首页 2013人教版七年级英语下册Unit4教案



2013人教版七年级英语下册Unit4教案2013人教版七年级英语下册Unit4教案 2013人教版七年级英语下册Unit 4经典教案 Unit 4 Don't eat in class. 单元要览 本单元的话题是“规则”,功能为“谈论规则”。通过本单元的教学,要引导学生掌握重点句式Don't…和Can…,并学会运用本单元所学的词汇和句式谈论不同场所的各种规则,培养良好的社会公共道德。 本单元的教学内容见下表。 1.Don't… 句型 2. . . . can't/have to/must . . . 功能 语言意念 Talk about...

2013人教版七 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 英语下册Unit4教案 2013人教版七年级英语下册Unit 4经典教案 Unit 4 Don't eat in class. 单元要览 本单元的话题是“规则”,功能为“谈论规则”。通过本单元的教学,要引导学生掌握重点句式Don't…和Can…,并学会运用本单元所学的 词汇 英语3500词汇语境记忆pets3考试词汇二年级反义词和近义词初中词汇词汇大全考研英语二高频词汇表 和句式谈论不同场所的各种规则,培养良好的社会公共道德。 本单元的教学内容见下表。 1.Don't… 句型 2. . . . can't/have to/must . . . 功能 语言意念 Talk about rules 知识 1(祈使句 2(.can用来表示请求 语法 3(情态动词have to与must的用法 1(训练学生通过听快速、准确地获取所需信息的能力; 听 2(训练学生根据所听信息完成标数字、填词等简单听力任务的能力。 说 教会学生用英语谈论学校和家里的规章制度 语言 指导学生读懂关于家庭规章的文章,并熟练运用have to,must,can,can,t完成 技能 读 sectiorlB中2c部分的句子和3a部分的文章。 写 指导学生写出家里和学校里的规章制度,然后谈谈个人感受。 学习1(培养学生自主学习和主动用英语进行交际的意识; 策略 2(指导学生能够以书信的形式向别人描述自己身边的规章制度。 通过本单元的学习,使学生之间相互了解,促进同学之间的友好相处,同时激发学生对 情感学习英语的热情,帮助学生树立“遵守规章制度人人有责”的意识,共同营造良好的学 态度 习和生活氛围。 文化1(理解中西方一些规章制度的不同; 意识 2(了解中西方文化的不同,能够在生活中根据需要自觉遵守世界上不同国家的规毒制度。 本单元的课时安排与具体教学建议如下 Period l Section A(la-lc) I.教学准备 1(教师:制作课件;准备录音机、磁带和la部分的教学挂图。 2(学生:搜集一些常见的标识,并画在纸上。 ?,教学目标 1(通过看图会话、师生问答、听录音、角色扮演等形式,掌握arrlve,listen,fight和rule,sorry等词。 2(通过师生问答、角色扮演等形式,学会“Don't+动词原形”以及“We can't/must…? 等句子结构,并能用英语谈论、描述学校里的规章制度。 ?(教学重点 1(本课时出现的arrlve,listen,fight,rule,sorry(等词; 2(祈使句。 ?(教学难点 1(can表示请求的用法; 2(must表示命令或建议的用法。 V.教学步骤 Step I: Revision&Warming-up 建议1:通过师生自由交际进行复习与热身。教师问学生一些事情能不能做,为导入新课做准备。 For example: T:Can we play football in the street? Sl:No,we can't. T:Yes. Don't play football in the street. It's dangerous. Can we sleep in class? S2:No,we can't. T:Yes,you are right. Don't sleep in class. 建议2:教师呈现一组禁止标识,通过谈论这些标识进行课前热身。 For example: T:Look at Picture l. What does it mean? T:Yes.lt means we can't smoke here. Now look at the other three pictures. Ask andanswer in pairs. 建议3:教师呈现一些学生在学校里做某事的图片,然后让学生讨论正在发生的事情,为接下来学习学校规则作铺垫。 For example: T:What is the girl doing, Ss:She is eating. T:What is the boy doing at school? Ss: He is listening to music. T:What are they doing at school? Ss:They are fighting. Step 2:Present the new words 利用图片向学生呈现新单词。教师利用多媒体图片创设情景,引出本单元的新词汇。 For example: T:Look at Picture l.What are they doing? Ss:“打架”。 T:Yes. They are fighting. Look at Picture 2.What is he doing? Ss: He is running. T:Where is he running? Ss:“在走廊上”。 T:He is running in the hallways. Look at Picture 3.What is the man doing? Ss:“听音乐”。 T:Yes,he is listening to music. "Listen to" means„„听……??in Chinese. (教师用同样的方式呈现其他新单词rule,arrive,sorry并板书在黑板上。) Step 3:Present the new drills 通过课件或la部分的教学挂图呈现本课时的重点句型Don't…For example: T:Look here. Let's talk about our school rules. What's the first school rule? Ss:Don't arrive late for class. T:The second one? Ss:Don't run in the hallways. (采用此师生问答的方式呈现本课时的重点句型,然后让同桌之间采用一问一答的方式来练习词汇和句型。) Step 4:Practice the drills SCHOOL RULES1. Don't arrive late for class. 