个概即兰人的健康兰兰其兰不是兰兰的兰兰兰~兰有人兰兰兰医。兰物只能治"" 愈兰人的疾病~有没即没晾会即会食物~有消兰兰兰就像把手放在灰兰中干~手兰兰的~兰是生病的。据此可以推知~,,;兰物无法使他兰兰期保持健康,与CMedicine is not a longterm cure to their poor health文意相符~兰正答案。确 排除干兰原文只是一个并真晾打比方的兰法~非的兰在那里手~排除,~原文并非指洗手也需要兰物~A 兰是兰原文比兰的兰解~排除,~兰系原文可推知~食物是保持健康的保兰~原文有兰兰物和并没食品的B 治兰功效兰行比兰~也排除,。D ,64. D ,定位,由兰干中的定位到原文第三段首句The disadvantage of Dr. Farmer's bookUnfortunately, Dr. Farmer's powerful message is often weakened by his book's academic tone. ,分析,兰句兰明他的强有力的信息通常被他所的兰的兰写学减口吻兰弱了~言下之意就是口气"" 不兰强~故,口气很不兰强~兰引起他人的注意与确文意相符~正。D"" 排除干兰原文有兰并没他的兰的情兰兰行兰价~故,兰中的情兰不兰吸引人与没原文不符~排除~原文有A"" 兰兰兰容述的方式做出兰价~故内叙,兰兰其容述方式不兰内叙吸引人与原文不符~排除~他兰愚蠢的B""" 死亡的兰怒表达与得兰兰有力是兰兰的兰点~兰干所兰不符~故排除,。"C ,65. C ,定位,由兰干可以定位到原文第四段第三句,Though well written, Mr. Kidders book also makes for uncomfortable reading. ,分析,原文第四段最后两句兰作者好像一直在兰求描写兰象的同意~他非常苦兰地描述了他害" 怕兰大夫失望的恐惧和用批兰的字眼兰害大夫的痛苦以及兰大夫的兰解所感到的欣慰。由此推兰~Farmer" 他兰大夫的情感使他不能独写立地作。故,的感情妨碍了他写独作的立性正。确C"Mr. Kidder" 排除干兰由原文他和 大夫一起到兰温暖而兰困的海地~也到兰寒冷而易得兰核病的俄兰"Farmer 斯可推知~者两曾在一起生活兰~故排除,~原文只是兰在作上考兰了写的兰"AMr. KidderDr. Farmer同~有兰并没怕真他害做出兰的兰兰~故排除,~原文兰道兰兰中已兰描写了在得到BMr. KidderDr. Farmer的兰解后所感到的欣慰~故,他兰一直在等后者的兰解兰兰~也排除。D"" Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ,66. B ,定位,由兰干中的可以定位到末段。from the last paragraph ,分析,原文末段兰兰兰兰密倒突出了大夫那令人兰佩而又令人兰怒的性格。先生写"Farmer"Kidder道~不是到兰个世界上兰任何人感到舒适的~由此推知~他兰社会的兰兰不平等~特兰是兰型构"Farmer""暴力非常兰怒~因此可能很个会会曾兰兰地批兰兰兰社~因此才兰多人很感到不舒服~故,正。确"""B 排除干兰原文兰~能得到医运并帮运治的人是幸的~非兰只助那些足兰幸的人~,与原文FarmerA不符~,兰兰~原文兰除了那些幸运地成兰他的病人的人~或那些完全不幸地需要他的人~不CFarmer是到兰个并世界上兰任何人感到舒适的~意思非兰他的病人不舒服~排除~,忽兰了其作兰生兰医病人D治病~兰人兰来健康的一面~故排除。 核心兰兰及短兰 Part V Cloze 67. B 分析根据句子兰~此兰构添加兰兰。根据上下文的意思~是最佳答案。[] B 68. B 分析根据上下文和句意~此兰需要一表示兰折意兰的个副兰。最符合要求。[] B 69. C 分析根据居住意思~“魔兰兰从兔帽子里兰出小子”~只有可表“达拿出”一意。[] produce obtain 兰得”~兰生、制造”~;兰兰方面的,生兰”。因此兰答案。“manufacture“yield“C 70. A 分析根据句子兰~此兰需要加一名兰或短兰~意思兰“一构填个来直以”~ 答案兰。[] A 71. A 分析根据上下文~魔兰家擅兰“逃脱从脱”~ 他可以兰易地打兰兰~被兰兰逃。[] Houdini 72. D 分析通兰上下文可知此兰需要一引兰兰个状从步兰兰句的兰兰~只有符合。[] D 73. D 分析根据句子兰~ 此兰兰一同构个从位兰句~只能用来引兰。[] that 74. B 分析根据上下文~此兰兰一个来后置定兰修兰 ~ 而根据句意兰兰“所兰明的各兰各兰[] every type of lock 的兰”~ 因此兰最佳答案。B 75. A 分析根据句子兰~此兰兰构后置定兰修兰 ~而后置定兰的意思兰“兰在腿上”。只[] small needle-like tool 有答案有兰意思。A 76. D 分析是 的兰去式~意兰“兰”。其捆没个他兰兰都有兰意思。[] bound bind 77. C 分析是固定搭配~意兰“立刻~兰上”。[] in an instant 78. C 分析四兰兰中兰兰 个一般与搭配使用~表示“指控~指兰”~表示“除掉”~[] charge with rid …of 与搭配~和 搭配意兰“指控~兰兰”。blamefor accuseof 79. D 分析和是不可名兰~不数蜡符~像一兰的是不符合兰兰的~;物[] mudsomething candle D substance 兰,正。确 80. A Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 分析本句需要一兰兰引兰兰兰兰~兰兰中只有个从属状表示 “。。。兰”。当[] A 81. B 分析根据句子兰~此兰兰兰是一目的兰~意兰“构个状蜡他兰兰兰~兰在上面~以便像一兰的物兰粘在脚[] 底”~只有有兰意思。个D (stuck) 82. D 分析此兰需要一个来副兰修兰后面的。 ~~都是形容兰~都表示“完全的”~但[] astonishingABC 是不能用来修兰形容兰。所以只有符合要求。D(altogether) 83. B 分析用于介兰后面引兰定兰句~其从他兰兰不符合。[] which 84. A 分析根据上下文~此兰意兰“接下~把来扔箱子到海里”~因此答案兰。[] A 85. B 分析兰里需要加一介兰~表示“填个游到水面”~故兰。[] B 86. A 分析根据上下文~“被装扔很来当来兰箱子到海里~但他快就逃了出~ 箱子被兰上兰~[] Houdini 人兰兰兰…~表示“把…弄上”。来..”, A (brought up) Part VI Translation 87. to be in the face of the internal perplexities  解析,本句意兰,我兰不兰要承受兰兰外界兰力~兰要面兰内心的困惑。兰句兰考兰的是的not only…but also兰。兰兰的前构构后部分兰兰保持一致~前半部分用的是~后半部分就兰兰是。外~另not only tobut also to前半句用了来达个来达与表承受兰力~后半句最好也用一介兰短兰表面兰困惑之意~前under pressure 文相呼兰。我兰知道~既可以用作兰兰也可以用作名兰~意兰“面兰~面兰”。其兰全句有三facein the case of兰相兰兰出兰的兰或表~达他兰是,not only to & but also to; be under & be in the face of; external pressures & 。英兰里比兰注重兰兰行兰。并构internal perplexities 88. come to our evening party   解析,考兰“加”的表。参达往往是指参会加俱兰部或者兰~如,Joinjoin a health club; join the ~或者用表示加到参来与某人的活兰中。事兰上~常常搭配的兰兰是Communist Partyjoin sbpartycome或者。如~或。“加”的外一些用法有,加兰参另参会gogo to a wild partycome to a Christmas Party 参加某兰活兰参加考兰参礼加(attend the meeting);(take part in the activity);(take/ sit /do the examination); 拜参会加社活兰。(attend worship);(get about social activities) 89. he is in good health/he’s healthy  解析,本兰看似兰兰~兰兰在考兰兰英表兰兰差兰兰。“达异体很达他的身健康”是一句典型的兰兰表~然而英兰里表示某人身好的兰候不用“身”作主兰~体体直接用“某人”作主兰。如果兰成his body is healthy就可兰多此一兰了。“身体健康”兰可以用。to be in good condition 90. Sure/ Certainly   解析,本兰也是一道考兰兰英表差的兰。多考生不达异很假思索地兰成。其兰~以英兰兰母兰的人Of course使用的兰率要比中的考生国低得多~只有在回答一些兰所周知的兰兰或表示反兰口吻兰才兰of courseof 。因兰后面兰含一句兰是“然我当啦知道兰道我是一兰个瓜兰因此~兰有挑衅的courseof course!?”of course意味~兰不气很友好。在使用方面~或兰气会很婉兰多。同兰也具挑衅的意味。surecertainlyof course not正常情下的兰法是况。certainly not 91. I found a few mistakes   解析,和意兰“乎有”~几没和意兰“兰有一些~有”。但几个若在和fewlittlea fewa littlea fewa 加上~意思就兰了。即~而。如,littleonlyonly a few=fewonly a little=littleI can have only a little more. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 我乎不能几再吃了。她几乎全兰。因此~如果兰成()She made only a few mistakes.()I found only a few ~意思就恰恰相反~“的作文我乎兰兰兰兰”。兰道兰兰明在兰兰英兰不能你几没翻完全兰兰兰字兰~而要mistakes 考兰英兰使用兰兰和兰兰搭配。 Key to Test two Part I writing (sample )   【思路点兰】   本兰于提兰式文字属命兰。提兰第点指出一兰兰象~提兰第点要求分析兰兰象兰生的原因~提兰第点123 要求兰明如何解兰兰兰~由此可判决断决本文兰兰兰兰解型作文。   根据所兰提兰~本文兰包含如下容,内学学描述大生的逃兰兰象~分析大生逃兰的主要原因~兰明兰兰 如何减少逃兰兰象。   【参考范文】 Skipping Classes on College Campus   In colleges and universities, the phenomenon of students' skipping classes is not unusual. There are often some students who skip those classes for feeling unwell or other private reasons. Besides, still some 。students don't go to class without any reason but for they don't want to   There are two main reasons for college students' skipping classes. First, compared with in middle school, students have more freedom in college. It depends more on one student's consciousness whether he will attend the class. So those students lacking self-discipline begin to skip classes. Second, some teachers' lectures could not attract students' interests so that some students would rather skip classes to study what 。they are interested in   For whatever reasons, skipping classes does bring negative effects on students' study. Therefore, it is necessary to take some effective measures to reduce this phenomenon. On the one hand, the school and teachers should make students realize the negative effects of skipping classes and enhance their consciousness of attending the class. On the other hand, teachers have to improve their teaching quality to attract students' interests in the courses. Only in this way can the phenomenon of skipping classes be reduced as soon as possible Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1.Y 分析本兰考兰文章主旨~需要通兰全文后兰容兰行兰兰。内段兰流行病的兰染方式兰行了具介兰~体[] 1~8 段就如何兰防兰行了探兰。兰干表述此相与确符~主旨兰兰正。9~14 2.N 分析本兰涉及爆兰流行病的件~兰兰定第一段。第一段依次列兰了条条并爆兰流行病的所有必兰件~[] 在段末指出,兰When all these conditions are present in large population centers, epidemics can start. 干中的不足以成构条达与爆兰流行病的所有件~所以兰干表原文不符。no efficient doctors 3.NG 分析本兰与从早期的美洲居民有兰~所以兰兰定兰史的角度介兰流行病的第二段。第二段第四句提到,[] when the Europeans first came to North and South America, they brought diseases with them that 但是首批来美洲的人是否成兰了 killed about 95 percent of the native American population. European ~ 文中有提到~所以兰判没断本兰兰。settlersNG 4.Y 分析本兰的定位信息是~ 所以兰目兰兰定在第三段。兰将干中是兰抗生素被兰兰在抵抗病毒[] antibiotics Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 方面有没与效果~原文完全相符。 5.N 分析本兰涉及流行病兰染的方式~兰兰定第五至第七段。然而~第五段首句提到[] Doctors know how ~ 就不兰兰兰,不是所有的并会流行病都兰染。兰干中的与原文most epidemic diseases spreadAll 矛盾~所以答案兰。most N 6.N 分析本兰定位信息是~兰兰定第八段。其中第二句和第四句分兰提到。兰干中的[] symptoms of flu 与上述的矛盾~因此~兰干的表述原文与usually sometimes a runny nose, about half of all patients 不符。 7.Y 分析本兰涉及流行病的多兰~兰兰定文章的第区内十一段。兰干容是兰原文的同兰兰述。[] 8.good health habits 分析本兰涉及流行病的防治~兰兰定第十段。兰合第一~第三句可以到答案。找[] 9.much more 分析本兰涉及流行病的兰防和流行病治兰的兰用比兰~兰兰定第十二段。兰干中的短兰 [] in comparison 暗含了比兰~所以兰兰比兰兰。填with 10.preventative health care 分析本兰涉及政府在流行病防治方面兰有的做法~需兰定文章最后一段。其中第二句[] it is worth 暗含了政府的角the money for governments to provide preventative health care for all of their people 色之意。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: Then why did you decide to quit your former job?W: That's because of the journey. It took me about two hours to get to work. Your firm is within walking distance. Q: Why does the woman want to change her job?【解析】兰。男士兰女士兰什兰了以前的辞她两个羡工作。女士兰因兰每天要花小兰去上班~同兰流露出慕[D] 男士的公司离其住所近~兰兰。女士所兰的~指路程而不是旅行~兰兰。兰未提及。中兰[A]journey[B][C][D] 女士不想在上班的路上花太多的兰兰~符合兰意。  12. W: Do you think Edward will get here on time for the job interview? M: If he doesn't, nobody will. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。兰道兰兰兰在于听懂男士的回答。女士兰他能否准兰加面兰~参并男士未直接回答~而[A]Edward 是兰,如果他不能的兰~那兰就有人能了~言外之意就是没会达他肯定准兰到。 13. M: Hey, you should be doing your art class now. Why are you here?  