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北科大会计专硕复试分数线多少北科大会计专硕复试分数线多少 凯程教育以“专业、负责、创新、分享”的办学理念,突出“高命中率、强时效性、全面一条龙服务”的特色,成为考研学子选择专业课辅导的首选。凯程考研全程辅导了数千名考生考入北大、人大、中财、外经贸、上财、南开、浙大、复旦等名校,凯程集训班一次性上线率更是高达近90%,总成功率接近100%~本文系统介绍北科大会计专硕研究方向,北科大会计专硕考研初试经验,北科大会计专硕考研参考书,北科大会计专硕考研难度、北科大会计专硕就业五大方面的问题,凯程北科大会计专硕老师给大家详细讲解。特别申明,以下信息绝...

北科大会计专硕复试分数线多少 凯程教育以“专业、负责、创新、分享”的办学理念,突出“高命中率、强时效性、全面一条龙服务”的特色,成为考研学子选择专业课辅导的首选。凯程考研全程辅导了数千名考生考入北大、人大、中财、外经贸、上财、南开、浙大、复旦等名校,凯程集训班一次性上线率更是高达近90%,总成功率接近100%~本文系统介绍北科大会计专硕研究方向,北科大会计专硕考研初试经验,北科大会计专硕考研参考书,北科大会计专硕考研难度、北科大会计专硕就业五大方面的问题,凯程北科大会计专硕老师给大家详细讲解。特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的北京科技大学考研机构~ 一、北科大会计专硕复试分数线是多少, 2015年北科大会计专硕专业复试分数线是207分,研究生复试包括专业课笔试、综合面试、外语测试三个部分。综合面试重点考察学生综合素质、专业素养和创新精神与能力,面试内容涵盖心理素质、逻辑思维能力、语言表达能力、应变能力、思想品德、举止和礼仪等内容。 考研复试面试不用担心,凯程考研有系统的专业课内容培训,日常问题培训,还要进行三次以上的模拟面试,还有对应的复试面试题库,你提前准备好里面的问题答案,确保你能够在面试上游刃有余,很多老师问题都是我们在模拟面试准备过的。 二、北科大会计专硕就业怎么样, 北京科技大学本身的学术氛围好、师资力量强、人脉资源广,社会认可度高,自然就业就没有问题,北京科技大学硕士毕业生每年的就业率保持在98%以上。 自改革开放以来,会计硕士专业一直比较热门,薪资令人羡慕。各个公司、企业、政府部门和行业部门需要大量的会计人才加盟。 就业方向:在各类企业事业单位、会计师事务所、经济管理职能部门、金融与证券投资部门以及三资企业、外贸公司等经济部门与单位从事会计及财务管理。 三、北科大会计专硕专业研究方向介绍 2015年北科大会计专硕专业招生人数30人,非定向生学费1万元/生/年,定向生学费4万元/生/年,学制两年。 北科大会计专硕专业研究方向如下: 01 会计准则及会计信息在资本市场中的应用 02 审计理论与内部控制研究 03 投融资决策的影响因素及经济后果研究 04 政府会计理论与政府会计准则 各研究方向初试科目是一样的, ?199管理类联考综合能力?204英语(二) 四、北科大会计专硕难度大不大,跨专业的人考上的多不多? 总体来说,北科大会计专硕考研难度不大,专业招生人数多,北京科技大学复试分数线也是比较低的,与北林、北理持平,复试专业课内容简单,对于跨专业考生是极为有利的。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 据凯程从北京科技大学内部统计数据得知,每年会计硕士考研的考生中95%是跨专业考生,在录取的学生中,基本都是跨专业的学生。随着报考人数的增多,竞争自然也在增大,由于初试只考管理类联考综合和英语二,考研难度降低,对于跨专业的考生是一大福利。在考研复试的时候,老师更看重跨专业学生自身的能力,而不是本科背景。