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专升本文科模拟卷专升本文科模拟卷 专升本大学英语大学语文计算机模板 总共160题共450分 一、大学语文(共50题,共150分) 1. 丁西林的独幕剧包括《一只马蜂》和《压迫》。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 2. 《爱尔克的灯光》写于巴金留学法国时期。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 3. 余上沅剧作《兵变》的主题是( )。 A.批判军阀混战 B.赞美觉醒者的决断 C.讽刺旧家庭专制 .标准答案:C 4. 关于“九叶派”,叙述错误的是( )。 A.出现在20世纪30年代。 B.代表诗人有辛笛、穆旦等...

专升本文科模拟卷 专升本大学英语大学语文计算机模板 总共160题共450分 一、大学语文(共50题,共150分) 1. 丁西林的独幕剧包括《一只马蜂》和《压迫》。( ) A.对B.错 . 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 :A 2. 《爱尔克的灯光》写于巴金留学法国时期。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 3. 余上沅剧作《兵变》的主题是( )。 A.批判军阀混战 B.赞美觉醒者的决断 C.讽刺旧家庭专制 .标准答案:C 4. 关于“九叶派”,叙述错误的是( )。 A.出现在20世纪30年代。 B.代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 诗人有辛笛、穆旦等。 C.探索诗歌表达的“戏剧性”。 .标准答案:A 5. 春柳社曾公演过( )。 A.《黑奴吁天录》B.《名优之死》 C.《终身大事》 .标准答案:A 6. 剧作《野玫瑰》的作者是陈铨。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 7. 《鱼目集》是卞之琳的诗歌作品集。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 8. 判断:小说《断魂枪》的作者是老舍。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 9. 下列作者和剧作对应错误的是( )。 A.刘锦云--《狗爷儿涅槃》B.魏明伦--《潘金莲》 C.陈子度--《绝对信号》 .标准答案:C 10. 剧作《风雪夜归人》的作者是陈铨。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 11. 诗歌《白马篇》(曹植)的整体风格是( )。 A.低迴缠绵B.雄放浑厚C.悲苦怅惘 .标准答案:B 12. 《世说新语?王子猷居山阴》最主要的人物是( )。 A.王徽之B.左思C.戴逵 .标准答案:A 13. 《卖豆腐的哨子》是周作人的散文作品。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 14. 张爱玲的散文集是《传奇》。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 15. 散文《卖豆腐的哨子》借物抒情,采用了象征手法。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 16. “湖畔诗派”是新文学早期的一个诗歌流派。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 17. 散文《一只特立独行的猪》的作者是余秋雨。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 18. 新中国的政治抒情诗以穆旦等人作品为代表。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 19. 现代诗歌的“七月派”以胡风为中心。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 20. 司马迁在《史记》中将项羽放在( )作传。 A.世家B.本纪C.列传 .标准答案:B 21. “_______奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院”句,最合适的词语是( )。 A.袅晴丝吹B.良辰美景 C.姹紫嫣红 D朝飞暮卷 .标准答案:B 22. “天时不如地利,地利不如人和”句的修辞手法是( )。 A.对偶 B.比喻C.夸张 .标准答案:A 23. 关于苏轼《前赤壁赋》说法不正确的一项是( )。 A.采用了主客问答的方式。 B.情感从乐到悲、转悲为喜、最后又回到悲。 C.将抒情、议论放于优美的画境之中。 .标准答案:B 24. 剧作《霓虹灯下的哨兵》作者是老舍。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 25. 判断:巴金的小说《憩园》《寒夜》写于20世纪40年代。() A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 26. 下列句子的句中停顿,不正确的一项是()。 A.后世之谬,其传而莫能名者,何可胜道也哉。 B.嗟乎~师道之不传,也久矣。 C.入之甚寒,问其深,则,其好游者,不能穷也,谓之后洞。 .标准答案:B 27. 张爱玲的散文集是( )。 A.《山水》B.《流言》 C.《写在人生边上》 .标准答案:B 28. 判断:小说《哦,香雪》的作者是铁凝。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 29. 最早试验并倡导白话新诗的杂志是《新青年》。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 30. 早期戴望舒是新文学象征诗派的代表人物。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 31. 判断:林道静是小说《青春之歌》的主人公。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 32. 陈白尘的《升官图》属于新秧歌剧。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 33. 散文集《湘西》是沈从文的作品。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 34. “三言两拍”都属于长篇小说。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 35. 唐传奇主要是指唐代出现的戏曲作品。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 36. 徐志摩《再别康桥》表达了诗人对祖国的眷恋。 ( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 37. 《永遇乐》(千古江山)是( )的名作。 A.苏轼B.吴文英C.辛弃疾 .标准答案:C 38. 李商隐是晚唐成就最高的诗人。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 39. 冰心的《繁星》和《春水》都属于“小诗”。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 40. 