2. Don't run in the hallways. 3. Don't eat in the classroom. 4. Don't listen to music in class. 5. Don't fight. Peter Selina Mike 1(让学生看la部分的图片,在学生的旁边写出该生违反的规定。 2(听lb部分的听力,在所给学生姓名的后面写出该{生所违反的校规的序号,通过听让学生巩固所学句型,同时 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 学生学习的效果。 Step 5:Task 1(让学生与同伴分角色谈论学校的校规。一个学生扮演新来到这个学校的学生,另一个学生告诉前一个学生学校的校规。 Sl:What are the school rules? S2:Well,we can't arrive late for class. We must be on time. We can't eat in the class-room… 2(让学生通过完成下列句子练习新句型。 (1)不准在课堂上交谈。Don't talk in class((2)别在教室里打篮球。Don't play baskefball'in the classroom. (3)别在这儿吸烟。Don't smoke here(4)不准在教室里吃东西。Don't eat in the classroom((5)不准在课堂上听音乐。Don't listen to music in class. 3(让学生写出下面标识代表的意思。 (Answers:l. Don't smoke! 2. Don't eat in the classroom. 3. Don't arrive late forclass. 4. Don't talk aloud.) Step 6:Additional task 假如你是班长,请先与同学讨论,然后为班级制定一些新的规定。 For example: T:lmagine you are the monitor. Discuss with your classmates and make rules for your啼 Step 7:Summary 让全班学生总结或个别学生总结本课时所学内容,然后根据黑板上的板书重点强调一下本课时所学的词汇和否定祈使句。 Step 8:Homework 让学生搜集整理学校的其他一些规定,然后代表学校制定一些新的校规,写一则新的书面报告。 We can We can't 板书 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 Unit 4 l Don't eat in class. Period l . Section A(la-lc) New words and expression Sentences rule arrive hallway Don't run in the hallways. Don't eat in the classroom. listen to Don't listen to music in class. fight sorry 活动探究 让学生搜集生活中常见的标识,为学习本单元的目标语言做好准备。 操作建议: 教师为学生提供两个例子,供学生参考。学生搜集一些常见的标识,然后把找到的标识画在 纸上。根据学生搜集的标识的多少给学生打分。 备课资料 一、知识讲解 1(rule“规则;规章”,与rule搭配构成的词组有: follow the rules遵守规定;break a rule违反规定;carry out a rule执行规定 Don't listen to music in class.不准在课堂上听音乐。 2( in class是介词短语,意思是“在课堂上,上课时”,反义词为after class“下课后”。 3(祈使句英语中的祈使句常表示请求、命令、建议、劝告等,其肯定形式是由动词原形开 头的。 (1)肯定祈使句的三种形式: ?B型:“Be+表语(名词、形容词等)”。例如: Be a good boy.做个乖孩子~ ?V型:“V(行为动词)+其他成分”。例如: Close the door,please.请关门~ ?I。型:“Let+宾语(第一、第三人称宾格)+动词原形十其他成分”。例如: I(et's go home.咱们回家吧~ (2)否定祈使句的表现形式:否定形式是在动词原形之前加don't。 ?B型和V型的否定式都是在句首加don't构成。例如: Don't be late for school!上学不要迟到~ Don't forget me!不要忘记我~ ?L型的否定式有两种:“Don't+let+宾语十动词原形十其他成分”与“Let+宾语+not+动词原 形十其他成分”。例如: Don't let him go.不要让他走。 Let him not go.让他不要走。 ?有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。例如: No smoking!禁止吸烟~No fishing!禁止钓鱼~ 二、文化阅读哈佛校训 1(此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。 2(我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日。 3(觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。 4(勿将今日之事拖到明日。 5(学习时的苦痛是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的。 6(学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。 7(幸福或许不排名次,但成功必排名次。 8(学习并不是人生的全部。但,既然连人生的一部分——学习也无法征服,还能做什么呢, 9(请享受无法回避的痛苦。 10(只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 11.谁也不能随随便便成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力。 12(时间在流逝。 13(现在淌的哈喇子,将成为明天的眼泪。 14(狗一样地学,绅士一样地玩。 15(今天不走,明天要跑。 16(投资未来的人是忠于现实的人。 17(教育程度代表收入。 18(一天过完,不会再来。 19.即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。 