其次,本科会计学专业涉及分析层面的内容没有那么深,此对数学的要求没那么高,本身知识点难度并不大,跨专业的学生完全能够学得懂。在凯程辅导班里很多这样三凯程生,都考的不错,而且每年还有很多二本院校的成功录取的学员,主要是看你努力与否。所以记住重要的不是你之前学得如何,而是从决定考研起就要抓紧时间完成自己的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,下定决心,就全身心投入,要相信付出总会有回报。 五、北科大会计专硕考研参考书是什么, 北科大会计专硕考研参考书很多人都不清楚,这里凯程老师给大家整理出来了: 会计硕士是全国统考,没有指定参考书,在此凯程老师推荐几本初试参考书: 《全国管理类专业学位联考综合能力考试指南》,全国专业学位联考辅导用书编写组编; 《管理类专业学位联考综合能力考试:试题归类解析及知识点清单(写作分册) 》,刘岩 编; 《管理类专业学位联考综合能力考试试题归类解析及知识点清单•逻辑分册》, 李雪 编 《管理类专业学位联考综合能力考试•试题归类解析及知识点清单:数学分册》,童武 编。 《凯程199管理综合讲义》 《凯程199管理综合 真题 北京中考数学真题pdf四级真题及答案下载历年四级真题下载证券交易真题下载资料分析真题下载 讲解》 《凯程199管理综合冲刺押题讲义》 北科大会计专硕考研复试科目:会计学+财务管理 北科大会计专硕考研复试笔试参考书: 《会计学原理》,樊彩霞主编,科学出版社,2013; 《新编财务管理》,韩良智主编,科学出版社,2013; 《公司理财》,吴世农等译,机械工业出版社,2012 以上参考书比较多,实际复习的时候,请按照凯程老师指导的重点进行复习,有些内容是不考的,帮助你减轻复习压力,提高复习效率。 六、北科大会计专硕辅导班有哪些, 对于北科大会计专硕考研考研辅导班,业内最有名气的就是凯程。很多辅导班说自己辅导北科大会计专硕,您直接问一句,北科大会计专硕参考书有哪些,大多数机构瞬间就傻眼了,或者推脱说我们有专门的专业课老师给学生推荐参考书,为什么当场答不上来,因为他们根本就没有辅导过北科大会计专硕考研,更谈不上有北科大会计专硕考研的考研辅导资料,有考上北科大会计专硕的学生了。在业内,凯程的北科大会计专硕考研非常权威,基本上考北科大会计专硕考研的同学们都了解凯程。凯程有系统的《北科大会计专硕讲义》《北科大会计专硕题库》《北科大会计专硕凯程一本通》,也有系统的考研辅导班,及对北科大会计专硕深入的理解,在北京科技大学有深厚的人脉及时的考研信息。不妨同学们实地考察一下。并且,在凯程网站有成功学员的经验视频,其他机构一个都没有。 七、北科大会计专硕考研的一些学习 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 解读 “磨刀不误砍柴工”,好的学习方法可以使学习事半功倍,下面凯程考研为广大考生整理北科大会计专硕考研知识和理解方法。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务~ (一)基本识记方法 基本概念和基本知识点是基础的基础,任何科目都有一些考生必须记住的非常重要的概念,如会计要素、财务 报表 企业所得税申报表下载财务会计报表下载斯维尔报表下载外贸周报表下载关联申报表下载 、投资的含义、资金时间价值、固定成本、变动成本、本量利分析等等。这些概念都是各章知识的基础,同时也是选择题、名词解释的好出处。此外,一些常用的公式也要记住,例如,流动比率、速动比率、资产负债率、产权比率、利息保障倍数、营业利润率、成本费用利润率、总资产周转率、净资产收益率、每股收益、市盈率、存货周转率、固定资产周转率、总资产周转率等等。这些属于基本的常识,也非常重要的。 (二)理解记忆方法 抓重点对于文科知识学习是非常有效的。由于考研的参考书较多,尤其需要记忆的知识点较多,如果单靠死记硬背是没办法全部记住的,因此最好通过理解抓住重点来有针对性的帮助记忆。具体做法是大家在复习时认真地记录书本上的重、难点,分清主次来减轻记忆的难度,同时把每一章节或者几个知识点之间进行串联和归纳,这样几轮下来,脑海中就已经脉络清晰,一点也不觉得内容繁杂了。同时借助一些参考书籍,把握真题命题规律,在此基础上对重点和易考点的记忆就会更有针对性。 (三)归纳法 考研的科目比较多,政治要有五本书要看,专业课也至少有两本厚书。为此,建议大家采用略—详—略的策略,即先简略看一遍教材,记住教材的整体框架,同时要对此书中的重要概念有一个大概的了解,并且要做读书笔记,将在读书过程中遇到的较难的章节、段落或者知识点作出标记,随后查阅各种资料尽量了解难点,为第二遍详细阅读做一定的知识铺垫。第二遍要精读参考书,即把书中的每一个知识点都吃透。这个阶段一定要做的工作就是大量的读书笔记。在做笔记的时候,要有问题意识,脑中有什么疑问,对某个知识点和另一个知识点之间的关系的看法等等一定要及时记录,这样才能起到精读的作用。在整个第二遍精读的过程中,一定要谨记的是尽量寻找各个知识点之间的关联、异同等关系,学会辨别区分它们。最后一轮要对前两轮学过的知识点进行归纳提炼了,凯程考研辅导老师告诉各位考生一个小技巧,就是采用关键短句归纳,即每个段落都用四五个字最多不超过十个字进行概括,同时把意思相同的段落连在一起,把一些无用的废话勾掉。这样下次再打开书一看关键句就知道这段文字的大意了,减轻了看书的负担,同时也能有助于对知识点的回忆。整个过程下来,会感觉使用关键句法特有效果和省时间,同时逻辑结构和思路也很清晰,对学科的总体把握也就逐步深入了。 八、北科大会计专硕管理类联考综合复习建议 1、联考数学:注重做题方法,积累做题技巧,训练速度 联考数学是很讲求做题技巧的,需要很好的思维能力。思维能力从哪里来,凯程老师 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf :真题~真题做的多了,就能找到不同题目之间的相同点,从而增强思维能力。凯程考研提供联考数学辅导讲义,并配有名师指导讲解,包括每一部分的重要知识点和常见题型。 凯程老师提醒广大考生需要注意的是做题速度,平时通过题量训练速度。联考考试三个小时,时间对每个人都很紧。能够在保证正确率的基础上最大限度的提高速度是得到高分的必要条件。 2、联考逻辑:揣摩出题人的意图。 总的还说逻辑这个东西是入门难,但是掌握方法后就简单多了,凯程老师提醒考生注意知识积累,通过真题训练掌握那些逻辑题目需要什么技巧。 凯程考研辅导老师要求学生把历年真题做透,包括历年联考和在职MBA的题目,近几年的题目一定要做的很熟练,要明白每一道或每一种题目所用的知识点在哪里,并通过做一 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial第 3 页 共 3 页 些模拟题得到检验。随着练习的增多,到最后,在思维中已经形成做题惯性,即当题面读完,便知道正确选项应该是什么样子的。当然,每道题目的知识点可能会有多个,很多情况下的答案也往往难以让人信服(因为逻辑考的是人的思考问题的方式,每个人都有所不同),所以凯程老师建议大家和一起考研的人讨论,把自己的思考说出来,大家一起找出其中的问题所在,这有利于减少固有思维定势,更好地拥有做题时需要的思考模式。 3、联考作文:日常训练必不可少 众所周知,联考作文分为两篇,论证有效性分析和论说文(也可以说是小作文和大作文)。 论证有效性分析的重点是寻找其漏洞,并用合适的论证说明其不合理的原因。其重点在于发现问题,解决问题,而非写作。 论说文看起来很像高考作文,但是比高考作文要简单的。