首页 东村乡民族宗教工作汇报



东村乡民族宗教工作汇报东村乡民族宗教工作汇报 东村乡民族宗教工作情况汇报 (2008年5月23日) 一、东村乡基本概况 东村乡位于富民县城东北部,距富民县城70公里,距昆明城区64公里,地理位置处于富民县、禄劝县、寻甸县的三县结合部,东与寻甸县接壤,南与我县的款庄乡为邻,西与禄劝县的崇德、翠华乡以普渡河为界,隔河相望,北与禄劝县翠华乡初途村委会、寻甸县鸡街乡极乐、黑山村委会相连,是一个由汉、彝、苗等多民族杂居的边远乡。东村乡具有光荣的历史和革命传统,历经几届乡党委、政府和全乡人民的共同努力,凭借着独特的气候,昆明近效的区位优势,...

东村乡民族宗教工作汇报 东村乡民族宗教工作情况汇报 (2008年5月23日) 一、东村乡基本概况 东村乡位于富民县城东北部,距富民县城70公里,距昆明城区64公里,地理位置处于富民县、禄劝县、寻甸县的三县结合部,东与寻甸县接壤,南与我县的款庄乡为邻,西与禄劝县的崇德、翠华乡以普渡河为界,隔河相望,北与禄劝县翠华乡初途村委会、寻甸县鸡街乡极乐、黑山村委会相连,是一个由汉、彝、苗等多民族杂居的边远乡。东村乡具有光荣的历史和革命传统,历经几届乡党委、政府和全乡人民的共同努力,凭借着独特的气候,昆明近效的区位优势,丰富的自然资源,东村乡现已成为全县乃至全市闻名的“樱桃之乡”“鸡枞之乡”“彩玉石之乡”“板栗之乡”“优质大米之乡”,境内还具 有储量巨大的钛资源和丰富的水电资源,奇特秀丽的普渡河峡谷风光、天然温泉浴场和醉人的芭蕉箐苗族文化风情。 全乡国土面积124.6平方公里,辖7个村委会、62个自然村,79个村民小组,有农户3636户,农业人口13590人。全乡有耕地12500亩,其中,水田4500亩,旱地8000亩。2007年全乡农村经济总收入达11833万元,农民人均总收transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 入达8710元,人均纯收入达2658元,人均有粮519公斤。 二、少数民族自然村分布情况和人口状况 全乡主要有苗族、彝族、哈尼族等6个少数民族,其中苗族、彝族为世居少数民族。有15个少数民族自然村,其中,7个苗族聚居自然村,5个彝族聚居自然村,分别处于海拔2800米大黑山的两面坡上,年人均纯收入在350—430元之间,还有2个苗族汉族杂居自然村,1个苗族彝族杂居自然村。主要分布在祖库村委会、中民村委会、石桥村委会和杜朗村委会四个村委会。全乡有少数民族578户,人口1851人,占全乡总人口13590人的13.6%。其中,苗族人口1023人,占全乡总人口的7.5%,彝族人口741人,占全乡总人口的5.4%,哈尼族54人,占全乡总人口的0.4%,傈僳族24人,占全乡总人口的0.2%。 三、少数民族地区经济社会发展状况及面临的问题 多年来,在上级各有关部门的大力支持和帮助下,人畜饮水、乡村道路等基础设施建设得到不断加强,农业科技得到逐步推广应用,烤烟、荷兰豆、脱毒洋芋、优质玉米等多种经济作物引种规模逐年加大,有力推动了民族地区经济社会的持续、健康发展,极大地改善了少数民族群众的生产生活条件。2007年,柿花箐、水平子、大麻栎树、芭蕉箐四个苗族自然村连片种植泡核桃500亩。经济增长速度与前几年相比,有了大幅度提高。但由于少数民族地区多处于山区和 y esttives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmlimportance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objec greatrvice level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the se d, social stability andterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-unk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environmentore jtill plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and mconstruction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, s tational development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transpordustry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industriant inre still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there adefense resertransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-n "party building among reform, development and stability," fourablish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering o- 2 - 半山区,海拔高,地势陡峭,土地贫瘠,道路交通状况差,生产生活条件恶劣,抵抗灾害能力较弱。在农业发展主要以种养业为主,少数民族地区接受外界信息渠道单一,信息量少,农业生产与市场经济不相适应,加之小农经济观念强,产业单一,科学知识缺乏,造成产业结构调整困难,增收致富难度大,经济发展缓慢。 四、民族宗教活动情况 全乡少数民族群众多以信仰基督教为主。芭蕉箐教会为东村乡唯一基督教教会,成立于1994年。芭蕉箐教堂位于石桥村委会芭蕉箐村,下辖石桩、菖莆箐、柿花箐、大麻栎树、水平子5个基督教活动点,有7名教职人员,信徒人数386人,其中,芭蕉箐教堂本堂信教人数120人,石桩、柿花箐、水平子活动点为苗族点,信教人数170人,菖莆箐活动点为彝族点,信教人数30人,大麻栎树活动点为苗族彝族点,信教人数66人。到目前为止,各堂、点宗教活动正常,无非法传教和外国势力渗透现象。 五、芭蕉箐、万宝山、菖莆箐三个重点民族村存在的问题及今后的发展思路 (一)芭蕉箐村 芭蕉箐村位于东村乡西北部,西邻禄劝县,东与寻甸县接壤,全村有农户37户,人口130人,其中党员1人,是东村乡苗族聚居自然村之一,距石桥村委会8公里,东村集镇15公里,全村主要以种植玉米、小麦为主, ce levess; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the serviincrease in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and strterm efforts; Five is the -saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-harmless treatment more difficult, "environment ty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk,l plenstruction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, stilment, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation conevelopry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial dome problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industill srces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are stgovernment functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve fo transformation ofone work to implement and pay more-in-uilding among reform, development and stability," fourrty bh a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "pamain ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establis es andortance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectivel is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great imp- 3 - 农民人均纯收入为430元,无村集体经济收入。2005年云南大学博士生工作站在芭蕉箐村设立民族文化研究点,对苗族文化、民风民俗等进行研究。芭蕉箐村地处海拔2800米的大黑山山脚,地势陡峭,自然条件恶劣,村民仅靠一条曲折、狭窄的马车路与外界相通~出行极为不便~加之人畜饮用水属山沟水~未从水源点引水~水质未经任何处理~人畜饮用安全系数较低~加之现有饮水管网是由1978年修建的灌溉用水~管网严重锈化~给群众生产生活带来影响。现东鸡公路已修通,极大地改善了芭蕉箐村与外界的联系,但该村与东鸡公路相通的路段为马车路,雨季路面塌方严重,坡陡路滑,村民出行极为不便,导致村民无法将农副产品适时送到集镇交易,严重制约了经济社会的协调发展。