20(没有艰辛,便无所获。 Period 2 Section A(2a-3c) I.教学准备 1(教师:录音机和磁带,有关学校图书馆规定的课件或挂图。 2(学生:整理学校的一些校规,并试着用英语表达。 ?(教学目标 1(通过看图会话、师生问答、听录音、角色扮演等形式,掌握本单元重点词汇outside, wear, important, bring, player和quiet等。 2(通过师生问答、角色扮演等形式,学会用can,can't和have to谈论学校和图书馆的一 些规定。 3(能够运用所学句型和词汇用英语写出一些新的规定。 ?(教学重点 1(can表示请求的用法;2(祈使句。 ?(教学难点 1(用英语制定有关规定; 2(情态动词must与have to的用法。 V.教学步骤 Step I-;Revision&Warming-up? 建议1:教师通过检查上课时的家庭作业导入新课,起到承上启下的作用。 For example: T:We learned some school rules last period. Now let's check the homework. Who cangive us a report? S:I can. I've made some school rules for us. Everyone must obey them. First,loveeverything in our school and keep the classroom clean every day. Second,don't run in thehallways. Third,don't talk aloud in public… 建议2:通过谈论下列图片导人新课。教师可以利用多媒体或卡片向学生呈现一些图片,然 后让学生根据图片内容进行对话练习。 For example: T:Look at Picture l.What does it mean? Sl:Don't smoke here. /We can't smoke here. (师生讨论图片,然后让学生与同桌进行自由对话,目的是复习上一课时学过的重点句型。 建议3:教师通过让学生看关于学校规则的短剧,让学生记住剧中的人物违反了什么规则, 然后让学生用否定祈使句造句。 For example: T:Today we are going to watch a short play about rules. It is made by our school. Whenyou are watching the play,you should remember what rules the people in the short playbreak. Then make up sentences using the structure "Don't…”(Sl:Don't arrive late for class. S2:Don't eat in the classroom. S3:Don't listen to music in class. S4:…~ Step 2:Present the new words 向学生展示一组有关校服、播放器、阅览室的图片,然后通过师生交谈,引出本课时要学的重点词汇。 For example:(Show students the pictures above)T:Look at Picture l.The two girls are wearing school uniforms:What's the meaning ofthe word "uniform"? Ss:“校服”。 T:Good! What about "wear"? Ss:“穿着”。 T:Look at Picture 2.Can we bring a player to school? Ss:No,we can't. T:Yes. Can you tell me the meanings of the words "bring" and "players"? Ss:Bring means“带来;取来”,player means“播放器”。 (同样以师生问答的方式呈现important,quiet等新单词。)Step 3:Practice the new words让学生运用所学词汇和句型进行造句练习。 For example: T:Now please make up some sentences with the words wear,bring and quiet. (withinfive minutes)Sl:We must wear uniforms on weekdays. S2:Don't bring players to school. S3:Be quiet in the reading room. (教师可以采用此法练习本课时其他的词汇,然后让学生之间进行练习。) Step 4:Present the new drills 1(通过师生问答的方式复习祈使句,引出情态动词,呈现本课时的教学难点。 For example: T:Let's say the school rules using can,can't,must and have to. Sl:We have to wear sports shoes for P.E.class. S2:We have to wash our hands before meals. S3:We can't arrive late for class. S4:… 2(复习情态动词的肯定句和否定句,为祈使句和含情态动词的句子进行转换奠定基础。 For example: T:Can we eat in the classroom? 一Sl:No,we can't. T:Can you listen to music after class, S2:Yes,we can. Step 5:Listening 1(让学生听2a,2b部分录音,然后回答2a中的问题,让男生读含can的句子,让女生读 含can't的句子。(该设计意图是完成听力任务,并把本课时的两个重要句型放在一起练习, 以达到熟练运用所学新语言项目的目的。)For example: Girls:We can't listen to music in the classroom or hallways. Boys:We can listen to music in the music room. Girls:…Boys:… 2(让两个学生就2a中的规定分角色扮演,完成2c部分的任务。 NStep 6:Role-play 1(让学生与同伴分角色谈论学校的校规。一个学生扮演新来到这个学校的学生,另一个学 生告诉前一个学生学校的校规。 