随着唐代古文运动的兴起,骈文从此退出了文坛。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 41. 《大堰河——我的保姆》是艾青的诗歌代表作。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 42. “一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来”语出( )。 A.《李凭箜篌引》B.《过华清宫》 C.《登岳阳楼》 .标准答案:B 43. 《雨霖铃》(寒蝉凄切)的作者是柳永。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 44. 苏轼开创了宋词的豪放词风。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 45. 诗集《尝试集》的作者是冰心。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 46. ( )不属于鲁迅的杂文。 A.《朝花夕拾》B.《三闲集》 C.《而已集》 .标准答案:A 47. 《望星空》是冯至的代表诗歌之一。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 48. 李清照、姜夔都是豪放派词人。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:B 49. 清代孔尚任的代表剧作是( )。 A.《西厢记》B.《牡丹亭》C.《桃花扇》 .标准答案:C 50. 杨朔、秦牧、刘白羽都是当代散文家。( ) A.对B.错 .标准答案:A 二、大学英语(共60题,共150分) 1. It is reported that three people were seriously _______ in an accident this morning. A.damaged B.injured C.spoiled D.destroyed .标准答案:B 2. There are indications that the two sides will soon reach an _______. A.agreement B.approach C.argument D.ambition .标准答案:A 3. The city government has _______ great importance to the development of transportation in the past few years. A.attended B.attacked C.attached D.accounted .标准答案:C 4. We are so busy that we have to _______ our vacation until next month. A.put away B.put down C.put off D.put out .标准答案:C 5. I’d like to visit that ancient city in Europe, but I can’t ______the time and the money. A.offer B.cost C.afford D.take .标准答案:C 6. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't ________ what color it was. A.make out B.work out C.look at D.take in .标准答案:A 7. His outstanding _______ in the competition proved that he was a worthy winner. A.personality B.activity C.behavior D.performance .标准答案:D 8. That new coat is too _______ for me. A.high B.low C.delicious D.expensive .标准答案:D 9. After he had finished his paper, he found some additional materials that he should have _______. A.included B.concluded C.instructed D.constructed .标准答案:A 10. I wonder what the world will be like when the human brain’s ________has been fully realized? A.ability B.awareness C.wisdom D.potential .标准答案:D 11. Now that a telephone has been installed (安装) in my dorm, I’m in constant ________ with my parents. A.relation B.company C.contact D.connection .标准答案:C 12. I know nothing about his journey _______ he is likely to be away for six weeks. A.unless B.until C.except D.except that .标准答案:D 13. I will call the company to see if they could _______ give me a little more time. A.accidentally B.actively C.generally D.possibly .标准答案:D 14. When he was questioned about the missing coin, he firmly _______ that he had even seen it. A.ignored B.denied C.debated D.refused .标准答案:B 15. Films of love stories are _______ with women while men like violence. A.favorite B.favorable C.popular D.admired .标准答案:C 16. The teacher was ______ of the students’ work and did not give good grades easily. A.cautious B.crazy C.confident D.critical .标准答案:D 17. We should give more respect to the people who are ________ to learning and teaching. A.adequate B.federal C.confident D.dedicated .标准答案:D 18. His friends went up to him to _______ him on his brilliant performance. A.flatter B.delight C.praise D.congratulate .标准答案:D 19. They have offered much help to us and we should do something for them _______. A.in danger B.in place C.in fashion D.in return .