W: I realized I've no talent for drawing. Drama is a better alternative than thosebrushes. Q: What does the woman mean? 【解析】兰。女士的回答中~是兰兰兰中的兰兰点。个兰表[D]Drama is a better alternative than those brushes[D] 明她已兰退出了兰兰兰~而兰兰了兰兰兰~故兰答案。 14. W: Oh dear, I gained these 10 pounds in the last 3 months, none of my clothes fit any more. M: I wouldn't complain, you look much better. In fact, you can gain another 5 pounds and still look good. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。每每女士兰自己的重大小体惊会怪兰~男士常兰予一定的安慰和兰兰。兰兰中男士兰[C]you look Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 表明~男士兰女士不兰兰其重体担心。much better. In fact, you can gain another 5 pounds and still look good  15. M: I'd like to buy these four greeting cards. Are they ten yuan each?  W: Three of them are. But that smaller one costs only half the price of the big ones.Q: How much will the man pay for the cards? 【解析】兰。兰是一道兰合性的兰算兰~但不兰兰~只要到并听其中三个[C]Three of them are (ten yuan each)" 是每个十元及小卡卡片的价兰是大片的一半~"that smaller one costs half the price of the bigger ones"" 确定兰兰。[C] 16. W: I know you're busy, but how about attending a film festival tonight? Your favorite star will make an appearance. M: You think I'd give that a miss? Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】兰。女士兰男士兰我知道你很你参个你会忙~但今兰愿意加一兰影兰兰~最喜兰的明星露面。男士[A] 反兰道~兰兰我你会弃个放兰机兰会会,兰兰上暗示了他肯定兰去的~兰和兰兰 吻合。男士的回答中~[A]You 是兰兰兰的兰兰点。个think I'd give that a miss? 17. W: Would you mind sending champagne and strawberries to my room at 1 a.m. please?M: I'll try, ma'am. But on Wednesday the kitchen staff leave at mid-night.  Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? 【解析】兰。、、构个成了一在兰兰兰兰送[D]champagne and strawberrysending … to my roomkitchen staff" 餐的特定兰景。" 18. W: You were on the phone for a long time. To whom were you talking?M: Oh, to Susan. She always knows the latest news in town and she couldn't wait to see me to talk it over. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 【解析】兰。兰兰中男士不兰回答了女士的兰兰~兰兰一步提到急于告知他兰上的最新消息。兰兰[B]Susan[B] 就是兰兰中的同兰兰述eager to pass the information she knowscouldn't wait to see me to talk it overcan't 意兰急切地想要做某事。wait to do sth."" Conversation One W: Can I help you? M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve about British culture.W: Professor Grand's class? M: That's right. How could you know? W: Let's just say you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.M: Oh, well, seeing as how I haven't read any of them yet, it doesn't really matterwhich one you give me first. W: I'm afraid I can't give you any of them at the moment. They've all been checked out.M: You're joking, all of them? W: Every month. I've asked professor Grand twice already to bring in additional copies of the articles, but no sooner do I place them on the shelves than they are gone. See that girl in the black sweater? She's been waiting for half an hour for those same articles to be returned. M: And here's me. I went out of my way to free out the whole afternoon to read.W: I'm sorry, but there is not a whole lot I can do about it. All I can suggest is that you come in first thing tomorrow morning and try again. We open at eight. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What is the man surprised to learn? 【解析】兰。男士来借兰兰文~被告知兰文都被借走了~不由得兰~[C](been checked out)You are joking, all Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 其中~表示不相信、兰之情惊。同兰的表有达of them?You are joking(surprised)Are you kidding? 20. What does the woman say about Professor Grand? 【解析】兰。根据兰兰无法判兰兰是什兰的兰候~更需要我兰注意兰兰。 兰目兰断听的情~兰兰况[D]Professor Grand 管理兰兰她两已兰次兰拿来份很找多兰文~但兰是快就被借走了。其他兰兰在兰兰中都不到依Professor Grand 据。 21. What does the woman suggest that the man do? 【解析】兰。兰兰的最后部分女士建兰男士明天一早就兰来~并告兰[A](come in first thing tomorrow morning) 他兰兰兰兰兰点。8 Conversation Two M: Come on, Julie, how are we going to convince everybody that I'm the best candidate?W: It won't be easy! M: Thanks a lot! W: Oh, just kidding. Actually, I think once we show everyone how well you did asjunior class treasurer, you are sure to be elected president. M: Well..., what's your strategy? W: One thing I was thinking of is to hang campaign posters in all the hallways.M: But everyone puts up posters. We need to do something different. W: Let me finish. The campus radio station is willing to let you have five minutestomorrow morning at seven to outline your plans for the year. Lots of students will hear you then.M: Great idea! W: I've also arranged for you to give a speech during dinner time tomorrow. Over a hundred students will be there. And you can answer questions after you finish speaking. M: That means I'd better come up with a speech pretty quickly. How about if I write it tonight and show it to you after chemistry class tomorrow? W: Fine. I'll see you after class. M: You are really good at this. I'll be glad you agreed to help me out.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. What election are the speakers discussing? 【解析】兰。兰兰~注意兰兰兰兰部分~听与捕捉相兰的信息~根据~[D]electedthe best candidatesure to be 可以判断学会他兰兰兰的是生主席的兰兰。elected president 23. What do we learn from the conversation? 【解析】兰。兰兰首句男士兰女士策略,[D]how are we going to...;One thing I was thinking of..., I've also 。根据兰兰兰行推理可知~女士是在帮划助男士策兰兰活兰。arranged for you... 24. What will the man do tonight? 【解析】兰。音兰听与捕捉兰兰有兰的兰作行兰,以及。兰兰兰男士今天兰上[B]come up with a speechwrite it tonight 将要做什兰~兰兰兰再兰。[B] 25. What will the speakers do after chemistry class? 【解析】兰。兰兰~听与捕捉兰兰有兰的表兰作的兰句~~[B]come up with a speechand show it to you after 。兰兰兰兰兰者化兰学后做什兰。根据兰兰兰行推理~兰兰是。chemistry classReview the man's talk Section B Passage One Human beings enjoy challenges. Many of them like physical challenges. They ask themselves questions like these: How fast can I run? How high can I climb? How deep can I dive? How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I lift? How high can I jump? Because people enjoy challenges, Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 they like to play sports and watch other people play sports. They like climbing, running, diving, lifting, jumping, and so on. Every four years millions of people all over the world enjoy the international sports competition called the Olympics. There are challenges that are not physical challenges. There are social and intellectual challenges, too. Leonardo da Vinci, who lived in Italy during the fifteenth century, enjoyed every possible challenge. He was an artist and painted the well known picture, the Mona Lisa. He was an engineer who made plans for a city with roads under the street for traffic. He was an inventor who invented a device to let people breathe under water. He was a scientist, and he learned a great deal about human structure. Another kind of challenge faced the Egyptians between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago when they decided to build the first pyramid. They used six million tons of rock. That is enough to build a ten foot wall around all of France. Four hundred thousand men worked for twenty years to build it. So, for thousands of years, people accepted challenges. Today we still have many challenges before us. Medical science faces the challenges of conquering the many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities and new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. And many of us are interested in the challenge of space. We live in an age of challenge.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. When people participate in sporting activities, what kind of challenge do they face?【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的是的兰型。在的兰程中需要听留意涉及兰型的兰兰。文中兰兰的[B]challengeMany 后用一系列的例子~如,of them like physical challengesHow fast I can run...They like climbing, 表明~人兰加当参体育活兰兰他兰面兰的是。running...physical challenges 27. Which belongs to social challenge? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰四兰行兰在兰兰上的分。在的兰程中需要区听哪几留意文中出兰了兰行兰、[D] 分兰是兰了兰明什兰兰兰而出兰。 28. How do people react to the category of social challenges? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰的兰度。在兰兰兰需要听留意和分兰指代的是什[C]TheythemTheythem 兰。 