T:You know,some students are not bad students. But they also break the rules. Becausethey are new students,they don't know much about the rules. Can you help them out? Now please tell him/her the rules of our school. You can work with your partner. Suppose your partner is a new student. .Sl:Hello! I'm new here. What are the rules of our school? S2:Well,don't arrive late for class. Sl:Can we listen to music in the classroom, S2:No,we can't listen to music in the classroom,but we can listen to it outside. 2(让学生两人一组表演2d部分的对话。通过这个任务训练学生的语言表达和口头交际能 力。 Step 7:Grammar focus 1(让学生读表格中的对话,然后编一个师生会话,教学生如何用can和have to造句。 通过师生对话,让学生发挥想象力,充分运用自己所学的语言知识,区分can和have to的 用法。 For example: T;Excuse me. What time does the school begin in the morning? Ss:It begins at…T:Yeah,so I have to arrive at sehool at…What about you? What time do you have toarrive at school in the morning? Ss:I have to arrive at school at.. T:As students,what do you have to do in the school? wear school uniform. Ss:We have t do our homework. study hard. T:What can you do at school? play basketball on the playground. Ss:We can talk in the hallways after class. play games after class. T:What can't you do at school? arrive late for class. Ss:We can't run in the hallways. listen to music in the classroom. T:What can you do at home? Ss:I can play computer/watch TV/sleep/talk at home. T:What can't you do at home? Why don't you have to do at home? Ss:l don't have to wash ... Step 8:Task 1(教师出示下面的图片,让学生猜这四幅图画是什么意思,然后让学生根据图片为学校的 图书馆写规定,并大声阅读图书馆的规定。 For example: T:Look at these pictures. Can you guess what each picture means? Ss:“不准交谈,不准吃东西”……T:Now write these rules in English for our school library. (After five minutes) Now check the answers. Who can tell me your answers? Sl: Don't talk. Don't eat food. Don't listen to music. Don't take photos. T: Very good. Let's read them aloud. 2(让学生根据3b部分的要求,完成本部分内容。 3(让学生为自己梦想中的学校制定五条最酷的规定,然后和同学分享。并投票选出最醅的 学校。 For example: T:I think you must have a dream school. Can you make up five cool rules for it? Ss: Yes. T:(After five minutes)Are you ready? Ss: Yes. T:Now share your rules with the class. Then vote for the Coolest School. ~Step 9:Summary 教师总结本课时所学内容。 For example: T: ln this class first we reviewed the family rules. Next we listened t0 2a and 2b. Thenwe wrote some rules for our school library and our dream school. We've got to know how to write rules for different places. (以叙述的形式进行总结,同时提问相关内容,让学生有一个巩固的机会。) Step 10:Homework 1(巩固本课时所学的新词汇和句型。 2(假如你是班长,请你为班级制定新的班规。 板书设计 Umt 4 Don't eat in class. Period 2 Section A(2a-3c) New words Sentences outside wear Dori't talk. 生 important . . bring Don't eat food. player Don't listen to music. . uniform Don't take photos. quiet 活动探究 你知道吗, 此活动为小组活动。让学生在小组内进行口头调查,目的是使学生熟练应用所学语言项目。 操作建议: 1(教师与两位学生作一个调查活动示范,给学生调查用的目标语言及调查样表。 Name Activity Can Can't Listen to music in the classroom. ? Play cards in class. ? Talk aloud in class. ? Play football after school. ? 