标准答案:D 20. What we would like you to know is that we greatly _______ your timely help. A.thank B.accept C.reflect D.appreciate .标准答案:D 21. A book has been stolen, but the teacher said he was sure Jack was _______. A.nervous B.innocent C.desperate D.emotional .标准答案:B 22. After thinking for a whole night, she finally __________ a new idea for increasing sales. A.went on with B.caught up with C.kept up with D.came up with .标准答案:D 23. He is _______ about his chance of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. A.opposite B.optimistic C.outstanding D.obvious .标准答案:B 24. The ability to speak a foreign language can improve people’s employment and _______ opportunities. A.application B.protection C.promotion D.innovation .标准答案:C 25. We cannot jump to a conclusion. The situation is much more _______ than we thought. A.complicated B.efficient C.content D.adequate .标准答案:A 26. The region has enormous _________ for economic development but a lot of investment is needed to achieve this. A.exception B.presence C.potential D.portion .标准答案:C 27. The great _______ of goods in the supermarket simply confused her. She didn’t know what to do. A.scale B.variety C.style D.edition .标准答案:B 28. The immediate threat has _______ and the security situation in the country has greatly improved. A.vanished B.disappointed C.shifted D.transferred .标准答案:A 29. They took _______ of the fine weather and spent the day on the beach. A.chance B.advantage C.measures D.occasion .标准答案:B 30. The author makes a(n) _______ between the pump and the heart of a person. A.demonstration B.construction C.comparison D.difference .标准答案:C 31. _______, the little boy went out to play football. A.Finished his homework B.To finish his homework C.His homework having been finished D.His homework had been finished .标准答案:C 32. The old man came upstairs with great strength, his right hand _______ a stick for support. A.held B.holding C.being holding D.was holding .标准答案:B 33. She ran into the room with her face covered _______ sweat. A.with B.by C.from D.on .标准答案:A 34. The sunlight came in _______ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room. A.through B.across C.on D.over .标准答案:A 35. No one has told them that the window _______. A.can’t be opened B.wouldn't open C.were not to open D.was not to open .标准答案:A 36. By the time he arrives, we _______ for Shanghai. A.will leave B.would leave C.have left D.will have left .标准答案:D 37. He ______ the book; he knows the story so well. A.must read B.must have read C.read D.reads .标准答案:B 38. This movie star is very popular _______ middle-aged women. A.for B.in C.to D.with .标准答案:D 39. The weather report says it will turn fine. If the rain _______ on, there would be a serious flood. A.go B.goes C.were to go D.went .标准答案:C 40. _______ his parents said, he just never listened and always did things in his own way. A.Wherever B.Whenever C.Whatever D.Whichever .标准答案:C 41. That famous book is said _______ into more than ten languages. A.to translate B.to have translated C.to be translated D.to have been translated .标准答案:D 42. His idea sounds _______, but I doubt it will work. A.excellent B.excellently C.well D.wonderfully .标准答案:A 43. Football is played in about 100 countries, _______ it the most popular sport in the world. A.makes B.make C.making D.to make .标准答案:C 44. About one billion Africans live at or _______ the global poverty line. A.off B.down C.within D.below .