Passage Two Today we’ll examine the role that private transportation — namely, the automobile — plays in city planning. A number of sociologists blame the automobile for the decline of the downtown areas of major cities. In the 1950’s and 1960’s the automobile made it possible to work in the city and yet live in the suburbs many miles away. Shopping patterns changed; instead of going to downtown stores, people in the suburbs went to large shopping malls outside the city and closer to the home. Merchants in the city failed, and their stores closed. Downtown shopping areas became deserted. In recent years there’s been a rebirth of the downtown area, as many suburbanites have moved back to the city. They’ve done this, of course, to avoid highways blocked with commuters from the suburbs. I’ve chosen this particular city planning problem—our dependence on private transportation — to discuss in groups. I’m hoping you will all come up with some novel solutions. Oh, and don’t approach the problem from a purely sociological perspective; try to take into account environmental and economic issues as well. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. How did the automobile affect the work force in the 1950’s and 1960’s? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰兰或的影响听。在兰兰兰需要留意指代的是什兰。[B]ItworkersjobsIt 30. What problem did downtown city merchants face in the 1960’s? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰是考兰兰四兰兰面事兰的分~需要区留意文中兰于兰些兰兰的兰述。[C] 31. According to the speaker, why are some people moving back to the city? 【解析】兰。兰兰兰兰可知此兰兰兰的是兰于某件事情的原因。文中提到人兰兰下从搬回到城市的原因是,[D]to 是兰此的同兰兰述。avoid highways blocked with comustters...,[D] Passage Three The United States operates under a federal system of government. Under the federal system, power is divided between the central government and the states. The central government is given specific powers. These powers are named in the Constitution. Powers that are not assigned to the central government in the Constitution belong to the states. The central government can pass laws that affect trade between states. The central government can also make treaties with foreign countries. It has the power to print money. The Constitution gives the central government these powers. These powers belong to the central government only. However, the states have many powers that the central government cannot control. For example, a state is allowed to tax people who live and work in the state. The central government cannot put a limit on the amount of money that a state taxes its people. Many people feel that the federal system has many good points. One good point is that it restrains the power of the central government. The central government cannot become too powerful. Another good point is that the central government makes sure that the bigger states don’t become too powerful. Under the Constitution, all states are treated equally. The laws of the central government do not favor one state over another. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. What does the passage mainly tell us? 【解析】。在兰音之前~兰兰四兰兰可听个与知本文或有兰。[B]federal systemcentral government and the states 而且兰些兰兰的括性强~有可能兰兰文章的主概很很旨大意。 33. Which is the power of the states governments? 【解析】。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰四兰行兰在兰兰上的分。在的兰程中需要区听哪几留意文中出兰了兰行兰、[B] 分兰是兰了兰明什兰兰兰而出兰。 34. What is stated in the passage? 【解析】。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰四兰事兰的分~而且区与个均中央政府和每州的兰力有兰。[D] 35. According to the passage, what is a good point about the federal system? 【解析】。兰兰兰兰可以推兰此兰是考兰兰四兰事兰的分~需要区哪哪几留意文中出兰了兰或兰事兰。[A] Section C 【解析】。根据可以判所兰和断填兰性一致即也是形式~兰兰相兰。一方36.fearedeither...or...respected(v+ed) 面是尊敬之情~那兰一兰可能就是另惧畏之情了。 【解析】。从可以判此兰断会指的是社中的等兰。37.rankauthority 【解析】。根据兰句子兰的分析可以判所兰和构断填一起成句子的兰~因此兰兰构状填38.includingAmerica 入分兰形式。 【解析】。所兰的兰兰兰填~兰兰的从断填感情色彩可以判所兰兰有褒兰~根据39.developingexciting new ideas 空前的判兰兰兰入兰兰的兰断填,形式~成正在兰行兰。 构may being 【解析】。目的是兰了~那兰提供的兰兰是兰了。 励40.prizesencourage such creativity 【解析】~意兰“成就~成兰”。通常兰兰的是所来励并填取得的成就。且所兰兰和41.accomplishments 形成列兰系。 并discoveries 【解析】。所兰兰填与本句中的构成固定搭配。 42.consideredas(consider...as...) 【解析】~意兰“礼礼貌~兰”。根据空格后的可以43.mannersthat young people lack respect for authority Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 判此兰是兰兰年兰人的断礼貌有害。 【答案】44.This impression may be created when visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people 【】Main PointsYoung people may leave bad impression when they ask questions and argue with older people. 【答案】45.It is vital to remember that it is the person’s ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself 【】 Main PointsIt is important to remember that people argue about ideas instead of the individual himself 【答案】46.so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner possible 【】Main Pointsso that the business work can go on the most effectively Part IV Reading Comprehension Section A 47. N 分析由定冠兰可知此兰需要名兰。由以及等兰可以推断[] result in used or discarded electronic products 出此兰需要表示“兰生”之意的兰~故兰。generation 48. H 分析此兰需要一兰兰~兰兰个与搭配。文中兰兰兰子兰品的兰置也兰会…兰境危害~兰而[] environmental risk. 由和推出此兰需要一表示“断个造成~引起”之意的兰~故兰。disposal riskspose 49. J 分析此兰需要形容兰来修兰。由前面的可以推出兰里兰是少不好的断减响影~故兰兰 [] impactsreduce ;兰面影响,。negative impacts 50. A 分析由可以知此兰需要名兰。与和 搭配的兰兰兰是 ;能[] in the form of energy resource conservation 源~兰源的保存,。 51. G 分析此句主兰完整~需要副兰修兰。文中提到因兰再利用无兰加工兰理~所以最兰兰保兰兰。在与[] efficient 兰里的副兰兰兰兰里只有 兰兰地”能与搭配。economically “efficient 52. M 分析由可以知此兰需要兰兰引兰来后面的从从来个句。上下文的意思看~兰里需要一表示[] to that “保兰~保”的兰兰。确后面不句~常用 跟从兰。 构后面 跟从句~ Assure assure sb. of sth.Ensure that 或用兰。 故兰 构。ensure sth.ensure 53. L 分析由 以及 可以知此兰需要一和个同兰性的兰~而且与搭配~又由后[]feasible and feasible with 面的推出此兰兰兰断。与与…一致~ … 相符”。requirements consistentBe consistent with “54. B 此兰需要一形容兰~个修兰指。由空格后的推出断个再利用兰兰是一one (issue)require the work and ….比兰兰兰、棘手的兰兰。故兰。complex 55. F 分析由空格后的可知兰里需要名兰。由推出断与空格兰需要的兰 兰兰列并[] of peoplework and….work 兰系~再由前面的推出此兰兰兰 断;承兰~保兰,。require commitment 56. E 分析此兰需要一兰兰~兰兰个与搭配。在兰兰兰兰中只有;向 致辞~ 演兰,符合兰兰~[] this issue address 在文中表示兰出兰兰兰以引起大个将来决家的兰注~兰兰才能使兰兰在得到解。 Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 Section B 57. B 主旨兰。兰兰要求生兰兰文章的主兰。文章主要了兰行兰展的方面学写两个一是兰行的外在建筑兰格~兰去的兰行: 通常有以及~兰人以非常可、靠放心踏兰的感兰~二是兰行的功heavy walls, barred windows bronze doors 能兰兰。兰兰正是恰当概确并的括~所以兰兰是正答案。文章无涉及兰在和兰去兰兰的价兰比兰~所以兰“兰不BA如兰去兰兰”不兰。文章也有兰比兰建没哪筑兰格更好~所以兰“兰去的兰行的建筑兰格比兰代兰行的建筑兰格C 更好”也不兰。兰兰“偏兰使得老一兰人兰兰兰代兰行不可”~不靠符合文章意思。D 58. D 兰兰兰兰兰。兰兰兰老一代人年兰一与从代人兰兰的兰兰兰度是什兰,老一代人的看法可以第三段兰兰看出:“In his 年兰一代兰兰的看法可以第四段第四行至从generation money was thought of as a real commodity that…” 第六行~尤其是“… he offers us a service in which the most valuable element is the creativity for the 从上可以兰兰出兰兰兰兰的正答案。确invention of large numbers.”D 59. C 兰兰兰。兰兰兰容易~只要兰第三段“参后的定兰句“从兰兰兰上就是commodity”that could be carried, or stolen.” 解兰老一代人兰兰的看法~他兰兰兰兰是可以被携兰或被兰走~也就是可以能摸得到的兰兰在在的兰西~兰正确。C60. D 兰兰推兰兰。兰兰兰兰代兰行兰兰具有什兰功能,四兰兰的意思分兰是,“充兰雄心且友好”~,“可且靠威力无:AB兰”~,“明智且不可穿越”~,“富有想象且有兰造性”。要回答兰兰兰~兰定个位在文章第四段CD “…和第五段“… 从in which the most valuable element is the creativity”boasts of imaginative powers.” 中不兰看出兰代兰行兰兰是富有想象力且有兰并造力。 推兰兰。兰兰要求生判作者兰兰行的外在兰学断确格和功能的兰兰兰一兰兰的兰度。最明的提示兰兰是第四段兰兰61. C “随后兰一步分析了兰代兰行不同于兰去兰行的功能~But the attitude toward money has, of course, changed.” 作者用了“可以看出其兰度是肯定的。兰正。确creative imagination”, C Passage 2 文章兰兰,太空是充兰了个来神秘的地方~同兰也藏着危兰。其中自外太空的兰射尤兰恐怖~但是~看完兰篇文章~相信兰明的人兰到一些解兰法的。 你会会找决 62. A 兰兰兰的是兰什兰大兰兰人兰是至兰重要的。文章的第四句兰到了大兰蔽了大量的外兰气气屏来射兰。 63. B ~~兰兰容在文章中内没确均有明肯定~只有兰兰了原文的第二段的第四句兰兰兰在于兰兰兰很ACDB---兰射兰人的兰兰~事人兰可能当当将会响感兰良好~但是他的兰兰兰胞可能受到兰兰~影到他的孩子~甚至后代。 64. D 从没号文章中我兰得知~到兰在兰止兰有兰告兰示阿波兰受到兰射兰害~所以~~兰兰均与文章意思ABC相悖~只有相兰正。 确D 65. B 兰兰兰兰了原文的最后一段。文章兰兰然到兰在兰止兰有兰没号它告兰示阿波兰受到兰射兰害~但兰竟登月的兰兰短。人兰能否兰兰兰接受兰射照射兰是个数研来减未知。防兰射的兰兰然已兰制出~但只能削兰射兰人兰的兰害~兰兰不上根治。所以兰防太空兰射不是容易的事情。 66. D 此文主要是兰兰射的危害大以及防兰射的一些措施。最准确。D Part IVCloze Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 内概容梗 兰兰文。人兰兰是想兰兰自己今后的命运来当如何。未的境遇往往是依兰于兰在的努力~正所兰“有因有果”。然~兰兰因果兰系不是兰兰的~而是率性的。如果能明概你与白兰什兰有此事物是相兰系的~兰什兰有些固定的模式兰是出兰~就可以不兰兰兰兰地依兰察和兰兰~而更好地兰兰。你靠会将来 ,,67A 兰兰辨析。此兰意兰“表兰出”~相于当或者符合兰意。避兰指兰夸夸兰~Exhibitdisplayshow,exaggerate“大”~兰兰~研究”~超越~超出”。examine“exceed“ ,,68B 名兰辨析。此兰意兰“情兰~境况况”。兰句兰意兰“兰兰上~所有人在兰兰自己今后的境兰都Circumstance 有自己的愿望”。避兰指兰上下文~背景”~直兰”和情~案例”~况均不合兰context“intuition“case“意。 ,,69C 兰兰辨析。意兰“事”~强兰主兰做从某事~由于其后的~故此兰兰,。避兰指兰UndertaketaskC 低估”~削弱”~兰兰”~一般是被兰地兰兰某事。underestimate“undermine“undergo“ ,,70D 兰兰辨析。本句意思兰,我兰意兰到未来国中的境遇通常在某兰程度上依兰于兰在的境遇。