2(各个小组进行组内调查。 3(各小组整理调查结果,并向全班汇报。 完成任务所需的语言项目: Listen to music in the music room. Eat in the dinning hall. Wear sports shoes for gym class. Can we wear a hat in class? 一、知识讲解 1(辨析:must和have to must表示“必须”时,着重于说话人主观上认为“有义务,有必要”;have to表示“必须,不得不”时,着重于客观的需要。例如: -Do I have to come back tomorrow? 我不得不明天回来吗, -Yes,you must.是的,你必须。 Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. We had to stay in our classroom. 昨天放学的时候雨下得很大,我们不得不待在教室里。 2(辨析:wear与put on wear“穿着,戴着”,强调状态,put on“穿上”,强调动作。例如: The girl is wearing a cap(这个女孩带着一顶帽子。 Tom is putting on his shoes. 汤姆正在穿鞋子。 3(辨析:bring与take 指从别处拿到这里来或拿到说话人和听话人都要去的地方。 bring 指从这里拿走、带走,即把某人或某物从说话人处带到别处。 take 二、文化阅读 西点军校校规 西点军校历来以严格的军事作风闻名,二十二条军规估计会吓退不少立志报考西点军校的学子: 1(无条件执行2(工作无借口 3(细节决定成败4(以上司为榜样 5(荣誉原则6(受人欢迎7(善于合作8(团队精神9(只有第- 10.敢于冒险 11.火一般的精神12.不断提升自己 13.勇敢者的游戏 14.全力以赴 15.尽职尽责 16.没有不可能17(永不放弃18.敬业为魂19.为自己奋斗20.理念至上21.自动自发22.立即行动 Period 3 Section B (l.a-ld) I.教学准备 1(教师:准备录音机和磁带,准备有关家庭规定的课件或挂图。 2(学生:准备一篇有关自己家规的文章。 ?(教学目标 1(通过看图会话、师生问答、听录音、角色扮演等形式,掌握本单元重点词汇out,go out,dish,do the dishes,night和before等。 2(通过师生问答、角色扮演等形式,学会用can't,have to/must谈论规定。 ?(教学重点 1(can表示请求的用法;2(祈使句。 ?,教学难点 1(用英语讨论有关规定;2(情态动词must与have to的用法。 V.教学步骤 NStep l:Greeting&Talking 建议1:师生通过谈论家规进行自由交际,并导人新课。 For example: T:What are your rules in your house? Sl:Don't talk aloud when we are eating. S2:Don't waste water. S3:Clean the room and make the bed every day. S4:Get up on time in the morning. S5:(,(T:Well done. Dave has his own family rules. Next,let's see what rules Dave has. 建议2:播放课件,复习本单元重点句型和上课时的内容,并导入新课。 For example: T:Today I bring some exciting and interesting videos to you! Before enjoying them,I will ask you some questions: 1. What are the people in the videos doing? 2. Are they good students? 3. What rules do they break? T:Try to find the answers to these questions when you watch the videos. (Play thevideos for students.)T:Now can you tell me the answers to these questions? (Ask some students to answer these questions.)T:Well done! You all know the rules of the school very well! So you are all goodstudents! But can you tell me some rules of Dave's family? ~Step 2:Present the new words 向学生展示一组有关本课时词汇的图片,然后通过师生对话,引出本课时所学的重点词汇。 For example:(Show students the pictures above)T:Look at Picture l.Dave can't go out on school nights. Can you tell me the meaning ofthe sentence? Ss:… T:Look at Picture 2.What is the woman doing, Ss:“洗餐具”。 T:Yes,she is doing the dishes before dinner. Ss:… (通过师生对话的方式呈现新词汇out,go out,night,do the dishes,before) Step 3:Leading in 通过谈论学校规则,导入到其他场所的规则,激发学生对了解这些场所规则的兴趣,教育他 们在任何场所都要做一个遵守纪律的好学生。 