标准答案:D 45. The secretary has been keeping silent about the accident _____lose her job. A.so as not to B.so as to not C.so not as to D.in order to .标准答案:A 46. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _______ one this month. A.another B.more C.the other D.other .标准答案:A 47. _______ you post the letter immediately, it won't reach him tomorrow afternoon. A.If B.Unless C.As D.When .标准答案:B 48. The machine will continue to make noise _______ we have it repaired. A.when B.because C.since D.unless .标准答案:D 49. I am sorry I haven't done _______ I should. A.as far as B.as much as C.as long as D.as many as .标准答案:B 50. He hardly _______ say anything more, since you know all about it. A.don't need to B.needs C.needn't D.need .标准答案:D 51. A long time ago there was a girl called Lone Bird. She was the most beautiful girl in her tribe. Many young men came to ask her to be their wife but the heart of the girl was like winter ice and each young man had to return home without her. Her father thought of a plan. He told all the young men who wanted to marry Lone Bird, “Come to the side of the lake at dawn tomorrow and there’ll be a race. The man who runs the fastest can have Lone Bird for his wife.” Many young men ran in the race. Soon two runners were ahead and at the end of the race they finished together. The two men, who had both loved Lone Bird for a long time, raced a second time and again finished together. They ran a third time but once more there wasn’t a winner. So Lone Bird didn’t have to marry. She was happy to be able to live with her parents. The years passed and one day she realized that her parents would die sooner and later, and leave her in loneliness. She sat quietly by the lake one evening and sadly looked up at the moon. “If I had you to love I wouldn’t be lonely.” A God was listening and lifted her up to the moon. The next day her father couldn’t find her anywhere. Then when night came and he looked up at the moon he saw his daughter smiling down, held in the moon’s arms. Many years have passed but if you look up at the moon you can still see the face of Lone Bird smiling down.(297) (1) Which of the following words can’t be used to describe Lone Bird? A.Pretty. B.Cold. C.Heartless. D.Lonely. .标准答案:C (2) Lone Bird’s father decided to hold a race because _______. A.he wanted to choose a husband for Lone Bird B.he wanted his future son-in-law good at running C.Lone Bird wasn’t able to decide who she should marry D.he thought it’s the best way to refuse those young men .标准答案:A (3) Lone Bird didn't get married at last because _______. A.she didn’t love the winner B.there was no winner in the race C.she didn’t want to leave her parents D.she couldn’t decide between the two winners .标准答案:B (4) Lone Bird was lifted up to the moon when _______. A.the God heard that Lone Bird felt lonely on the earth B.the God knew for sure that he fell in love with Lone Bird C.the God knew that Lone Bird wanted to be with the moon forever D.the God knew Lone Bird’s parents would die soon .标准答案:C (5) The father couldn’t find his daughter because _______. A.Lone Bird was drowned in the lake B.Lone Bird was lost in the forest C.Lone Bird went onto the moon D.Lone Bird escaped and married a young man .