此兰兰recognize“兰兰到~承兰”~近兰兰兰避兰指兰回兰起~想起”~后退~衰退~衰落”~兰realize.recall“recede“reckon“兰”。 ,,71A 兰兰兰接兰。副兰~指“由于某兰原因~以某兰方式~用某兰兰法”~符合兰兰。避兰指兰Somehow 稍微~有点”~,和,都兰代兰故排除。somewhat“CD ,,72B 兰兰兰接兰。此兰兰兰用的兰形式数代替oneonescircumstances. ,,73B 兰兰辨析。本句前半部分意思是,我兰兰兰~受育教会响会掐影到今后我兰多少兰。兰兰兰~意兰“影Affect响”~符合原文兰兰。避兰指兰作兰兰指“使兰生~造成”~反映”~决定”~均不合兰affectreflect“decide“意。 ,,74C 名兰辨析。我兰也兰兰到在有会淤会碰个来暗礁的海面上泳可能到兰兰。兰里用一暗兰表示因果兰系~兰明兰在的境况决会或多或少定着安排好的“兰~兰兰”等~兰的名兰形式~意兰兰生的“事情~occurrenceoccur 兰兰~事故”~兰名兰~意兰“目兰事件~兰兰~看兰。”sighting ,,75A 名兰辨析。人兰也清概楚兰兰方式的因果兰系是率性的~兰名兰~意兰“模范~兰案~式兰~方式~pattern 模型”~符合上下文的意思。避兰指兰作名兰~意思兰“兰案~花兰~兰~兰兰”等~也可以兰兰使构当design 用~安排”。arrangement“ ,,76B 形容兰辨析。原句兰,That is, the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes 此兰是比兰~而前者是个~那后者肯定是~而ate,but not always.causes occurcauses don’t occur符合此意的只有。absent ,,77A 兰兰兰接兰。兰里需要承接上文的兰~且兰兰具有“因此”的含兰。上面兰兰的是研究中的“必然性”兰兰~也就是~有什兰事情是兰兰可能兰生的~没会研社究中的因果兰系一般都是~也就是兰生的概probabilistic率。作者在后面兰例兰~“也就是兰~那些刻苦兰兰的生往往学会并取得好成兰~但是不是每次都兰兰。”四个兰兰中惟一有承接兰系的兰是故兰,。避兰指兰一般不用于句首。Thus,ASo that Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 ,,78B 兰兰辨析。“刻苦努力就成兰好”~作者在兰里述的是一般会叙存在客兰兰象~兰用。produce,,79C 兰兰辨析。原的句子兰,来学概清晰并科使得兰些因果性和可能性的念更~提供了一定的技巧~比起一般的研概究方法~兰人兰能列有效地把握兰些念。兰里需要的兰~兰兰是“提供~兰予”等意兰的兰兰~因此只有最合适。避兰指兰避免”~制造”~兰言”~兰三兰均不任命原文provideprevent“produce“predict“兰兰。 ,,80D 固定搭配。兰固定搭配~指“安排~兰理~兰付”。Deal with ,,81A 兰兰辨析。In looking at ordinary human inquiry, we need to distinguish between prediction and 即研清考察人兰的究活兰兰~我兰必兰分兰兰和理解。把…和…分兰~辨兰~辨兰”understanding.Distinguish“一般和 或搭配。避兰指兰兰形容兰~意兰“清独楚的~明兰的~截然不同的~特的”~frombetweendistinct 歪曲~曲解”~常与兰用~指“使…注意力兰移~使分心”。distort“distractfrom ,,82B 固定搭配。按照…行事。”act on…“ ,,83C 名兰辨析。此兰需要一兰兰~表“个达激兰~促使”等意~只有符合要求。避兰指兰作兰motivatemotion兰兰意兰“用兰作打信~号打手兰”~一般不作兰兰用~作名兰兰意兰“兰机~目的”~作形容兰意兰motive “起兰的~兰兰的”~一般意兰“刺激~使兰生活兰~激兰~激活~兰”。启activate ,,84D 名兰辨析。兰兰兰兰的兰兰兰常是基于知兰和理解力的背景之上的。上下文~前后兰系”~避兰指兰context“ 内容”~接触~兰系~兰兰”~斗争争争~兰~比兰~角逐~兰”。content“contact“contest“ ,,85B 兰兰辨析。兰生”。原句兰~如果能明你白兰什兰有些事物是相互兰系的~兰什兰些因定的模式兰Occur“ 是出兰~就你靠将来右以不兰兰兰兰地依兰察和兰兰~而更好地兰兰。突然兰生”~可以和相互交Occur“happen兰使用。但是在本文中~的主兰兰~更兰重于“出兰”的含兰~因此不能用代替。occurpatternhappen ,,86A 固定搭配。意思兰“以…兰目兰~瞄准”~兰固定搭配。aim at Part VI Translation 87. By taking exercises   解析,通兰兰兰~我兰可以保持健康。其兰兰兰答案不止一。“兰兰”可以用名兰也可以用兰兰短兰。“个通兰”可以用表示方式~表示途径。 。往往用于“bythrough By taking exercises /Through exercisesbyby ~而后接名兰。哦+ doing”through 88. listening to music enables us to feel relaxed  解析,“音兰”在句中作主兰~“”兰兰理成兰名兰形式。“能使我兰听听当很学会放松”多同采用 的兰。其兰~构就有“能兰使某人……”的含兰~注意的表can make us feel relaxedenableenable sb. to do 达。 89. On no account can we   解析,本兰是强兰兰~强兰“不能”~所以兰想到气决on no account ,by no means, at no time, in no 等。不管用一~都要注意兰是含有哪个它装否定的意味的~因此在置于句首兰兰使用倒兰序。case 90. fake and inferior commodities Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700   解析,“假冒兰劣商品”包含兰含兰,一是两翻两假兰~二是次品~在兰成英文的兰候兰兰注意兰含兰的 正兰法。“确假冒”不能用而兰兰兰~“次品”可以兰表示兰量差~也可以用falsefakeinferiorcommodity 。of low quality 91. draw useful lessons from it   解析,句意兰,面兰失兰~有的人能兰兰强抵抗~中从教个并吸取兰~努力兰兰他兰的目兰。本句由三列 的兰兰成分成~兰兰兰兰分兰是构汲取”和。“汲取教确达兰”正表兰。然而stand up to“trydraw a lesson from 我兰又能全句判~从断从教将来失兰中吸取兰是兰了能兰更好地兰兰目兰~因此加上修兰兰~使容更内useful 明确 Model Test 3 ?Part Writing Letter for Internship Dear Mr. Wang, I’ve learned from the local newspaper that your company needs a number of interns in this summer. My unique mix of previous work experience and my status as a business major of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics make me an ideal candidate. My experience in sales and customer relationship management, combined with my courses in marketing, has convinced me that marketing is a career option I would like to explore. More importantly, your company has an excellent reputation for customer satisfaction. I know that the combination of my experience, education, and motivation to excel will make me an asset to your marketing department. I am sure that it would be worthwhile for us to meet. Should you have any questions before that time, you may reach me via phone (16916944169) or email (liHua2009@163.com). Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Li Hua ?;,Part Reading Comprehension Skimming and Scanning ,文章大意,本文兰述了智能兰兰的兰展及其用~如运将并智能兰兰具有支付功能能下兰游兰。 1. Y 兰干兰明智能兰兰不同于大部分兰准的手机~因兰兰能它符合人兰的特殊需要。文中第一段作者提到智能兰兰 具有可以兰兰兰将确得符合人兰特殊需要的那兰能力。所以兰干句意是正的。 2. NG 兰干兰明使用大部分手机可以兰得数数据同步。文中第二段的第四点兰兰提到智能兰兰能兰做到据同步。故答 案兰。NG 3. Y 兰干兰明兰信息是即个个即智能兰兰的一功能。文中第二段介兰智能兰兰兰有的功能中~第六功能是。 4. N 兰干兰明最新的智能兰兰可用在来售零店付兰。文中第三段作者指出兰基兰可兰兰用作无兰信用~将卡运6131 用双售将达向通信系兰在某些零店支付信息兰到家。但目前兰仍兰于兰兰兰段。 5. Y 兰干兰明典型的智能兰兰是由兰理器、提供必要功能性的兰算机芯片装两兰而成。文章第四和五段分兰兰述了兰 个兰成部分。 6. N 兰干兰明系兰将被使用在里面。文章第六段最后一句中作者介兰了多兰操作系兰~Symbian Apple’s iPhone 其中系兰是被使用在里面。OS XApple’s iPhone 7. N 兰干兰明了符合第二代智能兰兰的兰准。但是在文章第八段中第一句就指出直到兰在兰只符合兰GPRSGPRS Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 去智能兰兰的兰准。2. 5G 8. Enhanced Data GSM Environment / EDGE兰干提兰什兰在美被国使用~速度快于~但仍然是代。作者在第九段中提到速度是GPRS2. 5EDGE 的三倍~但仍然是代~第三代是最新的技兰。GPRS2. 53G 9. Bluetooth 兰干提兰什兰技兰能兰兰智能兰兰兰接多兰兰兰~比如打印机、兰描兰、兰入兰兰、兰算机和耳机。文章第十一段兰兰兰兰介兰了 ;兰牙,的功能。bluetooth 10. Java/ the Jave programming language兰干提兰智能兰兰兼容了什兰就可以下兰兰用游兰等等。文章第十三段介兰了智能兰兰装配之后可兰有的功Jave能。 ?Part Listening Comprehension 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. A36. one sixth 37. among 38. remain 39. dropped 40. investment 41. private 42. concerned 43. conflicts 44. Throughout the world, many companies also express concerns about problems like dishonesty and undependable electricity supplies ,45. As of date, some political leaders call for a world tax to help finance an antipoverty campaign46. However, others believe taxes on world trade would be undemocratic and impossible to put in place ?;,Part Reading Comprehension Reading in Depth Section A , 47. Dwarning 兰里兰兰名兰~根据句意,填个学冰科家兰已兰兰出了警告~格林兰兰上的帽兰始融化~警告~兰告”warning“符合兰意~兰正答案。确 , 48. Fassociated 分析句子兰可构填知~所兰兰作后置定兰~修兰。 表示“与……有兰兰”~兰里的意risksbe associated with 思兰,候兰化有兰兰的与气危兰。 , 49. Cpreviously 兰里兰兰填个来副兰~修兰兰兰~先前~以前”~此兰表示比人兰先前的想法要更加兰重。thoughtpreviously“ , 50. Graise 兰里少兰兰~根据句意,个冰将格林兰的帽溶化使全球的海平面升高~ 升起~提高”~而raise“ 表示“兰起~提拔”的意思。elevating , 51. Edisturbed 兰里少形容兰~此兰的句意兰,如果个冰从帽中兰溶化~那麻兰可就大了~兰的”。乱disturbed“ , 52. Iavoiding 兰里在介兰后面兰兰接兰名兰~可兰兰中只有兰名兰 两个和。此句的意思是,兰了相兰定确ofelevatingavoiding 地避免兰兰兰暖的兰象~故兰。avoiding , 53. Odesirable 兰里少形容兰~根据句意,个学•首席科家大兰金兰那目兰是我兰个非常想得到的~兰得要的~,desirable“令人想要的”符合兰意。 , 54. Kpolitically 兰里兰兰填个来副兰修兰句意兰,但是从来政治上兰是兰以兰施的。unfeasible, , 55. Hpredicted Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰里少形容兰个来修兰兰句的意思是,各兰散兰物的度温冰已兰高于兰知的帽的溶点~melting point, 兰知的~兰言的”。predicted“ , 56. Nsatisfactory 系表兰~兰兰形容兰~兰句的意思是,形兰不兰人兰意~故构填个并令人兰意的”兰答案。satisfactory“Section B Passage One ,文章大意,本文介兰了一位兰大女性的生平事迹。被人兰兰“全称运民兰利兰之Rosa ParksRosa Parks 母”和世兰最重要市民之一。兰生兰了兰她并很誉族平等兰利而兰斗~且兰得了多兰兰章~比如,兰兰自由兰20 章、兰金章等等。会 兰干提兰在世兰年代是什兰兰的乘坐公兰制度。可兰兰文中第二段~答案和可先排除掉~答57. D2060AB案比兰片面~答案比兰全面地回答了兰兰。CD 兰兰兰。兰合抵制、抵制”~句意是,人兰要兰合起来离区拒兰乘坐那兰有隔域的汽兰。58. Bboycott“ 兰干提兰最高法庭兰阿拉巴兰州的公兰制度作出了什兰裁。根据兰兰兰决定位到第三段第59. DSupreme Court四行~答案兰。outlaw segregation on city buses 兰干提兰兰“人兰感到兰倦的兰代来歧了”意味着什兰。兰句兰兰然是表示兰兰族兰的兰怒~要求兰除60. BMartin 各兰兰族歧兰制度。 兰干提兰被称运兰 “全民兰利兰之母”主要是因兰什兰。 本文主要兰述了兰了反兰兰族61. ARosa ParksRosa歧运兰而倡兰的平等兰利兰。故答案最合适。A Passage Two ,文章大意,兰是一篇兰于兰兰的兰兰介兰。兰兰是兰生在海洋里的巨大的兰兰暴兰雨~其移兰非常兰慢~所以人兰有机会离逃。在月日至月日的官方兰兰季兰里~兰些巨大的兰暴有兰兰到冲国区研美的沿海地。究611130 气气学学并将个畴候的象家和科家非常仔兰地兰察兰些兰暴~根据兰暴的强度其分兰五范。 兰干提兰根据文章~兰于兰兰的描述一兰是不正的。文章一兰哪确始就介兰~兰兰兰兰暴兰雨~起源于兰兰海洋。62. A 文章的第二段兰明在兰兰登兰以后会来兰兰强降雨。故兰兰是兰兰的。A 兰干提兰兰兰何兰最有可能兰兰美国从。在文章的第三段~作者介兰所兰的兰兰季兰是月到份月~故份63. B611美国在月最有可能份遭受兰兰的兰兰。8 兰干提兰大部分人能兰逃离会离兰兰是因兰什兰。文中第二段末句~兰兰移兰非常兰慢~所以人兰有机逃。64. C 兰干提兰兰于海兰城兰~兰兰最危兰的部分是什兰。文中第二段第五行~兰兰瀑潮;,是兰人兰搬65. Dstorm surge离海岸城兰的主要原因。 兰兰推兰。兰断国哪个区从湾干提兰美最不可能受到兰兰兰兰的是地。文章第三段可知大西洋沿海和海地66. D 区国区很最容易受兰兰兰兰~美的西南地和太平洋沿海兰少受到兰兰兰兰。 ?Part Cloze 固定搭配。兰兰、制兰、起草~抽出~退兰~退走。67. Cdraw up draw out draw backdraw away 介兰辨析。本句表示“兰是一兰个——当腊达并期希文明到了兰峰~且有太多兰得自豪的兰西”~68. Aat its 表示在兰点、兰峰。height 固定搭配。兰得自豪的~;,自豪~;,自豪的。69. Dbe proud of...pridev.proud adj. 形容兰辨析。兰里需要一形容兰个修兰~表示被人兰公兰的古代奇迹。兰批准70. Bancient wondersapproved 的~公兰的~被普遍兰可的~同意的。accepted acknowledgedagreed 兰兰辨析。兰里需要一兰兰引兰句~表示“兰然个从……;,”。71. Cthough 形容兰辨析。兰里需要一形容兰~表示个它确已兰兰成西方神兰中定的、熟悉的一部分。确72. Aestablished 定的、已制兰好的~兰定的、兰授兰的~指派的~ 断言的。authorizedassignedaffirmed 固定搭配。副兰短兰兰兰”。73. Bfor the present “ 兰形辨析。句中系兰兰后兰兰兰的跟,形式。74. Ckeeping 名兰辨析。句中需要一名兰表示“个来世界文化兰址”。 地方、地点~位置、兰所~75. Dplacelocation Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 空兰、空地~地点、兰址。spacesite 兰形辨析。兰合句的句中需要一兰兰兰兰。根据文章兰兰~兰兰用一般兰在兰兰。从个76. A 名兰辨析。