For example: T:OK! Just now we talked about the rules of the school. Do you know the rules ofother places? In which places do we have to obey the rules? (houses and public places suchas libraries, dinning rooms, dormitories, etc.)T:Yes.ln our houses,we also have rules. So everyone has to obey the rules of ourhouses. Now,open your books! There are some house rules. First look at the pictures,andtell me what you see in each picture,using the words you've learned. T:Now look at the rules under the pictures. Read after me! (Point at the rules. Read each rule and ask the students to repeat.)T:OK! Now match the rules with the pictures. (Check the answers.) NStep 4:Listening 1(教师以课件的形式呈现la部分的八幅图片,然后让学生读lb图表中的规定,然后把图 片[a-h]与规定匹配起来。 For example: T:Now look at la. Read the rules in the chart in lb. Then match the pictures[a-h] withthe rules. (After three minutes)Are you ready? Can you tell me your answers? 2(让学生根据要求完成lb。 For example: T:Listen and put an“×??for things Dave can't do and a“???for things he has to do. 3(让学生根据要求完成lC。 For example: T:Listen again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in lb. Choose fromthe phrases in the box. NStep 5:Task 建议1:让学生与同伴分角色谈论Dave的家规。 For example: T:Now let's talk about the rules in Dave's house in pairs. Sl:Can Dave go out on school nights? S2:No,he can't. 建议2:让学生以小组为单位调查小组家庭成员的家规,通过对比家规,探讨家规的合理性, 为下一阶段的学习做好准备。 1(操作建议: (1)教师向学生呈现调查任务和表格样表。 (2)学生在小组内调查小组成员的家规。 (3)小组成员谈论家规的合理性。 (4)小组选派代表汇报调查结果。 (5)教师对每个小组的调查情况进行评价,激发学生的学习兴趣。 2(完成任务所需的语言项目: -Can we watch TV now7-No,we can't. We have to do homework first. I have to get up at six in the morning. I have to wash hands before meals. I can't go out in the nights alone. I can't talk when we are eating. For example: T:Every family has their own family rules. Do you have any family rules? Please makea survey in groups of four and fill in the chart. (让学生约十分钟的时间进行小组调查 o ) T:Please report your survey according to your chart. Sl:In our groups,there are many family rules in each family. Jack can play basketballafter school. But he has to do his homework first. He can't watch TV too late. He can'teating when reading . . . T:All the groups are very good. Which group do you think is the best? Group very good good common Group 1 ? Group 2 ? Group 3 ? Group 4 ? T:Let's see who is the winner. OK. Group l is the best. Congratulations ! Step 6:Summary本课时主要谈论了一些与家规有关的事情,并进行了有关家规的调查活 动,同学们完成得非常出色。 Step 7:Homework 1(复习本课时的重点句型。 2(让学生以“My family rules”为题写一封书信给Dr. Know,告诉他你的家规和你对这些家规的想法。 板书设计 Unit 4 Don't eat in class. Period 3 Section B (la-ld) New words and expressions Dave's family rules out can't go out on school nights go out see friends dish do his homework do the dishes practice the guitar night do .the dishes before watch TV , 活动探究 做校园建设的主人此活动为小组活动,旨在培养学生的合作意识和团队精神,激发学生主动探究知识的学习欲望,让学生学会热爱集体、热爱学校。 操作建议: 1(学生四人一组展开活动,讨论学校建设需要的英文标识和规则。 2(各小组把讨论的结果向全班汇报。 3(制作英文规则,以班报的形式在班级内展览。 完成任务所需的语言结构: Don't arrive late for class. Don't run in the hallways. Don't eat in the classroom. Don't listen to music in class. Don't fight(Don't speak loudly. Don't draw everywhere(Don't make much noise( 备课资料 一、知识讲解 1(go out“外出(娱乐)”,是常见的固定词组。例如: I can't go out on school nights.在上学期间的晚上我不能出去玩。 2(do the dishes“清洗餐具”,是常见词组,也可以用wash the dishes替换。例如: Let's do the dishes after dinner.