标准答案:C 52. No poem should ever be discussed or “analyzed” (分析), until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student. Better still, perhaps, is the practice of reading it twice, once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end, so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it. All discussions of poetry (诗歌) are, in fact, preparations for reading it aloud, and the reading of the poem is, finally, the most telling “interpretation” of it, suggesting tone (音调), rhythm (节奏), and meaning all at once. But even those aids (辅助性工具) to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all, reciting it. I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than “analyzing” it, if there isn’t time for both. I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry. Poetry is “a criticism of life”, and “a heightening (加高) of life”. It is “an approach to the truth of feeling”, and it “can save your life”. It also deserves (应得) a place in the teaching of language and literature more central than it presently occupies. I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry. Those who don’t like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else. But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature, about its sound as well as its sense, and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it. (1) To have a better understanding of a poem, one should ________. A.discuss it with others B.analyze it by oneself C.copy it down in a notebook D.practice reading it aloud .标准答案:D (2) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a function of poetry? A.Extending your life B.Saving your life C.Criticizing life D.Heightening life .标准答案:A (3) According to the writer, one of the purposes of teaching English is to get students _______. A.to understand life B.to enjoy poetry C.to become teachers D.to become poets .标准答案:B (4) What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply? A.More stress should be laid on the teaching of poetry. B.Poetry is more important than any other subject. C.One cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry. D.Poetry is the foundation of all language and literature courses. .标准答案:A (5) The phrase “make room” in the last paragraph could be best replaced by _______. A.“build a booth” B.“provide equipment” C.“leave a certain amount of time” D.“set aside enough space” .标准答案:C 三、计算机应用基础(共50题,共150分) 1. 下面关于多媒体系统的描述中,____是不正确的。 A.多媒体系统是对文字、声音、图形、活动图像等信息及资源进行管理的系统 B.多媒体系统的最关键的技术是数据压缩和解压缩 C.多媒体系统只能在微型计算机上运行 D.多媒体系统也是一种多任务系统 .标准答案:C 2. 下列关于数字化图书馆的论述中不正确的是 A.是图书馆自动化的最高阶段 B.其关键技术是多媒体信息的数字载体 C.以多媒体数据库为基础 D.可以改变书中的内容 .标准答案:D 3. 要把一台普通的计算机变成多媒体计算机,哪个不是要解决的关键技术。 A.视频音频信号的共享 B.多媒体数据压缩码和解码技术 C.视频音频数据的实时处理和特技 D.视频音频数据的输出技术 .标准答案:A 4. 在某工作表的某一单元格中输入=LEFT(RIGHT(“ABCDE123”,6),3)后回车,该单元格的显示 结果为 A.ABC B.ABCDEF C.CDE D.CDE123 .标准答案:C 5. 下面关于图表与数据源关系的叙述中,正确的是 A.图表中的标记对象会随数据源中数据的变化而变化 B.数据源中的数据会随图表中标记的变化而变化 C.删除数据源中某单元格的数据时,图表中某数据也会随之被自动删除 D.以上说法都正确 .标准答案:D 6. 下列四项中主要用于在Internet上交流信息的是 A.BBS B.DOS C.Word D.Excel .标准答案:A 7. 在Windows xp的“资源管理器”中,如果想一次选定多个分散的文件或文件夹,正确的操作 是____。 A.按住键,用鼠标右键逐个选取 B.按住键,用鼠标左键逐个选取 C.按住键,用鼠标右键逐个选取 D.按住键,用鼠标左键逐个选取 .标准答案:B 8. (1111)2的等值十进制数为 A.15 B.16 C.20 D.14 .标准答案:A 9. 欲将一个可执行文件通过邮件发送给远方的朋友,可以将该文件放在邮件的____。 A.主题中 B.正文中 C.附件中 D.收件人中 .标准答案:C 10. 在WORD中,以下关于文字设置的说法正确的是____。 A.默认字体有宋体、黑体、楷体、隶 B.文字格式工具栏中加粗按钮可以设置文字的颜色 C.利用格式菜单打开字体对话框,可以设置字符间距 D.利用格式菜单打开段落对话框,可以设置字符间距 .标准答案:D 11. 下列哪一种网络设备是Internet的主要互连设备 A.以太网交换机 B.