根据下一句中的“~可以推出断个瑞士冒兰家兰伯兰始的是一兰于“世界新七大奇77. Dvote” 迹”的兰兰活兰。行兰、行兰~兰、 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~划广告~兰兰活兰、作兰。activity projectadvertisementcampaign 名兰辨析。根据文章句意~兰兰是公众网来通兰兰兰或兰兰行决投票兰定。人兰~ 公众~78. Bpeoplepublic 人~人兰、兰兰。personspersonnel 兰形辨析。兰里句意是,七大兰兰者于将月日在葡萄牙里斯本被公布。兰里是一般兰的将来被兰兰兰~79. C77 故兰。C 固定搭配。兰……着迷。本句句意兰,兰什兰人兰要兰他兰的建筑成就那兰着迷。80. Abe fascinated with 名兰辨析。本句句意,兰什兰在今天我兰仍然要建兰那些大的也兰看上去是有用没途的兰念碑。81. Bmission 使命、任兰~意兰、用途~目兰、目的~目兰。purpose?? aimgoal 固定搭配。;副兰短兰,至少、无兰如何。82. Cat any rate 名兰辨析。本句句意,也兰兰造兰些建筑兰是人兰的部分目兰想要——被兰住。建筑~83. Dconstruction???? 生兰~兰兰~兰造、兰作物。productiondiscoverycreation 兰形辨析。句意同兰~兰里需要兰兰的被兰形式~。84. B83to be remembered 兰兰辨析。 兰里需要一兰兰引兰原因兰兰句。个状从当……兰候、兰然~然而~因兰~85. Cwhilewhereasfor 兰然、尽管。although 兰形辨析。兰里是后置定兰短兰修兰。;与……相兰兰,省略掉兰兰~形容兰短86. Dpeoplebe associated withbe 兰作后置定兰。 ?Part Translation 87. With his promotion 88. the mother felt that she did not have to make such commitment to him89. but only ended in vain / but we made no headway 90. has increased by more than 80% between 2001 and 2004 91. From managements standpoint, Tape Script of Listening Comprehension Model Test One Section A , 11. MExcuse me. I’m new here, and what are the rules for borrowing books?, WYou need to present your library card when checking out materials, and the total number of items that can be borrowed is 25 items, but for first-time users, it is 5 items., QHow many books can the man borrow? , 12. MI’m going to the museum Sunday afternoon. There’s a new exhibit of Indian art from Arizona. Want to go with me? , WI’d love to, but my best friend is getting married on Sunday., QWhat can be inferred from the conversation? , 13. WWe have just got the schedule for the next semester. Will you take biology?, MI don’t see any point in doing that. I’ve had enough science courses., QWhat does the man mean? , 14. WSam won’t be able to play in the basketball game this week. Is that true?, MYeah, he hurt his knee pretty badly a while back, I don’t know why he didn’t quit right away. , QWhat does the man mean? , 15. WI’m going to the zoo to make some sketches of elephants tomorrow. I’ll leave at six in the morning. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 , MMay I go with you? I have the same assignment. , QWhat do we learn about the man and woman from this conversation? , 16. MI’m going to be up all night studying for my exam. I can’t afford to fail again., WDo you really think that’s wise? I think you need to talk to your teacher and find out where you need to focus on. , QWhat does the woman imply? , 17. MProfessor Freedman, maybe you’d better find another actor to play this role. The lines are so long. Sometimes I just completely forget them. , WLook, Sam, it’s still a long time before the first show. And I don’t expect you to know all the lines yet. Just keep practicing and I’m sure you will get them. , QWhat does the woman suggest the man do? , 18. WExcuse me, Professor Clark. Since class is canceled on Thursday. When are we going to have the quiz? , MIt will be postponed until next week’s class. , QWhat does the man mean? Conversation One , MLast time we talked about the history of paper, but do you know what paper is used for?, WOh, that’s an easy question. Paper is used for newspapers, books, writing paper, envelopes, wrapping paper, paper bags. , MYes, actually only half of the paper that is made is used for such purposes. Have you got an idea about other uses of paper? , WNo, I’m afraid not. , MThere are many other uses. Paper is very good for keeping you warm. Houses are often protected with paper. Perhaps you’ve seen homeless people asleep on a large number of newspapers., WYes, I have. So they are protecting themselves against cold. , MYou are right. In Finland, it is very cold in winter. It is sometimes 40 degrees Centigrade below zero. The farmers wear paper boots in the snow. Nothing could be warmer. , WOh, that’s unbelievable. , MNow more and more things are made of paper. We have had paper plates, cups and dishes for a long time. But now we hear that chairs, tables, and even beds can be made of paper. , WFascinating! , MPeople have made paper boats, but they have not yet made paper planes or cars. Just wait, they probably will. , WWell, you have become an expert on paper. How do you know all that? , MYou know I’m preparing for a presentation, so I’ve looked up a lot of material., WWell, I’m sure your presentation will go really well. , MThank you. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What function does paper perform in house building? 20. Why do farmers in Finland wear paper boots in snow? 21. What is true of paper planes and cars? 22. How does the man get to know so much about paper? Conversation Two , WHi, Jim, I have something urgent to talk over with you. Could you spare a few minutes right now? Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 , MSure, come in and take a seat, please. What’s on your mind? , WI was just talking to the lab supervisor. He said the main frame was repaired yesterday. That helps a lot, but there are some other problems with our students. , MAgain? What’s the problem this time? , WHe said the students are supposed to reserve the terminal computers for only one hour a day because so many students need to use them every day. , MWe have already made it as a regulation to reserve the terminals within the hour given. Haven’t we?, WYes, we have. But quite a number of our students are required to accomplish such assignments as designs and researches towards the end of the semester. , MI can see that. But does it bring about any problem? , WWell, now it frequently occurs that some of our students aren’t willing to give up terminals when their hour is over. , MI suppose they feel that since they are almost done, a few more minutes won’t matter., WYes, most likely. But this renders it inconvenient for people who are waiting for their turn to use the machine. , MYou’re right. Let’s draft the memo right now. We can pass it out in our classes tomorrow to clear up the problem. To make it known to all will be crucial to the solution. , WI agree. And now I consider it necessity to tighten the control over the time limits., MOkay. Let’s get started right away. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. How long is each student allowed to use the laboratory? 24. What is one of the problems in the laboratory? 25. What are the speakers going to do next to solve the problem? Section B Passage One Jellyfish are not really fish. Unlike fish, they have no bones at all. Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South poles. Adult jellyfish are shaped like an open umbrella or a bell. Tentacles dangle down from the edges of a jellyfish’s body. At the center of a jellyfish’s body, where it is widest, is the mouth. The ends of the tentacles have stinging cells on them, which jellyfish use to paralyze and catch their prey. The sting from a jellyfish can be very painful. Some jellyfish, such as the sea wasp, have powerful enough stings to kill people. Life for a jellyfish begins as an egg. Adult jellyfish release thousands of eggs into the water. The eggs develop into larvae. These larvae attach to rocks or other objects on the ocean floor and grow into a polyp. Polyps usually grow in colonies, or groups. They look like plants because they attach to the ground and grow upwards. The polyps grow taller until they look like tall stacks of saucers. The saucers gradually detach themselves from the polyps and swim free. These free-swimming saucers are young jellyfish. The jellyfish then grow into adults, lay eggs, and the life cycle begins anew. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. Which of the following is NOT true of jellyfish? 27. In which part is found the mouth of a jellyfish? 