饭后让我们洗刷餐具吧。 3 before“在……以前”,其反义词为after。例如: We must go home before 9:00 p(m.我们必须在晚上九点前回家。 二、文化阅读 中国古代家规和家训简介 制定家训或家规是中国家庭教育的一大特点。若从孑L夫子庭训儿子孑L鲤算起,可说是渊远而流长。三国魏嵇康、西晋杜预,各有《家诫>,东晋陶渊明有《责子》,南朝梁徐勉有《诫子书》,都属家训一类,但其卷帙都很小,影响也不大。后来,北齐的颜之推作《颜氏家训》,全书七卷二十篇,内容丰富,体例宏大,堪称中国家训之宝典,惠泽后世蔚然成风。 颜之推(公元531-590年),字介,琅邪临沂人。复圣公颜回三十五代孙,南北朝时期我国著名的思想家、教育家、诗人、文学家。之推创制家训,意在治家。他认为,治家首在教育子女,故《教子》是全书之第一篇。他十分重视对子女的早期教育,甚至在中国教育史上比较早地论述了“胎教”和“幼儿教育”等家庭教育的方法。他在《颜氏家训》中说:“古者,圣王有胎教之法:怀子三月,出居别官,目不邪视,耳不妄听,音声滋味,以礼节之。书之玉版,藏诸金匮。子生咳提,师保固明孝仁礼义,导习之矣。”就是说,古代圣贤的君王就有胎教的方法: 王后怀孩子达三个月时,就要搬出皇宫,让她住在别宫里,眼不看不该看的东西,耳不听不该听的东西,所听音乐和所嗜口味等,都要按礼仪进行节制。而且胎教的方法还要 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 在玉片上,收藏在铜制的柜子里。孩子出生后,还在幼儿时,就确定了太师、太保,开始对王子进行孝、仁、礼、义等方面的教育,并引导他练习。 Period 4 Section B(2a-Self Check) I.教学准备 1(教师:准备录音机和2b部分的多媒体课件。 2(学生:家庭作业(一封给Dr. Know的书信)。 ?(教学目标 1(通过师生问答、阅读书信,掌握本课时的dirty,noisy,relax,read,terrible,feel,strict,remember, follow,luck, keep, hair ,learn等词。 2(通过阅读文章,学会使用can/can't,must,have to等情态动词。 ?(教学重点 1(本课时出现的词汇;2(情态动词can/can't,must,have to等的用法。 ?(教学难点 1(can/can't,must,have to等的用法;2(家规类文章的写作。 V.教学步骤 NStep l:Greeting,Talking 建议1:自由交际。教师问学生一些事情能不能做,为导入新课做准备。 For example: T:Can we play football in the street? Sl:No,we can't(T:Yes,you are right. Don't play football in the street. It's dangerous. Can we sleep inclass? S2:No,we can't. T:Yes,you are right. Don't sleep in class. 建议2:通过师生交谈完成2a部分,并导入新课。 For example: T:When you are unhappy about something,who do you like to talk to? Can you tell me? S1:…S2:…T:Well done. Now Molly is unhappy about her family rules. Here is her letter to Dr. Know. Let's read the letter and find out why she is unhappy. 建议3:通过检查上课时布置的家庭作业导入新课。 For example: T:Please take out your homework and tell us your rules in your house. Who can? S1:…T:Well done. Now Molly isn't happy because there are too many rules in her house. Do you want to know what these rules are, Ss:Yes… Step 2:Presentation&Pre-task 1(让学生阅读2b部分的短文,然后用下划线标出莫莉的家规。 2(教师以课件的形式呈现2c部分,让学生再阅读书信,用have to,must,can或can't完成 句子。 For example: T:Molly is unhappy now because there are too many rules in her house. Now please read theletters and underline the rules for Molly. (After five minutes)Who can tell me your answers? S1:… T:Good. Now read the letters again and complete the sentences with ha-ue to/must,canor can't. (After five minutes)Let's check your answers. Ss:… T:Well done. Are there any rules in your house? Now Zhao Pei has the same problemin her house. Let's help her. Step 3:Practice 利用多媒体播放有关史密斯家规的图片,让学生看着图片写出史密斯的家规。 List the rules ofthe Smiths family.Then imagine you area child in the Smithsfamily.Write a letter to Dr. Know about the rules in your house. 此活动为两人结对活动,为学生独立完成家规做语言上的准备。 操作建议: 教师利用多媒体播放有关史密斯家规的图片,并布置结对活动的内容及要求。 在学生结对活动中教师要给学生提供必要的语言帮助。 各小组以报告的形式展示活动成果。 完成教学任务所需的语言结构: Don't watch TV too late at night. Don't eat in bed. Clean your bedroom on Saturday. Don't get up too late(Don't play the guitar late at night. Step 4:Task 1(教师呈现3a部分课件,然后告诉学生们赵培家也有许多家规,对此她也感到不高兴她 也给Dr. Know写了一封信,请用have to,must,can或can't完成这封信。 