集线器 C.路由器 D.调制解调器 .标准答案:C 12. 在Word 编辑状态,执行“编辑”菜单中的“复制”命令后, A.插入点所在的段落内容被复制到剪贴板 B.被选择的内容被复制到剪贴板 C.光标所在的段落内容被复制到剪贴板 D.被选择的内容被复制到插入点 .标准答案:B 13. LAN在计算机网络中表示的是____。 A.以太网 B.广播网 C.广域网 D.局域网 .标准答案:D 14. 网络道德的特点是 A.自主性 B.多元性 C.开放性 D.以上皆是 .标准答案:D 15. 下面各项中,哪个不是常用的多媒体信息压缩标准。 A.JPEG标准 B.MP3 压缩 C.LWZ压缩 D.MPEG标准 .标准答案:C 16. 微型计算机键盘上的Tab键是 A.退格键 B.控制键 C.交替换档键 D.制表定位键 .标准答案:D 17. 记录在录音机磁带、录像带上的信息属于____。 A.模拟信息 B.数字信息 C.仿真信息 D.广播信息 .标准答案:A 18. 浏览Web网站必须使用浏览器,目前常用的浏览器是____。 A.Hotmail B.Outlook Express C.Inter Exchang D.Internet Explorer .标准答案:D 19. 磁盘碎片整理程序的主要作用是____。 A.延长磁盘的使用寿命 B.使磁盘中的坏区可以重新使用 C.使磁盘可以获得双倍的存储空间 D.使磁盘中的文件成连续的状态,提高系统的性能 .标准答案:D 20. 在微型计算机中,内存储器,通常采用____。 A.光存储器 B.磁表面存储器 C.半导体存储器 D.磁芯存储器 .标准答案:C 21. 网页“三剑客”指的是____公司的Dreamweaver、Flash、Fireworks A.IBM B.Intel C.Macromedia D.Adobe .标准答案:C 22. 多媒体一般不包括哪种媒体类型 A.图形 B.图像 C.音频 D.视频 .标准答案:A 23. 软件与程序的区别是____。 A.程序价格便宜、软件价格昂贵 B.程序是用户自己编写的,而软件是由厂家提供的 C.程序是用高级语言编写的,而软件是由机器语言编写的 D.软件是程序以及开发、使用和维护所需要的所有文档的总称,而程序是软件的一部分 .标准答案:D 24. 要想在Internet上搜索有关Detroit Pistons(底特律活塞)篮球队方面的信息,用什么关键 词最有效 A.“Detroit Pistons” B.basketball (篮球) C.Detroit Pistons D.Sports(体育) .标准答案:A 25. 局域网组网完成后,决定网络使用性能的关键是 A.网络的拓扑结构 B.网络的通信协议 C.网络的传输介质 D.网络的操作系统 .标准答案:B 26. 客户/服务器模式的局域网,其网络硬件主要包括服务器、工作站、网卡和____。 A.网络拓扑结构 B.计算机 C.传输介质 D.网络协议 .标准答案:C 27. 关于回收站正确是____。 A.暂存所有被删除的对象 B.回收站的内容不可以恢复 C.清空回收站后,仍可用命令方式恢复 D.回收站的内容不占硬盘空间 .标准答案:A 28. 在Windows中,同时显示多个应用程序窗口的正确方法是 A.在任务栏空白区单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选“横向平铺”命令 B.在任务栏空白区单击鼠标左键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选“排列图标”命令 C.按Ctrl + Tab 键进行排列 D.在资源管理器中进行排列 .标准答案:B 29. 在Word编辑状态,文档窗口显示出水平标尺,拖动水平标尺上的“首行缩进”滑块,则 A.文档中各段落的首行起始位置都重新确定 B.文档中被选择的各段落的首行起始位置都重新确定 C.文档中各行的起始位置都重新确定 D.插入点所在的行的起始位置都重新确定 .标准答案:B 30. 在已有表格右侧增加一列的正确操作是____。 A.选择"表格"菜单的"选择列"菜单项,再选择"表格"菜单的" 插入列"菜单项。 B.将光标移到表格外右侧,选择"表格"菜单的"选择列"菜单项,再选择"表格"菜单的" 插入列"菜 单项。 C.将光标移到表格右侧,选择"表格"菜单的"插入列"菜单项。 D.将光标移到表格底行右侧,按Tab 键。 .标准答案:C 31. 将十进制数93转换为二进制数为 A.1110111 B.1110101 C.1010111 D.1011101 .标准答案:D 32. 一个完整的计算机系统应包括 A.系统硬件和系统软件 B.硬件系统和软件系统 C.主机和外部设备 D.主机、键盘、显示器和辅助存储器 .标准答案:B 33. 某单位自行开发的工资管理系统,按计算机应用的类型划分,它属于 A.科学计算 B.辅助设计 C.数据处理 D.实时控制 .标准答案:C 34. 在Word中,当前输入的文字显示在 A.文档的开头 B.文档的末尾 C.插入点的位置 D.当前行的行首 .标准答案:C 35. ____是大写字母锁定键,主要用于连续输入若干大写字母。 A.Tab B.Caps Lock C.Shift D.Alt .标准答案:B 36. 最能准确反映计算机功能的是下列哪一项 A.计算机可以代替人的脑力劳动 B.计算机可以记忆大量的信息 C.计算机可以实现高速度的运算 D.计算机是一种信息处理的设备 .标准答案:D 37. 代表教育部门的网络名是____。 A.Gov B.Edu C.Com D.Net .标准答案:B 38. 下列的描述中,正确的是 A.外存中的信息可直接被CPU处理 B.键盘是输入设备,显示器是输出设备 C.操作系统是一种很重要的应用软件 D.计算机中使用的汉字编码和ASCII码是一样的 .标准答案:B 39. 用来表示计算机辅助设计的英文缩写是 A.CAI B.CAM C.CAT D.CAD .标准答案:D 40. 下列属于收发电子邮件的软件是____。 A.Outlook Express B.Flashget C.Telnet D.ACDsee .标准答案:A 41. 在Word窗口中,利用_____可以方便地调整段落伸出缩进、页面的边距以及表格的列宽和 行高。 A.常用工具栏 B.表格工具栏 C.标尺 D.格式工具栏 .标准答案:C 42. 汉字输入法的选择不仅可以用鼠标选取,还可以用____ 键选取。 A.Ctrl+Shift B.Ctrl+Space C.Alt+Shift D.Alt+Space .标准答案:A 43. 在计算机中,常用的数制是____。 A.二进制 B.八进制 C.十进制 D.十六进制 .标准答案:A 44. 微型计算机中普遍使用的字符编码是 A.BCD码 B.拼音码 C.补码 D.ASCII码 .标准答案:D 45. 计算机系统的标准输出设备是 A.光驱 B.软驱 C.硬盘 D.屏幕显示器 .标准答案:D 46. 计算机网络按覆盖范围划分,可以分为 A.广域网和局域网 B.专用网和公用网 C.低速网和高速网 D.部门网和公用网 .标准答案:A 47. 调制解调器的功能是实现 A.数字信号的编码 B.数字信号的整形 C.模拟信号的放大 D.模拟信号与数字信号的转换 .标准答案:D 48. Internet网属于一种 A.校园网 B.局域网 C.广域网 D.WINDOWS NT网 .标准答案:C 49. 在Windows中,菜单行位于窗口的 A.最顶端 B.标题行的下面 C.最底端 D.以上都不是 .标准答案:B 50. 新建文档时,Word默认的字体和字号分别是____。 A.黑体、3号 B.楷体、4号 C.宋体、5号 D.仿宋、6号 .标准答案:C
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