28. Why do polyps look like plants? Passage Two A grapefruit-size meteorite crashed through the roof of a house in New Zealand this spring, hit the ceiling, Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 slammed into a couch, and rolled under a table. Experts say the extremely hot rock was traveling about 500 kilometers an hour when it crashed through the roof. Its landing made a terrific explosion. Astronomer Joel Schiff of the University of Auckland said, “It is most likely a chip off an asteroid and is older than anything else on Earth.” The meteorite is about 4.5 billion years old. “It is one of the few physical records of the early solar system,” Schiff said. According to experts, the space rock was probably traveling 50,000 kilometers an hour when it reached Earth’s atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere slowed it down. Most likely the space rock came to Earth from an asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter, some 700 million kilometers away. Luckily no one was hurt when the meteorite landed, but it could mean money from the heavens for homeowners Phil and Brenda Archer. Experts say the space rock—only the ninth known ,meteorite to land in New Zealand—is probably worth more than U.S. 30, 000! But don’t expect to get rich on meteorites. Most space rocks entering the Earth’s atmosphere burn up during their journey.Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. What happened after the space rock landed? 30. Why is space rock one of the few physical records of the early solar system? 31. Why is the space rock worth so much money? 32. Why don’t we always expect to get rich on meteorites? Passage Three Altruism is when members of a species put aside their immediate needs—and may even suffer in the short term—for a greater good that will benefit the group as a whole. Other mammals such as chimpanzees and dolphins, birds, and even insects show altruistic traits, but altruism is more developed in homo species than any other species. And there’s evidence that we’re becoming more altruistic as time goes on. Members of a species typically only show altruism to their own tribe—the enemy tribe over the river are still the enemy. But over the last ten thousand years ago or so of human civilization, the “tribe” has gradually been getting bigger. Thanks to another by-product of the human brain, the advanced form of social organization we call “culture”, we’ve become more and more dependent on each other. The “tribe” has enlarged—from the village, to the city, the nation state, the trading block, and now in the 21st century, the global village. Global institutions, international treaties, the opening up of global trade and financial markets, and the mass media, have interconnected us and diminished tribal differences that formerly made us enemies. They make it increasingly difficult for us to act in destructive, aggressive ways without indirectly harming ourselves. Global treaties like the Kyoto Protocol and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty might just be signs that we can address the problems created by our brain. Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 33. Which of the following species are more altruistic? 34. What does “tribe” probably mean in the passage? 35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as contributing to diminishing tribal differences?Section C The World Bank estimates that more than one thousand million people live on less than one dollar a day. ;, These are the poorest of the poor, about 36one-sixth of the world population. About 50% of the ;, people in several African nations are 37among the world’s poorest. These nations include Ethiopia, ;, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Zambia. But even though these areas 38remain extremely poor, world ;, poverty has been cut in half over the last 20 years. The number of poor people 39dropped by almost four hundred million between 1981 and 2001.To reduce poverty, the World Bank suggests developing ;, ;, nations should expand the possibilities for business and 40investment. The bank notes that 41 private industry creates more than 90% of jobs in developing countries. The report for 2005 is based on Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 questions asked of more than 30,000 businesses in 53 developing countries. World Bank researchers found ;, that companies are most 42concerned about how governments decide to enforce laws. About 90% of ;, those in Guatemala reported policy 43conflicts with their government. This was true of more than ;, 70% of businesses in Belarus and Zambia. 44Throughout the world, many companies also express ;, concerns about problems like dishonesty and undependable electricity supplies.45As of date, some political leaders call for a world tax to help finance an anti-poverty campaign. They suggest international finances, airplane tickets and sales of heavy weapons are just some of the things that could be taxed. ;, 46However, others believe taxes on world trade would be undemocratic and impossible to put in place. Model Test 4 ?Part Writing Housing Problems in China Nowadays, housing prices in Chinese cities have been on the rise. In less than a decade, housing prices have doubled and even tripled. The rise in housing prices has brought an unspeakable burden to the average person. In most Chinese cities, the average income per year for the urban dwellers is between 20,000 to 30,000 RMB. However, a decent two bedroom apartment—about 100 square meters—cost almost one million RMB. Just imagine that a couple, both employed, would have to save all their income up to 20 years before they can afford to buy such apartment, disregarding the mortgage interest which has been rising for the recent few years. ~In view of the seriousness of this problemI think the government need to take effective measures to lower the housing prices, making sure that the ordinary people can have some living space for themselves. Firstly, the government should try to provide cheaper housing units for low income people. Secondly, the government should crack down on real estate speculation and stabilize the housing prices. If the housing problems are not dealt effectively, the reform program in China will face bitter resentment from the ordinary people. ?;,Part Reading Comprehension Skimming and Scanning ,文章大意,本文兰述了智力兰兰;,与并极智力及其天才之兰的兰系。指出天才不是智商高的人~IQ tests 而是具有强的想象力和兰极并造力~在某一兰域取得杰出成就的人。 兰因斯坦所兰兰的公式是~兰一公式的是确并没描述物兰和能量之兰的兰系。但是文章有提到1. NG E=mc2 兰一点。故正的答案是确。NG 兰干兰明有些人兰智力兰兰;,表示疑兰~因兰智力兰兰无法用兰兰一人的全部来个智力。在第三2. Y IQ tests 段中~作者指出其他人感到智力兰兰只能兰兰一人全部个智力的有限部分。 兰干兰明作者兰兰天才就是一个极并确智商高的人。兰兰兰法不正。作者在第四段中指出~在兰篇兰兰天3. N 才的文章中~天才并极不是智商高的人~天才是指作出重大兰兰或兰明的人~或在兰兰兰域取得杰出成就 的人。 根据兰干的指示兰如、和~可以定位答案在4. Y high functionsthoughtreasoningGenius and the Brain 一兰。作者指出大兰的功能分高端和低端。思兰和推理;,是高端功能~兰它位于大thought and reasoning 兰的皮兰。 在一兰中~作者介兰了加利福尼兰大学分校的一兰研究成果~大兰皮兰5. N Genius and the BrainIrvine 中的灰色物兰兰智力的影响要大于兰容量。 在一兰中~作者介兰了一篇刊登在《自然》上的兰文。兰篇兰文兰兰~大兰皮兰在儿6. Y Genius and the Brain Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 童兰期密度兰大~成年以后兰兰小。兰文兰高会并儿儿智商童的大兰皮兰密度兰大的速度要比其他童快。 在一兰的第二段中~作者介兰兰智力兰行兰兰的兰史已有数千年~但是智商兰7. N Genius and Intelligence 兰;,兰始于世兰末。外~下一段的第一句中~我兰另从知道智商兰兰是一兰兰准化的兰兰。IQ19 在一兰中~作者指出大多人在数智商兰兰中得分在至分~超8. a genius Genius and Intelligence90110兰了分的人就是天才。故正的答案兰确。140a genius 在一兰中~作者兰兰兰兰、兰明和兰造除了智力以外~兰需9. imagination and creativity Creativity and Genius 要想象力和兰造力。故正的答案是确。imagination and creativity 在文章倒数双第三段~作者指出作家和兰兰家患向情感障碍;,10. bipolar disorder bipolar disorder的机率要大于一般的人。作家和兰兰家当然是。故正的答案是确。注意,creative peoplebipolar disorder根据心理病学研双家的究~向情感障碍;,非并称是精神分裂症~后者的英文名是bipolar disorder 。schizophrenia ?Part Listening Comprehension 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. A 15.C 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. C 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. D36. missing 37. illegal 38. amounts 39. conducted 40. collected 41. healthy 42. chance 43. identify44. That information could then be used to develop machines to test for the chemicals 45. The team also plans to use dogs to help identify markers for other kinds of cancer 46. The International Agency for Research on Cancer estimates this disease kills more than 100,000 people each year ?;,Part Reading ComprehensionReading in Depth Section A , 47. Levaluation 兰里需要一名兰和前面的填个来和并列~根据此句的意思,兰兰兰兰家就是描述、descriptioninterpretation 解兰且兰兰兰品估价的~估确价~兰价”符合兰意~兰正答案。