首页 2013年福建中小学生安全知识竞赛



2013年福建中小学生安全知识竞赛2013年福建中小学生安全知识竞赛 中小学生安全知识竞赛 答题时间:30分钟 开始时间:14:41:41 总分:100分 一、选择题(40分) A1 ()图中标志为_____标志。 5分 得:5分 A(注意危险 B(禁行 C(停车 C2 ()发现燃气泄露,要速关阀门,打开门窗,不能 ______ 。 5分 得:5分 A(触动电器开关或拨打电话 B(使用明火 C(A和B都正确 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial dig...

2013年福建中小学生安全知识竞赛 中小学生安全知识竞赛 答题时间:30分钟 开始时间:14:41:41 总分:100分 一、选择题(40分) A1 ()图中标志为_____标志。 5分 得:5分 A(注意危险 B(禁行 C(停车 C2 ()发现燃气泄露,要速关阀门,打开门窗,不能 ______ 。 5分 得:5分 A(触动电器开关或拨打电话 B(使用明火 C(A和B都正确 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, B3 ()公共聚集场所发生突发事件被踩倒不能站立时,应采取______ 5分 的姿势。 得:5分 A(平爬地上 B(身体蜷缩成球状,双手抱头 C(仰面朝上 C4 ()发现有人准备跳楼轻生,你应该拨打_____。 5分 得:5分 A(120 B(119 C(110 C5 ()校园周围几百米以内不得开办电子游艺厅 , Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 5分 得:5分 A(500米 B(800米 C(200米 C6 ()人身短时触电后不会有生命危险的电流大小一般取_______。 5分 得:5分 A(1mA B(10mA C(30mA D(50mA B7 ()光纤通讯不带电,使用安全。可用于______、______场所。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 5分 得:5分 A(人多、人杂 B(易燃、易爆 C(人多、露天 D(人多、易燃 B8 ()______周岁以下儿童不能骑自行车上街。 5分 得:5分 A(10 B(12 C(14 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 二、判断题(40分) ()学生放学时在马路上可以使用滑板、旱冰鞋等回家。 1 6分 得:6分 ()集体野营时,所有参加活动的人要严格遵守活动纪律,服从统2 5分 一指挥。 得:5分 ()119还应参加其他灾害或事故的抢险救援工作,包括各种危险3 5分 化学品泄漏事故的救援,水灾、风灾、地震等重大自然灾害的抢险救灾,空难及 重大事故的抢险救援,建筑物倒塌事故的抢险救援,恐怖袭击等突发性事件的应得:5分 急救援,单位和群众遇险求助时的救援救助等。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, ()小学生要善于识别食品的保质期限及保质程度,拒食拒饮变4 6分 质、变味食品和“三无”包装食品,确保饮食安全。 得:6分 ()凡是设有仓库或生产车间的建筑内,不得设职工集体宿舍。 5 6分 得:6分 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, ()广播电视安全播出相关附属设施包含机房及机房内空调、消6 6分 防、防雷接地,光电缆所在杆路、管道,天线所在铁塔等。 得:6分 ()任何单位和个人在依法划定的电力设施保护区内,允许自行修7 6分 建建筑物、构筑物,种植高杆植物。 得:6分 三、视频题(20分) 1 预防毒品、艾滋病 20分 C 1 ()以下哪种不是毒品, Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 2分 A(大麻 得:2分 B(杜冷丁 C(砒霜 B2 ()毒品从来源上分为: 2分 A(镇定类和兴奋类 得:2分 B(天然类和合成类 C(镇定类和致幻类 B3 ()最早流入我国的毒品是: 2分 A(大麻 得:2分 B(鸦片 C(吗啡 A4 ()道光年间,吸食_____已泛滥成灾,遍布社2分 会各个阶层,每年大量白银外流,造成国库空虚,民不聊生。 A(鸦片 得:2分 B(可卡因 C(白粉 C5 ()经过简单提炼就可以生成的毒品是: 2分 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, A(冰毒 得:2分 B(可卡因 C(吗啡 B6 ()从古柯树的叶子中提取出来的毒品是: 2分 A(大麻 得:2分 B(可卡因 C(海洛因 B7 ()世界上使用人数最多的毒品是: 2分 A(鸦片 得:2分 B(大麻 C(海洛因 A8 ()什么毒品又叫白面, 2分 A(海洛因 得:2分 B(冰毒 C(K粉 A9 ()能使人脑功能失调的毒品是: 2分 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, A(大麻 得:2分 B(可卡因 C(鸦片 B10 ()吸食_____可导致贫血。 2分 A(鸦片 得:2分 B(可卡因 C(海洛因 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good,
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