首先是因为论说文在审题上不会出现什么偏差。虽然模拟题中出现过很难理解的材料,但历年真题材料都是很直接的,褒贬鲜明,自己只要提取精炼出题人所给的中心即可。 另一方面,联考作文的模板性很强。小作文的模板比较固定。而大作文的话,凯程考研老师会给出几个常用模板,大家选择一个自己认为最适合自己使用的即可,在后面的练习中,将每一篇文章都按照模板的结构来写即可。在时间充裕的前提下,也可以多准备一个模板,以防止考试题目难以装入自己最常用模板。 凯程老师提醒大家:论说文一定要动手写,只动眼不动手,看了不少作文和素材,但真正写起来会发现很多差别,比如时间的安排,语言的组织等等,只有发现这些问题,才能进一步寻求改善。 九、如何调节考研的心态 稳定的心态:其实我觉得只要做到全力以赴,然后中间不徘徊、不彷徨,认定目标,心态基本上都是稳定的,成功的学生,除了刚开始纠结于考不考得上这个问题紧张心绪不稳定之外,后来都挺稳定的,至少从表面上看上去是这样的,或许内心深处还是不太稳定的,而且偶尔还是会出现抓狂的情况,不过很快就好了。还有就是建议大家不要逢人就说自己要考北京科技大学,感觉自己考北京科技大学挺牛逼,其实,你要想清楚,考哪里不牛逼,考上哪里才牛逼,你考上后再告诉别人才显得你牛逼。因为总有些人会很善意地规劝你要实际点,不要太不自量力,尤其是你的最好最亲的朋友,而这对你的考研的心态有很严重的影响,到初试结束,都没几个人知道我考北京科技大学。 效率与时间:要记住效率第一,时间第二,就是说在保证效率的前提下再去延长复习的时间,不要每天十几个小时,基本都是瞌睡昏昏地过去的,那还不如几小时高效率的复习,大家看高效的学生,每天都是六点半醒,其实这到后面已经是一种习惯,都不给自己设置闹铃,自然醒,不过也不是每天都能这么早醒来,一周两周都会出现一次那种睡到八九点的情况,我想这是身体的需要的,所以从来也不刻意强制自己每天都准时起来,这是我的想法,还有就是当你坐在桌前感觉学不动的时候,出去听听歌或者看看财经新闻啥的放松放松。 坚定的意志:考研是个没有硝烟的持久战,在这场战争中,你要时刻警醒,不然随时都会有倒下的可能。而且,它不像高考那样,每天都有老师催着,每个月都会有模拟考试检验着。所以你不知道自己究竟是在前进还是在退步、自己的综合水平是在提高还是下降。而且,和你一起的研友基本都没有跟你考同一个学校同一个专业的,你也不知道你的对手是什么水平。很长一段时间,都感觉不到自己的进步。可能你某年的真题做了130多分,然后你觉得自己的水平很高了,但你要知道,也有很多人做了135多分,甚至140,所以这是考研期间很大的一个障碍。而且,应该在自己的手机音乐播放器里存一些特别励志的歌曲,休息期间可以听听,让自己疲惫下来的心理瞬间又满血复活。在凯程,不断有测试,有排名,你就知道自己处于什么位置,找到差距,就能充足能量继续复习。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务~ 最后,无论以何种方法复习,考生都要全身心投入,这样才能取得好成绩。相信广大考生对于北科大会计专硕考研都有自己的理解,也希望以上内容能够给考生带来帮助。凯程考研祝大家考研顺利! 小提示:目前本科生就业市场竞争激烈,就业主体是研究生,在如今考研竞争日渐激烈的情况下,我们想要不在考研大军中变成分母,我们需要:早开始+好计划+正确的复习思路+好的辅导班(如果经济条件允许的情况下)。2017考研开始准备复习啦,早起的鸟儿有虫吃,一分耕耘一分收获。加油~ put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial第 5 页 共 5 页
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