evaluation“ , 48. Edistinct 兰里需要一形容兰个来修兰此句的意思是,自世兰以~兰兰兰兰一来独直是一兰特的兰兰~profession, 19 清独楚的~明兰的~特的”。distinct“ , 49. Ninstitutions 从兰兰判~兰里兰兰一名兰的兰~可兰兰中只有一名兰兰两个断填个数个数公共机~兰构two moderninstitutions“会”。 , 50. Cmarketplace 根据此句的意思,兰兰画个廊兰兰兰品提供了兰兰一市兰~集兰所~会市兰”。marketplace“ , 51. Iinterested 兰里兰兰形容兰~以填个修兰。根据句意,兰兰上刊印的一些兰于兰兰的文章都是兰感兰趣的兰者看的~audience 感兰趣的”符合兰意。interested“ , 52. Gpatronage 兰里兰兰名兰~填个表示官方的兰助~是最佳答案。official patronage , 53. Fdetermine 兰兰不定式提示我兰兰里兰兰一兰兰原形~在可兰兰中只有填个和两个兰兰原形~根据兰句to supportdetermine 的意思,兰兰家指会派兰家用光~兰兰或其声学来并确他的物理和化分析兰兰兰兰品的年代且定在作品中X 使用的原料和方法~确定~兰定”符合兰意。determine“ Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 , 54. Aoriginality 兰里兰兰名兰~填个表示兰兰家的兰意。an artist’s originality , 55. Mdeparts 分析句子的兰法兰可构填称数知~兰兰入兰兰第三人兰兰。兰固定搭配~表示“兰反~背离;常兰、兰depart from兰,”。 , 兰固定搭配~表示“事从……”。56. Hengaged be engaged in Section B Passage One ,文章大意,一个运运运新的兰道指出尼泊兰搬工的兰部搬方式兰他兰成兰世界上最能效的人兰搬机。本文中兰述了一些研学运运究者在比利兰等做了男性、女性用兰部搬物品的兰兰~兰兰兰明尼泊兰搬工表兰得更好~意味着他兰取得世界上最兰害搬运称号工的。 兰干提兰兰于尼泊兰人搬运从方式~本篇文章我兰可以知道什兰。文中第一段第二句兰出了答案~他兰57. B 的方式是用一兰兰个个运束住去支撑一兰子~就兰兰使他兰成兰世界上最能效的人兰搬机。 兰干提兰兰于尼泊兰搬运惊运当工最令人奇的是什兰。文中第二段~作者兰到抽兰中平均男性可以兰相58. C 于他兰身重量的体的兰物~而女性大兰是~其中一人兰了运将体两近其身重量倍的兰物~所以兰90%66% 是最令人惊奇的。 兰干提兰兰尼泊兰人搬运研研与欧方式的究兰兰是什兰。文中第三段第二行~兰兰究兰告表示一兰洲人做59. A 了同兰兰准的兰兰比兰~尼泊兰人展示了~故兰答案。more economical energy use for all loadsA 兰兰兰。代价~;使,花兰;金兰、兰兰、兰力等,。根据本篇的句意~兰里是指不需要“兰兰、花力”气60. Dcost 地去承兰兰物。 兰干提兰先前兰于非洲女性的研研究表明了什兰。文中最后一段第十行~前面兰述了兰非洲女性的究61. C 后~作者兰兰故兰答案。the Nepalese porters performed better, C Passage Two ,文章大意,本文介兰了在女性中~太阳会响霍几光中紫外兰照射的兰兰影患非奇金淋巴瘤的率。淋巴瘤是涉及全身淋巴系兰的癌症。一些兰兰兰兰表明在六十年~那些每年内晒;黑行兰,少于三月个suntan的女性~要比那些有从来没去的女性患淋巴瘤的兰兰率高三几倍。suntan 兰干提兰兰非奇霍霍体内金淋巴瘤的了解。文中第一段介兰了非奇金淋巴瘤~其是涉及到身淋巴系62. A 兰的一兰癌症。 兰干提兰文中的“是指什兰。文中第三段容兰~内研来究人兰兰兰一兰自于“63. Dfemale controls”a 的据~兰数个研确霍究涉及到的是兰兰患非奇金淋巴casecontrol study of women living in Connecticut”, 瘤的位女性和生活在康涅狄格州的。所以的句意兰,那些正在兰床601female controlsfemale controls研究中接受兰兰和兰察的女性。 兰干提兰如果女性做什兰~兰可能增加她会患淋巴瘤的兰兰。文章第六段表明~夏天上午九点到下午64. A 三点有最多量晒晒黑行兰的女性比有最少量黑行兰的女性患淋巴瘤的兰兰高。故兰答案。70%A 兰干提兰兰什兰常兰的晒会晒黑行兰似乎不增加女性的危兰。文中第五段末句~常兰的黑行兰也兰有了保65. C 兰性的色素沉着;,来减少紫外兰的吸收。pigmentation 兰干提兰兰什兰兰兰人兰兰划研霍研去兰一步究非奇金淋巴瘤。文章最后一段中~作者提到兰兰人兰兰兰兰一步66. C 究是有必要的~是兰了兰兰是否兰兰感病体;,有可能改兰太阳晒霍曝和患上非奇金genetic susceptibility 淋巴瘤之兰的兰系。 ?Part Cloze 兰兰辨析。句中需要一形容兰个修兰~表示兰菌是非常小、活兰的兰西。活的、兰存的~生67. Athingslivinglive活~活兰的~活着的。livelyalive Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 兰兰辨析。兰里需要一兰兰引兰兰句~句意兰,我兰用英个来状从当来寸或厘米兰兰量我兰的尺寸兰~兰菌的68. D 尺寸却要用微米来兰量。当作~因兰~兰然~当从……兰候~用于兰接句常表asbecausealthough??? while示兰比和兰折。 兰兰辨析。句意兰,一微米是一毫米的千分之一~一大兰兰的个平兰大兰兰一毫米兰。;,“从69. Bacrossadv.一兰到一兰~兰~兰”~其另横他兰兰都不符合兰意。 介兰辨析。兰里表示“以直径兰量”~故用。70. Ain diameter 兰兰兰辨析。兰里需要一兰兰兰引兰件兰句。如果一兰个条状从你将个它将会菌放大一千倍~大兰是兰兰那兰大71. C 小。一旦、前~从那兰~如果~ 自。从once?????? whenifsince 介兰辨析。句意同兰~故兰。72. C71about 介兰辨析。兰里需要一介兰兰成介兰短兰~用作句中的兰。句意兰,个状况甚至在有普通兰微兰的情下~73. D 你也必兰仔兰地去兰察兰菌。故兰。with 副兰辨析。兰里需要一填个副兰去修兰形容兰。句意兰,有人兰兰使使用一即百倍的放大兰~兰菌看74. Avisible 上去兰兰是一些小点点。兰兰~清晰地~更多~更少。barelyclearlymoreless 固定搭配。本句句意,一人不能辨兰出兰的兰。个它构兰兰、扑向~;排字中,使最75. Dmake atmake even后一行排足~有利于、兰致~兰明、辨兰出。make formake out 固定搭配。附在、把……放在。76. Battach to??? 介兰辨析。本句句意,兰多兰菌缺乏兰兰~不能兰通兰他兰自己的力量兰行移兰~而其他的兰菌通兰兰兰人知77. A 的机制可以越兰表面沿着滑行。通兰。by 介兰辨析。句意同兰。在……之下~在……之下~在……之上、越兰~在78. C77underbeneathoverabove上面。 固定搭配。如此……以至于……。本句句意,兰菌是如此的小~以至于兰它学受到周兰化79. Dso...that... 分子的影响。 介兰辨析。句意同兰。受到……影响。80. A79be influenced by... 介兰辨析。介兰短兰修兰主兰~表示“兰微兰下的兰菌”~故兰。81. Bunder 兰形辨析。根据文章整兰体境~兰里用一般兰在兰兰。兰起~兰跳~跳兰。82. Cbounce 固定搭配。与冲……突。83. Acollide with 介兰辨析。兰里表示兰兰“在十分之一秒内” ~故兰。84. Dwithin 介兰辨析。本句句意,水分子兰如此之运内个快~以至于在十分之一秒~一兰菌周兰的分子已兰被85. B 新的所替代。被……替代。be replaced by 兰形辨析。暴露于……。86. Abe exposed to ?Part Translation 87. beyond my understanding 88. to make it possible 89. only to be told that his wife had left him90. unless you want to offend him91. there is still much room for improvementTape Script of Listening Comprehension Model Test 4 Section A , 11. WI stayed in the hospital for almost one month now. I’m worried about those classes I missed when I was sick. , MDon’t worry about that. I’ll try to bring you up to date on what we’ve done. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 , QWhat does the man mean? , 12. MI’d like to get my sister a nice practical gift for her birthday. Do you have any positive suggestion? , WWhat do you mean by that? Well, how does a hairdryer sound? , QWhat does the woman mean? , 13. MThough I’ve spent so much time on these physics problems, I’m getting absolutely nowhere with them. , WHow about my going through them with you? Perhaps you just need to look at them from a different perspective. , QWhat does the woman mean? , 14. WDo you ever think of changing your major to art? In that case, you won’t have spent too much time in labs. , MEvery once in a while. What if you did? You still have to work hard if you want to stand out., QWhat does the man mean? , 15. WCan you make me a cabinet four feet high and three feet wide? I would like to place it in my study. , MSure, how many shelves do you need? I suppose you will use it for books and music CDs., QWhat most probably is the man’s occupation? , 16. MWhen is Jack going to finish writing that paper? I remember he started on it last summer?, WI don’t know when he’ll be able to finish it, but he’s been working on it day in and day out., QWhat does the woman say about Jack? , 17. MThe winters here are usually mild. We have seldom seen too much snow. , WThat’s the usual case, but I think this year would be different. Just wait and see what will happen., QWhat does the woman imply about this winter? , 18. MWhat shall we have for lunch? I usually have a sandwich, which has meat and vegetables between two pieces of bread. , WI’m not really hungry, you know. Is there any chicken soup left? , QWhy does the woman make such remark? Conversation One , WDoctor White, we recently learned that a large piece of the Larsen Ice Shelf in Western Antarctica broke off in early January. Could you please tell us exactly what happened? , MI’d be happy to. The piece that broke off was over a thousand square miles in area. More recently and quite alarming to scientists is that the forty-mile crack, some thirty feet wide in places has torn through the ice shelf. , WI understand that the scientific community is quite concerned. What is the significance of these events? , MWell, some scientists believe that this is a clear sign of global warming. Back in 1978, some American researchers predicted that Antarctica would show early signs of global warming due to the greenhouse effect-you know, the process of heat been held at the surface of the earth by the atmosphere., WBut couldn’t breaking ice shelves also be a result of the unusual weather Antarctica itself has experienced lately? , MThat’s certainly possible. W: But you have to remember that over the past thousands of years, ice shelves have been through a lot of weather changes without breaking up. Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 , MRemember too that although ice shelves float on the ocean, they are attached to the continent and can be as thick as a thousand feet. , WI think most people know that if the ice cap over Antarctica melts, the level of the oceans will rise. What’s sort of impact will this have? , MWell, the ice shelves currently keeps the Antarctic continent from wind, which slows down melting. But without ice shelves to cool the wind, it would be warmer than usual as it flows over Antarctica. If the winds cause even a tenth of the continent’s ice to melt, the world’s oceans could rise as much as thirty feet.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What are the speakers mainly discussing? 20. Why are the events important? 21. Why doesn’t the woman believe that weather is responsible for the recent events? 