为了进一步改善村民的生产生活条件,加快少数民族地区经济社会发展步伐,现 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 对从东鸡公路到芭蕉箐村长3.7公里的乡村道路进行铺沙,经乡国土所实地勘测,预计工程建设资金6万元,对长1.5公里的人畜饮水进行改造,经乡水保站实地勘测,预计工程建设资金9万元,两项工程建设资金共为15万元。 (二)万宝山 万宝山村是我乡典型的一个苗彝杂居自然村,位于富民县、寻甸县、禄劝县三县结合部,该村自然条件恶劣,主要以种植玉米、小麦、辣子为主,农民人均纯收入410元,无村集体经济收入。全村共有农户35户,人口 stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the se d, social stability andterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-unk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environmentore jtill plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and mconstruction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, s tational development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transpordustry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industriant inre still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there adefense resertransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-n "party building among reform, development and stability," fourablish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering oy esttives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmlimportance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objec greatrvice level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach - 4 - 136人,其中苗族28户,104人,彝族7户,32人,党员1 人。多年来,万宝山村村民饮用水一直从山箐沟取水,未经任何处理,细菌严重超标,给村民的饮水安全带来隐患,加之管路老化受损严重,饮用水时通时短,已远远不能满足全村的人畜饮水需要。从东鸡公路到万宝山的马车路全长4.5公里,雨季路面塌方严重,坡陡路滑,村民出行极为不便,严重制约了经济社会的协调发展。为了改善群众的生产生活条件,确保人畜饮水和出徒安全,现计划对长4.5公里的马车路进行铺沙,经测算,预计工程建设资金7万元,对长4000米的人畜饮水管路进行改造,经乡水保站实地勘测,预计工程建设资金为6万元 ,两项工程建设资金共为13万元。 (三)菖莆箐 菖莆箐村位于东村乡中民村委会,东与寻甸县接壤,南邻本县款庄乡,距东村集镇15公里,距村委会5公里,全村有农户31户,其中贫困户25户,人口106人,其中残疾人口5人,党员1人,是东村乡彝族聚居自然村,属我乡典型的山区贫困村之一,全村主要以种植玉米、小麦、脱毒洋芋、烤烟为主,农民人均纯收入350元,人均有粮350千克,基本农田、地面积530 亩,无村集体经济收入。菖莆箐村地处海拔2800米的大黑山偏坡上,地势陡峭,属山体滑坡地段,人居环境恶劣,加之基础设施建设严重滞后,经济增收缺乏产业支撑,群众增收困难,生产生活 main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establis es andortance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectivel is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great impce levess; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the serviincrease in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and strterm efforts; Five is the -saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-harmless treatment more difficult, "environment ty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk,l plenstruction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, stilment, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation conevelopry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial dome problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industill srces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are stgovernment functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve fo transformation ofone work to implement and pay more-in-uilding among reform, development and stability," fourrty bh a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "pa- 5 - 条件差,经济社会发展速度慢。现饮用水为山沟水,和一个 35m的人饮水池。为了改善全村居住环境,提高生产生活安全系数,大力发展经济林果项目,拓宽农民增收渠道,现需对大部分住房进行择地搬迁,按照安居工程每户3000元的搬迁补贴标准,全村共需9.3万元搬迁补贴资金,配套建设 360m的人饮水池及管路改造,需工程建设资金2.9万元,种植泡核桃120亩,需补助资金2.8万元,建沼气池31口,需建设资金6.2万元,四项共需建设资金21.2万元。 saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-unk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environmentore jtill plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and mconstruction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, s tational development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transpordustry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industriant inre still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there adefense resertransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-n "party building among reform, development and stability," fourablish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering oy esttives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmlimportance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objec greatrvice level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the se d, social stability andterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-- 6 -
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