For example: T:Boys and girls,Zhao Pei is not happy now because there are also too many rules in her housiShe also writes a letter to Dr. Know. Please use have to,must,can or can't to complete her letter. Ss:OK(T:Let's check the answers. 2(用你们的家规完成下面表格,在你认为不公平的家规前画“?”。 Things I have to do Things I can't do Step 5:Summary 建议1:让学生总结本课时所学的内容。 建议2:教师总结本课时所学的内容。 For example:In this class,first we reviewed some rules and talked about the rules inMolly's house,then we completed Zhao Pei's letter to Dr. Know… Step 6:Homework 1(让学生完成Self Check。 2(让学生为他们的宿舍制定“舍规” 板书设计 Unit 4 Don't eat in class. Period 4 Section B(2a-Self Check) New words Sentences dirty kitchen more noisy relax read terrible There are too many rules! feel Don't leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen! strict But I have to go to bed before 10:00. remember follow luck keep hair learn 爸爸妈妈听我说此活动为独立活动,要求学生使用本单元的目标语言给父母写一封建议信。通过此项活动,培养学生使用语言的得体性,加深学生与父母之间的理解。 1(操作建议: 教师布置活动内容;小组活动,学生讨论自己的家规,准备给父母提建议;学生独立活动,给自己的父母写建议信;让学生向全班朗读建议信,其他学生提出修改建议。 2(完成任务所需的语言结构: Report: Dear parents,I know you love me very much. Now I'm growing up. We should respect each other.1have some suggestions for you. Will you listen to me?… 一、知识讲解 1(dirty为形容词,意为“脏的”,其反义词为clean“干净的”。例如: Your room is too dirty. Please make it clean. 你的房间太脏了,请把它打扫干净。 2(noisy为形容词,意为“吵闹的”,其名词为noise,其反义词为quiet。例如: Don't be noisy.别吵闹。 3(relax为动词,意为“放松,休息”,其形容词为relaxing/relaxed(令人放松的,放松的)。 例如: Let's relax at home.让我们在家里休息一下。 4(feel为动词,意为“感受;觉得”,也可以作连系动词,其后跟作表语的形容词。例如: I feel tired today.今天我觉得很疲劳。 5(strict为形容词,意为“严格的;严厉的”,常见的搭配为be strict with sb in sth“在某方面对某人要求严格”。例如: My parents are very strict with me in my study.我父母在学习方面对我要求非常严格。 6(remember为动词,意为“记住,记起”,其反义词为forget。常见的用法有:rememberto do sth“记着去做某事”,remember doing sth“记得做过某事”。例如: Remember to close the door(记着关门。 7(follow the rules“遵守规则”,相当于obeythe rules,其反义词组为break the rules“违反规则”。 8. luck为名词,意为“幸运;运气”,其形容词为lucky,其副词为luckily。 9(keep为动词,意为“保持;保留”,其后常跟形容词作表语,也可以跟名词作宾语。 例如: Keep quiet,please.请保持安静。 You can keep the book for three days.你能保管这本书三天。 10. learn为动词,意为“学习;学会”,常见的用法为learn to do sth“学会做某事”。 例如: I learned to ride a bike when l was four.我四岁的时候就学会骑自行车了。 二、文化阅读 名人家规 成功的家庭都有家规,成功的家庭教育也都离不开家规。 一、香港超人李嘉诚,居世界富豪榜第十。他平均每分钟赚取2,504美元,他的“六大家规”是:独立人格、勤俭节约、凡事忍耐、不断学习、为人正直、用心做事。 二、美国托马斯?杰弗逊总统(1743,1826)家中的日常生活十诫: 1(今日能做的事决不要推至明日。 2(自己能做的事决不要麻烦别人。 3(决不要花费还不曾到手的钱。 4(决不要贪图便宜而购买你并不需要的东西,这对你来说反而比较昂贵。 5(决不要骄傲。骄傲比饥饿、干渴和寒冷更有害。 6(不要贪食,吃得过少是不会使人懊悔的。 7(不要做勉强的事情,只有心甘情愿才能精益求精、不厌其烦。 8(不可能发生的事情决不要庸人自扰。 9(凡事要讲究方法。 10.当你气恼时,先数到10然后再说话;假如怒火中烧,那就数到100。 三、奥巴马夫妇对两个女儿制定了几条看似简单,但操作性极强的家规: 1(不能有无理的抱怨、争吵或者惹人讨厌的取笑。 2(一定要铺床,不能只是看上去整洁而已。 3(自己的事情自己做,比如自己冲麦片或倒牛奶,自己叠被子,自己设置闹钟,自己起床 并穿衣服。 4(保持玩具房的干净。 5(帮父母分担家务,每周一美元。 6(每逢生日或是圣诞节,没有豪华的礼物和华丽的聚会。 7(每晚8点30分准时熄灯。 8(安排充实的课余生活:玛莉亚跳舞、排戏、弹钢琴、打网球、玩橄榄球;萨莎练体操、 弹钢琴、打网球、跳踢踏舞。 9(不准追星。
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