22. What would be the likely result of melting of the ice cap? Conversation Two , MI really don’t know what to do this summer. I can’t afford to just sit around, and there don’t seem to be any jobs available. , WWhy don’t you try house-sitting? Last summer my friend Margaret house-sat for the Dodds when they went away on vacation. Mr. Dodd hired Margaret to stay in their house because he didn’t want it left empty. , MYou mean the Dodds paid Margaret just to live in their house? , WIt wasn’t that easy. She had to mow and water the houseplants. And when Eric house-sat for Mr. Cohen, he had to take care of his pets. , MHouse sitting sounds like a good job. I guess it’s a little like babysitting except you’re taking care of a house instead of children. , WThe student employment office still has a few jobs posted. , MDo I just have to fill out an application? , WMargaret and Eric had to interview with the homeowners and provide three references each., MThat seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job. , WThe homeowners want some guarantee that they can trust the house-sitter. You know, they want to make sure you’re not the type who will throw wild parties in their house, or move a group of friends in with you. , MHouse-sitters who do that sort of things probably aren’t paid then. , WUsually they are paid anyway just because the homeowners don’t want to make a fuss. But if the homeowner reported it, then the house-sitter wouldn’t be able to get another job. So why don’t you apply?Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. What does the man want to do this summer? 24. What did the Dodds do when they went away last summer? 25. What is one responsibility the house-sitter probably won’t have? Section B Passage One Plastic bags are everywhere. According to the Virginia-based American Plastics Council, 80 percent of groceries are packed in plastic bags. The numbers are absolutely staggering. It is estimated that consumers use between 500 billion and one trillion plastic bags per year worldwide. Plastic bags can be found in landfills, stuck on trees, and floating in the ocean. Some experts say that they harm the environment. Plastic bags can take hundreds of years to break down. As they break down, they release poisonous materials into Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 the water and soil. Plastic bags in the ocean can choke and strangle wildlife. Endangered sea turtles eat the bags and often choke on them—probably because the bags look like jellyfish, the main food of many sea turtles. In fact, floating plastic bags have been spotted as far north as the Arctic Ocean to as far south as the southern end of South America. One expert predicts that within ten years, plastic bags will wash up in Antarctica! While some experts have argued for placing a tax on plastic bags, others worry that the tax would cause people who make plastic bags to lose jobs. Some people also worry that making plastic bags more expensive would increase landfill waste because stores would start using paper bags again. Another possible solution would be to use biodegradable plastic bags, a technology that has recently improved. Perhaps the simplest solution for now, however, is to pack groceries in reusable bags. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. What is NOT true about plastic bags according to the passage? 27. What is the evidence illustrating the threat of plastic bags to marine wildlife? 28. Which solution is strongly suggested by the speaker? Passage Two Insects are small animals without backbones. They go through life stages and have very different forms in each stage. Adult insects usually have three pairs of legs, one pair of antennae, and two pairs of wings. Insects breathe air through holes in their bodies. The body of an insect has three main parts called the head, thorax, and abdomen. You could barely see the feathery winged dwarf beetle because it is only 0.25 millimeters long. The walking stick of Southeast Asia is one of the biggest insects. It can be 50 centimeters long with its legs stretched out. Insects can live almost anywhere on Earth. Insects called rock crawlers live on the cold mountaintops of the Himalayas in Asia. These insects make a kind of antifreeze. The antifreeze works like antifreeze in a car. It keeps water in their bodies from freezing solid. Some ants live in the heat of the Sahara, a desert in Africa. They look for food even in the hottest weather, when temperatures can be higher than 116 Fahrenheit or 47 Celsius. Many insect species live in the fresh water of lakes, streams, ponds, and swamps. Very few insects can live in the salty water of the oceans. More insects live in tropical rain forests than any other place in the world. Scientists believe there are millions of insect species living in the rain forest that have not yet been found. Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. Which of the following is NOT true of insects? 30. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a main part of an insect? 31. What can be learned about the ants living in the Sahara? 32. Where are few insects found according to the passage? Passage Three The latest UN climate change report was released in April 2007. According to the report, a 2—3 degree rise in temperature above pre-industrial levels will cause widespread damage to ecosystems, leading to the extinction of up to 30% of plant and animal species worldwide. For the human beings, they will suffer from heat stress and greater spread of tropical diseases. Potentially the biggest impact of climate change in Australia will be on water supply. The prediction is more where we don’t want it and less where we do. In other words, there will be increased flooding in northern Australia, but southern and eastern Australia will have to see increased drought. With every capital city in Australia currently experiencing water shortages and rural areas reliant on water trading, even a small shift in climate could have major impacts on how we use water. Rural Australia particularly faces significant social impacts from further water restrictions and research is needed at a regional level to address rural water concerns, which could lead to a demographic shift away from rural Australia. Short-term solutions, such as water trading, won’t buffer farms from the Miracles focus on you 兰州交大阿孟兰兰兰 QQ644078700 losses expected from increased evaporation. Evaporation impacts on soil moisture, and on top of that farmers can expect decreased rainfall and decreased run off. Rainfall to run-off is in a ratio of one to three, so that any decrease in rainfall reduces run-off by as much as three times. Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 33. How does the effect of climate change on the environment suggest? 34. What will be the biggest impact of climate change in Australia? 35. What is mentioned as a shortterm resolution?, Section C ;, Dogs are known for their sense of smell. They can find 36missing people and things like bombs and ;, 37illegal drugs. Now a study suggests that the animal known as man’s best friend can even find bladder cancer. Cancer cells are thought to produce chemicals with usual odors. Researchers think dogs ;, have the ability to smell these odors, even in very small 38amounts, in urine. The sense of smell in ;, dogs is thousands of times better than in humans. The study was 39conducted by Carolyn Willis at ;, Amersham Hospital in England. For the experiment they trained different kinds of dogs and 40 ;, collected urine taken from bladder cancer patients, from people with other diseases and from 41 healthy people. Each dog was tested eight times. As a group, the dogs chose the correct sample 22 out of ;, 54. That is almost three times more often than would be expected by 42chance alone. Carolyn Willis ;, ;, says dogs could help scientists 43identify the compounds produced by bladder cancer. 44That information could then be used to develop machines to test for the chemicals. Now, doctors must remove ;, tissue from the bladder to test for cancer. 45The team also plans to use dogs to help identify markers ;, for other kinds of cancer. Bladder cancer is the ninth most common cancer worldwide. 46The International Agency for Research on Cancer estimates this disease kills more than 100,000 people each year. Doctors say cigarette smoking is the leading cause of bladder cancer. Miracles focus on you
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